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one way communication

What Is One-Way Communication?

In one-way communication, information is transferred in one direction only, from the sender to the
receiver. There isn't any opportunity for the receiver to give feedback to the sender.

One-way communication is frequently used when the sender wants to give factual information or when
they want to persuade or manipulate their audience and gain their cooperation

Examples of one-way communications systems include broadcast stations, one-way intercom systems,
and wireline news services

.One-way communication is linear and limited because it occurs in a straight line from sender to receiver
and serves to inform, persuade or command.


Did you notice any examples of one-way communication?

Check your observations against the list here:

The weather report on television

The sweater's tag with washing instructions

The nutritional label on the cereal box

The morning newspaper

The recorded music on the CD

The billboard message

Dr. Sam's lecture (if he only lectures and doesn't open up a discussion with the students)

One way vs two ways communication

one-way communication is hard to understand. the sender is conveying a message to receivers without
expecting the receivers to ask a question about it.
two ways communication is easier to understand. receivers can ask questions about the message.

The advantages of one-way communications are that the sender has no problem; they can carry on with
their work and don’t have to worry about anything. They don’t have to bother about what people think
about there and they can do anything as they wish.

The disadvantages are the receiver cannot understand what is the sender said and the receivers cannot
ask a question the sender.

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