(LAB 1) Static - Centers of Gravity

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EXPERIMENT NAME: Centers of Gravity
SUBMISSION DATE: 06 – 10 – 2017



Rubric for Evaluating Laboratory Report (BFF2821 : Mechanics Laboratory)


Elements GIVEN
3 2 1
Open-ended Design own
lab elements method of Show one or more
practice experiments to elements of open- Totally dependent
achieve the ended method but on lab sheet
objectives still dependent on methods
(independent of lab lab sheet
Result and Results are correct
findings and presented in Results are correct
appropriate tools and presented Results are
with elements of totally as guided by partially correct
lab sheet lab sheet
analysis on the Discussion points
Discussion An incomplete
results and theory only focusing on
by adding discussion and
question in lab
additional poor analysis
discussion points
other than specified
in lab sheet
Conclude with the
Conclusion not
relation of Conclusion not
Conclusion accurately relate
experiment to the accurately relate
& Reference with the objective.
objectives and with the objective.
No Reference
clearly state the Reference stated
Report Beyond ordinary
Presentation presentation with
Poor presentation
additional material Ordinary
format and
from multiple presentation report
structure. Very
sources of with most of
less effort in
reference, materials depends
preparing the
consistent on lab sheet.
formatting, and
well structured.

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang

1. Introduction

The force of gravity is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe;
especially the attraction of the earth's on bodies on its surface. The body experiences a
downward pull when gravity acts on it. This force is equivalent to a single downward pull
force act on a body, which acts through the centre of gravity. This is shown by the fact that
a body can be supported by a single force, which acts on the centre of gravity at the upward

It is important to know the center of gravity in machine design. In fact, the weight of
the moving and rotating parts of a machine is concentrated on the center of gravity. Hence
the center of gravity of machine is often considered when cutting the metal parts for
making it component. The exact location of center of gravity of a component is dependent
on its shape, which is addressed in this experiment.

2. Objective

To determine the position of the centre of gravity for various shaped plates.
3. Apparatus

Apparatus Quantity/Specification Figure

Mounting panel 1 NIL

Rectangle plate 1

Circular plate 1

Triangle plate 1

T plate 1

Rhomboid plate 1

Irregular plate 1

Knurled nut (P11) 1

Pivot screw (P1) 1

Plumb bob and line 1

4. Procedure

4.1 Preparation
1. The mounting panel in the vertical position is secured.
2. The support pin is inserted through one of the holes in the upper half of the
mounting panel. The pin was secured with nut.
3. The plate surface is cleaned.

4.2 Test 1
1. The plate with the support pin is suspended in one of the holes at the outer side
of the plate.

2. The plumb-line is hooked on the support pin in front of the plate. The
position of the plumb-line is marked on the face of the plate with pencil dots
(when the plate and plum-line is at rest position).

3. The plate is removed and a line is drawn through the pencil dots.

4. The steps is repeated with the plate suspended from the two outer holes.
5. The lines drawn intersect at one of the inner hole. This hole is marked with the
letter G.
6. The test is repeated for all plates available.

4.3 Test 2
1. The plate is suspended with the support pin through each of the inner holes
2. The plate is rotated and observed how it comes to rest..

Figure 1: Experiment setup

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang

5. Results
Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
6. Discussions

Figure 1: Plate Before Rotating

Figure 2: When The Plate Is Rotating

Figure 3: When The Plate Stopped

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Centre of gravity is an imaginary point in a body of matter where, for convenience

in certain calculations, the total weight of the body may be thought to be concentrated. The
concept is sometimes useful in designing static structures such as buildings or in predicting
the behaviour of a moving body when it is acted on bygravity.

In a uniform gravitational field the centre of gravity is identical to the centre

of mass, a term preferred by physicists.

The location of a body’s centre of gravity may coincide with the geometric centre
of the body, especially in a symmetrically shaped object composed of homogeneous
material. An asymmetrical object composed of a variety of materials with different masses,
however, is likely to have a centre of gravity located at some distance from its geometric
centre. As the plate is rotated the plate is in constant decelaration. In some cases, such as
hollow bodies or irregularly shaped objects, the centre of gravity may occur in space at a
point external to the physical material

7. Conclusion

Based on the experiment that we have done, the location of a body’s centre of
gravity may coincide with the geomatric centre of body, especially in a symmetrically
shaped object. For irregular shapes, their centre of gravity can only be found by
experimental methods. It can be proven by one-point force. The centre of gravity of all
shapes is observed to be fixed point of their geometrics. For a compound body, the centre
of gravity is the midpoint of the centres of gravity of its compound.

8. Reference

Britannica, T. E. (2016, 3 16). Centre Of Gravity . Retrieved from Encyclopaedia
Britannica: https://global.britannica.com/science/centre-of-gravity

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