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ǧē̆st(e n.(1) Quotations: Show all Hide


Entry Info

Forms ǧē̆st(e n.(1) Also geist, ieste, jest(e, giste, chest & yest(e.

Etymology OF geste, gieste, jeste & ML gesta pl.

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

1. (a) A poem or song about heroic deeds, a chivalric romance; (b) a poem or song of any kind; (c) a prose chronicle or
history, a prose romance or tale; English geste(s, gestes of Engelond, history of England; gestes of the apostles, the
Acts of the Apostles; (d) anything spoken or written, a saying, a writing; (e)?an inscription, ?a picture.
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(a) (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1423?rid=hyp.1314.19991101t123123) 2328 :

Þer mouthe men here þe gestes singe, Þe gleymen on þe tabour dinge.

(c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1423?rid=hyp.1314.19991101t123123) 2984 :

Nu haue ye herd þe gest al þoru Of hauelok.

c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB216?rid=hyp.292.19990513t124835) 7618 :

Who so wille ʒiue lest, Mai now here noble gest.

c1330(?a1300) Rich.(Auch:Brunner) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2999?

rid=hyp.1213.19981211t105002) 82/21 : As þis romaunce of Freyns wrouʒt, Þat mani lewed no knowe nouʒt, In gest as so we
c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB184?rid=hyp.203.19990513t124835) 144 : Trewer
loue nas neuer non, In gest [vrr. ieste, gestys] as so we rede.

c1330 KTars (Auch) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1948?rid=hyp.37.19981211t105002) 774 : It hadde..alle

þat euer þer to bifel In gest [Vrn: stori] as y ʒou say.

a1375 WPal.(KC 13) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3812?rid=hyp.1178.19990304t151115) 5033 : But touche

forþ of þe tale, as telleþ þe gest.

(a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1379?rid=hyp.1232.19991101t123123) 5.5275 :

Kyng Mynos hadde..A cruel Monstre, as seith the geste.

a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB794?rid=hyp.468.19991101t123123) 1 : Men

ʒernen iestes [Vsp: rimes] for to here, And romaunce rede in dyuerse manere.

a1400 Cursor (Trin-C R.3.8) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB794?rid=hyp.468.19991101t123123) 87 : Of

suchon shulde ʒe matere take..Of hir to make boþe geest [Göt: ieste; Vsp: rim] & songe.

c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1936?rid=hyp.20.19981211t105002) 30 :

Ʒee shullen heren noble geste [Lin-I: ieste] Of Alisaundre.

c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1936?rid=hyp.20.19981211t105002) 5206

: Now hereþ gest of grete noblay!

c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2821?

rid=hyp.990.19981211t105002) 16.205 : Ich can nat tabre ne trompe, ne telle faire gestes, Farten, ne fiþelyn at festes, ne

a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB625?

rid=hyp.1500.19990513t124835) 2.83 : They thre Herden a mayden reden hem the geste Of the siege of Thebes, whil hem

a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB625?

rid=hyp.1500.19990513t124835) 3.450 : In this while, as writen is in geeste, He say his lady somtyme, and also She with hym
spak, whan that she dorst and leste.

?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2344?

rid=hyp.313.19981211t105002) 143/36 : Mynstrelles þat syngen songes & tellen gestes.

c1430(c1395) Chaucer LGW Prol.(2) (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB615?

rid=hyp.1430.19990513t124835) 87 : For myn entent is..The naked text in English to declare Of many a story, or elles of many
a geste.

?c1430(a1400) Wycl.Wedded Men (Corp-C 296) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3891?

rid=hyp.1267.19990304t151115) 196 : Summe techen here children jeestis of bataillis and fals cronyclis.

(1440) PParv.(Hrl 221) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2817?rid=hyp.934.19981211t105002) 191 : Geeste or

romawnce: Gestio.

a1450 Parton.(1) (UC C.188) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2696?rid=hyp.760.19981211t105002) 2054 :

Thus tellyth now the french geest.
a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2999?rid=hyp.1216.19981211t105002) 32 : Kyng
Rychard, þe werryour beste þat men fynde [vr. redis o e] in ony ieste [vr. geste].

c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB853?

rid=hyp.539.19991101t123123) 12772 : This Egea, the gest sais, was a iust lady.

1457 Bevis (Naples 13.B.29) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB294?rid=hyp.403.19990513t124835) 217/249 :

Men tellith bothe in gest & ryme, Thei were leide in maner of shryne.

a1500(a1400) Cleges (Adv 19.1.11) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB671?rid=hyp.294.19991101t123123) 484 :

An harpor sange a gest be mowth [Ashm: had a geyst I-seyd] Of a knyʒt there be sowth.

a1500(?c1400) EToulouse (Cmb Ff.2.38) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1228?

rid=hyp.972.19991101t123123) 1219 : Yn Rome thys geste cronyculyd ywys; A lay of Bretayne callyd hyt ys.

a1500 Bevis (Cmb Ff.2.38) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB294?rid=hyp.402.19990513t124835) 185/3 fn. :

Now begynnyth a yeste ageyn.

a1500 Octav.(1) (Cmb Ff.2.38) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2643?rid=hyp.691.19981211t105002) 80/279 :

The emperowre gaf hur xl pownde Of florens that were rownde, In yeste [Thrn: romance] as we rede.

(b) (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3474?rid=hyp.1628.19981211t105002) 1.315 :

Þere [in Sicily] was commedy, a song of gestes, firste i-founde.

c1390 Cato(1) (Vrn) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB487?rid=hyp.103.19991101t123123) 637 : Wise men may

a-mende þis ieste, And resouns puten and eche.

(c1390) Chaucer CT.Mel.(Manly-Rickert) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB588?

rid=hyp.871.19990513t124835) B.2123 : Lat se wher thow kanst tallen aught in geste, Or telle in prose somwhat, at the
leeste, In which ther be som myrthe or som doctryne.

?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB485?rid=hyp.100.19991101t123123) 54a : A

Geste: Carmen, liricium [read: liricum]..gestus.

(c) (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3474?rid=hyp.1628.19981211t105002) 7.461 :

Oon cherle..tolde þe geest [L tragediam] how it was byfalle.

c1390 Mannyng HS, Mir.CC (Vrn) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2354?rid=hyp.345.19981211t105002) 810 :

Þis tale telleþ vs seynt Bede In his gestes [Hrl: þe gestys of Inglond] þat we Rede.

c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2601?rid=hyp.616.19981211t105002) 289/2 : In

Engelonde..were kynges vii, as Jestes schawes.

(c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB591?

rid=hyp.958.19990513t124835) B.1126 : In the olde Romayn gestes [vr. storyis], may men fynde Maurices lyf.

(a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1379?rid=hyp.1232.19991101t123123) 5.6359 : Of

Rome, among the gestes olde, I finde hou that Valerie tolde, [etc.].

(a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1379?rid=hyp.1232.19991101t123123) 8.62 : In the

geste as it is founde, Nature so the cause ladde, Tuo douhtres ek Dame Eve hadde.
(c1395) Chaucer CT.WB.(Manly-Rickert) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB608?
rid=hyp.1349.19990513t124835) D.642 : He o en tymes wolde preche And me of olde Romayn gestes [vr. talis] teche.

(c1395) Chaucer CT.Mch.(Manly-Rickert) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB586?

rid=hyp.820.19990513t124835) E.2284 : The Romayn geestes [vrr. Iestis, bokes] eek maken remembraunce Of many a verray
trewe wyf also.

?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2351?

rid=hyp.332.19981211t105002) p.6 : Þerfor þis Henry is cald a compiloure; He wrote þe Englis gestes [F gestes des Englays].

?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2351?

rid=hyp.332.19981211t105002) p.111 : Henry of Huntyngton he wrote þe gestes olde, & sais in his sermon þat newe ere now

(c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2731?rid=hyp.809.19981211t105002) 400 :

Þe wordes of þe reding make mensioun of oþere inpertynent geestis or stories or prophecies.

a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2350?

rid=hyp.323.19981211t105002) 16698-9 : Now of Englische wil we telle..Þat toke þe lond þorow Godes heste: Þeyr tyme we
calle al Englische geste; Al ys cald geste Englische Þat on þis langage spoken ys.

c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB612?

rid=hyp.1404.19990513t124835) 1434 : The Ebrayk Josephus..of Jewes gestes tolde.

a1500(?c1425) Spec.Sacer.(Add 36791) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3249?

rid=hyp.579.19990304t151115) 153/1 : As I redde in the gestes of the apostles, he was scourgid and turmentyd with other

a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Add 9066) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1405?rid=hyp.1279.19991101t123123) 406

: Seynte Bede tellethe, in gestes of Englonde, that there was a kyng in the northe contre.

c1600(?c1395) PPl.Creed (Trin-C R.3.15) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2823?

rid=hyp.1006.19981211t105002) 46 : Þei ben but jugulers..And byiapeþ þe folke wiþ gestes of Rome!

(d) c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3132?

rid=hyp.480.19990304t151115) 88/60 : Al he folueþ þe lawe of gode And prophetene gestes.

(a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3474?rid=hyp.1628.19981211t105002) 4.229 :

Cithero made gestes [Higd.(2): menciones and writenges; L invectiones] in blame of Salustius.

c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2818?rid=hyp.944.19981211t105002) 11.23 : Iob þe

Ientel in his Ieestes [vrr. gestis, geeste] seide, Quare via impiorum, [etc.].

(e) a1450-1509 Rich.(Brunner) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2999?rid=hyp.1216.19981211t105002) 5161 : O

gold and syluyr were þe penseles; Manye was þe noble geste [vr. jestes] þeron was wryten of wylde beste: Tygrys, dragouns,

2. (a) A noteworthy deed or event, a heroic action, an exploit, a military enterprise; (b) an action; a way of acting; pl.
actions, doings, conduct, behavior; (c) entertainment, festivity; a game, an amusement; ?a disreputable prank [quot.:
c1450]; (d) a bodily movement, a gesture.
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(a) (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3474?rid=hyp.1628.19981211t105002) 4.141 :

He [Cicero] wroot alle þe gestes of Troye [L Iliadem; Higd.(2): the batelle of Troy] sotelliche, as it myʒte be closed in a note

a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB794?rid=hyp.454.19991101t123123) 123 : Al

þis werld..Wit cristes help I sal ouer-rin, And tell sum gestes [Göt: ieste; Trin-C: geste] principale.

a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB794?rid=hyp.454.19991101t123123) 13687 :

Yeit forþermar sal i tel yow Sum ge es [read: gestes; Trin-C: dedes] o þat suet iesu.

?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Petyt 511) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2350?

rid=hyp.324.19981211t105002) 38 : A er þe Bretons þe Inglis camen; þe lordschip of þis lande þai namen..þat calle men now
þe Inglis gest.

?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2351?

rid=hyp.332.19981211t105002) p.266 : Þe Normanz com now e & mak a newe gest..þe folk of Normundie aryued vp at

a1425(a1382) WBible(1) Pref.Jer.(Corp-O 4) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3580?

rid=hyp.863.19990304t151115) 69 : Y shal com to Jhesu of Naue, the which berith the figure of the Lord, not oonli in gestis
[WB(2): worthi dedis], but also in name.

a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB625?

rid=hyp.1500.19990513t124835) 1.145 : But the Troian gestes [vrr. geestes, Iestes] as they felle, In Omer, or in Dares, or in
Dite, Whoso that kan, may rede hem as they write.

c1425 Found.St.Barth. (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1328?rid=hyp.1122.19991101t123123) 11/14 : Kynge

Edwarde the confessoure..replete with..vertu, as the boke of his Gestys declarith.

(c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2730?

rid=hyp.808.19981211t105002) 362 : The seid epistle ascriued to Costantyn, and also the storie of Siluestris gestis ben not
but vntrewe apocrifis.

c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB612?

rid=hyp.1404.19990513t124835) 1737 : Yet preye we That we mowe han as good a fame..As they that han doon noble gestes,
And acheved alle her lestes, As wel of love as other thyng.

c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB853?rid=hyp.539.19991101t123123) 620

: This glorius gyste & this grete hete me so hyndly to haue at my wille.

c1460 Chaucer TC (Hrl 1239) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB625?rid=hyp.1507.19990513t124835) 4.1421 :

Thus wryten thoo that euer the Iestes [vr. werkes] knewe.

?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) (Hrl 2261) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1454?

rid=hyp.1352.19991101t123123) 1.9 : Hauenge inoppinable appetite to beholde gestes [Trev.: greet men dedes; L facta
majorum] of antiquite, y was movede, [etc.].

?a1475(?a1425) Higd.(2) (Hrl 2261) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1454?

rid=hyp.1352.19991101t123123) 1.215 : An arche made of marbole, in whom the gestes [L gesta] of Augustus Cesar be
a1500 Conq.Irel.(Rwl B.490) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB723?rid=hyp.359.19991101t123123) 93/15 :
Now we will turne agayne to oure knyghten gestis in Irland.

(b) c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1936?rid=hyp.20.19981211t105002) 412 :

Olympyas..telleþ to Neptanabon Alle þe a ers of Amon, And he to hire..Alle þe gestes [Lin-I: iestis] of Amon his lorde.

c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1936?rid=hyp.20.19981211t105002) 4837

: Ac by þat þou vnderstonde þe gestes, Boþe of men and ek of beestes..Þan miʒth þou haue merueile.

a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB478?rid=hyp.94.19991101t123123) 2959 :

Þe Werldis joye & hys jentyl jeste Is now þyne, now myn, boþe fere & nere.

c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB853?

rid=hyp.539.19991101t123123) 2026 : When þai had..made þere o rond..Antenor Amyt..To the palis..Among Lordys full
light.. ull glad of þat gest.

c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB853?

rid=hyp.539.19991101t123123) 3286 : Yet sesit not hir sorow for solas of hym. Ne noght glad of þat geste, but greatly anoyet,
Paris..gird out in yre.

a1475 Russell Bk.Nurt.(Hrl 4011) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3064?rid=hyp.1340.19981211t105002) 857

: Now have y shewyd yow, my son, somewhat of dyuerse Iestis Þat ar remembred in lordes courte.

c1475 O lord omnipotent (Trin-C R.3.21) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB4942?

rid=hyp.2688.19990513t124835) 140 : With this psalme, my yest of meditacioun, Myne hert, my wyll, my love, and lyvely
gost, In to thyne handys..I holy yelde.

(c) c1300(?c1225) Horn (Cmb Gg.4.27) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1507?

rid=hyp.1441.19991101t123123) 29/478 : Tomoreʒe is þi feste; þer bihoueþ geste [Ld: gestes].

c1300(?c1225) Horn (Cmb Gg.4.27) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB1507?

rid=hyp.1441.19991101t123123) 31/522 : Murie was þe feste, Al of faire gestes [Hrl: for muchel wes þe geste].

?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB2351?

rid=hyp.332.19981211t105002) p.161 : Þe þrid day of þe fest, Sir Bernard of Bayoun Newed e þer geste; þe quene he gaf þe

c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB181?rid=hyp.199.19990513t124835) 87/10 :

His bukys spakk of vnclennes of li yng & of gestis & enchawntementis.

(d) c1390(?c1350) SVrn.Leg.Barlaam (Vrn) (/m/middle-english-dictionary/bibliography/BIB3386?

rid=hyp.761.19990304t151115) 756 : Þe deuel..manaced forme of wylde beestes, Grennynge on him wiþ mony

Supplemental Materials (dra )

c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388) 631 : He þat sadly forsoke such a sure pro er And so gracius a gyste, þat me is graunt here,
He a fole holdyn.

Note: AQ
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