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Dated, the 30'". day of September, 2019.

Suh: Advertisement for the recruitment examination of the posts of

Group-C Category for the year, 2019.


In send ing he rewith the copy of ad venisement for the

recruitment examination for the post of Jr. Clerk/ Copyist, Stenographer
Grade-Ill, Jr. Typist a nd Salaried /\min under Group-C category, you
are hereby directed to take steps for uploading the advertiseme nt in the
\Veb S ite of the District Court, Berhampur immediately for wide

Encl: - As above.

. .
Registrar, 30 'tx'2J , 14
C1v1l Courts, Berhampur.

Shl'i S. K . Nayak,
System Officer,
Dist. Court, Berhampur.

Dated, the 30'h. day of September, 2019

Last date forreceipt of applications dtd. 05. 11.2019.

Applications in the prescribed format are invited from intending candidates fo r fil ling up of
the following posts of Junior Clerk·cum-Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Grade-Ill, Salaried Amin

with usual D.A. and other allowances as admissible from time to time by the Government of Orissa.

Applicability of Odisha Group-C & Group-D posts (Contractual appoint ment) Rules, 2013 to these

appo intments and regul ar scale of pay prescribed against each post sha ll be subject to the r esult of
W .P.(C) No. 1 273 of 2014 pending before the Hon'ble High Court of Orissa, Cuttack.


SI. Categories of Scale of pay UR SC ST SEBC Total. Physically
posts handicapped /
Ex. service 1nan/
Sports persoo.


1 Jr . O~rk/ ~ t9900· 63l00 in l evel 4 of 06 07 ZS 03 44

Copyist. Pay f'Aauix of ORSP Rules,
I 2017 (PS-1 -5200-20200/· •
(The vd C<'.lllC•(
I G.P. 1900/·)
reserved tot
J<. TJ•pist. ~ 199C-0-63200 in level 4 of 07 01 08 02 18
I' Pay tvlatri:< of ORSP Rules,
PWO/ Ex.
2017 (PB·l · 52C<l-20200/- •
G.P. l9CO/·)
.. Sports Person is
3 Stencgrapher Z, 25500-81100 in Level-7 of 02 06 01 09
inclusive of
Grade-Ill Pa•; f•Aatrix o f ORS? Rules,
vacancy of
2017 ( PS-J.5200·20200/· •
G.P. 2400/-)
4 S.:il.:tficd ~ 21700-69100/· in Level·S of - .. 01 ·- 01
category to v1hich
they belong)
Am io. Pay f'v1atfix of ORSP Rules,
?.017 ( P6 ·1 ·5200·20200/ · •
I G.P. 2000/ ·}

NOTE.: The number of above vacancies in different categories of the post may increase or
decrease. The reservation for Women, Person with disabilities/ Ex-Servicemen/ Sports
person shall be in accordance with t1'e orders/rules issued from time to tim e.

1. The vacancies in all cadres against S.T. categories of posts advertised above include
backlog vacancies.

2. Out of the vacancies mentioned above, cand idates belo nging to person with disa bility
(Pv\ID), w hen selected as per the reservDtion provided for them, shall be adj usted against
the category to which they belong.

3. As per Resolution No. 18442-SC.2R/1-31/96 of Genera l Admin istration Department, Govt.

of Odisha date d 26.06.1996, in the event of non-availability or availability of insufficient
number of eligible female candidates belonging to any particular category, the vacancies
or the rem aining vacancies wi ll be filled up by male can didates of t hat category.

4. The District Recruitm ent Committee has got right to revoke th e advertisement I cancel
the recruitment process / cancel any application without assigning any reason thereof at
any tim e without prior notice.
5. Other conditions of service sha ll be guided by the r elevant provisions of Orissa District and
Subordinate Cou rts' Non-Judicial Staff Services {Method of Recruitment and Conditions of
Service) Rules, 2008 as amended in Amendment Rules 2010 & Odisha Group-C & Group-D
posts (Contr actual appoi ntment) Rules, 2013 subject to the final result of W .P.(C ) No.
1273 of 2014 pending before the Hon' bl e Orissa High Court.
6. The decisio n of the District Judge as to the result of examination shall be fina l and in no
case shall be liable to be challenged.


A Candidate, in order to be eligible for any of the above posts,

a) shall be a citizen of India.

b) shall have passed at least +2 Examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section
3 of the Orissa Higher Secon dary Education Act, 1982 or eq uivalent exam ination of a
recogn ized Council, 13oard or University as. the case may be .
c) sha ll have at least passed Diploma in Compu ter Application from a recognized institute.
d) shall be over 18 years of age and below 32 years of age as on 05.11.2019. Provid ed that the
upper age limit is relax<Jble by 5 years ;n case of SC/ ST/ SEBC/ Women Candidates and 10
years in case of Physically Handicapped candidates. For Ex-Ser vicem an, after deducting the
period of service rendered in Arm ed fo rces from the present age, the resultant age should not
exceed 32 years .
e) sholl be able to speak, read and write Od ia and have passed a test in Odia equiva lent to the
M.E. Standard.
f) sha ll be of good character.
g) sha ll be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defect or bodily in firmi ty or
com mun icable disease.
h) shall no t have more than one spouse living, if married.
i) He/She must have registered his / her nam e in an Employment Exchange.
j) There should not be any crimina l proceeding pending agai nst him I her.
k) Must have possessed a minimum speed of 40 words per minute in English Type Writing (For
th e post of Junior Ty pist)
I} must have possessed a mi nimum speed of 80 words in shorthand and 40 words in English
Type Writing per minute (For t he post of Stenographer Grade-Ill )
m) Candidates working either under State or Central Government, whether temporar y or
permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and ar e
within the prescribed age-limit. They must inform their respective Heads o f Office in w riting
regarding su bm ission of their applicatio ns for this recruitm ent and obtain "No Objection
Certificate" .


The Cand idate must fu lf ill the criteria No.(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (m) as stated
above, and must

a) have passed the matriculation examination or equivalent exam ination of a recognized board.
b) have passed the Reve nue Inspector Trai ning.


The Candidates are required to deposit exami nation fees of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred)
only in shape of the Treasury Challan under the hea d " 0070-0ther Administrative Services -01-
At;lministration of Justice-501 -Services and Services fees - 9904650-law Department - 9916730 -
Examination Fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa District and Subordinate Courts" and to
submit the origi nal challan along with applicatic ~. form.

The cand idates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe are exempted from
payment of Ex<im ination fees. Fees so deposited are non-refundable.


The can didates are required to submit t heir applications being duly fi lled in and signed by
their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the Format - A and ANNEXURE - I along
with the followi ne documents.
The candidates w ho are in Govt . em ployment are required to apply through proper channel
and submit their self attested copy of "no object ion certificate" from t heir employer.

1 Treasury Challan in original showing deposit of examination fee of Rs. 100/- under the proper
head of account (except SC and ST Candida tes) (For Jr. Clerk-cum - Copyist / Jr. Typists/
Stenographer Grade-Ill/ Salaried Amin )

2 Copy of Self at tested Board or eq uivalent certificates showing proof of age and mark sheet
(For Jr. Clerk-cum - Copyist/ Jr. Typist/ Stenographer Gr.-111/ Sa laried Amin)

3 Copy of Self attested Certificates showing passing of + 2 or equiva lent examinat ion and Mark
sheet (For Jr. Clerk and Copyist, Jr. Typist, Stenographer Grade-I ll)

4 Copy of Se lf attested certificate showing to have passed at least Diploma in Computer

Application iss ued by a recognized institu te. (For Jr. Clerk-cum- Copyist/ Jr. Typist/
Stenographer Grade-Ill).

S Copy of Sel f attested certificate showing successful completion of Stenography course

(Shorthand & English Type writing) from a recognized institute.(For the post of Stenographer

6 Copy of self attested certificate showing successful completion of English Type Writing Course
from a recognized institute. {For the po si of Jr. Typist. )

7 Copy of self attested certificate of Revenue Inspector Training (For t he post of Sa laried Amin)

8 Copy of self attested certificate showing to have passed Driya at least M.E. Standa rd from a
recognized Institute.

9 Two original Char acter Certificates issued by two different Gazetted Officers/ Medical
Practitioner/ Sarpanch etc. (Mention name, designation of officers.)

10 Three Self signed recent passport size photogr~phs (One is to be affixed in the application
11 Th ree Self addressed envelopes w ith postage sta mp of Rs . 30/- (Rupees th irty) affixed on
each for dispatch of call letters by REGISTERED POST.

12 Copy of Sel f attested Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in case of
candidates belonging to SC I ST/ SEBC categories.
13 Copy of self attested disability certifica te for physically Challenged per so ns issued by the
compete nt au thority showing percentage of disability.
14 Copy of self attested certificate/ identity card of sports per son and Ex-Se rviceman.
15 Copy of self attested Val id Employment Exchange Registra tion Card.
16 Se lf attested copy of 'conversion certificate' for the cand idates w ho awarded w ith Grade
marks instead of Percentage of marks.
1 7 The candidates, who have got married, have to submit a self declaration certificate that
he/she has not more than one spouse living.

There sha ll be an examination on the following subjects fo r the posts noted agai nst each.



SI. Subject M ar ks Duration of Test.
1 English 100 2 ho urs.
2 Arithmetic 100 1 hour.
3 Genera l Knowledge 100 1 hour
4 Computer Scie nce Test 100 1 hour
5 ' Viva-Voce Test 45 --
The successful cand idates in t he written examination shall be ca lled for the test of Com puter
Science (Practical) and the cand idates qualif ied in the said practica l test shall be el igible for viva-voce
test for the post of Jr. Clerk and copyist.


The det ail syllabus for each subject of t he written test shall be as follows.


a) An essay to be w ritten in Eng lish.

b) A lett er or applica t ion t o be written in English.
c) One Oriya passage to be t ranslated into English.
d) One Engl ish passage to be t rans lat ed in to Oriya.
e) Summ ' ar.y of one Englis h passage.

Vulgar fractions and decimals, H.C.F., and L.C.IVl., Simple and compound inte rest ,
simple and compound practice, pe rcentage, profit and loss, Mixtures, Partnership, Average
Ra tes and Taxes, Insurance, Square and Cu bic Measures, Problems on t ime and work, and
time and distance.


Know ledge of current events and st:1ch other matters of every day observat ion and
experience as may be expect ed fro m an educated person.


To test t he profici ency of the candidates relating to matters like " Test formatt ing of
t he paragraphs, Inse rtion of table, Skill t o print and save, File t ransfer, Web-site searching/
browsing and down load ing, e-mail, use o f pen-drive and other softwa re etc. and programmes
of account ing''.


To test and assess sui tability of a candidate for th e post w ith particular reference to
t he candidates alert ness, general out look and potent ial qualities.


SI. No. Subiect Marks Duration of Test.
1 English (q ualifying in natu re) 100 2 hours.
2 Type Writing Test. so 10 minutes.
3 Com pu ter Science Test 100 1 hour
{Practica l)
4 Viva-Voce Test 35 --

The successfu l candidates in w ritten quali fying examina t ion shall be called for Type
Writing test. Cand idates selected in the Type writing test shall be called for Computer Science
test (P ractica l) and t he ca ndidates qualified in th e sa id Compute r Science test (Practical) shall
be eligible fo r viva-voce t est. Qualifying cand idates are required to bring thei r own Type
Writers during Type writi ng test. ·

Th e detail sy llabus for each subject of the written test shall be as follows.
i) English (q ualifying in nat ure) is same as detailed above for t he post of Jr. Clerk and
ii) For the post of Typist, a candidat e shall be given a w ritten passage containing 400
w ords in English language, w hich he shall reproduce in type script in 10 (Ten) minutes.
iii) Compu ter Science Test (Practical) is same as detailed above for the post of Jr. Clerk
and copy ist.


SI. Subject Marks Duration of Test.

1 English (qual ifying in nature) 100 2 hours.
2 Short hand and Type Writing Test. 50 15 minut es.
3 Computer Science Test (Practical) 100 1 hour.
4 Viva-Voce Test 35 ..

The success fu l candida tes in written qualifying examination shal l be called for Type
Writing and Short hand test for the post of Stenographer Grade-Ill. Cand ida tes se lect ed in t he
Type writing and Shorthand test shall be called fo r Comput er Science t est (Practical) and t he
ca ndidates qualified in the sa id Comput er Science test (Practical) shall be eligible for viva ·
voce test. Qual ifying candidates are requi red t o bring t heir own Type Writers during t he
Type writ ing test.


The detail syl labus for each subject of the written test shall be as fo llows.

i) English (q ual ifying in nature) is same as detailed above for the post of Jr. Clerk and
ii) For the post of Stenographer Grade -Ill, a candidate sha ll be dictated a passage of 400
words in English language in fi ve minu tes, w hich sha ll be taken in Shorthand on
Shorthand not e sheet supplied by the Examiner. Can didates shall reproduce such
shortha nd test for 400 words in Type script in 10 minutes.
iii) Computer Scie nce Test (Practica l) is sa me as detailed above for the post of Jr. Clerk
and Copyist.
(d) Salaried Ami n.
I SI. No. Subject Marks Duration of Test.
1 English (q ualifying in nature) 100 2 hours.
2 Arithmet ic 50 Y, an hou r. /
~ "'"";~; koowlod" ;" Su rvey 50 Y, an hou r.
and Settlement (Theory)
Technica l knowledge in Survey 25 Y, an hour.
and Settlement (Practica l).
5 Viva-Voce Test 25 1---
i) English (qualifying in nature) is same as detailed above fo r t he post of Jr. Clerk and

ii) The candidates 1,vho have secured 35% of mark. each in Arit hme t ic & Tec }1nical
Knowledge in Survey & Settlement (Theory) test are eligible for Technical knowledge
in Survey and Sett lement (Pract ical) test and viva voce test. On the basis o f mark
secured in the above tests (excluding English test which is qualifying in na t ure) a merit
list sh all be prepared.


Th e det ai l syllabus for the Subject of the w rit t en test shall be as fo llows.

ij Arit hmetic: Vu lgar fract ions an d decim als, H.C.F. and L. C.M., Simple and compound
interest, simple and compound practice, percentage, profit and loss, M ixtu res,
Ave rage, Square and Cubic Measures, Problem s on t ime and w ork, and tim e and
ii) Ca ndidate should have sound knowledge in Survey & Sett lemen t.

The date of Written Tests for the post of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist, Junior Typist,
Stenographer Gr ade-Ill and Salaried Amin will be intimated later on .


The last date of receipt o f app lications is fixed on 05.11.2019. Applications along w ith
t he required docum ent s and self attested copies of cert ificates sha ll be sent by the
ca ndidates by Registered Post I Speed post so as t o reach t he office of the District Judge
Gan jam. Berhampur, Dist. Ganjam, State: Odi sha, Pin-760004 by 5.00 P.M. on or before
05.11.2019 positive ly an d t he applica nts m ay also drop t heir app lications in the Drop Box
ke pt inside t he Court Campus, Civil Court, Berhampur w it h in t he said t ime and da te . The
applicat ions received t herea fter shall be su mmarily rejected.

Apart from t he above, t he can didat es are req uired to sub mit the applica t ions
followi ng t he guidelines as enumerat ed below:

1. The Candidates are required to su bmit th eir applications duly fill ed in and signed in full
by t heir ow n hands furn ishing t he requi red part iculars as pe r th e prescr ibed format in
Form-A and Annexure-1 as given below. The candida te shall enclose the required
document s in the sequence as show n in th e prescribed form. Th e candidat es who are
in Govern m ent service are req uired to apply t he same t hrough pro per Chan nel.

Applica tion received without full signature of the applicant will be rej ected.

2. Separat e applicat ion should be submit ted for each post mentioning the name of post
clearly (in CA PI TA L letters w ith underline) on t he Top of t he applicat ion and Envelope.
All copies of t estimonials shall be signed by t he candidates.

3. The applicat ion, if found defect ive I incomplete in any respect or non- compliance of
any o f t he requirements mentioned in t he adve rtisement shall be sum marily rejected.

4. In case of receipt of large number of applicat ions fo r the Post of Jr. Clerks-cu m-
Co pyist/ Junior Typists/ Stenographer Grade-Ill I Salaried Amin t he Autho rity reserves
right t o short list t he candidates in accordance w it h Ru les co nta ined in t he Orissa
Distr ict & Subordinat e Courts Non Judk ial Sta ff Services (M et hod of Recruit ment and
condit ions of Service ) Rules, 2008 as amended in the Amendmen t Rules, 2010 and
otherwise t he Dist rict Recru itment Commit tee is co mpetent to adopt t he method of
processing t he applications, scrutiny t h ereof and cond ucting the test . The decision of
t he commi t tee in thi s regard sha ll be fin al in eve ry respect.


5. The candidates need not submit their original testimonia ls with t heir applications,
w hich are to be produced at t he t ime of Viva-Voce Test.

6. The date of examination shall be int imated to the eligible candidates in due t ime by
reg istered post/District Court web site.

7. The int ending candidates applying for differen t posts may submit their applica tions by
hand by way of dropping the same in the Drop Box available in t he Civil Court
premises at Berhampur during office hours on t he working days on ly.

8. Written Examin ation for all posts of t his advertisement sha ll be held on a same day.
Wh ile a candidate may apply for more t han one post, he /she can appear in the
examination for one post on ly as per hi s /her choice.

9. If the qualifying certificate of any cand ida te is found fraudulent, such candidate, if
joined, wi ll be prosecuted accordingly.

10. Candidates who have not been awarded percen tage of marks, but only " Grade Marks"
should along with their application, produce t he co nversion certificate from t he
concerned University/Councils/Boar ds as t he case may be indicating the actu al
equivalent percentage of marks and conversion formu la fai ling which, the ir
applications are liable to be rejected (the conversion certificate ca n also be produced
by availing the same on downloading process).

11. Caste Ce rtificate, Odia Test Pass Certificate, PWD Certificat e & Discha rge Certifica te of
Ex-service man must have been issued by the competent authority w ithin the last date
fixed for receipt of applications as indicated above.

12. Any form of canvass ing by the applicant shall entail rejection of the application.

13. For details, please visit t he website:

The cand idates are advised to regularly visit the above website for furth er

District Judge.cum-Chairman,
District Recruitn1ent Co1nmittee,
Ganjaml Berham pur.




I, ................................................................................................................................................... .

son/daughter/wife of Shri/Smt. ...................................................................... age ...... years,

resident of

District ......................,State .................. do hereby declare that the in formation given above

and the documents en closed herewith containing self-certification is/are genuine and

auth entic. If any informat ion/document is fou nd false/forged/tampered, I shall be personally

held responsible for any criminal action under Section 406/419/420/466/468/471 l.P.C. or

any other penal provisions of law and the authentication of the certificat e w ill be trea ted as

can ce lled and in timated to all concerned . Also all t he benefits availed by me sha ll be

summarily withdrawn.

Perm anent Ad dress : Full signature of the Applicant


Place :

Mobile No. :

e-mail ID:
Present Address :


Paste your recent

POST APPLIED FOR - -- - - - - -
self-attested (on
1. Name of the Candidate (in block letter) the front side)
2. father's/Husband's Name : Passport size
3 Sex (Ma le/ Fe ma le) :
4. Ma rital Status (Married/ Unmarried) :
5. Permanent Address:
6. Present Add ress:
7. Mobile Number ( if any):
8. E-mail Address ( If any):
9. Date of Birth as per Christian era : -----~
Age ( as on 05.11.2019 ): ................ Years ...... ............ Months .... . Days

10. Education;;! Qualification (Attach se lf attested copies thereof ):

Name of the Name of the Year o f Total Marks Aggreg•te of %ofMark1

Examination passed

Board/Council/ University
I Passing
of the
secu red.

1 2 3 4 5 6


+2 Arts/ Commerce/
Scie nce.
Diplo111a in
Computer Science
-- Others.

11. Category: (S.C/ S.T./SEBC/Gen/Sports Person/Ex-Servicema n): ...... ...... ........................

(Stfikc out \V.iich is not applicable and attach the supporting documents ~ssued by the competent authority)
Whether Physically/ Ort hoped ically handicapped: ....... ..........................................
{If yes, attach supporting medical certificates issued by the competent Medical Authority/ Board)
12. Religion:
13. Nationality:
1~ . Employment Exchange Registration No.
15. Attach two Character Certificates (original) issued by t wo Gazetted Officers/ Med ical
Practitioners/ Sarpanch, etc. ( mention name, designation of the officers):
16. Details of Treasury Cha lan w ith No. and Date.
do hereby solemnly affirm and state that I am aw are abou t the provisions of Orissa District &
Subordinate Courts' Non - Judicia l Staff Services ( Method of Recruitment and Condit ions of Service) Rules,
2008 and Ame ndment Rules 2010 and the statements made above are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and based on record.

Dare Signature of t he Candidate:

List of Enclosures: (Mention it in chronological manner):


Signat ure of the Candidate:


Memo No.:

Copy forwarded to the :

1) Col lector, Ganjam, Chatrapur with" request to take steps to clisplav the same in his office Notice
2) Superintende nt of Police, Ganjam, Chatrapur/ Berhampur w ith a request to t<ike steps to display
the same in his office Notice Board.
3) The Technical Director, NIC, Office of th e RDC (SO) Berhampur for informatio n & necessary
action. He is requested to tcke ste1Js for uplood ing the ;idvertisement in the NIC Web site for
wide publication.
4) Judge in-Charge of Nizarat. Civil Courts, Berh;impur/ Chatr<ipur/ Bhanjanagar/ Aska I Patrapur/
Oigapaha ndi/ Sanakhemundi/ Pu rusot tam pur/ Khallikote/ Kodala/ Hinjilicut/ Kabisuryanagar/
Seragada/ Sorada /Bugudo, for· publicatio n of the advertisement in notice board.
S) District Informat ics Office r, Ganjam, Chatrapur with a request to upload the same in the District
website of Ganjam District.
6) District Employment Officer, District Em ployment Exchange, Ga nj am, Berhampur/Chhatr<i pur.
\vith a request to inipress vpon the eligib le c~ ndid<itcs to (lpply <is per the advertise 1ncnt <?nd to
circulate the advert isement among the oth er Employme nt Exchanges.
7) System Officer, District Court, Ganjam, 8c rhampur for uploading the detail advertisement in the
District Cou rt Website forthw ith.

Civil Courts, Berharnpur.

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