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Alchemy, the Masters’ Path

Create Your Calm & Peace.

Alchemist Jedi
#1 Amazon Bestseller

First edition published by Alchemist Jedi.


Copyright © 2018 Alchemist Jedi.

ISBN: 978-0-359-61106-5

Alchemist Jedi has asserted his rights under the

Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act, 1988 to be
identified as the author of this work.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced

mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including
photocopying, without permission of the publisher or author except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and
reviews. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or
distribute it by any other means without permission from the
publisher or author.

Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of the
enclosed material. This book is strictly for informational and
educational purposes.

Warning – Disclaimer: The purpose of this book is to educate and

entertain. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee that
anyone following these techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or
strategies will become successful. The author and/or publisher
shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect
to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly by the information contained in this book.

Publisher Alchemist Jedi.

This book is dedicated to my father, Daryl Hill, who always
believed in me, and to everyone who strives to do the acts required
to improve your connection with the Divine Creator. It is my hope
and goal that you may embody your highest self to serve as part of
the ‘Great Work’ of alchemy, so that we may truly create our
“Heaven (Paradise) on Earth.”

I would like to thank the ALL/creator/source/divine/God/
love/light/sound/electric, which without, nothing would exist.

I’d also like to thank Mother Nature, for she has taught me
more than can be described, and has always uplifted, supported,
and restored my faith when needed. When in doubt, I always look to

There were countless people who made a huge impact on

my life and the knowledge required to write this book. I am grateful
to you, all. Moreover the substitute teacher in the 2nd grade, who
noticed I was dyslexic, and got me in a speed reading class. This
one act granted me the skills required to learn from the ancient
masters. Thank you, ALL.

Thank you Mr. Vankirk, my high school math teacher, who

is the only reason I graduated high school. He kicked me out of
calculus class my junior year so I would have a reason to come back
my senior year.

Thank you to the countless healers, scientists, holy people

and more, who helped me along the way making this vision

I’d also like to thank my friend, RaNae Envy, who provided

me with a place to edit this work until I met my twin flame who
helped me finish getting it ready for print.
Table of Contents
Dedications 3
Acknowledgements 4
Table of Contents 5
Preface 6
Introduction 8
Chapter 1: What is alchemy? 12
Chapter 2: It all begins with 23
“the breathe”
Chapter 3: Returning to center 29
Chapter 4: Changing direction 46
– reprogramming your mind
Chapter 5: You have to feel it 70
to heal it – processing emotions
Chapter 6: Vision – Ikagai, and 81
why you must keep it secret
Chapter 7: True self-care/self- 91
Chapter 8: Distractions and 98
obstacles along the path
Chapter 9: Bonus exercises 109
Chapter 10: A star is born 120
Quotes 130
Bibliography and suggested 140
Additional resources 144


Who is Alchemist Jedi?

Before we go into my background, let’s take care of the
elephant in the room:

“Is your name really Jedi?”

Yes and No. It is short for Jedidiah Hill. As you can see, Jedi is the
first 4 letters of Jedidiah, so why not be the Jedi a name that is no
name. What this means is the Jedi are an order of those working to
restore harmony to this planet and the universe, thus Jedi isn’t really
a name of a person rather it represents something far greater. That
and the full name Jedidiah has much more responsibility then I’d
wish on anyone.

Jedidiah: Beloved by Jehovah, the name which, by the

mouth of Nathan, the Lord gave to Solomon at his birth
as a token of the divine favor (2 Samuel 12:24-25). In
Hebrew, it also relates to knowledge and wisdom, old
Egyptian (Coptic) the columns or pillars that hold up the
heavens. You see, that’s too much responsibility for
anyone, so just call me Jedi.

The Alchemist Jedi was raised in the country on top of a hill,

where his family was the only permanent resident. This gave Jedi
complete freedom to roam the mountain top and enjoy nature’s
abundance everywhere he went; picking fruits and berries, and
having countless adventures as a young child. However, life was not
a complete picture of utopic paradise: Jedi was born with horrible
allergies and asthma. It’s common for him to joke that he was
allergic to society. The irony is when going into the woods, his
allergies would lighten up and eventually vanish. Jedi was always
walking barefoot on the earth.

One morning, when Jedi was 8 years old, he had a tragic

accident during which his tongue was cut off. After this terrible
experience, he was unable to speak. This was a blessing in disguise
as it forced Jedi to be silent and just observe nature, as well as those
around him. This gave Jedi a greater reverence for creation laying
the groundwork for what was to come.

During high school, Jedi was a voracious reader, and

became increasingly obsessed with learning about science, magic,
medicine, psychology, philosophy and more on his search to
understand the nature of the universe, and to help cure his allergies.
Jedi stopped counting how many books he had read when he
topped 5,000 at age 28.

In 2001, Jedi started massage school as a stepping stone to

becoming a doctor on the recommendation of an osteopath. This
was a great blessing that really kicked off the start of Jedi’s
understanding of the mind-body connection. He traveled the
country learning from holy people, healers, scientists, philosophers,
psychologists and more. In fact he continues to learn and study on a
daily basis which is one of the secrets of self-mastery to always keep
a beginner’s mindset open to new information.


Many modern books have become filled with fluff and other
kinds of things to expand topics that can be discussed in a couple
of pages from an older book, such as Think and Grow Rich, by
Napoleon Hill.

This book seeks to cut out as much of the fluff - as possible

- and give you an array of tools that you can apply to radically alter
your life by reducing the weight of stress, increasing your focus and
energy levels, raising your confidence in yourself, knowing what to
do in a stressful situation, and enabling you to accomplish more
than your ever thought possible.

Don’t just believe what is in this book. Rather, you must

research the information for yourself - or even better, test it out by
applying it repeatedly and being aware of the changes that happen
within and without. Question everything, including the person, who
told you to question everything. A large portion of your life is
subjective, and what works for you might not work for someone
else. So, give the exercises a solid effort for at least 30 days to see
what works for you.

Who is the Book Alchemy the Masters’ Path written for?

Alchemy the Masters Path is for you if you are a beginner on
the path of self-mastery/self-improvement, and know nothing about
alchemy. This book was written to be for the most part in layman's
terms that a 10 year old can understand without any background
knowledge. Alchemy the Masters’ Path is written this way in order
to be able to help the maximum number of people to get on the
path in a practical way that will radically accelerate harmony on
earth. You will learn how to reconnect with your inner nature and be
in harmony with nature. As Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is
the ultimate sophistication."

While I feel there are parts that can be simplified, at the

moment, this is the best the world has to offer. This book is
utilizing research of masters, both ancient and modern, as well as
experts in countless fields from spiritual healers, holy people,
doctors, philosophers, physicists and many other scientists,
communion with spirit and more than 5000 books in countless
areas. Reading will enable you to have the tools to be a master of
you and make a dent in the universe.

This book is also for you if you are farther along the path of
self-mastery and have extensively studied alchemy. Whether
spiritual, physical, or chemical alchemy, even you, who are working
actively on making the Philosopher's Stone to achieve immortality,
will benefit from this book. In this book you will find countless
ways to make it easier to explain things to your students, as well as
giving you clues on how to bring all the aspects of alchemy together
in order to achieve your goal.

This book is especially for you if you have a grand vision of
seeing the “great work” being finally achieved, as the grand vision
held by the ancients of manifesting harmony on this planet. There
will be opportunities within this book for you to contribute directly
to spreading harmony to the whole world.

Alchemy the Masters’ Path is also for you if you see the
great work of alchemy as achieving immortality - both spiritually
and physically. Contained within this book will be many clues to
significantly extend your life. Not limited to, but including ancient
ways to regenerate your body, to slow down and even reverse aging

You will also be learning how to master the language of

emotion/feeling, which has been forgotten by most in the Western
world. As well as ways to balance and harmonize your
neurotransmitters and hormones throughout the body, which will
improve all aspects of your life.

In summary, Alchemy the Masters’ Path is for you, no

matter where you are along the path of self-mastery. Once you fully
realize that the path of mastery is eternal, ‘the work becomes the
worship’. The masters of old are masters of the basics spiraling up
to higher and higher levels eternally from a deeper and deeper
understanding of universal/natural law.
Some final thoughts from Aristotle: "It is the mark of the educated
mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

While you go through this book keep an open mind, test

things out, and be amazed at how your life and very being
transforms like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. You will let go
of everything that no longer serves you to become your best self.

Chapter 1

What is Alchemy?

“Wisdom is given to no man until he asks for it.” Manly Hall

Alchemy is a most magnificent philosophy, a sacred science

of the highest order, and a most beautiful art.

According to the Webster’s dictionary, alchemy is:

1: A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy

aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold,
the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a
means of indefinitely prolonging life.

2: A power or process that changes or transforms something

in a mysterious or impressive way.

… The practitioners of financial alchemy that transformed

the world of money in the 1980's … Gordon Williams

3: An inexplicable or mysterious transmuting.

While that definition does have some truth, it is far from

giving the whole picture. While Webster may consider alchemy
speculative (theoretical rather than demonstrable), you will find in
this book that you will be able to demonstrate that alchemy works,
when you put forth the effort and practice what is contained in
these pages. Personally, when I meet someone who knows nothing
about alchemy, I simply say alchemy is the science/art of changing
one thing to another like lead to gold or more modern fear to love.
Here I'm going to give you a more in depth understanding.

Some sources say alchemy starts in Egypt, via the great

Egyptian adept king, named by the Greeks “Hermes Trismegistus”
who is thought to have been the founder of art. Reputed to have
lived about 1900 B.C., Hermes Trismegistus is the author, who
represents a combination of the Egyptian God Thoth and the Greek
God Hermes. Both were gods of writing and magic in their
respective cultures. This is where Hermeticism gets its start and is
an area that it is wise to do a deep study of, if you are serious about

You will also find roots of alchemy in the Chinese, Persian,

and European cultures. One simply has to research into any of
these origins, which could easily fill many volumes. While an
interesting study, this is a more a practical guide to use in your
daily life. If you further desire background historical knowledge,
many sources to expand your knowledge and understanding will be
referenced at the end of this book.

Going back to the initial definition, the transmutation of the

base metals into gold, while a master could wave their hand and
change lead to gold, there is a deeper meaning of changing the
internal state to spiritual gold. In modern times, alchemy has split
into laboratory work and spiritual (mental) alchemy.

This book seeks to bring the two together by utilizing your

body as the great alchemical laboratory. All true alchemists know
that our secrets and mysteries are hidden in our beautiful allegories,
symbols and metaphors.

One must know what one seeks. That the gold to the true
alchemists is not common gold; that through the traditional lab
works he is exactly shown allegorically how to achieve this “gold”.
With every teaching, every book, every serious contact a true seeker
enjoys, reveals to him something about the great work.

“There is no place for little minds in a great work.”

Manly Hall

One book opens another, one candle flame ignites another,

the words of one master reveals the words of another, one
experiment evolves the next one, one inspiration begets another,
and so the door to the true lab opens up to him.

Thus you will find that the study of alchemy and self-
mastery becomes a lifelong journey. Once you realize that the path
is eternal, the work becomes the worship.

7 Hermetic Principles

Much of what you will learn about the approach I take

toward the law of attraction and how the universe functions is based
on the 7 hermetic principles, which I place a brief overview here.

With this book you will learn how wise ones serve on higher
planes yet, rule on lower ones. Below we will have a brief quote of
how the ancients described these principles. To get a more in-depth
view of these principles read the short book the Kybalion.
1. The Principle of Mentalism
"The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." The Kybalion

If the universe is mental, then the mind must be the highest

power affecting its phenomenon. This one is a major key to
unlocking the secrets of the universe. Through my studies of
cultures around the world, the one universal constant was that we
are all one, creator and creation are one. In star wars they talk about
one force that pervades the universe and while the ancients called it
mind, spirit, and energy. With modern science we call the one force
electric with the equal and opposite reaction being magnetism
hence why we call it electromagnetism. Einstein rediscovered with
his famous equation E=MC² that matter and energy are the same
thing. The more you realize that love, light, electric, and sound are
all same just merely different frequencies and vibrations emanated
from the one mind. You will see that the barriers we believe to be
true are merely illusions.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above." The Kybalion

Correspondence in this case means having a close

similarity, connection, or equivalence. For instance, the distance
between the center of an atom and the electrons is the same ratios
as the sun and planets to galaxies across the universe. This is
shown easier when you look into fractals and sacred geometry.

3. The Principle of Vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." The Kybalion

This one you’ll find just the same in physics books. While a
table or other inanimate object appears to be, still we know at the
molecular level it’s vibrating at a high rate. Matter, energy, and even
spirit, are simply varying rates of vibration. A classic example of this
being frequency in which the seven octaves of music, tuned up 44
octaves, miraculously becomes the spectrum of visible light. At the
highest rates of vibration the rate and intensity are so rapid it
appears to be motionless, like a helicopter propeller appearing to be
a stable circle. And at the lowest levels of vibration, objects move so
slowly, they appear to be totally at rest.

Knowing this, alchemists know that even thoughts have

their own rate of vibration, and can be controlled like tuning an
instrument, to produce various results for the aim of self and
environment mastery. As your understanding of vibration,
frequency, harmony and resonance increase, so too shall your power
over yourself and your world.

4. The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;
like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." The
For instance there are 2 sides of every coin and whether you
are looking at light/dark, hot/cold, summer/winter, hate/love,
fear/courage, they are opposing aspects of the same thing. The
example of hot/cold is the simplest to illustrate as they are both a
measure of temperature. Cold isn’t separate from heat: it’s merely a
lack of heat.

This principle is one of the great tools of alchemists utilized

to change thoughts and emotions from one polarity to the other.
Let’s say you are about to give a speech, and you are really nervous,
while the other polarity is excitement. Thus, to change from the
nervous, you start chanting to yourself “I’m excited, I’m excited,
I’m excited.” And, pretty soon, that internal switch flips, and you
are excited and able to give a marvelous speech.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and
fall; the pendulum - swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right
is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." The Kybalion

Everything moves in time and is cyclic. Whether it is the

ebb and flow of the waves for the changing of the seasons, where
spring turns to summer and summer to fall, then winter followed by
spring again. You might also come to realize that this relates to the
only thing being constant in the universe is change.

When you are in tune with the principle of rhythm and
understand that every mental state exists in rhythm, always ebbing
and flowing, you can learn to use this principle to your advantage
by polarizing yourself to the degree you desire.

With the heightened awareness gained by understanding

this principle, you can experience higher states of consciousness to
rise above the swing of the pendulum. Rhythm will have an effect
on you one way or another, but with awareness you can use it to
propel you forward and ride it back to recovery.

Remembering the law of rhythm is very important for your

state of happiness and well-being. If you’re used to living in
abundance constantly, then times of scarcity will have a much
greater impact on you than on someone who hasn’t been as well off.

The key to not being negatively influenced by the harsh

pendulum swing is to not get attached to anything in life and not
base your happiness on external objects, people or circumstances
that lie outside of your control. Most people can’t even control their
own emotions and are riding the ups and downs of a roller coaster
all day. You’ll learn as you study this book how to achieve and
maintain a calm, peaceful, and detached emotional state.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens
according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many
planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." The Kybalion

The physical realm is the realm of effect where the mind is

the realm of cause. Most people who are ignorant to this law just
keep drifting along until their life is in shambles, and then play the
victim, blaming everyone and everything else for what they caused
in their lives.

“But the masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their

moods, characters, qualities, and powers, as well as the
environment surrounding them, and become movers instead of
pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being
played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE
the Principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the
Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own
plane.” The Kybalion

When you act from cause and postulate what you desire
you’ll start noticing that the universe responds to you through
matter, energy, space and time. Focus on being at cause and you
will develop mastery of yourself bit by bit.

7. The Principle of Gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and

Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes." The

Gender is a fascinating principle that effects the actions and
interplay of matter from the very structure of the atom (proton being
masculine and electron feminine) to the creation of galaxies,
everything requires gender to manifest.

Under this principle also comes the law of gestation or

sowing and reaping. This is where you plant a seed in a field or
fertilize an egg to create a new animal after the seed has been
deposited. You must wait in time for the plant or baby to grow. This
is the nature of all things. You must have patience to plant the seed,
water the soil, prune the weeds and in time you will have a harvest.
This is just as true for plants as it is for building a relationship or
even a business.

This is also where the concept of the divine masculine and

divine feminine comes into play. Now we all have both aspects
within each one of us and whichever sex you were born as to
maintain balance, you have more of one or the other.

Going back to the atom we’ll use hydrogen in this case as its
simplest with one proton and one electron. The masculine proton is
moving in a straight linear line, until it bumps into something or is
acted on by another force then it moves in another direction.
Whereas the feminine electron is drawn to the proton and orbits
around it like the planet does around the sun, as it propels through
space around the galaxy.

When looking at gender, there are many books on the

subject which will expand on it deeper then we have time here. One
book I recommend, if you are curious how gender applies to your
life and relationships, is The Way of the Superior Man by David
How You Can Utilize Alchemy

Now that you have a base understanding of universal laws

that you’ll utilize for the rest of your life, as was said before. In its
simplest form alchemy is the science/art of changing one thing to
another. While I personally feel that a master can do virtually
anything in a single breath and while a master can literally change
lead to gold with the wave of a hand or have an immortal body. For
those of us, who are still mere mortals, you may consider mastery as
the ability to perform instinctively and instantly execute as if you
had 20/20 hindsight vision to consider your actions.

What is more common for utilizing alchemy is changing

plants to medicine, fear to courage, anxiety to calm, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity, dis-ease to wellness, etc. With science, it has
also recently been shown that we can change light to sound or
electric and any combination between; which shows that we are all
one. The possibilities are endless for what you are capable of. It is
up to you to choose the life you desire to live then take action to
achieve it. More often than not it is inaction that causes us to miss
out, not action.

Remember it is easier to follow then to lead. Yet it is we,

who lead, which are sorely lacking in this world. Those, who
practice alchemy, have been guiding humanity throughout history
to manifest world harmony and creating heaven (paradise) on earth.

“We are all self-made but only the successful will admit it."
Earl Nightingale

Will you choose to take up the mantle of alchemy and work

on your self-mastery for the rest of your life so that you may be an
alchemist making the world a better place?
Chapter 2

It All Begins with the Breath

"The fastest way to your ascension is through the breath."

Ancient Saying

God is found in between the breaths.

Your life starts and ends with a breath and with mastery of
your breath comes mastery over your mind and emotions.

The ancients say the fastest way to ascension is through the


Thus, breath control is one of your first steps on the path of

self-mastery. There is enough information on different ways you can
breathe to fill many volumes of books. John Edwin Dingle and the
science of mental physics series from the 1930's is a good place for
additional information as well as ancient yogic texts. If you are
someone, who is an adept at yoga, you know that the breath is the
master key to unlock many things.

To teach you how to consciously regulate your breath and

life-force, let us start with the way we started out breathing as
infants uninhibited and natural.

This is one of the reasons that Lao Tzu talked about a baby
being the perfect Taoist master. Then we forget who/what we are
as we age.

We first bring in air deep by contracting the diaphragm

causing the stomach area to expand. Once the stomach/abdominal
muscles are fully relaxed, we then fill up the chest cavity letting it
expand out and up, as the chest fills, allowing your shoulders to roll
back. For the exhale, merely reverse the process by rolling
shoulders forward, shrinking the chest then contract abdominal

Now give it a try: take 3 slow deep breaths as directed

above. Then put your hand on your heart and notice the difference
in how you feel. Do it now, you’ll be amazed at the difference it

This is the optimal way to breathe. Unfortunately, most of

us don’t do it that way due to upbringing and various traumas as we

Most of you are what are known as chest breathers, where

you are mainly breathing from the chest area and only minimal
movement of your diaphragm. This reduces how much air and
Prana (life force in the air) you receive, which long term can lead to
possible health issues ranging from things such as digestive and
cardiovascular problems to things such as anxiety, lack of mental
clarity and more. Thus you must learn to focus on your breath
continually throughout the day.

** Later you’ll learn that all your emotions are held in the
breath and ways you can utilize that to your advantage. **

Now, I'm sure most of you don't think about your breathing
as it is mostly unconscious. While this is true as you become
more conscious of your breath, you can regulate your heart rate,
blood pressure, temperature, mood, thoughts and more by focusing
on your breath. The goal we are working towards is to teach you the
basics of how to consciously regulate your breath and the life force
energy (Prana) that the air contains.

I’d like to start with giving you the 4 components of your

breath. They are as follows: inhalation (in-breath), holding at the
top of breath, exhalation (out-breath), and pausing between the
breaths. It is said that god or goddess is also known as the God,
divine, universe, nature, creator, source, etc. which exists between
the breaths. We will go over the space between the breaths later on.

For now, lets' go back to the way you breathed as an infant

uninhibited and natural. You first bring in the air deep by
contracting your diaphragm and expanding your belly. Once your
abdominal muscles are relaxed and expanded, you then fill up your
chest cavity letting it expand out and up, followed by your shoulders
rolling backwards. This is what a complete in-breath

(inhalation) looks like when done properly. For the out-breath you
will reverse this process by letting the shoulders roll forward then
the chest compresses, followed by relaxing the diaphragm and the
contraction of the abdominal muscles. This is the optimal way for
you to breathe; though most of you don't do it this way.

Most of you are what are known as chest breathers, which

means you are only breathing from the upper part of your chest.
This reduces the amount of air and energy you receive with each
breath. Chest breathing is also related to dis-ease like lack of mental
clarity, digestive disorders, cardiovascular problems, anxiety in the
short-term, and cancer in the long term. There are many other
factors for dis-ease like cancer, though it was shown in the 1930's by
Otto Warburg, who received a Nobel Prize for showing that cells
become cancerous in a low oxygenated and acidic environment. At
the very least you are exasperating and accelerating the growth of
cancer by breathing improperly.

The magical and healing powers of the breath cannot be

overstated. Look back to the various movies you've watch and
stories you’ve read, where the magician, sorcerer, wizard, and the
like uses their breath to cast a spell for either healing or harm. You
will start to glance at the possibilities of what you can achieve as
you gain mastery over your breath.

When I was younger, I used to experience horrible allergies

and asthma, to the point it worried my grandmother that I wouldn't
make it through the night. I'd stop breathing for a minute or more
when sleeping. Even when awake, there are countless days where I
have had to fight for every breath I took.

Due to this respiratory condition, I had become a chest

breather myself with the lungs constantly full of fluid. When I was a
teenager, the doctor had me do a breath volume test during which I
was only able to produce 25-30% of the air volume of the average
person. Given the fact that my ribcage is about the same size as
someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson a.k.a. the
Rock, this was an extremely depressing thought to me. Yet this was
a blessing in disguise, as this information propelled me to dive deep
into research on how to fix it; because Western medicine doctors
don’t have the knowledge to treat chronic disorders, though they
are good at treating physical traumas. For chronic disorders you
need to go back to ancient and traditional medicine. The plus side
to this experience is that it made it easier for me to be grateful for
every breath I take.

Now, after years of doing breath work, I feel much better

and able to maintain a calm state of being the vast majority of the

Gaps in Breath Where You Find God/Divine/Creator

It is the points between the breaths, where you will have most of
your spiritual experiences, if you are aware enough to notice.

Bonuses to Breath Work
Since all your emotions are held in the breath, the fastest
way to regulate any emotion is with your breath. For instance, when
you are nervous or anxious you start breathing from your chest
taking small, quick breaths which kicks your body into a fight-or-
flight mode.

Your life starts and ends with a breath and with mastery of
your breath comes mastery over your mind and emotions.

Breath control is one of your first steps on the path of self-

mastery. Breathe and move with intention, affirm, and visualize that
you're moving old toxic energy out of your cells, bringing in healthy
and vibrant energy.

Mindfulness Exercise
Set an alarm. When it goes off, stop everything even talking,
take a few deep breaths, and check in with yourself see where your
mental and emotional state is. As you do this, over time you’ll
become more aware of what state you are in, making it easier to
return to center.
Chapter 3

Returning to Center
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the
souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and
all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great
Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

Black Elk

The Value of Silence

The day I learned the value of silence, I was 8 years old, and
had just graduated out of speech therapy for a lisp in the 2nd grade
two weeks prior. I was visiting my grandparents in West Virginia. It
was shortly after sunrise and we were driving through the woods
and ended up at a park with deer so tame they'd walk right up to
you be pet and fed. We drove around the park stopping a few places
until we came across a playground. I was off playing on the
different pieces of equipment and came to the monkey bars. By now
it's probably 9:00-9:30 in the morning and the dew is still on the
grass. I started out normal swinging from bar to bar then I climbed
on top and decided to practice gymnastics I learned in school. I did
a back handspring on top of the bars and nailed it. Unfortunately,
due to the dew I slipped and fell between the bars hitting my chin
and landing on the ground. A bit dazed from the uppercut, I started
to get up and heard my grandmother screaming in the distance. A
few seconds later I was walking towards her, she was checking me
over; when I was about to tell her I was fine, I opened my mouth
and the only thing that came out was blood. She rushed me over to

the water fountain while she was freaking out. I got some water to
rinse out my mouth and my tongue came out of my mouth hanging
by a small thread of flesh about the size of the headphone wire. At
that point my grandmother was totally panic-stricken looking like
she might faint. My grandpa had us all get back in the car and we
rushed to the nearest hospital, while I kept ice cubes in my mouth
along with stack of napkins getting soaked with blood. Through
this I was surprisingly calm, not understanding why they were so
freaked out. After a short drive, we arrived at the hospital and they
told my grandparents they would have to sew my tongue back on.
Due to not being able to talk since my tongue was hanging by the
thread, I wrote down, “Can you put me to sleep when you do the
surgery”. The doctors said, “No” and recommended we go to a
different hospital all the while I was still bleeding profusely from my
mouth. We headed back to the car and drove another 30-40 minutes
away to another hospital. This time the doctor said that they would
put me to sleep so I agreed to be treated.

I walked with a doctor and nurse into the operating room

and I laid on the operating table. They strapped me down across
my chest and told me that they would not put me to sleep because
they thought I'd swallow my tongue. To my dismay, 4 male nurses
barged in and pinned me down with one latching onto each arm
and leg. While the female nurse tried to pry my mouth open and I
was flailing about fighting to get free because they lied to me about
sedating me. When the nurse realized I wasn’t going to open my
mouth, she pinched my nose shut causing me to spit up blood and
open my mouth to take a breath. The evil doctor took that
opportunity to shove a large needle in my tongue, injected the fluid,
followed by using a needle and thread to sew the tongue back on as
it was done in the medieval time. The whole time this was
happening, I was fighting with all my strength even kicking the
nurse away a few times. I felt excruciating pain with every pass of
the needle, tears streaming down my face for what felt like hours as
I attempt to scream in agony but no sound came out.

Eventually the doctor finished, the nurses let go allowing

me to get up and head back to my grandparents. I wasn’t able to
tell them the horrendous torture I had just gone through, and it
wasn’t like they would have done anything about it if they had

Looking back on this now, what a fascinating way to be

forced into a vow of silence! How else do you keep an 8 year old
from speaking for a couple of months?

Now that my tongue didn’t work, I spent the next month

eating ice cream and Jell-O because I was not able to have solid
food due to the stitches on my tongue. While to any kid this sounds
like a dream, after a few weeks, I was looking forward to being able
to eat different foods.

This event also forced me to be more aware of my thoughts

and environment, becoming more introverted, since I wasn't able to
speak. At first when that happened, I was upset about the thought

of having to go back to speech therapy and getting picked on by
other kids in school because of it. Though before long those
thoughts vanished, as I became absorbed with being an observer
and how much I had been missing out on before. I found that most
people are so oblivious to what’s going on around them that if you
don't speak they will forget that you are even there. Since I wasn't
able to contribute to conversations, it made more sense for me to
seek solitude in nature. I would walk in the woods on the mountain
side or down to the creek in the valley seeing the whole world a

As I continued to do this, I gained more awareness of my

thoughts and the observer behind the thoughts. Once at this point,
I was better able to direct my thoughts and dismiss those that did
not serve me. That is the process that continues eternally.

Now you might not want to go to the extreme of not being

able to talk for months. However, you will find that spending some
time every day in silence and observing your thoughts without
distraction is beneficial to start reigning in your mind like regaining
control of the horse that you are riding. That gives you a better
understanding of yourself and brings you closer to center.

Being in your still silent center, the gap between your

thoughts is the goal you hear, so many people talk about after
meditating for 30 years. Luckily you won’t have to meditate for 30
years to achieve this state. This book will give you the tools to
shortcut this process. For instance, the use of binaural beats that
we’ll discuss later in the book help you accelerates the process.
What is This Center that you are Referring to?
It goes by many names you have likely already heard from a
point to a sacred island, singularity, stillness, seed, and connection
to source/creator/God. Your center is the place where you are able
to be an observer seeing everything from a clear, neutral

To help give you a reference point to understand this, look

at the following picture which is called a circumpunct.
A circumpunct is also the Hermetic symbol of gold drawn by
making a circle with a dot in the center, which also symbolizes the
sun and both represent soul and consciousness.

Diagram 1: Circumpunct.

"The Keys to all knowledge are contained in the dot, the line and the circle.
The dot is universal consciousness, the line is universal intelligence, and the circle is
universal force -- the 3 fold unknowable Cause of all knowable existence."

Manly P. Hall

The dot, or Sacred Island, is the beginning of existence,

whether that of a universe or man. The dot is the germ (seed) raised
upon the surface of infinite duration. The potentialities signified by
the blank paper are manifested through the dot. Thus the limitless
absolute is manifested in a limited way.

After the dot is placed on the paper, it can be rubbed out

and the white paper restored to its virgin state. Thus the white
paper represents eternity, and the dot, time; and when the dot is
erased, time is dissolved back into eternity, for time is dependent
upon eternity.

Just like erasing the dot on the paper you can silence your
mind to experience eternity.

What do you have to do in order to access this point of

infinite potentialities?

First you need another piece of information, as this is only a

two-dimensional image but what does it look like in 3D?
A Torus
As you can see from the diagrams below, the donut-shaped
structure comes to a single point of singularity and everything
either flows into or out of this point.

Diagram 2: Torus Side-Cross Section (above). Diagram 3: Movement of energy in and out of Torus (left-
hand side; below); Arial see through view (right-hand side; below).

This is one of shapes in sacred geometry that makes up the
structure of atoms and magnetic fields which makes up everything.

“Be still and know that ‘I Am’ God,” Psalm 46:10

This is the center point of stillness, you must return to over

and over until you get to the point you can maintain that calm and
peaceful state of being. Everything comes from this still center and
returns back to it. When you reach this silent point of stillness you
slip into the gap. This means to center yourself, in that silent space
between your thoughts, to go into the silence – that level of being
which is your essential state.

Once you are able to go into this state you can then utilize it
to manifest you desires (vision), rewire your brain, and much more.

Establish that silent state of being; release your intentions,

and desires. When you are actually in the gap, there’s no thought,
there’s no intention -- just being. But as you come out of the gap at
the point before a thought, you introduce intention. Now that you
have a mental understanding of the center, you are probably
wondering where this center is in you and how you apply this in
everyday life.

Ask yourself where is your center? Go ahead do it now.

You put your hand on your heart, didn’t you? If you didn’t
that’s okay. You likely felt your awareness go to your heart or
imagined your heart chakra. Knowing that your heart is your center,
how do you bring your awareness to it? You may have already done
it this way, as you’ll learn more about it in chapter 4, when you
place your hand on your heart and your awareness moves there.

Side note: This is why you are taught to have your hand over
your heart as a child saying the pledge of allegiance to ingrain a
deep patriotism to your country on a biological level.

Now that you know where the center of your being with
your hand still on your heart, imagine your consciousness moving
from your head down into your heart. Set a timer for 1 minute and
do this now.

It is ok, I’ll wait. Do this now.

Did you notice how for at least a moment your thoughts

stopped? This point of inner stillness is the point you want to reach
and work on maintaining. This point of inner stillness/ silence is
where you will find your peace and calm. One great way to help you
with this is to create silence in your environment. Most people can’t
stand to have a silent environment because they can’t handle their
own thoughts, but you are different. You are doing the work to
master yourself.

Silence to reach inner stillness is a universal concept that
will help you access your connection with the
God/divine/creator/higher self, etc. Below are some quotes that
may help to impress upon you the value of silence.

"True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions

to problems are found." Eckhart Tolle

"I am able to control only that which I am aware of. That which I am
unaware controls me. Awareness empowers me." John Whitmore

"The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness."
Sakyong Mipham

"In stillness lies wisdom. In quiet you'll find peace. In solitude you'll
remember yourself." Robin Sharma

“Within yourself is a stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any

time & be yourself.” Herman Hesse

“Yoga means stillness of mind and freedom from oscillations and various
mental processes.” Patanjali
"When there is no mind, you are in Yoga; when there is mind you are not in
yoga. So you may do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on
thinking, you are not in yoga." Osho

"The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga." Yogi Bhajan

"Returning to the source is stillness. It is returning to one's fate. Returning to

one's fate is eternal." Lao Tzu

"Returning to source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of

nature is unchanging, knowing constancy is insight." Lao Tzu

“Be so subtle that you are invisible. Be so mysterious that you are intangible.
Then you will control your rival’s fate.” Sun Tzu

“The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in
movement does the universal rhythm manifest." Bruce Lee

May these above quotes inspire you and give you clues to
help you be at the center connecting you with spirit. Another one of
the teachings you’ll find in religions and cultures around the world
is that you are not a body having a spiritual experience; rather you
are a spiritual being having a physical experience. The ancients say
when the body and mind are silent you are then able to hear spirit.

Therefore the practice of being a spirit—in a body and this
world—is a practice of returning to our still silent center, where we
can know the world fully. Life has taught me two aspects about
being centered. First, returning to our center, our solid place of
inborn knowing, is only nourishing because it is through our core
that we find our connection to the common center of all Life. As
thirst would drive you to a well, to drop your bucket, and pull up
water from the underground spring that feeds all wells; also the
individual’s soul is such a well that draws on the water of spirit that
feeds all souls. We need to know where our well is.
Second, the fact that we need to return to our center lets you know
that you will drift away from what matters. This drifting is part of
being human, and so there is an ongoing need to find your way
back to what matters.

Remember to forgive yourself for drifting away from the

center because you know it will happen. You might have to do
grounding and centering exercises 1000 times a day at first but after
a few weeks that will drastically drop and within a year or two of
constant practice, you’ll be able to go an entire day without
thinking. You’ll be embodied, fully present in the now, for an entire
day. Imagine how good it will feel to have an entire day of inner
silence, inner peace, and calm.

This last quote from Eckhart Tolle

"Seek out a tree and let it teach you stillness."

Reminds me of an exercise that is called “be a tree” my dad
and other native elders have had me do many times.

Be a Tree Exercise
What you need:

1. A large tree

2. A notebook and pen

3. Timer/alarm clock

This exercise is really simple. Find a large old tree, one you
can barely wrap your hands around, and then set a timer for 30
minutes - 1 hour to start. You can increase the time to go deeper, if
you desire.

Once the alarm is set, just hug the tree. For variation, if you
can find a tree big enough that you can sit with your back against it,
and place your arms on its roots. This way there is more potential
for distraction, so make sure you keep your eyes closed.

When at the tree, don’t try and do or say anything. If you

desire something to focus on in your mind you can silently chant to
yourself, ‘Be the Tree.’

As you are hugging the tree, feel the flow of life energy in
the tree, yourself, and between you and the tree.

Be aware of what/how you are feeling in your body, while

you are hugging the tree. Let your awareness flow up and down
through your body as you are doing this exercise.

Once the timer goes off, grab the notebook, and write down
how you feel and what you notice inside of you. Then go about the
rest of your day and before bed come back to the notebook on a
different page and write down what you experienced after hugging
the tree. As an additional tip, hugging a tree when you are wearing
natural fiber clothes also has an antioxidant effect to reduce
swelling and inflammation throughout the body.

Now there is one more exercise that I learned back when I

was a teenager that helps you return to center and develop/increase
your connection with creator.

Fools Crow’s Hollow Bone Ritual

Utilize this exercise to purify you and to increase your
connection with God.

This excerpt is taken from the book Fools Crow Wisdom

and Power by Thomas E. Mails

“He closed his eyes, and breathed deeply 7 times to begin

his immersion into the ritual he was about to perform. When he was
done, he rested his cupped hands in his lap and listened for Wakan-
Tanka's (the Sioux name for God) response.

The old holy man and other medicine people had taught me
that the more time you send and the deeper you go the greater the
success of your quest. The entire idea has to do with achieving a
state of complete communion with Wakan-Tanka and the Helpers
(Angels, Holy Spirit, and Mother Earth). Once this is accomplished,
they can enlighten and lead you, giving you comfort, strength,
hope, and power. The amount of time spent in immersion is never
wasted and it reverses the usual procedure we follow when we are
faced with time consuming and critical chores. Ordinarily we think
we must rush and organize to get at the work because there is so
little time. If we pray at all regarding the situation, it is only briefly
because we have so much to do. Then we spend the entire day
working on the chores, and end up frustrated and drained. With
immersion, you spend a lot of time in prayer, obtain from the
Higher Powers the strength and guidance you need, then finish
those same chores in a fraction of the time, ending up fulfilled and

With his eyes still closed, fools crow began to pull with both
hand at his chest and abdomen - as if he were pulling out evil or
negative things. He grabbed many handfuls, and he threw away
what he had seized.

Next, he stretched both arms and hands as high as he could

up toward the sky and held them there for at least two minutes
while he looked up and smiled broadly. He was as happy as ever I
saw him.

After this, he began to clutch the air above him, where he

seized unseen things and shoved handfuls of them into his head
and body.

Finally, he started to pull invisible things out of his chest

and body, but this time he held both hands side by side in front of
him and threw what he was clutching to an invisible audience.

First I thought about all of the stumbling blocks about me
that can get in Wakan-Tanka's and the Helper's way when I want
them to work in and through me. Then I asked them to remove
these things so that I am a clean bone. They did this, and as I felt
the obstacles coming out I grabbed them and threw them away.
When all of this was done I felt fresh and clean. I saw myself as a
hollow bone that is all shiny on the inside and empty. I looked
around inside myself to see if any obstacles or junk were left, and
there were none. I knew then that I was ready to serve Wakan-
Tanka well, and I held up my hands to offer my thanksgiving and to
tell him how happy I was. Immediately I could feel the power begin
to come into me, and I reached up to help it. It was wonderful, and
my energy grew until I was completely filled with power. Before
long I thought I would explode. Then I saw people of all races
around me, and I gave the power away to them, all of them were
very grateful, and it made me feel good to share in this giving. As I
emptied myself out, I could feel more power coming into me, and it
was wonderful! That is how I become a little hollow tube.”

This ritual above is one I do on a daily basis and has been

one of my main spiritual rituals for over 20 years. A modification I
use instead of seeing an audience in my mind I see the whole earth
in my hands and let the power flow to the entire world. As more
people do this ‘Hollow Bone’ ritual on a daily basis the energy of
this planet will start rising faster and faster.
Make sure you do this exercise every morning and anytime
you feel you want to deepen your connection with the creator such
as before performing a healing or other ritual.

Chapter 4

Changing Direction- Reprogramming Your Mind

"What you think: you become.

What you feel; you attract.

What you imagine you create."


The subconscious mind is approximately 30,000 times more

powerful than the conscious mind. Because of this, 95-99% of your
actions are due to programming in your subconscious mind, and for
the average person the vast majority of those thoughts are
negative. To put this into perspective the subconscious mind is like
a stadium; whereas the conscious mind is the gate or ticket booth
deciding who gets in. The conscious mind chooses what thoughts
are allowed in. However, when you are tired or in a trance state,
watching TV, staring at a phone, etc., it’s like no one is running the
ticket booth and whatever is around is able to come inside

Wouldn't it be nice to have your mind work with you instead

of against you? Luckily there are occult, which means
hidden secrets, and science to help you along the way. In
neuroscience there is a concept known as neuroplasticity.
1: The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic
connections, especially in response to learning or experience or
following injury.

Which basically means you can reprogram your brain

anyway you desire.

Some of the techniques to do this are as follows:

Practicing a new skill

Hypnosis (self-auto suggestion is best)


Mirror work

Music like binaural beats


Body work (massage, osteopathic, Reiki)

Training muscle memory like martial arts

Sun gazing

Later in the chapter, I'll go over a more in-depth

description, give exercises to do as well as additional resources to
help you reprogram your mind to transmute your life.

The above techniques are keys to unlocking the powers of

your mind to have it working with you instead of against

you. Reprogramming your subconscious mind, while simple, it
takes time and dedication.

Human beings are creatures of habit. While this can be

beneficial, for instance putting keys in a same place, so they don't
get lost; it can also be detrimental to your health for instance
smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Most people I've talked to make
the mistake of just trying to quit a bad habit. It’s far better to create
new habits to replace the old ones.

Establishing New Habits

First, you have to figure out what your trigger event is, for
instance an argument that causes you to want to smoke a cigarette.
Once you know what the trigger event is, you create a new habit to
replace the old one. In the case of the cigarette, you can have a pack
of gum handy or pause and take 7 deep breaths, as smoking gets
you to focus on the breath and that’s what really calms you down.
Most people just transfer the emotional calming effects of breathing
to the cigarette due to the psychological principle of transference.

Reprogramming your mind is kind of like blazing a new

path through a field. Your current neural pathways are kind of like
the old paths, where all the grass is worn down and there is a clear
path in the dirt. Now say one day you decide to take a shortcut
through the grass. The next day you are walking down the path but
you can’t see where your new path is because the grass went back
to how it was before. This time you leave a stick in the ground to
mark the path of the shortcut. You keep walking the new shortcut
and pretty soon the grass also wears away so you don’t need the
stick anymore. While along the old path, the grass is starting to
grow back because it isn’t being used.

It works the same way in your mind. The more ingrained

the habit, the more effort it takes to change. It’s extremely difficult
to break a habit, but it is far easier to replace one habit with

It takes approximately 21 days to create a habit which is why

I recommend you do things in this book for at least 30 days to see
how they work for you. The reason for 30 days is because that first
week most people will mess up a few times, so it takes about a
month to get 21 consistent days of practicing the new habit.

Thankfully you are blessed with control of your own mind,

though few fully utilize it. Your mind is a gift from the creator. It
must have been considered the greatest of all gifts to mankind for
it's the only thing which you have complete and unchallengeable
right of control and direction. Reprogramming your mind is an
enormous amount of work and you will experience much pain along
the way; however, the rewards for regaining control of your mind
are immeasurable.

The ancients say, “The price of peace is internal, eternal vigilance.”

This means you must be aware of and direct every thought in your

mind at every moment of every day for the rest of your life. When
you have a negative thought you must rebuke it before it leaves your
atmosphere or in the same breath of the thought.

It’s okay if you make mistakes. Everyone does usually 1000’s

of times a day with no major short-term consequences. On average
a person has about 15,000 thoughts a day.

As you reprogram your mind, you will develop powerful

subconscious beliefs and habits to enhance your awareness and
perception, gain mastery of your emotions, and achieve
unstoppable confidence and certainty. This isn’t going to be easy,
but it will be worth the effort. Remember you are going to feel pain
in life; either you feel the pain of doing what it takes to succeed or
the pain of regret looking back on your life realizing that you
wasted it.

Your subconscious mind works based on some elementary


1. Emotions (fear or love)

2. Pictures (moving ones)

3. Symbols (e.g. a money sign, $)

4. Time (for your subconscious mind time

doesn’t exist; all time is now)

5. Negatives (the subconscious mind is unable

to process a negative, such as not, isn’t, never, etc.)

6. Real vs. Imagined

For the emotions, the subconscious mind pays attention to
something, when there is a strong emotion that attracts what you
desire in the case of love or what you try to avoid in the case of fear.

The subconscious mind isn’t able to process words thus it

conveys everything via pictures like a movie.

Symbols were designed by the ancients to create pictures

that conveyed deep meanings and since memories are passed down
through DNA, the symbols have a biological reaction and hence
why most corporations use ancient occult symbols in their logos.
For instance, Texaco uses a pentagram which represents their
control of mankind.

Every moment of your life, every memory including what

you imagine is all happening simultaneously in your subconscious

Because the subconscious mind cannot process a negative,

for instance you tell yourself, ‘I am not fat, lazy, stupid or whatever
else you tell yourself in your head’, all your subconscious hears is ‘I
am fat, lazy, stupid, etc.’ To counteract this, start speaking about
what you do want instead of what you don’t want. For instance,
instead of saying, ‘I am not fat’; say, ‘I am happy, healthy, and
overflowing with energy’. Do this immediately every time you have
a thought that is the opposite of what you desire.

The subconscious mind is unable to tell the difference
between the events that are actually happening and ones that you
imagined in your mind. Hence why the suffering in your mind is
easily a thousand times worse than anything you can go through
physically because you are replaying it in your head over and over.
This is why anxiety is so traumatic.

To Wipe Something from Your Mind

Write the word or phrase down, for instance, ‘I am stupid’,
and then draw a circle around it followed by a slash or X running
across circle. Feel yourself deleting the thought from your mind.
Finally you can rip up the paper or burn it.

Improving Self-Worth
When you have a worthiness issue, you try to prove your
worth by doing. Instead you fix the worthiness issue by self-
appreciation. Give yourself a pat on the back or tell yourself, ‘Good
job’. You can also realize and appreciate how unique you are by
remembering in all the stars, planets, and in the entire universe
through all of time that the creator made one of you.

Taking this a step further,

“You won’t have self-worth issues if you just realize that you
are a unique individual and the universe needs you in order to do its
divine will through you…”
Another way you’ll improve how you feel about yourself by
going where you are celebrated not merely tolerated. This may take
some work to figure out, where you fit in maybe a nice cosplay
convention, a horse ranch, or a spiritual retreat.

You'll also feel better when you start being a creator rather
than merely a consumer. Creativity is powered by imagination
which is one of our divine gifts.

Will, generally, is the faculty of the mind which selects, at
the moment of decision, the strongest desire from among the
various desires present. Will does not refer to any particular desire,
but rather to the mechanism for choosing from among one's
desires. Will directs the attention and that changes the vibration.
Cultivate the art of attention via means of the will, and you have
solved the secret of mastery of moods and mental states.

Mind/Body Connection
To illustrate how powerful the connection between the mind
and body, here is a story from my past.

Woman’s Power to Calm the Savage Beast

It was a beautiful, clear, full moon night late summer in
Aspen, Colorado at one of the night clubs that was having a big
name band play with a kind, lady friend; let’s call her Erin, who had

gotten me a free ticket. The place was popping and we're like
sardines on the dance floor, as we swam our way to the stage at the
front to shake hands with the band. Then we stayed near the front
dancing and having fun. After a while, I went to the bathroom
which was amusing because the countertops were glass and as
I walked in, several people were doing lines of various drugs in
plain sight. The urinals were all in use, so I decided to use one of
the regular toilets and to my surprise even they had mirrors on the
back of them. Once finished up, I went to leave and someone
offered me a line of cocaine. I said, “Sure”, when in Rome do as,
giving thanks for the gift. I quickly partook then headed back to the
dance floor. Erin had found a guy she liked and made friends with
other beautiful women. We were all laughing and having a blast as
the night went on until last call of the night. One of the ladies
offered us to go to a hot tub after-party, up in the mountains outside
of town. Of course we said, “Yes”.

Now, this was back in the days before smartphones and

GPS were popular. Erin got directions from the lady hosting the
party. Before driving to the party, we stopped for gas then we were
on our way. In the car was Erin, some skinny guy she had picked
up, and I. Driving up the hill, the mansions were beautiful. Pretty
soon the houses started being further from the side of the road, so
you couldn't see the house number. I drove a while longer figuring
we were close, I pulled into one of the driveways to make sure I
didn't pass the place. I got to the bottom of the driveway, saw we
have a few houses yet to go, and turned around going back up the
hill towards the road but my car stalls. It wouldn’t start, so I popped
open the hood to see what was going on. It ends up being the
starter. I attempted to get is started with a screwdriver but it was too
far gone. Luckily it was a stick shift. Thus another way to get it
started is a coast start.

This driveway is literally right on the edge of a 60-foot cliff,

which means that if I messed that up, we were dead. I had two
passengers get out while I let the car coast back down the driveway,
pop the clutch, shouting, “Hallelujah”. The car started and I hit the
break and yell for them to hurry and get in. Once they are in, I
started to pull forward not even a full car length and the ground
collapsed under the driver's side back tire. At that moment, I was
really fuming and said, “What else could go wrong?” Don’t ever say
that because the universe will show you what else could go wrong.

A thoughtless mistake on my part challenging the universe,

as I was about to find out. I got out of the car to survey the damage
at my door, and noticed I was inches from the cliff. A couple of
saplings that were 4-6” in diameter and about 10-15’ tall were
coming out of the side of the cliff, where the trunk was coming out
and bending up about 3’ down by the back tire. The ground around
the back tire had collapsed in a half-moon shape. There was also
one larger tree just a few feet behind the car, right at the point
where the driveway curved away from the cliff and that could be a
problem if I was not careful. Thankfully I thought at least gravity
would be with us as we got the car out of this puzzle.

I decided the best way was to push it back which would get
the back tire out then put the front one in the same position. I had
Erin get in the driver seat to keep the steering wheel straight and
we, two men, would push. At first it went great; we got the back tire
out but the front one stuck. I had Erin hit the break and pull the
parking break then crawl out of the passenger side. Next because of
the big tree being directly behind the car, I positioned the steering
wheel to the right, just enough to get around the tree without both
front wheels being off the cliff. I told Erin to stay on the passenger
side and said, “Your job is to pull the parking break when I tell
you”. To the skinny guy I said, “Your job is to hold the steering
wheel in this position and don't let go under any circumstances”.
Once I'd given them their directions, I positioned myself over the
cliff with one foot on the trunk of each sapling and my upper back
against the front bumper. I checked to make sure they were ready
then said, “On the count of 3, I'm going to push”, and counted 1, 2,
and 3. I started pushing and one tire was floating in the air moving
back towards the cliff. As I felt the tire touching solid ground, the
guy let go of the steering wheel and the tires spun back to the left
throwing both front tires over the edge. At that point, I was pinned
down with the front end of the car on my shoulders, hanging over
the edge of the cliff. I yelled to Erin, “Pull the brake!”

By then I was beyond livid, screaming at the guy, “If I make

it out of this alive, you are going to regret it”. While I was
screaming, I was also thinking about how to get out of this situation
as the car kept feeling heavier and heavier. Thank the Lord that I
was extremely flexible. I was able to bend my ankles enough to free
myself and I started falling with the car coming after me. I grabbed
the roots of the sapling to the right and swung myself back up to
the solid ground and the car stopped against the saplings.

As I stood up to charge at the guy, who was already

running, Erin wrapped her arms around me in a big hug begging
me not to hurt the ‘idiot’, who had let go of the steering wheel and
had almost killed me. My mama raised me to never hurt a woman
and she had a tight grip around me so I wasn’t able to go after the
skinny boy without hurting her. After her holding onto me for what
seemed like hours -- though probably closer to 1-2 minutes -- I
calmed down enough that I no longer wanted to hurt the boy and
could then again think clearly about how to get the car off the cliff.

We ended up borrowing a golf cart, which we drove down to

town to get a friend and his pick-up truck to pull out the car. We
then returned the golf cart with a full tank of gas and drove back

What I didn’t know at the time was how powerful a hug can
really be on a biological level. A mere 20-second hug gets the body
to release oxytocin, which is a bonding hormone also known as the
love hormone. It reduces stress in the body, helps you feel closer to
loved ones, and elevates mood.

Research shows that hugging (and also laughter) is

extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, feelings of

loneliness, isolation, depression, anxiety, and stress. Holding a hug
will also increase serotonin levels.

There is a saying by Virginia Satir, a respected family


“We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a
day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”

While that may seem a lot to many in modern society, ask a

child how many hugs he/she likes a day and you will get an answer
that is way more than 8. We come from tribal societies that were
much closer knit then we are today. The vast majority of people you
see today are touch-deprived.

Having touch-deprived people creates an enormous

problem -- at least in the United States -- that no one is handling
currently. Being touch-deprived has extensive effects on the body,
ranging from a lower immune response, slower metabolism,
increasing levels of the stress hormone (cortisol), to effecting moods
causing anxiety, depression, anger and aggression.

In one study, an American psychologist, Harry Harlow,

deduced with monkey babies utilizing fake surrogate mothers that
infant macaques needed more than nourishment from their mothers
to stay alive. He termed it ‘contact comfort’. As a result of Harlow's
research, we now know that human beings need touch, especially in
childhood, almost as powerfully as they need basic necessities such
as food and water.
"Touching each other keeps the peace,” Dr. Tiffany Field of the
Touch Research Institute

This lack of touch is primarily due to modern society and

the internet where people aren’t making in-person connections.
That has lead us to a society, where many people feel lost and

According to the National Science Foundation's General

Social Study (2014), a quarter of Americans feel they have no one
they can talk to about their problems. One study from the British
Relationship Charity Relate finds that almost 10% of people have no
close friendships at all, and 20% of those in relationships rarely feel

More touch is a simple way to help remedy this trend, so

hug your friends more often, shake a stranger’s hand, pat a co-
worker on the back, and watch the mood improve.

Ken Wilbur wrote in the Spectrum of Consciousness,

"For every mental 'problem' or 'knot', there is a corresponding

bodily 'knot', and vice versa since, in fact, the body and the
mind are not two. That is, psychic conflict, guilt, shame,
unresolved grief all can be lodged in the body as body memories,
and when the site of the psychic difficulty is deeply touched
through massage or other manipulation, it can not only release
the physical pain but may make the psychic pain accessible.”

Massage and other bodywork are a great form of self-care

that you can utilize to help yourself overcome being touch-deprived
and help to heal emotional traumas from your past. Being

professionally trained in medical massage and working on well over
10,000 people, I’ve had countless people who had emotional releases
from relieving the physical trauma. Especially when doing massage
on the diaphragm as all emotions are held in the breath.

The mind-body connection has many profound applications

to transform your life. When I was going to the Ohio College of
Massotherapy back in 2001-2003, I was able to choose the different
massage modalities (techniques) to specialize in. One modality that
I chose was myofascial release therapy, which is a technique that
stretches the fascial tissue, which is like a plastic wrap around each
bundle of muscles in your body and it connects the muscle to your
bone. This technique improves posture, proprioception, blood flow
and more. One fascinating fact that I learned during training was
that by changing your posture within 1/17th of a second, your body
is releasing hormones and neurotransmitters that change your
mood and thoughts. The 1/17th of a second is all it takes to
change the direction of your life by sitting or standing straight.
Indeed your ‘moms’ were right by telling you to sit up straight when
you were a child.

If you commit to feeling the emotion through and returning

upright, whenever you feel your emotions going down, over time
you will reprogram your brain to naturally default to a joyful state.

You may know from science that you have different types of
nerves going throughout your entire body, linking every aspect of
your body together. The main type I'm going to talk about is mirror
neurons that enable you to have empathy. So you are able to tell
what someone else is feeling based on their body posture and facial
expressions. Have you ever walked down the street and been able to
tell who is down in the dumps as opposed to who is confident and
upbeat? Do you understand how you know what mental state they
are in? Or do you just pick up on their vibe?

That’s right! With each body position, someone is in; it

shows you how someone in that position normally feels. For
instance, if you are depressed, you will start to slouch and shrink,
whereas when you are excited or confident, you'll naturally sit or
stand straighter with shoulders rolled back.

Cycle through Emotions Exercise

You either do this with a friend sitting facing each other or
sit in front of a mirror if friend isn't available. You are going to take
turns doing this exercise. One of you will be the observer, while the
other one does the exercise, and then you switch. Now, for the one
of you doing the exercise, scoot your back into the chair and start
thinking about things that have gone wrong in your life, what
causes you to be depressed, think of what you've failed at.

The observer, while the participant is doing this, pays

attention to their body posture as they are doing the exercise for 30
seconds then tells them to stop.

Once you are told to stop, the observer is to instruct the

participant to notice their body position then start thinking about

things that make you feel good. Think about what you have you
accomplished. Think about great times and celebrations.

Do this exercise again for 30 seconds then switch roles.

Reprograming Past Traumas

**Warning! This technique can be dangerous. Make sure
you are only using it with the highest of intentions. **

A fascinating thing about the mind is that you don’t

remember events as they happened. You remember the last time
you remembered it. So over time minor details will change. Now
you can utilize this to your advantage in order to overcome fears
and traumas from your past. To illustrate this, let me tell you a story
about a young woman, I met the summer of 2018 who was deathly
afraid of getting in the water.

I was camping by a lake and another group of people set up

their camp right beside me. I helped them set up their camp and
then asked them if they were all ready to go swimming. One young
lady said, “No”, because she was too scared to get into the water.
That felt sad to me. I asked the creator if it was okay to help her and
got an affirmative answer. I then asked her as to why she was scared
of swimming and if she would like to get rid of the fear. At first she
said she didn’t know why, and then upon some further questioning
we came across her first memory of trying to swim. Her father threw
her off the dock and she wasn’t able to figure out swimming and
started going under the water. Her mother, who was on the beach,
had to jump in and save her, while her father just stood on the dock
watching them. Bingo … we found the memory that triggered her
fear of the water.

Next I had told her I’m going to have you relive this
memory a few times as we change it. The first time she replayed the
memory, instead of her drowning she tripped her father and he fell
in the water. Then the next time he threw her in and she made it the
few feet back to the dock. The final time I had her visualize, she
had her arms in the air, body straight like super girl, flying through
the sky. This time she saw her father throwing her into the lake and
she glided to the water and started swimming like a fish.

Then I brought her back into the present moment and

asked her if she still felt the fear of swimming, she had before. She
said, “No”. Then a couple hours later she was jumping off the cliff
into the lake and by the end of that day her fear of swimming was

You can utilize this technique yourself to overcome fears

and traumas from your past by reframing how you view the events.

Boosting Another’s Confidence/Self-Esteem
You can help raise someone's self-confidence/self-esteem
by being accepting, showing appreciation, as well as admire or
praise them at every occasion.

Law of Substitution
The conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time.
Shifting moods of yourself or someone else is as simple as directing
it to a thought that will move you or them up the emotional scale. A
map of consciousness that was developed by Dr. David Hawkins is
shown in the picture below.
You are probably thinking, “Well, this is all well and good,
but how do I apply this in my life?”

Let’s say you have a friend, who is depressed from a break

up, and she has been moping around the house for days, feeling
hopeless about life because her man left her.

You, being a good friend, want to help improve her mood
and get her to go with you to a concert. She says, "No, I don’t want
to go, just leave me here with this tub of ice cream.” Looking at the
chart you can see your friend is at a point of apathy. Say you need to
get her to willingness in order to get her out of the house for the

Going from apathy to willingness is too much of a direct

jump to make with, where she’s emotionally at presently. Instead,
you can talk about what a disappointment he was and then keep
riling her up until she is angry at him and she’s sitting up now
clenching her fists. You’ve now moved her up to anger. From here
talk about how he was demanding, possibly even getting her to the
point, where she feels like she dumped him. Now you can talk
about how much courage she has letting him go and the
opportunities to meet better men at the concert. She thinks for a
moment, “Okay let me get dressed.” Finally you’ve gotten her up to

Of course, emotions come and go with the waves. So you

may have to take your friend through this a few times before you get
her out the door. See how far she drops and only go a little higher.
As she is getting ready, she may drop down to being angry at him
again. Be patient and help her work her way back up.

I hope you noticed with all this you aren’t telling someone
to feel different then how they do. You are providing them a safe
place to express the emotions and gently guiding them up the scale.
You can utilize this same process to move yourself up the scale.
There are many ways to utilize this knowledge. The key is you have
to feel the emotion, accept it and then let it go as you’ll learn in the
next chapter.

Techniques to Reprogram your Mind

While hypnosis is an effective tool used around the world, I
share a word of caution allowing yourself to be hypnotized by
someone else can weaken your will. A better option is self-hypnosis
through affirmations or recording your voice to listen to while you
sleep to program your mind he way you desire it.

Affirmations must be positive, in present tense, and
personal. Write goals as affirmations and re-read them daily. Then
visualize the goal with your emotions acting as a catalyst and feel as
if you are there now and grateful for it happening. One of my
favorite affirmations is

“Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."

Emile Coue

Coue was a psychologist and pharmacist, who believed that

most mental and physical illness was a result of the person’s

thinking. He discovered that he could help the recovery of a patient
simply by praising the effectiveness of the medicine to the patient.

The beauty of this phrase is that it implies the following.

There are improvements taking place in your life right now. That
these will continue to take place into the future and that these
improvements will happen in every area of your life.

A couple more great affirmations to utilize when doing

mirror work.

“I am a child of the living God."

"May all my gifts be utilized."

Visualizations are simply using your imagination to play-
and-make believe like when you were a child seeing things in
your mind’s eye. You can utilize this divine gift for anything. As
Albert Einstein said, “Your imagination is your preview of life's
coming attractions". Visualize in your mind’s eye anything you
desire and if you can feel yourself enveloped by it as if you
already have it now. The vision will be attracted to you. The
longer you hold it the faster it comes.
Mirror Work
Mirror work is a shortcut into your subconscious mind. First
thing in the morning and right before bed, your mind is most
impressionable. Thus when you chant with emotion and strong
intonation, an affirmation’s effects on the subconscious mind is
significantly stronger. Some monks have trained their minds to such
a degree that utilizing this technique they can establish new neural
pathways to change a habit almost instantly.

Chapter 5

You got to feel it to heal it.

“Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no
longer controls your life.” Ancient Saying

The root cause of emotional turmoil, anxiety, and pain is

caused by suppressed emotions or not being present in the
now/mindfulness. You fix this by feeling the emotions then letting
go of feeling, eliminating attachment.

“An emotion does not cause pain. Resistance or suppression of emotion causes
pain.” Frederick Dodson

Emotions come and go like waves, and are directed by the

words you use and your environment. Lead yourself to what you
want to feel by first accepting what you are experiencing. Then
asking and thanking it for the lesson and letting it go. Follow this
by choosing your emotional state. You do this by returning to the
center or visualization of a time in your life that you held the
emotion you desired.

Witness it, allow it, and release it. Then choose your new
emotional state. Simple Right? This is a play on the phrase, “Fake it
until you make it.” But alchemize it until you actualize and it goes
deeper. Alchemy denotes a transformation. For example, when
we’re courageous in the face of fear, we are practicing emotional
alchemy. It’s less about faking it and more about being proactively
engaged in a healthy way while still honoring your emotional state.

Imagine a firefighter standing outside of a burning building

with a crying baby on the top floor. He would be a fool not to fear
the inferno. After all, fear is the natural and proper response to a
deadly situation. But if he doesn’t act courageously despite the fear,
then the baby dies. So, he must first feel the fear, but then act with
courage, to do the right thing and save the baby.

We talked earlier in the book about polarity and knowing

how to utilize it. You can change one emotion to another through
thought or action. Here are some examples you can utilize to
change your emotional state. Say, for instance, you are nervous then
repeat to yourself over and over, “I’m excited”, and the emotion will
flip. If you feel road rage, act with humor. If you feel grief, act with
steadfastness. If you feel jealousy, celebrate their joy and
accomplishments that you may feel joy for them. If you feel
insecure, remember all the times you accomplished something then
act with confidence. The alchemical action is the key. With practice
you will gain confidence, which eventually begets brilliance.

Transmuting Emotions
Anxiety changed to courage gives confidence.

Gluttony sloth change to temperance/self-restraint (delayed


Anger to assertiveness, which leads to well-being

Anxiety change to courage gives confidence

Sadness is opposite of joy

Trust opposite of disgust

Surprise - anticipation

Identifying Emotions
First you have to bring your emotions to the forefront of
your mind in order to face them. Next, you identify the emotion as
specifically as possible. This Chart will help if you have trouble
naming the emotion.
This is based on research that shows people who are able to
identify their emotions and distinguish one from the other are more
effective at coping with them. I have my clients track the physical
manifestations of the emotional pain throughout their bodies. They
might find that nervousness feels like a tightening in the chest or
sadness feels like heaviness in the shoulders. Getting in touch with
the embodied aspects of the pain furthers the process of addressing
and healing it. The rest of the work is a deliberate and
compassionate practice of making room for the emotion, learning
from it, and trusting that it will pass. It always does. As you process
your emotions, you'll have sustained moments of stillness, peace,
and tranquility.

The Only Way Out is Through

The only way out is through and into the feelings, into the
pain, into the hurt, and into the loneliness. There is no other way.
Believe me. I’ve tried. I’ve tried every other way around it. And I’m
here to tell you, there is none. You got to feel it all to heal it, pass
through it and get to the other side. One of the best ways to do this
is through meditation. You want to feel? Quiet the mind, sit with
yourself, and see what comes up. Ask yourself the really hard

1) Am I being present in my life or am I numbing to not feel?

2) What am I hiding?

3) What am I really feeling in my heart?

4) If I didn’t care what others thought of me, what would I be
saying that I’m not saying now?

Stalk it. Stalk the feelings. Don’t just go to the first one. Go
to the next level. Don’t just go to the, “I’m scared…” Go to reasons
why. Are you scared of being alone? Does it make you feel the way
you did when your father died? What are you afraid is going to
happen if you are alone? And can you forgive yourself for being
scared of that and just feel it?

Fear and Love

Many spiritual teachers say we only have two emotions love
and fear and as Master Yoda said,

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger
leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
The first step to conquering your fears is admitting you have
them and recognizing what they are.

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can." Master Yoda

Ignorance is the enemy behind all fears. Eliminate

ignorance and fear has no place left to hide.

Biologically you are only born with two fears, the fear of
loud noises and the fear of falling. Both of these back in the cave
man days would mean danger and possible death.
Dangers of Fear
Fear, doubt, and worry activates your sympathetic nervous
system known as fight-or-flight response and shuts you’re your
frontal lobe, reduces your awareness and decision making ability.
Fear releases cortisol in the brain, literally killing neurons by
causing them to implode or explode, while also cutting your IQ in
half, making you fat and increasing inflammation throughout the
body. A new study published in The Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry supports the premise that increased
inflammation may play a role in depression.

“One of the chief characteristics of the involuntary nerve system

is that it is closely connected with the emotional nature, and is
affected by the alteration of the emotional tone of the individual.
On the other hand, the cerebrospinal system is directly affected
by the thoughts generated by the waking consciousness.”
Magic and the Qabalah W.E. Butler

“The true initiate influences the world not only by what he say,
but in far more important way, by what he is.”

Since emotion is a frequency of thought, energy, it stands to

reason that through mental discipline, you can learn to master the
involuntary nervous system by cultivating thoughts that create the
desired emotional state. Thus I recommend that you develop strong
mental discipline to develop mastery of your emotions instead of
just suppressing them.

Biologically, we are a social species, and the body is more
amazing then can be described. Due to mirror neurons on your
brain, each body position is normally related to a specific emotion.
Those of us, who are highly sensitive, will actually feel the emotions
of others as our own. Here is a simple exercise to help your
differentiate what is yours and what is someone else’s emotion.

Knowing if What You Feel is Really You

One issue with being highly sensitive is we forget if what we
are feeling is us or someone else. Thus when you feel yourself drop
below the level of joy, pause and take a breath. Then ask your
higher self is this mine or someone else's emotion. If not yours,
visualize sending it back to the other person with love and healing

Don't put up energetic walls. The same walls that keep out
disappointment will also keep out joy. We are here to experience
and grow. Many times things we feel that cause us suffering are
what propel us to our highest heights. It is better to allow the
emotion to flow through you and let it go without it affecting you.
As you learn to do this along with the other tools in the book, it will
also help you develop emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence
Requires 3 skills:
1. Emotional awareness - ability to identify
yours and other’s emotions.

2. An ability to harness emotions and apply to

tasks like thinking and problem solving.

3. The ability to manage emotions, including

the ability to regulate your own emotions and ability to
cheer up or calm down another person as necessary.

Emotional Contagion
Emotions are contagious and spread easily. It has the
highest effect from those 5 people who are closest to you. Think
about it. If you are around your closest friends and they are having
fun you’re normally having fun. If they are angry about something,
you become angry about it too.

Polarity of Emotions
The rule is that your capacity for pain and pleasure are
equal and balanced or that the highs you are capable of reaching
are equal to the depths you have reached. Then once you reach the
low and realize it hasn't killed you. You're then able to bounce back

Emotional Association
Since you know that you can polarize your emotions, here is
a short exercise that will enable you to draw upon a specific
emotion whenever you desire.

Take a breath. Repeat a name of emotion you want in a verb

form (excited not excitement). Link it with a strong memory of that
emotion (preferably from your childhood). Let sensations drop into
your heart and hold that feeling for at least 17 seconds to give the
body’s hormones and time to change. Notice the posture you are in

Now with practice your body will develop muscle memory

so that when you recall the emotion by taking the posture of the
emotion that will let the emotions and memories well up naturally.

Unleash Your Creativity

Creativity is a wonderful gateway to your heart. There are
many ways to unleash your creativity. Some options include
drawing, painting, acting, singing, dancing, writing and so on. Put
aside your routine, think outside the box, and be spontaneous. The
more you get your creativity flowing, the easier it will become to feel
and express your emotions.

Practice Stillness to Quiet Your Mind

Finding a practice of stillness or meditation is a great way to
quiet your mind and open your heart. Whether it is sitting
comfortably in silence, listening to a guided meditation on a CD,
taking a nice, warm bath, or just staring peacefully out the window,
find a practice that feels good for you. The more you are able to find
stillness in your life, the more you will begin to feel your emotions
more comfortably.

Trigger Your Emotions with Sound and Music

Music has a unique way of triggering all kinds of emotions.
If you feel like you need a good cry, put on a song that is
melancholy. If you feel like you need more joy, put on an upbeat
song that will get you singing along with glee. Try playing around
with a musical instrument even if you think you aren’t very good at
it. Let yourself play freely. You can also use your own voice. It is
amazing how much emotion will surface through simple chanting,
singing or sound making.

Feel it. It’s going to hurt. But every moment you’re sobbing,
you’re doing the work. Every moment you’re hurting, you’re
healing. The only way out is through. Once we accept that we are
doing work, we can silence our internal critic that believes that
feeling pain means we’re ‘doing something wrong.’ Instead, we
begin to understand that feeling our pain is important and

When we understand the true nature of our work, we can

summon compassion for ourselves as we move through our
uncomfortable feelings on the path to healing, peace, and

When we distract ourselves from our pain with a flurry of

motion, we fool ourselves into thinking we’re being productive. We
fall victim to the addictive high of the quick fix. But as any hard

worker in any field will tell you, there is no substitute for good, hard
work. Work that gives us a sense of our own intrinsic worth and
yields desirable results.

This last bit is the most valuable part from The Greatest
Salesman in the World by Og Mandino!

“Strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.”

“If I feel depressed I will sing.

If I feel sad I will laugh.

If I feel ill I will double my labor.

If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.

If I feel inferior I will wear new Garments.

If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.

If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.

If I feel incompetent, I will remember past success.

If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.

Today I am master of my emotions.”

With the mind-body connection you can use the mind to
discipline the body, though it is far simpler to use your body to
discipline your mind as is the case with top martial artists.

Perform alchemy using your body to transform the mood!

Chapter 6

Vision - Ikigai and Why You Must Keep it Secret

"Where there is no image, no vision the people will perish."

King Solomon

Ikigai (生き甲斐,) is a Japanese term for "a reason for

being." The word 'Ikigai' usually refers to the source of value in
one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile.

Jim Rohn talked about the day that turns your life around. It
starts with disgust, decision, desire of a new life, and resolution to
achieve it. I’m sure many of you have already hit that point which is
why you are reading this book to learn the tools to change your life.

Now that you have the tools, it’s time to think about how
you are going to utilize them. This is where you create your ideal
image for the future. Notice I didn’t say perfect as that is a static
and we are dynamic, ever changing beings.

How do you gain a vision for the future? One surefire is to

do what I did at 15 which is work with an elder/holy person and do
a traditional Native American vision quest. Talking to the Elder Jim
Eagle Wing, who first instructed me to purify my body, before I
could even attempt to do this holy ritual. First he instructed me that

I had to fast, drinking only water for 7 days and then return to him.
On the 7th day of fasting, I came back to the elder and he put me
with a group of people to do a traditional sweat lodge that it’s kind
of like a steam room but significantly hotter. I crawled into the
sweat lodge naked and we sang ancient songs and chanted prayers.
Still having bad allergies and asthma there were several times I felt
like I might pass out and die from the heat. Luckily one of the other
men in the sweat lodge gave me a damp cloth to breathe through,
making it slightly more bearable, and I pushed through one-hour
long ceremony with temperatures 160+ degrees in F. Once I was
done with the sweat, I jumped into the lake to cool off. After that
my body and spirit were purified. He next instructed me to take my
prayer pipe, commonly referred to as a ‘peace pipe’, and my
walking stick deep into the woods until I feel called to a place of
power. Once that spot was found I drew a circle around me on the
ground big enough to lie down in. Then I spend the next 4 days
with no food, water, electronics, just me and the sacred pipe
praying from the awakening moment until I passed out praying for
a vision. Around sunset on the 4th day, I was gazing into the sun
when I was struck with the force of a lightning bolt seeing the
vision unfold before me that was of an all-encompassing,
indescribable world that flashed through my mind like 1000 hours of
video downloaded into my brain in mere seconds.

Then I felt a fear that there was no way possible that I could
achieve it. I thought, “Is humanity even capable of creating this
vision? If the masters of the past couldn’t do it, who am I to attempt
this”. Then spirit allowed me to experience how the universe is all
connected, that we are all one and only by working together may we
achieve paradise on earth. That initial vision has led me to the
writing of this book and many other amazing projects that will
change life as we know it by 2030.

While you are welcome to do a traditional vision quest to

gain your vision, there is an easier way to at least get you pointing
in a general direction of what you are meant to do this lifetime.

Vision Exercise - Put Ikigai Picture

What you will need: Pen and paper.

Look at this picture below.

Once you have had a good look at the above picture it’s time
to grab your pen and paper.

You are going to create 4 lists, one per page and you may
need more than one page for each question and that’s okay.

1. What am I great at? (Include things

you are okay at and you know you can improve your
skills on.)

2. What do I love to do? (Include

everything you love here, for instance traveling,
cooking, animals, fashion, reading, meditating,
camping, etc.)

3. What do I feel the world needs?

4. What can I be paid for? (Write down

all the things you can think of then look on the other
lists for more ideas.)

Once you have these 4 lists, look to see what they have in
common and that will give you an idea of an Ikigai you can utilize
to give your life purpose and direction. Having your vision it is like
a delicate newborn chick in your hand. It must be protected and
treated gently. Now is the time to build belief or trust in yourself
that you will be able to achieve.

As you learned a belief is an all or nothing thing. And as

Benjamin Franklin said,
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

One of the best ways to prevent doubt is the ancient

tradition of Secrecy. When you have a vision/goal, either don't tell it
to anyone or only to a small group that are actively helping you
achieve what you desire, for instance a master mind group, which
will greatly increase your chances of success. Andrew Carnegie was
one of the world’s first billionaires. According to the Carnegie
Corporation of New York, in today's dollars Andrew Carnegie had
an estimated net worth of $310 billion when he died. He said that he
was able to attribute most of his wealth to the success principle of a
mastermind group. A mastermind group helps you by giving you
more view points and more people giving energy to the goal or

As the Bible says

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning

anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father
in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My
name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19–20,
Thus when you gather in a small group, your energy is
amplified exponentially. Notice how it says 2 or 3 that is your core
group, your inner circle, for if it starts getting larger, the risk of
leaks increases ruining the focus achieved by maintaining secrecy.

The purpose of secrecy is to minimize outside influences

spreading doubt and draining your energy. Ancients say it more

along the lines of 'do not tell others what you desire to do for each
person you tell disperses your power to achieve your desire'. This is
your ideal way to approach new ventures only allow those who will
add their energy for the vision to know what you are going to do.

Why the Ancients Taught to Keep Your Goals/

Vision Secret?
What I learned from the elders is just to do it or you may not
see your vision come to fruition. Now with modern neuroscience we
know that building neural pathways takes time. And until they're
well engrained in the brain it is easy to break the neural connections
and that can break the motivation to achieve the goal. Assuming the
goal is in alignment with harmony and universal law.

The ancients taught not to tell others what you were doing
so they are not able to put their disbelief into your mind. You were
only allowed to ever share information with members of your order
or those who were actively helping you achieved the goal.

Here in lies a key to treasures untold. You must eliminate

any potential for doubt that you are going to achieve what you
believe. Your knowing that you will achieve it must be absolute in
order to guarantee success.
Seeing Who is on Your Side
Personally I like to test people and see if they are for my
highest and best good. So I will tell them minor goals that I'm not
too concerned with, whether achieved or not or ones that I have
such a conviction that I will achieve it no matter what.

Once you do this with someone you observe and there is a

reaction, if it is positive and encouraging that is fantastic. Or if it
seems negative or critical, stop, take a breath, and think to yourself
is there anyway what they are saying can help open my eyes for how
to achieve my goal. Weather by pointing out something I might not
thought of or giving ideas for things that will need to be done to
achieve it. The latter will help propel your progress.

If it is the former be cautious and test other things to

establish a pattern and look for things they said that are
encouraging. If you find nothing encouraging, know that you
cannot trust the person with anything important because their
negativity will sabotage your efforts.

This is one way you can guard your mind against a chronic
negative influence. The price of peace is constant internal, eternal,
vigilance. Which means you must be consciously aware of every
single thought, feeling, and sensation in your body every moment of
every day for the rest of your life as you go along the path of self-
mastery. If anyone tells you the path of mastery is anything less
than this, they are not on the path of harmony, oneness.

The constant vigilant of your thoughts is so that when a
thought that is not in line with your goal pops up in the mind, you
are able at that moment to rebuke it, change it, accept it, or let it go.
Just let it go.

Keep your mind focused on your goal to the point that it

becomes a burning desire, and then take a divinely inspired action
and you will achieve anything you can see in your mind and believe.

Another way to discover your vision in the end is the

beginning. For this exercise we are going to start with the old adage
of what do you want written on your tombstone? Or how do you
want people to remember you? This will become your.

Personal Mission Statement

A personal mission statement provides clarity and gives you
a sense of purpose. It helps define who you are and how you will

Questions to ask:

What do I desire? What would you like to do if money was

no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life?

Here are some examples that may inspire you.

Oprah Winfrey said, “To be a teacher, and to be known for inspiring
my students to be more than they thought they could be".

“To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes."
Sir Richard Branson - the founder of Virgin Group, Inc.

“To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the
self-worth and net worth of women around the world." Amanda Steinberg - the
founder of

"To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to
make a significant difference." Denis Morrison -CEO of Campbell Soup

Some additional ideas to help you with it are to touch on

your focus in life and who you want to be as a person.

1. Must be positive, written in the now.

2. Can include positive behaviors, habits,

values and qualities you would like to cultivate.

3. It needs to guide your daily life.

4. Must be able to say it in one breath to focus


For instance, my mission statement is

"My mission is to serve by teaching, loving, inspiring and

leading the world back to harmony to create Heaven on Earth."

Alchemist Jedi

Once you have it created say it with emotion first thing in
the morning and last at night while looking in a mirror for a
minimum of 90 days.
Chapter 7

True Self-Care/Self-Love

Full disclosure this topic is one where I have sinned

(meaning missed mark like in archery missing the bull’s-eye is
considered a sin) more than I’d like to admit. Much I’ve learned
from a trial and error and some you’ll have to adjust for yourself as
every physical body has slightly different needs.

True self-care is not all bubble baths and retail therapy,

though at times those can be useful tools. With self-care you must
think about things in utilizing the natural laws such as the law of
rhythm discussed in chapter 1 to your advantage. For instance, I’ve
had multiple times for major deadlines and various emergencies
where I was up for 96+ hours and then crashed sleeping for a day or
more. While it felt necessary at the time it wasn’t taking care of the
body in a loving way. Doing things like this repeatedly will damage

Resiliency which is

1. The capacity to recover quickly from

difficulties; toughness.

2. The ability of a substance or object to spring

back into shape; elasticity. For example,

"Nylon is excellent in wear ability and resilience".

With the example of nylon if you stretch it too far it won’t
return back to its proper shape, your body is the same way. It’s one
of the most amazing machines in existence. You can take it right to
the edge of its limits and it will bounce right back, however if you
go past that edge things break down and you are either injured like
getting a sprained ankle or getting a dis-ease like the flu forcing you
to stop, rest, and recuperate. This is a key to self-care. You must
learn what your limits and rhythms are so you can adjust

For instance as an introvert (INFJ for those that are

interested in personality types) being around groups of people even
when it’s happy and upbeat for long periods of time can be very
draining. Since I’m in a business where I do various shows and
events on the weekends, Mondays are my cave days where I ignore
everyone watch movies or some anime to let the mind relax while
the body is recharging. In good weather I’ll go outside preferably in
the woods or on the beach and ground out (Earthing as discussed
earlier in the book).

This gets me back reset in order to have the energy for the
rest of the week. As you can see knowing when to rest and not
pushing yourself too far is paramount for maintaining a state of
inner peace and calm.

Other areas of self-care that are just as important for your

physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual wellbeing are listed
Rest and Alone Time
That is talked about above. Everyone needs rest and some
alone time even if it’s only a couple of minutes first thing in the
morning to prime your mental state.

Sun gazing at sunrise and sunset is a great way to increase
your energy and reprogram your mind.

The body is made to move and needs to move every day.
Overall utilizing basic stretching and things like Yoga will help you
maintain health and flexibility. More intense workouts like dancing,
weightlifting, swimming and much more are all great ways to take
care of your body.

Pure Water
As the body is over 70% water by weight getting enough that
you excrete every 2-2.5 hours during the day will help your body
work efficiently.

Clean Air
Deep breathing such as counting the breath in 4, then out in
8 mentioned earlier in the book is a good way to make sure you’re
getting enough air. Though depending on where you live, for
instance areas of high pollution having clean air may mean moving

to a better part of the world like between the Rocky Mountains and
the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the U.S.A. Now if you’re not able to
move there are various things you can do to improve the air quality
in your environment like changing your furnace air filter, getting air
purifier for your home or add some plants to help clean the air and
improve oxygen levels. 9 hard to kill plants that are good for this are
as follows: Garden Mum, Spider Plant, Dracaena, Ficus/Weeping
Fig, Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s
Tongue, Bamboo Palm, and Aloe Vera (which has amazing healing

There are countless books that go deeper into this, so I’m
just briefly going to touch on a few guidelines. Though what is
most important is you must learn to listen to your body for what and
when to eat.

Some people do great on 6 meals a day others 3 and some

one. When you eat can be just as important as what you eat.
Intermittent fasting can do wonders for your energy levels and
mental clarity along with emotional stability for many.

As for what to eat, pure raw food in many cases is best if you
are part of the 10-15% of population who can actually live off a
vegan diet cool. The rest of us try and get more human-sourced
meat from local farmers or go hunting for wild game giving thanks
to the animal for sacrificing itself that you may live knowing that in
time you will return to the earth being food for the worms and
plants that the animals eat. The last guideline I get from Brian
Tracy avoid the 3 white poisons that are flour, refined sugar, and
table salt as they are all chemically altered drugs that have an
adverse effect on the body. Finally avoid soy as much as possible.
Back in the 1940’s it was listed for use in upholstery material and
was not fit for human consumption. Soy is the only product with
estrogen similar hormones (a female sex hormone) without a
warning label.

Meditation/ Mental discipline

Meditation is something that’s best if done first thing in the
morning and then being able to maintain a meditative state
throughout the day. Many people refer to this as mindfulness
meditation. It is hard to overstate the value of meditation as you do
over time, your mind will get calmer and calmer. It will also over
time help to unlock your various spiritual gifts. An hour a day first
thing in the morning is recommended especially if you feel too busy
for it, however even 4-5 minutes of just sitting and being will
increase energy, mental clarity, and productivity.

Friends and Hugs

Going back to our roots, we were part of close knit tribal
societies and our bodies are physically hardwired for touch. In
modern society with everyone glued to their phone or computer
screens, many of us are touch-starved. Ask yourself how long has it
been since you had a hug? If the answer isn’t today or yesterday,
you are likely touch-starved. Go make some friends or get a pet.
There are many studies you can google about how people with pets

have better health, lower stress, and live longer, and feel less lonely.
(Especially good for the elderly who have less human contact).

Grounding out/Earthing
The body is meant to be physically connected with the
earth; many elders only walk around barefoot. When you are
disconnected from the earth the body starts to build up static from
people’s emotions, toxic EMF (electromagnetic field) such as
created from compact florescent lighting, Wi-Fi, and more. The way
to discharge is to ground out just like an outlet in your home has a
3rd wire going to ground. When you physically ground out, the free
electrons flow from the earth to your body having an antioxidant
effect reducing swelling and inflammation throughout your body. If
you are in a part of the world where it’s too cold to go outside and
ground or you are stuck in an office on a computer, a great
alternative is to get a bag of play sand and put it in a container
under your desk and you can run your feet through the sand. The
reason this works is because sand is made up primarily of quartz
which is piezoelectric, this means as you run your feet through the
sand it will release electrons into your body. Another big bonus to
grounding is it helps to calm the mind and emotions.

Positive Inner Dialogue

You have to turn your inner critic into your inner best
friend. You learned the tools for this in chapters 4 and 5. If you learn
how to speak to and about yourself in a kind and compassionate
way, your state of being will shift.
These above areas are the main things you want to focus on
for self-care/self-love, when you notice that you are unwell or that
you’ve been neglecting one of these areas above the vast majority of
the time.

Go back and see which you aren’t taking care of and soon
you’ll be back to your high-energy, peaceful self. In chapter 9 you’ll
also find other exercises that can help you with self-care.

Chapter 8

Distractions and Obstacles along the Path

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget,

within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.

Zen Parable

The New Age movement has been teaching that

Enlightenment is about feeling good all the time. You know what
that is? That is totally false, because that is just an appeal to ego,
telling people what they want to hear. Enlightenment is nothing
remotely about that. Enlightenment is about Learning What the
Truth Is, taking the truth into yourself, and then helping other
people to understand it. It is NOT about feeling good all the time.

You are meant to be feeling anger when injustices are taking

place to spur you on to right action. That is the role for anger. Most
of all what real enlightenment is about is responsibility to the truth.
It is more than responsibility to yourself, it is more than
responsibility to other people, and it is more than responsibility to a
whole civilization, a whole planetary society. It is about
responsibility to truth. You must value your search for truth more
than the air you breathe. Truth has to come above all else. When
Morpheus offered Neo a choice between the red pill and the blue
pill, he said that all he was offering was the truth. He did not say
that hearing the truth would make him feel good, or that it would be
pleasant. It was simply the truth.

Here are some fears that dishearten us into life-draining


The fear of the unknown—that I won't see it coming—

infects our distrust of the days.

The fear of being undone—that the worst possible outcome will

happen—breeds cynicism.

The fear of breaking—that things will shatter and fall apart—makes

an occupation of anticipating pain.

The fear of rejection—that I will speak the truth and everyone will
leave— leads to the practice of hiding.

The fear of death—that the clock will keep beating louder—

enslaves us to panic and urgency. All of these fears in passing are
quite normal. It's when we give them primacy in our life that they
become disabling and discouraging.

Thankfully, there are also intentions that counter these fears and
bring us back to center. Let me name a few: To strengthen trust, we
can expand our ways of being to include surprise and deepen our
ways of feeling to include wonder and curiosity.

To strengthen what is possible; we can imagine and spend equal

time with what might go right as with what might go wrong.

To strengthen our ability to integrate pain, we can try to be like

water and learn how to absorb what falls into us and how to flow
instead of shatter.

To shrink our habits of hiding, we can listen to experience as a

teacher and wait in the open for truth to show itself, the way trees
grow toward the sun.

And to shrink the press and urgency of time, we can linger in the
moment and try to accept our death.

More Obstacles in the Path to be Aware of

-Over eating fodders thought.

-Drifting into habit of negative thoughts.

-Doing behaviors that dishonor who you are.

-Self-judgment (Kills growth; better to respond with


-Bottling up emotions.

-Not fully utilizing gifts for service.

-Defending and deflecting (Having to be right as opposed

to finding what is right).

-Running off at the mouth/arrogance.

Getting Caught in your 5 Senses
Five Hindrances

1. Sense craving

2. Ill-will

3. Sloth and torpor

4. Restlessness and worry

5 Toxic doubts and the ruthless inner critic

Anytime you defend, deflect, denial, delusion, it is a point to

take a step back and observe why you feel that way. Pause, take a
breath, and ask what still needs to heal? What can I learn from this?
How is this working for me? What can I be grateful for in this

Making sure you have right thinking.

Shut up and listen to your thoughts, then decide what to
keep. Ask, where am I weak? What do I need in me? (For instance,
courage). Ask guides, higher self, Creator/good to help change it.

Test it.

-Laziness and indifference leads to procrastinating which

leads to drifting.

-Envying friends on Facebook leads to depression.

-Unhealthy beliefs about yourself, others and the world will

trip you up.

For example, thinking you aren't worthy.

Thinking others can control us, the world is dangerous.

Closed mindedness you counter by being open-minded.

“Only the open-minded can be at peace, for they alone see reason for it.” A
Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers

-Hurt people, hurt people. They don’t mean to, they just
don’t know any other way to be.

How can we hate people who are overwhelmed by

ignorance and mental afflictions and aren't even aware that they are
harming themselves by harming others. Have patience, kindness,
and compassion with people who are hurting as they need it most.

Surpassing the Masters of the Past

When anything reaches the height of its achievement to
where we believe we cannot surpass it, then said art, religion or
whatever starts to decay. How long has it been since an artist
surpassed Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso?

Extremely few if any have, most just believe we can't do

anything better so they ignore the work of great minds (you are
different) and go off on some side project. Thus we have seen a
great degradation of art, architecture, even many religions have
fallen from the heights they were hundreds to thousands of years
ago. This is a sad state of affairs. We must do better.

To avoid this pitfall learn from the Masters of the past. That
you too may stand upon the shoulders of Giants that you may see
further and create what they were not able to in their time. This
concept of learning from and surpassing the masters was said
wonderfully by Yoda.

“Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, hmm…

but weakness, folly, failure also. Yes: failure, most of all. The
greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow
beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.”

Hopefully this list will give you some glimpse in the ways
you can fall off or stray from the path. It is going to happen and
that’s okay. When you become aware that you have drifted off the
path, stop, breath deep, and return to center as you learned in
earlier chapters. May this information be a guidepost on your path
that you may get back on the narrow path. This is not an easy path,
as you will see there are many pitfalls along the way, yet when you
look back and see how far you’ve gone all the right action will be
worth it.

When I First Fell from Grace and had to Rise Again
I was 20 years old and had been working on getting ready to
compete in body building competitions such as the Arnold
Schwarzenegger Classic in Columbus, Ohio. I was also reading
every book I could find on ancient cultures, philosophy, religion,
and science to help develop my spiritual gifts.

It was Friday, December 6th, 2002 and I looked amazing and

was almost ready to compete. I had 4 out of 6 pack abs, a 56” chest,
21” biceps, and calves weighing in at 230 lb. A beautiful Californian
lady had flown in and rented us a cabin in the woods for a week to
play. I was driving her back to the airport after the fun time, we had,
feeling on top of the world and thinking ‘my life is amazing what
could possibly go wrong?’

Then on Sunday, December 8th, 2002 I was running a few

minutes late to work at the Akron General Health and Wellness
Center, which was irritating to me because I like to be on time or
early. It’s 7:58 a.m. and my shift was supposed to start at 8:00 a.m.
as I reached the narrow S-shaped driveway to go to work. As I had
started down the curvy driveway, I noticed a Schneider national
semi-truck pulling a Walmart trailer, that wasn’t supposed to be
there, coming out of the parking lot headed my way. I slowed down
and came to a stop, while the semi-truck was accelerating up the
curvy driveway. I had realized that there was no way we were both
going to fit on the driveway, so I had put the car into reverse and
was waiting the couple seconds for the automatic transmission on
my 1993 Pontiac Grand AM to engage. Just as I heard the gears
click into place and placed my foot on the gas pedal to back up the
trailer of the semi-truck hits the roof of my car throwing my head
into the steering wheel. At this point everything went slow motion
and what took mere seconds felt like several minutes. As the car
was being repeatedly jarred and pushed backwards as the semi-
trailer was smashing down more and more of the roof of the car.
Luckily I had been quick to think and acted by taking my seat belt
off so I could lay on my side as the car was being crushed with me
in it. I was watching all of this through the front window which had
shattered giving the event a kaleidoscope effect as I watched the
rear trailer tires get closer to my car. In my mind I said a prayer
giving thanks for living through this event. Just as the trailer tires
rolled up onto the hood of my car about to finish crushing in the car
squeezing the life out of me, like smashing a grape to make Jelly,
the semi-truck stopped.

For a moment I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or no. Then a

moment later when I realized I was still alive. I started to look for a
way to get out of car before I was crushed completely. The roof on
the driver’s side had been smashed to less than an inch above the
steering wheel and the driver’s door was jammed shut. Luckily the
passenger door had been left unharmed. I had then crawled out of
the passenger door flopping onto the ground and unable to use my
right arm at all. My right shoulder had been dislocated down to my
nipple level. When I stood up I was still in a state of shock and just
getting my bearings. Then the guy driving the semi-truck got out of
his vehicle to see what he hit; he was reeking of booze, half asleep,

and still drunk from the night before. He said that he didn’t see me
or notice he hit me until the trailer started to tip over.

We then dealt with police and he admitted being at fault.

Unfortunately, they are a self-insured company, which gives a whole
new set of laws, and because they were technically on a private
property it absolved them of most financial responsibility.

After going to a chiropractor, I was able to move my arm

again, though it still slipped out of socket regularly because the
bottom of the rotator cuff was ruptured, like slicing a knife across
the bottom of a plastic bag filled with water. I had lost all feeling in
my right arm and had extreme pain from the neck to both arms.

In the aftermath that followed over the next couple of

months I had gained over 120 lbs. ballooning to over 350 lbs. I was
in constant, agonizing pain and my doctor got me hooked on
Percocet and Oxycontin as well as muscle relaxers to take the edge
off the pain. The doctor wanted to do a complete reconstruction
surgery and I stated, “No, way in hell I am putting metal into my
body and requiring a new surgery every 5-10 years for the rest of my

At this point I felt totally destitute, like my whole life was

over and was no longer worth living. Then because I was just
finishing massage school, I decided to travel across the country in
the hope of finding a way to heal myself. I then started narrowing
down where I wanted to travel to practice massage while I figured
out how to regain feeling in my right arm and heal. I had narrowed
it down to California, Washington and Colorado because I had
friends online in all 3 states. I decided on Colorado because it was
still wild and free with more lax laws.

Once in Colorado I met an amazing chiropractor, who

introduced me to Heidi Rose Dane, an osteopath and one of only
500 iridologists in the world at the time. From her I learned many
amazing things about the body and even more than that she had an
amazing occult library in her attic. The library was filled with 1000’s
of books from almost the complete works of Manly P. Hall to
ancient books on Chinese Medicine such as the Yellow Emperor’s
Classic of Internal Medicine, osteopathic texts from the 1860’s,
Ayurvedic medicine, books on magic and much more.

Shortly after we met, I was given the opportunity to rent the

basement apartment from her. Then between spending all my free
time learning from her and countless days locking myself into the
library I learned what was needed to not only heal myself but put
the whole cosmic jigsaw puzzle together.

Within a year I had started to regain feeling in my right

hand to where I could finally pick up a glass of water without
dropping it or crushing it. Over the next few years utilizing
bodywork, herbs, supplements, and energy work I was able to
completely repair the shoulder joint. In addition to that I was able

to get rid of my asthma, reduce allergies to almost non-existent, and
build my lung capacity up to around 60% of normal.

I also overcame most of my social awkwardness and

improved my speaking skills considerably. Though these are things
I still work on improving to this day.

When you think the world has gone against you and you’re
ready to give up on life remember as Marcus Aurelius said,

“The impediment to action advances action. That which stands

in the way becomes the way.”

As you have just seen from my story it doesn’t matter how

far you get beat down, you can rise from the ashes like a phoenix
and be born anew. I believe in you, now it’s time for you to believe
in you!
Chapter 9

Bonus Exercises

This chapter consists of various exercises/tools I utilize to

help with different aspects of life, whether they are mental,
emotional or physical that while essential for the path of self-
mastery they didn’t fit smoothly in the other chapters.

To best use this section, read through the whole chapter the
first time then you’ll be able to come back and utilize the technique
that you feel is best to help you at that moment.

Body Awareness
Wear white for a week to increase awareness. You must
wear a completely white outfit including shoes and work on being
aware of everything you do in order to not get a mark on the cloths.
This is easier said than done, because life is dirty at times.
Personally it took me almost a month in order to be able to go one
week without getting anything on my outfit while still going about
my day like normal. Give it a try and please share your
results/insights in our Facebook group, ‘Alchemy the Masters

Breath Work
While we went over some basics earlier in the book, I
wanted to share with you what I do during my meditation. A cyclic

breathing in which each part of the breath is equal, for instance I
started at breathing in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4 and
repeat. Now I’m at 10, 10, 10, 10 for each part of the breath, working
my way up until I can maintain a 1 minute breath throughout the
day; 15 seconds in, 15 hold, 15 out, and 15 hold. Be cautious on this
one as it is fairly advanced so only do it for a couple minutes at first.

Grounding is very simple. Having your bare feet on the
grass, earth, or in the water or even hugging a tree to discharge the
electromagnetic static from the body and let earths electrons flow in
from the body of your feet. This also has an added bonus of having
a super antioxidant effect which reduces swelling and inflammation
throughout the body.

Awareness and Choice of Words

When you are talking with someone listen to what they are
saying. Then when they have stopped take a deep breath then
follow the Sufi Saying below.

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:

At the first gate, ask yourself ‘Is it true?’

At the second gate ask, ‘Is it necessary?’

At the third gate ask, ‘Is it kind?’”

Skin Brushing
This is where you take a special skin brush and brush the
skin of your entire body using small clockwise circles. This
exfoliates the skin and improves circulation throughout the body.

Stop, take a breath and start listing in everything you have
to be grateful for starting with the fact that you are alive and
breathing! Keep saying ‘thank you’ until you feel your mood

Start the Day out Right-hit the Snooze Button to

Another 9 minutes, what difference does it make? What
difference can it make?

Most days I wake up and the first thought in my mind is

thank you for another day. Thank you for another blessing that I
may bless others. This is my basis of how I keep an attitude of
gratitude all day long. Now from neuroscience we know that the
feeling of gratitude releases the hormones like serotonin and
dopamine into the body. Starting your day with gratitude literally
reduces your stress level for the entire day!

So what does hitting the snooze button have to do with an
attitude of gratitude? It's a trick that I've trained into a habit for
many years. Most days I wake up naturally before my alarm clock
goes off; however some days when I don't wake up early the alarm
clock goes off and I'm just blah, not ready to get up. So I hit the
snooze button. Once I've done that I start listing in my mind all the
things I'm grateful for starting with being able to breath, have a dry
bed, clean water, etc. I continue this till the snooze button goes off
and this time I'm excited to start my day. There you have one of my
big secrets to how I, on a whole day stay happy, no matter what life
throws at me in 9 minutes. When you hack your biology you can use
alchemy to be however you desire to be!

(Most people don't truly become grateful for something till

they've lost or had to fight for it. As someone who used to have
horrible asthma where you fight for every breath you take, I can tell
you what an enormous blessing it is to breathe freely!)

Acts of Service
When you are depressed, do a random act of kindness for
someone without any expectation of thanks or reward. Repeat this
for a few days and you are guaranteed to start feeling an
improvement in your state of being.

Find a group of likeminded individuals where you all can
support one another either with effort or knowledge and meet once
a week (no less than once a month) to keep each other focused and
motivated on goals. Having additional minds on a project will also
help you overcome puzzles and such holding you back significantly
easier. You can hold a mastermind for business or even just as a
group of friends to propel each other’s spiritual growth.

External Reinforcement via Mentor/Coach

Every top performer has coaches and mentors helping them
to get where they want to go. Having one to work with in person or
over the phone is great (to work with me leave a message at 978-the-
Jedi or @AlchemistJedi on Facebook). If you don’t have the budget
to work with a coach one-on-one taking classes online like my
Alchemy101 class are great. You can also read the books of people
you’d love to work with or learn from. Many times our books
contain some of our best wisdom to share.

Emotional Pulse
Stop, take a breath, and drop your consciousness by placing
your hand on your heart. Feel yourself and know that you are okay.
Feel your body and be aware of where there is tension. Pay
attention to how you are feeling emotionally. Set your watch for
every hour to take a moment and check in with yourself. It will give
you greater awareness of your cycles so you can adjust accordingly.

For instance say you keep checking on yourself and notice

you feel sluggish every day at 3 pm, you may need to eat an apple
then to boost your energy levels back up. Once you notice it you

can plan ahead and eat the apple at say 2:00 p.m. preventing the
drop in energy levels in the first place. The patterns you learn about
yourself will help you throughout your life.

Ecstatic Dance
Ecstatic dance is something indigenous people have been
using since before recorded history. In the old days you would
continue dancing past the point of exhaustion until you enter a
trance state which opens up your mind to the spirit realm. You can
also utilize this in a lesser degree, when you feel tension or pressure
from thoughts or emotions whether yours or others and just shake it
off and out of the body.

Peaceful Transitions
Every time you cross a barrier like a doorway, get in a car,
go between rooms pause and ask yourself, ‘Am I at peace?’ If you
are you’ll feel the peace inside, if not you’ll have a flash in your
mind of something you forgot or need to do before leaving such as
grabbing your keys.

Dream Board
Dream board is a visualization tool where you make a board
you can place somewhere you see every day with the different
aspects of your dream life whether it be the new house, perfect
body, new lover, etc. This primes your subconscious mind.
Binaural Beats
Binaural beats are an amazing tool utilizing a concept
known as brainwave entrainment. Put simply it is playing one
sound in one ear for instance 432 Hz and a different sound in the
other ear such as 428 Hz. This creates a 3rd sound your mind hears
called a combination tone which is a psychoacoustic phenomenon
of an additional tone or tones that are artificially perceived when
two real tones are sounded at the same time, in this case it is at 4
Hz. The effect is that your brainwaves will slow down to 4 Hz
which is the line between theta and delta waves or a deep
meditation on the edge of sleep.

One of the best keep secrets in medicine is that if you give
the body what it needs under the right conditions it will heal
itself. Fair warning when fasting it’s common to experience a
healing crisis, where you feel worse before you feel better.

There are many ways to fast from just a few hours, no food,
just having vegetable juices, or even dry fasting (no food or water).
If you haven’t fasted before check with your doctor or healer
beforehand to help prepare you for this healing experience. With
days just drinking water your body starts producing new stem cells
and after 7 days of just water your intestinal lining has regrown
giving you a new immune system. Personally I’ve done 12 days on
water after 14 days on just carrot juice and it was a revelation for me.
I can only imagine the spiritual development someone could
achieve after 40 days on water as Jesus did.

Redirect Others’ Views Gently
Siddhartha had the ability to convert any opponent, to his
view by reaching that person's own level of spiritual development
and showing him what was yet above.

Buddha told disciples,

"Make yourselves your island, make yourselves, not anyone

else, your refuge; make the Dharma your island, the Dharma
your refuge, nothing else your refuge."

Improving Visualizations
One way to strengthen goal visualization is to make it into a
story. Clearly see where you are now and decide what you have to
change in yourself to achieve your goals. Say for example you want
to lose 50 lbs.

First visualize how you desire to look and feel. Then look at
yourself in the mirror. In your mind feel where you are now, then
see yourself transform into who you desire to be.

Now while that is happening simultaneously see a movie in

your mind’s eye of what you need to do to make that happen. With
this example I see an alarm clock going off at the same time over
and over. Then seeing myself doing my workouts and each time
repeats. See yourself getting closer to your ideal. The same with
seeing yourself eat healthy meals and enjoying them, kind of like
replaying the same day over hundred times in mere moments.
Do this twice daily for the visualization right upon waking
and last before bed, because that is when the subconscious mind is
most open to programming.

Write down the goals and steps from visualization and read
it daily. You can also treat it like a checklist focusing on the joy of
being able to mark something off your list as accomplished. Thus
being able to feel you have succeeded boosting your confidence to
do more.

Induction of Emotion
You can influence vibrations of others by focusing on the
desired vibration then projecting it to desired individual. Use this
one with caution. Say for instance you have a friend who is irritated.
You can focus on being calm and then visualize your calm moving
over to your friend and watch them calm down. This doesn’t work if
you are emotionally triggered by them because you get pulled into
their chaos instead of you pulling them into your peace.

4 Ways to Rend the Vail and See the Unseen

A. Psychic breakdown (mental disorder/psychedelic)

B. Study occult forces

C. Be in places of power or haunted

D. Be around those who utilizes occult forces

Doing any of the above will help you increase and open your
spiritual gifts. Thus studying books like this will open your mind, as
will being in places of power from various holy sites around the
world. You can also experiment with psychedelics to open the door.
Lastly being around magical people will make you more magical.
With many high-end coaching retreats the primary reason to attend
them is to being in the presence of high energy people that will
raise your vibration and accelerate your growth.

Dream Journal
Our dreams are a door to our subconscious mind. Get in the
habit of keeping a journal by your bed and telling yourself right
before you sleep that you will remember your dreams and write
them upon waking. In time paying attention to your dreams will
give you insight to help you through life. With practice you can even
learn how to control your dreams as Tesla did to be able to come up
with his marvelous inventions. One tip to help you take control of
your dreams is to tell yourself to look at your hands or try and move
one hand through the other in your dream and when you notice
your hands in your dream it is a mental cue for you to take control.

Sound Energy
Chanting On (AUM) - the thought from which the universe
is manifested.

Chant- Nam Myoho Renge Kyo- I fuse my life with the

mystic law of cause and effect through my vibrations.
1 minute of laughter stimulates every quadrant of the brain,
increases life expectancy, doubles immune system for 24 hours,
improves memory, and mood.

Deleting Negative Thoughts

Write the negative thoughts down on a piece of paper and
then burn the piece of paper. Then write down what you do want so
as to attract that into your life instead.

We are creatures of habit and that can either be your
downfall or your key to freedom. Many top performers set rules and
habits for everything they do to free up the mental energy for more
important task. Some have their entire wardrobes be the same
outfit. Others have their meals prepared for them. The possibilities
are endless. The advantage of a habit is once established it doesn’t
take much will power to repeat the task. Something simple like
brushing your teeth is a habit you had to learn when you were a kid
yet now it’s automatic for you.

Chapter 10

A Star is Born

"Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever toward it without

allowing aught to stop you or turn you aside, even as a star
sweeps upon its incalculable and infinite course of glory, and all
is Love. The Law of your being becomes Light, Life, Love and
Liberty. All is peace, all is harmony and beauty, all is joy."
Aleister Crowley

You are a star; don’t let anyone take away your shine.
Throughout this book you have learned how to think, process your
emotions and return to the center, creating inner peace and calm as
well as gained the tools required to do so. Now you know a better
way of doing things and when you know better you have a
responsibility to do better and be better. As you progress on the
path you will find that you will feel more regret for your sins of
omission rather than commission. Go to a nursing home or ask the
old people you know what they regret most and you will see that it’s
the choices and chances they didn’t take in life that bother them
more than the mistakes they made.

You are on the path of self-mastery so that when you cross

to the other side you can look back with a clear conscious, knowing
you did everything you can.
“The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules – but you have to know them
perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them.”
Aleister Crowley

Now that you have all the base knowledge and tools needed
to walk the path of the masters:

What will you do with the knowledge you have gained?

What legacy will you create?

How will you share what you have learned?

You are a star and now is your time to shine and show the
world who you are and what you can do. I believe in you!!!

Utilize this book for the rest of your life and you will create
Great Works this world has never seen.

What impact on the world will you make?

You are meant to learn from the masters of the past and
surpass them. They never wanted to be worshipped, they wanted
you to apply what they had learned so you can let go of suffering
and experience heaven on earth.

Feeling is the Prayer

What is the force that holds the universe together?
Compassion is the force and a feeling you experience, because it is
love in action. Thus this is that highest vibratory rate that everyone
is working on achieving/reaching/experiencing and the beautiful

part is it's already in you. You just need to learn how to allow it or
get rid of what is preventing you from feeling it.

Before going into how the feeling is the prayer let us first
discuss the concept of resonance from a physics perspective.

Resonance is the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by

reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a
neighboring object.

Mechanical Perspective
Mechanical resonance is the tendency of a mechanical
system to respond at greater amplitude when the frequency of its
oscillations matches the systems natural frequency of vibration
(its resonance frequency or resonant frequency) than it does at
other frequencies.

In layman terms, when you match the frequency what is

also on that frequency, will react to it. For instance, if you have two
guitars in a room and you pluck a string on one that same string on
the other guitar will start to vibrate. Another example is how
an opera singer will tap a glass then match her voice to the glass
causing it to vibrate faster and faster until it shatters. This concept
of resonance is a primary factor of how things like the law of
attraction work and why you have to continually practice to get your
frequency where you desire it to be because the universe is exact.
Thus you must match the frequency or vibratory rate.
In ancient times what were done to achieve this were
various chants and rituals such as chanting OM or using a
rosary. Unfortunately in modern times most are just going through
the motions because they weren't taught how to truly do it when
they were younger. When Greg Braden interviewing a monk in
Tibet the monk said, “You have never seen our prayers because, a prayer cannot
be seen, what you see are the things we do to create the feeling in our body and the
feeling is the prayer".

What is feeling? In Sanskrit, feeling is marriage of thought

and emotion that then radiates out a signal from the heart. The
thought is your visual image of what you look into existence. Then
your emotions they teach, there are only two love (compassion) and
not love (fear).

From the gospel of Thomas vs 106 Jesus said, "When you make
the two one (thought and emotion), you will become sons of man, and when you say:
Mountain, move away, it will move away".

How do you actually create the feeling?

First you must feel as if it already done. Thus your words,

and thoughts and feel in heart as if it already done. Training to have
a precise feeling takes time and effort, normally you will link a
specific word or phrase to use repeatedly in order to help you elicit
that emotion in the body and since the feeling of gratitude and
compassion are some of the highest vibrations we can have I will

share with you the way I was trained to feel compassion and
gratitude for all life.

Native Pipe Ceremony

A traditional Native American Pipe Ceremony (commonly
referred to as a peace pipe) is one of the highest rituals we do to
align ourselves with the Divine. This ceremony has a variety of uses
from bring groups together in council, to finding guidance and
clarity from creator/God/source, healing, changing weather and

You're probably wondering how one ceremony/ritual can

do so many different things. What is about to be revealed to you is
the key secret to prayer that has been intentionally taken out of the
Bible and hidden from Western society in order to keep you
unaware of your true power and potential. This is the secret reason
why the United States government has been attempting genocide of
the Native Americans and when that didn't work they switched to
trying to destroy our culture, criminalizing our rituals even stealing
children from their parents, sending them to reservation schools to
forcibly assimilate them into Western culture prohibiting them from
even learning their native language in order to break their spirits.
Many of those who know have carefully guarded these Secrets to
preserve them for this moment where they may now be shared with
you and the world so that the world may know peace.

To prepare for the pipe ceremony first the pipe carrier

smudges themselves and those who will also be participating in the
ceremony and the pipe bundle (which is usually made of leather
containing the pipe bowl, pipe stem, tobacco, etc.) Which is then
opened and each item is also through the smoke of the smudge.

Next the person doing the ceremony takes the bowl of the
pipe in on hand and grabs a pinch of tobacco in the other. As the
tobacco is placed in the bowl feelings of compassion and gratitude
wells up within the pipe carrier. He first give thanks to creator and
place the tobacco in the bowl, then they grab another pinch and
thank the directions, with the next the earth, then the water and
swimmers, those who crawl on the earth, the animals (four-
leggeds), the birds (winged ones) and creatures of the sky, the two-
leggeds (humans). Pinch by pinch giving thanks and feeling
compassion for all is given until the bowl is full and you feel
compassion/love for every aspect of creation.

Once the bowl is full the stem is attached to the bowl and
the pipe is lit. Personally I usually use char cloth or a coal from the
fire to light the bowl. The pipe is offered to the 7 directions
mentioned in chapter 3.

By the time the pipe has been filled and offered to the 7
directions you feel completely grateful and connected to all of
creation, you experience so much energy going through you that
you know what you ask has already happened. (Most times only ask
for clarity and guidance).

If solo, you will smoke the whole pipe continuing to give
thanks with each breath. If with a group after it has been offered to
the directions it will be passed around in a circle with each person
receiving the bowl with the left hand and stem with the right. Once
the ritual is done the pipe is emptied, taken apart, and
ceremoniously wrapped back into the pipe bundle.

I trust that this helps give you a deeper look into how
ancient rituals are utilized to align your thoughts and emotions
together in order to create a feeling that is prayer. Which radiates
out like a beam from a Care bear's heart but it's really Omni -
dimensional going out to the edges of the universe.

Now Prayer is not something you do in the moment, rather

it is a way of living and then the prayer never ends.

The feeling is the prayer; you will always have feelings

eternally. The work for you now, on the path is to choose how you
feel and when your emotional state drops below peace and joy,
pause take a breath experience the emotion, learn from it,
transmute it back to love and let it go. This is your eternal work
raising the vibration/consciousness level of the planet. First you
learn to do it for yourself and then you help others to do the same.
Once you realize that this work is eternal, the work becomes the
Now as you go out into the world and this knowledge you
have gained with others in order that they too may gain the tools to
inner peace and calm, we will manifest harmony first within
ourselves, then our families and communities, followed by the
whole world.

You are now an Alchemist and part of the great work. Both
to ennoble the matter within your body as well as the world and
together we will create heaven (paradise) on earth.

The Vision
The vision we hold is one where world harmony is
established through the signing of global peace accords 11/11/2030
and creating a world where everyone can thrive via the world
harmony foundations, green earth project.

The focus of green earth project is to provide everyone on

the planet with an abundance of organic nutrient rich food, pure
water, and energy. We look to do this by:

A. Working with the indigenous cultures around the world

to increase the amount of plant life growing thereby raising the
indigenous quality of life, then sharing the excess food with others.

B. Taking the plastic floating in the oceans and recycling it

into navigable Floating island farms powered by the sun, the wind
and the waves. These islands will also act as global support stations.
How this will work is say for instance an island such as the Jamaica

is hit with a category 5 hurricane and the country is devastated.
Within hours of the storm passing an island will sail to the shore
connect the area to the power grid of the island and start pumping
in fresh water. This will provide immediate relief for the people and
drastically reduce the amount of time to do repairs by having
electrical energy available immediately.

These projects will also have the added bonus of reducing

air pollution, which counteracts 'global warming' and increase
oxygen levels globally improving everyone's health vicariously.

Sales of this book and courses taught by Alchemist Jedi will

be going toward this project. For instance with every book sold we
intend to plant one fruit tree to take a bite out of hunger.

If you would like take a larger part in the Great Work of

creating paradise on earth you can visit @worldharmonyfoundation
or @AlchemistJedi

On Facebook or Call 978-the-Jedi leaving a message of how

you would like to help.

If you want help to achieve your inner peace and calm in a

fraction of the time you could on your own visit:
For a beginner’s course or if you’d like to work with me
directly visit:

Or call 978-843-5334 and leave a message.

This section is quotes that made an impact in my life, yet
they didn’t quite fit into the main part of the work. May these words
aid you along your path as they have many others.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world.” Nelson Mandela

“Study without thought is vain; thought without study is perilous.”


“When we become hollow bones there is no limit to what the Higher Powers
can do in and through us in spiritual things.” Frank Fools Crow

“Sometimes it feels like energy or electricity when it is moving in and through

us, but spiritual power is really a distinctive kind of knowledge that is like the key that
opens the door or the switch that starts the energy moving.” Frank Fools Crow

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is

play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." Einstein

"Peace cannot be keeping by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.”


"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Henry Ford

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just
take the first step." Martin Luther King Jr.

“The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that
we have to do it." Steven Pressfield

“Successful people don't ask what it costs, they ask what it's worth.
Successful people invest in themselves and their education and that is why they are
successful." Jim Rohn
From page 79 of the book at the feet of the master

“1. Forget yourself and the desires of your personality-remember

only service of others.

2. Do not offer opinion unless asked.

3. Before speaking, always consider how what you say will

affect others.

4. Never betray or comment upon a brother’s weakness.

5. Remember have much to learn; so speak with becoming


6. When called move at once”.

"Teach me about pain, think you can? Think the old Master cannot care,
mmmm? Forgotten who I am have you? Old am I, yes. Mm. Loved more than you,
have I, Padawan. Lost more. Hated more. Killed more. Think wisdom comes at no
cost? The dark side, yes it is easier for them. The pain grows too great, and they eat the
Darkness to flee from it. Not Yoda. Yoda loves and suffers for it, loves and suffers.
The price of Yoda's wisdom, high it is, very high, and the cost goes on forever. But teach
me about pain, will you?" Yoda (Dark Rendezvous)

"Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you.
Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere!” Yoda describing the

"Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-wan. Keep your concentration here and
now, where it belongs." Qui-Gon-Jinn

"There is always hope, my friend though it often comes in forms not looked
for. The Key is knowing how to see it and seizing the opportunity." Qui-Gon-Jinn

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." Qui-Gon-Jinn

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." Yoda.

"Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment." Qui-

“In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our
way.” Yoda

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

“Do or do not, there is no try.” Yoda

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform
into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously.
The shadow of greed, that is.” Yoda

“Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.” Yoda

“In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.” Yoda

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” Yoda

This is the essence of the Buddhist concept of non-

attachment when you realize everything is temporary you're able to
love more deeply knowing that this too shall pass. On the flip side
you can utilize this knowledge to know that the hard times will pass

“Abundance has a vibrational frequency. It feels like ease, and freedom to

choose, it feels like fresh air, it feels like fun, it feels like surety." Abraham Hicks
"I was early taught to work as well as play, my life has been one long, happy
holiday; full of work and full of play. I dropped my worry on the way and God was
good to me every day." John D. Rockefeller

“A person is limited only by the thoughts he chooses.” James Allen

“The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves." Stephen


"The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your
priorities." Stephen Covey

"The key to valuing differences is to realize that all people see the world, not
as it is, but as they are." Stephen Covey

“The more we see people in terms of their unseen potential, the more we can
use our imagination rather than our memory." Stephen Covey

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to
achieve it.” Paulo Coelho, the Alchemist

“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life
interesting.” Paulo Coelho

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we

strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Paulo

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of
failure.” Paulo Coelho

“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find
you.” Paulo Coelho

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight
times.” Paulo Coelho

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your
treasure.” Paulo Coelho

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the
suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of
its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with
God and with eternity.” Paulo Coelho
“Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your
heart.” Paulo Coelho

“This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in
creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening,
because everything happens within you.” Paulo Coelho

“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to
what it has to say.” Paulo Coelho

“Of course I'm realistic I expect miracles.” Wayne Dyer

“Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that.
The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite--there is nothing which it
excludes or opposes. It is living void, because all forms come out of it and
whoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all
beings.”Bruce Lee
“The attitude, “You can win if you want to badly enough,” means that the
will to win is constant. No amount of punishment, no amount of effort, no condition is
too “tough” to take in order to win. Such an attitude can be developed only if winning
is closely tied to the practitioner’s ideals and dreams.” Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet
Kune Do

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult
one” Bruce Lee
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but
adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within
you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless.
Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water
into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Bruce Lee

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it
will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only
plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” Bruce Lee

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” Bruce


“The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in
movement does the universal rhythm manifest.” Bruce Lee

“Money is the medium by which earthly success is measured. Money makes

possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords. Money is plentiful for those who
understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition. Money is governed today by the
same laws which controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon, six
thousand years ago.” George Samuel Clason-Richest man in Babylon

"There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a
body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It
is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them
that civilization has a secret destiny...The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World
Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine
race, that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of
wisdom that belong to a family of heroes - perfected human beings." Manly Hall,
The Secret Destiny of America

“Only as a [spiritual] warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A
warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge and
challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges. The basic
difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as
a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.” Don
Juan Carlos Baya

"One does not become Enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by

making the Darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable, and
therefore, not popular." Carl Jung

"In our world today everyone is looking for personal happiness. So I always
say, if you wish to be Happy and aim for self-interest, then care for other people. This
brings lasting happiness. This is real self-interest, enlightened self-interest." HH the
Dalai Lama of Tibet.

“Leaders must have qualities of intelligence, compassion, and selflessness or

they are not fit to lead.” Alchemist Jedi

“To the pure all things are possible; to the base all things are base.”

“Divine paradox- the while the universe is not, still it is. You must see both
as true, physical and spiritual. All except the All (Spirit) is bound by nature’s
laws. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the master.” The

“One of the secrets of the All is silence.” Alchemist Jedi

"Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity." Earl Nightingale

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more luck I
have" Thomas Jefferson

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Napoleon Hill
“People will usually take the path of least resistance whereas integrity requires
the line of greatest resistance.” Unknown

“We are not here to have more but be more!!!” Doctor Heidi Rose

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply
give you courage.” Lao-tzu

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the
nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we
must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.” Confucius

"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as

succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek
to develop the picture."
Norman Vincent Peale, Author

“When you go out into the woods and you look at trees, you see all these
different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of
them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you
allow it. You appreciate it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that
it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional
about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree. The minute you get near humans,
you lose all that. And you are constantly saying ‘You’re too this, or I’m too this.’ That
judging mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means
appreciating them just the way they are.”
Ram Dass

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who

are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as
we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson

“The authentic master never boasts of being a master. The true master is
unknown. He dresses like any ordinary citizen and goes around anonymous and
unknown… An authentic guru does not go around boasting about it. He does not
exhibit his deeds or powers, and is filled with modesty. A true master is before anything
else an upright citizen. The true master is like a child, pure, holy, simple, and
natural." Samael Aun Weor

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
Alice in wonderland

"Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their oneness with the
Universe, when they realize it really is everywhere, it is within each one of us." Black

“At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center is
really everywhere. It is within each of us.” Black Elk

“You want weapons? Go to a library. Books are the best weapons in the
world.” Doctor Who

“The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well you walk
through the fire.” Carl Jung

"The alchemists, who in their own way knew more about the nature of the
individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through the symbol
of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. The Ouroboros has been said to have
a meaning of infinity or wholeness. In the age-old image of the Ouroboros lies the
thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was
clear to the more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself.
The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the
opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This 'feed-back' process is at the same time a symbol of
immortality, since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to
life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One, who proceeds
from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia
which [...] unquestionably stems from man's unconscious." Carl Jung

Bibliography and Suggested Reading

The top section of this bibliography are book that were

inspirational to the author and a large part of what enabled this
work to be created, they are highly recommended if you are a
serious student who wants to grow eternally.

Secret teaching of all ages as well as any books or audio

lectures by Manly P. Hall

Kybalion by Three Initiates

Initiation into hermetics- Franz Bardon

The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation-

Dennis William Hauck

The 4 agreements-Don Miguel

Celestine Prophecy- James Redfield

The 5 love languages- Gary Chapman

Siddhartha- Herman Hesse

Johnathan Livingston Seagull- Richard Bach

Bruce Lee- Tao of Jeet Kune Do

David Deida - The Way of the Superior Man

Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill

Outwitting the Devil-Napoleon Hill

The Richest Man in Babylon-Book by George Samuel

The Greatest Salesman in the World-Book by Og Mandino

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter-by Joe


The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem-Book by Nathaniel Branden

The Science of Getting Rich-Book by Wallace D. Wattles

As a Man Thinketh-Book by James Allen

Psycho-Cybernetics-Book by Maxwell Maltz

A Message to Garcia-Essay by Elbert Hubbard

Life and teaching of the masters of the Far East

Book 1&2 by Baird T. Spalding

At the feet of the Master- Jiddu Krishnamurti

The 48 Laws of Power-Book by Robert Greene

How to Win Friends & Influence People -Dale Carnegie

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Book by Stephen


7 minutes in Eternity-William Dudley Pelley

The Secret- Rhonda Byrnes

The art of War-Sun Tzu

Conversations with god- Neal Donald Walsch

Black Elk Speaks- John Gneisenau Neihardt

Fools Crow- wisdom and power- Thomas e Mails

The gospel of the Redman- Thomas Seton

Rest of reference material

Bible (red letter edition, King James, interlineary, Masonic)

Dead Sea scrolls

Nag Hammadi library

Dancing with Dragons: Invoke Their Ageless Wisdom and

Power- D.J.Conway

Magic and the Qabalah &How to Develop Clairvoyance -

W.E. Butler

Imitation of Christ- Thomas Penta

Tao of physics- Fritjof Capra

Blackfoot physics- F. David Peat

Men who can't love- Steven A Carter

My mother my self- Nancy Friday

Book of Dzyan

Tibetan book of the dead

The Essence of Buddhism- Roy Gillett

Buddhism for beginners

And many more Books on Buddhism

The secret Doctrine- H.P. Blavatsky

The secret of light- Walter Russell

The gods of Eden- Book by William Bramley

The 12th Planet-Book by Zecharia Sitchin

Double your income doing what you love- Raymond Aaron

A plethora of books by the following authors that are too

numerous to list. Any of these authors are worth diving deep into
their work to expand your mind. Aleister Crowley, Helena
Blavatsky, Dion fortune, Eliphas Levi, Israel Regardie(the middle
pillar exercise is amazing), A.E.Waite, John Dee, Raymond
Buckland, Scott Cunningham, Louise Hay, Osho, Rumi, Edgar
Cayce, and many more.

Additional Resources

You can connect with the author on Facebook, Instagram

and LinkedIn @AlchemistJedi

Also join our Facebook group

Alchemy the Masters Path



If you are interested in working with or interviewing

Alchemist Jedi you can leave a message on my google voice at 978-
the-Jedi (978-843-5334)

Or email

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