Welcome Pack Ruchita

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Welcome Pack!!
Welcome To The LifeStyle
Training For Super Busy You!
I first want to thank you Ruchita for choosing me as your coach.

I’m excited to embark on this stage of your fitness journey with you
and will do everything I can to ensure that you succeed.

Not only do I want you to be proud of your accomplishments as we

proceed, but I want you to en- joy the process. While remote
coaching is a relatively new concept, I know that you’ll enjoy it.

Before we begin, I’d like you to please read through this short
information package. In it is all of the information about your program
and what you’re about to get in the coming months. I’ve laid out what
I’ll be sending you and when you can expect to receive it in addition
to guidelines for support.

Included in this package is also information on how the workouts are

going to be presented to you and an explanation of all variables.

Thank you again for choosing me to help you on your health and
fitness journey. I’m here for you every step of the way.

Your Coach,
Please ignore this page if you are on 1:1 Personal Coaching with me.
In order to give you the direction, accountability and support that you
need there are a couple different facets to this program.

How the workouts are delivered:

• You must download UpCluster Fitness app on your phone
• UpCluster Fitness app is better accessed using the Mobile App,
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
• Once your account has been set up you will receive a welcome
• Create a login and password
• In your account there is a calendar setup where your workouts are
• Training routines, check-ins, progress stats, pictures, orientation,
nutrition and mostly everything related to your fitness program will be
delivered through the UpCluster Fitness App Welcome to the ultimate platform for Online Coaching. Every single
• If you experience any problems accessing your account, please thing you need to keep track of your fitness progress. Take your time
email me at sendamail.partho@gmail.com 
 and enjoy the app. Use your computer or your phone to go over all
features available, familiarize yourself with the app and have fun.
Remember that Progress Comes in Many Forms 

Tracking That Progress Comes In Many
• Weight: Record your starting weight in your profile at the start of
your program.
• Inches: Record your inch measurements under your profile
(instructions are provided).
• Visual tracking: Take pictures front/side/back (instructions are
• Commitment/Accountability: Check in at the beginning of the
workout. Aim to complete as 

many at least 3-4 workouts a week.
• Strength: Record the weight used for every workout. Each week
aim to increase the weight you use every set by 2-5 pounds.
• Share: I highly encourage you to share your accomplishments with
family and friends and feel free to tag me on any of your posts.

Workout Terminology: 

** The scale will not, and should not, be the only method to track
Rep: One performance of a single exercise. weight and progress!
Set: Number of repetitions performed without stopping.
Tempo: Speed at which one repetition is performed. It is denoted with Email support:
4 numbers (ex. 4-0-1-0). 

• Emails correspondence will primarily be generated through
Each of the 4 numbers is in seconds.
UpCluster Fitness App
Rest: Time in seconds between two sets.
• Alternatively, emails will also be sent from
Superset: Combined exercises. It means you will do the 1st set and
without rest, start the 1st set 

• It is recommended to add both addresses to your email “safe list”
of the second exercise. Basically, you will perform 2 exercising
• Feel free to send me an email anytime. That email needs to be point
without resting.
form and each point no more than 3 sentences.
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training. This is an enhanced form of
• Each point is also one question and you are welcome to ask as
interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short
many questions as you like but I respond on Sunday mornings, our
intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is
official weekly check ins. 

a form of cardiovascular exercise. 
Progressing: Your goal is to steadily increase the weights by
2.5 - 5 pounds every workout. Somedays you will be able to
increase some days it will be tough. Stick around, push yourself
to get an extra rep if weight cant be increased anymore.

Cancellation policy: You can request to suspend your

account if you are going to be away for a minimum of two
weeks. Written notice should 

be provided at least 30 days ahead of time. You can request to
cancel your account at anytime within 30 days written notice. 

Training days:

• Warm up: ALWAYS begin a workout with a 5-10 minute

general dynamic warm-up. There is a warm up video located
on your dashboard and calendar.
• Specific Warm Up: Always start your 1st workout with no
weights or lighter weights then progressively increase towards
your target weight. This will get your specific joints warmed up
and primed for the heavy loads later.
• Cool down: ALWAYS complete a workout with a 5-minute
cool-down and static stretch. A complete guide on dynamic
and static stretches will be sent over to you.
• Form: Perform the exercises with good form always in the
pain free zone; feel free to send any video sessions.

Guidelines For Body Measurements
Neck: Measure around the largest part of the neck.
Shoulders:Place the measuring tape around the widest part of
your shoulders, take the circumference. Be sure to keep the
tape parallel to the floor.
Chest: Place the measuring tape across your nipples and
measure around the largest part of your chest. Be sure to keep
the tape parallel to the floor.
Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm
(above the elbow).
Waist: Place the measuring tape about a 1/2 inch above your
bellybutton (at the narrowest part of your waist) to measure
around your torso. When measuring your waist, exhale and
measure before inhaling again.
Hips: Place the measuring tape across the widest part of your
hips/buttocks and measure all the way around while keeping
the tape parallel to the floor.
Thigh: Measure around the largest part of each thigh.
Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf.
Tips for Measuring
• Use a flexible measuring tape, such as plastic or cloth.
• Measure your weight and body girth first thing in the morning after bathroom use and before
eating or drinking anything.
• When taking measurements, stand tall with your muscles relaxed and feet together.
• Apply constant pressure to the tape (so it doesn't sag) without pinching the skin.
• Measure under the same conditions each time, such as wearing the same clothes (or none
at all).
• Measure yourself in front of a mirror to make sure the tape is positioned correctly. If
possible, have someone else do the measuring for you.
• To ensure accuracy, remember to take measurements in the same place on your body each
time. ex: for upper arm and thigh measure the distance from the shoulder point and hip joint
respectively to the measuring points.

Don't let the scale get you down! Losing inches can be even more impactful than losing

3 Day Diet Record
Please record everything you eat and drink for 3 days. Be as thorough and detailed as possible.
Please be as honest as you can be. I am gathering data, not judging. Don't change your normal routine. Just record what you
are doing.
If your eating habits change over the week, pick 3 days that are representative (e.g, 2 weekdays plus one weekend day).
To measure, simply use hand size portions as shown below or something else standardised. You can use measuring cups or food
scale if you want.
Record any other notes such as why you are eating, how you felt after you ate, etc.

Women Men

Picture Courtesy PrecisionNutrition

Sample 3 Day Food Log.
Print out the next page (3 copies), complete the the log and send me the scan copies.

Day 1 / Day 2/ Day 3. Morning Empty Stomach Body Weight -

Meal Time What You Ate Notes

Keys To Success You must hold yourself accountable: 

• I’m here to hold you accountable and to help you reach your
goals but ultimately YOU are responsible for completing the

• Set concise, measurable goals and write them down before

starting your program. For example: I want to lose 5% body

• Setting goals will help you stay on track.

*As indicated in your PARQ form, make sure you are cleared to perform
the exercises by a medical professional. Do not perform them if you
currently have or have any history of cardiac, respiratory, spinal or injury
based problems. 

Maintain contact with your online Strength training:

coach: Training split promotes muscle growth, strength, and adequate
• Your program is customized according to your needs/lifestyle, 

schedule, etc. Maintaining contact and providing feedback is Cardio: 

important to determine how your program will be designed. For **Doing an endless amount of steady state cardio will hinder
example: which exercises were challenging, too easy, hurt etc. 
 your progress.

• Keep me posted on any travel plans etc. so I can make Recommended amount of cardio to promote cardiovascular
adjustments accordingly and help you stay on track. 
 conditioning and fat burning is generally three days a week - on
non-lifting days or after lifting sessions. Unless otherwise

Macronutrient breakdown:
All three macronutrients are important when it comes to losing
weight and building lean muscle.
1. Protein is essential for repair, rebuilding, and putting on
2. Carbohydrates will help fuel workouts, stimulate glycogen
replenishment and insulin for nutrient delivery, and protein
3. Healthy fats are needed for hormone development.

1. Protein: Strength training will place an increased amount of

stress on your body, making your muscles starved for protein.

Your nutrition plan will be attached to your workout plan on Since the focus is to build lean muscle it’s very important to
UpCluster Fitness App. replenish your body with adequate and wholesome protein

If you have any questions/issues/concerns regarding your Common sources of protein include chicken, fish, lean red meat,
nutrition plan, please send me a message through the app and eggs, beans, soy, tofu, cheese and Whey Protein
we will adjust as needed.
2. Carbohydrates: It is very important to consume a sufficient
A good diet is the one you can follow. amount of glycogen for energy and recovery.

Select complex carbs such as whole grains, sweet potatoes,
A common mistake people make: NOT EATING ENOUGH! oats, quinoa, brown rice, green veggies, berries, apples etc.
You need to create a caloric deficit by reducing your calorie
intake slightly. If you go too far below your maintenance calories 3. Healthy Fats: Healthy fats in small doses can lead to an
your body goes into starvation mode. You shed muscle and store increase in lean mass and strength. Sources include coconut oil,
calories as fat for a future energy source. Not eating enough avocado, cashews, almonds, and olive oil.
supportive foods also lowers the amount of calories you burn -
less thermic meals equals less body fat burned. This can lead to Hydrate: Try to drink minimum 2.7 litres (8-12 cups or 3 quarts)
metabolic damage and thyroid issues. of water each day.

Notes On Gym Etiquette
2. Avoid the “Abs zone”.
Most gyms have a designated area for mats, balls, bosu balls
etc. Don’t bring heavy weights into that area. It’s designated for
stretching and abs work. By taking up their space you force
them to take up your space (see the next point).

3. Keep your mats out of the way.

Don’t set up a mat in between two benches in the free weight
zone and do crunches unless you want a weight dropped on
your head (trust me you don’t want that). Even if the gym is
empty, set up your mat out of the way. Either stick to the “abs
zone” or place your mat in a corner out of the way. Think
proactively. Where might somebody want to work out over the
course of your set? Don’t set up there.

4. Avoid walking in front of somebody else in the middle of

a set.
If somebody is in the middle of their set do NEVER cross their
Because I won’t be with you in the gym, I feel that it’s important
field of vision. Take the long way around if you have to. If you
to ensure that you follow the un- written rules. You might notice
can’t take the long way around, wait for them to finish their set
others breaking these “laws of the iron” but I want you to get as
before walking in front.
comfortable in the gym as possible as quickly as possible. Here
are the five most important rules to consider throughout your
5. Put your weights away and don’t drop them on the floor.
Follow those steps and make your experience at the gym as fun
1. Respect the no-lift zone
and safe as possible!

Don’t ever li a weight within 5 feet of the dumbbell rack. It
If you have any questions regarding gym etiquette, don’t
doesn’t matter if you’re doing shoulder press, split squat, biceps
hesitate to send me a message.
curls, or goblet squats or anything else. Pick up your weights
and take 5 giant steps back.

>> Training sessions must be intense

Intensity is the most important variable for fat loss. The

simplest way to increase your intensity is to shorten rest
periods. Don’t make yourself throw up. You should not be able
to carry on a conversation between sets or play angry bird on
your cell phone. Keeping the rest period short and sweet
makes your workout short and effective (and a little painful). If
you are part of the “Training New Moms” program, your
exercise should be mild to medium intensity until Pelvic Floor
muscles are stable and diastasis recti is closed and functional
before returning to regular weight training routine.

>> Training must be consistent

If you want to see results, you must do the work and do it
>> Training sessions must be short often. You can have the best training sessions in the world, but
they will be rendered ineffective without consistency. The high
Long training sessions (anything over 60 minutes, not including level of frequency ensures a consistently elevated metabolic
the warm-up and cool down) are ineffective for rapid fat loss. rate, and a tremendous surge of EPOC (excess post-exercise
Workouts over 60 minutes are a recipe for overtraining, oxygen consumption), which means you’ll be burning calories
stagnation, and boredom. From what I’ve observed with clients, well a er your body stops working out. I like to call this the
performance starts dropping after 45 minutes. A shorter session afterburner effect. Any activity is better than no activity – if
means pinpoint focus and higher intensity. For each workout, there are days where you think you have no time to workout,
you’ll know exactly what to do and how. It’s important to execute ask yourself if you are being 100% honest and also let me
efficiently, like a machine. For some people, caffeine before a know and I will create a quick workout for busy days.
workout helps and its enough for a pre workout (but not a er 4
pm). If you are interested in supplements to enhance your >> Your body must recover
performance, send me a message and we can discuss whats the Usually, your strength training workouts will be 48 hours apart.
best options for your goals. If you’re still sore/fatigued/ exhaust- ed on a strength-training
day, notify me.

>> Cardio
Unless training for a long distance endurance event, most of all
Good pain vs. bad pain
the cardio prescribed is High Intensity Interval Training - intense • Mild discomfort is part of the exercise process and is
work alternating with rest. Studies showed that HIIT is about 9x necessary for the improvement of performance and physique.
more effective for fat loss than traditional distance cardio, not to • The burn is good pain. It should be short-lived and felt only
mention it saves a lot of time. An example of HIIT would be to during the exercise.
run at about 75-85% of your max effort for 30 seconds, walk for • Fatigue a er a workout should leave you exhilarated but not
60 seconds, and repeat for 3 rounds. exhausted. Fatigue that lasts days means you have been
excessively challenged and your muscles and energy stores
are not being replenished properly. Chronic fatigue is referred
Safety to as over-training and is not good.
• Soreness is common, especially for muscles that have not
been exercised for long periods of time - or when you perform
an exercise that you

are not accustomed to. Soreness typically begins within a few

hours but peaks two days a er exercise. This is referred 

to as delayed onset muscle soreness and is normal 

when beginning a new fitness program.
• Bad pain is usually caused by the improper execution of an
exercise. Nothing should really hurt. Immediately notify me
and/or a physician of any sharp or sudden pains, swelling, or
any unnatural feelings in your joints or ligaments.
• It is recommended to perform each exercise with NO WEIGHT

to familiarize yourself with the movement pattern, and to
mentally and physically prepare you for the tasks ahead.
Since I’m not physically there with you, it’s important you build Warming up is a crucial part of injury prevention and prepares
upon the skill of listening to your body. If something doesn’t your body for exercise by lubricating your joints.

feel right, don’t push it - your body is usually trying to tell you 


**Notify me of any extreme soreness that may occur. It is counter-productive to
train through soreness.

Sleep • Get 7- 8 hours of quality sleep every night. I can’t stress
how important this is for both fat loss and muscle gain,
especially when you’re in workout mode. If you are a
postpartum mom, I understand how hard it is to sleep. If you
can chose between a training session and 1h of sleep. Go
sleep ! 

• Have trouble falling asleep early? Form a sleep ritual: two

hours before you want to go to bed, dim the lights, and unplug
from all electronics. Try sleeping with your cell phone in
another room. Replace watching TV with some light reading. 

• If you’re still having trouble, try a melatonin supplement

and/or drinking chamomile tea before bed. If you are
breastfeeding, contact your doctor before taking any

I could write about the countless studies of why sleep is
important for you, your appetite, your mental health, your COMMUNICATION AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR, NOR DOES IT REPLACE,
happiness, and especially your fat loss. But I’m not going to PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. IF YOU
bore you with the science stuff . That’s not the approach I take HAVE ANY CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH, YOU
with fitness. Simply put, not enough sleep will increase your SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT WITH A PHYSICIAN OR OTHER
cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone that turns muscles into fat HEALTH-CARE PROFESSIONAL. DO NOT DISREGARD, AVOID OR DELAY
for energy and it blunts fat burning.
You want to keep your cortisol levels down as much as possible IN THIS EMAIL IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. SEEK PROFESSIONAL


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