Quantum Computing

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COMSM0214 1

(1 October 2006 version)

Richard Jozsa
Department of Computer Science
Merchant Venturer’s Building Room 3.22

Useful references:
• John Preskill’s notes for Caltech course on quantum computation.
Available at http://theory.caltech.edu/people/preskill/ph229/
• N. David Mermin’s notes for Cornell course on quantum computation.
Available at http://people.ccmr.cornell.edu/ mermin/qcomp/CS483.html
• S. Loepp and W. Wootters “Protecting information: from classical error correction to
quantum cryptography” (chas 2, 7). CUP 2006.
• M. Nielsen and I. Chuang ”Quantum computation and information”. (Chas 1-6).CUP.

Further books on quantum theory:

• R. I. G. Hughes “The structure and interpretation of quantum theory”. Harvard Uni-
versity Press ( paperback 1992).
• C. J. Isham “Lectures on quantum theory: mathematical and structural foundations”.
Imperial College Press (paperback 1995).

Exam 70%, coursework 30%.
COMSM0214 2

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”

Aphorism by Albert Einstein, 1953.

COMSM0214 3


1 Introduction ··· 4
2 Prologue ··· 5
2.1 Bit strings and vectors ··· 6
2.2 Computational steps as linear operations ··· 8
2.3 Complex numbers – summary ··· 13
3 Qubits and quantum states ··· 14
3.1 Two-qubit states ··· 15
3.2 Multi-qubit states ··· 16
3.3 Lengths and inner products ··· 17
4 Physical operations on qubits ··· 19
4.1 Operations on 1 or 2 qubits in n qubits ··· 21
5 Quantum measurements ··· 22
5.1 Extended Born rule ··· 23
6 Quantum interference ··· 25
7 Quantum non-locality ··· 27
8 Quantum teleportation ··· 31
9 Quantum computation – circuit model ··· 35
9.1 Reversible gate for any Boolean function ··· 38
9.2 Time complexity – P,BPP,BQP ··· 39
9.3 Query complexity and promise problems ··· 40
10 Computation by quantum parallelism, Deutsch algorithm ··· 42
10.1 Computation by quantum parallelism ··· 42
10.2 Deutsch algorithm ··· 42
10.3 DJ algorithm ··· 44
11 Quantum Fourier transform and periodicities ··· 46
11.1 QFT mod N ··· 46
11.2 Periodicity determination ··· 48
11.3 Efficient implementation of QFT ··· 50
12 Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm ··· 53
12.1 Factoring as a periodicity problem ··· 54
12.2 Computing the period r of f (k) = ak mod N ··· 56
12.3 Getting r from a good c value ··· 58
12.4 Assessing the complexity of Shor’s algorithm ··· 63
13 Quantum algorithms for search problems ··· 64
13.1 Reflections and projections on Dirac notation ··· 65
13.2 Grover’s quantum searching algorithm ··· 67
13.3 The iteration operator Q – reflections and rotations ··· 70
13.4 Some further features of Grover’s algorithm ··· 72
COMSM0214 4

1 Introduction - what is quantum


Quantum physics differs dramatically from classical physics in its representation of the
physical world and the kinds of processes that are allowed by the physical laws. Quantum
computation is the study of the possible applications and exploitation of these novel
quantum effects in issues of computation, complexity and communication. This subject
is a fascinating hybrid of theoretical computer science and quantum physics. It emerged
in the mid-1980’s and it is currently one of the most active areas of all scientific research
internationally. It is a highly significant area of study for a variety of reasons which we
collect into three categories.
Fundamental issues: our first category is well summed up by a quote from the physicist
Richard Feynman: “Because nature isn’t classical, dammit...”. The issue here is a deep
fundamental connection between physics and computation. We ask, what is computation
really? It is “processing” of “information”. But what is “information”? It is always rep-
resented in physical degrees of freedom of a physical system (voltage levels, positions of
switches etc) – a computer is always a physical device. Bit values 0 and 1 are just two dis-
tinguishable states of some physical system. What is processing? It is physical evolution
of the system. Hence the possibilities and limitations of information storage, computa-
tion and how efficiently a computation can be carried out, all must depend on the laws
of physics which characterise the allowable kinds of evolutions etc. It cannot be derived
from thought/mathematics alone. In computer science we study computation by first
setting up a theoretical computational model such as the Turing machine (TM). It turns
out that such “standard” models capture the computational power of classical physics
(from which they are, after all, intuitively motivated). But if we start from quantum
physics we are led to rather different models which can provide remarkable new modes of
computation that are not available in the formalism of standard TMs. In view of Feyn-
man’s quote above these new models are not merely unrealistic abstract constructs (such
as the notion of non-deterministic TM) but are actually available for implementation in
the real world of computer technology, leading us to our second category of reasons for
quantum computation:
Technological issues: according to Moore’s law, since 1965 there has been a steady
rate of miniaturisation of computer component, by approximately a factor of 4 every 3.5
years. If this trend continues we will reach the subatomic scale by 2015. At this scale
classical physics fails completely and quantum effects are dominant – components begin
to malfunction in bizarre ways. We could either aim to re-design our components to
stamp out the new effects and provide the same functions as before, or else we could
embrace the new quantum effects, aiming to exploit them in new kinds of computational
functionalities. Our next category of reasons shows that the latter is the way to go!
Theoretical issues: as already mentioned the mathematical formalism of quantum
theory leads to new “non-classical” modes of computation providing remarkable new
possibilities. One of the most significant issues in computational complexity theory is
the question of the existence of a polynomial time algorithm for a given computational
COMSM0214 5

task. In some cases the new quantum computational possibilities are able to bridge this
barrier, as we’ll see later in this course. The most famous example is the computational
task of integer factorisation. In classical computation there is no known algorithm that
runs in polynomial time (in the number of digits) but in 1994 Peter Shor discovered a
polynomial time quantum algorithm for factorisation.
The main focus of this course will be to introduce the basic formalism of quantum theory
(as far as required for our purposes, and assuming no prior contact). Then we will be able
to give a precise meaning to the notion of “quantum computation” and discuss a variety
of quantum algorithms (including Shor’s algorithm) to illustrate the power of quantum
versus classical computation.
It is issues of computational complexity rather than computability itself that are at the
heart of the benefits of quantum versus classical computation: it will be clear from our
notion of quantum computation that a quantum computer cannot compute anything
that is classically uncomputable (such as deciding the famous halting problem for Turing
machines). However we will see examples in which quantum computation can solve
computational tasks exponentially faster (i.e. with exponentially fewer steps) than any
(known) classical algorithm for the task. This is achieved not by an increase in clock
speed of steps but by exploiting entirely new (quantum) kinds of computational steps
that are not available to classical computers but are allowed by quantum physics.
Quantum physics also has remarkable implications for issues of communication such as
the so-called process of quantum teleportation (which we’ll also discuss) and a variety of
important cryptographic issues (which we wont treat in this course) such as the ability
to implement provably secure communication.
Quantum computation, being based on a “real” physical theory, is intended to be a real-
isable technology. To date most of the individual ingredients of quantum algorithms have
been demonstrated successfully experimentally but the construction of a “scalable” quan-
tum computing device to carry out large computations remains well beyond the perceived
limits of current state of the art quantum technology and laboratory experimentation.
So, when will we have a working quantum computer? Breakthroughs in technology are
often sudden and unpredictable and we quote the physicist N. D. Mermin: “Only a rash
person would declare that there will be no useful quantum computers by 2050, but only
a rash person would predict that there will be”.

2 Prologue - a curious way to represent classical


We begin our approach to the formalism of quantum theory by representing familiar

classical computation in an unusual notational way. This approach is intended to make
the transition from classical to quantum concepts more transparent.
Conventionally classical information is represented as a string of bits such as 11001011.
A classical computation processes this information in discrete steps by updating it into
COMSM0214 6

other such strings. These updates are carried out in a “local” manner: in each step only
a few contiguous bits are changed by the application of a so-called Boolean gate. We
focus on this Boolean circuit or gate array model of classical computation (in contrast
to say, the Turing machine model) because it allows the simplest generalisation to the
notion of quantum computation.

2.1 Bit strings and vectors

Each bit has two values or “states” viz. 0 or 1, which we’ll write using a curiously
asymmetrical bracket notation as |0i and |1i respectively. This is the so-called Dirac
“ket” notation that features widely in quantum theory. Furthermore we will take these
distinct objects (actually distinguishable states of some classical physical system) to be
orthogonal unit vectors in a 2-dimensional space! More general vectors such as a |0i+b |1i
(where a and b are numbers) have no significance for classical computation but they will
later become very important in the quantum context.
In elementary mathematics vectors are often denoted as underlined symbols such as a or
v etc. In ket notation these become |ai and |vi etc.
Having introduced these orthogonal vectors to represent bits, we can now develop the
basic elements of classical computation in terms of the linear algebra of vectors rather than
in terms of Boolean operations on the bit values 0,1 directly. To do this we will need some
mathematics of linear algebra which we will introduce in situ along the way as “linear
algebra inserts”. From the viewpoint of just classical computation this linear algebra
formulation appears very strange and even perversely pointless! But its significance will
soon become apparent when we begin to consider the structure of quantum theory. At
present your task is to become familiar with the relevant linear algebra that we develop.

Linear algebra insert 1 (vector basis and components):

A basis for a vector space is a set of vectors {|e1 i , . . . , |en i} such that any vector |vi
can be written uniquely as a linear combination |vi = a1 |e1 i + . . . + an |en i. For our
applications the coefficients a1 , . . . , an (the components of the vector in the basis) will be
complex numbers. The dimension of a vector space is the number of elements in a basis.
(This can be shown to be the same for any choice of basis). Once we have chosen a basis
any vector |vi can be represented as the column vector of its components:
 
 
|vi =  ...  .

Strictly speaking this is not an equality, only a representation, but we will abuse notation
and frequently write an equality symbol here.
COMSM0214 7

Example 1 The set {|0i , |1i} is a basis for a 2 dimensional space. If |vi = a |0i + b |1i
then we write µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
1 0 a
|0i = |1i = |vi = .¤
0 1 b

For two bits we introduce four orthogonal unit basis vectors

|00i , |01i , |10i , |11i

which we also write as

|0i |0i , |0i |1i , |1i |0i , |1i |1i
suggesting a kind of “multiplication” of “single bit vectors”. Note that this multiplication
is not commutative – order matters! e.g. |0i |1i is different from |1i |0i etc. Mathemati-
cally this will be the so-called tensor product of vectors (see insert 2), sometimes denoted
with a ⊗ symbol i.e. we write |0i |0i etc. as |0i ⊗ |0i etc. if we wish to make the prod-
uct operation explicit. A general vector in this 4 dimensional space associated to 2-bit
strings, is
|vi = a |0i |0i + b |0i |1i + c |1i |0i + d |1i |1i
where a, b, c, d are complex numbers. Similarly for n-bit strings we get a space of di-
mension 2n with a basis vector |b1 . . . bn i = |b1 i . . . |bn i associated to each n-bit string
b1 . . . b n .

Linear algebra insert 2 (tensor products of vectors):

Let V be a vector space of dimension m with basis {|e1 i , . . . , |em i} and let W be a vector
space of dimension n with basis {|e01 i , . . . , |e0n i}. The tensor product of V and W , denoted
V ⊗ W ,¯ is®a vector space of dimension mn with a basis of mn vectors¯ written ® formally
¯ ®
as {|ei i ej : i = 1, . . . m, j = 1, . . . , n}. We also sometimes write |ei i ej as |ei i ⊗ ¯e0j .
0 ¯ 0

A general vector |ui in V ⊗ W can be written

m X
X n
¯ ®
|ui = cij |ei i ¯e0j (1)
i=1 j=1

P P ¯ ®
(where the coefficients cij are complex numbers). If |vi = i ai |ei i and |wi = j bj ¯e0j
are vectors in V and W respectively then their tensor product, denoted |vi |wi or |vi⊗|wi,
lies in V ⊗ W and is defined by
X X ¯ ® XX ¯ ®
|vi |wi = ( ai |ei i) ⊗ ( bj ¯e0j ) = ai bj |ei i ¯e0j
i j i j

i.e. the components cij in eq. (1) for such products of vectors from V and W , have the
special product form cij = ai bj . But not all vectors in V ⊗ W can be “factorised” in this
way! We will say more about this important point later.
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Example 2 Let V with basis {|0i , |1i} be the 2 dimensional vector space associated to a
single bit. Then V ⊗ V contains vectors of the form a |0i |0i + b |0i |1i + c |1i |0i + d |1i |1i
which we write in components as the column vector
 
 b 
 .
 c 

Thus V ⊗ V is the vector space associated to 2-bit strings. If we have two vectors in V :
µ ¶ µ ¶
x0 y0
|ui = x0 |0i + x1 |1i = |vi = y0 |0i + y1 |1i =
x1 y1


|ui |vi = (x0 |0i+x1 |1i)⊗(y0 |0i+y1 |1i) = x0 y0 |0i |0i+x0 y1 |0i |1i+x1 y0 |1i |0i+x1 y1 |1i |1i

and in components we write

 
µ ¶ µ ¶ x 0 y0
x0 y0  x0 y1 
⊗ = 
 x1 y0  .
x1 y1
x1 y1

Similarly for three vectors we get 8 components

 
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ x0 y0 z0
x0 y0 z0  .. 
⊗ ⊗ = . 
x1 y1 z1
x1 y1 z1

and for example, the basis state |101i = |1i |0i |1i (the sixth in our basis list) has
 
 0 
 
 
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶  0 
0 1 0  0 
⊗ ⊗ = 
 0 . ¤
1 0 1  
 1 
 
 0 

2.2 Computational steps as linear operations on vectors

For updating a bit string in a computational step we will consider reversible operations
on n-bit strings (where n is typically 1,2 or 3). These are mappings from n-bit strings
to n-bit strings such that the input string can be uniquely determined from the output
string i.e. the mapping is one-to-one so it must be a permutation of the set of all bit string
COMSM0214 9

values. In conventional classical computing not all common operations are reversible e.g.
the 2-bit operation which updates (b1 , b2 ) to (b1 , b1 AN D b2 ) is not reversible as 00 and
01 are both mapped to 00. In quantum computation later, reversible operations will play
a fundamental role which is why we focus on them here. Also it is known that universal
classical computation can be performed (without any significant loss of efficiency) if we
allow only reversible operations (see Preskill’s notes for more details about this point).
For a single bit there are only two reversible operations, the identity operation I which
“does nothing” I |0i = |0i , I |1i = |1i, and the NOT operation, or bit flip operation,
which we write as X:
X |0i = |1i X |1i = |0i .
We can extend the action of X to general vectors “by linearity” i.e. by allowing it to
“act freely across sums”:
X(a |0i + b |1i) = aX |0i + bX |1i = a |1i + b |0i . (2)
The general notion of linear operation is described in the insert below.
Note that according to eq. (2) the action of X on general vectors is completely determined
by its action on just the basis states only. In terms of components the action of X is
given by matrix multiplication:
µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶
a 0 1 a b
X = = .
b 1 0 b a
Thus X has a matrix representation
µ ¶
0 1
X= .
1 0
(As for vectors and components, strictly speaking this is not an equality but rather
a representation. However we will frequently abuse notation and write equality here.)
Similarly we have the matrix representation:
µ ¶
1 0
I= .
0 1

Linear algebra insert 3 (linear operations):

A linear operation L on an n dimensional vector space V is a map L : V → V such that
L(a1 v 1 + a2 v 2 ) = a1 L(v 1 ) + a2 L(v 2 )
holds for any vectors v 1 , v 2 and (complex) numbers a1 , a2 . If we represent vectors in
terms of components then any such L is described as an n × n matrix which we denote
by [L] (or just L when the context is clear). The result L(v) has a column vector given
by the matrix multiplication of [L] into the column vector of v. Given the operation L,
the entries of the matrix [L] are constructed as follows: Let e1 , . . . , en be the basis of V .
Then the ith column of the matrix [L] is given by the column vector of components of
L(ei ) i.e. the action of L on the ith basis vector.
COMSM0214 10

For 2-bit strings we have more reversible operations (indeed there are 4! = 24 permuta-
tions of the four values) which now have matrix representations as 4 × 4 matrices. We
consider a few important examples.
The swap operation S maps |b1 i |b2 i to |b2 i |b1 i i.e. 00 and 11 are left unchanged but
01 and 10 are interchanged. You should verify that the matrix of S is
 
1 0 0 0
 0 0 1 0 
S=  0 1 0 0 .

0 0 0 1

The controlled-NOT operation or CN OT12 operation, acting on two bits b1 b2 is de-

fined as follows: if b1 = 0 then b1 b2 is left unchanged but if b1 = 1 then b2 is flipped
(i.e. X is applied to b2 ). Thus the action of X on b2 is “controlled by” the value of b1 .
Explicitly we have:
00 −→ 00
01 −→ 01
CN OT12 :
10 −→ 11
11 −→ 10
i.e. the last two strings are interchanged. We can also write

CN OT12 |b1 i |b2 i = |b1 i |b1 ⊕ b2 i

where ⊕ denotes addition modulo 2. Note that the two bits play asymmetrical roles.
The first bit is called the control bit and the second is called the target bit. We write
CN OT12 with subscripts to make the asymmetry explicit. For example we could reverse
the roles of the two bits to get CN OT21 acting as follows:

00 −→ 00
01 −→ 11
CN OT21 :
10 −→ 10
11 −→ 01

in which the second bit is now the control. You can verify that the matrix of CN OT12 is
 
1 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0 
CN OT12 =   0 0 0 1 

0 0 1 0

(which has I in the top corner and X in the lower right corner).
Further examples of 2-bit operations are given by applying 1-bit operations to
individual bits of a 2-bit string. This leads to the notion of tensor products of operations.
COMSM0214 11

Suppose we apply X to the first bit of b1 b2 . This operation is denoted as X ⊗ I (to

indicate also that b2 is left unaffected) and we have:

00 −→ 10
01 −→ 11
X ⊗I : .
10 −→ 00
11 −→ 01

Hence its matrix is  

0 0 1 0
 0 0 0 1 
X ⊗I =
 1

0 0 0 
0 1 0 0
(as we easily check by looking at the columns). Note that this matrix has a special
structure determined by X and I: look at the 2 × 2 blocks in the four corners. Letting
0 denote the 2 × 2 matrix with all zero entries, we have
µ ¶
0 I
I 0

i.e. a pattern of I’s determined by the entries of X. This matrix for X ⊗ I is constructed
by starting with the matrix of X and replacing each entry with “the 2 × 2 matrix I
multiplied by the numerical value of that entry”.
The same prescription holds true for general 1-bit operations A and B acting on the first
and second bits respectively to give the 2-bit operation denoted A ⊗ B. To construct its
matrix, start with the matrix of A and replace each entry with that entry multiplied by
the matrix of B. More example will be given later in §4.1. For now you should verify
that this prescription gives
 
0 1 0 0
 1 0 0 0 
I ⊗X =  0 0 0 1 

0 0 1 0

corresponding to doing X on the second bit, and

 
0 0 0 1
 0 0 1 0 
X ⊗X =  0 1

0 0 
1 0 0 0

corresponding to doing X on both bits. (In each case look at the structure of 2 × 2
So far our examples of operations have been restricted to those that “make sense” on
classical bits i.e. they map bit values to bit values, albeit represented curiously as vectors!
However we can introduce more general linear operations on vectors that do not preserve
the actual classical bit representations |0i and |1i. Such operations will later play a
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fundamental role in the quantum formalism. Two of the most important are the 1-bit
operations: µ ¶ µ ¶
1 0 1 1 1
Z= H=√ . (3)
0 −1 2 1 −1
H is called the Hadamard operation. Note that Z |1i = − |1i which makes no sense
in the context of bit values but it makes perfectly good sense in the context of vectors!
Even more peculiarly we have
1 1
H |0i = √ (|0i + |1i) H |1i = √ (|0i − |1i). (4)
2 2

Example 3 Although these more general operations themselves make no sense for bit
values, they can serve to reveal new relationships between operations that do make sense.
For example we saw that CN OT12 and CN OT21 were different (and classically “valid”)
2-bit operations. We can now verify that

CN OT21 = (H ⊗ H)(CN OT12 )(H ⊗ H)

i.e. we can reverse the control/target roles of the two bits by applying H to each bit vector
both before and after the CN OT action. We can check the validity of this relation on
each basis state. For example starting with |b1 i |b2 i = |0i |1i, application of H ⊗ H gives
1 1 1
√ (|0i + |1i) ⊗ √ (|0i − |1i) = (|00i − |01i + |10i − |11i).
2 2 2
Then applying CN OT12 gives
(|00i − |01i + |11i − |10i). (5)
Applying H ⊗ H again and laboriously collecting and cancelling terms, we get |1i |1i
i.e. CN OT21 |0i |1i as required. An easier way to do the last step above is to note the
factorisation of eq. (5) (looking at the first two and last two terms)
(|00i − |01i + |11i − |10i)
= 2
(|0i (|0i − |1i) − |1i (|0i − |1i)) (6)
= √12 (|0i − |1i) √12 (|0i − |1i).

Next note that the Hadamard operation is self inverse H = H −1 i.e. HH = I since
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
HH = √ √ = .
2 1 −1 2 1 −1 0 1

Hence from eq. (4) we get

1 1
H( √ (|0i + |1i)) = |0i H( √ (|0i − |1i)) = |1i
2 2
so H ⊗ H applied to eq. (6) gives |1i |1i.
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Example 4 (Pauli matrices). We can supplement the X and Z operations with a

further Y operation defined as:
µ ¶
0 1
Y = ZX = −XZ = .
−1 0

Note that X 2 = Z 2 = I whereas Y 2 = −I so we introduce σy = −iY and we now have

all the so-called Pauli operations:
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = X = σy = −iY = σz = Z =
1 0 i 0 0 −1

which occur frequently in the quantum formalism. They have elegantly simple multiplica-
tive properties:
σx2 = σy2 = σz2 = I
σx σy = −σy σx = iσz
σy σz = −σz σy = iσx
σz σx = −σx σz = iσy
(noting the cyclic shift of x, y, z labels in the last three lines).

2.3 Complex numbers – summary

In the extension of all the above concepts to quantum physics, complex numbers will
feature predominantly. Hence we give here a summary of the basic properties of complex
numbers that we’ll need.
Complex numbers are obtained by extending the real numbers with a new symbol i
formally satisfying i2 = −1. A general complex number a has the form a = x + iy where
x and y are real, and are called the real part and imaginary part respectively, of a. If
b = s + it is a second complex number then the sum a + b = (x + s) + i(y + t) is formed
by collecting the real and imaginary parts. Using i2 = −1 we get the product

ab = (x + iy)(s + it) = (xs − yt) + i(xt + ys)

(the term −yt arising from iy.it). The modulus |a| of a is defined by |a| = x2 + y 2 .
The complex conjugate a of a is defined by replacing i by −i: a = x − iy. Hence
aa = x2 + y 2 = |a|2 so a(a/|a|2 ) = 1. Thus reciprocals are given by
1 a x y
= 2 = 2 2
− 2 i
a |a| x +y x + y2

and general division b/a is given as the product of b with 1/a.

A complex number a = x + iy can be represented pictorially as a real 2-dimensional
vector with components (x, y). The 2-dimensional plane of these vectors is called the
complex plane or Argand diagram.
COMSM0214 14

y a = x + iy

´ θ
´ -

In terms of polar co-ordinates (r, θ) we have

a = x + iy = r(cos θ + i sin θ)
and r = x2 + y 2 = |a| is the modulus of a. θ is called the phase of a. A complex
number of modulus 1 (so lying on the circle of radius 1 in the complex plane) is called a
pure phase.
Using properties of the exponential function extended to complex values, it may be shown
(and we omit the details) that eiθ = cos θ +i sin θ so a = x+iy may be written as a = reiθ
and pure phases are written eiθ .

3 Qubits and quantum states

We now begin our discussion of the basic postulates and principles of quantum the-
ory, which will utilise the full scope of our formalism of vectors, matrices and complex
numbers. Recall that a bit was really to be thought of as a classical physical system
with two chosen distinguishable states labelled 0 and 1. It is a postulate of quan-
tum theory that the states of any physical system are represented by (unit
length) vectors with complex components and that physically distinguishable
states correspond to orthogonal vectors. (Soon below we will give a precise dis-
cussion of the notions of orthogonality, length and inner products for complex vectors).
We emphasise here that, in classical physics, any two different states of a system are
in principle distinguishable, but in quantum theory this is no longer the case! We will
discuss and elaborate on this important feature later when we consider the formalism of
quantum measurements. For now, suffice it to say that if two states |ψ1 i and |ψ2 i are
not orthogonal as vectors then no physical process can distinguish them with certainty.
The simplest non-trivial quantum system has states lying in a 2 dimensional vector
space, thus allowing only two mutually distinguishable states. Choosing a pair of such
orthogonal unit vectors and labelling them |0i and |1i, the general state can be written
|ψi = a |0i + b |1i
where a and b are complex numbers subject to the unit length condition
|a|2 + |b|2 = 1.
COMSM0214 15

We say that |ψi is a superposition of states |0i and |1i with amplitudes a and b. The
amplitudes are just the components of the vector and we also write
µ ¶
|ψi = .
We will discuss the physical interpretation of such superposition states later in §6.
Any quantum system, with a 2 dimensional state space and with a chosen orthogonal
basis {|0i , |1i} is called a qubit. The basis states |0i , |1i are called computational basis
states or standard basis states. There are many real physical systems that can embody
the structure of a qubit, for example the spin of an electron, the polarisation of a pho-
ton, superpositions of two selected energy levels in an atom etc. but our mathematical
formalism allows us to abstract away from having to deal with such explicitly physical

3.1 Two-qubit states

Moving on to larger systems, in the classical case systems exist with any finite number
of distinguishable states but we conventionally choose to represent them in terms of
bit strings. Similarly in quantum theory systems exist with state spaces of any finite
dimension but we will focus on systems comprising increasing numbers of qubits.
Our second postulate of quantum theory tells us how to combine systems
together to obtain larger systems: if system S1 had state space V1 and system S2
has state space V2 then the joint system obtained by taking S1 and S2 together, has
states given by arbitrary unit vectors in the tensor product space V1 ⊗ V2 .
As an explicit example consider two qubits. Let V denote the state space of a single
qubit. If x0 |0i + x1 |1i and y0 |0i + y1 |1i are two single-qubit states (i.e. unit vectors in
V ) then (recalling that |00i denotes |0i |0i or |0i ⊗ |0i etc.) we see that
(x0 |0i + x1 |1i)(y0 |0i + y1 |1i) = x0 y0 |00i + x0 y1 |01i + x1 y0 |10i + x1 y1 |11i (7)
(constructed by juxtaposing single qubit states) is certainly an example of a two-qubit
state but states of this form do not exhaust all possibilities! i.e. in quantum theory,
intuitively, “the whole can comprise more than the sum of the parts”: the most general
2-qubit state is
|ψi = a |00i + b |01i + c |10i + d |11i (8)
where the coefficients (called amplitudes) are complex numbers satisfying the normalisa-
tion (unit length) condition:
|a|2 + |b|2 + |c|2 + |d|2 = 1. (9)
In terms of components we write
 
 b 
|ψi =  
 c .
COMSM0214 16

Not all such states can be factorised into the product of single-qubit states as in eq. (7).
Factorisable states of the form eq. (7) are called product states (of two qubits) and states
not of this form are called entangled states (of two qubits).
How can we tell if a given state |ψi in eq. (8) is entangled or not?

Theorem 1 The state |ψi = a |00i + b |01i + c |10i + d |11i is entangled if and only if
ad − bc 6= 0.

Proof: (Optional) Looking at eq. (7), |ψi is unentangled if and only if the four ampli-
tudes can be expressed as products:

a = x0 y0 b = x0 y1 c = x1 y0 d = x1 y1 for some choice of x0 , x1 , y0 , y1 . (10)

To prove our theorem we have:

(⇒) Suppose eq. (10) holds. Then ad − bc = x0 y0 x1 y1 − x0 y1 x1 y0 = 0.
(⇐) Suppose ad − bc = 0. We’ll need to consider several cases according to whether
some of a, b, c, d are zero or not (as we will want to divide by some of them). We give just
one case to illustrate the kind of argument involved; the others are all similar or easier.
Suppose b and d are non-zero. From ad = bc we get
a c
= = λ for some λ
b d
so a = λb and c = λd. Substituting these into eq. (8) we get

|ψi = λb |00i + b |01i + λd |10i + d |11i = (b |0i + d |1i)(λ |0i + |1i)

showing that |ψi has the product state form. But the two factors above are generally
not unit vectors i.e. |a|2 + |d|2 6= 1 and |λ|2 + 1 6= 1. However from eq. (9) we get

|λb|2 + |b|2 + |λd|2 + |d|2 = 1.

p p
Factoring this and taking square roots gives p|b|2 + |d|2 |λ|2 + 12 = 1 so p |ψi is actually
the product of two unit vectors (b |0i + d |1i)/ |b| + |d| and (λ |0i + |1i)/ |λ|2 + 12 . ¤
2 2

Example 5 |ψi = 12 (|00i + |01i + |10i + |11i) has a = b = c = d = 12 so ad − bc = 0 and

|ψi must be a product state. We easily verify that if |vi = √12 (|0i + |1i) then |ψi = |vi |vi.
On the other hand |ψi = √12 (|00i + |11i) has a = d = √12 and b = c = 0 so ad − bc 6= 0
and |ψi is entangled i.e. |ψi cannot be written as |v1 i |v2 i for any choice of 1-qubit states
|v1 i and |v2 i. ¤

3.2 Multi-qubit states

The above generalises to any finite number n of qubits. The n-fold tensor product
V ⊗ . . . ⊗ V (n times) has dimension 2n and is spanned by the computational basis states

|xi = |x1 i |x2 i . . . |xn i where x = x1 x2 . . . xn is any n-bit string.

COMSM0214 17

The general n-qubit state can be written

|ψi = ax |xi where x |ax |2 = 1

so we have 2n amplitudes (complex numbers) subject to the normalisation condition. We

note (for later) the significant fact that as the number of qubits grows linearly the full state
description (given as the full list of amplitudes) grows exponentially in its complexity.
An n-qubit state is a called a product state if it is the product of n single-qubit states
|ψi = |v1 i |v2 i . . . |vn i and |ψi is called entangled if it is not a product state. The
generalisation of theorem 1 for n > 2 is more complicated than the n = 2 case. It
turns out that we need (n − 1) algebraic equations (like ad − bc = 0 for n = 2) to fully
capture the product state condition. We omit the details.

3.3 Lengths and inner products

Above we have referred to vectors “of unit length” and vectors being “orthogonal”. We
now make these notions formally precise by introducing a notion of inner product for
vectors with complex number components. This is a direct generalisation of the familiar
notions for real 2 or 3 dimensional vectors of Euclidean geometry, with one slight catch
for the beginner: some complex conjugation will be involved (which has no effect in the
case of real numbers, but in the complex case guarantees that certain expressions come
out to be real numbers.)

Linear algebra insert 4 (Inner products, orthogonality, lengths):

Let µ ¶ µ ¶
a1 b1
a= b=
a2 b2
be two-dimensional complex vectors. The inner product is defined as
µ ¶
¡ ¢ b1
a.b = a1 b1 + a2 b2 = a1 a2 . (11)
Note the asymmetrical appearance of complex conjugation (denoted by the over-bar) so
a.b generally differs from b.a. In fact b.a is the complex conjugate of the complex number
a.b because
b.a = b1 a1 + b2 a2 = a1 b1 + a2 b2 = a.b
(Here we have used the fact that for any complex numbers c1 , c2 we have c1 + c2 = c1 + c2 ,
c1 c2 = c1 c2 and c1 = c1 ). Note also the RHS expression in eq. (11) as a matrix product
in which the column vector of a has been complex conjugated and transposed to form a
row vector. For any (m × m) matrix M the operation of “complex conjugation followed
by transposition” will be denoted by a dagger and transposition alone, by a superscript T .
Thus µ ¶† µ ¶T
a1 ¡ ¢ a1 ¡ ¢
= a1 a2 = a1 a2
a2 a2
COMSM0214 18

and for example, if µ ¶

1 + i 2 − 3i
5 6 + 4i
then µ ¶ µ ¶
† 1−i 5 T 1+i 5
M = and M =
2 + 3i 6 − 4i 2 − 3i 6 + 4i
(the rows of M † are the complex conjugated columns of M ). Returning to our vectors,
the length of a is p

|a| = a.a = |a1 |2 + |a2 |2 .
a and b are orthogonal if a.b = 0 i.e. if a1 b1 + a2 b2 = 0.
The above definitions and expressions generalise in the obvious way to n dimensional
complex vectors e.g. if    
a1 b1
   
a =  ...  b =  ... 
an bn
then a.b = i ai bi etc. Inner products have a linearity property for vectors in the second
a.(c1 b1 + c2 b2 ) = c1 a.b1 + c2 a.b2
(where c1 , c2 are complex numbers) as is easily verified from the definition. For the first
slot we have an anti-linearity property:

(c1 a1 + c2 a2 ).b = c1 a1 .b + c2 a2 .b

in which the coefficients c1 , c2 must be complex conjugated if separated out as on the RHS.

In our ket notation for vectors we write the column vector

µ ¶
as |ai = a0 |0i + a1 |1i
and for inner products we introduce some further corresponding notation: the complex
conjugate transpose of the ket |ai is written as a so-called bra vector with the brackets
reversed: ¡ ¢
ha| = (a0 |0i + a1 |1i)† = a0 h0| + a1 h1| = a0 a1
and the inner product a.b of two such ket vectors is denoted as ha|bi i.e. we just juxtapose
the bra and ket vectors to represent the matrix product of the complex conjugated row
vector of a with the column vector of b.
If |ai = a0 |0i + a1 |1i and |bi = b0 |0i + b1 |1i we can “multiply out” the compound
expression ha|bi in the obvious way, as follows:
ha|bi = (a0 h0| + a1 h1|)(b0 |0i + b1 |1i)
= a0 b0 h0|0i + a0 b1 h0|1i + a1 b0 h1|0i + a1 b1 h1|1i
= a0 b0 + a1 b1 .
COMSM0214 19

In the last equality above we have used the fact that |0i and |1i are orthogonal and have
unit length i.e.
h0|0i = h1|1i = 1 (unit length)
h0|1i = h1|0i = 0 (orthogonality)
and we get the correct previous expression eq. (11) for ha|bi.
A set of pairwise orthogonal vectors, each of unit length, is called an orthonormal set.
Inner products “reduce vectors back down to numbers” i.e. the inner product of two
vectors (always from the same space) is a number, not a vector. We can generalise this
idea to situations involving tensor products. If |bi is a vector in the tensor product space
V ⊗ W and |ai is a vector in V then the notion of inner product can be extended so that
ha|bi is a vector in W i.e. “the inner product with |bi in V reduces the V -part of |ai
down to a number, leaving a vector only in W ”. Similarly if |ai was instead a vector in
W then ha|bi would be a vector on V . We illustrate how this works in an example.

Example 6 Let V be the 2 dimensional space of a qubit with orthonormal basis |0i , |1i.
|Ai = x0 |0i + x1 |1i in V
|Bi = a |00i + b |01i + c |10i + d |11i in V ⊗ V .
To emphasise the two positions in V ⊗ V we can introduce subscripts:

|Bi = a |0i1 |0i2 + b |0i1 |1i2 + c |1i1 |0i2 + d |1i1 |1i2 .

If |Ai = x0 |0i1 + x1 |1i1 is a vector in the first slot then

hA|Bi = (x0 h0|1 + x1 h1|1 )(a |0i1 |0i2 + b |0i1 |1i2 + c |1i1 |0i2 + d |1i1 |1i2 ).

Now matching up the correct bra and ket slots and using the orthonormality relations for
|0i , |1i and collecting terms we get finally (as you should verify!)

hA|Bi = (x0 a + x1 c) |0i2 + (x0 b + x1 d) |1i2

as a vector in the second space slot. Similarly if |Ai is taken instead to be a vector
|Ai = x0 |0i2 + x1 |1i2 in the second space slot then hA|Bi is a vector in the first space
given (after a direct calculation) by

(x0 a + x1 b) |0i1 + (x0 c + xd) |1i1

which is different from the previous result. ¤

4 Physical operations on qubits

So far we have been discussing quantum state descriptions and now we move on to
consider dynamics i.e. the kinds of state changes or physical evolution processes that
COMSM0214 20

are allowed in quantum theory. In our previous discussion of classical bit operations we
focussed on reversible operations represented as particular kinds of linear transformations
on vectors (those that take computational basis vectors to computational basis vectors).
The quantum case is a generalisation of this formalism: it is a postulate of quantum
theory that any physical evolution of a quantum system is represented by the
action of a linear unitary operation on the state space. The mathematical notion
of unitarity is explained in insert 5 below. Such an operation on n qubits is called an
n-qubit gate.

Linear algebra insert 5 (unitary operations and unitary matrices):

A linear operation L on a vector space V is called unitary if it preserves inner products
i.e. (Lv 1 ).(Lv 2 ) = v 1 .v 2 for all vectors v 1 , v 2 in V . A matrix U is called unitary if its
complex conjugate transpose is its inverse i.e. we require

U U † = U †U = I

(where I is the identity matrix). It can be shown that a linear operation L is unitary
iff its matrix representation [L] is a unitary matrix. Since any unitary matrix has an
inverse matrix, it must also correspond to a reversible operation.

We will sometimes need to check if a given matrix is unitary or not.

Theorem 2 An n × n matrix of complex numbers is unitary iff its columns form an

orthonormal set of vectors.

Proof: (⇐) Suppose the columns of M form an orthonormal set. Recall that the rows
of M † are the complex conjugated columns of M and that in the matrix product M † M
the ij th entry of the result is the ith row of M † “summed against” the j th column of
M i.e. it is the inner product of the ith and j th columns of M . Since these columns
are an orthonormal set, the matrix M † M has 1’s on the diagonal and 0’s elsewhere i.e.
M † M = I. Similarly M M † = I.
(⇒) Suppose M is unitary so M † M = I. As noted above (i.e. looking at how matrix
products are calculated) this means precisely that the columns of M are an orthonormal
set. ¤
Quantum physical operations on n qubits are described by 2n ×2n sized unitary matrices.
In our discussion of classical computation we saw that reversible classical operations on
n-bit strings are just permutations of the set of bit strings. Representing these bit strings
as basis vectors, any such permutation Π corresponds to a matrix [Π] which has a single
“one” in each column and all other entries are zero. Furthermore the position of the
“one” in any column cannot be duplicated in any other column (otherwise Π would map
two strings to the same string) i.e. the columns are orthonormal any any such classical
COMSM0214 21

reversible operation has a unitary matrix. But there are more general unitary matrices
than these, which are all allowed as operations in the quantum formalism. For example
µ ¶
0 1
1 0
is the unitary matrix of the classical bit flip operation and the matrices in eq. (3) are uni-
tary (1-qubit) operations allowed in the quantum formalism which are not interpretable
in the classical formalism.

4.1 Operations on 1 or 2 qubits of an n-qubit state

Instead of applying (large) n-qubit operations to an n-qubit state “globally” we will gen-
erally be interested in manipulating only one or two qubits in any given step. This is the
quantum analogue of the classical locality condition: that n-qubit states are successively
updated by applying operations that act on only a few qubits each.
The appropriate formalism (tensor products of operations) for calculating the effect of
such gates on n-qubit states was given in §2.2 and we re-iterate the essential features
Suppose we wish to apply a 1-qubit unitary operation U to the first qubit of the 2-qubit
|ψi = a |00i + b |01i + c |10i + d |11i .
We write this operation at the 2-qubit level as U ⊗ I to represent the fact that the second
qubit receives the identity operation. Suppose
U |0i = x0 |0i + x1 |1i U |1i = y0 |0i + y1 |1i
i.e. the matrix of U is µ ¶
x0 y0
[U ] = .
x1 y1
Then we can explicitly compute U ⊗ I |ψi using the linearity property of the operation,
U ⊗ I |ψi = U ⊗ I(a |00i + . . . d |11i)
= a(U |0i) |0i + . . . + d(U |1i) |1i
= a(x0 |0i + x1 |1i) |0i + . . . + d(y0 |0i + y1 |1i) |1i .
Collecting terms we get
U ⊗ I |ψi = (ax0 + cy0 ) |00i + (bx0 + dy0 ) |01i + (ax1 + cy1 ) |10i + (bx1 + dy1 ) |11i .
We can perform the same calculation with matrix multiplications and column vectors
as follows. Previously we introduced the tensor product A ⊗ B of matrices A and B:
A ⊗ B is constructed by taking each entry aij of A and replacing it by the full matrix B
multiplied by that entry value. Thus U ⊗ I has matrix
 
µ ¶ x 0 0 y 0 0
x0 I y 0 I  0 x0 0 y 0 
U ⊗I = =
 x1 0 y 1 0  .

x1 I y 1 I
0 x1 0 y 1
COMSM0214 22

|ψi has column vector (a, b, c, d)T so

    
x0 0 y0 0 a x0 a + y 0 c
 0 x0 0 y 0   b   x0 b + y0 d 
U ⊗ I |ψi =   x1
 = 
0 y1 0   c   x1 a + y 1 c 
0 x1 0 y 1 d x1 b + y1 d
giving the same result as before.
Similarly we can calculate I ⊗ U |ψi which is generally different from the above. Indeed
the matrix is now
 
µ ¶ x0 y0 0 0
U 0  x1 y1 0 0 
I ⊗U = =  0 0
0 U x0 y0 
0 0 x1 y1
More generally if U and W are two 1-qubit operations then U ⊗ W is the 2-qubit gate
corresponding to the instruction“apply U to the first qubit and W to the second qubit”.
These two applications of gates to different qubits commute: it is readily seen from the
definitions that U ⊗ W = (U ⊗ I)(I ⊗ W ) = (I ⊗ W )(U ⊗ I).

5 Quantum measurements

In classical physics the state of any given physical system can be fully determined by
suitable “measurements” on the system. For example if we are presented with a bit
we can discover its value (0 or 1) while leaving it intact. The corresponding situation
in quantum theory is drastically different! We have a mathematical formalism for the
process of quantum measurement which differs considerably from the unitary physical
evolution process that we’ve been discussing so far. Thus in quantum theory the state
of a system can change in two distinct ways: by unitary evolution or by the process of
measurement, described below.
Suppose we are presented with a qubit in some (as yet unknown) state |ψi = a |0i + b |1i.
According to the postulates of quantum measurement theory (developed below)
the only thing we can do to get information about the state is to “perform a test” or
“make a measurement” to see if the qubit value is 0 or 1. This test always returns a value
0 or 1 and the answer is given only probabilistically: 0 is seen with probability |a|2 and 1
is seen with probability |b|2 . (Recall that |a|2 +|b|2 = 1 for any qubit state). e.g. if we are
given a second copy of the same state |ψi then the test may output a different answer,
being just a second independent sample from the probability distribution. Furthermore
after the test the qubit’s state is no longer a |0i + b |1i but it has been “collapsed” to
be |0i or |1i corresponding to the seen output value. Thus, having performed the test,
the qubit’s state is irrevocably destroyed and we can gain no further information from it,
about the initial a, b values! This state transformation, from a |0i + b |1i to either |0i or
|1i is not a unitary process (e.g. it is not reversible as the information of a, b is no longer
present in the output; also it is a probabilistic process).
COMSM0214 23

Remark: Most quantum theory texts describe a more general notion of quantum measurement,
allowing measurement “relative to” any orthonormal basis. But it can be shown that this more
general notion is equivalent to our simpler one (i.e. relative to only the |0i , |1i basis), combined
with prior actions of unitary operations. In this course, we will use only the simpler notion of
measurement i.e. relative only to the computational basis.

In contrast to classical measurements, in summary, quantum measurements have only

probabilistic outcomes, they are generally invasive, unavoidably destroying the input state
and they reveal only a rather small amount of information about the (now irrevocably
lost) input state’s identity! Note that if the state was not collapsed on measurement (but
the output was still probabilistic as above) we could get a lot more information, estimating
the probabilities |a|2 and |b|2 to any desired accuracy from statistics of repeated samplings
of the distribution.
You may ask: where do all these crazy rules come from!? Well, alas, no one knows! But
the really astonishing thing is that this formalism of complex vectors, unitary operations
and probabilistic collapses etc. actually works in the real physical world to very accurately
describe a huge range of actual physical phenomena!!
The above features of measurement for one qubit generalise to the case of n qubits. If
|ψi = ax |xi (12)

is an n-qubit state (so x ranges over all 2n n-bit strings) then we can measure it in
the computational basis obtaining an n-bit string x with probability Pr(x) = |ax |2 .
The relationship between probabilities of outcomes in a measurement and amplitudes in
the superpostion is known as the Born rule (after the physicist Max Born). After the
measurement the state of the system is no longer |ψi but it is “collapsed” to |xi where
x is the seen outcome.

5.1 The extended Born rule

We will often use a further important generalisation of the Born rule: given a state of
many qubits, we measure not all, but only some subset of them. Before describing this
extended Born rule in generality we will introduce it via an example.

Example 7 Consider the following 3-qubit state:

3 4 i 1 1 + 3i
|ψi = |000i − |010i + |011i − |100i + |111i .
10 10 2 2 4
Note that the amplitudes are correctly normalised:
¯ ¯2 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ √ ¯2
¯3¯ ¯ 4 ¯2 ¯ i ¯2 ¯ 1 ¯2 ¯¯ 1 + 3i ¯¯
¯ ¯ + ¯− ¯ + ¯ ¯ + ¯− ¯ + ¯ ¯ = 1.
¯ 10 ¯ ¯ 10 ¯ ¯2¯ ¯ 2¯ ¯ 4 ¯
COMSM0214 24

Suppose we wish to measure just the first qubit in the computational basis. To calculate
the effect of this we re-express |ψi by collecting together all terms having first qubit |0i
and |1i respectively (these being the possible measurement outcomes on qubit 1):
¡3 ¢ ³ √ ´
|ψi = |0i 10 4
|00i − 10 |10i + 2i |11i + |1i − 12 |00i + 1+4 3i |11i
≡ |0i |ψ0 i + |1i |ψ1 i .

Note that the coefficient vectors |ψ0 i and |ψ1 i have lengths less than 1. In fact their
squared lengths add to 1. A more compact way of obtaining these coefficient vectors is to
use the partial inner product (cf example 6) on the first qubit of |ψi:

|ψ0 i = 1 h0|ψi123 |ψ1 i = 1 h1|ψi123

Then the outcome of the measurement is j = 0 or j = 1 with probability Pr(j) = hψj |ψj i
given by the squared length of the corresponding
p coefficient vector. After the measurement
|ψi is collapsed into the state |ji |ψj i / hψj |ψj i corresponding to the seen outcome i.e.
we select all terms of |ψi with the seen outcome in qubit 1 and re-normalise this vector
to have length 1. Thus √for example in the above, the probability of getting outcome 1 is
hψ1 |ψ1 i = | − 12 |2 + | 1+4 3i |2 = 21 and if this outcome is obtained the post-measurement
state is √
1 1 1 + 3i
|1i |ψ1 i /( √ ) = − √ |100i + √ |111i
2 2 2 2
which is correctly normalised to have length 1.
Suppose instead that we wish to measure qubits 1 and 2 of |ψi in the computational basis.
In this case we collect together all terms of |ψi corresponding to the four possible outcomes
¡3 ¢ ¡ 4 ¢ ¡ ¢ ³ √ ´
|ψi = |00i 10 |0i + |01i − 10 |0i + 2i |1i + |10i − 12 |0i + |11i 1+4 3i |1i
≡ |00i |ψ00 i + |01i |ψ01 i + |10i |ψ10 i + |11i |ψ11 i .

As above these coefficient vectors can be compactly computed using partial inner prod-
ucts (now on qubits 1 and 2): |ψij i = 12 hij|ψi123 . Then upon measurement, outcome
ij is seen with probability Pr(ij) = hψij |ψij i, the squared length of the correspond-
ing coefficient
p vector, and the post-measurement state is “|iji |ψij i re-normalised” i.e.
|iji |ψij i / hψij |ψij i. For example in the above, outcome 10 is seen with probability
hψ10 |ψ10 i = 14 and the post-measurement state is then |10i (− 12 |0i)/( 21 ) = − |100i. ¤

We now state the general form of the extended Born rule. Let |ψi be a state of m+n qubits
and suppose we wish to measure m qubits in the computational basis. For notational
convenience suppose these are the m leftmost qubits. Any computational basis state
|zi of m + n qubits can be written as |zi = |xi |yi where z, x and y are respectively
(m + n)-bit, m-bit and n-bit strings with z being the concatenation z = xy of x and y.
Hence we can write
|ψi = z az |zi
³ = x,y axy ´ |xiP
= x |xi y axy |yi ≡ x |xi |ψx i
COMSM0214 25

where we have collected all terms corresponding to each possible measurement outcome
x: X
|ψx i = axy |yi = m hx|ψim+n

where the latter partial inner product is over the measured qubit slots (here the m
leftmost qubits). The vectors |ψx i have lengths less than 1. Then outcome x is seen with
probability X
Pr(x) = hψx |ψx i = |axy |2

and if this outcome occurspthen the post-measurement collapsed state is “|xi |ψx i re-
normalised” i.e. |xi |ψx i / hψx |ψx i in which the measured qubits acquire their seen

6 Quantum interference

How should we intuitively think of a superposition of |0i and |1i? According to the Born
rule, a qubit in a superposition state a |0i+b |1i behaves – for the purposes of measurement
– just like a qubit which has been prepared in state |0i or |1i with probabilities |a|2 and
|b|2 respectively. However it is important to emphasise that a superposition state cannot
be interpreted as such a probabilistic mixture in more general quantum processes! To
see an explicit example, consider the equal superposition state |ψ0 i = √12 (|0i + |1i) and
the Hadamard gate: µ ¶
1 1 1
2 1 −1
which maps |0i to √12 (|0i + |1i) and |1i to √12 (|0i − |1i). H is also its own inverse so H
applied to |ψ0 i gives |0i. Hence if we prepare a qubit in state |ψ0 i, apply H and then
measure it, we will see outcome 0 with certainty. On the other hand if we prepare either
|0i or |1i and conduct the same process then in each case we will see outcome 0 and 1 with
probabilities half i.e. the equal probabilistic mixture of |0i and |1i will behave differently
from the equal superposition state. In an intuitive sense we think of |ψ0 i = √12 (|0i + |1i)
as “simultaneously having both |0i and |1i present” rather than just a probabilistic choice

of one or the other. When we apply H to |ψ√0 i, |0i (starting with amplitude a = 1/ 2)
is transformed to |0i with amplitude
√ c = 1/ 2 and to |1i with amplitude c whereas |1i
(starting with amplitude a = 1/ 2 also) is transformed to |0i with amplitude c and to
|1i with amplitude −c. Thus the total amplitude to go from |ψ0 i to |0i is made up of
two “paths”: a(c) + a(c) = 1 which add. On the other hand the total amplitude to go
to |1i also has two contributions but these cancel: a(c) + a(−c) = 0. In the first case
we say that the two paths interfere constructively whereas in the latter case we say that
they interfere destructively.
These notions of “interfering paths” form the basis of Feynman’s sum-over-paths
description of quantum mechanics which we now briefly outline. To illustrate the
formalism consider the simple quantum process of applying H twice to |0i:
COMSM0214 26

¡@ apply H
¡ @
ª @
√1 |0i + √1 |1i
2 2
©© @ PP apply H
©© @ PP
¼ ? R
@ q
√1 ( √1 |0i + √1 |1i) + √1 ( √1 |0i − √1 |1i) = |0i
2 2 2 2 2 2

We think of this as a process of “transitions between basis states |0i and |1i with pre-
scribed amplitudes and we depict it as a branching tree, just like a probabilistic process
but the branches are labelled by amplitudes, not probabilities:

µ |0i
¡ 2
√1 @ µ
@ √1 ¡
¡ 2 ¡
¡ @2
@ ¡
|0i ¡ ¡
@ ¡
@ √1 @
¡ @
@√1 ¡ 2 @
@2 ¡ R
R -
|1i − √12 |1i

The rules for accumulating amplitudes are just like those for probabilities:
(i) each path has an amplitude given by the product of numbers along the path;
(ii) each final basis state has an amplitude given by the sum over all paths from the
start to it;
(iii) the probability for the transition from initial |0i to a final basis state is the modulus
square of the sum over all paths to it.
This is the Feynman sum-over-paths formulation of quantum processes. It turns out to
be an alternative equivalent description of the calculations involved in multiplying gate
matrices and applying the Born rule for a measurement on the final state of the process.
As an illustration, in our example above there are two paths to go from initial |0i to final
|0i or final |1i. For final |0i the two paths interfere constructively: | √12 √12 + √12 √12 |2 = 1
whereas for final |1i the two paths interfere totally destructively: | √12 √12 − √12 √12 |2 = 0
and this transition is forbidden.
For probabilistic trees we can simulate the whole process by walking through some single
path of the tree so long as we make an appropriate probabilistic choice of direction at each
node along the way. But for quantum amplitude trees this is not possible! In the above
example there are non-zero single paths from initial |0i to final |1i yet this transition is
forbidden. The process “needs to know about” all paths and how they interfere!
COMSM0214 27

Just as in the example above, any quantum process of applying a sequence of unitary
gates to an initial starting state of say, n qubits in state |0i . . . |0i can be represented as
a branching tree of amplitudes. The nodes are now labelled by n-bit strings organised
in columns, such that each column contains each n-bit string once. The quantum state
at the k th stage of the process corresponds to the nodes in the k th column of the tree.
The lines connecting column k to column k + 1 are labelled by the amplitudes of the k th
unitary gate acting on the corresponding basis state in the k th column. The Feynman
sum-over-paths rules then correctly reproduce the calculation of matrix multiplication of
the corresponding unitary matrices to determine the amplitudes in the final state.
Remark: in physics this phenomenon of interference of different paths for a single par-
ticle is well illustrated by the famous double slit experiment – see for example R. P.
Feynman’s Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 3, chapter 1 for a discussion. We set up
a screen with two holes in it, and a short distance behind it, erect a second full screen
which can detect the impact of a particle (photon or electron etc.) on it at each position.
Then we fire single particles at the first screen and register where they impact on the
second screen. There are locations x on the second screen with the following property:
if we close either of the two holes then the probability for the particle to impact at x is
non-zero (i.e. the particle is sometimes registered at x) but if we open both holes the
probability to impact at x is zero i.e. the particle is never seen there! This actually
happens in real physical experiments! Classically this is inexplicable: the probability to
impact at x should be the sum of the probabilities via the two holes. In the quantum
formalism we have amplitudes (prior to probabilities) to impact at x via each hole and
these interfere destructively before we square the total value to get the probability i.e.
we use the “square of the sum” rather than the “sum of squares”.

7 Quantum non-locality

One of the strangest and most controversial features of quantum theory (actually a
property of entanglement) is that the formalism implies the presence of “instantaneous
non-local effects” in spatially distributed physical systems. Einstein was very unhappy
about this, referring to it as a “spooky action at a distance”, causing him to doubt
the completeness and correctness of quantum mechanics as a physical theory. He first
drew attention to this feature (in a form now known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
(EPR) paradox) in a famous paper in 1935 and subsequently never gave up his skepticism
of quantum theory. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the essential ingredients were re-cast in
conceptually simpler ways especially in the so-called Bell inequalities (first introduced by
J. S. Bell in 1965). Since then the validity of these predicted effects has been verified many
times in actual experiments. Thus even if the mathematical formalism of quantum theory
turns out not to be our final correct physical theory these “spooky nonlocal influences”
are here to stay as actual physical reality!
We will now describe one way in which this quantum nonlocality is manifested. It
also provides a very good instructive example of the extended Born rule in action in
conjunction with the application of various unitary quantum gates.
COMSM0214 28

Consider the entangled 2-qubit state

|ψi = √ (|00i + |11i) .
We imagine that the two qubits (realised as states of two physical particles) are widely
separated in space, held respectively on the left by Alice (A) and on the right by Bob (B).
Even though the two particles are widely separated and have no “physical connection”,
their joint state |ψi is not expressible as a product of a qubit state for A with a qubit
state for B. Nowadays this kind of state can be routinely manufactured in the laboratory
with pairs of photons or electrons etc. that move off in opposite directions from the
common source of their creation and interaction to produce |ψi.
Suppose Alice measures her qubit (in the computational basis). According to the ex-
tended Born rule she will see outcome 0 or 1 with equal probabilities half and Bob’s
particle will be “instantaneously collapsed” into state either |0i or |1i corresponding to
A’s seen outcome. If B now immediately measures his qubit he will see outcome 0 or
1 which is always certainly the same as the outcome A got i.e. the two outcomes are
perfectly correlated. Thus at first sight we may conclude that A’s measurement must
have instantaneously physically influenced B’s particle (by determining B’s outcome) but
this conclusion here is not justified! Whether or not A performed her measurement, B
will see a bit value 0 or 1 with equal probabilities half. The physical fact that A and B’s
outcomes are perfectly correlated is in fact not mysterious – it can be explained without
invoking any kind of instantaneous action at a distance: we simply say that at the source
of creation of |ψi (when the two particles were together) they were each instilled with an
equal but randomly chosen bit value which they carried away and later gave up as the
measurement result i.e. the (correlated) measurement results were already (randomly)
chosen at the time of creation of |ψi!
But one may still object: according to the Born rule A’s measurement instantaneously
changed the state of B’s particle from preparation 1: “the right half of |ψi” to preparation
2: “a probabilistic choice of |0i or |1i chosen with probabilities half”. However the
mathematical descriptions of these preparations are not physically observable features:
given a particle in some quantum state, we are unable to learn the identity of that
state by any physical process (in contrast to classical physics states). In fact it can
be shown that preparations 1 and 2 above cannot be distinguished by any quantum
process at all – they actually give identical probability distributions of outcomes for any
measurement whatever. Thus this “instantaneous change of state” in the above example,
can be claimed to be just a quirk of the mathematical formalism and not a physically
real influence!
We now develop a more complicated scenario involving quantum processes with |ψi which
does turn out to be manifestly mysterious! i.e. having physically observable effects that
cannot be explained without some “spooky action at a distance”. We will use the results
of the following example.

Example 8 Let |ψi be the entangled 2-qubit state |ψi = √1 (|00i + |11i) and consider the
COMSM0214 29

single-qubit unitary operation (called “rotation by θ”) given by

µ ¶
cos θ − sin θ
U (θ) = .
sin θ cos θ

U (θ) |0i = cos θ |0i + sin θ |1i U (θ) |1i = − sin θ |0i + cos θ |1i .
If we apply U (α) ⊗ U (β) to |ψi a direct calculation (which you should verify) gives

|ψαβ i = U (α) ⊗ U (β) |ψi

= √12 (cos(α − β) |00i − sin(α − β) |01i + sin(α − β) |10i + cos(α − β) |11i) .

(Here we have used the trigonometric identities cos(α − β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β and
sin(α−β) = sin α cos β −cos α sin β.) Note that this operation may be implemented locally
by Alice applying U (α) and Bob applying U (β).
The Born rule immediately gives (as you should verify):
Fact 1: if we measure either one of the qubits in the computational basis we will get
output 0 or 1 with equal probabilities of half.
Consider now measuring both qubits. We can do this either by applying the Born rule
directly for the four possible outcomes 00,01,10,11 or else measuring one chosen qubit
first (applying the extended Born rule) and then applying the Born rule again to the post-
measurement state of the remaining qubit. These approaches all give the same probability
distribution of 2-bit outcomes. Thus this measurement can be implemented locally, by A
and B each separately performing a 1-qubit measurement. We get:
Fact 2: if we measure both qubits then Pr(outcomes differ) = sin2 (α − β). (Note that
“outcomes differ” means “outcome is 01 or 10”). ¤

We now describe our “mysterious situation”. Let MA (α) denote the following operation
for Alice: apply U (α) to her qubit and measure it in the computational basis. Similarly
MB (β) for Bob. Alice will only use settings α = 0◦ or 30◦ and Bob will only use settings
β = 0◦ or −30◦ .
Suppose A and B have many |ψi states and consider a long sequence of A and B doing
MA (α), MB (β) with each choosing one of their allowed settings (for the whole sequence).
For long sequences probabilities will reflect the frequencies of occurrence of 0’s and 1’s.
By fact 1 all individual sequences obtained will be uniformly random sequences of 0’s
and 1’s but by fact 2 A and B’s random sequences will display some correlations. We
have four cases of A and B’s sequences corresponding to pairs of settings:
(1) MA (0◦ ), MB (0◦ ): Pr(differ) = sin2 0◦ = 0.
A and B’s sequences will be the same sequence.
(2) MA (0◦ ), MB (−30◦ ): Pr(differ) = sin2 30◦ = 1/4.
The sequences will differ in about 1 in 4 places.
COMSM0214 30

(3) MA (30◦ ), MB (0◦ ): Pr(differ) = sin2 30◦ = 1/4.

The sequences will differ in about 1 in 4 places.
(4) MA (30◦ ), MB (−30◦ ): Pr(differ) = sin2 60◦ = 3/4.
The sequences will differ in about 3 in 4 places!!
Suppose the measurement outcomes at A (respectively B) are not influenced by the mere
choice of settings at B (respectively A). This is our “locality assumption” and we now
show that it leads to a contradiction. Let S denote the common sequence that would
be obtained by A and B in (1) if they had both chosen angle setting zero. By (2) and
(3) the sequences for MA (30◦ ) and MB (−30◦ ) must each differ in about 1 in 4 places
from S and hence in about 1 in 2 or fewer from each other (fewer possible here because
they may both differ from S at some same places). By the locality assumption this must
remain true even if neither A nor B actually chose to use angle zero! The sequences
for MA (30◦ ) and MB (−30◦ ) must each be consistent with the possibility that the other
party chose angle zero even if they did not so choose! i.e. the locality assumption implies
the existence of a sequence S 0 such that the ±30◦ sequences each differ in about 1 in 4
places from S 0 (and hence fewer than 2 in 4 places from each other). But by (4) these
sequences actually differ in about 3 in 4 places – measurably more (for long sequences)
than the expected 2 in 4 places! We conclude that the choice of settings on one side must
have influenced the outcomes on the other side i.e. the ±30◦ -setting sequences cannot
be unaffected by the choice zero versus non-zero angle setting on the other side and we
have our “spooky action at a distance”.
Note that all sequences above are always uniformly random as sequences of 0’s and 1’s i.e.
our non-local action always replaces one uniformly random sequence by another uniformly
random sequence so the participants will not notice any effect locally: the influence of
the non-local effects appears only in correlations between A and B’s sequences which
can be noticed only if A and B later communicate or come together. Hence although the
necessity of non-local effects is manifested, these effects cannot be used to instantaneously
communicate or send a message – A’s choice of settings has no effect whatever on any
statistics of measurement on B’s side taken by itself (and viceversa).
Remark (Optional but interesting!): we can formalise the notions of non-locality and
no-signalling for any physical theory in the following general conceptual framework. We
have two participants A and B in spatially separated regions, performing measurements
on a physical system that extends over both regions. They are able to make local choices
of measurement settings α and β respectively (e.g. angle choices), giving measurement
outputs x and y respectively. Outcomes are generally probabilistic with a joint proba-
bility distribution Pr(xy|αβ), the probability of getting x, y given settings α, β. This
joint probability is prescribed by the laws of some physical theory, or maybe determined
from repeated actual experiments. Each participant A or B sees locally the marginal
A : Pr(x|αβ) = Pr(xy|αβ) B : Pr(y|αβ) = Pr(xy|αβ).
y x

We will be interested in these local distributions and their correlations, asking especially
whether the locally observed outcomes can be explained by purely local influences or
COMSM0214 31

whether they are influenced by settings or actions on the other side. We allow A and B to
have communicated in the past e.g. they may have met and exchanged information before
becoming spatially separated. In particular, to generate future probabilistic outputs such
as our x and y they may have set up some shared probabilistic data in a variable e with
distribution Pr(e) which they can both use P as an input to generate later probabilistic
outputs. Thus we will have Pr(xy|αβ) = e Pr(e) Pr(xy|αβe).
No-signalling theories: if the x distribution Pr(x|αβe) depends on the choice of β
then B can signal to A by choosing different β settings which A can notice by statistics
of her local x outputs. Thus the theory is called no-signalling if

Pr(x|αβe) is independent of β and Pr(y|αβe) is independent of α. (13)

Local vs. non-local theories: the theory is called local if the joint distribution of
xy outputs is explainable by putting together independent local effects (including the
previously shared e used locally on each side) i.e. we require the joint probability to have
the product form:
Pr(xy|αβe) = Pr(x|αe) Pr(y|βe) (14)
and then also X
Pr(xy|αβ) = Pr(e) Pr(x|αe) Pr(y|βe).

For locality, there must exist three distributions Pr(e), Pr(x|αe) and Pr(y|βe) making
these relations hold. Otherwise the theory is called non-local.
P Note that locality implies
no-signalling e.g. if we sum eq. (14) over y then using y Pr(y|βe) = 1 we see that
Pr(x|αβe) = Pr(x|αe)) is independent of β.
Our above quantum protocol can be easily recast to show that quantum theory is a
non-local theory i.e. no choices of distributions Pr(e), Pr(x|αe), Pr(y|βe) can correctly
reproduce the quantum distributions Pr(xy|αβ) of the protocol. It can also be shown
that quantum theory is a no-signalling theory which is perhaps surprising once we know
it is non-local! Our quantum protocol above demonstrated no-signalling only for its
particular situation (in fact local outcomes were always uniformly random, independent
of the choice of settings of the other party) but it can be proved to hold generally for any
spatially distributed quantum process whatever. ¤

8 Quantum teleportation

Consider again our distantly separated participants Alice and Bob who each possess one
qubit of the entangled state
|ψi = √ (|00i + |11i).
Suppose Alice has another qubit in some state |αi and she wants to transfer this qubit
state to Bob. How can she achieve this transfer? She may not even know the identity
of the state |αi and according to quantum measurement theory she is unable to learn
more than a small amount of information about it before totally destroying it! She can
place the (physical system embodying the) qubit state in a “box” and physically carry it
COMSM0214 32

across to Bob. But is there any other way? What if the space region in between A and
B is a hostile and dangerous place?
Quantum teleportation provides an alternative method for state transfer that utilises
the entanglement in the state |ψi. As we’ll see precisely in a moment, but speaking
intuitively now, the state transfer from A to B is achieved “without the state having to
pass through the space in between” in the following sense: the transference is unaffected
by any physical process whatever that takes place in the intervening space. Note that this
is also a feature of the entanglement of |ψi: in the previous section we argued that there
is some kind of “non-local connection” between the two particles but the entangled state
remains entirely unaffected by any physical process occurring in the space in between; it
can change only by physical actions on the particles themselves.
Let qubit 1, qubit 2 and qubit 3 denote respectively Alice’s input qubit (in state |αi),
Alice’s qubit of |ψi and Bob’s qubit of |ψi. Using subscripts to label the qubits the
starting state can be written |αi1 |ψi23 with 1,2 in A’s possession and 3 in B’s possession.
|αi = a |0i + b |1i
then we explicitly have

|αi |ψi = (a |0i + b |1i) √12 (|00i + |11i)

= √a2 |000i + √a2 |011i + √b2 |100i + √b
|111i .

The protocol for quantum teleportation comprises the following five steps (i) to (v).
(i) Alice applies CN OT to her two qubits 1 and 2 (with 1 being the control and 2 the
(ii) Alice applies H to her qubit 1.
(iii) Alice measures her two qubits (in the computational basis) to obtain a 2-bit string
00, 01, 10 or 11.
The combination of (i), (ii) and (iii) is called “performing a Bell measurement” on the
two qubits (named after the physicist J. S. Bell). By calculating the effect of these three
operations on eq. (15) we see that each 2-bit string is obtained with equal probability
of 1/4 (irrespective of the values of a and b, recalling that |a|2 + |b|2 = 1). Furthermore
after the measurements in (iii) we have the following post-measurement states (as you
should calculate):
mmt outcome post-mmt state
00 |00i |αi
01 |01i Z |αi
10 |10i X |αi
11 |11i XZ |αi
i.e. Bob’s qubit 3 is now disentangled from 1,2 and it is in a state that’s a fixed transform
of |αi, the choice of transform depending only on the measurement outcome and not on
the identity of |αi (i.e. not on the a, b values). In fact if the measurement outcome was
ij the Bob’s qubit has state X i Z j |αi.
COMSM0214 33

(iv) Alice sends the 2-bit measurement outcome ij to Bob (i.e. she sends him 2 bits of
classical information).
(v) On receiving ij Bob applies the unitary operation Z j X i (i.e. the inverse of X i Z j ) to
his qubit which is then guaranteed to be in state |αi.
This completes the teleportation of |αi from Alice to Bob. Note that no remnant of any
information about |αi remains with Alice. After stage (iii) she is left with only a 2-bit
string that has always been chosen uniformly at random.
The whole protocol is shown diagrammatically in figure 1. In figure 2 we give an alter-
native depiction of the protocol as a network of quantum gates. This representation is
perhaps more pertinent to computation (rather than communication), using teleportation
to transfer qubits between different parts of a quantum memory.

B’s output

´ 6
ZjXi t2
.. ´
. ´
.. 3́

. ´
.. two bits ij
. transmitted 6

Bell Mmt t1
3́ Q
Q ´´
´ Q ´
´ Q ´
A’s input ... Q ´ ..
Q 3́
qubit Q ´
.. Q ´ ..
. . t0
|ψi state
.. created ..
. .
Alice Bob -

Figure 1: Quantum teleportation. The figure shows a spacetime diagram with the en-
tangled state |ψi = √12 (|00i + |11i) created at t0 and subsequently distributed to A and B.
At time t1 Alice performs a Bell measurement on the joint state of her input qubit and
her qubit from |ψi and sends the outcome ij to Bob. On reception at time t2 , Bob applies
Z j X i to his particle which is then guaranteed to be in the same state as Alice’s original
input qubit.
COMSM0214 34

|αi - H measure ij
CN OT qubits
¡ ??
|ψi ¡
@ - ZjXi - |αi

Figure 2: A quantum network for teleportation. The diagram is read from left to right.
Horizontal lines represent qubits in a quantum memory. As a result of the above sequence
of operations the qubit state is transferred from the top line to the bottom line.
We conclude this section with a few further remarks about the teleportation process, for
• Unlike “star-trek” teleportation, the physical system embodying |αi is not transferred
from A to B. Only the “information” of the state’s identity is transferred, residing finally
in a new physical system i.e. the system that was initially Bob’s half of |ψi.
• Before A’s measurements in (iii) Bob’s qubit has preparation: “the right half of |ψi”.
After A’s measurement Bob’s qubit has preparation: “ one of the four states |αi, Z |αi,
X |αi or XZ |αi chosen uniformly at random”. It can be shown that for any measurement
process on Bob’s qubit, these two preparations give identical probability distributions of
outcomes so Bob cannot notice any change at all in his qubit’s behaviour as a result of
A’s measurements. He can reliably create the qubit state |αi only after receiving the ij
message from Alice.
• Figure 1 highlights one of the most enigmatic features of the quantum teleportation
process. The question is this: Alice succeeds in transferring the quantum state |αi to Bob
by sending him just two bits of classical information. Clearly these two bits are vastly
inadequate to specify the state (whose description depends on continuous parameters) so
“how does the remaining information get across to Bob?” What carries it? What route
does it take? Usually when information is transferred from one location to another, it
requires a channel for its transmission! But in figure 1 there is clearly another route
connecting Alice to Bob (apart from the channel carrying the two classical bits) and it
does indeed carry a qubit – it runs backwards in time from Alice to the creation of the
|ψi state and then forwards in time to Bob. Hence it is tempting to assert that most
of the “quantum information” of |αi was propagated along this route, firstly backwards
in time and then forwards to Bob! In this view, at times between t0 and t1 this part of
the state’s information was already well on its way to Bob even though Alice had not
yet performed her measurement! Such statements may appear paradoxical but further
consideration shows that, as an interpretation, this view is fully consistent and sound.
Whether or not you accept this view as a correct description of what actually happens
COMSM0214 35

in the real physical world, is only a matter of personal preference!

9 Quantum computation – the circuit model

Classical computation can be represented in many different but essentially equivalent

ways. We have the basic Turing machine and circuit (or gate array) models, useful for
studying fundamental properties of the notions of computation and complexity, and a
variety of programming languages incorporating higher level constructs useful for devel-
oping actual practical algorithms to solve computational problems. In the quantum case
we will adopt a quantum generalisation of the circuit model; this provides the simplest
and most intuitive passage to the notion of a quantum computation. Thus we begin by
reviewing the ingredients of the classical circuit model.
Computational tasks:
The input to a computation will always be taken to be a bit string. The input size is
the number of bits in the bit string. For example if the input is 0110101 then the input
size is 7. A computational task is not just a single task such as “is 10101 prime?”
(where we are interpreting the bit string as an integer in binary) but a whole family of
similar tasks such as “given an n-bit string A (for any n), is A prime?” The output of
a computation is also a bit string. If this is a single bit then the computational task is
called a decision problem.
Let B = {0, 1} and let Bn denote the set of all n-bit strings. Let B ∗ denote the set
of all n-bit strings, for all n i.e. B ∗ = ∪∞ ∗
n=1 Bn . A subset of B is called a language.
Thus a decision problem corresponds to the recognition of a language viz. those inputs
that give output 1. For example primality testing as above is the decision problem of
recognising the language L ⊆ B ∗ where L is the subset of all bit strings that represent
prime numbers in binary. Many computational tasks have outputs that are bit strings of
length > 1. For example FACTOR(x) has input bit string x and outputs a bit string y
which is a factor of x (interpreting x and y as integers in binary).
Circuit model of classical computation:
For each n the computation with inputs of size n begins with the input string x = b1 . . . bn
extended with a number of extra bits all set to 0 viz. b1 . . . bn 00 . . . 0. These latter bits
provide “extra working space” that may be needed in the course of the computation. A
computational step is the application of a designated Boolean operation (or Boolean
gate) to designated bits, thus updating the total bit string. We restrict the Boolean gates
to be AND, OR, NOT and COPY (which maps b to the 2-bit string bb). It can be shown
that these operations are universal i.e. any Boolean function f : Bm → Bn at all can be
constructed by the sequential application of just these simple operations. The output of
the computation is the value of some designated subset of bits after the final step.
For each input size n we have a so-called circuit Cn which is a prescribed sequence of
computational steps. Cn depends only on n and not on the the particular input x of
size n. In total we have a circuit family (C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn , . . .). We think of Cn as “the
computer program” for inputs of size n. For technical reasons (that we will not fully
COMSM0214 36

elaborate here) we impose a further condition on the circuit family: it should be a so-
called uniform circuit family in the following sense. The descriptions of the circuits Cn
should be generated in a suitably simple computational way as a function of n. More
precisely there is a (log-space) Turing machine which on input 11 . . . 1 of length n outputs
a description of Cn . This prevents us from “cheating” by coding the answer to a hard
computational problem (or even an uncomputable problem!) into the changing structure
of Cn with n.
Circuit model for quantum computation:
The above formalism can be generalised in an obvious way to the quantum setting. For
inputs of size n the starting string b1 . . . bn 00 . . . 0 is replaced by a sequence of qubits in
the corresponding computational basis state |b1 i . . . |bn i |0i |0i . . . |0i. A computational
step is the application of a quantum gate which is a prescribed unitary operation applied
to a prescribed choice of qubits. For each input size n we have a quantum circuit Cn
which is a prescribed sequence of such steps. The output of the computation is the result
of performing a quantum measurement (in the computational basis) on a specified subset
of the qubits (this being part of the description of Cn ).
Remark: More generally we could allow measurements along the way (rather than only at
the end) and allow the choice of subsequent gates to depend on the measurement outcomes.
However it can be shown that this further generality adds nothing extra: any such circuit can
be re-expressed as an equivalent circuit in which measurements are performed at the end only.

A quantum computation or quantum algorithm is defined by a (uniform) family of quan-

tum circuits (C1 , C2 , . . .).
Each of the circuits can be depicted pictorially as a circuit diagram. Each input qubit is
represented by a horizontal line running across the diagram, which is read from left to
right. The applied quantum gates are represented by labelled boxes in order from left to
right. We illustrate this in an example.

Example 9 Consider a circuit on two input qubits and one ancillary qubit, referred to
as qubits 1,2 and 3 respectively. The initial state is |x0 i |x1 i |0i with the ancilla in state
|0i. The circuit is defined by the following sequence of instructions: Apply H to qubit 1;
then apply CN OT to qubits 2,3 with 2 as control; apply CN OT to qubits 1,2 with 1 as
control; apply Z to qubit 2; finally apply CN OT to qubits 2,3 with 3 as control and then
measure qubit 1 in the computational basis to get an output bit i. The circuit diagram is
the following.
COMSM0214 37

|x0 i H measure

|x1 i v @
¡ Z @
@ ¡

|0i @
¡ v

Note that we have used an asymmetrical symbol to depict CN OT with a “blob” on the
control line and an X on the target line. The first H and CN OT , acting on disjoint sets
of qubits, commute and can be done in parallel or the reverse order if desired.

Figure 2 is also a circuit diagram for the quantum teleportation protocol. In this process
the inputs are more general quantum states (|αi, |ψi) than just computational basis states
i.e. we can think of teleportation as a “quantum computation with quantum inputs and
quantum outputs” (rather than just quantum representations of classical data).
Randomised classical computations:
Recall that the result of a quantum measurement is generally probabilistic so the output
of a quantum computation will generally be a sample from a probability distribution, de-
termined by the final quantum state before the measurement. Correspondingly it is useful
to extend out model of classical computation to also incorporate probabilistic choices.
This is done as follows: for input b1 . . . bn we extend the starting string b1 . . . bn 00 . . . 0
to b1 . . . bn r1 . . . rk 00 . . . 0 where r1 . . . rk is a sequence of bits each of which is set to 0
or 1 uniformly at random. If the computation is repeated with the same input b1 . . . bn
the random bits will generally be different. The output is now a sample from a proba-
bility distribution over all possible output strings, which is generated by the uniformly
random choice of r1 . . . rk . Then in specific computational algorithms we normally re-
quire the output to be correct “with suitably high probability”, specified according to
some desired criteria. This formalism with random input bits can be used to implement
probabilistic choices of gates. For example suppose we wish to apply either AND or OR
at some point, chosen with probability half. Consider the 3-bit gate whose action is as
follows: if the first bit is 0 (resp. 1) apply OR (resp. AND) to the last two bits. Then
we use this gate with a random input to the first bit.
Universal sets of quantum gates:
In classical computation we restrict our circuits to be composed of a small universal set
of gates that act on only a few qubits each. One such choice is the set { NOT, AND, OR,
COPY}. Actually OR may even be deleted from this set since b1 OR b2 = NOT(NOT(b1 )
AND NOT(b2 )).
Remark: It may be shown that no sets of 2-bit reversible gates are universal (see Preskill p241-
2) but there are 3-bit reversible gates G that are universal even just by themselves i.e. any
reversible Boolean function may be constructed as a circuit of G’s alone, together with constant
extra inputs set to 0 or 1. Two examples of such gates are the Fredkin gate F (0b2 b2 ) = 0b2 b3
COMSM0214 38

and F (1b2 b3 ) = 1b3 b2 i.e. a controlled SWAP, controlled by the value of the first bit, and the
Toffoli gate T of f (0b2 b3 ) = 0b2 b3 and T of f (1b2 b3 ) = 1CN OT (b2 b3 ) i.e. a controlled-controlled-
NOT gate in which NOT is applied to bit 3 iff the first two bits are 1 and T of f is the identity

In the quantum case all gates are reversible (unitary) by definition and there are similar
universality results but the situation is a little more complicated: quantum gates are pa-
rameterised by continuous parameters (in contrast to classical gates which form a discrete
set) so no finite set can generate them all exactly via (arbitrarily large) finite circuits.
But many small finite sets of quantum gates are still universal in the sense that they
can generate any unitary gate with any prescribed accuracy ² > 0. Such approximations
(for suitably small ²) will suffice for all our purposes and for clarity of discussion we will
generally ignore this issue of approximability and just allow use of any exact gate that
we need. (For more details about approximations see Nielsen and Chuang §4.5) Some ex-
amples of universal
µ sets of quantum¶ gates are the following: {CN OT, all 1-qubit gates},
1 0
{CN OT, H, T = } and {Toffoli 3-qubit gate, H}.
0 exp iπ/4

9.1 Reversible gate version of any Boolean function

Recall that any n-bit Boolean function or gate g : Bn → Bn is called reversible if we can
uniquely construct the input from the output i.e. g must be one-to-one as a function on
n-bit strings i.e. g must be a permutation of Bn . Most Boolean functions f : Bm → Bn
are not reversible and it is useful to have a reversible representation of them that can be
directly used in the quantum gate formalism.
We introduce an addition operation, denoted ⊕, for n-bit strings: if b = b1 . . . bn and
c = c1 . . . cn then b ⊕ c = (b1 ⊕ c1 ) . . . (bn ⊕ cn ) i.e. b ⊕ c is the n-bit string obtained by
adding mod 2, the corresponding bits of b and c i.e. we “add mod 2 without carry”. For
example 011 ⊕ 110 = 101. Note that for any n-bit string we have b ⊕ b = 0 . . . 0 where
0 . . . 0 denotes the n-bits string of all zeroes.
Now let f : Bm → Bn be any Boolean function. Consider f˜ : Bm+n → Bm+n defined by

f˜(b, c) = (b, c ⊕ f (b)) for any m-bit string b and any n-bit string c.

Note that f˜ is easily computable if we can compute f and the (simple) addition operation
⊕ on bit strings. Conversely given f˜ we can easily recover f (b) for any b by setting
c = 0 . . . 0 and looking at the last n bits of output of f˜.

Lemma 1 For any f , f˜ is a reversible operation on m + n bits. Furthermore f˜ is always

self-inverse i.e. f˜ applied twice is the identity operation.

Proof: If we apply f˜ twice to (b, c) we get (b, c ⊕ f (b) ⊕ f (b)). But f (b) ⊕ f (b) = 0 . . . 0
so f˜f˜(b, c) = (b, c). Hence f˜ is reversible since from an output (b0 , c0 ) of f˜ we can recover
the input (b, c) uniquely by simply applying f˜ again. ¤
COMSM0214 39

If we interpret f˜ as defining a map on computational basis states of m + n qubits then its

extension by linearity to all states of m+n qubits gives a unitary operation corresponding
to f , which we denote as Uf .
These ideas extend easily to arbitrary functions between finite sets (not just Boolean
functions mapping bit strings to bit strings). Let f : X → Y be any function where X
and Y are finite sets. For definiteness let X = ZM and Y = ZN where ZM is the set
{0, 1, 2, . . . , M − 1} of integers modulo M . Let H be a state space of dimension M N
with orthonormal basis |x, yi = |xi |yi labelled by the elements of X and Y . We will call
|xi and |yi the input and output registers or first and second registers respectively, for
Uf . Consider the operation Uf on H defined by

Uf |xi |yi = |xi |y + f (x)i

where + denotes addition modulo N in Y = ZN . Then Uf is reversible with inverse

Uf−1 |xi |yi = |xi |y − f (x)i

where the minus sign denotes subtraction modulo N . (Note that in the Boolean 1-bit
case, subtraction modulo 2 is the same as addition!) Hence Uf is one-to-one and mapping
basis states to basis states, it must be a permutation on these states and hence unitary
on the whole space. We adopt Uf as the quantum representation of the function f .

9.2 Time complexity – P, BPP, BQP

In computational complexity theory a fundamental issue is the time complexity of algo-

rithms: how many steps (in the worst case) does the algorithm require for any input of
size n? In the (classical or quantum) circuit model the number of steps on inputs of size
n is taken to mean the total number of gates in the circuit Cn i.e. the size of the circuit
Cn . Let T (n) be the size of Cn . We are especially interested in the question of whether
T (n) is bounded by a polynomial function of n (i.e. is T (n) < cnk for all large n for some
constants k, c?) or else, does T (n)

grow faster than any polynomial (e.g. exponential
functions such as T (n) = 2n or 2 n have this property).
Although computations with any T (n) are computable in principle, poly time computa-
tions are regarded as tractable or “computable in practice”. If T (n) is not polynomially
bounded then the computation is regarded as intractable or “not computable in practice”
as the physical resource of time will, for fairly small n values, exceed sensibly available
limits (e.g. running time on any available computer will exceed the age of the universe).
We have the following standard terminology for some classes of algorithms:
P (“poly time”): class of all classical algorithms that run in polynomial time and give
the correct answer with certainty (i.e. the algorithms are not probabilistic).
BPP (“bounded error probabilistic poly time”): class of all classical randomised algo-
rithms that run in poly time and give the correct answer with probability at least 2/3 in
every case.
EQP (“exact quantum poly time”): class of all quantum algorithms that run in poly
COMSM0214 40

time and give the correct answer with certainty in every case.
BQP (“bounded error quantum poly time): class of all quantum algorithms that run in
poly time and give the correct answer with probability at least 2/3 in every case.
The “exact” classes P and EQP, although useful in theoretical considerations, are unre-
alistically idealised from a practical point of view: in any real physical situation (classical
or quantum, that includes continuous parameters) we cannot build an infinitely precise
implementation and we must tolerate some level or error. Thus the classes BPP resp.
BQP are generally viewed as mathematical formalisations of “computations that are
feasible on a classical resp. quantum computer”. In view of this it is of great interest to
ask: are there problems with algorithms in BQP but not known to have algorithms in
BPP? i.e. more colloquially: can quantum computation offer an “exponential speed-up”
over classical computation for some computational tasks?

Example 10 The problem FACTOR(N ) is the following: given an integer N of n digits

find a non-trivial factor of N (i.e. 6= 1, N and if N is prime return 1). The fastest
1 2
known classical algorithm runs in time exp O(n 3 (log n) 3 ) i.e. more than exponential in
the cube root of the input size. Thus this problem is not known to be in BPP. In 1994
Peter Shor discovered a quantum algorithm for this task with running time T (n) < n3 so
the problem is in BQP. We will study this quantum factoring algorithm later in detail.

One final remark about the definition of the classes BPP and BQP: we have required
the outputs to be correct with probability 2/3. However it may be shown that “2/3” here
may be replaced by any other number 1 − ² for any 1/2 > ² > 0 (however small) without
changing the contents of the class i.e. if there is a poly time algorithm for a problem that
succeeds with probability 2/3 then there are also poly time algorithms that succeed with
probability 0.9 or 0.99 or 0.99999 or indeed 1 − ² for any arbitrarily small fixed ² > 0.
This result relies on the following fact often called the amplification lemma (see Nielsen
and Chuang p154 for more details): if we have an algorithm for a decision problem that
works correctly with probability 2/3 in all cases then consider repeating the algorithm K
times and taking the majority vote of all K answers as our final answer. It can be shown
that this answer is correct with a probability 1 − 2O(K) approaching 1 exponentially in
K. Thus given any ² > 0 this probability will exceed 1 − ² for some constant K and if
the original algorithm had poly running time T (n) then our K-repetition majority vote
strategy has running time KT (n) which is still polynomial in n.

9.3 Query complexity and promise problems

In quantum computation and the study of its properties relative to classical computation,
there is another computational scenario that is often considered. This is the concept of
“black box promise problems” with an associated measure of complexity called “query
In this scenario, instead of being given an input bit string of some length n, we are instead
given as input a black box or oracle that computes some function f : Bm → Bn . We can
COMSM0214 41

query the black box by giving it inputs and this is the only access we have to the function
and its values. No other use of the box is allowed. In particular we cannot “look inside
it” to see its actual operation and learn information about the function f . Thus, at the
start, it is unknown exactly which function f is, but there is often an a priori promise
on f i.e. some stated restriction on the possible form of f . Our task is to determine
some desired property of f e.g. some feature of the set of all values of f . We want to
achieve this by querying the box the least possible number of times. In our circuits in
addition to our usual gates we may use the black box as a gate, each use counting as
just one step of computation. The query complexity of such an algorithm is simply the
number of times that the oracle is used (as a function of its “size” measured by m, n).
For quantum circuits we always use the reversible form f˜ of f i.e. the unitary operation
Uf associated to f . These notions are illustrated in the example below. In addition to
the query complexity we may also be interested in the total time complexity, counting
also the number of gates used to process the answers to the queries in addition to merely
the number of queries themselves.

Example 11 The following are examples of black box promise problems.

The “balanced versus constant” problem
Input: a black box for a Boolean function f : Bn → B (one bit output).
Promise: f is either (a) a constant function (f (x) = 0 for all x or f (x) = 1 for all x)
or (b) a “balanced” function in the sense that f (x) = 0 resp. 1 for exactly half of the 2n
inputs x.
Problem: Determine whether f is balanced or constant. We could ask for the answer
to be correct with certainty or merely with some probability, say 0.99 in every case.
Boolean satisfiability
Input: a black box for a Boolean function f : Bn → B.
Promise: no restriction on the form of f .
Problem: determine whether there is an input x such that f (x) = 1.
Input: a black box for a Boolean function f : Bn → B.
Promise: There is a unique x such that f (x) = 1.
Problem: find this special x.
Input: a black box for a function f : Zn → Zn
(where Zn denotes the set of integers mod n).
Promise: f is periodic i.e. there is a least r such that f (x + r) = f (x) for all x (and +
here denotes addition mod n).
Problem: find the period r.
In each case we are interested in how the minimum number of queries grows as a function
of the natural parameter n (for quantum versus classical algorithms).
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10 Computation by quantum parallelism.

The Deutsch algorithm

10.1 Computation by quantum parallelism

Consider any function f : X → Y between finite sets of sizes |X| and |Y | respectively,
and its corresponding unitary transform Uf which maps |xi |yi to |xi |y + f (x)i. If we
run Uf on |xi |0i we get |xi |f (x)i and we can read out the value of f (x) by measuring
the second register. Now Uf is unitary and linear. Thus if we set the input register to a
superposition of all possible x values we get
1 X 1 X
Uf : p |xi |0i → |f i ≡ p |xi |f (x)i
|X| |X|
all x all x
i.e. in one run of Uf we obtain a final state which depends on all of the function values.
Such a computation on superposed inputs is called computation by quantum parallelism.
By further quantum processing and measurement on the state |f i we are able to obtain
“global” information about the nature of the function f (e.g. determine some joint
properties of all the values) with just one run of Uf , and these properties may be difficult
to get classically without many classical evaluations of f (as each such evaluation reveals
only one further value). Hence we can already see a potential quantum benefit over
classical computation for the scenario of query complexity and promise problems. Below
we will develop some explicit examples.
It is instructive to consider more explicitly the important special case of X = Bn , the set
of all n-bit strings (and Y = B1 or some other set). How do we actually create the input
state of a uniform superposition over all x values that is needed in the above process?
Recall that H |0i = √12 (|0i + |1i) so if we apply H to each of n qubits each in state |0i
and multiply out all the state tensor products, we get
H ⊗ . . . ⊗ H(|0i . . . |0i) = √1 (|0i + |1i) . . . (|0i + |1i)
2n P P
= √1 √1
2n x1 ,x2 ,...,xn =0 |x1 i |x2 i . . . |xn i = 2n x∈Bn |xi .

An important feature of this process is that we have created a superposition of exponen-

tially many (viz. 2n ) terms with only a linear number of elementary operations – we have
applied H just n times.

10.2 Deutsch’s algorithm

Our first (and also historically the first) example of the benefit of computation by quan-
tum parallelism is the query problem invented by D. Deutsch in 1985.
Deutsch’s problem:
There are four functions f : 1-bit → 1-bit.
Input: we are given a black box for an unknown one of these f ’s.
COMSM0214 43

Problem: We want to know the value of f (0) ⊕ f (1). Note that this is equivalent to
deciding whether f is constant (i.e. both values are 0 or both 1) or balanced (i.e. one
value 0 and one value 1).
A little thought shows that classically two queries are necessary and sufficient. In the
quantum scenario we will solve the problem (with certainty) with only one query!
Our quantum black box acts on two qubits:
Uf |xi |yi = |xi |y ⊕ f (x)i .
Deutsch’s quantum algorithm is the following. Set the input register to √12 (|0i + |1i)
and the output register (surprisingly!) to √12 (|0i − |1i). (This is achieved by applying H
respectively to |0i and |1i). Then run Uf on the resulting state.
Note that:
√1 |xi (|0i − |1i) −→ √1 |xi (|f (x)i − |f (x) ⊕ 1i)
2 2
√1 |xi (|0i − |1i) if f (x) = 0
= (16)
− √12 |xi (|0i − |1i) if f (x) = 1

= √1 (−1)f (x) |xi (|0i − |1i)


i.e. we just get a minus sign on |xi if f (x) = 1 and no change if f (x) = 0. Discarding the
second register we have |xi → (−1)f (x) |xi. We say that “f (x) has been coded as phase
Now if we run Uf on 21 (|0i + |1i)(|0i
P − |1i) each x value runs as above and after discarding
1 f (x)
the second register, we get √2 x (−1) |xi. Explicitly, we get the following orthogonal
± √12 (|0i + |1i) if f constant
± √12 (|0i − |1i) if f balanced
Finally apply H (to get ± |0i if f constant, and ± |1i if f balanced) and measure in the
computational basis.
Below we give a circuit diagram for the Deutsch algorithm. (the top line is the input
register and the bottom line is the output register).

0 if f constant
|0i H H measure
1 if f balanced
|0i X H (discard)

Note that the 2-qubit states immediately before and after Uf are both product states. In
both cases the state of the output register is √12 (|0i − |1i).
COMSM0214 44

10.3 The Deutsch-Jozsa (DJ) algorithm

We can generalise the above idea to obtain a problem with an exponential separation
between the number of queries needed classically and quantumly. Consider the “balanced
versus constant” promise problem of example 11 which we recall here:
The “balanced versus constant” problem
Input: a black box for a Boolean function f : Bn → B (one bit output).
Promise: f is either (a) a constant function (f (x) = 0 for all x or f (x) = 1 for all x)
or (b) a “balanced” function in the sense that f (x) = 0 resp. 1 for exactly half of the 2n
inputs x.
Problem: Determine (with certainty) whether f is balanced or constant.
(At the end we will discuss the bounded error version of the problem i.e. requiring the
correct solution only with some high probability, 0.999 say).
A little thought (hmm...) shows that classically 2n /2 + 1 queries (i.e. exponentially
many) are necessary and sufficient to solve the problem with certainty in the worst case.
We now show that in the quantum scenario, just one query suffices (with O(n) extra
processing steps) in every case!
Our quantum black box is
Uf : |xi |yi = |xi |y ⊕ f (x)i
where the input register |xi comprises n qubits and the output register |yi comprises a
single qubit. We assume that initially all qubits are in standard state |0i. We begin by
constructing an equal superposition of all n-bit strings in the input register and the state
√1 (|0i − |1i) in the output register. This requires (n + 1) Hadamard operations and one
X operation (on the output register), resulting in the (n + 1)-qubit state
1 X
√ |xi (|0i − |1i).
all x ∈ Bn
Next we run Uf (once) on this state. For each individual n-bit string x the calculation
of eq. (16) goes through exactly as before (in the previous case x was a single bit but
this makes no difference to the calculation). Hence on the full superposition we get
1 X 1 X
Uf : √ |xi (|0i − |1i) −→ √ (−1)f (x) |xi (|0i − |1i).
2n+1 2 n+1
all x ∈ Bn all x ∈ Bn
This is a product state of the n-qubit input and single qubit output registers. Discarding
the last (output) qubit we get the n-qubit state
1 X
|f i ≡ √ (−1)f (x) |xi . (17)
all x ∈ Bn
What does this state look like when f is constant or balanced?
If f is constant then |f i = ± √12n x |xi. If we apply Hn = H ⊗ . . . ⊗ H we get
± |0 . . . 0i because H is self inverse and recall that Hn |0 . . . 0i = √12n x |xi.
COMSM0214 45

If f is balanced then the sum in eq. (17) contains an equal number of plus and minus
terms, with minus signs sprinkled in some P unknown locations along the 2 terms. But
if we take the inner product of |f i with x |xi we simply add up all the coefficients in
|f i (as hx|yi = 0 if x 6= y and = 1 if x = y) and wherever the minus signs
P occur, the
total sum is always zero i.e. if f is balanced then |f i is orthogonal to x |xi. Hence
if we apply the unitary
P operation Hn (which preserves inner products), HPn |f i will be
orthogonal to Hn x |xi = |0 . . . 0i. Hence Hn |f i must have the form x6=0...0 ax |xi
having the all-zero term absent.
In view of the above discussion, having constructed |f i (for our given black box) we
apply Hn and measure the n qubits in the computational basis. If the result is 0 . . . 0
then f was certainly constant and if the result is any non-zero string x1 . . . xn 6= 0 . . . 0
then f was certainly balanced. Hence we have solved the problem with one query to f
and (3n + 1) further operations: n H’s and one X for the input state, n H’s on |f i and
n single qubit measurements to get the classical output string.
The balanced versus constant problem with bounded error: Suppose we tolerate
some error i.e. require our algorithm to correctly distinguish balanced versus constant
functions only with probability > 1 − ² for some ² > 0. Then the above (single query)
algorithm still works (as it has ² = 0) but there is now a classical (randomised) algorithm
that solves the problem with only a constant number of queries (depending on ² as
O(1/ log ²) for any n and for any fixed ² > 0). Thus we lose the all-interesting exponential
gap between classical and quantum query complexities in this bounded error scenario.
The classical algorithm is the following: we pick K x values, each chosen independently
uniformly at random and evaluate the corresponding f values. If they are all 0 or all
1, output “f is constant”. If we get at least one instance of each of 0 and 1, output “f
is balanced”. Clearly the second output must always be correct (as a constant function
can never output both values). But the first output (“f is constant”) can be erroneous.
Suppose f is a balanced function. Then each random value f (x) has probability half to
be 0 or 1. So the probability that K random values are all 0 or all 1 is 2/2K = 1/2K−1 .
This is < ² if 1/2K−1 < ² i.e. K > log 1/² i.e. K = O(log 1/²) suffices to guarantee error
probability < ² in every case, for all n.
Remark: So does the above prove conclusively that quantum computation can be expo-
nentially more powerful (in terms of time complexity) than classical computation!? We
point out two important shortcomings in this claim. The first weakness is that if we
allow any level of error in the result, however small, we lose the exponential separation
between classical and quantum algorithm running times (as described in the previous
paragraph). We noted previously that the zero error scenario in computation is an unre-
alistic idealisation and for realistic computation we should always accept some (suitably
small) level of error. However this weakness can be fully addressed: there exist other
black box promise problems for which a provable exponential separation exists between
classical and quantum query complexity even in the presence of error. (An example is
the so-called Simon’s quantum algorithm, which we will not discuss in this course.)
A second (more serious) issue is the fact that the DJ problem is only a black box problem
(with the black box’s interior workings being inaccessible to us) rather than a straight-
COMSM0214 46

forward “standard” computational task with a bit string as input, and no “hidden”
ingredients. To convert it to a standard task we would want a class of Boolean functions
fn : Bn → B such that the balanced/constant decision is hard classically (e.g. takes
exponential time in n) even if we have full access to a description of the function e.g. a
formula for it or a circuit Cn that computes fn . Note that even a constant function can
be presented to us in such a perversely complicated way that its trivial action is hard
to recognise! Alas, no such (“provably hard”) class of Boolean function descriptions is
So, are there any “standard” computational tasks for which we can prove the existence
of an exponential speed-up for quantum versus classical computation? No such absolute
proofs are known but the difficulty seems to be largely within the classical theory: even
though many problems have only exponential-time known classical algorithms, they can-
not be proven to be hard classically i.e. we cannot prove that no poly-time algorithm
exists (that we have not yet discovered!) – recall that it is unproven that the class NP or
even PSPACE is strictly larger than P. However there are problems which are believed
to be hard for classical computation (i.e. no classical poly-time algorithm, even with
bounded error, is known despite much effort) for which poly-time quantum algorithms
do exist. A centrally important such problem is integer factorisation. Below we will de-
scribe Shor’s polynomial time quantum algorithm for factorisation after we introduce the
quantum Fourier transform, which is at the heart of the workings of Shor’s algorithm.

11 The quantum Fourier transform and periodicities

11.1 Quantum Fourier transform mod N

The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) can be viewed as a kind of generalisation of the
Hadamard operation to dimensions N > 2. Later we will be especially interested in
N = 2n i.e. the QFT on an n-qubit space. As a pure mathematical construction it is
the same as the so-called discrete Fourier transform which is widely used in digital signal
and image processing. It is a unitary matrix that arises naturally in a wide variety of
mathematical situations so it fits well into the quantum formalism, providing a bridge
between a quantum operation and certain mathematical problems. In fact QFT is at
the heart of most known quantum algorithms that provide a significant speedup over
classical computation.
Let HN denote a state space with an orthonormal basis (the computational basis)
|0i , |1i , . . . , |N − 1i labelled by ZN . The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) modulo N ,
denoted QFTN (or just QFT when N is clear) is the unitary transform on HN defined
N −1
1 X xy
QF T : |xi → √ exp(2πi ) |yi (18)
N y=0 N
COMSM0214 47

Thus the abth matrix entry is

[QFT]ab = √ exp 2πiab/N a, b = 0, . . . , N − 1
(where we are labelling rows and columns from 0 to N − 1 rather than 1 to N !) If
ω = e2πi/N is the th
√ primitive N root of unity then the matrix elements are all powers of
ω (divided by N ) following a simple pattern:
• The initial row and column always contain only 1’s.
• Each row (or column) is a geometric sequence. The k th row (or column) for k =
0, . . . , N − 1 is the sequence of powers of ω k (starting with power 0 up to power N − 1).

Example 12 For N = 2 we have ω = −1 and

µ ¶
1 1 1
QFT2 = √ = H.
2 1 −1
For N = 4 we have ω = i so (viewing rows as geometric sequences)
   
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 i i 2
i3  1  1 i −1 −i 
QFT4 =  =  . ¤
2  1 (i2 ) (i2 )2 (i2 )3  2  1 −1 1 −1 
1 (i3 ) (i3 )2 (i3 )3 1 −i −1 i

Remark(optional): Note that QFT4 is different from H ⊗ H and generally QFT2n differs from
Hn = H ⊗ . . . ⊗ H. However there is a more general mathematical formalism, the so-called
Fourier transform on an abelian group, which embraces both of these constructs. For example
on a set of 4 elements there are two (non-isomorphic) group structures viz. Z2 × Z2 and Z4
(addition of integers mod 4). Then H ⊗H and QFT4 are respectively the “Fourier transform for
these two different group structures”. In this course QFTN will always mean “Fourier transform
on the group ZN ”, as defined above in eq. (18). ¤

Many properties of QFT, including the fact that it is unitary, follow from a basic algebraic
fact about roots of unity and geometric series. Recall the formula for the sum of any
geometric series ½ 1−αN
2 N −1 if α 6= 1
1 + α + α + ... + α = 1−α
N if α = 1
Now consider α = ω K = e2πiK/N for some chosen K. Then α = 1 iff K is a multiple of
N . Also αN = 1 for every K (since αN = ω KN and ω N = 1). Hence we get
K 2K (N −1)K N if K is a multiple of N .
1 + ω + ω + ... + ω = (19)
0 if K is not a multiple of N .

Now to see that QFT is unitary, consider the abth element of the matrix product QFT† QFT.
This is 1/N times the sum of “the ath row of QFT† lined up against the bth column of
QFT”. The latter sum is just the geometric series with α = ω b−a , divided by N . So using
eq. (19) we get 0/N = 0 if b 6= a and we get N/N = 1 if b = a i.e. QFT† QFT is the
identity matrix and QFT is unitary.
COMSM0214 48

11.2 Periodicity determination

A fundamental application of the Fourier transform (both classically and quantumly) is

the determination of periodicity exhibited in a function or some other given data. Some
important mathematical problems (such as integer factorisation, as we’ll see later) can
be reduced to problems of periodicity determination.
Suppose we are given (a black box for) a function f : ZN → Y (where typically Y = ZM
for some M ) and it is promised that f is periodic with some period r i.e. there is a
smallest number r such that f (x + r) = f (x) for all X ∈ ZN (and + is addition mod
N ). We will also assume that f is one-to-one in each period i.e. f (x1 ) 6= f (x2 ) for all
0 ≤ x1 < x2 < r. We want a method of determining r with some constant level of
√ (0.99 say) that’s independent of increasing the size of N . It can be shown
that O( N ) queries to f (i.e. a number not bounded by any polynomial in log N )) are
necessary and sufficient to achieve this in classical computation with a black box for f .
In some cases further information may be available about f e.g. we may have an explicit
formula for it but the periodicity determination may still be hard (we will see an example
later), requiring a number of steps that is not bounded by any polynomial in log N . In
the quantum scenario we will see that r can always be determined with any constant
high level of probability 1 − ² using only O(log log N ) queries and poly(log N ) further
processing steps i.e. exponentially faster than any classical method.
Quantum algorithm for periodicity determination
PN −1
We begin by constructing a uniform superposition √1N x=0 |xi and one query to Uf to
obtain the state |f i = √N allx |xi |f (x)i. Since f is periodic (with unknown period r)
r must divide N exactly and we set A = N/r, which is the number of periods. If we
measure the second register we will see some value y = f (x0 ) where x0 is the least x
having f (x) = y. Then the first register will be projected into an equal superposition of
the A values of x = x0 , x0 + r, x0 + 2r, . . . , x0 + (A − 1)r for which f (x) = y i.e. we get
1 X
|peri = √ |x0 + jri
A j=0

Here 0 ≤ x0 ≤ r − 1 has been chosen uniformly at random (by the generalised Born
rule, since each possible value y of f occurs the same number A of times i.e. once in
each period.) If we measure the register of |peri we will see x0 + j0 r where j0 has been
picked uniformly at random too. Thus we have a random period (the j0th period) and a
random element in it (determined by x0 ) i.e. overall we get a random number between
0 and N − 1, giving no information about r at all. Nevertheless the state |peri seems to
contain the information of r!
The resolution of this problem is to use the Fourier transform which is known even
in classical image processing, to be able to pick up periodicities in a periodic pattern
irrespective of an overall random shift of the pattern (e.g. the x0 in |peri). Applying
COMSM0214 49

QFT to |peri we get (using eq. (18) with x replaced by x0 + jr, and summing over j):
A−1 N −1
! N −1
"A−1 #
1 X X (x0 +jr)y 1 X x0 y X jry
QF T |peri = √ ω |yi = √ ω ω |yi . (20)
N A j=0 y=0 N A y=0 j=0

(In the last equality we have reversed the order of summation and factored out the j-
independent ω xo y terms). Which labels y appear here with nonzero amplitude? Look at
the square-bracketed coefficient of |yi in eq. (20). It is a geometric series with powers
of α = e2πiry/N = (e2πi/A )y summed from power 0 to power A − 1. According o eq. (19)
(now applied with A taking the role of N there) this sum is zero whenever y is not a
multiple of A and the sum is A otherwise i.e. only multiples of A = N/r survive as y
values: ½
jry A if y = kN/r for k = 0, . . . , r − 1
ω =
0 otherwise

and r r−1
A X x0 (kN/r)
QFT |peri = ω |kN/ri .
N k=0
The random shift x0 has been eliminated from the labels and now occurs only in a pure
phase ω x0 kN/r (whose modulus squared is 1), and the periodicity of the ket labels has
been “inverted” from r to A = N/r. Since measurement probabilities are squared moduli
of the amplitudes, these probabilities are now independent of x0 and depend only on N
(known) and r (to be determined). This is represented schematically in the following
6probs 6probs

1 ¾ N/r - ¾ N/r - ...


r ¾x0- ¾ r - ¾ r - ...
- labels
0 x0 x0 + r x0 + 2r . . . 0 N/r 2N/r . . .

(a) for |peri (b) for QFT|peri

If we now measure the label we will obtain a value c which is a multiple k0 N/r of N/r
where 0 ≤ k0 ≤ r − 1 has been chosen uniformly at random. Thus c = k0 N/r so
k0 c
= .
r N
Here c and N are known and k0 is unknown and random, so how do we get r out of
this? If (by some good fortune!) k0 was coprime to r we could cancel c/N down and
COMSM0214 50

read off r as the denominator. If k0 is not coprime to r then this procedure will deliver
a denominator r0 that is smaller than the correct r so f (x) 6= f (x + r0 ) for any x. Thus
in our process we check the output r value by evaluating f (0) and f (r) and accepting r
as the correct period iff these are equal.
But k0 was chosen at random so what is the chance of getting this good fortune of
coprimality? We’ll use (without proof) the following theorem from number theory:

Theorem 3 (Coprimality theorem) The number of integers less than r that are coprime
to r grows as O(r/ log log r) with increasing r. Hence if k0 < r is chosen at random

prob(k0 coprime to r) ≈ O((r/ log log r)/r) = O(1/ log log r). ¤

Thus if we repeat the whole process O(log log r) < O(log log N ) times we will obtain a
coprime k0 in at least one case with a constant level of probability. Here we have used
the following fact from probability theory:

Lemma 2 If a single trial has success probability p and we repeat the trial M times
independently then for any constant 0 < 1 − ² < 1:
− log ²
prob(at least one success in M trials) > 1 − ² if M =
so to achieve any constant level 1 − ² of success probability, O(1/p) trials suffice.

Proof of lemma We have that the probability of at least one success in M runs = 1−
− log ²
prob(all runs fail) = 1 − (1 − p)M . Then 1 − (1 − p)M = 1 − ² if M = − log(1−p) . Next use
− log ²
the fact that p < − log(1 − p) for all 0 < p < 1 to see that M < p i.e. M = O(1/p)
repetitions suffice. ¤
In each round we query f three times (once at the start to make |f i and twice more at the
end to check the output r) so we use O(log log N ) queries in all. We also need to apply the
“large” unitary gate QFTN (which grows with N ) and we show in the next section that
this may be implemented in O((log N )2 ) elementary steps. The remaining operations
are all familiar arithmetic operations on integers of size O(N ) (such as cancelling c/N
down to lowest form) that are all well known to be computable in polynomial time i.e.
poly(log N ) steps. Thus we succeed in determining the period with any constant level
1 − ² of probability with O(log log N ) queries and O(poly(log N )) further computational

11.3 Efficient implementation of QFT

(This subsection is not required for exam purposes).

If N = 2n is an integer power of 2 then QFT mod N acts on n qubits. For these dimension
sizes we will show how to implement QFT with a circuit of polynomial size O(n2 ).
COMSM0214 51

This is a very special property of QFT – almost all unitary transforms in dimension
2n require exponential sized ( O(poly(2n )) sized) circuits for their implementation. For
general N (not a power of 2) we do not have an exact efficient (i.e. poly(log N ) sized)
implementation. Instead we generally approximate QFT mod N by QFT mod 2k where 2k
is near enough to N to incur only an acceptably small reduction in the success probability
of the algorithm.
Our efficient implementation of QFT is really just a translation of the classical fast
Fourier transform formalism to the quantum scenario. We begin by showing that the n
qubit state
1 X xy
QF T |xi = √ exp 2πi n |yi
2n y 2

is actually a product state of n one-qubit states. We write 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 2n−1 in binary (as

n bit strings of digits):
(Warning: Take care to distinguish arithmetic mod 2n in Z2n used here from the bitwise
arithmetic of n bit strings that we used earlier!)

x = xn−1 2n−1 + xn−2 2n−2 + . . . + x1 2 + x0

y = yn−1 2n−1 + yn−2 2n−2 + . . . + y1 2 + y0

In xy/2n we discard any terms that are whole numbers since these make no contribution
to exp 2πixy/2n and a direct calculation gives:
≡ yn−1 (.x0 ) + yn−2 (.x1 x0 ) + . . . + y0 (.xn−1 xn−2 . . . x0 ) (21)
where the factors in parentheses are binary expansions e.g.
x2 x1 x0
.x2 x1 x0 = + 2+ 3
2 2 2
Now X X
xy xy
exp 2πi |yi = exp 2πi |yn−1 i |yn−2 i . . . |y0 i
2n y ,...,y
0 n−1

and we want to insert the expression for xy/2n from eq. (21) into the exponential.
Since eq. (21) is a sum over the P different yi ’s, the exponential will be a product of
P terms
P and P hence the sum y0 ,...,yn−1 splits up into a product of single index sums
( y0 )( y1 ) . . . ( yn−1 ) so we get
X xy X xy
exp 2πi n
|yi = exp 2πi n |yn−1 i |yn−2 i . . . |y0 i =
2 y
¡ ¢¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
|0i + e2πi(.x0 ) |1i |0i + e2πi(.x1 x0 ) |1i . . . |0i + e2πi(.xn−1 ....x0 ) |1i . (22)
Hence QFT|xi is √the product of corresponding 1-qubit states obtained by taking each
bracket with a 1/ 2 normalising factor.
This factorisation is the key to building our QFT circuit. It should map each basis (prod-
uct) state |xn−1 i . . . |x0 i into the corresponding product state given in eq. (22). Before
COMSM0214 52

we start note that the Hadamard operation can be expressed in our binary fractional
notation as
1 ¡ ¢
H |xi = √ |0i + e2πi(.x) |1i .
Indeed if x = 0 resp. 1 then .x is 0 resp. 1/2 as a decimal fraction so e2πi(.x) is 1 resp.
-1, as required.
To see how the QFT circuit actually works, let’s look at the example of N = 8 i.e. n = 3.
We want a circuit that transforms |x2 i |x1 i |x0 i to the following states in these three
registers (called y2 , y1 , y0 at the output):
y2 register y1 register y0 register
1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢ 1 ¡ ¢
√ |0i + e2πi(.x0 ) |1i ⊗ √ |0i + e2πi(.x1 x0 ) |1i ⊗ √ |0i + e2πi(.x2 x1 x0 ) |1i
2 2 2
| {z } | {z } | {z }


H |x0 i. H |x1 i followed by H |x2 i followed by

This operation depends phase shift e2πi0.0x0 phase shifts of
only on x0 (not x1 , x2 ). i.e. phase shift of e2πi0.01 e2πi0.01 and e2πi0.001
Do it last (third) and controlled by x0 value. controlled by x1 and x0
put result on x0 line. These operations respectively.
depend on x1 , x0 (not x2 ). These operations
Do them second and depend on x0 , x1 , x2 .
accumulate result on x1 line Do them first and
(as x1 line no longer accumulate result on x2 line
needed after this). (as x2 line no longer
needed after this).
After completion of these three stages, the desired final contents of the y0 , y1 , y2 lines are
respectively on the x2 , x1 , x0 lines. Thus finally just reverse the order of the qubits in the
string (e.g. by swap operations).
To draw an actual circuit diagram we consider the three stages in turn. In addition to
the Hadamard gate H we’ll introduce the 1-qubit phase gate:
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 0 1 0
Rd = d = (23)
0 eiπ/2 0 e2πi(0.00...01)

where the binary digit 1 in the last exponential is (d + 1) places to the right of the dot.
The controlled-Rd gate, denoted C-Rd acts on two qubits and is defined by the following
C-Rd |0i |ψi = |0i |ψi C-Rd |1i |ψi = |1i Rd |ψi
for any 1-qubit state |ψi. Diagramatically this will be denoted as
COMSM0214 53


with a “blob” on the control qubit line.

In terms of all these, the circuit for QFT8 is
.. ..
. .
|x2 i H R1 R2 .. .. |y2 i
. . A ¢
A ¢
.. .. A ¢
. . A ¢
|x1 i v H R1 A¢ |y1 i
.. ..
. . ¢ A
.. .. ¢ A
. . ¢ A
|x0 i v v ¢ A |y0 i
.. .. H
. .
. .

For N = 8 = 23 we use 3 Hadamard gates (one in each stage) and 2 + 1 controlled phase
gates (in stages 1 and 2 respectively). For general N = 2n we would use n Hadamard
gates (one in each of n stages) and (n − 1) + (n − 2) + . . . + 2 + 1 = n(n − 1)/2 controlled
phase gates (in stages 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 respectively). Overall we have O(n2 ) = O((log N )2 )
gates for QFT mod N . (In this accounting we have ignored the final swap operation to
reverse the order of qubits, but this requires only a further O(n) 2-qubit SWAP gates to

12 Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm

We will now describe Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm. Given an integer N with
n = log N digits this algorithm will output a factor 1 < K < N (or output N if N
is a prime) with any chosen constant level of probability 1 − ², and the algorithm will
run in polynomial time O(n3 ). Currently the best known classical algorithm (the so-
1/3 2/3
called number field sieve algorithm) runs in time eO(n (log n) ) i.e. there is no known
polynomial time classical algorithm for this task.
We’ll begin by first describing some pure mathematics (number theory) – involving no
quantum ingredients at all! – showing how to convert the problem of factoring N into
a problem of periodicity determination. Then we’ll use our quantum period finding
algorithm to achieve the task of factorisation. We’ll encounter (and deal with) a technical
COMSM0214 54

complication: our function will be periodic on the infinite set Z of all integers so for
computational purposes we need to truncate this down to a finite size ZM for some M
(suitably large, depending on N ). Since we do not know the period at the outset the
restricted function will not be exactly periodic on ZM : the “last” period will generally
be incomplete (as M is not generally an exact multiple of the period). But we’ll see
that if M is sufficiently large (in fact M = O(N 2 ) will suffice) then there will be enough
complete periods so that the single “corrupted” period has only a negligible effect on our
period finding algorithm. We will also always choose M to be a power of 2 to be able to
use our explicit circuit for QFT mod M for such M ’s.

12.1 Factoring as a periodicity problem – some number theory

Let N with n = log N digits denote the integer that we wish to factorise. We start by
choosing 1 < a < N at random. Next using Euclid’s algorithm (which is a poly-time
algorithm) we compute the greatest common divisor b = gcd(a, N ). If b > 1 we are
finished. Thus suppose b = 1 i.e. a and N are coprime. We will use:

Theorem 4 (Euler’s theorem): If a and N are coprime then there is a least power
1 < r < N such that ar ≡ 1 mod N . r is called the order of a mod N .

We omit the proof which may be found in most texts on number theory.
Now consider the powers of a as a function of the index i.e. the modular exponential
f : Z → ZN f (k) = ak mod N (24)
Clearly f (k1 + k2 ) = f (k1 )f (k2 ) and by Euler’s theorem f (r) = 1 so f (k + r) = f (k) for
all k i.e. f is periodic with period r. Also since r is the least integer with f (r) = 1 we
see that f must be one-to-one within each period.
Next suppose we can find r. (We will use our quantum period finding algorithm for this).
Suppose r comes out to be even. Then

ar − 1 = (ar/2 − 1)(ar/2 + 1) ≡ 0 mod N

N exactly divides the product (ar/2 − 1)(ar/2 + 1) (25)
(and knowing r we can calculate each of these terms in poly(n) time).
We know N does not divide ar/2 − 1 (since r was the least power x such that ax − 1 is
divisible by N ). Thus if N does not divide ar/2 + 1 i.e. if ar/2 ≡
/ − 1 mod N , then in eq.
r/2 r/2
(25) N must partly divide into a − 1 and partly into a + 1. Hence using Euclid’s
algorithm again, we compute gcd(ar/2 ± 1, N ) which will be factors of N .
All this works provided r is even and ar/2 ≡
/ − 1 mod N . How likely is this, given that a
was chosen at random? We quote the following theorem.
COMSM0214 55

Theorem 5 Suppose N is odd and not a power of a prime. If a < N is chosen uniformly
at random with gcd(a, N ) = 1 then Prob(r is even and ar/2 ≡
/ − 1 mod N ) ≥ 1/2.

For a proof of this result see Preskill’s notes page 307 et seq., Nielsen/Chuang appendix
4.3 or A. Ekert and R. Jozsa, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol 68, p733-753 1996, appendix
Hence for any N which is odd and not a prime power, we will obtain a factor with
probability at least half. Given any candidate factor we can check it (in poly(n) time) by
test division into N . Thus repeating the process, say 10 times, we will fail to get a factor
only with tiny probability 1/210 , and succeed with any probability 1 − ² with log2 1/²

Example 13 Consider N = 15 and choose a = 7. Then a direct calculation shows

that the function f (k) = 7k mod 15 for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . has values 1,7,4,13,1,7,4,13,. . .
so r = 4. Thus 74 − 1 = (72 − 1)(72 + 1) = (48)(50) is divisible by 15 and computing
gcd(15, 48) = 3 and gcd(15, 50) = 5 gives non-trivial factors of 15.

All of this works if N is not even or a prime power. So how do we recognise and treat
these latter cases? If N is even (which is easy to recognise!) we immediately have a
factor 2 and we are finished. If N = pl is a prime power then we can identify this case
and find p using the following result (which we quote without proof).

Lemma 3 Suppose N = cl for some integers c, l ≥ 2. Then there is a classical polyno-

mial time algorithm that outputs c.

Running this algorithm on any N will output some number c0 and we can check if it
divides N or not. If N was a prime power pl then c0 will be p.
Summarizing the process so far: given N we proceed as follows.
(i) Is N even? If so, output 2 and stop.
(ii) Run the algorithm of lemma 3, test divide the output and stop if a factor of N is
(iii) If N is neither even nor a prime power choose 1 < a < N at random and compute
s = gcd(a, N ). If s 6= 1 output s and stop.
(iv) If s = 1 find the period r of f (k) = ak mod N . (We will achieve this with any
desired level of constant probability 1 − ² using the quantum algorithm described in the
next section).
(v) If r is odd, go back to (iii). If r is even compute t = gcd(ar/2 + 1, N ), so by definition
t is a factor of N . If t 6= 1, N output t. If t = 1 or N go back to (iii) and try again.
According to theorem 5 any run of (iv) and (v) will output a factor with probability
> 1/2 so K repetitions of looping back to (iii) will all fail only with probability < 1/2K
which can be made as small as we like.
COMSM0214 56

12.2 Computing the period of f (k) = ak mod N

Let r denote the (as yet unknown) period of f (k) = ak mod N on the infinite domain
Z. We will work on the finite domain D = {0, 1, . . . , 2m − 1} where 2m is the least power
of 2 greater than N 2 (see later for the reason for this choice). Let 2m = Br + b with
1 < b < r i.e. the domain D contains B full periods and only the initial part up to b of
the next period. Using a standard
P application of computation by quantum parallelism
we manufacture the state √12m x∈D |xi |f (x)i and measure the second register to obtain
some value y0 = f (x0 ) with 0 ≤ x0 < r. In the first register we get the state
1 X
|peri = √ |x0 + kri
A k=0

where ½ m
B + 1 = b 2r c + 1 if x0 < b
A= m (26)
B = b 2r c if x0 ≥ b.
Let m −1
QF T2m |peri = f˜(c) |ci .
Writing ω = e we have
"A−1 #
1 X ω cx0 X
f˜(c) = √ √ ω c(x0 +kr) = √ √ ω crk .
A 2m k=0 A 2m k=0

As before (as in eq. (20), where c was called y) the square bracket is a geometric series
with ratio α = ω cr and we have
½ 1−αA
2 A−1 for α 6= 1
[. . .] = 1 + α + α + . . . + α = 1−α
A for α = 1.
Let’s look more closely at the ratio α = e2πicr/2 . Previously we had r dividing the
denominator 2m exactly and 2m /r = A so if α 6= 1 then α was an Ath root of unity and
the geometric series summed to zero in all these cases. The only c values that survived
were the exact multiples of A = 2m /r having α = 1. There were r such multiples each
with equal |amplitude| of √1r .

In the present case r does not divide 2m exactly generally so α is not an Ath root of
unity and we don’t get a lot of “exactly zero” amplitudes for |ci’s! However we aim to
show that a measurement on QFT|peri will yield an integer c-value which is close to a
multiple of 2m /r with suitably high probability.
Consider the r multiples of 2m /r (which are now not integers necessarily!):
2m 2m 2m
0, , 2( ), . . . , (r − 1)( ).
r r r
Each of these is within half of a unique nearest integer. Note that k(2m /r) can never be
exactly half way between two integers since r < N and 2m > N 2 , so (using 2’s in 2m ) all
COMSM0214 57

factors of 2 can be cancelled out of the denominator r. Thus we consider c values (r of

them) such that
2m 1
|c − k | < k = 0, 1, . . . , (r − 1). (27)
r 2
In the previous case of exact periodicity (where 2m /r was an integer) each of these c-
values appeared with probability 1/r and all other c-values had probability zero. Here
we will show that although the other c-values will generally have non-zero probabilities,
the special ones in eq. (27) still have probability at least γ/r for a constant γ.
6˜ 6˜
|f (c)| |f (c)|

2m /r- ¾ 2m /r- ¾ 2m /r- ¾
≈ 2m /r
- ¾
≈ 2m /r- ¾≈ 2m /r-

... ...

- -
c c
(a) exact periodicity (b) inexact periodicity

Figure 12.2: Schematic depiction of amplitudes in QFT|peri. (a) exact periodicity (r

divides 2m ): we have nonzero amplitudes only at exact multiples c = k2m /r. (b) non-
exact periodicity: we have nonzero amplitudes for many c-values but the integers nearest
to the multiples k2m /r still have suitably large amplitudes.

Theorem 6 Suppose we measure the label in QFT|peri. Let ck be the unique integer
with |c − k 2r | < 12 . Then prob(ck ) > γ/r where γ ≈ 4/π 2 .

Proof: (optional) For any c we have

¯ ¯
1 ¯ 1 − α A ¯2
prob(c) = |f˜(c)| = 2 ¯
¯ 1−α ¯

with α = e2πicr/2 = e2πi(cr mod

m 2m )/2m
. For our special c-values satisfying eq. (27) we
have |cr − k2m | < r/2 so
r r
− < cr mod 2m < . (28)
2 2
Write α = eiθc with θc = 2π(cr mod 2m )/2m so |θc | < πr/2m . Also from eq. (26) we see
that in all cases A < 2m /r + 1 so
πr r
|Aθc | < m
A < π(1 + m ).
2 2
COMSM0214 58

Write Aθmax = π(1 + r/2m ). Note that for all c

0 ≤ |Aθc /2| < Aθmax /2 < π. (29)
To estimate prob(c) we’ll use the algebraic identity
¯ ¯ µ ¶2
¯ 1 − eiAθ ¯2
¯ ¯ = sin Aθ/2 .
¯ 1 − eiθ ¯ sin θ/2
We have ³ ´2
1 sin Aθc /2
Prob(c) = A2m sin θc /2
³ ´2
1 sin Aθc /2
> A2m θc /2
(as sin x < x)
³ ´2
A sin Aθc /2
= 2m Aθc /2
³ ´2
A sin Aθmax /2
> 2m Aθmax /2
sin x
where the last inequality follows from eq. (29) and the fact that x
is decreasing on
0 < x < π.
¡ ¢2
Next from eq. (26) we have A > 2m /r − 1 so 2Am > 1r − 21m . Introducing g(x) = sinx x
we have
1 1 1 r γ
prob(c) > ( − m )g(Aθmax /2) = (1 − m )g(Aθmax /2) > (30)
r 2 r 2 r
for a constant γ, noting that 2m > N 2 and r < N so r/2m << 1 for all large N .
To get a proper lower bound for γ is straightforward but a little messy. Here we will
just consider the case of very large N and ignore terms of order r/2m < 1/N . We have
Aθmax /2 = π2 (1+r/2m ) ≈ π/2 so g(π/2) = (2/π)2 and from eq. (30) we get prob(c) > γ/r
for γ ≈ 4/π 2 . ¤
According to this theorem, for each k = 0, . . . , r − 1 we will obtain the unique c-value
satisfying eq. (27) with probability at least γ/r. We will be especially interested in
those c’s for which the corresponding k is coprime to r and there are O(r/ log log r) of
these. Hence the total probability of obtaining such a “good” c-value is O(1/ log log r) >
O(1/ log log N ) and with O(log log N ) repetitions we will obtain such a good c-value with
any desired constant level of probability. To complete the determination of r and hence
the description of the quantum factoring algorithm, it remains to show that r can be
determined from a (“good”) c-value in time poly(log N ).

12.3 Getting r from a good c value

Suppose we have c satisfying eq. (27) i.e.

¯ ¯
¯ c k ¯
¯ − ¯< 1 . (31)
¯ 2m r ¯ 2m+1
Recall that r < N and 2m > N 2 so
¯ ¯
¯ c k ¯
¯ − ¯< 1 with r < N (32)
¯ 2m r ¯ 2N 2
COMSM0214 59

and c/2m is a known fraction. We claim that there is at most one fraction k 0 /r0 with a
denominator r0 less than N satisfying eq. (32). Hence for given c/2m , eq. (32) determines
k/r uniquely. To prove this claim suppose k 0 /r0 and k 00 /r00 both lie within 1/(2N 2 ) of
c/2m . Then ¯ 0 ¯
¯k 00 ¯ 0 00 0 00
¯ − ¯ = |k r − r k | ≥ 1 > 1
¯ r0 r00 ¯ r0 r00 r0 r00 N2
But k 0 /r0 and k 00 /r00 are both within 1/(2N 2 ) of c/2m so they must be within 1/N 2 of
each other, contradicting eq. (33). Hence there is at most one k/r with r < N satisfying
eq. (32).
This result is the reason why we chose 2m to be greater than N 2 : it guarantees that the
bound on RHS of eq. (32) is < 1/(2N 2 ) and then k/r is uniquely determined from c/2m .

Example 14 Suppose we wish to factor N = 39 and we have chosen a = 7 which is

coprime to N . Let r be the period of f (x) = 7x mod 39. We have N 2 = 1521 and
210 < N 2 < 211 = 2048 = 2m so m = 11. Suppose the measurement of QF T2m |peri
yields c = 853. According to our theory, this number has a “reasonable” probability to
be within half of a multiple k211 /r of 2m /r. If this is actually the case then our theory
guarantees that the fraction k/r is uniquely determined, as the unique fraction k/r with
denominator < 39 that is within 1/2m+1 = 1/212 of 853/2048. In this example we can
(with a calculator) check all fractions a/b with a < b < N = 39 to see which ones (if
any) satisfy ¯ ¯
¯a ¯
¯ − 853 ¯ < 1 . (34)
¯ b 2048 ¯ 212
There are O(N 2 ) such fractions to try. We find that there is only one viz. a/b = 5/12
that satisfies eq. (34):
¯ ¯
¯a 853 ¯ 1
¯ − ¯
¯ b 2048 ¯ = 0.000163 < 212 = 0.000244
This result is consistent with k = 5 and r = 12 and also with k = 10 and r = 24. But
our theory also guarantees that k is coprime to r with “reasonable” probability which in
this case sets r = 12. We can then verify that 712 is indeed congruent to 1 mod 39 and
7x for all x < 12 is not congruent to 1 so r = 12 is the correct period.

So far we have that k/r is uniquely determined by c/2m but how do we actually compute
k/r from c/2m ? In the above example we were able to try out all candidate fractions
k 0 /r0 with denominator less than N . But there are generally O(N 2 ) such fractions to try
so this method of seeking the unique one is not efficient, requiring at least O(N 2 ) steps,
which is exponential in n = log N !
To obtain an efficient (i.e. poly(n) time) method we invoke the elegant mathematical:
Theory of continued fractions
Any rational number s/t (with s < t) may be expressed as a so-called continued fraction:
s 1
= (35)
t a1 + a2 + 1 1
···+ a1
COMSM0214 60

where a1 , . . . , al are positive integers. To do this we begin by writing s/t = 1/(t/s). Since
s < t we have t/s = a1 + s1 /t1 with a1 ≥ 1 and s1 < t1 = s and so
s 1
= s1 .
t a1 + t1

Then repeating with s1 /t1 we get t1 /s1 = a2 + s2 /t2 , t2 = s1 and

s 1
= .
t a1 + a2 +1 s2

Continuing in this way we get a sequence of integers ak , sk and tk . Note that sk < tk and
tk+1 is always given by sk . Hence the sequence tk of denominators is strictly a decreasing
sequence of non-negative integers and hence the process must always terminate, after
some number l, of iterations giving the expression in eq. (35).
To avoid the cumbersome “fractions of fractions” notation in eq. (35) we will write
1 = [a1 , a2 , . . . , al ]. (36)
a1 + a2 + 1
···+ a1

For each k = 1, . . . , l we can truncate the fraction in (36) at the k th level to get a sequence
of rational numbers
p1 1 p2 1 a2
= [a1 ] = , = [a1 , a2 ] = 1 = , ···
q1 a1 q2 a1 + a2
a1 a2 + 1
pk pl s
= [a1 , . . . , ak ], ... = [a1 , . . . , al ] = .
qk ql t
pk /qk is called the k th convergent of the continued fraction of s/t.
Continued fractions enjoy the following tantalising properties.

Lemma 4 Let a1 , . . . , al be any positive numbers (not necessarily integers here). Set
p0 = 0, q0 = 1, p1 = 1 and q1 = a1 .
(a) Then [a1 , . . . , ak ] = pk /qk where

pk = ak pk−1 + pk−2 qk = ak qk−1 + qk−2 k ≥ 2. (37)

Note that if the ak ’s are integers then so are the pk ’s and qk ’s.
(b) qk pk−1 − pk qk−1 = (−1)k for k ≥ 1.
(c) If a1 , . . . , al are integers then gcd(pk , qk ) = 1 for k ≥ 1.

Proof outline (optional):

(a) By induction on k. For the base case k = 2 direct calculation gives [a1 , a2 ] =
a2 /(a1 a2 +1) and eq. (37) correctly gives p2 = a2 and q2 = a1 a2 +1. Thus suppose eq. (37)
holds for length k. For length k + 1 we have [a1 , . . . ak , ak+1 ] = [a1 , . . . , ak−1 , ak + 1/ak+1 ]
COMSM0214 61

where the RHS now has length k. Let p̃j /q̃j be the sequence of convergents of RHS. Then
p̃k /q̃k = [a1 , . . . ak , ak+1 ] = [a1 , . . . , ak−1 , ak +1/ak+1 ] and clearly p̃k−1 = pk−1 , p̃k−2 = pk−2
and similarly for the q’s. Hence using the recurrence relation eq. (37) at length k (twice)
we get:
p̃k (ak + 1/ak+1 )pk−1 + pk−2 pk + pk−1 /ak+1 ak+1 pk + pk−1
= = =
q̃k ak + 1/ak+1 )qk−1 + qk−2 qk + qk−1 /ak+1 ak+1 qk + qk−1
i.e. eq. (37) holds for k + 1.
(b) is proved by induction on k using the recurrence relations of (a) to express the (k, k−1)
expression in terms of the same expression with lower values of the subscripts.
(c) follows from (b): if a divides pk and qk exactly then by (b), a must divide ±1 i.e.
a = 1. ¤

Theorem 7 Consider the continued fraction s/t = [a1 , . . . , al ]. Let pk /qk = [a1 , . . . , ak ]
be the k th convergent for k = 1, . . . , l. If s and t (cancelled to lowest terms) are m bit
integers then the length l of the continued fraction is O(m) and this continued fraction
together with its convergents can be calculated in time O(m3 ).

Proof outline (optional):

We have ak ≥ 1 and pk , qk ≥ 1 so by the above recurrence relations, pk and qk must
be increasing sequences and pk = ak pk−1 + pk−2 ≥ 2pk−2 . Similarly qk ≥ 2qk−2 . Hence
pk and qk are each ≥ 2bk/2c so since pk and qk are coprime and increasing, we must get
s/t after at most l = O(m) iterations. The computation of each successive ak involves
the division of O(m) bit integers (and splitting off the integer parts). These arithmetic
operations can be performed in O(m2 ) time so we can compute all O(m) ak ’s in O(m3 )
time. Similarly using the recurrence relation we can compute all pk ’s and qk ’s in O(m3 )
time too. ¤

Theorem 8 Let 0 < x < 1 be a rational number and suppose that p/q is a rational
number such that ¯ ¯
¯ ¯
¯x − ¯ < 1 .
¯ q ¯ 2q 2
Then p/q is a convergent of the continued fraction of x.

Proof (optional):
Let p/q = [a1 , . . . , an ] be the CF expansion of p/q with convergents pj /qj , so pn /qn = p/q.
Introduce δ defined by
pn δ
x= + 2 (38)
qn 2qn
so |δ| < 1. We aim to show that the CF of x is an extension of the CF of p/q i.e. we
want to construct λ rational so that x = [a1 , . . . , an , λ]. In view of lemma 4(a) define λ
by x = (λpn + pn−1 )/(λqn + qn−1 ). Using eq. (38) to replace x we get
µ ¶
qn pn−1 − pn qn−1 qn−1
λ=2 − .
δ qn
COMSM0214 62

By lemma 4(b), qn pn−1 − pn qn−1 = (−1)n . We may assume that this is the same as the
sign of δ since if it is the opposite sign then from the start write p/q = [a1 , . . . , an − 1, 1]
so the value of n is increased by 1 and the sign is flipped. Thus without loss of generality
we can assume that (qn pn−1 − pn qn−1 )/δ is positive and so
2 qn−1
λ= − >2−1>1
δ qn
(as |δ| < 1 and qn−1 < qn ). Next let λ = b0 + λ0 where b0 is te integer part and 0 < λ0 < 1
and write λ0 = [b1 , . . . , bm ]. So x = [a1 , . . . , an , λ] = [a1 , . . . , an , b0 , b1 , . . . , bm ] i.e. p/q is
a convergent of the CF of x as required. (In the last argument we also used the easily
proven fact that the CF expansion of any number is unique, except for the above trick
of splitting 1 off from the last term i.e. if [a1 , . . . , an ] = [b1 , . . . , bm ] and an , bm 6= 1 then
m = n and ai = bi ). ¤
Remark: Theorem 8 actually remains true for irrational x too. For an irrational number the
continued fraction development does not terminate – we get an infinitely long continued fraction
and corresponding infinite sequence of rational convergents pk /qk k = 1, 2, . . .. This sequence
provides an efficient method of computing excellent rational approximations to an irrational
recalling that qk grows exponentially with k and (by theorem 8) it determines the accuracy of
the approximation.

Now let us return to our problem of getting r from the knowledge of c and 2m satisfying
eq. (32): ¯ ¯
¯ c k ¯¯ 1
¯ 2m − r ¯ < 2N 2 and r < N .
We know that there is (at most) a unique such fraction k/r and according to theorem 8
this fraction must be a convergent of the continued fraction of c/2m . Since 2m = O(N 2 )
we have that c and 2m are O(n) bit integers and the computation of all the convergents
can be performed in time O(n3 ). So we do this computation and finally check through
the list of O(n) convergents to find the unique one satisfying eq. (32), and read off r as
its denominator.

Example 15 (Continuation of example 14).

Suppose we have obtained c = 853 with 2m = 211 = 2048. We develop 853/2048 as a
continued fraction:
853 2048 342 853 169
= 1/(2048/853); =2+ ; =2+ ;
2048 853 853 243 342
342 4 169 1 4
=2+ ; = 42 + ; =4+0
169 169 4 4 1
= [2, 2, 2, 42, 4].
The convergents are
1 2 5 212 852
[2] = ; [2, 2] = ; [2, 2, 2] = ; [2, 2, 2, 42] = ; [2, 2, 2, 42, 4] = .
2 5 12 509 2048
Checking these five fractions we find only 5/12 as being within 1/212 of 853/2048 and
having denominator < 39.
COMSM0214 63

12.4 Assessing the complexity of the quantum factoring algo-


Let us now consider all the parts of the quantum factoring algorithm and assess the time
complexity of the whole process. Recall that the best known classical algorithm to factor
N with n = log N digits runs in a time that’s exponential in n1/3 .
Consider the case where N is neither even nor a prime power and a < N chosen at
random is coprime to N . In this case we must proceed to use the quantum part of the
overall algorithm summarised at the end of section 12.1 i.e. the quantum part (iv), in
addition to some further classical computational steps as well.
We first need to compute the function f (k) = ak mod N (in superposition) over a domain
0 ≤ k < 2m where 2m = O(N 2 ) so m = O(n). To compute ak we use repeated squaring
of a blog kc times. Once the exponent is close to k we do a few more multiplications
to reach k itself. This requires O(log k) = O(m) = O(n) multiplications of integers
mod N . Each such multiplication can be performed in O(n2 ) time (by the standard
“long multiplication” algorithm) so the computation of f (k) for any 0 ≤ k < 2m can
be performed in O(n3 ) steps. To compute the uniform superposition of all inputs for
thisPcomputation we need m = O(n) initial Hadamard operations. Thus the state |f i =
|ki |f (k)i can be computed in O(n3 ) steps.
Remark: There exist algorithms for integer multiplication that are faster than O(n2 ) time,
running in time O(n log n log log n) so the above O(n3 ) can be improved to O(n2 log n log log n).

Next we perform measurements on the output register of O(n) qubits i.e. O(n) single
qubit measurements. Then we apply QFT mod 2m to obtain the state QFT|peri. We
have seen in section 11.3 that QFT mod 2m may be implemented in O(m2 ) = O(n2 )
Remark: There is a further subtle issue here. To implement QFT mod 2m we will need
controlled Rd gates (cf eq. (23)) with smaller and smaller phases eiπ/2 for d = O(m), which
potentially involves an implementational cost that grows with m. However it can be shown
that we can neglect these gates for very small phases, giving an inexact but still suitably good
approximation to QFT for the factoring algorithm to work, and still have implementational
cost O(n2 ).

Next we measure the state QFT|peri (O(n) single qubit measurements again) to obtain
the value that we called c in section 12.3. Thus to get such a value the number of steps
is O(n2 log n log log n) + O(n) + O(n2 ) + O(n) = O(n2 log n log log n). To get the period
r we need c to be a “good” c value i.e. c/2m is close to a multiple k/r of 1/r where k is
coprime to r. To achieve this with a constant level of probability, O(log log N ) = O(log n)
repetitions of the above process suffice i.e. O(n2 (log n)2 log log n) steps in all.
Remark: Actually it may be shown that a constant number of repetitions suffices here (instead
of O(log n)) to determine r. Suppose that in two repetitions we obtain k1 /r and k2 /r with
neither k1 nor k2 coprime to r. Then we will determine r1 and r2 which are the denominators
of k1 /r and k2 /r cancelled to lowest terms i.e. r1 and r2 will be randomly chosen factors of
COMSM0214 64

r. Then, according to a further theorem of number theory, if we compute the least common
multiple r̃ of r1 and r2 we will have r̃ = r with probability at least 1/4.

To get r from c we use the (classical) continued fractions algorithm which required O(n3 )
steps. Finally to obtain our factor of N we (classically) compute t = gcd(ar/2+1 , N ) using
Euclid’s algorithm which requires O(n3 ) steps for n digit integers. If r was odd or r is
even but t = 1 then we go back to the start. But we saw that the good case “r is even
and t 6= 1” will occur with any fixed constant level of probability 1 − ² after a constant
number O(log 1/²) of such repetitions.
Hence the time complexity of the entire algorithm is O(n3 ) (or actually slightly better
with optimized algorithms and a more careful complicated analysis). It is amusing to
note that the “bottlenecks” of the algorithms performance i.e. the sections requiring the
highest degree polynomial running times, are actually the classical processing sections
and not the novel quantum parts!

13 Quantum algorithms for search problems

Searching is a fundamentally important computational task; most important computa-

tional problems can be thought of as searching tasks. For example consider the class NP
which we intuitively think of as problems that are “hard to solve” (i.e. no poly time
algorithm known) but if a solution (or certificate of a solution) is given then its correct-
ness can be “easily verified” (i.e. in poly time). Typically we are faced with a search
over an exponentially large space of candidates seeking a “good” candidate. Given any
candidate it is easy to check if it is good or not.
In this section we will consider the following problem. Suppose we are given a large
database with N items and we wish to locate a particular item. We assume that the
database is entirely unstructured or unsorted but given any item we can easily check
whether or not it is the one we seek. Our algorithm should locate the item with some
constant level of probability (half say) independent of the size N . Each access to the
database is called a query and we normally regard it as one computational step.
For classical computation we may argue that O(N ) queries will be necessary and suffi-
cient: the good item has completely unknown location; if we examine an item and find it
bad, we gain no further information about the location of the good item (beyond the fact
that it is not the current one). Hence if we examine m items the probability of seeing
the good one is p = m/N so we must have m = O(N ) to have p constant.

For quantum computation we will see that O( N ) queries are sufficient (and necessary)
to locate the good item i.e. we get a quadratic speedup over classical search. This
speedup does not cross the polynomial vs. exponential divide (as we did in the case of
the factoring algorithm) but it is still viewed as significant in situations where exhaustive
search is the best known classical algorithm. At first sight we might have naively expected
an exponential quantum speedup here: suppose N = 2n and recall that a quantum
algorithm can easily access 2n items in superposition (by use of only n = log N Hadamard
COMSM0214 65

operations) so we can look up the “goodness” of all items in superposition, with just
one query! We may then hope that we could manipulate the resulting quantum state
to efficiently reveal the good item. But the above-quoted result shows that this hope
cannot be realised. Intuitively the good item occurs with only an exponentially small
amplitude in the total superposition. If the item were re-located at another place then
the corresponding quantum state would differ only by an exponentially small amount in
the space of quantum states and it will thus be very difficult to reliably distinguish by
any physical process.
Above we have initiated a consideration of unstructured search. But databases are often
structured in a way that can facilitate the search. As an example suppose our N items are
labelled by the numbers from 1 to N and we seek the one labelled k. Unstructured search
(requiring O(N ) queries) corresponds to the database containing the numbers in some
unknown random order. But if the items are structured by being presented in numerical
order, then we can locate k with only O(log N ) queries (in fact exactly 1 × log N queries)
using a binary search procedure: each query of a middle item eliminates an entire half
of the remaining database. This kind of structured search is common in practice e.g.
the lexicographic ordering of names in a large phone book facilitating search for a given
person’s number. But suppose we were given a person’s number and asked to determine
their name. Then we would be faced with an essentially unstructured search requiring a
lot more time!
In the following we will consider quantum algorithms for only unstructured search, √ in
particular Grover’s quantum searching algorithm which achieves this search in O( N )
queries. The issue of understanding which kinds of structure in a database can provide a
good benefit for quantum versus classical computation is still largely open and a topic of
current research. (One interesting known result is that in the case of a linearly ordered
database (such as the phone book above) any quantum algorithm still requires O(log N )
queries but the actual number of queries now is k log N with k strictly less than 1).
As a preliminary to our discussion of Grover’s algorithm we introduce some further
features of the Dirac bra-ket notation.

13.1 Reflections and projections in Dirac ket notation

For clarity we will present the discussion here with 2 dimensional (qubit) states although
all the issues generalise readily to any dimension d.
Recall that a ket |ψi is represented in components as a column vector and the corre-
sponding bra hψ| is just a notation for the conjugate transpose (a row vector):
µ ¶†
a0 ¡ ¢
= a∗0 a∗1 .

Here we use the dagger symbol to denote conjugate transpose of any matrix and the star
COMSM0214 66

symbol (rather than the previously used overline) to denote complex conjugation. If
µ ¶ µ ¶
a0 b0
|αi = |βi =
a1 b1

are any kets then hα|βi is the inner product obtained by matrix multiplication
µ ¶
¡ ∗ ∗ ¢ b0
hα|βi = a0 a1 = a∗0 b0 + a∗1 b1 .

Thus we can view hα| as a mapping from states to complex numbers, mapping any |ψi
to hα|ψi. Consider now the construction
µ ¶ µ ¶
a0 ¡ ∗ ∗ ¢ a0 a∗0 a0 a∗1
P|αi = |αi hα| = a0 a1 = .
a1 a1 a∗0 a1 a∗1

This is a 2-by-2 matrix i.e. an operation mapping kets to kets. In Dirac notation we have
P|αi |βi = |αi hα|βi i.e. P|αi |βi is always proportional to |αi with multiplicative constant
given by the inner product hα|βi. More cumbersomely, in terms of components we have
µ ¶µ ¶ µ ∗ ¶
a0 a∗0 a0 a∗1 b0 (a0 b0 + a∗1 b1 )a0
= ... =
a1 a∗0 a1 a∗1 b1 (a∗0 b0 + a∗1 b1 )a1

as expected.
¯ ® ­ ®
Now let ¯α⊥¯ be® any chosen normalised vector that’s orthogonal to |αi i.e. α⊥ |α = 0.
Then {|αi , ¯α⊥ } is an orthonormal basis of the two dimensional space so any ket |βi
can be uniquely written as components parallel and perpendicular to |αi:
¯ ®
|βi = x |αi + y ¯α⊥ (39)

for some x and y with |x|2 + |y|2 = 1. Then

­ ®
P|αi |βi = x |αi hα|αi + y |αi α|α⊥ = x |αi

i.e. geometrically P|αi is the operator of projection parallel to |αi.

Next consider
I|αi = I − 2 |αi hα| = I − 2P|αi
(where I is the identity operator). Referring to eq. (39) we have
¯ ®
I|αi |βi = (I − 2P|αi¯)(x®|αi + y ¯α⊥ )
= x |αi + y ¯α¯⊥ − ® 2x |αi
= −x |αi + y α . ⊥

Hence I|αi simply reverses the sign of the component of |βi that’s parallel to |αi ¯ ⊥so®
geometrically we interpret I|αi as a reflection operator, reflecting in the mirror line ¯α
perpendicular to |αi. Pictorially we have:
COMSM0214 67


P|αi |βi 6 ©
© ©©
© © - ¯¯ ⊥ ®
HH α
I|αi |βi

Note that these operations act in a space of complex vectors. But in the special case
that all components are real numbers, they are exactly projections and reflections in real
2-dimensional Euclidean geometry.
µ ¶
s t
Let U = be a unitary operation. Note that the dagger operation (of conjugate
u v
transposition) reverses the order of any matrix multiplication:

(AB)† = B † A† for any matrices A and B.

Hence if |ψi = U |αi then hψ| = (U |αi)† = |αi† U † = hα| U † . In components we have
·µ ¶µ ¶¸† µ ¶
s t a0 ¡ ¢ s∗ u∗
hψ| = = a∗0 a∗1 .
u v a1 t∗ v ∗

Thus in Dirac notation if |ψi = U |αi then

P|ψi = |ψi hψ| = U |αi hα| U † = U P|αi U † (40)

i.e. we have PU |αi = U P|αi U † . Similarly we have IU |αi = U I|αi U † .

13.2 Grover’s Quantum Searching Algorithm

We consider the fundamental problem of unstructured search for a unique item: given
a search space of size N in which a single (random) entry has been marked, our task is
to locate it. More precisely we wish to devise a procedure that will locate it with some
constant level of probability (say 12 ), independent of the size N of the database. We have
argued in the introduction that any classical method will need O(N ) queries to solve
this problem. We now describe a quantum algorithm,
√ originally due to Lov Grover in
1996 which solves the problem with only O( N ) queries. In the quantum context we
COMSM0214 68

allow the simultaneous querying of many elements of the search space in superposition,
which counts as one query. We will give a simple geometrical interpretation of Grover’s
algorithm which clarifies its workings.
It will be convenient to take the size N of our search space to be a power of 2 viz. N = 2n .
Thus we can label the entries by bit strings (i.e. strings of 0’s and 1’s) of length n. Let
B = {0, 1} and let B n denote the set of all 2n n-bit strings. Our search problem may
then be phrased in terms of a black box promise problem as follows. We will replace the
database by a black box which computes an n bit function f : B n → B. It is promised
that f (x) = 0 for all n bit strings except exactly one string, denoted x0 (the “marked”
position that we seek) for which f (x0 ) = 1. Our problem is to determine x0 . As usual
we assume that f is given as a unitary transformation Uf on n + 1 qubits defined by

Uf |xi |yi = |xi |y ⊕ f (x)i (41)

Here the input register |xi consists of n qubits as x ranges over all n bit strings and the
output register |yi consists of a single qubit with y = 0 or 1. The symbol ⊕ denotes
addition modulo 2. Pictorially we have

|xi - - |xi
|yi - - |y ⊕ f (x)i

The assumption that the database is unstructured is formalised here as the standard
oracle idealisation that we have no access to the internal workings of Uf – it operates
as a “black box” on the input and output registers, telling us only if the queried item is
good or not.
Instead of using Uf we will generally use a closely related operation denoted Ix0 on n
qubits. It is defined by ½
|xi if x 6= x0
Ix0 |xi = (42)
− |x0 i if x = x0
i.e. Ix0 simply inverts the amplitude of the |x0 i component. If x0 is the n bit string
00 . . . 0 then Ix0 will be written simply as I0 .
A black box which performs Ix0 may be simply constructed from Uf by just setting the
output register to √12 (|0i − |1i). Then the action of Uf leaves the output register in this
state and effects Ix0 on the input register. Pictorially
COMSM0214 69

|ψi - - Ix0 |ψi

√1 (|0i − |1i) - - √1 (|0i − |1i)
2 2

Our searching problem becomes the following: we are given a black box which computes
Ix0 for some n bit string x0 and we want to determine the value of x0 using the least
number of queries to the box.
We will work in a space of n qubits with a standard basis {|xi} labelled by n-bit strings
x. Let Bn denote the space of all n-qubit states. Let Hn = H ⊗ . . . ⊗ H acting on Bn
denote the application of H to each of the n qubits separately.
Grover’s quantum searching algorithm operates as follows. Having no initial information
about x0 we begin with the state
1 X
|ψ0 i = Hn |0 . . . 0i = √ |xi (43)
2n x

which is an equal superposition of all possible x0 values. Consider the compound operator
Q defined by
Q = −Hn I0 Hn Ix0 . (44)
Note that all amplitudes in |ψ0 i and all matrix elements of Q are real numbers so to
analyse Q we will be justified in using literally the geometrical interpretations of the
operators described in section 13.1 (i.e. in terms of real Euclidean geometry).
In the next section we will explain the structure of Q and show that it has a simple
geometrical interpretation:

(Q1): In the plane P(x0 ) spanned by (the initially unknown) |x0 i and |ψ0 i, Q is rotation
through angle 2α where sin α = √1N .

(Q2): In the subspace orthogonal to P(x0 ), Q = −I where I is the identity operation.

Thus by repeatedly applying Q to the starting state |ψ0 i in P(x0 ) we may rotate it
around near to |x0 i and then determine x0 with high probability by a measurement in the
standard basis. For large N , |x0 i and |ψ0 i are almost orthogonal and 2α ≈ 2 sin α = √2N .

Thus about π4 N iterations will be needed. Each application of Q uses one evaluation

of Ix0 and hence of Uf so O( N ) evaluations are required, representing a square root
speedup over the O(N ) evaluations needed for a classical unstructured search. More
precisely we have hx0 |ψ0 i = √1N so the number of iterations needed is the integer nearest
to (arccos √1N )/(2 arcsin √1N ) (which is independent of x0 ).
COMSM0214 70

A simple striking example is the case of N = 4 in which sin α = 12 and Q is a rotation

through π/3. The initial state is |ψ0 i = 21 (|0i + |1i + |2i + |3i) and for any marked x0
the angle between |x0 i and |ψ0 i is precisely π/3 too. Hence after one application of Q
i.e. just one query, we will learn the position of any single marked item in a set of four
with certainty!

13.3 The Iteration Operator Q – Reflections and Rotations

To explain the structure of Q we begin with some elementary properties of reflections.

For any state |ψi in Bn consider the operator
I|ψi = I − 2 |ψi hψ| (45)
where I is the identity operator in Bn . Let H⊥ (|ψi) denote the hyperplane (i.e. the
(N − 1) dimensional subspace) of all states orthogonal to |ψi. Then any state |ξi may
be uniquely decomposed into components parallel and perpendicular to |ψi:
|ξi = a |ψi + b |ξ 0 i (46)
where |ξ 0 i is in H⊥ (|ψi) and we get directly
I|ψi |ξi = −a |ψi + b |ξ 0 i . (47)
Thus I|ψi simply inverts the parallel component i.e. it can be thought of geometrically
as the operation of reflection in the hyperplane orthogonal to |ψi. We have the following
simple properties of I|ψi .

Lemma 5 If |ξi is any state then I|ψi preserves the 2-dimensional subspace S spanned
by |ξi and |ψi.

³ ¢̧
6 ¢
¡ ¢ ¡¡
¡ ¢ ¡
¡ ³
¢ ³³ ¡
¡ ³ ¡

¡ H⊥ (|ψi)
¡ ¡
¡ ¡


Proof of lemma 5: Eq. (45) shows that I|ψi takes |ψi to − |ψi and for any |ξi, it adds
a multiple of |ψi to |ξi. Hence any linear combination is mapped to a linear combination
of the same two states. ¤
COMSM0214 71

Lemma 6 For any unitary operator U

U I|ψi U † = IU |ψi

Proof: This is immediate from eq. (45):

U I|ψi U † = I − 2U |ψi hψ| U † = I − 2 |U ψi hU ψ| = IU |ψi

where we have used that U IU † = U U † = I as U is unitary. ¤

Looking back at eq. (44) and noting that H = H † we see that

Q = −IHn |0i I|x0 i (48)

By lemma 1, both Ix0 and IHn |0i preserve the two dimensional subspace P(x0 ) spanned by
|x0 i and Hn |0i . Hence by eq. (48), Q preserves P(x0 ) too. Since all matrix elements are
real numbers we may restrict attention the real (rather than the complex) two dimensional
subspace P(x0 ).
We are now in a position to finally identify geometrically what Q actually does. For any
vector v ∈ IR2 let Iv denote the operation of reflection in the line perpendicular to v
through the origin in R2 .

Lemma 7 Let M 1 and M 2 be two mirror lines in the Euclidean plane IR2 intersecting
at a point O and let θ be the angle in the plane from M 1 to M 2 (cf figure below). Then
the operation of reflection in M 1 followed by reflection in M 2 is just rotation by angle
2θ about the point O.

¡ M1
¡ ³ ³³
¡ ³ ³³
¡θ ³³³
¡³ ³
³ •³³
³³ ¡ O
³³ ¡

Proof of lemma 7: This is immediate, for example, from standard matrix expressions
for rotations and reflections in R2 . ¤
Using lemma 7 we see that the action of IHn |0i I|x0 i = −Q in P(x0 ) is a rotation through
2β where cos β = hx0 | Hn |0i = √1N . For large N , β ≈ π/2 and we have a rotation of
COMSM0214 72

almost π. It would be possible to use this large rotation as the basis of the quantum
searching algorithm but we prefer a smaller incremental motion. We could use the op-
erator (IHn |0i I|x0 i )2 but there is another solution, explaining the occurrence of the minus
sign in the definition of Q:

Lemma 8 For any 2 dimensional real v we have

−Iv = Iv⊥

where v ⊥ is a unit vector perpendicular to v.

Proof: For any vector u we write u = av + bv ⊥ . Then Iv just reverses the sign of a and
−Iv reverses the sign of b. Thus the action of −Iv is the same as that of Iv⊥ . ¤
Hence Q = −IHn |0i I|x0 i acting in P(x0 ) is a rotation through 2α where α is the angle
between |x0 i and a perpendicular state to Hn |0i i.e. sin α = hx0 | Hn |0i = √1N as claimed
in (Q1). To see the effect of Q on states orthogonal to P(x0 ) suppose that |ξi ∈ Bn is
orthogonal to both Hn |0i and |x0 i. Then from the definitions of I|x0 i and IHn |0i in eq.
(45) we see that I|x0 i |ξi = IHn |0i |ξi = |ξi so Q = −I in the orthogonal complement to
P(x0 ), as claimed in (Q2).
Thus even though x0 is unknown (but we are given a black box for Ix0 ) we can construct
a rotation operator Q in the plane spanned by the fixed starting state |ψ0 i and the
unknown |x0 i. Furthermore the angle between the starting state and |x0 i is independent
of the value of x0 (as the starting state is an equal superposition of all possible x0 values)
so the number of iterations is independent of x0 too.

13.4 Some further features of Grover’s algorithm


Grover’s algorithm achieves unstructured search for a unique good item with π4 N
queries. Is it possible to invent an even more ingenious quantum algorithm that uses
fewer queries? Alas the answer is no:

Theorem 9 Any quantum algorithm that achieves the search for a unique good item in
an unstructured
√ database of size N (with a constant level of probability, say half ) must
use O( N ) queries.

More precisely
√ the order constant can be estimated to give a requirement of at least
(1 − ²) N queries for any ² > 0 so Grover’s algorithm is optimal in a tight sense. We
will not go through the proof of this result here. One possible argument may be found
in Preskill’s notes section 6.5.
Searching with multiple good items
COMSM0214 73

Suppose our search space contains r ≥ 1 good items and we wish to find any one such
item. Consider first the case that r is known. In this case we’ll see that our previous
algorithm still works; we just need to modify the number of iterations in a way that
depends on r.
Let the good items be denoted x1 , . . . , xr so now f (xi ) = 1 for i = 1, . . . , r and f (x) = 0
for all other x’s. Using the same construction that gave Ix0 from Uf in the case of a
single good item, we obtain the operator IG (where G stands for “good”) with action:
|xi if x 6= x1 , . . . , xr
IG |xi =
− |xi if x = x1 , . . . , xr

and the iteration operator (cf eq. (44)) is

QG = −Hn I0 Hn IG = −I|ψ0 i IG .

Let r
1 X
|ψG i = √ |xi i
r i=1
be the equal superposition of all good items. We can separate out the good and bad
parts of the full equal superposition |ψ0 i writing:
√ √
1 X r N −r
|ψ0 i = √ |xi = √ |ψG i + √ |ψB i (49)
all x
where |ψB i = √N1−r bad x |xi is the equal superposition of all bad items and |ψG i and
|ψB i are orthogonal states.

Theorem 10 Let PG be the plane spanned by |ψ0 i and |ψG i. Then the action of QG
preserves this plane and within PG this action is rotation through angle 2α where
sin α = hψ0 |ψG i = .

Proof: Clearly I|ψ0 i preserves PG since acting on any |ψi it just subtracts a multiple of
|ψ0 i. For IG we note that by eq. (49), PG can also be characterised as the plane spanned
by the orthogonal states |ψG i and |ψB i. Now IG |ψG i = − |ψG i and IG |ψB i = |ψB i so
for any state |ψi = a |ψG i + b |ψB i in PG the action of IG is to subtract a multiple of
|ψG i i.e. the result lies in the plane too. This also shows that within PG , IG coincides
with the operation I|ψG i (cf eq. (45)) and QG = −I|ψ0 i I|ψG i = I|ψ⊥ i I|ψG i . Hence exactly
0 ¯ ®
as before, Q is a rotation through angle 2α where α is the angle between ¯ψ0⊥ and |ψG i
i.e. sin α = hψ0 |ψG i = r/N . ¤
Now suppose that we start with |ψ0 i and p
repeatedly apply QG . The angle between |ψ0 i
= hψ0 |ψG i = r/N . Each application
and |ψG i is β where cos β p p of QG is a rotation
through 2α where sin α = r/N so we need β/(2α) = (arccos r/N )/(2 arcsin r/N )
COMSM0214 74

iterations to move |ψ0 i very close to |ψ

pG i. If r << N then
p |ψ0 i and |ψG i are almost
orthogonal (β ≈ π/2) and α ≈ sin α = r/N so we need π4 N/r iterations.
We can also adapt the algorithm to work in the case that r is unknown. The apparent
difficulty is the following: if we start with |ψ0 i and repeatedly apply the operator Q (in
either case r = 1 or r > 1) we just rotate the state round and round in the plane of |ψ0 i
and |ψG i. The trick is to know when to stop i.e. when the state lines up closely with
|ψG i in this plane. But if r is unknown then the rotation angle 2α of Q is unknown!
To illustrate the way around this problem we’ll consider only the case where the unknown
r is very small r << N . (General r values can be addressed by a more complicated
√ along similar lines). We choose a number K randomly in the range 0 < K <
N , apply K iterations of Q, measure the final state and test if the result is good or
4 p
not. For r << N each iteration is a rotation√ through√small angle 2α ≈ 2 r/N i.e. we
have chosen a random
√ angle in the range 0 to r 2 of r quadrants. Equivalently we can
choose one of the r quadrants at random and then a random angle in it. Now think of
|ψ0 i as the x-axis direction and |ψG i as the y axis direction (recalling that these states
are almost orthogonal for r << N ). If the final rotation angle is within ±45◦ of the y
axis then the final state |ψi has | hψ|ψG i |2 ≥ cos2 45◦ = 1/2 i.e. we have probability
at least half of seeing a good item in our final measurement. Now for every quadrant,
half√the angles are within ±45◦ of the y axis so our randomised procedure above, using
O( N ) queries, will locate a good item with probability at least 1/4. Repeating√the
whole procedure a constant number of times, say M = 10 times, thus still using O( N )
queries, we will fail to locate a good item only with tiny probability (3/4)M = (3/4)10 .
This case of unknown r is directly relevant to the consideration of computational tasks
in NP, where rather than locating a good item we want instead to know whether a good
item exists or not. Consider for example the task SAT: given a Boolean function f , does
it have a satisfying assignment or not? f will generally have some unknown number r ≥ 0
of satisfying assignments. We run the above randomised version of Grover’s algorithm,
say 10 times, checking each output x to see if f (x) = 1 or not. If they all fail we conclude
that f is not satisfiable, which will be correct with high probability 1 − (3/4)10 . In this
way Grover’s algorithm can be applied to any NP problem to provide a quadratic speedup
over classical exhaustive search.

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