Mos 3rd Sem 1st Sess

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Branch- mechanical engineering, second year (III sem)

Sub: mechanics of solid (3ME1A)

Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four from section B

Section A

Q1. (a) Define stress and strain?

b) What is elastic behavior of material?

c) Define Hook’s law?

d) What is thermal stress?

e) What is torsion?

f) What is eccentric loading?

Section B

Q2. Deduce an expression among three elastic constant of material?

Q3. Derive and indicate the shape of shear force and bending moment diagram in case of uniformly distributed load for
simply supported beam.

Q4. What is Mohr’s stress circle? How it is useful in the solution of stress analysis problem?

Q5. What do you mean by theory of failure? What is their importance?

Q6. Deduce expressions for stress on a plane in body subjected to bi-axial stress condition.

Q7. . A hallow steel shaft transmits 200KW of power at 180 rpm. The total angle of twists in a length of 5m of the shaft is
3 degree. Find the inner and outer diameter of the shaft of the permissible shear stress is 60 MPa. G=80GPa.

Q8. A cantilever of 3m span carries a uniformly distributed load of 10kN/m length for 2 m starting from fixed end.
Determine the slope and deflection of the free end. E=200GPa and I=80*10^6mm^4.

Q9. An element of stressed body is rotated through an angle of 30 degree and the stresses in two mutually
perpendicular planes are found to be 75 MPa and 15 MPa both compressive along with 10 MPa shear stress. Determine
the normal and shear stresses on the element in the original position.

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