Quantitative RESEARCH

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“Reading is the fundamental process of learning. It is the practice of comprehending

and acquiring knowledge, personal growth, and development. It is an essential process

that aids the conception of thoughts and knowledge in one’s chosen field of study or

specialization. Assert that the ability to read is at the heart of self-education and life-long

learning and that it is an art capable of performing life and society” (Tella, A. & S.

Akande, 2007). “Reading makes way for a better understanding of one’s own experience

and it can be an exciting voyage to self-discovery. Reading habits will enable students to

have effective study skills, knowledge of different information resources, and effective

retention capacity. Reading is an essential tool for knowledge transfer and the habits of

reading is an academic activity that increases skills in reading strategies. Thereof,

cultivating reading habits is tantamount to student’s academic performance” (Owusu- A.

M & A. G Lacson,2014)

“Academic success at the tertiary level is likely a multi-dimensional phenomenon

that includes languages proficiency, learning, study strategies, and certain personal

characteristics” (Akabuike I. G & I. E Asika, 2012).And this could be achieve when one

imbibe a good reading habits which will make him/her a life-long learner.

Early imbibing of reading habits is an essential skill necessary in the acquisition of

knowledge which is highly demanding in the life of every student in the academic

environment. According to Greene B. (2001), it is best formed at a young impressionable

age in school, but once formed it can last one’s life time.

When young people miss the opportunity of appreciating and loving to read, at early

stage, they will find it challenging to imbibe reading habit in late years.

There are some students who are having a hard time to read and, have a poor

vocabulary skills and such that somehow affects their academic performance. It is needed

to have this kind if study to determine the effect of this habit to their academic

performance and for them to be aware on what they might face once they possess this

kind of habit. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of reading habit on the

academic performance of Senior High School students in Can-Avid National High



Reading is vital in every student’s life. Imbibing reading habits can help them

become a life-long learners. Reading is not the only way to fill in free time or merely as

hobby but reading habit helps to develop more creative thinking, which can lead to

mental and spiritual development. It is known that reading is a way to search for

information and knowledge. Doing so, benefits the readers in which one would have the

time to scrutinize the details, think and re-check facts that have been read.

In doing so, this benefits the readers in which one would have the time to scrutinize

the details, think and recheck facts that have been read.

Here in Can-Avid National High School, there are some students who are finding it

hard to read particularly English texts and it somehow affects their academic performance

for whenever they are reading their classmates are laughing at them, so as an they are

afraid to recite or participate in class because they’re afraid of judgements. Indeed,

conducting a study to this specific problem of the students in Can-avid National High

School is necessary in identifying the particular reading habits. This study might awaken

the minds of the students to the things that can help them in different aspects.


This study seeks to determine the effects of reading habits to students in Can-avid,

Eastern Samar. Specifically, this study will find answer to the following questions and


1. To determine the reading habit of the respondents as:

1.1 Scanning type

1.2 Skimming type

1.3 Light type

1.4 Word by word

1.5 Reading to study

2. How does this reading materials affect the reading habit of the students:

2.1 Textbooks

2.2 Magazines

2.3 Electronic books

2.4 Newspapers

2.5 Story books

3. The factors that forces a student to read:

3.1 Examination

3.2 Self-development

3.3 Assignment and coursework

3.4 Pleasure and relaxation

3.5 Improve spoken/written English

3.6 Impress parents

3.7 While away time

4. What factors that affect the reading habits of the students in terms of:

4.1 Reading difficulty

4.2 Background knowledge

4.3 Reading vocabulary

4.4 Language barrier

5. To determine the academic performance of the respondents through the scale


5.1 97-100 (Highest Honour)

5.2 95-96 (High Honour)

5.3 90-94 (With Honour)

5.4 80-89 (Average)

5.5 75-79 (Pass)

5.6 74 and below (Failed)

6. Is there a significant relationship between reading habit and academic

performance? Yes or no?


According to Dole et al. (1991), in the traditional view of reading, novice readers

acquire a set of hierarchy ordered sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension

ability. Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who comprehend

what they read.

In addition, Nunan (1991), reading in this view is basically a matter of decoding a

series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the

text. He referred to this process as the “bottom-up” view of reading. McCarthy (1999) has

called this view “outside-in” processing, referring to the idea that meaning exists in the

printed page and is interpreted by the reader than taken in. This model of reading has

almost always been under attack as being insufficient and detective for the main reason

that it relies on the formal features of the language, mainly words and structure.

In the current field of reading there is very limited application and generalizability of

research to the development of study skills (Oslon, 2006; Gross, 2002). The field had

many past theories which have since individualized and evolved over the last 40 years

(Lass, 1983; Gross, 2004). One of the stage theories that researches have relied on in the

past is Anbar’s stage theory of reading.

Moreover, Anbar goes on to show that there are seven possibly eight stages to

reading (Anbar, 1986). The first stage is the awareness of printed words as opposed to

pictures. The next stage is the identification of individual letters and the recognition of

words by sight alone.

The third stage is the running of sounds of individual letters of the alphabet by

themselves and with others. The fourth stage is putting together words by the individual

letters as opposed to sight memory of the word alone. The fifth stage is actively reading

and the sixth stage is developing the ability to read unfamiliar books easily, but Anbar

prophesized that there can be an eight stage where the students can develop reading for

personal enjoyment and fulfilment, but was not formally added to the process. Similarly,

another growing area of this field is the study of early reading and precociousness. Much

research suggests that being a precocious reading has significant advantages (Mills and

Jackson, 1990)



Reading Habits

1. Scanning type 1. 97-100

of reading (Highest

2. Skimming type honour)

of reading 2. 95-96 (High
3. Light type of honour)
1. Name 3. 90-94 (With
2. Year honour)
4. Word by word
3. Section 4. 80-89
type of reading
4. Age (Average)
5. Reading to

study type of 5. 75-79 (Pass)

reading 6. 74 and



The Effects of Reading Habit to the Senior High

School students in Can-avid National High

School to their Academic Performance


The respondents of the study are two hundred thirty six (236) students who have a

reading habit in Can-avid National High School S.Y 2019-2020. The study was

conducted at Can-avid, Eastern Samar. The researchers use questionnaire as a method in

collecting data.


This study will help different individual to know the different effects of reading habit

to the academic performance of the students. This study would be beneficial to the


Students. This study will be beneficial to the students in gathering an idea on how

reading habits can help them in many ways.

Teachers. This study will help them to strategize new activities if their students have this

kind of reading habits.

Future researchers. This will serve as guide in their research by basing their topic to the

implications and recommendations given.

School administrators. This study will be beneficial to the school administrators on

helping students with the things that require more attention to be catered to.

Parents. This study will help them in determining the things that can help their children

to become more productive and competitive in class.

Guidance counsellor. This study will help them guide the students to ensure if reading

habits are practiced be and if those are effective and productive to them.


There is no significant relationship between reading habits and academic



The following are operationally define for better understanding of this study:

Reading habit – an action of a person who reads and has a product for his action or


Good reading habit – kids value what they see their parents are doing, so they need

to see adults engaged in reading on a regular basis.

Bad reading habit – are never been good thing when you are trying to sit down and

absorb information of any kind. They will end up casting you valuable time. They

will also ensure that you are trying to read.

Academic performance – is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Reading difficulty – it is used interchangeably with the terms reading disability

and learning disability in this study. It includes problem in reading habits, word

recognition, comprehension, word grouping, and punctuations.

Background knowledge – also called schema, relevant background knowledge,

prior knowledge, or just plain experience when students make connections to the

text they are reading, their comprehension increases. Good readers constantly try to

make sense out of what they read by seeing it now with what they already know.

Reading vocabulary – refers to words we need to know to understand what we

read. It plays a fundamental role in the reading process and contributes greatly to a

readers comprehension.

Language barrier –an influence of language used to the reader’s comprehension.



Review of related literature paves the way for a clear understanding of the areas of

research already undertaken. Review or literature is important because it throws light for

the issue relating to the study. A review of literature relevant to the study on the effects of

reading habit to the academic performance of the students has been presented in this



Reading is a prerequisite of effective study habit which will help to improve

student’s academic performance. Therefore, for a person to diligently dig deeply to the

roots of knowledge and its enduring gift is through reading.

According to Karim (2007), reading is regarded as a process, a mode of thinking, a

kind of experience and involves many complex skills: the ability to perceive printed

words, to skim for information and then perhaps read intensively.

In addition, Aina (2011) asserts that reading is a skill that must be nurtured from a

child’s earliest years and the habit of reading should begin at an early age and should be

imbibed throughout one’s lifetime. However, reading is a persistent actively of day to day

training that involves into a habit and eventually a culture.

Moreover, Onyejaka (1987), study of reading habits revealed that, whenever a

student adopts effective reading habit his learning skills, his understanding of learning

material and his memory processing both test and examination are improved appreciably.

Also, Onyejaka (1987) maintains that people’s achievement is functional to her

perception of the self and the individual is motivated by a need to achieve at a level

which is consisted with his or her current habits of students and its dominance is quite

prevailing among the young people. With the growing amount of digital information

available, people particularly young adults are found spending more time on reading

electronic materials (Onovughe, 2012). In relation to our study, young adults like grade

11 and 12 students are more on reading electronic books which different websites



Applegate & Applegate (2004), surveyed 195 sophomore students who were enrolled

in certification programs in elementary education. It was found that the students were not

very void readers and also did not enjoy the reading experience. To relate this to our

study, students of grade 11 & 12 are not that fan of reading books for it is that it bores


Su-Yen (2007), conducted a study on the extracurricular reading habits of first and

third year college students, he found out that factors such as gender, parental education

level, institutions type and college major were analysed whether they have an effect on

the study we have, there are several types of factors which affects the habitual reading of

students. Humanities majors were avid readers and read more than natural science and

educational majors confirming Applegate and Applegate’s (2004) finding.

Humanities students are more on reading something for it is that almost all of their

subjects are related to English.

Oguz (2009), sought to determine their reading habit in connection to their socio-

demographic features. It was found that students seldom or merely read books, stating the

lack of time as their primary reason.

Ajala (2008) did as well a study on the use of the University’s library resources by

graduate students in the view of assessing whether library resources are being used by the

students and if they meet the student’s research needs. In our study, most of the students

are not using the school library instead they just rely on the websites that can provide

them the answer they are searching.


A study conducted by the National Book Development Board (NBDB) divulged that

Filipino non-school book (NSB) readers remain high at 80% which means four out of

five Filipino adults still read books and other materials. The trend, however, is not rare

since Rich, in the article “Study Finds Reading to Children of All Ages Grooms Them to

Read More on Their Own” published by the New York Times said that “fewer US

children are reading books frequently for fun, according to a new report released by

Scholastic, the children’s book publisher.

Moreover, only 17% of all children surveyed by Scholastic reported having time to

read a book of their choice at school daily. 2014 survey of just over 1,000 children ages 6

to 17, only 31% said they read a book for fun almost daily, down from 37% 4 years ago.

There were some consistent patterns among the heavier readers:

“For the younger children ages 6 to 11 being read aloud to regularly and having

restricted online time were correlated with frequent reading; for the older children ages

12 to 17 one of the largest predictors was whether they had time to read on their own

during the school day,” Rich once again noted.

Alarmed by the same trend, the American Academy of Pediatrics encouraged a policy

that makes parents read to their children from birth, which is a kin to the habit of

Filipinos to the fetuses still in the wombs of would-be mothers. “But reading aloud

through elementary school seemed to be connected to a love of reading generally.

According to the report, 41% of frequent readers ages 6 to 15, 10 were read aloud to at

home, while only 13% of infrequent readers were being read to,” Rich once again noted

Experts believe that the development of a reading habit among the youth is an

important feature towards a literate, progressive and caring society since reading

encourages learning and develops creativity among them. With the precipitous

decline in the number of Filipinos reading books, particularly school-age children, United

Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) called on parents to make time to read to their

children and develop reading as a habit among them. To encourage a passion for reading

among the young, a popular mall has partnered anew with UNICEF, National Book Store

(NBS) and Vibal Publishing to stage the book reading event that coincided with the Book

Reading month. Reflecting from the Philippine experience, this article explores an

emerging picture that characterizes contemporary Bible reading attitudes of college

students. Six new attitude factor definitions are developed following the development of

the Bible Reading (BR) attitude scale for college students constructed by this author in a

separate study. Through empirical procedures, the pre-tested scale produced six new

attitude factor definitions that displaced the nine original pre-test attitude sub-factors.

Their Bible reading attitudes are described in terms of motivation,

reading preference, and acquaintance. This research provides practitioners with usefulattit

udinal dimensions for youth formation particularly in biblical formation and religious



According to Mercado (2015), students of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines, reading is a means of communication. It is an aspect of freedom where

society develops. The society, the people in this unit, has the ability to elaborate existing

knowledge and produce another. This knowledge is obtained through reading,

transfers the knowledge, experience and observation in the means of writing. Reading

is amongst the most crucial determinants in developing an individual’s vision that shapes

his or her personality and that makes him or her become closer to other

individuals. Reading makes individuals truly free and protects them from ignorance and

false beliefs.

The behavioural factor mostly affects the reading attitudes of students and believed

that reading reduce their stress, engages their imagination, and is not a waste of time for

students who had positive attitudes towards reading. The more students are exposed that

reading is perceived as not stressful, the more positive attitude and intention are likely to


A study conducted to mask the development of reading attitude fromchildhood

to adulthood. Result shows that although childhood measures seem to be poor predictors

of adult attitude, there was evidence of stability in reading attitude over time.



This chapter presents the research design to meet the objectives of the study, the

population, the research locale, sampling technique, the description of the respondents,

the procedure in gathering data, research instrument, and the statistical instrument used in

analysing data.


This study is a quantitative research specifically a correlation design. It used a survey

questionnaire to gather information in the profile of the students, the reading habits they

possess, as well as its effect on their academic performance.


The study was conducted in the vicinity of Can-avid National High School in Can-

avid, Eastern Samar among grade 11 and 12 students of S.Y. 2019-2020.


The total population of Senior High School students in Can-avid National High School

is 610. A total of 236 of them were chosen to be the respondents of the study. The

researchers used the purposive sampling technique in order for them to identify the

respondents needed. The researchers determine the sample size by using the formula

needed, which is the Slovin’s equation formula. The formula that the researchers used is
𝑛= with a confidence level of 95% or 0.05.
1+𝑁𝑒 2


The structured questionnaire was used as the instrument in collecting the necessary

information from the respondents. The researcher’s teacher in Practical Research II

validated the questionnaires. The questionnaire was composed of questions that are

answerable by yes or no. The questionnaire is composed of a total items of 21. The

questionnaire was made by the researchers themselves.


In order to obtain necessary data, the researchers asked for the permission to conduct a

research through asking for the signature of the approval letter. They used a structured

questionnaire. The questionnaire was entitled “The Effect of Reading Habit to Senior

High School Students in Can-avid National High School to their Academic Performance”

The questionnaire was distributed to the students who have a reading habit in Can-avid

National High School. The objectives of the study served as the guide of the researchers

in formulating questions.


Data were presented in tables and analysed using the statistical instrument:

1. Frequency – the number of time that something happens during a particular


2. Percentage – a part of a whole expressed in hundredths, the result obtained by

multiplying number by a percent, the formula is:

P=A/Tr ∙ 100


P = Percentage

A = Answer of respondents

Tr = Total of respondents

3. Ranking – arrangement of numerical value of the data gathered from lowest to

highest or from highest to lowest.

4. Pearson Correlation Coefficient formula


The respondents of this study are Senior High School students of Can-avid National

High School. The researchers chose them as their respondents to identify the reading

habits since they are the one who possesses this kind of habit.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Year Level

Year Level Frequency Ranking

11 110 2

12 126 1

Total 236

Table 1 shows the number of respondents found by the researchers. Among 8 sections of

grade 11 there are 110 students selected. For the grade 12 there are 8 sections as well and

found 126 students as their respondents.

Table 2: Distribution by Gender

Gender Frequency Ranking

Male 93 2

Female 143 1

Total 236

Shown on table 2 is the distribution of respondents by gender, it shows that there are 93

male students and 143 females students who have reading habits.

Table 3: Distribution by Section

Grade 11 Grade 12

Section Frequency Rank Section Frequency Ranking

St. Claire 20 1 Allen 16 4

St. John 14 4 Zuckerberg 22 1

St. Jude 14 5 Kaiser 17 3

St. Therese 17 2 Armstrong 11 7

St. Mary 14 6 Bill Gates 17 2

St. Anne 13 7 Ellison 10 8

St. Anthony 11 8 Musk 12 6

St. Francis 15 3 S. Jobs 13 5

Total 118 Total 118

Table 3 reveals the number of students who possesses reading habit in each section.



This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings from 236 questionnaires

completed by the researchers who conducted a research to the Senior High School

students in Can-avid National High School. The purpose of this study was to identify

the effects of reading habit to their academic performance.

The first objective of this study is to determine the type of reading habit that

students’ possess. Second is to determine the reading materials that students’ are using.

The third objective is to know the things that encourage a student to read. For the

fourth objective, it’s to know the factors that have an effect on the reading habit of a

student. Fifth is to determine the academic performance of the respondents. Finally is

to know the relationship between reading habit and academic performance.

Questionnaires were given to the students in Senior High School level. After asking

permission from the subject teachers/advisers to conduct a survey, the questionnaires

were distributed and was completed by the respondents.

A total of two hundred thirty six (236) SHS students completed the questionnaires

for three (3) days.

The data from the questionnaires were statistically analysed by the researchers. The

frequency, ranking and percentage was used for the data analysis. The findings are

discussed according to the items of the questionnaire. The following tables depicts the

analysis gathered by the researchers.

Table 1: Reading Habits of the Students



Scanning 179 29.34% 2


Reading to 208 34.10% 1


Skimming 163 26.72% 4


Word by 175 28.69% 3


Light type 88 14.43% 5

In the respondents’ provided data, the majority has a habitual reading because of

wanting to study and gain more knowledge about something they’re interested in

accordance to the information/answers with.

Table 2: Types of Reading Materials



Notebooks 205 33.6% 1

Textbooks 194 31.8% 2

Magazines 131 21.48% 4

Electronic 106 17.38% 5


News papers 99 16.23% 6

Story books 193 31.64% 3

Table 2 presents that the majority of the respondents are using notebooks as their

reading material. Second to that is the textbook that are either provided by the school

or can be found at the library. The least of the chosen or used materials is the

newspaper which ranked 6th on the list.

Table 3: Purpose of Reading



For 102 16.72% 3


For self- 118 19.34% 1


For 93 15.25% 5




For pleasure 76 12.46% 6

and relaxation

To improve 112 18.36% 2



To impress my 47 7.7% 4


To while away 33 5.4% 7


Table 3 shows that respondents are reading due to the examination, it forces them

to read, to refresh the topics they’ve gone through and to have a better result in their


Table 4: Factors Affect Student’s Reading Habit



Reading difficulty 49 8.03% 4

Language barrier 24 3.93% 7

Lack of interest 21 3.44% 8

Social media e.g 76 12.46% 3



Much time spent on 91 14.92% 2

television watching

and playing games

Lack of parental 124 20.33% 1


Lack of reading 40 6.56% 5

comprehension in


Peer factor 32 5.25% 6

The monitoring of parents to their children is vital for it encourages them to read

because they can feel that their parent/s is/are looking after them. As well as the number

of reading materials a child has and the time spent in watching television and playing

games instead of reading.

Table 5: Academic Performance of a Student


97-100 (Highest 0 0% 4 4
95-96 (High 6 2.54% 3 3
90-94 (With 109 46.1% 2 2
80-89 (Average) 121 51.2% 1 1
75-79 (Pass) 0 0 4 4
74 and below 0 0 4 4

The table shows that more than half quantity of the students attained an 80-89
percent of average. While, less than 50% got 90-94 percent as their general average.



This chapter shows the summary, conclusions and recommendations for further



Reading is a fundamental process of learning. It is the practice of comprehending

and acquiring knowledge, personal growth and development. Assert that the ability to

read is at the heart of self-education and life-long learning and that it is an art capable

of transforming life and society.

This study is a quantitative research which was designed to know the effects of

reading habit on the academic performance of the students. There is a significance

between reading habit and academic performance of the students in Can-avid National

High School. Looking to the objectives that researchers settled in this research they

aimed to find the effects of having a habitual reading to the academic performance of

students, they seek for the materials that students are using in reading. The total sample

of this study comprised of school students possessing reading habit. The whole sample

consist of total 236 students with unequal number of boys (n=93) and girls (n=143). In

order to obtain data for their academic achievement, the percentage of their GPA for

the last school year were used. The data that was obtained were analysed by using

Descriptive Analysis. Finally, the researchers found out that there is a significant

relationship between reading habit and academic performance.


1. 34.1% of the students in Can-avid National High School possess the

reading to study type of reading habit.

2. The reading material that most students using are textbooks.

3. 19.34% of the students are reading to develop their self-efficacy and self-


4. The factor that mostly affects the reading habits of the students is lack of

parental monitoring while the least is the lack of interest in reading.

5. Most students got an average of 80%-89%.

6. There is a significant relationship between reading habits of a students

and their academic performance.

The obtained result after analysing the data were presented as follows:


From the data that has been analysed, it was found out that:

 Parents’ that has no enough time to monitor the studies of their children

has a huge impact to the performance of a student in school.

 Too much exposure in social media affects the reading habit of a student,

whether it is male or female.

 Some students are more interested on watching television and/or playing

online games rather than reading their mediums.

 The students are eager to develop their reading skills to gain more

knowledge and improve themselves.

 Examination is one of the top reason of students to read a notebook or


 Notebooks are the type of reading material that most students are using.

 In addition, female students are more interested on reading different types

of reading materials compared to male students.


1. Students should be motivated and encouraged by their lectures to read

different information resources other than their notebooks and hand-outs so

as to be exposed to diverge and broader views to knowledge.

2. It is recommended that faculty staff should engage students in several

assignments and presentations and these should form a greater part of the

assessment process of students. When this trend is reversed, it will help

students to acquire more skills in searching for information the “chew and

pour” syndrome.

3. Future researchers should focus on other effects that affects the academic

performance of the students.

4. It is recommended that parents should help their children cultivate the

reading skills when they are young, so that it becomes part and parcel of

their life. It will help them express themselves well and write good English

which will eventually lead to better academic performance in the near


5. School administrators should monitor abuse of social media, so that

students will meticulously use it for educational purposes


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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII
Eastern Samar Division
Can-Avid National High School

“The Effects of Reading Habit to the Senior High School Students of Can-
avid National High School In Terms of Their Academic Performance”

Name: __________________________ Age: _____ Gender: _____

Year level: _____ Section: ________________ GPA: __________

Check the corresponding box for your answer.

1. I only scan my notes and other reading materials.

Yes No

2. I intentionally read for the study purposes.

Yes No

3. I only read and look for the parts I need.

Yes No

4. I read word by word in each and everything I read.

Yes No

5. I only read the general form of my reading material and don’t care with others.

Yes No

6. I use my notebooks as my reading material.

Yes No

7. I use my textbooks as my reading material.

Yes No

8. I use magazines as my reading material.

Yes No

9. I use electronic books as my reading material.

Yes No

10. I use newspapers as my reading material.

Yes No

11. I use story books as my reading material.

Yes No

12. What forces you to read? Answer only one.

For examination

For self-development

For assignment and coursework

For pleasure and relaxation

To improve spoken/written English

To impress my parents

To while away time

13. I find it hard to read.

Yes No

14. I don’t understand the language used in what I’m reading.

Yes No

15. I don’t have any interest in reading.

Yes No

16. I prefer browsing social media than reading.

Yes No

17. I spent much time on watching television and playing games rather than


Yes No

18. My parents doesn’t monitor whether I’m reading or not.

Yes No

19. Our teachers don’t oblige us on reading.

Yes No

20. I don’t have enough reading materials at home.

Yes No

21. My peers are not fan of reading so I don’t have any interest in reading as well.

Yes No


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