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(Subject to minor changes from time to time)


(The English Version is right after this Chinese Version)

( A )详细资料 - 亚洲护理奖学金(简称 ANS)

学金,给申请成功的人士在新加坡免费读护理文凭课程(Diploma in Nursing), 为
期 3 年。畢业后立刻在新加坡政府医院或医疗机构工作。月薪总额高达新加坡
币 S$2,800 (约马币 RM8,400)以上。

(二)自 2009 年以来, 我在古晋的公司 - 柯氏職業代理服務有限公司 ( Agensi

Pekerjaan Kua Services Sdn Bhd)一直在帮助寻找在東马符合资格的中 5
(SPM)或高中 UEC 证书持有人或学生申请此奖学金,并协助他们做好准备,让他
们通过遴选面试成功中选后,被新加坡政府授予亚洲护理奖学金, 前往新加坡就


(三)ANS 是开放给所有马来西亚人,同时也给持有 SPM/UEC 证书的印尼人申


APKS 2019/Nov/01
(四)申请 ANS 的最低申请资格是:

1。申请当年是 17 至 25 岁。

2. SPM/UEC 的成绩里, 规定的三科即英语,数学,和任何一个科学科目的成绩

必须是 C 或更好, 再加上其他两个自选的最高分的科目之后 (只是成绩不能低過
C, 以及不能选道德和 English for Science and Technology 和一些规定的非学
术科目) , SPM 五科的总分不可超过 20 分, UEC 5 科的总分不可超过 22 分。

SPM 的计分法是: A+=1 point, A=1.5, A-=2, B+=3, B=4, C+=5, C=6

UEC 的计分法是: A1=1, A2=2, B3=3, B4=4, B5=5, B6=6, C7=7, C8=8

此外, UEC 的两个数学科目不能用来作为两个独立的科目 。

( 注:如果你发现你的成绩不合格而不能申请 ANS, 请快告诉我, 因为我有其他同

样好,而且申请资格要求比較低的护理奖学金, 可以让你申请 )

(五)除了已经有 SPM 或 UEC 证书的人, 那些已经有 SPM 试考(Trial Exam /

Peperiksaan Percubaan)成绩, 同时试考成绩符合上述资格的人也可以申请
ANS。然而,即使他们成功通过在 1 月的遴选面试,在他们后来的 SPM 考试的

未参加预考的今年 SPM 学生,请预先登记为 ANS 申请人, 等你们已有 SPM 试考

(Trial Exam / Peperiksaan Percubaan)成绩之后,才把成绩補发给我们。


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1. SPM 证书的持有人,年龄不超过 25 岁, 或 SPM Result Slip 的持有
人(政府还沒发出他们的 SPM 证书), 成绩符合上述(四)2.规定的

2. 任何今年的 SPM 学生, SPM 试考成绩符合上述(四)2.规定的资格

任何今年还未参加试考的 SPM 学生, 请现在就预先登记申请参加来
年一月的面试, 不過當他们一有试考成绩的时候,必须立刻把试考

(今年的 SPM 学生请注意,要申请这个奖学金和课程,您千万别等到明年 3 月

SPM 考试的实际成绩发布之后才来申请,因为到那时, 在 1 月的遴选面试已经
结束,你再也沒有机会参加明年四月入学的课程,所以您必须现在就申请, 才有
机会参加明年 1 月的遴选面试以及四月的入学。)

(六)在过去,我曾接受过已经读完大学或已经读了一半 STPM 的学生申请

人,甚至已经在其他学院就读护理文凭课程的学生来申请。他们来申请 ANS,因
为他们在作出比较后,知道 ANS 比任何其他奖学金或课程好得多。他们可以先
申请 ANS,然后等到申请成功之后,才停止正在读的其他课程.

多万元(马币三十多万) 的经费,用来应付以下开支/费用:


2 。学费及其他必须性收费。

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3。第 1 和第 2 年给每名学生每月$720(约 RM2,160)的生活津贴.第三年给每名
学生每月 S $ 750(约 RM2,250) 的生活津贴.

马币 3 令吉(RM3.00)

4 。给每名学生一次性的安家费 S$ 200( RM600 )

5。在新加坡的第 1 和第 2 年的免费住宿(住在专为学生建造的学生宿舍)

6 。在新加坡的第三年不再提供住宿, 但会给每名学生每月 S$350 ( RM1,050)


7 。医疗及住院福利

8 。团体人身意外及团体人寿定期保险。

上述津贴及福利确保 ANS 学生在他们整个学习期间生活舒适及没有经济负担。


医疗机构工作 6 年。拥有护理文凭资格的护士在目前(2019 年)的开始底薪是每
月 S$2,300(约 RM6,900)。加上各种津贴后,月薪总额可以很容易高达 S$2,800
(约 RM8,400)以上。这是相当高的月薪起点。

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(九)在他们完成了 6 年服务之后,ANS 护士可以自由选择继续在新加坡工作或
们 6 年的服务里,表现好的护士都有获得进修,培训或深造的机会,因为新加坡政

當服务了兩三年之后,表現良好的 ANS 护士可以向其服务的医院或机構

申请以自费的方法以及 part-time 的性質读护理学士学位,只须兩年,就可以取
得学士文憑(Degree in Nursing).


1。3 年的护理文凭课程是免费的。

工学院, 由新加坡政府直接安排。


后都必须自己找工作) 。



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务费给在新加坡的总代理。如果面试不成功, 则不必付任何费用, 我的公司也不
收报名费。缴付服务费的时间是 2 月或 3 月中旬。除此以外, 所有申请人都需要
支付每人 RM100.00 的押金作为出席面试的保证金。 每位申请人在完成面试后
种规定, 並预先取得他们的同意。

(十二)如果你是属于上述第(五)项所列的的学生/人士, 我们欢迎你申请亚洲护
理奖学金(ANS)。我们也欢迎还未进行他们的 SPM 试考的学生提前向我们报名

的同意和支持,并接受上面提到的所有条件和事实,你才可以申请 ANS。你需要



如果你的 ANS 遴选面试成功,你将在三月头被通知在三月的某一天带你的两个

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担保人一同出席一个奖学金签约仪式。在签约仪式上,来自 ANS 当局的新加坡
政府官员会为所有面试成功者,他们的父母和担保人解释 ANS 的所有细节。之
后,所有面试成功者及其担保人将被要求当场签署奖学金合约 。

新加坡 ANS 管理局已经规定,只有符合下列条件的人,才可以成为你的两个担保




1.1。年龄 21 至 65 岁。


1.3。必须有固定收入的职业或是自雇人士。 (必须出示证明文件,但工资或收





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如果你有任何疑问,请打电话给我 (手机: 016-8876188), 也可以打给我的同事

MR. KON CHIANG FATT PPB (手机: 016-8876188)

古晋万福路店号 LOT 211, 三楼
Tel: 082- 425184
Office Mobile Phone: 016-8781850
Office Email:


APKS 2019/Nov/01
Follow and like us at Facebook: Asian Nursing Scholarship

Facebook Page:

English Version


(A) I am pleased to provide below the details of the nursing scholarship and the 3-year
Diploma in Nursing course in Singapore which is provided by the Government of Singapore.
This scholarship and nursing diploma course are collectively called Asian Nursing
Scholarship or ANS in short.

(B) Since the year 2009, my agency – Agensi Pekerjaan Kua Services Sdn Bhd, a local
company based in Kuching, Sarawak has been helping the Asian Nursing Scholarship
provider (A body under the Singapore Ministry of Health) to look for suitably qualified Form
5/Chinese Senior Middle 3 students and holders of SPM/UEC certificates from Sarawak and
Sabah, to apply for ANS. After making their application, the applicants will be awarded ANS
if they pass the selection interview conducted by a Panel of Interviewers from Singapore
appointed by the ANS authority. The selection interviews are held in Kuching and Sibu for
East Malaysia in January every year. (Applicants from Sabah are to come to Kuching for the
selection interview) We accept applications throughout the year. The applicants from
Sarawak who pass the selection interviews and subsequently offered the scholarship will fly
in a big group to Singapore in the first half of April to start their study in Singapore.
Arrangement will also be made for the successful candidates from Sabah to fly to Singapore
from Kota Kinabalu for the study at the same time. ANS has only one selection interview a
year, i.e. in January, and also one students intake a year, i.e. in April.

(C) ANS is open to Malaysians of all races, and also to Indonesians who are holders of
SPM/UEC Certificate or presently studying Form 5/ Chinese Senior Middle 3 in Malaysia.

(D) The minimum qualification requirements for applying ANS are:

•Aged 17 to 25 years old

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•SPM/UEC Certificate or SPM Result Slip or Current year’s SPM Trial Exam (PRA)
•Grade C or better for the 3 compulsory subjects of English, Mathematics (Maths or
Additional Maths) and any one of the Science subjects (or just the one Science
subject in respect of Arts students)
•2 other best academic subjects of grade C or better ( to be chosen from
Malay/Chinese language, History, Geography, Commerce, Principles of Accounting,
Basic Economics, the other Maths subject and one of the other Science subjects not
chosen for the 3 compulsory subjects mentioned earlier , etc).
•Total points of the 5 subjects must not be more than 20 for SPM result or not
more than 22 for UEC result.

For SPM, the respective point for each grade is:

A+=1, A=1.5, A-=2, B+=3, B=4, C+=5, C=6

For UEC, the respective point for each grade is:

A1=1, A2=2, B3=3, B4=4, B5=5, B6=6, C7=7, C8=8

Also for UEC, the two Mathematics subjects cannot be used as two separate subjects.

(Note: If you find that your total points do not qualify you for ANS application, please
let me know immediately. We have other equally good nursing scholarships in West
Malaysia, which require only grade C in 5 specified SPM subjects, which you may be
qualified to apply.)

(E) Apart from the holders of SPM/UEC Certificate (or holders of SPM Results Slip if the
Government has not yet released their Certificate), SPM students who have sat for their
SPM Trial Exam (Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM) and having their trial exam results (PRA 2
results) meeting the above minimum qualification requirements are also eligible to apply for
ANS and attend the January selection interview. However, the award of ANS to them (if they
pass the selection interview in January) will only be effected if the actual results of their
SPM Examination to be released in March later also meet the minimum qualification
requirements mentioned above. SPM students who have not sat for their SPM Trial Exam or
who have not received their Trial Exam results should register with us in advance by
submitting the same Registration Form and following the instructions at Clause (N) below.

In short, we will accept applications to register as candidates for Asian Nursing Scholarship
from the following groups of individuals:

Group 1. Male and female who are less than 25 years of age and who are
holders of SPM Certificate or SPM Results Slip and their SPM Exam
results meet the specified academic qualification requirements as
stated in Paragraph (D) above.

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Group 2. If you are SPM students of current year (2019) and interested to apply
for this scholarship and course, you should apply now. Later, once your
2019 SPM Trial Exam PRA2 results are available, you must submit the
results to us immediately. (If, at the time of receiving this letter, your
2019 SPM Trial Exam PRA2 results are already available, you must
submit the results together with your completed Registration Form.)

(Important Reminder To SPM Students: SPM students of current year (2019)

must apply now because you are eligible to attend the selection interview in
January 2020 by using your 2019 SPM Trial Exam PRA2 results which you will
obtain at the later part of 2019. You must not wait to apply only after you have
your actual 2019 SPM Exam results which will be available only in March 2020,
because by then the selection interview in January 2020 is already over and
there won’t be any more selection interview in 2020 after the January 2020
selection interview, and this means you will miss the ANS 2020 April intake.
There is only one intake a year. Therefore, if you miss the selection interview in
January 2020, you will have to wait for one year to attend the next selection
interview in January 2021!. So, please do apply now!

(F) In the past, I had had ANS applicants who had completed university study or Form
6/STPM or who were already half way in their Form 6 study or already studying other
Diploma courses. I also had applicants who were already working or applicants who were
already studying nursing in other colleges. They applied to me for ANS because after
making comparison, they can see that ANS is much better than any other courses or other
scholarships. It is okay for these groups of people to apply for ANS because they can
always stop whatever courses they are taking after they have been officially accepted for
the award of ANS.

(G) Currently, Asian Nursing Scholarship (ANS) for each ANS recipient (student) is
worth more than One Hundred Thousand Singapore Dollars (or more than Three Hundred
Thousand Malaysian Ringgit.) The Government of Singapore has to spend this amount of
money on each ANS student/recipient for the followings:

1. Students' airfare from Kuching/KK to Singapore, and from Singapore to Kuching/KK

after the students have successfully completed their course. (The airfare for internal
flights within Sarawak and within Sabah is to be paid by the students themselves.)

2. Course fees and other compulsory fees.

3. Living allowance of S$720 (about RM2,160) per student per month for the entire
period of the 1st and 2nd year of study and S$750 (about RM2,250) per student per
month for the entire 3rd year of study.

(Note: Based on the present currency exchange rate, S$1.00= roughly RM3.00. The same
rate will be used hereinafter)

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4. One-time settling-in allowance of S$200 (about RM600) per student

5. Free accommodation for 1st and 2nd year in Singapore (staying in hostel specially
designed and equipped for students as arranged by the Scholarship provider)

6. Housing allowance of S$350 (about RM1,050) per student per month for 3rd year for
students to rent rooms of their own choice (when free hostel accommodation will no
longer be provided)

7. Medical and hospitalization benefits

8. Group personal accident and group life term insurance coverage

The above benefits ensure that the ANS students will live comfortably throughout the whole
period of their study without financial burden.

(Note: The allowances and benefits are subject to revision once every few years. Generally
the allowances increase with each revision.)

(H) After completing the Nursing Diploma course, the graduated students will be
employed to work in Government hospitals or healthcare institutions for 6 years in
Singapore under the scholarship agreement or bond. The current starting basic salary of a
nurse with Diploma in Nursing qualification is S$2,300 (about RM6,900) . There will also be
various other allowances and after adding up, the gross salary can easily reach up to
S$2,800 or more (about RM8,400 or more). (For Malaysians, RM8,400 is obviously an
extremely high starting monthly gross salary that is almost impossible for any fresh Degree
or Diploma holder to get in Malaysia). If the serving nurses wish to study Degree in Nursing
at their own free will, they may ask for permission from their employers (the hospitals, etc) to
do it on a part-time and self-financing basis using part of their working time and the salary
that they earn. They will normally be allowed to take the Degree course starting from the 3 rd
or 4th year of their 6-year bond. The part-time Degree course takes two years to complete.

(I) The ANS nurses will be free from the bond after they have completed their 6-year
service. After the compulsory 6-year service, they may choose to continue working in
Singapore or come back to Malaysia or go to any other countries to work as nurses.
Because the standard of the Nursing Diploma obtained in Singapore is very high,
Singapore-trained nurses can easily find jobs in hospitals all over the world. During the 6-
year service, if the ANS nurses' performances are very good, the Singapore Government
may provide them with opportunities for further studies or training, because Singapore
Government is always willing to upgrade the knowledge and skills of their good employees.
The ANS nurses may also be promoted during the 6 years.

(J) In summary, the benefits of studying Diploma in Nursing under ANS in Singapore
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1. The ANS students will study the 3-year Diploma in Nursing course for free.

2. They will study in either Nanyang Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Polytechnic – which are
the best polytechnics chosen and arranged for them by the Government of

3. From these polytechnics, they will obtain Singapore’s Diploma in Nursing which is
well recognized as a very high-standard Diploma.

4. They are guaranteed to have nursing jobs with high salary after graduation (whereas
most other colleges and even university students will have to look for job for
themselves after graduation).

5. They will enjoy their study and work in one of the most beautiful, clean, modern,
advanced, prosperous, safe and dynamic cities in the world.

6. While in Singapore, they will always work in the city or in urban areas, because there
is no rural or “ulu” areas in Singapore to post them to.

7. They will study and work in a foreign land with a good pay, but yet so close to their
home and loved ones in Sarawak/Malaysia.

(K) Each successful candidate/student is required to pay a service fee of

Singapore Dollars One Thousand only (S$1,000) to the main ANS agent/contractor in
Singapore. This service fee is to be paid in February or March. No fee will be charged
if the candidate is not successful in the ANS selection interview. We also don’t
charge any registration fee. But all applicants are required to pay a refundable
deposit of RM100.00 each as a security for their attendance at the selection interview.
The RM100.00 will be refunded to each applicant after he/she completes his/her
interview on the day of his/her selection interview. All applicants must inform their
parents/legal guardian of all the above requirements and obtain their agreements
before submitting their Registration Form for applying Asian Nursing Scholarship.

(L) If you belong to any of the 2 groups of people mentioned in (E) above, you are most
welcome to apply for ANS. If you are SPM students who don’t have your SPM Trial Exam
results yet but interested to apply, you should register with us in advance. For
registration/application, please follow the instructions given at (N) below.

However, don’t apply UNLESS:

i. You are really interested to study nursing to become a nurse;

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ii. You have told your parents or guardian all the facts and requirements for
applying ANS as mentioned in this email/letter; and
iii. You have obtained their consent and support for making your application and
later to pay the Deposit of RM100 (refundable) to secure the interview seat
for the January selection interview and then in March, to pay the service fee
of One Thousand Singapore Dollars (if you are awarded the scholarship).

You need to get the consent and support of your parents or guardians first, because they
also have to help you to come to Kuching or Sibu for the selection interview later. Your
parents are also the best persons to become your 2 sureties (guarantors or penjamin),
and to have 2 sureties is a compulsory requirement for the award of ANS. And if your
parents are not qualified to become your sureties, they must be willing to help you to find
other people to become your 2 sureties. Your 2 sureties are required to sign the
scholarship agreement with you in the agreement signing ceremony in March if you are
selected in the selection interview in January. I append below, the requirements of
sureties in detail.

(M) The requirements of Sureties/Guarantors (penjamin):

If you are accepted/ successful in your ANS selection interview in January, you will be
invited to attend a Deed/Agreement Signing Ceremony to be held in March. In the
ceremony, the officers from ANS authority in Singapore will explain to all the successful
candidates, their parents and sureties (guarantors) the latest details and terms and
conditions of ANS, etc. After that, all the successful candidates and their sureties
(guarantors) will be asked to sign the Scholarship Deed/Agreement on the spot.

Each successful candidate must have 2 sureties (guarantors) who must be present to sign
the ANS Deed/Agreement together with successful candidate on the Deed/Agreement
signing day.

The ANS Authority in Singapore has specified that only people who satisfy the following
conditions can become your 2 sureties:

They must be:

1. Your father, mother, family members, or relatives who must also meet the following

2. Aged 21 to 65 years.

3. Not a bankrupt

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4. Must be gainfully employed or self-employed. (Must produce documentary proof of
the income. The amount of salary/income is not specified though).

(Note: “gainfully employed” can be proven by way of pay-slip or letter of employment as


(a) If “gainfully employed” is proven by producing the computer generated pay slip or
photocopy, the document must be certified by the Human Resource Manager/Officer
of the company and chopped with the company chop.)

(b) If “gainfully employed” is proven by producing a letter of employment, the letter must
state the amount of monthly salary and signed by the Director /Manager/ Senior
Officer of the company and chopped with the company chop.)

(For “self-employed”, please produce the income tax declaration issued by the
relevant authorities (e.g. Inland Revenue Department)

5. Have not been a party to any existing Scholarship / Study Loan / Bursary Agreement

6. Have not been a party to other bonds for loans


You must find the 2 persons who are willing to be your sureties long before your selection
interview. Not everyone is willing to act as other people’s sureties, therefore some
candidates and their parents may need to spend a lot of time to approach quite a number of
people before they can succeed in finding the 2 persons who are willing. If you or your
parents find it very difficult to find the 2 persons to be your sureties, please feel free to call
me for advices and suggestions to help you overcome your problem.

(Note: I will personally explain how any problems relating to the requirement of
sureties can be solved during the interview training session that I will organize for all
my candidates just before the selection interview.)

(N) Once you have read and discussed with your parents or guardians the facts and
figures given in this email/letter and the requirement of producing sureties (penjamin) as
explained above, and once you have obtained their consent and support for you to apply for
ANS, please do the following to apply/register as a candidate:

1. Download (open) the other attachment to this email that contains the Registration
2. Fill the Registration Form by typing in directly. (You may also print out the form and
fill it by hand.)
3. After you have filled the Registration Form on the computer screen, save it.

APKS 2019/Nov/01
4. Then email to me the saved Registration Form, your Identity Card and a copy of your
SPM Certificate or a copy of your SPM Results Slip (if the SPM Certificate is not
ready yet) or a copy of your SPM Trial Exam PRA 2 Results if you have sat for the
exam and obtained it. If you don’t have your Trial Exam PRA 2 Results yet, just email
to me the saved Registration Form and your Identity Card first.

(If you don’t have a scanner to scan your SPM certificate or exam results and your
I.C. for emailing to me, you may use your handphone to take full photos of them and
also take photo of your completed Registration Form if you have filled the form by
hand. Then share the photos to my office email: or
WhatsApp the photos to us (mobile phone no. 016-8781850 or 016-8876188)


If you have already applied by submitting the Registration Form and the completed
Colour-blindness Test Chart through this
link: , you do not have to send us the
Registration Form and the Colour-blindness Test Chart again. But you still have to
send us the images of your SPM results (of whatever type as explained in 4. above)
and the images of your Identity Card.)

Feel free to call me any time if you have any doubt.

Thanks and regards,

Mr. Kon Chiang Fatt PPB (H/P: 016-8876188)

Agensi Pekerjaan Kua Services Sdn Bhd
(Company no.525720-D)
Lot 211, 2nd Floor, Ban Hock Road,
93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
Office Tel: (6) 082-425184
Office Mobile Phone: 016-8781850
Office Email:
Facebook page:

(Please note: The terms and conditions and benefits of Asian Nursing Scholarship (ANS) and
all matters relating to it that we are giving above are subject to change by the ANS authority
– MOHH Singapore. Should there be any change between now and the date of selection
interview, the ANS officials will personally explain the change and provide the most up-to-
date details during the selection interview or during the scholarship agreement signing
session. My agency is not to be held responsible for any loses or inconvenience resulting
from such changes, if any)

APKS 2019/Nov/01

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