مذكرة الترم التانى للصف الثالث الاعدادى

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‫أو ل‬

‫ًاكلمات تساعد على حفظ المواقف‬:‫ل‬

say ‫يقول‬ friend ‫صديق‬
meet ‫يقابل‬ person ‫شخص‬
greet ‫يحيى‬ relative ‫قريب‬
first time ‫اول مرة‬ someone ‫شخص ما‬
leave ‫يغادر‬ somebody ‫شخص ما‬
ask ‫يسأل‬ something ‫شىء ما‬
tell ‫يخبر‬ invite ‫يدعو‬
use ‫يستخدم‬ think ‫يعتقد‬
agree ‫يوافق‬ advise ‫ينصح‬
disagree ‫ل يوافق‬ surprise ‫يفاجأ‬
accept ‫يقبل‬ worry ‫يقلق‬
refuse ‫يرفض‬ lend ‫يسلف‬
suggest ‫يقترح‬ borrow ‫يستعير‬
congratulate ‫يهنىء‬ offer ‫يعرض‬
sympathy ‫يتعاطف‬ reply ‫يرد‬
sorry ‫يأسف‬ positively ( ‫ايجابى )موافق‬
feel ‫يشعر‬ negatively ( ‫سلبى )رافض‬
want ‫يريد‬ mind ‫يمانع‬
apology ‫يعتذر‬ keen ‫يهتم‬

1-Write what you would say in each of the

following situations:
1-Father said," Brush your teeth", report this to your sister
Father asked you to brush your teeth
2-You meet your friend in the morning.
Good morning
3-When you go to bed.
Good night
4-You meet someone for the fist time (your new teacher)
How do you do?‫اهل‬
5-You leave your friend after school.
Good bye – See you
6-You want to use your Friend’s bike.
May I use your bike, please? 1
7-It's too hot, you ask your brother to open the window
Could you open the window, please?
8-Someone wants to use your dictionary and you agree.
Yes of course / Here you are
9- Your friend wants to take your pencil but you need it.
I’m sorry, I’m using it now
10-You suggest to go to the zoo.
Let’s go to the Zoo.
11-Someone suggests going out and you like the idea.
Good idea
12- your friend suggests going out but you don’t agree.
I’m not very keen.
13-Your friend passed the exam.
14-Someone congratulates you.
Thank you
15-Your friend has a car accident.
I’m sorry to hear this bad news
16- you broke your friend’s watch.
I’m sorry I’ll buy you another one
17-Someone broke your pencil but you are not angry.
Never mind – Don't worry
18-Someone cut your bag and you are very angry
Oh no, It was new
19-You invite your friend to your birthday party.
I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
20-You accept your friend’s invitation.
I’d love to.
21-You don’t accept your friend’s invitation.
I’m sorry, I’m busy
22-You belive the city is noisy
I think the city is noisy
23-You think that Ezamalek is the best team in Egypt
I think Ezamalek is the best team in Egypt. 2
24-Someone think that English is important and you agree
I agree / That’s right
25-Someone says English is difficult but you don’t agree
I don’t agree / I don’t think so.
26-You advise your friend to study hard
You should study hard
27-You advise someone to stop smoking
You shouldn’t smoke
28-You accept the advice
You are right.
29-You don’t accept the device
I’ll see
30-When you see something strange
Good Heavens
31-You visit someone who is ill in the hospital
I hope you get well soon
32-You are worried about your friend
I’m worried about my friend. 2
33-You are alone in a small boat in a stormy sea.
I’m terrified
34-You offer to help your friend
Can I help you?
35-You ask someone to help you
Can you help me?
36-You thank someone who helped you
Thank you
37- someone thanked you
Not at all
38-you meet a tourist
Welcome to Egypt
39-You ask about the price
How much does it cost? 3
40-Something bad has happened
What a pity!
41-You ask a friend about the time.
What's the time?
42-you want to know the number of students in class
How many students are there in the class?
43-You have just met someone you met five years ago
What a surprise!

Chapter six
1-What awoke Axel after he had fainted?
Noises like thunder or waves
2- How did the Professor find Axel?
The professor told Axel to call him and he
calculated the distance between them.
3- How far were they apart?
Six kilometres.
4- Why did Axel slide down the passage?
Because the slope was very steep.
5- How was the light in the huge cave different?
It was cold and white.
6- What did the Professor name (call) the sea? Where was it?
“Lidenbrock Sea”. It was underground
7-What did Axel and the professor find along the shore of the sea?
They found bones of animals and tall trees.
8- How would the Professor (cross) explore the sea?
He asked Hans to make a raft
9- How would Hans make the raft?
He cut down some trees and tied them together.
Chapter seven
1-How did Hans try fishing?
He tied a hook to the end of a rope and put some meat on it.
2-What did he catch?
He caught a strange fish; it had a flat head but no
tail and no eyes.
3-How did the Professor try to know the depth of the sea?
He tied a pickaxe to the end of a rope and threw it
into the sea.
4-What did they see on the iron of the pickaxe?
marks of teeth.
5-What did they see in the sea?
They saw two sea monsters fighting fiercely.
6-Although the two sea monsters were terrifying ,………….
they didn’t attack the raft
7-What was the fountain of water?
It was a geyser coming from an island.
8-What did the Professor name the island?
He named it “Axel Island”
9-Axel wanted to lower the sail because ………the storm was strong.
10-They didn’t lower the sail because…………
They wanted the raft to sail quickly.
11-The professor found a skull of a human so …………
he knew that man lived there.
12-What did they see in the forest?
They saw mammoths, huge animals looked like elephants
13- How did Axel recognize them?
From pictures in his science book.
14-Hoiw was the forest strange?
It wasn't green; the trees had no lower branches.
15-How did they feel when they saw the shepherd?
They were afraid. 5

Chapter eight
1-What did Axel find in the sand on the shore?
A steel knife with a rough blade.
2-The blade of the knife was rough because ………..
Arne Saknusseumm had used it to carve A. S on a rock
3-Axel’s fears and doubts disappeared when ......................…….
He saw A.S carved on a rock.
4-How did they break the huge rock that blocked their way?
By using gunpowder.
5-They had to break the huge rock to, …………
complete their journey.
6-As soon as the gunpowder had exploded, …………
The waves swept everything away.
7-Axel wasn’t worried about losing the food because….
He thought they would be killed.

Chapter nine

1-Why was the compass going crazy in all direction?

Because they were in the middle of an active volcano.
2- How did the Professor feel?
He felt happy because it was their only chance to return.
3-The only chance of returning was ………………….
The volcano explosion (eruption)
4-As the raft was going up ………………….
It was getting hotter and hotter.
5-Because of the heat Axel………………….
6-Axel knew they returned to the surface of the Earth when……………….
he saw the sky.
Chapter Ten

1-Where did they find themselves after the explosion?

On Stromboli south of Italy.
2-How did Hans know they weren't in Iceland? 6
It was hot and the ground was dry.
3-How did they know they were in Italy?
The boy who had found them spoke in Italian.
4-Although they had traveled to the center of the Earth through an
extinct volcano, …………….
They returned through an active one.
5-How were the people of Italy helpful?
They gave the food and new clothes.
6-The return of the professor caused …………
great excitement.
7-People believed the story because …………
Hans was with them and there has been news from Iceland.
8-What did the city do on their return?
they held celebrations
9-Why was Axel sad ?
Because Hans decided to return home.
10- Axel and the Professor wanted Hans to stay with them but ……….
he refused.
Passive ‫المبنى للمجه ـ ـ ــول‬
‫ المفعـول‬+ p.p. + be ‫التصريف الثالث‬

‫غالبا ل يكون اس‬ am is are ed-‫غالبا ل ينتهي بـ‬

‫غير ع‬ 6
was were - ‫ول يمكن ان ينتهي بـ‬
is being ing
are being
has been
have been
‫الفع ـ ـ ــل‬
‫مساعد‬ ‫ناقص‬ ‫اساسى‬ ‫لحظ تحويل الضمائر فى‬
‫‪am‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪you‬‬
‫‪is‬‬ ‫‪will‬‬
‫‪are‬‬ ‫‪would‬‬ ‫‪my‬‬ ‫‪your‬‬
‫‪was‬‬ ‫‪shall‬‬ ‫‪I'm‬‬ ‫‪are you‬‬
‫‪were‬‬ ‫‪should‬‬ ‫‪ I was‬هو اى فعل ليس‬ ‫‪were you‬‬
‫‪has‬‬ ‫‪can‬‬
‫‪have‬‬ ‫‪could‬‬ ‫مساعد أو ناقص‬
‫‪had‬‬ ‫‪may‬‬
‫‪do‬‬ ‫‪might‬‬
‫‪does‬‬ ‫‪must‬‬

‫لعمل سؤال بل لملة باه فعل مساعد أو ناقص نقدم الفعل على الفاهعل‬
‫‪Yes, she is going out‬‬
‫واذا كاهن الفعل اساسى نضع ‪Do / Does / Did‬‬
‫‪…………………………No, They travelled yesterday‬‬

‫‪:‬ولتكوين سؤال )بكلمة استفهاهم ( نحذف الشىء الذى نسأل عنه ث نتبع التتريب الترى‬
‫كلمة‬ ‫الفعل المساعد أو الناقص الموجود فى الجملة‬
‫?‪+‬بقية الجملة ‪+‬الفاعل‬
‫الستفهام‬ ‫إذا لم يوجد فعل مساعد أو ناقص نضع ‪do-does-did‬‬

‫‪:-‬كلمات الستفهام‬
‫‪Who‬‬ ‫من‬ ‫‪Which‬‬ ‫أى‬
‫‪Why‬‬ ‫‪because‬‬ ‫لماذا‬ ‫‪How‬‬ ‫كيف‬
‫‪Where‬‬ ‫أين‬ ‫‪How many‬‬ ‫كم للعدد‬
‫‪When‬‬ ‫متى‬ ‫‪How much‬‬ ‫كم للثمن‬
‫ما ‪/‬‬
‫‪What‬‬ ‫ماذا‬
‫‪How often‬‬ ‫كم عدد المرات‬
‫‪whose‬‬ ‫لمن‬ ‫‪How long‬‬ ‫ما طول المدة‬
Ex: I went to Cairo yesterday………………………………
Unit 10
arrange ‫يرتب –ينظم‬ café ‫مقهى‬
sure ‫متأكد‬ coffee ‫بن –قهوه‬
job ‫وظيفة‬ writer ‫كاتب‬
parents ‫الوالدين‬ somewhere ‫مكان ما‬
holiday ‫اجازة‬ historic places ‫مكان تاريخى‬
certainly ‫بالتأكيد‬ souvenirs ‫هدايا تذكاريه‬
tourist industry ‫السياحه‬ juice ‫عصير‬

extremely ‫للغاية‬ chairs ‫كراسى‬

attractive ‫جذاب‬ gold ‫ذهب‬
able to ‫قادر على‬ carpets ‫سجاد‬
ask ‫يسأل – يطلب‬ glass ‫زجاج – كوب‬
come ‫يأتى‬ spices ‫توابل‬
sound (‫يبدو )صوت‬ kitchen equipment ‫مطبخ‬
want ‫يريد‬ realise ‫يدرك‬
– ‫عن –حوالى‬
speak ‫يتكلم‬ about
‫على وشك‬
look forward to ‫يتطلع الى‬ engineer ‫مهندس‬
person ‫شخص‬ workers ‫عمال‬
first ‫الول‬ change direction ‫يغير التجاه‬
change ‫يغير‬ strange ‫غريب‬
oil (‫زيت )بترول‬ capital ‫عاصمه‬
food ‫طعام‬ triangular ‫مثلث الشكل‬
order ( ‫يأمر )ترتيب‬ stone ‫حجر‬
repeat ‫يكرر‬ the only ‫الوحيد‬
repair ‫يصلح‬ north ‫شمال‬
send ‫يرسل‬ south ‫جنوب‬
clean ‫ينظف‬ east ‫شرق‬
light (‫خفيف )ضوء‬ west ‫غرب‬
wash ‫يغسل‬ far ‫بعيد‬
wash up ‫غسل الواني‬ sell ‫يبيع‬
8 ‫سائح‬ party ‫حفله‬
the weather ‫الطقس‬ accept ‫يقبل‬
too many ‫كثير جدا ل‬ draw (‫يرسم )بالقلم‬
‫كثير جدا ل‬ ‫يرسم )بالفرشاه‬
too much paint (
too little ‫قليل جدا ل‬ invite ‫يدعو‬
crowded ‫مزدحم‬ dentist ‫طبيب اسنان‬
- ‫يشبه – مثل‬
like wear ‫يرتدى‬
dislike ‫ليحب‬ clothes ‫ملبس‬
start ‫يبدأ‬ game ‫لعبه‬
magazine ‫مجله‬ date ‫تاريخ‬
The Islamic university of Al Azhar
‫الزهر‬ request ‫طلب‬
shopping ‫يتسوق‬ meal ‫وجبه‬
kind ‫نوع – طيب‬ the same ‫نفس‬
different things ‫اشياء مختلفة‬ gold necklace ‫عقد ذهبى‬
such as ‫مثل‬ subject ‫ماده دراسية‬
inform ‫يبلغ‬ customer ‫زبون – عميل‬
Unit 11
everyone ‫كل شخص‬ compass ‫بوصله‬
get home ‫يصل للمنزل‬ radio message ‫لسلكية‬
get there ‫يصل هناك‬ continue ‫بستمر‬
mystery ‫سر – لغز‬ weak ‫ضعيف‬
tired ‫متعب‬ weaker than ‫أضعف من‬
do the homework ‫الواجب‬ till = until ‫حتى‬
‫يؤدى العمال‬
do the housework search for
‫يبحث عن‬
sleepwalker ‫ يسير وهو نائم‬again ‫مره أخرى‬
understand ‫ يفهم‬blue ‫لون ازرق‬
misunderstand ‫ يسىء الفهم‬the people ‫الناس‬
‫يرسم صوره‬
answer ‫يرد‬ paint a picture ‫بالفرشاه‬
‫يرسم صوره‬
direct ‫مباشر‬ draw a picture ‫بالقلم‬
indirect ‫غير مباشر‬ chemist ‫صيدلى‬
9 ‫بحار‬ visit ‫يزور‬
wife ‫زوجه‬ turn on ‫يشغل –يضىء‬
ship ‫سفينه‬ turn off ‫يطفىء‬
need help ‫مساعده‬ turn up ‫يعلى‬
boat ‫مركب‬ turn down ‫يخفض‬
climb ‫يتسلق‬ journey ‫رحله طويله‬
‫على ظهر‬
on board ‫السفينه‬ solve ‫يحل‬
probably ‫من المحتمل‬ smash ‫يحطم‬
money ‫مال –نقود‬ suddenly ‫فجأه‬
reporter ‫صحفى‬ discover ‫يكتشف‬
kill ‫يقتل‬ reply ‫يرد‬
‫يخلع الملبس –تقلع‬
die ‫يموت‬ take off ‫الطائرة‬
blood ‫دم‬ put on ‫يرتدى‬
bird ‫طائر‬ over ‫فوق‬
shoes ‫حذاء‬ succeed ‫ينجح‬
shopping bag ‫حقيبة تسوق‬ fail ‫يفشل‬
– ‫سمكة‬
fish treasure ‫كنز‬
have to ‫مضطر الى‬ missing ‫مفقود‬
anyone = anybody ‫شخص‬ tell a story ‫يحكى قصه‬

warm ‫دافىء‬ sort ‫صنف –نوع‬

cool ‫بارد‬ diver ‫غواص‬
cold ‫بارد جدا ل‬ after that time ‫بعد هذا الوقت‬
appear ‫يظهر‬ flight leader ‫قائد طيران‬
– ‫يحترس من‬
disappear ‫يختفى‬ take care of
‫يهتم بـ‬
friend ‫صديق‬ a lot of = lots of ‫الكثير من‬
enemy ‫عدو‬ crash ‫يحطم‬
wrong ‫خطأ‬ look ‫ينظر‬
right ‫صحيح‬ the night before ‫السابقة‬
- ‫يقفد –يخسر‬
lose century ( ‫قرن )مائة عام‬
set off ‫يبدأ – ينطلق‬ village ‫قريه‬
10 = aero plane ‫طائرة‬ all year ‫طول العام‬
search planes ‫طائرات بحث‬ Sail back ‫يبحر عائدا ل‬
terrible ‫فظيع‬ to this day ‫لهذا اليوم‬
pilot ‫طيار‬ sink ‫يغوص‬
group ‫مجموعة‬ float ‫يطفو‬
leader ‫قائد‬ early ‫مبكرا ل‬
‫تاه –ضل‬
He was lost give ‫يعطى‬
ready ‫مستعد –جاهز‬ wet – (dry) (‫ )جاف‬- ‫مبلل‬
consist of ‫يتكون من‬ communicate ‫يتصل‬
‫يحتوى على‬
contain (‫)داخله‬ advise ‫ينصح‬
in addition to ‫بالضافة إلى‬ advice ‫نصيحه‬
safely ‫بأمان‬ watch ‫يشاهد‬
Unit 12
life ‫حياه‬ traffic jam ‫ازدحام مرورى‬
people's lives ‫حياة الناس‬ wish ‫يتمنى‬
book a ticket ‫يحجز تذكرة‬ toy ‫لعبه‬
office ‫مكتب‬ invitation ‫دعوه‬
phone ‫يتصل تليفونيا ل‬ exercise ‫يتمرن‬
why not? ‫ولما ل ؟‬ town ‫مدينه صغيره‬
bake a cake ‫يجهز كيك‬ song ‫اغنيه‬
picnic ‫نزهه‬ stressful ‫مجهد‬ ‫م‬
another country ‫بلد أخر‬ nice ‫ جميل‬/ ‫لطيف‬
time ‫وقت‬ correct ‫صحيح‬
busy ‫مشغول‬ dirty ‫غير نظيف‬
what about you? ‫وماذا عنك؟‬ put on weight ‫يزداد وزن‬
at home ‫فى المنزل‬ school life ‫الحياه المدرسيه‬
‫غاضب من‬
angry with (‫)شخص‬ school day ‫اليوم المدرسى‬
‫غاضب من‬
angry about (‫)شئ‬ most ‫معظم‬
‫متضايق من‬
annoyed with (‫)شخص‬ summer holiday ‫أجازة صيف‬
‫متضايق من‬
annoyed about (‫)شئ‬ between ‫بين‬
find ‫يكتشف‬ classroom ‫فصل‬
‫منزعج من‬
upset about (‫)شئ‬ each ‫كل‬
‫خائب المل‬
disappointed about ‫فى شئ‬ serve lunch ‫يقدم الغداء‬
‫خائب المل‬
disappointed in ‫فى شخص‬ tidy ‫مرتب‬

article ‫مقال‬ club ‫نادى‬

port ‫ميناء‬ compositions ‫موضوع‬
relatives ‫أقارب‬ prepare for ‫ميعد – ميجهز‬
cousin ‫ابن عم‬ revise ‫يراجع‬
bed ‫سرير‬ term ‫فصل دراسى‬
furniture ‫اثاث‬ playground ‫ملعب‬
cupboard ‫دولب‬ team ‫فريق‬
space ‫فضاء‬ popular ‫شعبى‬
only ‫فقط‬ practice ‫تمرين‬
the sitting room ‫الجلوس‬ instructions ‫ارشادات‬

hobby ‫هواية‬ carefully ‫بحرص – بعنايه‬

hobbies ‫هويات‬ after school ‫بعد المدرسه‬
free time ‫وقت الفراغ‬ usual ‫عادى‬
a clothes designer ‫ملبس‬ health ‫صحه‬

pass ‫يمر‬ healthy ‫بصحه جيده‬

city ‫مدينة كبيرة‬ really ‫حقا ل‬
better shops ‫محلت أفضل‬ ill ‫مريض‬
pollution ‫تلوث‬ fit ‫لئق بدنيا ل‬
different ‫مختلف‬ vegetables ‫خضروات‬
petrol station ‫محطة بنزين‬ too = also = as well ‫أيضا ل‬
the country ‫الريف‬ joke ‫نكته‬
nearby ‫قريب‬ result ‫نتيجه‬
cleaner ‫منظف‬ opinion ‫رأى‬
‫الطار امامى‬
breathe ‫يتنفس‬ the front tyre ‫للسياره‬
‫حجرة – )فراغ‬
room metal ‫معدن‬

Unit 13
appointment ‫موعد‬ temples ‫معابد‬
meeting ‫اجتماع‬ the world ‫العالم‬
manager ‫مدير‬ caravan ‫قافله‬
‫خياط ملبس‬
dressmaker ‫حريمى‬ across ‫عبر‬
‫خياط ملبس‬
tailor ‫رجالى‬ silk ‫حرير‬
wedding ‫زفاف‬ along the road ‫الطريق‬
shopping center ‫مركز تجارى‬ desert ‫صحراء‬
pleasant ‫ سعيد‬- ‫سار‬ export .... to (sell ) ‫يصدر‬
‫مبارة كرة‬
football match ‫قدم‬ import....from (buy) ‫يستورد‬

forget ‫ينسى‬ exports ‫صادرات‬

today ‫اليوم‬ imports ‫وردات‬
evening meal ‫وجبة عشاء‬ referee ‫حكم‬
collect ‫يجمع‬ pay for ‫يدفع ثمن‬
penalty ‫ضربة جزاء‬ controller ‫متحكم‬
win the match ‫يفوز بالمباراة‬ cheap ‫رخيص‬
hero ‫بطل‬ trader ‫تاجر‬
at work ‫فى العمل‬ delicious ‫لذيذ‬
definitely ‫بالتأكيد‬ puzzle ‫لغز‬
shirt ‫قميص‬ wait for ‫ينتظر‬
description ‫وصف‬ beef ‫لحم بقرى‬
partner ‫شريك‬ percent % ‫فى المائه‬
in time ‫فى الموعد‬ get back ‫يعود‬
want to ‫يريد‬ a glass ‫كوب‬
boring ‫ممل‬ beans ‫فول‬
mend ‫يصلح‬ agriculture ‫الزراعه‬
hope ‫يأمل‬ information ‫معلومات‬
expect ‫يتوقع‬ think ‫يفكر‬
history of trade ‫تاريخ التجارة‬ broken leg ‫رجل مكسوره‬
trade ‫تجاره‬ poor ‫فقير‬
trader ‫تاجر‬ bike ‫دراجه‬
successful ‫ناجح‬ flesh (‫لحم )ل ميأكل‬
– ‫قواعد‬
rules meat (‫لحم )للكل‬
‫منذ العصور‬
since the earliest times
‫الولى‬ suit ‫بدله‬
‫نوع أخر من‬
another kind of trading ‫التجارة‬ score ‫يحرز‬
buy or sell ‫يشترى أو يبيع‬ material ‫ماده خام‬
goods ‫بضائع‬ diary ‫يوميات‬
wall ‫حائط‬ apology ‫يعتذر‬

Unit 14

science ‫علوم‬ factory ‫مصنع‬

energy ‫طاقه‬ expert ‫خبير‬
ladder ‫سلم خشبى‬ cut ‫يقطع‬
‫سلم مبنى‬
stairs ‫ثابت‬ later ‫فيما بعد‬

idea ‫فكرة‬ bread ‫خبز‬

move ‫ينتقل‬ read ‫يقرأ‬
touch ‫يلمس‬ cost ‫يكلف‬
bulb ‫مصبح كهربى‬ development ‫تطور‬
special ‫خاص‬ spend ‫يقضى‬
‫يبقى –يستمر‬
last build ‫يبنى‬
save ‫يوفر‬ join ‫يربط‬
sound like ‫تبدو مثل‬ cubic ‫مكعب‬
careful ‫حريص‬ easy ‫سهل‬
quickly ‫بسرعة‬ the rest ‫الباقى‬
electric wire ‫سلك كهربى‬ concrete ‫خرسانه‬
bring ‫يحضر‬ fertile ‫خصب‬
discuss ‫يناقش‬ expensive ‫غالى‬
exam ‫يمتحن‬ enormous ‫ضخم‬
uniform ‫زى موحد‬ transport ‫ينقل‬
‫ممنوع ركن‬
no parking ‫السياره‬ government ‫حكومه‬
14 – ‫اساسى‬
main canal ‫قناه‬
gate ‫بوابه‬ take ‫يأخذ‬
look at ‫ينظر الى‬ form ‫يتكون‬
look for ‫يبحث عن‬ need ‫يحتاج‬
look forward to ‫يتطلع الى‬ complete ‫كامل‬
look after ‫يعتنى بـ‬ oasis ‫واحه‬
‫يتخرج معنى كلمه‬
look up ‫من قاموس‬ oases ‫واحات‬
‫‪notes‬‬ ‫ملحظات‬ ‫‪farm land‬‬ ‫ارض زراعية‬
‫‪crops‬‬ ‫محاصيل‬ ‫‪however‬‬ ‫ومع ذلك‬
‫‪wheat‬‬ ‫قمح‬ ‫‪lake‬‬ ‫بحيره‬
‫‪dish‬‬ ‫طبق‬ ‫‪huge‬‬ ‫ضخم‬
‫‪talk about‬‬ ‫يتحدث عن‬ ‫‪reclaim‬‬ ‫يستصلح‬
‫‪plant‬‬ ‫نبات – يزرع‬ ‫‪without‬‬ ‫بدون‬
‫مساحه ‪-‬‬
‫‪area‬‬ ‫منطقه‬ ‫‪outside‬‬ ‫خارج‬

‫‪Unit 15‬‬

‫‪children‬‬ ‫أطفال‬ ‫‪kite‬‬ ‫طائره ورقيه‬

‫‪ring‬‬ ‫يتصل تليفونيا ل‬ ‫‪way‬‬ ‫طريق‬
‫‪bedroom‬‬ ‫حجرة نوم‬ ‫‪plate‬‬ ‫طبق‬
‫‪later‬‬ ‫فيما بعد‬ ‫‪describe‬‬ ‫يصف‬
‫‪stop‬‬ ‫يقف‬ ‫‪vehicle‬‬ ‫مركبه‬
‫‪husband‬‬ ‫زوج‬ ‫‪example‬‬ ‫مثال‬
‫‪finish‬‬ ‫ينهى‬ ‫‪wheel‬‬ ‫أطار‬
‫ميذكر )شخص‬
‫‪remind‬‬ ‫أخر (‬ ‫‪reach‬‬ ‫يصل‬
‫يتذكر )من‬
‫‪remember‬‬ ‫نفسه (‬ ‫‪ocean‬‬ ‫محيط‬

‫‪trip‬‬ ‫رحله قصيره‬ ‫‪exactly‬‬ ‫بالضبط‬

‫‪flight‬‬ ‫رحلة طيران‬ ‫‪collector‬‬ ‫جامع‬
‫‪voyage‬‬ ‫رحله بحريه‬ ‫‪fire‬‬ ‫نار‬
‫‪check‬‬ ‫يفحص‬ ‫‪calm‬‬ ‫هادىء‬
‫يفحص )الحالة‬
‫‪15 up‬‬ ‫الصحية(‬ ‫‪message‬‬ ‫رساله‬
‫‪hole‬‬ ‫حفره – ثقب‬ ‫‪iceberg‬‬ ‫قمه ثلجيه‬
‫‪worry about‬‬ ‫يقلق بشأن‬ ‫‪unsinkable‬‬ ‫غير قابل للغرق‬
‫‪actually‬‬ ‫فى الواقع‬ ‫‪rise‬‬ ‫يرتفع – تشرق‬
‫‪fine‬‬ ‫لطيف – جميل‬ ‫‪soon‬‬ ‫قريبا ل – حال ل‬
‫‪rain‬‬ ‫تمطر‬ ‫‪gun‬‬ ‫بندقية‬
‫‪climb down‬‬ ‫ينزل‬ ‫‪lifeboat‬‬ ‫قارب نجاه‬
‫‪cover‬‬ ‫يغطى‬ ‫‪crew‬‬ ‫طاقم بحاره‬
‫‪add‬‬ ‫يضيف‬ ‫‪in front of‬‬ ‫أمام‬
‫‪pepper‬‬ ‫فلفل‬ ‫‪waves‬‬ ‫أمواج البحر‬
it doesn't matter ‫ل يهم‬ passenger ‫مسافر‬
glad ‫سعيد‬ bottom ‫قاع‬
drop ‫ميسقط‬ taste ‫يتذوق‬
invent ‫يخترع‬ fly ‫يطير‬
sail ‫يبحر‬ around ‫حوالى‬
history ‫تاريخ‬ accident ‫حادث‬
‫تاريخى )ذات قيمه‬
historic ( ‫تاريخية‬ famous ‫مشهور‬
‫تاريخى )متعلق بدراسة‬
historical (‫التاريخ‬ mistake ‫خطأ‬

historian ‫مؤرخ‬ make a mistake ‫يرتكب خطأ‬

piece ‫قطعه‬ medicine ‫دواء‬
same ‫نفس‬ island ‫جزيره‬

Unit 16

inside ‫داخل‬ hopeful ‫ملىء بالمل‬

outside ‫خارج‬ fall ‫يقع‬
purple ‫ارجوانى اللون‬ trees ‫اشجار‬
scientist ‫عالم‬ photographer ‫مصور‬
garden ‫حديقه‬ rocks ‫صخور‬
tomb ‫مقبرة‬ centre ‫مركز‬
palm tree ‫نخلة بلح‬ high ‫عالى‬
ancient ‫قديم‬ hot ‫حار‬
‫فصل من فصول السنة‬
travel ‫يسافر‬ season ( ‫)يضع توابل‬
cross ‫يعبر‬ modern ‫حديث‬
ago ‫منذ‬ although ‫بالرغم من‬
alone ‫بمفرده‬ farming ‫الزراعه‬
direction ‫اتجاه‬ important ‫هام‬
‫صعب )يفيد‬
hard (‫الكثير‬ grow ‫ينمو‬
‫بالكاد )يفيد‬
hardly (‫القليل‬ export ‫يصدر‬
begin ‫يبدأ‬ square ‫ميدان‬
animal ‫حيوان‬ sea ‫بحر‬
home ‫بيت – موطن‬ fishing villages ‫قرى الصيد‬
jungle ‫غابه‬ mountain ‫جبل‬
airport ‫مطار‬ weather ‫طقس‬
waterfall ‫مسقط مياه‬ humid ‫رطب‬
used to ‫اعتاد على‬ dry ‫جاف‬
walk ‫يمشى‬ population ‫سكان‬
the sun goes down ‫الشمس‬ rice ‫ارز‬

go back ‫يعود –يرجع‬ fruit ‫فاكهه‬

sweets ‫حلوى‬ wood ‫خشب‬
not only……but also ‫بل‬...‫فقط‬ machine ‫اله‬
‫أيضا ل‬
sit ‫يجلس‬ engine (‫محرك )بالوقود‬
air ‫هواء‬ motor (‫محرك)بالكهرباء‬
jump ‫يقفز‬ location ‫موقع‬
loud ‫عالى الصوت‬ religion ‫دين‬
above ‫فوق‬ almost ‫معظم‬
see ‫يرى‬ nothing ‫لشئ‬
through ‫خلل‬ sand ‫رمل‬
afraid ‫خائف‬ river ‫نهر‬
look down ‫ينظر لسفل‬ Asia ‫أسيا‬
completely ‫تماما ل‬ leave ‫يترك – يغادر‬
patiently ‫بصبر‬ place ‫مكان‬
noise ‫ضوضاء‬ find ‫يجد‬
cry ‫يصرخ – يصيح‬ come down ‫ينزل‬
head ‫رأس‬ country ‫دوله‬
‫يا لها من‬
the Earth ‫الكرة الرضيه‬ what a surprise! ! ‫مفاجأة‬
floor ‫ارضية الغرفه‬ title ‫لقب‬ - ‫عنوان‬
land ‫ل(– يهبط‬
‫أرض )خاصه للزراعة مث ل‬ have been to ‫ذهب الى وعاد‬
ground ‫أرض )الطبقة التى‬
have gone to
‫ذهب الى و لم‬
(‫نقف عليها‬ ‫يعد‬
thick ‫كثيف‬ footprints ‫اثار أقدام‬
loudly ‫بصوت عالى‬ get dark ‫يظلم‬

Unit 17
electronics ‫اليكترونيات‬ dress ‫فستان‬
the first ‫الول‬ hungry ‫جائع‬
‫طريق )بين‬
the second ‫الثانى‬ road (‫المدن‬
‫مثل شعبى أو‬ ‫شارع )داخل‬
proverb ‫قول مأثور‬ street (‫المدينه‬
golden ‫ذهبى‬ stay ‫يقيم – يبقى‬
point to ‫يشير الى‬ mud ‫طين‬
feel better ‫يشعر بتحسن‬ injure ‫يصيب‬
near ‫قريب‬ protect ‫يحمى‬
smile ‫يبتسم‬ shout ‫يصيح‬
open ‫يفتح‬ drive away ‫يبعد‬
shop window ‫فاترينة محل‬ I don't mind ‫ل امانع‬
story ‫قصه‬ dangerous ‫خطير‬
silence ‫صمت‬ safe ‫أمن‬
sad ‫حزين‬ save ‫يوفر‬
flat ‫شقه‬ talk ‫يتحدث‬
unhappy ‫غير سعيد‬ happen ‫يحدث‬
surprised ‫مندهش‬ know ‫يعرف‬
pleased ‫سعيد – سار‬ enjoy ‫يتمتع‬
refuse ‫يرفض‬ type ‫يطبع‬
decide ‫يقرر‬ greedy ‫طماع‬
keep ‫يحفظ‬ feel safe ‫يشعر بالمان‬
close ‫يغلق‬ lazy ‫كسول‬
news ‫أخبار‬ jump back ‫يقفز للخلف‬
miss ‫يفتقد – يفوته‬ arrive in / at ‫يصل الى‬
so+‫ صفه‬+that ‫جدا ل لدرجة‬ officer ‫ضابط‬
either…………..or .. comfortable ‫مريح‬
neither……….nor .. uncomfortable ‫غير مريح‬
university ‫جامعة‬ sleep ‫ينام‬
unusual ‫غير عادى‬ elephant ‫فيل‬
number ‫رقم‬ press ‫يضغط‬
return ‫يعود‬ hurt ‫يؤذى‬
unfortunately ‫لسوء الحظ‬ follow ‫يتبع‬
green ‫أخضر‬ police station ‫قسم شرطه‬
biology ‫أحياء‬ show ‫ميظهر‬
student ‫طالب‬ fall ill ‫يمرض‬
traveller ‫مسافر‬ listen to ‫يستمع الى‬
work ‫يعمل‬ once ‫ذات مره‬
fall down ‫يقع‬ voice ( ‫صوت )انسان‬
dark ‫مظلم‬ top ‫قمه‬
beautiful ‫جميل‬ slight ‫ضئيل‬
minute ‫دقيقه‬ teach ‫ميدرس‬
drive ‫يقود‬ learn ‫يتعلم‬
switch on ‫يشغل‬ insects ‫حشرات‬
switch off ‫يطفىء‬ times ‫مرات‬
miss the bus ‫التوبيس‬ flash ‫وميض‬

Unit 18
timetable ‫جدول مواعيد‬ during ‫اثناء‬
‫ومن الناحية‬
week ‫اسبوع‬ on the other hand ‫الخرى‬
break (‫راحه )يكسر‬ confident ‫واثق‬
compare ‫يقارن‬ concentrate on ‫يركز على‬
artist ‫فنان‬ conversation ‫محادثه‬
disappointed ‫خائب المل‬ finally ‫فى النهايه‬
tailor ‫خياط‬ had better ‫من الفضل‬
wire ‫سلك‬ note ‫ملحوظه‬
electricity ‫كهرباء‬ aloud ‫عالى الصوت‬
revision ‫مراجعة‬ active ‫نشيط‬
think ‫يفكر‬ quietly ‫بهدوء‬
diet ‫نظام غذائى‬ diagram ‫شكل توضيحى‬
prepare ‫يعد – يجهز‬ colour ‫لون‬
plan ‫خطه‬ mind ‫يمانع‬
rhyme ‫اغنيه – قافيه‬ traffic ‫مرور‬
empty ‫فارغ‬ study ‫يدرس‬
full ‫مملوء‬ cards ‫كروت‬
write down ‫يكتب –يدون‬ park ‫منتزه‬
‫فى هذه‬
quiet ‫هادىء‬ at the moment ‫اللحظه‬
polite ‫مؤدب‬ teeth ‫اسنان‬
irrigate ‫يروى الرض‬ already ‫حال ل – بالفعل‬
nervous ‫عصبى‬ project ‫مشروع‬
– ‫عكس‬
opposite present ‫هديه –حاضر‬
get ready ‫يستعد‬ birthday ‫عيد ميلد‬
rude ‫وقح‬ suggestion ‫اقتراح‬
silent ‫صامت‬ plants ‫نباتات‬
relax ‫يسترخى‬ spelling ‫تهجى‬
equipment ‫أجهزه‬-‫معدات‬ copy ‫نسخه‬
list ‫قائمه‬ have a rest ‫يحصل على راحه‬

20 Writing a letter
4 june,2008.
How are you and your family? I miss you very much. I’m
very happy to write this letter. I'm very pleased to tell you
my latest news .Greetings from Egypt.




I'm looking forward to seeing you, I'm waiting for your reply
With my best wishes. See you soon
Your friend.

‫الفاعل‬ ‫المفعول‬ ‫ اسم‬+ ‫ملكية‬ ‫ملكية بدون اسم‬ ‫منعكسة‬
I me my mine myself
We us our ours ourselves
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself
You you your yours yourself - yourselves
They them their theirs themselves
1-(We – Us –Our – Ourselves) love our country.
2-Ahmed telephoned (I – me - my – mine) yesterday
3-Soha took (she – her – hers – herself) book
4-This book is (you – your- yours –yourself)
5-He fell off his bike and injured (he – him – his - himself)
21 with adjectives
1- so + ‫ صفه‬+ that + can/could ‫جدا ل لدرجة أن‬
*The boy is so clever that he can answer the question.
2- ‫ صفه‬+ enough to + ‫بدرجه كافيه‬ ‫المصدر‬
*The boy is clever enough to answer the question.
3- too + ‫ صفه‬to + ‫جدا ل لدرجة أن ل يستطيع‬ ‫المصدر‬
*The question is too difficult to answer.
Irregular verbs
‫التصريف الول‬ ‫التصريف الثاني‬
‫المعنى‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
(‫) المصدر‬ (‫)الماضي‬
cost ‫يكلف‬ cost cost
cut ‫يقطع‬ cut cut
hit ‫يضرب‬ hit hit
let ‫يدع‬ let let
put ‫يضع‬ put put
shut ‫يغلق‬ shut shut
become ‫يصبح‬ became become
come ‫يأتي‬ came come
run ‫يجرى‬ ran run
read ‫يقرا‬ read read
beat ‫يهزم‬ beat beaten
bring ‫يحضر‬ brought brought
build ‫يبنى‬ built built
buy ‫يشترى‬ bought bought
catch ‫يمسك‬ caught caught
deal ‫يتعامل‬ dealt dealt
dig ‫يحفر‬ dug dug
feed ‫يطعم‬ fed fed
feel ‫يشعر‬ felt felt
fight ‫يحا رب‬ fought fought
find ‫يجد‬ found found
get ‫يحصل‬ got got
have ‫يملك‬ had had
hang22 ‫يعلق‬ hung hung
hear ‫يسمع‬ heard heard
hold ‫يمسك‬ held held
keep ‫يحافظ‬ kept kept
lay ‫يضع‬-‫يرقد‬ laid laid
lead ‫يؤدى‬-‫يقود‬ led led
leave ‫يترك‬ left left
lend ‫يسلف‬ lent lent
light ‫يضيء‬ lit lit
lose ‫يخسر‬ lost lost
make ‫يصنع‬ made made
mean ‫يعنى‬ meant meant
meet ‫يقابل‬ met met
say ‫يقول‬ said said
sell ‫يبيع‬ sold sold
send ‫يرسل‬ sent sent
shoot ‫يشوط‬-‫يطلق‬ shot shot
sit ‫يجلس‬ sat sat
sleep ‫ينام‬ slept Slept
stand ‫يقف‬ stood stood
stick ‫يلصق‬ stuck stuck
sting ‫يلدغ‬ stung stung
sweep ‫يكنس‬ swept swept
teach ‫ يعلم‬/ ‫يدرس‬ taught taught
think ‫يظن‬-/ ‫يفكر‬ thought thought
win ‫يكسب‬ won won
be ‫يكون‬ was-were been
begin ‫يبدأ‬ began begun
bite ‫يقرض‬-‫يعض‬ bit bitten
blow ‫يهب‬ blew blown
break ‫يكسر‬ broke broken
choose ‫يختار‬ chose chosen
do ‫يفعل‬ did done
draw ‫يسحب‬-‫يرسم‬ drew drawn
drink ‫يشرب‬ drank Drunk
drive ‫يقود‬ drove driven
eat ‫يأكل‬ ate eaten
fall ‫يقع‬ fell fallen
fly ‫يطير‬ flew flown
forget ‫ينسى‬ forgot forgotten
freeze ‫يتجمد‬ froze frozen
give ‫يعطى‬ gave given
go ‫يذهب‬ went gone
grow ‫ينمو‬ grew grown
hide ‫يخفى‬ hid hidden
know ‫يعرف‬ knew known
ride ‫يركب‬ rode ridden
ring ‫يرن‬ rang rung
rise ‫ينهض‬ rose risen
see ‫يرى‬ saw seen
sing ‫يغنى‬ sang sung
sink ‫يغطس‬ sank sunk
speak ‫يتكلم‬ spoke spoken
steal ‫يسرق‬ stole stolen
take ‫يأخذ‬ took taken
throw ‫يرمى‬ threw thrown
wake ‫يستيقظ‬ woke waken
wear ‫يلبس‬ wore worn
write ‫يكتب‬ wrote written
24 Tenses ‫الزمنه‬
‫الزمن‬ ‫تكوينه‬ ‫الكلمات الداله علية‬
‫التصريف الول للفعل‬ usually -always
‫مع الفاعل‬es ‫أو‬s ‫مع إضافة‬ often
‫البيسط‬ sometimes
‫الماضى‬ ‫التصريف الثانى للفعل‬ yesterday
‫البسيط‬ ed- ‫وعادة يكون بإضافة‬ once
in the past
one day
‫المستقبل‬ ‫‪soon‬‬
‫الفعل ‪will +‬‬
‫لبسيط‬ ‫‪next‬‬
‫‪in the future‬‬
‫‪at the moment‬‬
‫‪ + ing‬الفعل ‪am, is , are +‬‬ ‫‪at present‬‬
‫المستمر‬ ‫‪Look,‬‬
‫الماضى‬ ‫‪while‬‬
‫‪ + ing‬الفعل ‪was , were +‬‬
‫المستمر‬ ‫‪as‬‬
‫‪just as‬‬
‫المضارع‬ ‫التصريف الثالث ‪has, have +‬‬ ‫‪since‬‬
‫التام‬ ‫للفعل‬ ‫‪for‬‬
‫‪ +‬الفعل ‪has, have +been+‬‬
‫‪as soon as‬‬
‫الماضى‬ ‫‪till = until‬‬
‫التصريف الثالث للفعل ‪had +‬‬
‫التام‬ ‫‪before‬‬
‫‪by the time‬‬

‫فى الكلم الغير مباشر نحذف الختيارات التية‪ً:‬ا‪-‬‬
‫أى اختيارى به فعل مقدم على الفاعل مثل ) ‪( was he‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫أى اختيارى به فعل ناقص لم يتم تحويله مثل ) ‪( will‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫أى اختيارى به فعل مضارع لم يتم تحويلة الماضى مثل ) ‪( he is going‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أى اختيارى به ) ‪( do – does - did‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫‪If -‬‬ ‫لو‬

‫مضارع بسيط ‪1-If +‬‬ ‫الفعل ‪will +‬‬

‫‪If he studies hard , he will pass the exam.‬‬

1-If + ‫ماضى بسيط‬ would + ‫الفعل‬

If he studied hard , he would pass the exam.

1-If + ‫ماضى تام‬ would have + ‫التصريف الثالث‬

If he had studied hard , he would have passed the exam.

Some pieces of advice

-Don't put off what you can do today until tomorrow

-Birds of a feather flock together

-A friend in need is a friend indeed.

-As you sow, so will you reap.

-A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

-A tree is known by its fruit

-Prevention is better than cure

-Don't get involved when you aren't wanted

-He laughs best who laughs last.

-Necessity is the mother of invention.

‫ملحظات‬ ‫الميعاد‬ ‫اليوم‬



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