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dead aiaaehe A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY INVALUABLE LEGACY A Possibility in the Eco-system of Swadeshi and Swaraj Sudarshan lyengar Quest for an Alternate Vision MP Mathai Thinking Beyond the Self and the Other Prem Anand Mishra FOCUS Transformation Through People's Power PANazareth SPECIAL ARTICLE The Flame of Swachhagraha Burns Bright Akshay Rout Scanned by CamScanner Vice President Releases Second Volume of Selected Speeches of the President of India IVADEKAE (Credit: Photo Devison, PIB) ‘he Vice President, Shri M. Venkatal Naid releasing he 80 books of seleted spesches ofthe Prsident of India, Sket Ram Nath Kovind, tiled “The Republicun Ethie Vo. 2) cd Loktantra he Svar hand 2) tn New Delhi on Septaiber 6, 2019. The Union Mouser for Environment, Forest & Cli Change and lnformation & Bieadccsting, Sri Prakash Javadeha; the Union Minister for Socal Justice and Empowerment, Shi 7 of Information & Broudeasing, Shri Amit Khare and the Pr DC, Publications Division, Dr Sadhana Rout ave also scer the Secretary, Minis ihe Vick President of India, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu released two books on Selected Speeches of President of India, Shef Ram Nath’ Kovind, titled ‘The Republican Ethic (vol. 2)’ and ‘Loktantra ke Swar (khand 2)’ at the Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra in New Delhi on September 6, 2019, Shi Prakash Javadekat, Minister of Environment Forest & Climate Change and Information & Broadcasting, Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shri Amit Khare, Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Dr Sadhana Rout, Pr: DG Publications Division and others were present at the occasion. The Vice President complimented the Minisity of Information & Broadcasting and the Publications Division for publishing the collection of speeches of Hon'ble President in an aesthetic manner. The Vice President said that upholding values and ethics was of paramount importance for people in public life and added that both he and the Hon'ble President Shri Ram Nath Kovind felt strongly about it and thaie priorities for the nation converged at a number of points such as “clean India, an educated skilled India, an innovative India, a fit India and a harmonious, strong and empowered India.” Union Minister Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot said that the President has dedicated his life for social justice, which is reflected in the speeches presented in the books. He said that Shri Ram Nath Kovind is ‘people’s President’. He stressed upon in his speeches, including education, fem 1. He also talked zhted several aspects and areas which the President hi empowerment, good governance, inclusive growth, uplift of the poor and downtrodden, among othe fe of the President along with the challenges he faced and avereame. about the ghlighted Hon'ble President's concern for ensuring social, economic and Union Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar t political justice to all citizens, Shri Javadekar pointed out that Shri Kovind hus a definite vision and awareness at India’s future ancl a keen sense of transformation of society through a future-oriented education, Ite lauded the effort ns Division for bringing out these important publications, of Public: Several dignitaries including Members of Parliament, Members of Diplomatic Comps, Secretaries and other sen ent Ministries and departments, attended the event, officers of differ 5 | Scanned by CamScanner CHIEF EDITOR RAJENDRA BHATT SENIOR EDITOR ABDUL MANNAN eomroRs ‘ANKITA YADAV SUMITA MUKHERIEE JOINT DIRECTOR (PRODUCTION) VINOD KUMAR MEENA. COVER DESIGN GAJANAN PRALHADRAO DHOPE ‘OUR REPRESENTATIVES ‘Ameabae/anhev Patel, engl: BI Kiso Shuboneshwar: Gish cheneea—Oaen, Chea: Sanjay Ghosh, Hyderabad: Viyalrnar” veda Jandhar Gagardoep Kaur Caan, Kat humhid alk, turns: Umesh Sadasivarac Upate:Triruananthapuras: Roy Chacko Chief Editors office: Room No, 569, Soochns hawon, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Oath 110.003 Phone: 24362991 ‘Wana lah), Room Ne. 647, Socenna Bhawan, {660 Compiex, Loch ae, Now Delt 110 003 femal (Eto) yoonace Gg cam YOIANA seeks to provte a vibrant plat for eussion on proziems of s0dal and econo evelopment of the country through smepth “alls ofthese sues in the wider content af overnment poles, Althoush publishes. by the Mersey of Inlemation end Broadcast, YOJANA kc not esticted to expressing the offen) pontof view, OISCLAIMER: The wews expresied im various articles are these of the authors* and dey to not neceasanly reflect the views of the Government oF the ergonsation they work fer « Maps/foys used in the artes are only ‘natcatve. Toey don't refiect the potical map oF (woal representation ofthe fag of ina/ony ther country «The readers are requested 10 veny the claims made in the aaveruserents sagariing carver guidance books/nstiulons YOIANA does not avn responsibilty regarding the contents ofthe advertisment. SuBscRiPTION 1 year €230,2 years 420, 3 years? 620 For new subscriptions, renewals and ‘complaints, please contact; Ph: 024 24367853 oF ‘e-mal your quetis to: peludr@gmalcom ‘Business Wing (HOS): Phones: 031-24367250, 2355608, 24365610 P bications DWsion, Room No. 56, Soochns Bhawan, 050. Compe, Lodhi oad, New Ooh 110.003. Website: ww pubicaonsdivson nein ©) OPO Inds etme hag comets aes “ Rig eda EE 1 TH5 ISSUE ‘A POSSIBILITY IN THE ECO-SYSTEM (OF SWADESHHI AND SWARAY Sudarshan lyengar. : 7 QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATE VISION MP Mathai wl THINKING BEYOND THE SELF AND THE OTHER Prem anand Mishra. 7 TOWARDS AN EGALITARIAN SOCIETY Ramchandra Pradhan ew 23 OVERFLOWING LOVE MELTS IN OTHERS! WOES D John Chelladural.. 2m GANDHI AS AN INTERNATIONALIST G LMehta, 34 MY LIFE IS M¥ MESSAGE YP Anand. 7 TRANSFORMATION THROUGH PEOPLE'S POWER A PANazareth... THE PATH TOWARDS WATIOI REGENERATION Annamalai 4 PRODUCTION BY MASSES, No} MASS PRODUCTION Nimisha Shukla. PROVIDING FOOD TO HUNGRY STOMACHS: Vinal Kumar Saxena. CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAMME: ‘A WOMEN’S PERSPECTIVE Aparna Basu HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONALITY Shalender Sharma IMPORTANT GANDHIAN TITLES OF PUBLICATIONS DIVISION RELEASED AT DELHI BO BEER 80 ety 4s THE FLAME OF SWACHHAGRAHA BURNS BRIGHT Akshay Rout. 8 Pees Do You KNOW? ‘The Purest Spiritual Light Shining in the Dark Skies ABOUT OUR BOOKS..... io, of ages 84 lilo. 198, Oe Setar. 5, Eplnede Est ‘Thiwananthapuram Hira ress od, Near Gove Press “The ohotograhs used in ths issue have been taken from Publications Oval 701, Ying, Hh lo HovdriaSdsn, Belo ‘Wg, ej hana, Bsa sg 204) Floor 050 “owas, araiqid, Secustcbad 4s Flea, F Wing, enc Salen, Kor arta Bina ete Cooperate de, Shc ath alto 1 2nd Poor Kenia shana, Sector Aga Flor, Alb anand Hl, Bad, Meter Tras Rload - Sa) - Soot Brvan, (60 Campley, oa Road igors ——_oxt-24365600 004 011 23380205 dose 227TH rooss (53-2286 saws ose 1407873 eesoo1 om. 231050 00280 sonst saoon: 0512267382) means 2 215655 Singh Women n Sotyograha by Apa Bast and Mohatma Gandhi: Ale Through lense. YOJANA is published im Assamese, Gengal, English, Gujarat), Hina, Karnade, Malayal nab, Tam Telugu ans Urs Scanned by CamScanner Reaffirming Faith niversaries of great men are like milestones in the lives of individuals and of societies and nations, providing opportunities to re-assess their messages, their contemporary relevance and to undertake the required course corrections, to re-chart their path towards a better, blissful future. But how competent are we to do such assessment? Periiaps, fora wholesome assessment, certain ubiquity is required — capacity to be at all times and all places and to assess events at contemporary as well as futuristic level. So, for such complete assessment of Gandhifi, one has to be present and involved at the times of the euphoria of Salt Satyagraha, despondency of pre-partition violence ‘on one hand, and with visionaries like Martin Luther King Junior and Malala ‘Yousafzai of our times on the other. We, human beings, do not possess such ‘capacity, And, as such, we cannot assess in totality, what it meant to be blessed with such lighthouse as Mahatma Gandhi, and more so, what his absence from the historical scene would have meant for the society. But, still, these milestones give us opportunities to remember such personalities and to rediscover their footprints in the sands of time — ‘to make our lives sublime.” Our humble efforts spread over these pages are a small contribution to the nation’s remembrance and reverence towards Gandhij Jn the first half of the 20" century, Gandhiji led our nation to a successful fight against the then mightiest power with unique tools of love, truth and non-violence. However, during the same period, the world faced two World Wars, and the Mahatma himself faccd assassin’s bullets. After his death, global society faced many anxious moments — from the Cold War to the 9/11 at the turn of the century and the creation of many flashpoints across the world. Atnational and international levels there were instances of injustices, apathics, distrusts and disparities despite Gandhi’s message. ‘However, as already pointed out, had we been ubiquitous, we could have simultaneously assessed, along with those despondeneies, the impact ofthe likes of Martin Luther King Junior, Nelson Mandela and other saner academic voices like Alvin Toffler, Erich Fromm and Ernst Friedrich Schumacher — advocating sanity and love for a just and sustainable society. So, the struggle persists, but the hope that “truth shall prevail’ also persists. If we believe in continuance of life on this planet, there is no option but to sustain this hope. And this is, perhaps, the essence off Gandhiji’s relevance. ‘As God fulfils Himself in many ways, Gandhiji’s message is not political alone, It is manifested in a holistic ‘manner for the wholesome development of humankind. The politics, sociology, economies and ethics of Satyagraha, Constructive Programme, Trusteeship, Swadeshi and Khadi, basic education, Truth and Nonviolence, Eleven vows, peace and sustainability of human society — all contribute to a Gandhian dream of a sane, just and empathetic society In our own humble way, we have tried to fathom these aspects, in various articles spread over the following pages. {As said in the beginning, milestones give us opportunities to retrospect, introspect and to weigh our prospects = with our limitations. This special issue of Yojana — being published on the 150" Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, is one such small effort. Inspired by the great soul — the Father ofthe Nation — this is a manifestation of our belief . that is “deep in our hearts” that “We shall Live in Peace’ and “We shall Overcome’, YOJANA October 2019 Scanned by CamScanner Bo A Possibility in the Eco-system of Swadeshi and Swaraj . Sudarshan Iyengar ofporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is unless one has a true sense of dharma... By the comp.