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Chapter 01: Value 

Establishing Depth with Color

The artist has established depth by making

the cast shadows fall further back as the boxes get
smaller; and the line art for each box getting a little
thinner as they go further back.

There are a variety of techniques you perspective, and create the illusion of depth.
can use to establish depth, perspective and As you can see below, simply add-
separation of the planes in a panel or page. ing solid color doesn’t help push the depth
Planes usually refer to Foreground, Mid- and perspective.... if anything it flattens the
dle Ground and Background. In some cases, depth - the furthest box looks exactly the
there may be multiple Middle Grounds. It’s same as the closest box, reducing the depth
your job to establish those planes, push the of the image.

© 2007 Mark Sweeney 1



Hue: you can use different hues to cre- Saturation: as objects move further
ate depth by cooling off a color as it recedes. further into the background, their colors be-
This creates the illusion that cooler objects come less intense. As objects move closer
are further away. to the foreground, the colors become more
Even shadows can become cooler as ob- saturated (purer color).
jects move further away from the viewer. This is part of the technique of Aerial
Shadows are not just shades of grey or Perspective. This is what makes things look
black, but darker versions of the local color further away by making them lighter in tone,
the shadow is cast onto, with blue added to it. bluer or cooler, and less saturated


2 © 2007 Mark Sweeney



Value: as things get further away, they Color Holds: by taking the solid black
become lighter. line art and changing it to lighter shades of
Even shadows become lighter as they grey as the objects move further back, this
move further away from the viewer. This helps push perspective and depth even fur-
too, is part of using Aerial Perspective to es- ther.
tablish depth. For even greater effect, you could also
add blue to the color hold as it goes further

Color Holds

© 2007 Mark Sweeney 3



Texture: as objects get further away, cubes, they appear to have more shape,
their texture become less recognizable, and weight and mass.
denser. By making details, patterns and sur- Even with adding shadows to make the
face textures smaller as objects recede, you cubes more three-dimensional, I’ve still
reinforce the illusion of depth. used the principal of receding values to push
the perspective. The darkest shadow on the
Dimension: light and shadow are what furthest box is much lighter than the darkest
really give objects shape and form. shadow on the closest box.
Now that I’ve added shadows to the


4 © 2007 Mark Sweeney


Combine Techniques

Above is an illustration combing all the The illustration below shows combining
techniques using color: Hue, Saturation, those same techniques with a pattern on the
Value, Color Holds, and Dimension to re- cubes.
ally push the perspective and depth. Do objects always go from dark to light,
Do you have to use every technique all warm to cool colors? No.
the time? No. But knowing each technique This is where background colors can
can help you solve problems on how to push determine what how perspective and depth
depth, separation of the planes and perspec- are established, and why good use of back-
tive. ground color is very important.

Combine Techniques

© 2007 Mark Sweeney 5



Value: With dark backgrounds, you can can still make cool objects come forward.
reverse the values, with the brightest objectsBy making the closest objects the most
at the front, and darkest further back. The
saturated, this increases the contrast of the
key is contrast - objects with the most con-
object with the unsaturated red background,
trast will come forward, while those with making the bright blues pop forward.
the least contrast will recede into the back- The furthest objects are have their satu-
ground. ration toned down to the point where they
are almost grey, pushing them into the back-
Hue: even with a warm background, you ground.


6 © 2007 Mark Sweeney

Chapter 01: Value 

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