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Master of Science in Cyber Security

ECCU 500
Managing Secure Network Systems (CND)

Student Course Syllabus

Credit hours: 3
Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

1. Course Summary
1.1 Purpose of Class:
This class is designed to provide the fundamental skills needed to analyze the internal
and external security threats against a network, and to implement security
mechanisms to protect an organization’s information. The course helps to evaluate
network and Internet security issues and provides security solutions such as the
designing a security policy, troubleshooting networks, and digital signatures.
1.2 Major Instructional Areas
The following texts will be required for this course:
1. Certified Network Defender: Volume 1
2. Certified Network Defender: Volume 2
3. Certified Network Defender: Volume 3
4. Certified Network Defender: Volume 4
1.3 Course Objectives:
Students who successfully complete this class will be able to:
1. Understand fundamental networking concepts, analyze networking protocols and
implement established standards to design a robust networking infrastructure
2. Assess potential vulnerabilities and threats to network infrastructure, predict the
implication of network security breaches and analyze the available
3. Examine different network security mechanisms, analyze available security
controls and develop strategies to implement and configure these controls
4. Understand the role of network security policies, and develop comprehensive
policies that help in protecting network infrastructure
5. Understand the working of various networking devices, and develop strategies
for secure configuration of these devices
6. Identify security issues with operating systems and network-based applications,
analyze the common vulnerabilities and implement best practices to harden
7. Analyze cryptography algorithms and encryption techniques, and design
implementation strategies for privacy and security of information
8. Compare and contrast various network security tools, and make decisions to
deploy proper security tools based on evidence, information, and research
9. Evaluate physical security mechanisms, examine the issues and recommend the
countermeasures to safeguard the network infrastructure
10. Examine the impact of an incident in the network and develop policies, processes
and guidelines for incident handling and disaster recovery

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1.4 SCANS Objectives

SCANS is an acronym for Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. The
committee, appointed by the National Secretary of Labor in 1990, created a list of skills
and competencies that continue to be a valuable resource for individuals developing
their careers in a high-tech job market. For more information on the SCANS objectives,
visit The U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration:

2. Evaluation and Grading

2.1 ECCU Academic Credit and Grading Policy:
The academic credit used by ECCU is based off twelve-week courses that constitute 3
credits per course. All courses constitute approximately 100 hours of work per course
(reading, Online Discussion Forum postings, assignments, papers and supplementary
2.2 Point-grade breakdown:
The ECCU Course grading structure will follow the Academic Grading Symbols and
Quality Points Earned

Quality Points
Percentage Points Grade Comments

Superior Attainment of Course

90 - 100% 360-400 A 4.0

Good Attainment of Course

80 - 89% 320-359 B 3.0

Acceptable Attainment of Course

70 - 79% 280-319 C 2.0

Poor Attainment of Course

60 - 69% 240-279 D 1.0

Non-Attainment of Course
0 - 59% 000-239 F 0.0

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Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

2.3 Assessment and Grading Structure

Nos. Value Total Weightage

Weekly Quizzes (QZ) 60 1 60 15

Discussion Threads (DT) 10 4 40 10

Case Studies (CS) 6 12 72 18

Lab Assignments (LA) 17 4 68 17

Research Paper (RP) 1 60 60 15

Final Exam Qs (FE) 50 2 100 25

Total Possible Score 400 100

NOTE: Each week you will have assessments that you must complete for class credit.
Please refer to the MyEccuni online portal to complete any quizzes, discussion
threads, lab assessments, or summative assessments for each week.

3. Master of Science in Cyber Security (MSCS) Program

1. Application of technical strategies, tools and techniques to secure data and information
for a customer or client
2. Adherence to a high standard of ethical behavior
3. Use of research in both established venues and innovative applications to expand the
body of knowledge in information assurance
4. Application of principles of critical thinking to creatively and systematically solve the
problems and meet the challenges of the ever-changing environments of cyber security
5. Mastery of the skills necessary to move into leadership roles in companies, agencies,
divisions, or departments

4. Learning Standards
4.1 Four Standards of Performance
Always use these standards of performance anytime you write a research paper,
respond to a case study or answer discussion threads.
These 4 Standards of Performance, when used fully, will produce an excellent paper.
Depth of Reflection: Be sure to demonstrate a conscious and thorough
understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter. Analyze the evidence from

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Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

several perspectives, draw conclusions based on evidence, research and/or

Sequence your information: Your work has a clear and appropriate beginning,
development and conclusion. Most information is organized in a clear and logical way.
There is a beginning and a conclusion. Paragraphing and transitions are adequate.
Conclusions: Draw conclusions based on evidence, research or experience. Use the
context of your readings and the assumptions the author makes.
Language Use: Use sophisticated language that is precise and interesting. Sentence
structure must be correct to the grammar of the language.

5. Additional Notes and Expectations

5.1 Attendance
Documenting Attendance in Distance Education Courses
Changes to federal regulations in recent years have highlighted the importance of
accurate reporting on student attendance and participation in all courses, including
distance education courses (online and hybrid/blended courses).
In order to comply, EC Council University is providing the following procedural
guidance to faculty when filling out your non‐participation rosters. A student attends an
online course (or the online portion of a hybrid/blended course) by participating in class
or otherwise engaging in an academically related activity. Examples of such activity
include but are not limited to:
1. Contributing to an online discussion or text chat session
2. Submitting an assignment or working draft; working through exercises
3. Taking a quiz or exams
4. Viewing and/or completing a tutorial
5. Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a course‐related question.
Such academically related activities are readily tracked and documented through the
University learning management system, email system, and in some cases publisher
websites. Documenting that a student has logged into an online class or website is not
sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic attendance by the student. For example,
if a student simply logs into an online course on September 15 and logs out, without
any further activity, the student did not attend the online class on that day.
Late Assignments Late assignments are not in the student’s best interest. In that
regard, if you have a problem that will not allow you to complete the assignments in a
timely manner, please send the instructor an immediate request and explanation. It is
the instructor’s option, decision, and discretion to accept or reject the student’s
request. Continued requests will not be accepted and the student may be dropped
from the course at the instructor’s request.
Writing Skills If your writing skills are not the best, there are some modules under
“Student Orientation” in the LMS that can help you prepare for your writing process or

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Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

you may want to purchase a basic writing skills book that will help you. We also have
an online Librarian that can offer assistance at

6. Academic Honesty Policy

6.1 ECCU Course Policies On Cheating and Plagiarism
As a model of the highest ethical standards and as an institution of higher learning,
EC-Council University expects its students to conduct themselves with an
unquestionable level of honesty and integrity. EC-Council University will not tolerate
academic cheating or plagiarism in any form. Learning to think and work independently
is not only a part of the educational process; it is the educational process. Cheating or
plagiarism in any form is considered a serious violation of university policy, which each
student agreed to when accepted into the program. Student academic behaviors that
violate the university policy will result in disciplinary action, without exception.
University policy can be summarized simply: As a student, you are responsible for your
own work and you are responsible for your own actions.
Some examples of cheating and plagiarism include but are not limited to:

Cheating Use of material, information, or study aids not

permitted by the faculty
Plagiarism Use of another’s words or ideas without acknowledging
the source of the information
Falsification or Fabrication Changing or altering data, quotes, citations, grades or
academic records
Unauthorized Intentional sharing of information when the faculty does
Collaboration not approve of such collaboration
EC-Council University will take action in all cases of academic dishonesty. The first
instance will result in a failing grade for the assignment. The second instance will result
in a failing grade in the class. The third instance will result in dismissal from the
university. A record of all instances of academic dishonesty for ECCU, as well as a
record of the action taken, will be kept in the individual student file and Dean’s file.
1. Steps to be taken in the instance of academic dishonesty are: The faculty/staff will
inform the student of the allegation and provide evidence, offering the student the
opportunity to respond and/or rectify the issue depending on the nature of the
dishonesty and the particular assignment.
2. Once the student has had a chance to respond, the faculty/staff will determine if
academic dishonesty has occurred. If the faculty/staff concludes that academic
dishonesty has occurred and has proof, they will report the student’s name, the
class and assignment, the nature of the academic dishonesty and the proof to the
Dean. The type of disciplinary action to be taken will be determined by the
student’s record of instances identified above and will be applied by the faculty
and/or the Dean.

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6.2 Citing Sources

In academic communities, the ethics of research demand that writers be credited for
their work and their writing. To not do so is to plagiarize- to intentionally or
unintentionally appropriate the ideas, language, or work of another without sufficient
acknowledgement that such material is not one’s own. Whenever a student quotes,
paraphrases, summarizes, or otherwise refers to the work of another, the student must
cite his or her source either by way of parenthetical citation or footnote. Unfortunately,
this is the most common form of academic dishonesty, but regardless it will be
responded to with failing grades or dismissal.
6.3 Original Content
Students are expected to create their discussion topics, assignments and essays using
the majority of their own personal thoughts and ideas. All works must contain a
minimum of 75% original work. Any work submitted that contains more than 25%
unoriginal work regardless of whether the sources are cited properly may be
considered a violation of the academic honesty policy, depending on the nature of the
assignment, and consent of the assigned instructor.
6.4 Timeline
Discovery of violation of the Academic Honesty Policy can occur at any time. Issuance
of a grade, or even degree, can be changed if it is discovered that an academic
honesty violation occurred. The bottom line is this; it’s just not worth it.
6.5 Student Identity Verification
• EC-Council University takes measures to verify the identity of the students who
are applying to the university, completing courses, and taking proctored exams.
• Students access their courses and reference materials through our secure online
learning management system, where they are required to enter their username
and password. Students are responsible for the safeguard of their individual
• EC-Council University implements student identity verification in several ways to
ensure proper ID.
1. A Valid Government issued ID is required with admissions application.
2. Login credentials are required for the online LMS portal

7. Required Texts throughout this Course

The following texts will be required for this course:
1. Certified Network Defender: Volume 1
2. Certified Network Defender: Volume 2
3. Certified Network Defender: Volume 3
4. Certified Network Defender: Volume 4

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8. Cloud Based Cyber Range - iLabs

iLabs practical learning environment is revolutionizing the way Cyber Security is taught, get
started now. Practical Hands-On learning provides access to real world tools and scenarios,
boosts knowledge retention and is proven to be more effective at preparing you for the job. You
can access your virtual private cloud/ cyber range from anywhere with an internet connection.
Be instantly connected to all of the iLabs exercises at any time, 24x7. After login, you will have
full access to preconfigured targets, networks, and the attack tools necessary to exploit them.

9. Course Plan
9.1 Suggested Learning Approach
In this course, you will be studying individually and within a group of your peers. As
you work on the course deliverables, you are encouraged to share ideas with your
peers and instructor, work collaboratively on projects and team assignments, raise
critical questions, and provide constructive feedback.

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Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

Use the following advice to receive maximum learning benefits from your participation
in this course:


▪ Do take a proactive learning ▪ Don’t assume there is only one

approach correct answer to a question
▪ Do share your thoughts on critical ▪ Don’t be afraid to share your
issues and potential problem perspective on the issues analyzed in
solutions the course
▪ Do plan your course work in advance ▪ Don’t be negative towards points of
view that are different from yours
▪ Do explore a variety of learning
resources in addition to the textbook ▪ Don’t underestimate the impact of
collaboration on your learning
▪ Do offer relevant examples from your
experience ▪ Don’t limit your course experience to
reading the textbook
▪ Do make an effort to understand
different points of view ▪ Don’t postpone your work on the
course deliverables – work on small
▪ Do connect concepts explored in this
assignment components every day
course to real-life professional
situations and your own experiences

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Syllabus: ECCU 500 – Managing Secure Network

10. Course Outline

Grading Category Activity Title
Week 1: Module 01 – Computer Network and Defense Fundatmentals, Module 02 – Network
Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attacks
Readings Read the following chapters from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 1
Chapter 1 - Computer Network and Defense Fundamentals
Chapter 2 - Network Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and
Case Study Case Study: Week 1 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 1 4
Lab Lab Assignment 1: Basic Network Administration and 4
Troubleshooting Using Windows Command Line Utilities

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 1 4

Week 2: Moduel 03: Network Security Controls, Protocols, and Devices
Readings Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 1
Chapter 3 - Network Security Controls, Protocols, and Devices

Quiz Quiz: Week 2 8

Discussion Discussion Thread 2 4
Lab • Week 2 Lab Assignment 1: Encrypting Data at rest using 12
• Week 2 Lab Assignment 2: Encrypting data in Transit
using SSL
• Week 2 Lab Assignment 3: Ensuring Secure Email
Communication using PGP
Week 3: Module 04: Network Security Policy Design and Implementation
Module 05: Physical Security
Readings Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 1
a. Chapter 4 - Network Security Policy Design and
2. Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network

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Grading Category Activity Title
Defender: Volume 2
a. Chapter 1 - Physical Security
Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 3 4
Case Study Case Study: Week 3 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 3 4
Lab Week 3 Lab Assignment 1: Implementing Policies using Group 4
Policy Management Console (GPMC)

Week 4: Module 06: Host Security

Readings Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 2
• Chapter 2 - Host Security

Quiz Quiz: Week 4 8

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 4 4
Lab • Week 4 Lab Assignment 1: Detecting Missing Security 12
Patches using MBSA on Windows
• Week 4 Lab Assignment 2: Remote Log Capture using
Splunk Universal Forwarder
• Week 4 Lab Assignment 3: Implementing Host-based
Firewall Protection with iptable
Week 5: Module 07: Secure Firewall Configuration and Management
Readings Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 2
• Chapter 3 - Secure Firewall Configuration and
Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 5 4
Case Study Case Study: Week 5 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 5 4
Lab Week 5: Lab Assignment 1: Secure Firewall Configuration and 4
Week 6: Module 08 - Secure IDS Configuration and Management
Readings Read the following chapter from the book Certified Network 0
Defender: Volume 2
• Chapter 4: Secure IDS Configuration and Management

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Grading Category Activity Title

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 6 4

Case Study Case Study: Week 6 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 6 4
Lab Week 6: Lab Assignment 1: Configuring Snort IDS 4
Week 7: Module 09 – Secure VPN Configuration and Management, Module 10 - Wireless Network
Readings 1. Read the following chapter from the book Certified 0
Network Defender: Volume 2
• Chapter 5 - Secure VPN Configuration and Management
2. Read the following chapter from the book Computer
Network Defender: Volume 3
• Chapter 1- Wireless Network Defense

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 7 4

Case Study Case Study: Week 7 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 7 8
Week 8: Module 11 – Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Module 12 – Network Risk and
Vulnerability Management
Readings 1. Read the following chapters from the book Certified 0
Network Defender: Volume 3
• Chapter 02 - Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis
• Chapter 03 - Network Risk and Vulnerability

Quiz Quiz: Week 8 8

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 8 4
Lab • Week 8: Lab Assignment 1: Applying Various Filters in 12
• Week 8: Lab Assignment 2: Web-based Traffic Analysis
and Flow Collection Using ntopng
• Week 8: Lab Assignment 3: Conducting Vulnerability
Assessment using OSSIM
Week 9: Module 13 – Data Backup and Recovery
Readings • Read the following chapters from the Certified Network 0

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Grading Category Activity Title
Defender: Volume 4
• Chapter 01 - Data Backup and Recovery

Discussion Discussion Thread: Week 9 4

Quiz Quiz: Week 9 8
Lab • Week 9: Lab Assignment 1: Performing Data Backup 12
using AOMEI Backupper Standard
• Week 9: Lab Assignment 2: File Recovery Using
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
• Week 9: Lab Assignment 3: Partition Recovery Using
MiniTool Power Data Recovery Tool
Week 10: Module 14 – Network Incident Response and Management
Readings Read the following chapters from the Certified Network Defender: 0
Volume 4
Chapter 02 - Network Incident Response and Management
Discussion Discussion Thread: Week10 4
Case Study Case Study: Week 10 12
Quiz Quiz: Week 10 4
Lab Week 10: Lab Assignment 1: Working with Incident Tickets in 4
Week 11:
Assignment Project Report Submission 60
Week 12: Final Examination
Final Exam Summative Assessment Final Exam 100

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11. Academic Integrity

All students must comply with the policies that regulate all forms of academic dishonesty, or
academic misconduct, including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating,
and sabotage.
If you have any queries regarding this course, feel free to contact your instructor.
(End of Syllabus)

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