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2) As a stundent Ii have enough time to search forto differite

places where to relax after a hard time at college . This year was
stressful so Ii decided to walk more because it makes me feel less
depressed and Ii 've discoverd a lot of new places . I' m glad Ii can
share them with you .
The best place in the countryside to go for a walkwalking is
Herastrau park. It is the most beautiful park Ii have ever seen in
Bucharest and also the biggest of them all. Also there are a lot of
activities you can do like kayacking canoinge and a lot of similar
sports or you can just run or walk and enjoy the view.
The best time of the year to walk there is autumn. I think that
you expected me to say that summer is the best time of the year but Ii
chose autumn because it is my favorite season and also because I i like
to see the leaves falling from the trees. It makes me feel melancolic .
There is another reason for whywhich aa I prefer autum, that is
because in summer the park is very crowded.
What Ii like the most about the park is that you don't have to
takhe something with you in order to relax and have a good time. You
can come with anaything and you will still be able to relax .

3) A few weeks ago Ii bought a new laptop named macbook air

because Ii needed it forin school and also for editing.
The laptotp wasn tcheea cheaep but it is good and it is
worthdeserves all the money .It works perfectly but Ii don't really now
how to use it becase I've Ii hadve it for a littlesmall time and Ii
haven't hadadnt the time to use it at it s full capacity . I m gald that
this laptop is mine because i can work easiyer thaen on any other
laptop because it hasve editing programs and also is very thin and it
doesn't weight much so Ii can take it with me at the lecturers .

4).From ; Gabriela
Subject ; My visit
Hey, Alex i m glad to see how happy you are aboutdue to my visit. I
am excited too and i can't wait to see you and your family. I aAm sure
that we are going to have a good time together and Ii can say that Ii
think this will be the most beautful week I'i ve had in the last
years(lately). I really like goingto go to manduuseuams and to visiting
Londonra because Ii forget how widly beautiful that is compared to
my home city. I also really want to comumte by the buss because Ii
sawseen in movies people going bywith the busses and i' ve always
wanted by i never had the chance. I can t wait to see you .
See u soon ,

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