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NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: __________

CLASS: ______________________________________________ SCORE: ________
(Time: 50 minutes)
A Fill in: help, extended, starved, shopping mall, sweep, fly, define, tie, hunted, worry.

1 There are a lot of _______________ to do 6 A(n) __________ family includes parents,

your shopping. Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
2 Some people believe that the way you dress 7 They had nothing to eat. They _______
__________ your personality. to death.
3 Don’t look so ____________. 8 He showed me how to ________ knots.
4 Did you _________ with household chores
When you were young? 9 I used to __________ up every Sunday.
5 Ancient Egyptians _______ for food using 10 They _______ to Paris in private plane.

Marks: _____
10x2 20

B Choose the correct answer.

1 My grandparents ___ to China from Germany 6 Ryan ___ fishing with his granddad
60 years ago. Very often when he was little.
A come B came A used to go B goes
2 the bad weather ruined the___ fun because 7 These jeans ___ you; they’re too
They couldn’t do any outdoor activities. small
A campers’ B camper’s A didn’t fit B don’t fit
3 Katie ___ camping last weekend. 8 I really like that ___ dress.
A use to go B went A ladies’ B lady’s
4 I’d like ___ rice with my fish, please. 9 ___ you ask George to come to the
A any B some movies with us tomorrow?
5 He ___ travel much when he was younger. A Do B Did
A didn’t use B doesn’t use 10 There’s ___ wood to start a fire,
We need more.
A not enough B to much
Marks: ____
10x2 20
Everyday English
C Choose the correct response.
1 A: Hi Jerry. Will you come hiking with us 4 A: Take a look to this shirt. Should I
this weekend? Buy it?
B: a I’m afraid I can’t. B: a It really suits you.
b It certainly is. b I feel fine.
2 A: Two tickets to Chicago, please. 5 A: what do you think about wrestling?
B: a Is it new? B: a I think is terrible.
b I’d love to. b I’m happy.
3 A: I’m going to the movies. Do you want
to come?
B: a sure.
b oh dear.

Marks: _____
5x2 10
D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (False)

Clothes and jewelry, you can never throw out

I wouldn’t describe myself as fashion-obsessed and I don’t usually spend a great deal of money
on clothes. However, I do love a bargain and I’m terrible at throwing away old clothes. Some people
cannot understand this. If it’s old, ripped, frayed, stained or too small, why would you want to keep
it? Well, the answer is simple. Clothes are memories and, just like memories, they can be precious.

My favorite jacket is a black and white wool jacket with a funky print. There are several holes in it,
bits of wool hanging off it and even a big hole in the pocket when I accidentally set it on fire ...
Oops. I really should throw it away but I can’t bring myself to do it. It reminds me of one of my
favorite travels. I bought it in a market on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. The first time I wore it I was
on a trip to an amazing water and light show in a park on that same day. My friend and I had so
much fun and I’ve made many memories wearing that jacket since.

It’s the same with jewelry too. My friend made me a beautiful necklace with a piece of glass from
one of the beaches on the island where I grew up. She gave it to me so I would always have a
piece of home with me. It’s one of the loveliest gifts I’ve ever received and I haven’t taken it off
since she gave it to me. It’s probable that one day it will break somehow, but I could never throw it

1. I don’t waste to much in clothes. _____

2. I bought my jacket in Miami. _____

3. I hate the gift my friend gave me. _____

4. I don’t throw old clothes. _____

5. I prefer cars instead of clothes _____

5x3 15
E Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
childhood friend brother best friend next-door neighbor boyfriend

1. Speaker A is talking about her _______________.

2. Speaker B is talking about his _______________.
3. Speaker C is talking about her _______________.
4. Speaker D is talking about his _______________.
5. Speaker E is talking about her _______________.

5x3 15
F Write about your life in the past. Write a passage and include: place you lived in,
where did you study, free time activites. (90 words)
● Use (Capital letters, punctuation marks, verbs in past tense) 1 point
● The information underlined 1 point
● Length of the letter. 90 words or more (correct spelling) 1 point
● Coherence and Cohesion (The message must have sense) 1 point
● Word order, conjugation, grammar. 1 point

Marks: _______

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