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Integrated Skills


Varianta 2

 Se punctează oricare alte modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

 Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.

I. For each question decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best according to the text.
5 x 2p = 10 points 10 points

1. B, 2. A, 3. C, 4. B, 5.A.

II. ESSAY WRITING NARRATIVE ESSAY (50 points) ------- Use the Marking Scheme


Analytical Exemplary Proficient Partially Weak Incomplete Points

criteria Proficient
10p 8p 4p 2p
CONTENT The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay is faulty, The essay
completely fairly completed partially including serious is
relevant to with all the completed logical impediments incomplete,
topic, sequencing with slight in the sequencing of the
describing elements of a logical events. sequencing
places/events narrative. impediments of the
/characters/atm in sequencing narrative
osphere/ the moments moments
reaching of the being
climax, narrative. inconsistent
including the .
final reactions
of the
ORGANIZATION There is There is a fairly There is There is serious Paragraphs
AND complete completion of partial inconsistency in the are
COHESION logical paragraph completion of organization of the incomplete,
connection of organization due the task. paragraphs due to both linking
paragraphs to scarce misuse Paragraphs the misuse of the devices,
due to a of linking are partially linking devices, mechanics,
judicious use of devices, complete due mechanics, and and length
linking devices, mechanics, and to unfinished length requirements requirement
mechanics, length ideas and s having
and length requirements. scarce use of been
requirements. linking disrespecte
devices, d.
and length

Olimpiada de limba engleză clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA A Varianta 2

VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range of A very
vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is narrow
used used adequately present within the range of
appropriately appropriately used in the essay; less common vocabulary
and accurately and accurately in essay; errors items of vocabulary is present;
throughout the the essay; in word choice are rare and may be errors in
essay; precise occasional errors /formation are often faulty; spelling word
meaning is in word present when errors can make text choice/form
conveyed; choice/formation more understanding ation
minor errors are possible; sophisticated difficult. The register predominat
are spelling is well items of of the narrative is e; spelling
rare; spelling is controlled with vocabulary inconsistent due to errors can
very well occasional slips. are attempted; the mixture of styles make the
controlled. The register of spelling can essay
The register of the narrative be faulty at obscure at
the narrative essay is relevant times. times. The
essay is totally to the task with The register of register
relevant to the slightly the narrative used in the
task, being incongruent essay is narrative
organically lapses within the partially essay is
integrated all discourse relevant to the inappropriat
along the task with a e for this
discourse narrow type writing.
of style,
leading to
halts in the
of ideas.
STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of A limited range of A very
grammatical grammatical complex and grammatical narrow
structures is structures is simple structures is present range of
used accurately used accurately grammatical along the essay; grammatica
and flexibly and with some structures is complex language is l structures
throughout the flexibility along present rare and may be is present
essay; minor the essay; throughout the often faulty; within the
errors are rare; occasional errors essay; errors punctuation errors essay;
punctuation is are possible; are present can make text errors
very well punctuation is when complex understanding predominat
controlled. well controlled language is difficult. e;
with occasional attempted; punctuation
slips. punctuation errors make
can be faulty the text
at times. obscure at
EFFECT ON The interest of The text has a The effect on The effect on the The effect
TARGET the reader is good effect on the reader is reader non-relevant on the
READER aroused and the reader satisfactory reader non-
sustained relevant.

Olimpiada de limba engleză clasa a IX-a, SECȚIUNEA A Varianta 2

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