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As we have physical science to create external wellbeing, there is a

whole inner dimension of science to create inner wellbeing. I call it

Inner Engineering.”
~~ Sadhguru
Inner Engineering is an opportunity to engineer an inner transformation that deepens your
perception, bringing about a dimensional shift in the very way you look at your life, your
work, and the world that you inhabit. It is offered as an intensive program for personal growth
and establishes the possibility of exploring the higher dimensions of life, in addition to
optimizing health and success.

Inner Engineering is a technology for wellbeing derived from the ancient science of yoga. For
those seeking professional and personal excellence, this program offers keys for meaningful
and fulfilling relationships at work, at home, in the community, and most importantly, within
yourself. By fostering an understanding of your interiority, this program empowers you to
handle the hectic pace of modern life with ease, experience life to the fullest and fulfill your
potential – a potential modern physicists and psychologists say is almost unlimited.
This program includes the Shambavi Mahamudra Kriya, a 21-minute yoga practice of
immeasurable transformative power and antiquity that Sadhguru has brought to the modern
world. Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya brings your entire system into alignment so that your
body, mind, emotions and energies function in harmony. It is now practiced by millions

Shambhavi Mahamudhra

Regular practice of the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya has enabled people to either
completely come off, or at least considerably reduce, medication for a range of ailments
including asthma, hypertension, depression and diabetes. Studies have also shown that
regular practice benefits cardiac health, improves sleep quality and leads to increased
coherence between right and left brain, resulting in enhanced mental capacities.

Please note that, since the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya cannot be learned online, it is not
included in the Inner Engineering Online program. Instead, for those who have completed
Inner Engineering Online, the kriya is offered as a separate one- or two-day program called
the Shambhavi Mahamudra Program.


• Maintain high energy and alertness throughout the day

• Eliminate stress, fear and anxiety
• Improve communication and inter-personal relationships
• Enhance mental clarity, emotional balance & productivity
Find relief from chronic ailments such as: allergies, insomnia, hypertension, obesity,
diabetes, back pain, asthma, migraine, depression, menstrual issues, thyroid problems,
gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
• Achieve inner peace, joy and fulfillment

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