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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade –IV

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. Learn to identify the passage

b. Appreciate the importance of passage

c. Use the words in a correct sentence

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Passage

Reference: English language

Materials: projector, Manila paper and Pentel pen

Values Focus: Sharing

III. Procedure

A. Review
Ask the Learners on the previous lesson about “the sentence structure”
What have they observed in the sentence?
Ask the learners if they have difficulties on making a sentence.

B. Motivation
Let’s play a game “pick a rolling paper”
Introduce the game to the learners, give example on how to do it.
Let the learner observed and read the word and let then make each word into
a sentence.

C. Activities
Group the class into pairs.
Each pair will follow the written instructions.
The teacher will check the work of each pairs.

D. Abstraction
Proceed to the next lesson which is the “passage”
Ask the learners about their ideas on what is a passage all about,
And the body of passage.
Introduce the common things to do during “Foundation Day”
Discuss on how to use each words In a correct sentence in the Passage
Give an example on how to make a passage.

E. Application
What have you observed in the Passage?
In your life, what are the Filipino you have commonly used in your every living?

IV. Evaluation

The learners will make an example of a sentence using this words.

a. Foundation Day d. Practice

b. Start e. Filipino
c. Render f. Culture

V. Assignment

Direction: Write down your thoughts why do we need to celebrate Foundation


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