Ayurveda Products

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1) Botanical Name : Cedrus Dcodara

English Name : Devdar, Himalayan Cedar, Deodar Cedar
Tamil Name : தேவோரு, தேவோரம் /Thevatharu, Devadaram
Hindi Name : दे वदार / Devdar
Malayalam Name: ദേവതാരം / Devataram
Telugu Name : దేవదారు / Devadaru
How to Consume Thevatharu ( Devdar ) Internally:-
Morning - Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the
content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.
Internal Benefits of Thevatharu ( Devdar ):-

• Deodar is used in Ayurveda for treatment of inflammation, paralysis, kidney stones, fevers, external injuries, low appetite,
cramps, diabetes, fever, fungus, bacteria, infections, water retention etc.
It has antispasmodic, anti-poison, and anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic activity of
Deodar is due to presence of many compounds such as allohimacholol, centdarol, himachalol, himadarol spasmolytic etc
• The decoction of wood is given for treating fever and painful urination. The decoction promotes urination.
• The decoction of bark is used in diarrhea and dysentery.
• In breathlessness and hiccups, decoction of deodar wood pieces is made and taken twice a day
Devadaru helps in resolving the issues of chronic cough and rhinitis (cold). It reduces expectoration of sputum and
helps to heal the infected lungs

2) Shatavari / Thaneervettan kilangu podi

Shatavari can be taken as a powder or in tablet form. Siddha prefers the powder form of herbs because tasting the herb starts the digestive process
and sends signals to the body to initiate the body’s own supportive mechanisms. Shatavari powder (about ½ to 1 tsp for starters) is traditionally taken
mixed in a glass of warm milk, with honey or sugar if desired. It can also be mixed with ghee, or actually cooked into an herbalized ghee, to reap its
building and nourishing benefits. Shatavari tablets can be easier to use for those who desire the convenience of a tablet (traveling, on the go, at the
office), or do not like the taste of the powder. You can still follow the tablets with a glass of warm milk if desired, or take with warm water. Banyan
Botanicals prefers tablets over capsules as there is still some mild tasting of the herb that occurs. Taste starts the digestive process, and sends signals
to the body as to what to expect, already initiating your body’s own inner pharmacy

Shatavari and Siddha : Traditional Uses

Shatavari is used in Siddha to balance pitta and vata, but can increase kapha due to its heavy nature. Its bitter and sweet taste has a cooling effect on
the system, and its unctuous (oily), building nature makes it a great support for anyone looking for a nourishing, grounding effect. These combined
qualities make it a rasayana (rejuvenative) for the reproductive system (particularly female), the digestive system (particularly when pitta is involved),
and for the blood


Silasath parpam is a wellknown siddha medicine mentioned in the Tamil Medicinal text book, Agasthiyar
paripooranam 400. The ingredients required to make this medicine are Purified Gypsum (Karpoora silasath)
and Coldenia Juice (Siru seruppadai charu).

Gypsum is mined in several places in India. Chemically it is a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate
dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O.

This medicine is well prescribed in inflammation of urethra, retention of urine, leucorrhoea, painful micturition, burning
sensation all over the body etc. Silasath parpam is used in the treatment of male infertility, impotency and also in the
treatment of diabetes.
The dosage of this medicine is 500 - 1000 mg with Butter or Ghee as adjuvent, twice daily
A powerful source of ALL the minerals which are needed by the human body

Shilajeet literally means ‘rock overpowering’ and is a natural exudate from the rocks of the Himalayas and other mountainous
regions of the world. It is a SUPERB mineral supplement that benefits the kidneys, urinary and reproductive systems.

Use in male reproductive problems with premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, impotence and spermaturia. It strengthens the
whole reproductive system and is a tonic to the sex organs.
It also benefits the female reproductive system where there is weakness, infertility, dysmenorrhoea and pre-menstrual syndrome
arising in someone who is deficient and weak with high Vata.

Dosage :
250 - 500 mg twice daily mixed with butter or ghee.

4) Ashwagandha

Increasing interest in sex. Early research shows that taking ashwagandha extract
daily for 8 weeks along with receiving counseling increases interest in sex and sexual
satisfaction in adult women with sexual dysfunction better than counseling alone.

Male infertility. Some preliminary clinical evidence suggests that ashwagandha might
improve sperm quality, but not sperm count, in infertile men. It is not known if taking
ashwagandha can actually improve fertility.

High cholesterol. There is some evidence that ashwagandha might reduce

cholesterol levels in patients with high cholesterol.

Ashwagandha may be used in powdered form in dosages ranging from 450 milligrams to 2
grams. You can buy it in capsules, powders, or as a liquid extract from health food or
supplement stores.

It is also used for fertility problems in men and women and also to increase sexual desire.

It has been used for centuries as a general body tonic, as it makes you feel stronger and healthier. It is also
present in Chyawanprash, the delicious and famous concoction stocked up in every Indian household.

The rejuvenating properties of Ashwagandha make it very effective in treating insomnia. It calms the nervous
system, eases stress and gets rid of sleeplessness. Traditionally, it is used as a powder mixed with honey and
warm milk for calming vata and regulating your sleep and wake cycles. You can also have a cup of hot milk
mixed with 1 teaspoon of powdered Ashwagandha before bedtime.

5) benefits of Triphala:
 Improves digestion & elimination
 Reduces serum cholesterol
 Improves circulation (potentiates adrenergic function),
 Contains 31% linoleic acid,
 Exerts a marked cardio-protective effect,
 Reduces high blood pressure,
 Improves liver function
 Has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties
 Expectorant, hypotensive
Harataki, Amlaki and Bibhitaki

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