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Register Number :

Name of the Candidate :

1 4 7 6
B.Com. (Computer Applications)

( PART - III )



May ] [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

SECTION - A (5 × 8 = 40)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the scope of statistics in commerce.

2. Distinguish between primary and secondary

data. Give an example for each type of data.

3. Define geometric mean and harmonic mean.

Give an example for each. Explain the uses
of these two averages.

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2 5
4. Find mean and standard deviation for the 12. Find Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s Fisher’s, Marshall,
following data : Edgeworth’s price index numbers and quantity :
x : 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Base Year Current Year
f: 4 8 16 30 14 9 9 Item Price Expenditure Price Expenditure
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
5. Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of skewness for a A 6 300 10 560
distribution is – 0·4 and its co-efficient of
B 2 200 2 240
variation is 40 %. Its mean is 50. Find mode
and standard deviation of the distribution. C 4 240 6 360
D 10 300 12 288
6. Define index number and explain why Fisher’s
index number is called ideal index number. E 8 320 12 432
7. Calculate trend values by the method of 13. Explain various components of time series.
moving averages, assuming a four yearly cycle
Also, mention the available methods of
from the following data relating to sugar
eliminating their influence.
production in India :
Year Sugar Production Year Sugar Production
(lack tonnes) (lack tonnes)
1971 37·4 1977 48·4
1972 31·1 1978 64·6
1973 38·7 1979 58·4
1974 39·5 1980 38·6
1975 47·9 1981 51·4
1976 42·6 1982 84·4
4 3
10. Find co-efficient of quartile deviation and 8. Explain standardized birth and death rates.
quartile co-efficient of skewness from the
SECTION - B (3 × 20 = 60)
following data :
Answer any THREE questions.
Capital No. of
(Rs. in crores) All questions carry equal marks.
1-5 20 9. (a) Explain multiple bar diagram with an
6 - 10 27 example.
11 - 15 29
(b) Find mean, median and mode from the
16 - 20 38
following data :
21 - 25 48
26 - 30 53 No. of days No. of
absent students
31 - 35 70
Less than 5 29
11. A chain store gives training to its salesman Less than 10 224
followed by a test. The test scores and sales Less than 15 465
effected by nine salesmen are given below : Less than 20 582
Less than 25 634
Scores : 14 19 24 21 26 22 15 20 19
Less than 30 644
Scores : 31 36 48 37 50 45 33 41 39
Less than 35 650
Calculate Karl - Pearson’s co-efficient of Less than 40 653
correlation and advise the store whether Less than 45 655
services of salesmen with low scores can be
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