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IIMH u lllaMHJIHH ~aTa -----------------------------------------

PyccKuii aJicJlanuT

1. Match the Russian word and its English translation by writing the correct letter in the space provided.
1. JIHMOHa,IJ, a. chocolate

2. KaKao b. rice

3. 6aHaH c. macaroni

4. CaJiaT d. vitamin

5. MaKapOHhi e. soup

6. cyn f. cocoa

7. Ko<Pe g. banana

8. liiOKOJia,IJ, h. salad

9. pHC i. lemonade

10. BHTaMHH j. coffee

2. The planets on the left-hand side are arranged in the order of their distance from the sun. Arrange the
Russian words in the same order by writing the corresponding numbers on the lines.
1. Sun CaTypH

2. Mercury Mapc

3. Venus CoJIHIJ;e

4. Earth HemyH

5. Mars YpaH

6. Jupiter BeHepa

7. Saturn 3eMJI51

8. Uranus IOrrHTep

9. Neptune MepKypHH
Nummikoski, Marita; Troika; A communicative approach to Russian
language, life and culture / Activities Manual; PyccKnii aJilPaBHT 1
John Wiley, 2012; p. 1-106.
3. Connect the people in the left-hand column with the place where you might find them.

1. KOB60il: [(HpK

2. aKTep yHHBepCHTeT

3. aKpo6aT apMHSI

4. rrpo¢eccop 6aJieT

5. reHepaJI TeaTP

6. 6aJiepHHa Texac

7. IlHJIOT a3porropT


4. Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1. acTpoHaBT rrpe3H)l;eHT apTHCT 6aJiepHHa capp;HHa

2. 6aHaH capp;HHa TypHCT MaKapOHbi CaJiaT


3. ¢yT60JI KOHI.J;epT 6acKeT6on soneil:6on XOKKeH


4. CHMlPOHHSI opKecTp poK )l;)Ka3 crropTcMeH

MY3hiKa orrepa

5. ropHJIJia <PnaMHHfO rraHp;a )l;HH03aBp THrp


6. aCTpOHaBT ¢epMep )l;HpeKTOp HH)KeHep TYPHCT


7. pap;HO TeJieBH30p BHp;eoKaMepa KOMilbiOTep Tene¢oH




9. TeaTp YHHBepCHTeT IIIKOJia CTy)l;eHT rrapK

6aHK )l;HCKOTeKa

10. ceKyHp;a rracrropT JIHTp KHJIOMeTp MHHyTa

rpaMM p;onnap py6Jih

2 PyccKuii aJitllasuT
lfM51 H <PaMHJIH51 AaTa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. The following names belong to the members of Mariinsky theater in St. Petersburg. Match the English
spelling with Russian.

1. Andrei Garbuz a. IOnm1 MaxaJIHHa

2. Zhanna Ayupova b. faJIHHa Me3eHIJ;eBa

3. Alexandr Kurkov c. )KaHHa CHHHU:biHa

4. Yulia Makhalina d. AH,IJ;pell: fap6y3

5. Zhanna Sinitsyna e. HpHHa fyceBa

6. Andrei Evdokimov f. )KaHHa AIOnoBa

7. Irina Guseva g. AJieKcaH,IJ;p KypKoB

8. Galina Mezentseva h. AH,IJ;pell: EB,IJ;OKHMOB

6. Match the Russian spelling of the following states with the English spelling.
1. BepMOHT Alabama

2. AmicKa Alaska

3. ApH30Ha Arizona

4. BHCKOHCHH California

5. HH,IJ;HaHa Colorado

6. HeBa,IJ;a Indiana

7. MHccypH Michigan

8. KaJIHcpopHH51 Mississippi

9. Ana6aMa Missouri

10. MHCCHCHIIH Nebraska

11. MHqHraH Nevada

12. He6pacKa Ohio

13. Orall:o Oklahoma

14. OKJiaxoMa Oregon

15. OperoH Pennsylvania

16. fleHCHJibBaHH51 Utah

17. IOTa Vermont

18. Konopa,IJ;o Wisconsin

PyccKHH aJI«<JasuT 3
Note: Consult the Cursive Writing Chart inside the front cover of the workbook.

1. Practice writing the following letters in cursive script.

a<U oO rrfb

ee Yf cO

ee Bg, T f1Z;

Hfk lJ,? p~

ud- 31

2. Copy the following wor9s according to the model. Note that the letters fb and f1Z; connected to the top.
The left-side downward stroke needs to stay intact.

TMII frUt,f'b IIOT ruJf/1;

cap, <XJ? IIOII fU)fb

cyrr Ofjfb rrarra ~


p,eTM~ CTerra ~

Ta3 f'l1AJ1' TYPMCT ~

BOT &onv apTHCT ~

TOT~ crropT~

11MH H <PaMHJIHH ~aTa ~~~------~~----------~

3. Practice writing the following letters and words in cursive.

6 6a 6a6a o6e 3e6pa

a ck d<uk ~ ~

)K )Ke y)Ke ,IJ;a)Ke ,IJ;)Ka3

~ ~ ~
010 010(}

K is connected to the top. The left-side downward stroke needs to stay intact.
K KapTa KaK MapKa 6acKeT6on

~ fUUV
~ ~

His connected to the top. The left-side downward stroke needs to stay intact.
H 6anan nan,n;a CTy,IJ;eHT ,IJ;HH03aBp

II/ ~ ~ ~ ~

Review: Letters 11/, f//, f!V, and IV are connected to the top.
nan a HeT cnopT aKTpHca

~ ~

nan,n;a npe3H,n;eHT apTHCT aKTep

~ ~ ~ ~

r THrp ropo,n; llHHrBHH ero

~ fi1AJ//{V 1A>fW1 ~ fYUJ,

PyccKuii a.rtl~JasuT 5
M has a hook in front.
M MaMa rryMa J(OMa

vU ~
~ ~


~ ~ ~

JI has a hook in front.

JI naMrra 6aneT TCJICBH30p

~ ~ ~ ~

JI 6anepuHa 6acKeT60JIHCT

~ ~

H has a hook in front.

5I M05I pyccKaH aMepHKaHCKaH

~ ~

5I Hryap MCH5I TC65I

~ ~ mu1i

<P <PyT60JI Ko<Pe rrpo<Peccop

rp ~ ~ ~


a;. ~ ~ f'l.d;(Y.XX}

HMH H cpaMHJIHH ~aTa ------------·-······-·--··················

q qall: qall:Ka qepe3 qeMOP,aH

'1Al4 ~
~ ~

u: u:eu:e rmu:u:a U:HpK KOHQepT

ty ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~

III IIIH OBOIIIH o6rrrHli rrryKa

f4' ~ ~ ~ ~

h The soft sign is a small letter that looks like the number "six." Do not confuse it with the
tall letter 8,_
h rmcaTeJih p,enh<tJHH oqeHh IIHChMO

6- ~
~ ~ ~

hi The letter U looks like the soft sign with an extra line.

hi Thi Mhi Bhi MaKapOHhi

u f'll,U ~ &u ~

3 has a circular shape with a line in the middle. Do not confuse it with the letter 3 [z].

3 3TO n03T 3THKeT 3KCIIOpT

~ ~ ~

PyccKuu a.JI«iJauuT 7
10 IOf IOpHCT IIOIO pa6oTaiO

((} 10/V

b The hard sign, which occurs very seldom, has a square top. Do not confuse it with the soft
sign h, which is much more common.

b CbeCTb Bbe3,1J,

"6- <71KJ()fiU),

4. Practice writing the capital letters with the following Russian and English names.

A Alma~ ~ E 7;:1liU/f'.
OpHC --~---

IJ Bepa~ :; fper~

JJ ;IJ;aiiia~ c EneHa~
JIC JKaHHa~ 3 3HHa~
u HsaH~ ;r Kan1~
.A Jlapa ~~~va, .At Maiiia~
K HHHa~ 0 Onerfl«n

J[ II""erp '}T;;_,"'
·vvtt'1v J' PHTa~
c Cepreli C,./JAI.i1.
-7 ·-
J![ TaHSI~
y Yom~ !fJ <l>e)J,SI .f/k9g,
X XbiO :J:6m 1f ll,e3aph .,-, /"'"
"t '-IapnH ~ 1Jj lllypa ?!!.rr.,(;,
J 3 pHK-?~~~~~.
- .. ·- 10 IOpaJO,uv

.i 5J.KOB~

~aTa _____________________________
J1MSI ll <lJaMHJillSI

5. Review the following rules and copy the words.

1. Letters U, fil., f'lV, and IV are connected to the top. The left-side downward stroke needs to stay
I ruMUV, ~~ HUIV, ~~ IUUV, ~~ ~

2. The Russian letter )1, looks like this in cursive: 1 F~fiAJF

3. Notice the difference between the letters r 1.- (rounded corners) and 11 "'V (sharp corners).

1fVYV, ~ ~~~

4. The upper case Jdoes not extend below the line, unlike the lower case f·
~ myrv,~

5. The letter ty has a very small tail. ~~~

6. 8 and dare the only tall letters in lower case.

~,&o ~~~

7. The soft sign is a small letter that looks like the number "six." Do not confuse it with the letter.&.

8. The letter 6b looks like the soft sign with an extra line.

9. 3 has a circular shape with a line in the middle, whereas the upper-case 3 looks like the number

Since the word 3To is one of the first words you will learn, make sure that you learn to write it
917W, 917W, 917W, Jrrw, ~

10. The lettersve-,tM-, and& have a "hook" in the front only.

~, eaMJ.,, ~, ~, ~, ~,~,

l 1Q
PyccKHii a.JI«i>aBHT
J1M51 H cpaMHJIH51 .IJ:aTa _ _ _ _ __

11. Do not confuse the letter u with it. The i-kratkoe (u) usually appears after another vowel:
au, en, uu on, yu, bin. The "hat" on the letter is required.


Pay special attention to words with one u:

fU>-~ (no "hat")

Also, do not confuse a stress mark on u (used in your textbook) with the letter u.


Leave the stress marks out in cursive.


12. The letter m ends with a downward stroke. Do not confuse it with the English "w."

tu ~~~

PyccKuii aJicl»aBHT 11
6. Write the correct labels under the animals in cursive.
ropHJIJia 3e6pa naH,!l;a
)l;CJih<l>HH KeHrypy neJIHKaH
)l;IfH03aBp KOT <l>JiaMHHfO

12 PyccKnil lUI«i>aBHT
JIMH H cJ>aMHJIHH .IJ:aTa -----------·--------·------.

YpoK 1 (llepBbiii ypoK)


• Introducing People; 1.1 Omission of the Verb to be, 1.2 Gender of Nouns

1. KTo:no?

A. Write in the missing male or female "profession."

Cursive Writing Model:~ I~~~ I~~

male female

apTHCT ~
~ CTy)J;eHTKa









B. Answer the question in a complete sentence.

KTo 3To? /Wna. (JI'!W?

YpoK 1 (IIepBbiii: ypoK) 13

• Asking Yes-or-No Questions; 1.4 Negative Sentences
2. Answer the questions based on the pictures, according to the model.
Model: 3To apTHCTKa? HeT, 3TO ue apTHCTKa, a apTHCT.



2. 3TO rrpe3H)J,eHT?

• Adjectives of Nationality and Quality; 1.5 Adjective Agreement

3. Write in the adjectives in the correct gender.
pyccKHH I pyccKaH aMepHKaHCKHH I aMepHKaHcKaH

~~~ -~~
xopoumif I xopornaH rrnoxoit I rrnoxaH

~~~ ~~~

-------=~:.:..:...:c.:....::,~:.:..:...:c=-~~~"=--------- aKTep (aMepHKaHCKHMiaMepHKaHCKaH)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cry)J,eHTKa (pyccKHM!pyccKaH)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - apTHCT (pyCCKHM/pyccKaH)

______________________ aKTpHca(rrnoxoiflrrnoxaH)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - apTHCTKa (xopornwM/xopornaH)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aKTep (xopornwitlxopornaH)


14 YpoK 1 (llepBbiH ypoK)

IIMH u cpaMHJIHH AaTa ----------------------------

• Adjectives of Nationality and Quality; 1.5 Adjective Agreement

4. Answer the questions using the information in the chart.

name profession nationality

Sarah & Mark artist Canadian
Nina & Ivan actor Russian
Laura & Paul athlete American
John & Linda student English

1. Capa- KaHa)J,cKaH cTy)J,eHTKa?

2. MapK - pyccKHH apmCT?

3. HnHa- pyccKaH cTy)J,eHTKa?

4. HsaH - KaHa)J,cKnli aKTep?

5. Jlopa- aHmnlkKaH crropTcMeHKa?

6. TIOJI - aMepHKaHCKHH aKTep?

7, )J,)KOH- aMepHKaHCKHH CTy)J,eHT?

8. JlHH)J,a- aHrJIHHCKaH aKTpnca?

YpoK 1 (IIepobtit ypoK) 15


• Adjectives of Nationality and Quality; 1.5 Adjective Agreement

5. Express your opinion about two famous people of your choice (one male and one female).
Model: ToM Kpy1- xopomuii aMepuKancKuii aKTep.



• Asking Someone's Name; 1.6, 1.7

6. Supply the missing questions.
Cursive Writing Model:
1. JUuv e1A} ~?
JUuv, ~~ nuxfi, e'IA}, ee, HlaO, &tzc,,
2. Ee 3oByT Anna.


4. Hx 30BYT Cepe)Ka HBHTSI.

5. MeHSI 30BYT JleHa.

6. MeHSI 30BYT AneKcaH,IJ,p TieTPOBHq.

7. ,Ua, ero 30BYT IOpa.

8. ,Ua, ee 30BYT KaTSI.

9. HeT, MeHSI 30BYT He ,Uarna, a Marna.

• Full First Names and Last Names

7. "We have a new baby!!!" announced the proud big sister or brother. In each family the baby was the
opposite gender of the older sibling, whose name appears below. Using the list of first names in your
textbook, give each baby a full first name of your choice. Remember to write the last name in the
correct gender, too. Write the child's nickname after the full name.
1. Cepreii '-IyraeB ~ ~ ~)
2. Bna,IJ,HMHp fnyrnaKoB

3. EneHa KY3Heu,oBa



16 YpoK 1 {llepBbiii ypoK)

HMll u $aMHJIHll Ll,aTa

•Inquiring About Someone's Professions; 1.9 Professions and Gender

8. KoMnoluTop? IIuauuCT? IIucaTeJIL?

A. Look at the BHKime)J,HSI entries below on some famous people and find out what their professions
are. Pay attention to the use of the adjectives pyccKuii, cooeTcKuu, and poccuiicKuii.

P AXMAHHHOB Cepreii ~ETAEBA Mapuua llsauosua TEPEmKOBA BaJieHTnua

BacHJiheBnq(1873-1943)- (1892-1941)- pyCCKHH II03T, BJia)J,HMnposua(p. 1937)-
pyccKuii KOMII03llTOp, IIllaHHCT ll rrp03aHK, rrepeBO,LI'IHK, O,LIHH ll3 coneTCKHii KOCMOHaBT, rrepBaSI
,n;upu)J(ep. Kpyrrueiirrmx pyccKux II03TOB XX )J(CHIQHHa-KOCMOHaBT 3CMJIH, fepoii
UJmCEQKMI MaiiB neKa. ConeTcKoro Coi03a, reuepaJI-Maiiop.
MuxaiiJiosua(p. 1925)- KAPDOB AuaTOJIHii Esreubesuq EYPE UaseJI BJia)J,HMHposuq
coBeTcKaSI u poccuiicKaSI (p. 1951)- ,[IBCHa,[IQaThiH 'ICMIIHOH ( 1971) - COBCTCKHH ll pOCCHHCKHH
apmcTKa 6aJieTa, xopeorpa<P, Mupa rro rnaxMaTaM, XOKKCHCT,BOCITHTaHHHK
nucaTenh,aKTPHCa,uapo,n;uaSI MC)J(,LiyHapO,LIHhiH rpOCCMCHCTep crropTlliKOJihi ll,CKA, 3aCJIY)J(CHHhiH
apmCTKa CCCP (1959). (1970), 3acny)J(eHHhiH MacTep MacTep crropTa CCCP (1990).
qEXOB AnTon UasJiosuq crropTa CCCP (1974). JI,HKHHCOH 3MHJIH (183G-1886)-
(186G-1904)- pycCKHH MOHPO M3pHJIHH (1926-1962)- aMepuKaHCKaSI rro:necca. Ilpu
rrpo<Peccuu Bpa'l. CnHMaJiach B <PunhMax «KaK BhiHTH CTllXOTBOpCHHH H3 ThiC5I'Ill
3aMy)J( 3a MllJIJIHOHepa» ll ,Lip. BOCbMHCOT, HaiiHCaHHbiX CH.

B. Write sentences according to the model. Keep your descriptions simple. Do not copy all the
information from the entries. Also remember that the adjectives agree with the profession, not
with the gender of the person.
Model: Cepreu PaxMauuuoo- H3BeCTHbiH pyccKuii KOMDOlHTOp u nuauucT.
!. _______________________________________________________

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. _______________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

8. ________________________________________________________

YpoK 1 (UepBbiH ypoK) 17

• Greeting People; 1.10 Formal and Informal Greetings, 1.11 Adverbs

9. Fill in the missing lines in the four dialogues.

A. - Tipimer, Jlli3a!

________________________________ ,Jlena!KaK~ena?

-------------------------------·A ___________________?
- To)Ke xoporno.

5. - __________________________ ! MenSI 30BYT Cepreit A Bac KaK 3oByr?

- Jhm~a.

B. - _______________________ ,Anna TiaBnoBna!

r. - ,Il,o CBH~aHIHI, Anna HHHna!

______________________ ,Carnal

• Chapter Review

1 0. Situations.

1. Your Russian friend is showing you a picture. Ask him who the person in the picture is.

2. Ask a little girl what her name is. Greet her first.

3. Introduce yourself to a Russian.----------------------------------

4. You are listening to a woman sing at a restaurant. Make a comment on her talent and then find

out the singer's nationality and name.---------------------------------

5. Ask your friend how s/he is doing. ---------------------------------------------

6. Greet an older p e r s o n . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. What would you say to a friend when you leave? ____________________

8. Respond to an i n t r o d u c t i o n . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9. A friend wants to know how you are doing. Respond. _________________

18 YpoK 1 (IIepBbiH ypoK)
IIMH u lf>aMHJIHH .IJ:aTa ·--·-··---------------------------·---····--·---

• Chapter Review

11. Write the missing first lines to these two-line exchanges.


- HeT, 3TO aMepnxaHCKHH apTHCT.

2. -----------------------------------------------------------
- HeT, 3TO ne crropTcMeHKa, a aKTpnca.

3. _________________________________________________________

- Ero 30BYT Carna.

4. -----------------------------------------------------------
- .D,a, MeH5I 30BYT Mnrna.

5. ___________________________________________________________

- HeT, ee 30BYT JleHa.

6. ___________________________________________________________

- MeH5I 30BYT Jlapnca lfsanosna.

- .Il,o CBH)l,aHH5I.

8. _________________________________________________________

- QqeHh IIpH5ITHO.


-lfpa n Jln3a.

10. -----------------------------------------------------------
- Crracn6o, nerrJioxo.

11. -------------------------------------------------------------
- AnaTOJIHH Kaprros - H3BeCTHhiH rnaxMaTHCT.

12. ___________________________________________________________________

- AJIJia IIyraqesa - H3BecTHa5I pyccKa5I apTHCTKa.

YpoK 1 (llepBbiH ypoK) 19

• Chapter Review

12. Your twelve-year-old sibling has several posters of famous people in his/her room. Write a short
paragraph about TWO of the posters, explaining who the people are and what you think about them.
Instead of two identical sentences, try to vary your description a little. Also use other nationalities
(KaHa)J,CKHH, aHrnHHCKHH), in addition to aMepHKaHCKHH and pyCCKHH.

Model: 3To MaiiKJI )1,.1Kop)J,au, H3BCCTHbiH aMepuKancKuH: 6acKeT60JIHCT. A 3TO xopoma.H

aMepuKancKa.H apTHCTKa. Ee 30BYT •••

• Chapter Review

13. Euorpalflu.H. The following text is a short biography of a famous Russian. It contains many words that
you do not know. Your task is to skim through the article and answer in English the questions that
follow. Do not try to understand every word.

Bna)J,HMHp Bhrcou,KHH po)J,HTIC5I 25-ro 5IHBap5I 1938 ro)J,a B ropo)J,e MocKBe. OH O)J,HH H3 caMhiX
rrorrynHpHbiX pyccKHX apTHCTOB Harnero BpeMeHH. Bhrcou,KnH: 6hrn oqeHh TanaHTTIHB KaK apTHCT, aKTep
H II03T.
Tiocne OKOHqaHH5I TeaTpanhHOfO HHCTHTyTa OH pa6oTan BTeaTpe «TaraHKa». Ero CaMOH mo6HMOH
pOTihiO 6brn faMneT. BhiCOU,KHH TaiOKe CHHMaTIC5I BO MHOfHX <PnnhMaX H BbiCTyrran Ha CU,eHe CO CBOeH

Note for question 7: The letter h in foreign names is often replaced by a r in Russian:
faM6ypr (Hamburg), faBaH:H (Hawaii).

1. What is the person's name? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. When and where was he born? -------------------------------------------

4. What was his profession? ----------------------------------------------------

5. What kind of education did he have? ----------------------------------------

6. What was the name of the theater he worked in? ----------------------------------------

7. He was the main character in a play by Shakespeare. Which play? _________________

8. What musical instrument did he p l a y ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20 YpoK 1 (IIepBbiH ypoK)

HMH u cj>aMHJIHH ,II,aTa -------------------~----------------------

• Chapter Review

14. liMB Poccust. Name of Russia. Who are the most famous Russians of all times? Here are the top
twelve names, based on the results of voting conducted on the internet and by telephone a few
years ago.


1. AneKcaH,n:p HescKHii ( 1221-1263) KHSI3h Hosropo,n:cKHii

2. Ile'rp CTOJihiiiHH (1862-1911) Bbi):(aiOIIJ;llHCSI pecpopMaTOp

3. HocHcpCTaJIHH (1879-1953) masa rocy,n:apcTBa, reHepanHCCHMyc

4. AneKcaH,n:p llyiiiKHH (1799-1837) COJIHIIe pycCKOH 11033llll

s. TieTp I (1672-1725) rrepBbiH pOCCHHCKHH llMIIepaTOp

6. Bna,n:HMHp JleHHH (1870-1924) JIH,n:ep 60JihiiieBHCTCKOH peBOJIIOIIllll

7. <l>e,n:op .il,OCTOeBCKHH (1821-1881) IIHCaTeJih

8. AneKcaH,n:p Cysopos ( 1729-1800) Herro6e,n:HMbiH IIOJIKOBO):(ell

9. .il,MinpHii MeH,n:enees ( 1834-1907) Bbi):(aiOIIJ;llHCSI XHMHK

10. HsaH IV fpo3HhiH (1530-1584) 11apb H seJIHKHii KHSI3h sceSI PycH 1 1

of all Russia

11. EKaTepHHa II (1729-1796) llMIIepaTpHIIa C 1762

12. AneKcaH,n:p II ( 1818-1881) HMrrepaTOp c 1855, OTMeHHJI KperrocTHoe rrpaso B 1861

A. Underline the following words in the descriptions above.

KHSI3h prince

seJIHKHH KHSI3h Grand Prince

rnasa head

HMrrepaTOp, HMrrepaTpHIIa emperor, empress

JIH,n:ep leader

rronKoso,n:e11 military leader

11aph czar

YpoK 1 (llepBbiH ypoK) 21

B. Answer the questions in English.

1. Who was the first Russian e m p e r o r ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. What are Pyotr Stolypin's distinguished accomplishments? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. In addition to being called the head of state, what is Stalin's title? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. What is Alexander Suvorov known for? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. When did Alexander II abolish s e r f d o m ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6. Who is the only woman on the l i s t ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. What is Lenin's title on the list?

8. What is the name of the distinguished chemist? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9. Who is the Prince of Novgorod? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. What is title of Ivan the Terrible?


22 YpoK 1 (llepBbiii ypoK)

IIMH u fl>aMHJIHH )],aTa -~------·-··--·


I.. 1. Vowel Recognition. Listen to the following vowel sounds: e H 0 y

Circle the sound you hear:

1. e M 0 y

2. e M 0 y

3. e M 0 y

4. e M 0 y

2. Vowel Recognition. Listen to the vowel sounds. Circle the correct spelling of the words.
1. Heua Hnua 11. Panca Paeca

2. J1eua J1nua 12. MaKCMM MaKceM

3. Tyna Tona 13. Ynna Anna

4. J1e3a J1n3a 14. Bepa Bnpa

5. J1apnca J1apeca 15. OnpnKa YnpnKa

6. TYPMCT TOpMCT 16. Ynhra On bra

7. Epnua Hpnua 17. HeKonau HnKonau

8. fperna fpnrna 18. PeMMa PMMMa

9. Esau Hsau 19. rYM roM

10. To Mac TyMac 20. aKTpeca aKTpnca

3. Numbers 1-10. Listen to the numbers 1-10.

1 2 3 4 5

Oti,HH t~,Ba TPH qeTbipe DBTb

6 7 8 9 10

rneCTb ceMb BOCeMb tJ,eBBTb tJ,eCBTb

4. Rankings. The following boys in class 7B had a cross-country skiing competition. Listen to the audio
and mark the rank of each boy by writing the corresponding number next to his name.

Carna Hroph __ )],eunc _ _ BMTSI Au,I:~peu __

AHTOH EopSI_ Ilarna Mnrna A.nerna

YpoK 1 (IIepBLiii ypoK) 23

5. Telephone Numbers. Your new Russian friends want you to call them. Write down their telephone
numbers, grouping them as in the model.


Tame 358 - 69 - 84
Cawa: - -
MHrna: - -

JleHa: - -
HHHa: - -

6. Math Problems. Listen to the following addition and subtraction problems and write down the
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

7. Names and Professions. Listen to the introduction of ten different people. Match their names and

_ _ Ceprei1 1. apTHCT


EIIeHa 3. apTHCTKa

_ _ JlapHca 4. cnopTcMeH

HaTaJib51 5. cnopTcMeHKa

_ _ Hropb 6. rnaxMaTHCT

_1_ AIIeKcaH)J,p 7. TIHCaTeJib

_ _ nopHC 8. XOKKeHCT

0IIhra 9. KOMTI03HTOp

_ _ Ha)J,e)K)J,a 10. 6anepHHa

24 YpoK 1 (IIepBbiH ypoK)

IIMJI u q,aMHJIHJI )],aTa ·----------

8. Names in Cursive. The following dancers from the Mariinsky Theater are coming to perform in your
city. Listen carefully when their agent tells you who wants to room with whom in the hotel. Assign
them in pairs to rooms 201 through 206, and write the room numbers next to the people in question.
Note that some of them may be husband and wife regardless of their last names.

201 203 205

202 204 206

~~201 ~~
~~ ~~
~~ ~~201

~Jilce& ~~
~~ ~~
~~ ~~
9. Intonation. Listen carefully to the intonation in the questions and select the correct response.
1. ,II,aBH,[( - aHrJIHHCKHH <l>yT60JIHCT? a. ,II,a, aHrJIHHCKHH.
6. ,II,a, <l>yT60JIHCT.

2. TaMapa- pyccKaSI cnopTcMeHKa? a. ,II,a, pyccKaSI.

6. ,II,a, CIIOpTCMeHKa.

3. MaifKJI - aMepHKaHCKHH TeHHHCHCT? a. ,II,a, aMepHKaHCKHH.

6. ,II,a, TeHHHCHCT.

4. MapHHa I..l,BeTaeBa - pyccKHH II03T? a. ,II,a, pyccKHH.

6. ,II,a, II03T.

5. 'IaifKOBCKHH - pyccKHH KOMII03HTOp? a. ,II,a, pyccKHH.

6. ,II,a, KOMII03HTOp.

6. HHKOJih- KaHa.n;cKaSI cTy.n;eHTKa? a. ,II,a, KaHa.n;cKaSI.

6. ,II,a, CTy.n;eHTKa.

YpoK 1 (llepBbiH ypoK) 25


10. Dialogues. Fill in the missing words in the dialogues.

- 3)J,paBCTByM, --------------------

____________________ , CBeTa. KaK )J,eJia?

____________________ .Ay____________________?

-~o6poe ____________________ --------------------

- 3)J,paBCTByiiTe, -------------------- CepreeBHa.


- KaK Te6H 3oByT?

- A ____________________ KaTH.

- 3)J,paBCTByiiTe! MeHH ____________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HnKoJiaeBnq.

- A MeHH EJieHa fleTpoBHa.


____________________.ATe6H ?

- Te6H 30BYT ?! KaK HHTepecHo. MeHH __________________


26 YpoK 1 (llepBbiH ypoK)

JIMB H 4laMHJIHB ~--~~----------------·····------- ,II,aTa

YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK)


• 2.1 Personal Pronouns (Subject Forms)

1. Write in the corresponding Russian pronouns.

singular plural

1st person I 1st person we

2nd person you ___________ 2nd person you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3rd person he 3rd person they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3rd person she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• 2.2 Verb Conjugation

2. Supply the endings for the verbs to understand and to speak. Refer to p. 38 in your textbook.

group 1: UOHHMaiTb group II: rosoplnTb

singular plural singular plural
5I UOHHMu__ _ MbiUOHHMu___ SlfOBOp_ __ Mbi fOBOp _ __

Tbl UOHHMu__ _ Bbl UOHHMu__ _ Tbi fOBOp _ __ Bbi roBop_ __

OH,OHaDOHHM~·--- OHH UOHHMu__ _ OH,OHafOBOp_ __ OHH fOBOp _ __

• 2.2 Verb Conjugation

3. Here are some new verbs you may encounter in classroom interactions. Supply the missing forms.
OTBeqajTh I to answer cnpaiiiHBajTh I to ask cMorpjeTh II to look, to watch

51------------ 5I cnpamusa10 5I cMoTpiD

Thi oTseqaemb Tbl Tbl CMOTpHWb

OH, OHa - - - - - - - - - - OH, oHa cnpamusaeT OH, oHa _________

Mhl----------- Mbl Mbl-------------

Bbl Bbl ____________

OHH - - - - - - - - - - - OHH OHH __________

YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 27

• Describing Language Skills

4. Supply the missing information.

When you say that you speak or understand a language, all names of languages begin with no-. All of
them end in the single vowel -u. These are the adverb forms (in Russian, in English, etc., or literally, in
the Russian way, in the English way).
So, Jl rosop10 no-pyccKH literally m e a n s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Do not confuse the adverb form no-pyccKu with the adjective forms pyccKuil/pyccKas, which modify a
Select the correct forms of the word Russian and write them on the lines.

1. Bna,!l,HMHp BhiCOU,KHH H3BecTHhiH - - - - - - - - - - - - - (pyccKHlllpyccKaSI/no-pyccKH)

apTHCT. OH roBopHT - - - - - - - - - - - - (pyccKHif/pyccKaSI/no-pyccKH).

2. HaTanhSI EeccMepTHOBa TO)l(e roBopHT _____________ (pyccKHif/pyccKaSI/no-pyccKH).

0Ha H3BeCTHa5I _____________ (pyccKHif/pyccKaSI/no-pyccKH) 6anepHHa.

• Describing Language Skills; 2.1 Personal Pronouns, 2.2 Verb Conjugation

5. Supply the missing verb endings or personal pronouns.

1. 5I OlleHb XOpOIIIO llOHHMa!Q__ no-aHfJIHHCKH.

2. Tbi noHHMaernh no-pyccKH? -)],a, _ _ _ HeMHoro noHHMaiO, HO olleHh nnoxo roBOP·---

3. )J,)l(oH roBOP·--- no-pyccKH?- HeT, _ _ _ no-pyccKH He roBOP·---·- A no-HeMell,KH?

- flo-HeMell,KH OH llOHHMa._____ HellJIOXO, HO He OlleHb XOpOIIIO fOBOP·---

4. Bbi noHHMa_____ , KOr,[l,a (when) npo<Peccop roBop_ _ _ no-pyccKH? - )],a, Mhi HeMHoro


5. HHHa HJleHa olleHh xoporno nOHHM..____ H roBop_ _ _ no-aHrnHHCKH.

6. Carna H MHrna, ___ roBopHTe no-<PpaHu,y3cKH?- HeT, Mhi He roBOP·--- no-<PpaHu,y3CKH.

- A Thi no-<PpaHu,y3CKH roBop _ _ _? - )],a, 5I Hennoxo roBOP·--- no-<PpaHU,Y3CKH.

7. OnSI, Thi no-HcnaHcKH noHHM«-___?- HeT, 5I He noHHMu____ no-HcnaHCKH.

28 YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK)

liMB u cj>aMHJJHJI ,IJ:aTa

• Describing Language Skills; 2.1 Personal Pronouns, 2.2 Verb Conjugation

6. A. Answer the questions based on the pictures. If your answer is negative, add the correct information.
Mapus Jlu

ranc MapHKO

1. TibepnonHMaeTno-pyccKH? __________________________________________________________

2. faHC llOHHMaeT llO-HeMeiJ,KH? ------------------------------------------------------------

3. AMapwKo? _________________________________________________________________

4. M3pH noHHMaeT no-pyccKH? ------------------------------------------------------------

B. Write three sentences about the communication difficulties of the people in the picture above.
Follow the model.

Model: Anna rouopuT no-pyccKu, a llbep ue nouuMaeT ee.

llbep rouopuT no-<}>panu,y3cKu, a Anna ne nonuMaeT IT!!·




YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK) 29

• Describing Language Skills; 2.3·2.6

7. A. Answer the questions based on the chart. Use complete sentences.

no-pyccKu no-aurJIHHCKH no-ucnaocKn no-<J>paou,y3CKH no-HeMeiJ,KH

Hpa CB060)J,HO xoporno HeMHOfO

YJipuKe HeiiJIOXO xoporno CB060)J,HO

HuH a CB060)J,HO qyTh-qyTh

MapK oqeHh xoporno CB060)J,HO HellJIOXO

lOp a CB060)J,HO oqeHb xoporno Hennoxo

llbep HellJIOXO HeMHOfO CB060)J,HO

Mapuca qyTh-qYTb oqeHb xoporno CB060)J,HO

Jlu3a CB060)J,HO oqeHh xoporno

1. KToroBopuTno-ucnaHcKu? __________________________________________________________

2. HnHannoxoroBopuTno-pyccKu? ______________________________________________________

3. KaK IOpa roBopuT no-<JlpaHU:Y3CKn? ----------------------------------------------------

4. YnpuKeroBopnTTOJihKono-HeMeU:KH? __________________________________________________

5. flH3afOBOpHTllO-HeMeU:KH? __________________________________________________________

6. KTO fOBOpHT no-<JlpaHU:Y3CKH CB060)J,HO? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. Tibep XOpOIIIO fOBOpHT llO-aHfJIHHCKH? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B. Choose one person on the chart and describe his or her language skills.

30 YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK)

HMJI u lj>aMuJiuJI J],aTa --------·~~--~~-~---··-

8. A. Supply the missing words in the story.

MeH51 ,IJ,arna. 5I H roBopiO

(my) name is (am) Russian of course

CB060)J;HO . 5I , qTO 5I HeiTJIOXO - - - - - - - - - -

Russian think understand

rro-cppaHu;y3CKH. 5I oqeHh xoporno, Ho eiiJ,e __________

read slowly

roBopiO. A KaK 5I rro-aHmHikKH? He . Mo)KeT

speak (I don't) know

6hiTh xoporno.

B. Describe your own language skills.

9. Bonpochl. Questions. Write the corresponding questions to the responses. Make sure you put the verbs
in the correct form.

- ,IJ,a, OH qifTaeT rro-pyccKH oqeHh xoporno.

- HeT, 5I He 3HaiO, KTO roBopHT rro-cppaHu;y3CKH.

- )J,a, 5I Te651 ITOHHMaiO.

- 0Ha fOBOpHT rro-pyCCKH 6hiCTpO.

- )J,a, 5I ITOHHMaiO, qTO Thl fOBOpHIIIh.

- ,IJ,a, 5I )J;yMaiO, qTo OH xoporno roBopHT rro-pyccKH.

- ,IJ,a, KOHeqHo. 5I Te651 cnyrna10.

YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 31

•Introducing Family Members; 2.7 Possessive Pronouns

10. A. Grandfather Ivan introduces the people in the picture. Supply the missing relationships in his story.
Use the pronouns Moil/MoB, ero, ee, and ux where appropriate. Also remember the plural nouns
).J,eTu (children) and po).J,uTenu (parents).


Hpa MapK Bono).J,H

3To __________ AHHa. A 3TO __________ AneKcaH).J,p H

- - - - - - - - - - TaThHHa. A 3TO __________ BapBapa H

- - - - - - - - - - HHKonall. A 3TO __________ (their children) Hpa,

MapK HBono).J,H.

B. Point to some people in the picture and ask Grandfather Ivan questions. Remember to use the
polite form of address.
Your questions: Ivan's answers:
1. 3To nama .IKeua? ,II,a, 3TO MOH )l(eHa.

2. HeT, 3TO He MOH ).J,Oqb.

BoT 3To MOH ,JJ,oqh.
3. Ee 30BYT BapBapa.

4. 3To MOll BHYK Bono,JJ,H.

5. ,II,a, 3TO MOll CblH.

6. Ero 30BYT HHKonall.

7. ,II,a, 3TO MOH BHyqKa Hpa.

32 YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK)

liMB H 4JaMHJIHB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ··---------··------------ )l,aTa - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·

C. Pretend to be Volodya. Introduce all the people in the picture as your relatives. Fill in the missing
words or phrases. Note: This exercise uses the plural form Mou (cf. Moii) when referring to plural nouns.


___________ : MOSI MaMa BapBapa H HHKonaii.

A 3TO AJieKcaH)l;p H TaThSIHa. A 3TO

___________ H . Hx 30BYT HBaH HAHHa.

• Patronymics

11. If Americans used patronymics, our names would be like these:

father: John mother: Anna
son: Jason Johnovich
daughter: Susan Johnovna
Look at the names of the following Russian people. What are their fathers' first names?
AneKceii EopHCOBHq fyceB father's first name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

HpHHa CTenaHOBHa IleTpoBa father's first name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

AneKcaH)l;p CepreeBHq HBaHoB father's first name: __________

HHHa HHKonaeBHa KoiiiKHHa father's first name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Patronymics

12. Who is who in the family? Next to each name, write the word oTen: (father), MaTh (mother), ChiH (son),
or )l;O% (daughter).
The Petrov Family

MapHSI HropeBHa IleTpoBa


Cepreii HBaHOBHq IleTpoB

HBaH IleTpOBHq IleTpoB

The Ivanov Family

Cepreii CepreeBHq HBaHoB

Cepreii AH)l;peeBHq HBaHoB

Onhra CepreeBHa HBaHoBa


YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 33

• Patronymics
13. Some feminine patronymics and last names can look alike, for instance Cepreeoua and Cepreeoa. You
can tell them apart by looking at the ending: patronymics have the consonant cluster -ou- before the
ending -a, last names do not. Thus, Cepreeoua is a patronymic, but Cepreeoa is a last name.
Using the following list of names, write first names, patronymics, and last names for six unrelated people.

fleTpOB AHHa

HHKonaeB HHKonaeBHa liBaHOBHa








• Patronymics
14. The Ivanov Family Tree. Write the missing names and patronymics on the corresponding lines.
Note: There is only one possible solution.

AneKcaH~p MapKosHq Bapsapa CeMeHoBHa AneKceil lleTpoBHq

AHHa CTenaHOBHa CeMeH MHxailnoBHq

+ Bepa IlaoJiooua

CTenau A.rleKceeouq + EKaTepuua Cepreeoua

MapK KoucTauTuuoouq +

+ BaJieHTuua BuKTopooua


HuKoJiau IleTpoouq +

34 YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK)

JIMJI H <t>aMHJIHJI )],aTa ~~~~-~------~---------

• Introducing Family Members; 2,7 Possessive Pronouns

15. Look at the Ivanov Family Tree again. How is the first person mentioned here related to the
second one?

Model: Ekaterina to Stepan. EKaTepuua - 3TO ero JKeua.

1. Valentina to Ludmila -------------------------------------------------------

2. Stepan to Ekaterina _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. VeratoStepan ___________________________________________________________

4. StepantoVera ____________________________________________________________

5. Ludmila to Valentina

• Introducing Friends and Teachers

16. Introduce the following people to each other. Address both people, starting from the older one.
1. your friend Tanya to your teacher, AHaTOJIHH TiasnosHq

2. your friend Andrei to your professor, doctor Smith

• Introducing Friends and Teachers; 2.8 Nouns of Nationality

17. Nationalities. Based on their names, decide who is American, Canadian, or Russian. Write the
corresponding nouns of nationality on the lines next to the names.

Valentin Klimov - - - - - - - - - - Pierre Dupont _____________________

Jennifer York - - - - - - - - - - - Denise Langlais ____________

Larisa Orlova - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Dart - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

• Making Compliments

18. Your friend Sasha is showing you some family pictures. Make some compliments regarding his ...
1. grandmother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

2. uncle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. brother

YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 35

• Chapter Review

19. Mini-dialogues. For each scene, write the two missing questions and a compliment.

Model: 3To TBo.s/sarna )J,O'Ib? - )J,a, 3TO MOSI )J,Oqb!

KaK ee 30ByT? - HaTarna.
Oua O'leHb Kpacusa.s. - Crracu6o.

- )J,a, 3TO MOSI CeCTpa.

1. --------------------------------------------

- Crraca6o.

- Hy qTo Tbi!! 3TO MOM rrarra.

2. ------------------------------------------
- HaKonaH.

- Crraca6o.

- Hy qTo Thil! 3To Harna MaMa.

3. ------------------------------------------
- TaThSIHa.

- Crraca6o.

• Chapter Review

20. Questions. How would you ask ...

1. an older person if he speaks Russian? ---------------------------------------------

2. your friend Tanya if she speaks German well?--------------------------------------

3. a government official if the Russian president speaks English?----------------------------

4. a woman on the street if she understands Spanish?----------------------------------

5. your friend Larisa if her grandmother speaks French? --------------------------------

6. an older man if his wife understands Chinese?


7. your friend Sasha how he speaks Japanese?----------------------------------------

l 36 YpoK 2 (BTopoD ypoK)

IIMH u l}>aMHJIHH ~aTa -------------------------------------------

8. your friend's mother if her husband is American? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9. your friend Olya if her brother is a student? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

10. Nina if her friend Nicole is Canadian? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

• Chapter Review

21. Situations.
1. Introduce your Canadian friend to your Russian teacher.

2. Your friend Sergei is showing you a picture of his sister. Make a compliment.

3. You are showing your Russian friends a picture of your family. Tell them who all the people in the
picture are. Include their names.

4. Write a detailed description of the language skills of your extended family. Use the verbs
noHHMaTh, roBopHTh, and qHTaTh as well as the various degrees of language skills. Try to vary your
sentence structure. Use the stories on pp. 42 and 51 in the textbook as a model.

YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 37

• Chapter Review

22. Directed Dialogue. An American student (A) is showing a family photo and a Russian student (R) is
asking questions. Re-enact their conversation, using the cues below.

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Say that it is your family.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Point to one woman and ask if it is his or her sister.

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
No. It's your mother.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Make a compliment.

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Say thanks. Introduce your sister and her husband Victor.

Ask if her husband is Russian.

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, he is, but he speaks fluent English.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Is this their son?

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes. Show their son in the picture.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is his name?

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Give him a name.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Does the son speak Russian?

A: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not badly. But he understands very well.

R: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Make a general compliment.

38 YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK)

liMB H li>aMHJIHH ______ _
~aTa ----------------------------------------

23. EJior. Anna Stepanina has just arrived in the United States Anna's blog always contains some
vocabulary and structures you do not know yet. Learn to tolerate some ambiguity, and direct your
attention to the vocabulary you do recognize, not its form, and just keep reading. Also pay attention
to possible loan words from English. Read the first entries of her blog and give short answers to the
questions that follow.

7 IJlespaJIB
PoAHTeJIH ,O:.lKoHa otieHh enMrraTH'IHhre. Hx 30BYT Tepeea n MaiiKJI. Tepeea MeKenKaHKa, a
MaiiKJI aMepnKaHeQ. Tepeea roBopnT eBo60AHO rro-nerraHeKn n rro-aHmnileKH, a MaiiKJI
«erraen6o>> n «AO eBHAaHHSI».

6 ~Jlespansr
Bee xoporno! POAHTeJIH )J;.lKOHa eTaJIH fOBOpHTb Me):(JieHHO, H SI HX y.lKe IIOHHMaiO. 0HH
aMepHKaHeKHH. Ho OHH MeHSI IIOHHMa!OT, H SI y.lKe fOBOp!O 60Jibiiie, tieM Btiepa. Bee OTJIH'IHO!

~ B AMepnKe! Moil Apyr ,O:.lKOH n ero pOAHTeJIH BCTpeTHJIH MeHsr B a3porropTy B ,O:an11aee. Oil, sr
HeT. Ero poAHTeJin roBopsrT TaK 6breTpo, n aKQeHT y HHX KaKoii-To eTPaHHhiH, He TaKoil KaK y
Monx rrperro):(aBaTeJieil B Poeenn. PoAHTeJIH ,O:.lKoHa He roBopsrT rro-pyeeKH. 0Hn roBopsrT
TOJihKO rro-aHfJIHHeKH H IIO-HerraHeKH, a SI IIO-HerraHeKH He 3Ha!O HH eJIOBa.

1. K To AHHa no HaQMOHaJihHocm?
2. A~~OH? ____________________________________________________________

3. AHHa XOpOillO IIOHMMaeT, KOf,[(a pO,[(MTeJIM fOBOp51T IIO-aHfJIMifcKM? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4. Po,[(MTeJIM ~~oHa roBopsn 6biCTpo MJIM Me,[(neHHO?

5. AHHa noHMMaeT no-McnaHCKM?
6. AHHa roBopMT no-aHrJIMHCKM c 6pMTaHCKHM rrnM aMepMKaHCKMM aKu;eHToM? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

7 ll>espaJIJI
7. AHHa ,[(yMaeT, 'ITO po,[(MTeJIM ~~oHa CMMIIaTM'lHhie? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

8. KTO no HaQMOHaJibHOCTM MaTh ~~oHa? ---------------------------------------------------

9. 0TeQ ~~OHa XOpOillO fOBOpMT IIO-MCIIaHCKM? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. KaK ~~OH roBopMT no-pyccKM? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK) 39

24. Jles HuKoJiaesuq ToJicTou: «Anna Kapenuna».

A. Below are some of the characters in Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina. The characters' nicknames are
given in parentheses, if available.

AneKceH: AneKcaHp,poBHq KapeHHH EKaTepHHa AneKcaHp,poBHa lll,ep6au;Kasr (KHTH)

AHHa ApKap,beBHa KapeHHHa CepreH: AneKceeBHq KapeHHH (Cepe)Ka)

Examine the list and find the correct relatives. Write in the nicknames or first names only.

Stiva's wife:

Anna's son:

Dolly's sister:

Anna's husband:

Stiva's sister:

The "outside" person in the group is Anna's l o v e r : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B. The novel begins with the following famous quote:

Bee cqacTJIHBhie ceMhH noXO)KH p,pyr Ha p,pyra, Ka)K)J,asr HecqacTJIHBasr ceMhSI HecqacTJIHBa
no-cBoeMy. All happy families are alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Here is an excerpt of the second paragraph of the novel. Skim through the text for words you
recognize in order to answer the questions below in English.

Bee cMeruanoch Bp,oMe 06noHcKHx. JKeHa Y3HaJia, qTO MY)K 6biJI B cBsr3H c 6bmrneiO B Hx p,oMe
cppaHIJ;y)KeHKOIO-ryBepHaHTKOH, H 06hSIBHJia My)Ky, qTO He MO)KeT )KlfTb CHHM B OP,HOM P,OMe.
JKeHa He BbiXOP,HJia H3 CBOHX KOMHaT, My)Ka TpeTHH p,eHb He 6biJIO P,OMa. )l,eTH 6eraJIH llO BCeMy
P,OMY, KaK llOTepSIHHbie ...
1. Which family are they talking about? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Which family members are mentioned here? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. What is the nationality of the children's governess? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

l 40 YpoK 2 (BTopou ypoK)

IIMH u l}>aMuJiuH ~aTa ---------··-------------------

'- 1. Intonation. Listen to the questions and select the correct short answer. Pay close attention to the
intonation in the questions. Write the number of the question on the line next to the corresponding

____ HeT, He rro-KHTaifcKH, a rro-smoHCKH. 1 Herrnoxo.

____ HeT, He )J,e)J,yiiiKa, a 6a6yiiiKa. - - - )J,a, IIOHHMaeT.

____ HeT, oH pyccKHH. - - - )J,a, fOBOpHT.

____ )J,a, xopoiiio.

2. Numbers. All the "teen" numbers are formed like this:

O)J,HH - ua- )J,IJ,aTb (from: )J,eCSITh) )],Be - ua - )J,IJ,aTb Tpu - ua - )J,IJ,aTb, etc.
one on ten two on ten three on ten

Twenty is )J,Ba- )J,IJ,aTh thirty is Tpu - )J,IJ,aTh

two ten(s) three ten (s)

Listen to the numbers 11-30.

11 12 13 14 15
O)J,H HHa)J,IJ,aTb )J,oeua)J,u,aTh Tpuua)J,u,aTb qeTbipna)J,u,aTh DHTHa)J,IJ,aTb

16 17 18 19 20
mecTna)J,u,aTb ceMna)J,u,aTh BOCeMHa)J,IJ,aTb )J,eBBTHa)J,IJ,aTb )J,Ba)J,u,aTb

21 22 ... 29 30
)J,Ba)J,IJ,aTb O)J,H H )J,Ba)J,u,aTb )J,Ba )J,Ba)J,u,aTb TpH)J,IJ,aTb

Pay close attention to the difference between )J,Beua)J,u,aTh (12) and )J,eBBTHa)J,u,aTh (19).

3. Math Problems. Listen to the following addition and subtraction problems and write down the
1. 4. 7. 10. 13.

2. 5. 8. 11. 14.

3. 6. 9. 12. 15.

YpoK 2 (BTopoii ypoK) 41

4. Addresses and Telephone Numbers. Write down the exact addresses and telephone numbers of the
following people.

ynm.~;a )];OM KBapTHpa Tene¢oH

street house apartment telephone

Hap;51: yn. Cap;oBa51, )];._3_, KB. 18 Ten. 22 - 11 - 16

Carna: yn. TiyrnKIIHa, p; ____, KB. ___ , Ten. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

AHp;peii: yn. BaBIIJIOBa, p; _ _ _ , KB. ___ , Ten.--------

TaH51: yn. JleBHTaHa, p; _ _ _ , KB. ___ , Ten. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

0JI51: yn. PenHHa, p; ____ , KB. _ _ , Ten. - - - - - - - - -

5. Language Skills. Listen to Andrei's interview about his family and their language skills. Then supply
the missing words in the summary of the interview.
Ero 30BYT AHp;peii. Ero OTeiJ, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,a MaMa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(nationality) (nationality)

MaMa- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aHrJIIIiicKoro 513hiKa, a nana _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(profession) (profession)

AHp;peii p;yMaeT, 'ITO nana roBopHT no-aHrniiiiCKII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


)J,OMa OHH fOBOp5IT - - - - - - - - - - H no-pyccKII, HO AHp;peii BCerp;a OTBe'IaeT


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - · )J,ep;yrnKa, ( oTeiJ, OTIJ,a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,a 6a6yrnKa

(language) (nationality)

----------·QHHHeroBOp51T ____________
(nationality) (language)

6. Dictation. You will hear a story twice. At the first hearing, just listen. On the second hearing, write it
down as a dictation.

l 42 Ypo• 2 (BTopoO ypo•)

HMJI u <t>aMnJIHJI ,II,aTa -~~-~------~-····-----~-·-·····-~----~·-··-~·-···· --·-·····

YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)

• Naming Things

1. What Do You Like to Read? Put the following items in order according to your reading preference,
starting with the most preferred item.

)Kypmw KHHra IIHCbMO poMaH CJIOBapb

1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
• Describing with Adjectives; 3.2

2. Adjectives. Fill in the missing forms of adjectives.

masculine feminine neuter



pyccKaH pyccKoe













*Check the spelling

YpoK 3 (TpeTun ypoK) 43
• Describing with Adjectives; 3.1, 3.2

3. nyKuuucT. Second-hand book seller. You made the following "finds" at a book store. Supply the
missing adjectives in the correct form.
(Russian) ra3eTa (English) KHHra

(American) cnoBapb (Mexican) )Kypuan

(French) yqe6HHK (Russian) poMaH

(Russian) nHCbMO (German) KHHra

(Chinese) cnoBaph (Canadian) )Kypuan

(Spanish) ra3eTa (Italian) IIHCbMO

(English) poMau (Japanese) ra3eTa

• Describing with Adjectives; 3.1, 3.2

4. 3To KaKou xypuaJI? You are looking for more treasures at the bookstore. Ask the bookseller for a
description. His answers are provided.

Model: 3To KaKou xypuaJI? 3TO aMepHKaHCKHH )Kypuan.



3. 3TO HeMei.J,KOe IIHCbMO.


• Describing with Adjectives; 3.1, 3.2

5. qTo TaKoe? Give a definition of the following items using an adjective of quality and national origin.
Consult the key at the bottom of the page, if necessary.

Model: The Old Man and the Sea: 3To xopomuu aMepnKancKuu poMau.
1. Roget's Thesaurus:

2. Sports Illustrated:

3. The London Times:

4. Don Quixote:

5. Der Spiegel:

6. Wall Street Journal:

7. The Count of Monte Cristo:

8. Animal Farm:

1. American dictionary, 2. American magazine, 3. English newspaper, 4. Spanish novel, 5. German magazine,
6. American newspaper, 7. French novel, 8. English novel

44 YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)


• Describing with Adjectives; 3.2

6. More Adjectives. Fill in the missing forms of adjectives.

masculine feminine neuter

60JihlliOH 6oJihlliOe








• Describing with Adjectives, 3.2

7. 3To uuTepecuaH ra3eTa?

A. Supply the missing adjectives in the correct form

1. «DpaB,IJ,a»- 3TO ra3eTa.

(old) (Russian)

2. «AHHa KapeHIIHa» - 3TO poMaH.

(interesting) (Russian)

3. 3TO llliCbMO.- 3TO IIJIII - - - - - - - - ·

(old) (boring) (interesting)

4. «ApryMeHTbi II cpaKThi»- 3TO IIJIII ra3eTa?

(interesting) (boring)

5. «0roHeK» - 3TO )l(ypHan.

(old) (Russian)

3TO IIJIII )l(ypHan?

(interesting) (boring)

B. Write one statement about an American (or foreign) novel, newspaper, or magazine. Use the
adjectives of quality, as appropriate. Also include the national origin.

Model: «rappu IloTTep u Op)J,en <lleuuKca))- 3TO uuTepecnhiH aurnuucKuu poMau.

YpoK 3 (TpeTufi ypoK) 45

• Describing with Adjectives, 3.2

8. 3JieKTpounKa. Supply the question word KaKou and the missing adjectives in the correct form.
1. 3TO BH,[(eOKaMepa?

3To BH,[(eOKaMepa.
(small) (expensive)

2. 3TO KOMIIhiOTep?

3To KOMIIhiOTep.
(big) (old)
3. 3TO M06HJihHHK?

(new) (expensive)

4. 3TO pa,!!;HO?

3TO pa,!!;HO.
(big) (old)
5. 3TO CTepeOCHCTeMa?

(big) (new)

6. 3TO HOyT6yK?

3To HOyT6yK.
(new) (small)

7. 3TO TeJieBH30p?

3TO TeJieBH30p.
(old) (cheap)

• Describing with Adjectives; 3.2

9. Questions. Write the questions using the opposite adjectives.

1. HeT, 3TO HOBhtH: KOMIIhiOTep.


3. HeT, 3TO cTaphiH )KypHan.

4. HeT, 3To ,[(erneBoe pa,!!;Ho.

5. HeT, 3TO MaJieHhKa51 BH,[(eoKaMepa.

6. HeT, 3TO 6oJihrno:H: TeJieBH3op.

46 YpoK 3 (TpeTun ypoK)

liMB u «!laMHJIHJI ,II,na _ _ __

• Describing with Adjectives, 3.2

10. ,Il,oporaJI Mamuua.Look at the following For Sale postings and write a description for each car, using
the following adjectives: expensive/cheap, new/old, big/small, and the country of origin.

MacepaTu fpaHCrropT BA3 2106 !·

57 498 600p. I $1,916,620 U.eHa 50 000 p. I $1,666
1. fo)J; 2010
IIpo6er 2 600 KM
fo)J; 1992
IIpo6er 67 000 KM
KoHTaKT: AJieKceil. + 7 (921) 895-08-35 KoHTaKT: MeHe)J;)J(ep + 7 (495) 758-47-46 ·
EMB 5 cepHSI 51ryap S-Taifrr
IJ.eHa 121 197 p. I $4,039 IJ.eHa 330 OOOp. I $11,000
3. fo)J; 1988 fo)J; 2000 4.
IIpo6er 360 000 KM IIpo6er 160 000 KM
KOHTaKT: BJia)J;HMHp +3 (809) 752-46-38 KoHTaKT: BHKTOp + 7 (926) 180-36-67





• 3.4: Possessive Pronouns

11. Mine, Yours, and Theirs. Write the possessive pronouns in the correct form.

whose whose whose

my my my

your your your

his M06IIJihHIIK his co6aKa his pa)J;IIO

her her her

our our our

your (pl.) your (pl.) your (pl.)

their their their

YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK) 47

3.4: Possessive Pronouns

12. qeu 3TO ll>oToannapaT? Write the corresponding whose? questions.

Model: qeu 3TO ll>oToannapaT? 3To Moii cf>oToannapaT.

1. 3TO HX TeJleBH30p.

2. 3TO ee KOIIIKa.

3. 3TO Hallie llHChMO.

4. 3TO MOSI BH,IJ,eOKaMepa.

5. 3To Haiiia co6aKa.

• 3.4: Possessive Pronouns

13. A. Fill in the possessive pronouns.

1. 3To _ _ _ _ _ _ (your, sg.) KHHra?

- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ _ (mine), a _ _ _ _ _ _ (his) KHHra.

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ (Whose) 3TO BH,IJ,eoKaMepa? 3To _ _ _ _ _ _ (your, pl.) BH)J,eoKaMepa?

- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ _ (ours). 3To _ _ _ _ _ _(their) BH)J,eoKaMepa.

3. 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ (your, sg.) pa,IJ,Ho?

- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ _ (mine).

-A Thi He 3Haeiiih, _ _ _ _ _ _ (whose) 3TO pa,IJ,Ho?

-BoT JlapHca. Mo)KeT 6hiTh 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ (her) pa,IJ,HO.

4. AHHa CepreeBHa, 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ (your, formal) yqe6HHK?

- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ _ (mine). 5I ,IJ,yMaiO, 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ (your, sg.) yqe6HHK.

5. Anna H Tamr, Bhi He 3HaeTe, (whose) 3TO cnoBaph?

- 3HaeM. 3TO (our) CJlOBaph.

6. KaKoli ManeHhKHH M06HJlhHHK!l _ _ _ _ _ _ (Whose) 3TO? Hroph, 3TO _ _ _ _ __

(your) M06HJlhHHK?

- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (mine). BoT Cepreli. 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ (his) M06HJlhHHK.

48 YpoK 3 (TpeTuH: ypoK)

liMB H lilaMHJIHH ,II,aTa ----------·---·--- -····-· -····-

B. KaK no-pyccKu? Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Do you know whose cell phone this is? ________________________

2. I think it is his cell phone. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. Who~cMisili~? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Asking for Opinions

14. KaK Bbi )].yMaeTe?

A. Respond to the first two questions. Write the corresponding question for items 3 and 4. Watch out
for the gender required.

1. KaK Bhi )].yMaeTe, People - xoponmfl: )l(ypmUI?

2. KaK Bhr ,nyMaeTe, 6oKcep- KpacusaH co6aKa?


- ,Ua, no-MoeMy, xopornaH.


- HeT, He oqeHh HHTepecHhrfi.

B. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. no-MOeMy, «ilpecTynneHHe H HaKa3aHHe» (Crime and Punishment)- HHTepeCHhiH poMaH.

2. 5I ,!l,yMaiO, qTO «5Iryap» - KpaCHBaH MalliHHa.

3. no-MoeMy, Ma,noHHa- xopornaH apTHCTKa.

4. 5I ,nyMaiO, qTO KOKKep-cnaHHeJih - CHMIIaTHqHaH C06aKa.

YpoK 3 (TpeTun ypoK) 49

C. Finish the sentences.

1. ITo-MoeMy, ___________________________________________________________________

2. ~~yMam,qTo _________________________________________________________________

• Talking About Possessions; 3.7

15. qTO y HHX eCTb?

A. The following items belong to the people mentioned below. Who has what? Use at least two
adjectives in each sentence.

Model: Hroph: Y uero eCTb MaJieHbKaH cnMnaTHlfHas co6aKa.

1. KaT~: _________________________________________________________

2. fleHa: _________________________________________________________

3. )],~~~ Kon~:

4. HpauK)pa: _________________________________________________

5. CepreH: _______________________________________________________

5Q YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)


B. Write complete sentences using the nouns and adjectives below. Use at least one adjective per sentence.

Model: Y Mens ecTb 6oJihmas, Kpacusas KOmKa.

6oJihiiiOH CTaphiH MY)K 6paT
KpaCHBhiH MOJIOP,Oll )KeHa cecTpa
MaJieHhKHH p,oqh

1. 51:

2. Thi:

3. OH:

4. OHa:

5. Mhi:

6. Bhi:

7. OHH:

• Talking About Possessions; 3. 7

16. Y Te6s ecTb Mamuua? Write the questions that would have elicited the responses provided. The
underlined words are emphasized in the responses.
1. HeT, y MeHH ecTh KOIIIKa.

2. HeT, y Hero ecTh BeJiocHnen.

3. HeT, y Hac ecTh ceCTpa.

4. HeT, y HHX ecTh pa1mo.

5. HeT, y Hee ecTh Jioiiianh.

• Talking About Possessions; 3.8

17. KaKas y Te6s co6aKa? You already know that the following people have the things mentioned. Now
ask what kind the things are. Their responses are provided. Remember the agreement in gender.

Model: KaKou y Te6s TeJieBn3op? Y MeHH HOBhiH TeJieBIBOp.


2. Y Hero cr.ap.Qe pap,Ho.

3. Y Hac MaJieHhKaH co6aKa.

4. Y Hee HOBa5! MaiiiHHa.

5. Y HHX P,OpOrOH KOMllhiOTep.

YpoK 3 (TpeTuil ypoK) 51
• Colors
18. Mixing Colors. What primary colors would an artist need to mix in order to make the following colors?

~ '---orange
green ~ red /
~ '>purple
blue ./'

light blue ~~black ~ ~grey

1. opaH)I(eBhiH

2. 3enenbiil
3. cephiil l

4. po30BhiH

5. <l>HOJieTOBblll

6. rony6oil

• Colors

19. AccOIIHaliHH. Associations. What colors would you associate with the following animals? Supply the
colors in the correct form (masculine or feminine). If the animal has more than one color, mention all

BOJIK (wolf)



neB (lion)






<PnaMHHfO (m).

52 YpoK 3 (TpeTnu ypoK)

IIMH u <t>aMHJIHH )],aTa -------~----~

o Colors, Talking About Possessions

20. KaK uuTepecuo! The following students are talking about the unusual colors of their possessions.
Complete the sentences with a color of your choice. Also make a statement about yourself.

Model: llropb: Y Men» po3oBaH co6aKa.

1. JleHa: M06HJihHHK.

2. Cepreii: KOlliKa.

3. HaTallia: MOTOIJ;HKJI.

4. MaKCHM: MalliHHa.

5. ~: _______________________________________________

o Chapter Review

21. A. Write the corresponding questions for the following unrelated exchanges.

1. ,Il,a, y Hee ecTh My)K.

2. HeT, :no He MOSI co6aKa.

3. ,il,a, 3TO Hallia MalliHHa.

4. ,Il,a, y MeHSI ecTh co6aKa.

5. ,il,a, y Hero eCTh ChiH H ,!J,Oqh.

6. HeT, 3TO He Hallie rrHChMO.

7. ,Il,a, y HaC eCTh KOlliKa.

B. Write the corresponding questions using the appropriate question words (11eii or KaKou) in the
correct form.

1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y MeHSI 6oJihlliaSI co6aKa.

What kind of dog do you have?
2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3To Hallie pa,!J,HO.
Whose radio is this?
3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y HaC aMepHKaHCKaSI MalliHHa.

4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3TOSIIIOHCKOepa,!1,HO.

5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y HHX 60JihlliaSI CeMhSI.

6. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3TO MOM CJIOBapb.

7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3TOHOBhlH)KypHaJI.

8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3TO MOSI KHHra.

9. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y MeHSI MaJieHhKHH TeJieBH30p.

YpoK 3 (TpeTun ypoK) 53
• Chapter Review; Review of Personal and Possessive Pronouns

22. Supply the missing pronouns in the sentences. Consult the table as necessary.
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

5I I MeHH me MOH, MOH, MOe my

Tbl you Te6H you TBoH,TBoH,TBoe your
OH he ero him ero his
OHa she ee her ee her
Mbl we uac us uarn, uarna, uarne our
Bbl you Bac you Barn, Barna, Baiiie your
OHM they MX them MX their

A. Mbi, uac, or uam/a

1. Y ___ eCTb HOBhiH yqe6HMK. _ _ _ rrpeiiO,D,aBaTeJih XOpOIIIMH. _ _ _ IIOHMMaeM

rro-pyccKM oqeub xoporno.

2. Y ___ ecTh co6aKa. _ _ _ ,D,yMaeM, qTo 3TO oqeuh KpacMBaH co6aKa, no _ _ _ ,D,pyr CepreH:

fOBOpMT, qTO _ _ _ C06aKa HeKpaCMBaH.

B. Bbi, oac, or oam/a

1. _ _ _ IIOHMMaeTe IIO-pyCCKM? KaKOH y _ _ _ yqe6HMK? _ _ _ yqe6HMK HOBhiH?

_ _ _ rrpo¢eccop xopornMH:?

2. 3TO ___ 6paT? A cecTpa y _ _ _ ecTb? _ _ _ cecTpa roBopMT rro-HeMeU:KM?

A _ _ _ rro-ueMeU:KM roBopMTe? Y ___ ecTh HeMen:Ko-aunmH:cKMH cnoBapb?

C. H, Men», or Moii/MoJI

1. _ _ _ 30BYT TanH. _ _ _ pyccKaH. _ _ _ rro,D,pyra Anna aMepMKaHKa. Y ___ eCTh 6oJihiiiaH


2. - - - OTeU: aMepMKaHeU:, a _ _ _ MaMa MeKCMKaHKa. _ _ _ fOBOpiO HeMHOfO IIO-pyCCKM,

a OHM He IIOHMMaiOT _ __

D. Tbi, Te6», or Tooii/TBOJI

1. KaK _ _ _ 30ByT? _ _ _ roBopMIIIh rro-pyccKM? Y ___ ecTh cnoBaph? 5I ue

IIOHMMaiO - - -

2. Y ___ ecTh 6paT MJIM cecTPa? _ _ _ 6paT roBopMT rro-HeMeU:KM? A _ _ _ rro-HeMeU:KM

roBopMrnh? A _ _ _ cecTpa?

54 YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)

IIMH u l}laMHJIHH )l,aTa ·-------------·------··-··---

• Chapter Review

23. CeMbB.Write a story about your friend Sergei using the notes below as a guideline. Add your own
information to make a continuous story, like the one on p. 77 in the textbook.

6oJihiiiaH ceMhH
MaMa - npo<Peccop (JlapHca)
nana - npeno)J,aBaTeJih (ArreKceif)
O)J,HH 6paT (Caiiia)
)],Be ceCTPhi (Hpa HJleHa)
6oJihiiia5I co6aKa, pyccKaH 6op3aH (CTpeJIKa)
KOIIIKa, cepa5I (MypKa)
MaiiiHHa, cTapaH, pyccKaH («)KHryJIH»)

3TOMOHiJ,pyrCepreif. ________________________________________________________________

• Chapter Review

24. Write a story about yourself similar to the one in the previous exercise. Include a description of your
family members and other relatives, as well as detailed information about your vehicle (if applicable)
and pets.

YpoK 3 (TpeTnil ypoK) 55

• Chapter Review

25. lluTepo&IO. You are getting ready to interview a visitor from Russia (woman). Remember to use the
formal form when addressing her. How would you find out...
1. what her name is.

2. if she speaks English.

3. if she has a spouse.

4. if the spouse is also Russian.

5. what kind of car she has.

6. if she has children.

7. what their names are.

8. if the children speak Russian.

9. if her daughter is a student.

10. if she has a dog or a cat.

11. if the dog (or cat) is big or small.

12. (your own question)

13. (your own question)

• Chapter Review

26. PeKJlaMa. Advertisement. You are going to Russia for two years and you need to sell some of your things
in order to cover the expenses. Write an advertisement describing in detail all the items you are selling.


l 56 YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)

IIMH u lj>aMHJIHH ,II, aT a

27. lin or Au ubi CTenauuuoii.

Anna's blog always contains some vocabulary and structures you do not know yet. Learn to
tolerate some ambiguity, and direct your attention to the vocabulary you do recognize, not its
form, and just keep reading. Also pay attention to possible loan words from English.
Example: Mo.iKHO roBopHTb c po,D;HTemiMH no HHTepHeTy.
Underline the words you recognize here. How does Anna communicate with her parents in
When answering questions, you can sometimes repeat the new structures from the question, or, if
applicable, use the constructions you already know.
Question: Y po,11;uTeneii ,I(JKoua ecTb co6aKa HJIH KOIIlKa?
new construction
Answer: Y po,11;uTeneii ,I(JKoua ecTb co6aKa.
Y HHX eCTb C06aKa.

Read Anna's blog entries and answer the questions that follow.

10 <t>eopaJIH
CKyqa10 no CBOIIM pOL\IITeJISIM, no cecTpe II 6paTy, no nJ061IMOMY KoTy 2 <l>aHTIIKy. Ho 'miss, 2cat (male)
Y pOAIITeneil ,II,.lKOHa ecTh co6aKa, TOJICTaH ManeHhKaH TaKca Hennii. OHII oqeHb nJ06HT ee.
Ho SI 6onbrne n106JIJO KorneK.
3):1eCb He XO):ISIT aBT06yCbl, n03TOMY y Ka.lK):IOro 3 qJieHa4 CeMbii eCTb Maiiir!Ha. 5I 3aMeTIIJia, 1
every, 4member
CITQ aMepHKaHQbl QqeHb JII06SIT 60Jibiiiiie MaiiiiiHbl (a MO.lKeT 3TO TOJibKO .lKHTeJIII :3TOf0
IIITaTa). Y ,II,.lKoHa ecTh niiKan, y MaifKJia He6oJihlllOif aMepiiKaHCKHil Ll.lKHn, a y Tepecbi
MaJieHbKaH SITIOHCKaH MaiiiHHa. A 51 noKa He BO.lKy 5 MaiiiiiHY. XOTH 6 y MeHH eCTb 5
drive, 'although
poccnilcKIIe BOAHTeJihCKHe npasa , B AMepiiKe Ha):lo 8 HMeTb 9 aMepHKaHCKHe. Ho 3TO 6yAeT 7
driver's license, 'must, 'have
nOTOM, n03.lKe . 111

9 <PeopaJIH
5J CMOTpiO TeJieBH30p (TOJibKO aMepiiKaHCKIIe nepe):laqn), qiiTaiO aMepHKaHCKHe )!(ypHaJibl H
):leHb. HHOr):la H cnyrna10 pa):IIIO. Y MeHH ecTh 6onhrnoif aHrno-pyccKHil
ra3eTbl Ka)!():lbiil "every
CJIOBapb, HO, nO-MOeMy, 6biCTpee HallTII HOBbie CJIOBa B IIHTepHeTe. 5I L\yMaJO, qTQ "faster
Ka.lK):Iblll ):leHb 5I nOHIIMaiO 60Jibiiie II 60Jibiiie.

YpoK 3 (TpeTHii ypoK) 57

9 l}>eopam•

1. AHHa xoqeT HayqHThCSJ (to learn) roBopHTh no-aHmHHCKH CBo6o.JJ:HO? IJoqeMy (why) Bhi TaK .JJ:yMaeTe?

2. KaKo11yHeecnoBapb? ______________________________________________________________

10 l}>eopamt

3. Y AHHhi ecTh 6paThSJ HnH cecTphr? CKonhKO (how many)?-----------------------------------

4, Y Hee B POCCHH eCTb KOT HnH KOIIIKa? ---------------------------------------------------

5. Ypo.JJ:HTene11 J],)I(OHa ecTb co6aKa HnH KOIIIKa? KaKaSJ? --------------------------------

6. AHHa 6onhiiie (more) mo6HT co6aK HnH KOIIIeK? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. Y )J,)I(OHa eCTb MaiiiHHa? ------------------------------------------------------

8. A y ero on~a Ma11Kna? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9. KaKaSI y Tepechr MaiiiHHa? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. Y AHHhi ecTh BO.JJ:HTenhCKHe npaBa? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

28. H3oecTHLte co6aKu. Find out what kind of dogs the following famous people have. Write the
corresponding numbers on the lines.

1. ApHonh.JJ: IIIBapQeHerrep aHfJIHHCKHH ceTTep

2. EpHTHH CnHpc ron)J;eH-peTpHBep

3. Bna,!l;HMHp IlyTHH 11opKIIIHpCKHH Tepbep

4. I13pHc XHmoH na6pa,!1;op-peTpHBep

5. J],MHTpHH Me)J;Be,!l;eB oBqapKa (shepherd)

6. MapHSI lllapanoBa noMepaHQeBhiH IIInHQ

7. )J,HMa DHnaH qHxyaxya 4

CaMbre maMypHbie co6aKH cero)J;HSI - qHxyaxya H noMepaHQeBhiH IIInHQ. Cpe.JJ:H Bna,!l;enhQeB qHxyaxya-
I13pHc XHnToH H EpHTHH CnHpc, a TeHHHCHCTKa MapHSI lllapanoBa - xo3SIHKa noMepaHQa. Ha TPeTheM MecTe
- 11opKIIIHpcKHH Tepbep. Y nonynHpHoro poccHHCKoro apTHCTa J],HMhi nHnaHa ecTh «HopKH» no HMeHH
Tpe11cH. 0.JJ:HH H3 caMhrx H3BeCTHhrx aMepHKaHCKHX Bna,!l;enhQeB «11opKH» - ApHonh.JJ: IIIBapQeHerrep.
QqeHh nonynHpHhi H 6onhiiiHe co6aKH. Y 6biBIIIero npe3H.JJ:eHTa P<l> Bna.JJ:HMHpa IlyTHHa ecTh na6pa,!1;op-
peTpHBep KoHHH Ilonrpeil:B, a y J],MHTpHSI Me.JJ:Be,!l;eBa qeTbrpe co6aKH: oBqapKa,
ron)J;eH-peTPHBep Anb)J;O H )J;Ba aHrnHHCKHX CeTTepa, CeCTPa H 6paT )J,)I(OnH H )J,3HH3nh.

58 YpoK 3 (TpeTuii ypoK)

HMB u «flaMUJIHJI ----------------~----~·-----~---···········---~- .IJ:aTa


~... 1. Numbers. Listen to the numbers 30-50.

30 31 32 40 50

Now write down the numbers you hear.

1. 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12.

2. «liOJILmou npauc-nucT». This is an excerpt from a monthly consumer publication with an English-
sounding name. Today the used car information is read on the radio. Supply the missing year, mileage
(in thousands of kilometers), color, price in thousands of US dollars, and the telephone number for
each car.

MO)J.CJib fO)J. BbiDYCKa npo6er (KM) ll;BeT u;eua$ CIDA TeJiecfJou '

<l>op.n <l>oKyc 20____22_ _lJ_ooo 6eJILiil _l§_ooo 216-_M_-_l!_

Ka,nwnnaK 20_ _ __ooo __ooo 216-_____


EMB 3-cepmi 20_ _ __000 __ooo 225-_____

<l>OJibKCBareH 20_ _ _ _000 __ooo 345-_____


BOJibBO XC90 20_ _ __ooo __ooo 412-_____

-~---~ ~-

YpoK 3 (TpeTHii ypoK) 59

3. qTo TaKoe cqacTLe? Several people were interviewed in St. Petersburg about what makes them happy.
Listen to the interview and write down, in English, as much information about their responses as you can.

First woman: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

First man: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Second woman: --------------------------------------------------------------------

Second man: _______________________________________________________________________

4. )l,nKTaHT. Dictation. You will hear a story twice. On the first hearing, just listen. On the second hearing,
write it down as a dictation. Pause the audio to write down the segments.

60 YpoK 3 (TpeTHH: ypoK)

HMH u <t>aMHJIHJI )],aT a

YpoK 4 (qeToepThiii ypoK)


• Describing Your City, Vocabulary

1. A. KaTeropuu. Arrange the applicable vocabulary on pp. 94 and 95 in your textbook into the
following categories.
1. placestoeat _______________________________________________________________

2. places to sleep -----------------------------------------------------------

3. places to relax ------------------------------------------------------------

4. placestostudy ___________________________________________________________

5. placestodobu~ness ______________________________

6. placestoshop ____________________________________________________________

B. 3To ue)J,aJieKo. It is Not Far. Which places do you have within a kilometer (or a mile) from your
house or apartment?

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTLiii ypoK) 61

• Describing Your City, Vocabulary

2. qTO TaKoe?

A. Describe the following items with an adjective and a noun.

Model: Hilton 3TO 60JibWaB rOCTHHHU,a.

1. UCLA __________________________________________________________

2. The Smithsonian
3. Broadway ______________________________________________________________

4. ~acy's _________________________________________________________________

5. ~cDonald's
6. ~arriott
7. New Orleans
8. Times Square-----------------------------------------------------

9. Central Park ------------------------------------------------------------

10. ~ayo Clinic---------------------------------------------------------

B. Write two more descriptions using well-known establishments in your city, such as parks, stadiums,
cafes, (movie) theaters, etc.

1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Describing Your City, Vocabulary

3. Express your opinion about a city of your choice. Try to spell the name of the city in
llo-MoeMy ...
Russian. Remember that names are spelled the way they are pronounced. Two-part names of cities
are hyphenated.

Model: llo-MoeMy, HbJO-llopK- oqeub uuTepecubiii u Kpacuubiii ropo,11,.


• Describing Your City, Vocabulary

4. MocKOBCKoe MeTpo. Moscow Subway. You are looking for certain establishments in Moscow. At which
subway station would you have to exit in order to find the following places? Write the numbers of the
establishments next to the corresponding stations.
1. Helikon theater 5. Japanese restaurant
2. drugstore 6. grocery store
3. Red Square 7. camera equipment
4. book store 8. department store

__________ ITapTHJancKaH
Mara3HH «Ap6op MyH)l,H»

pecTopaH «IlJiaHeTa CyrnH»

KHHOTeaTp «PO)l,HHa»

arrTeKa «CTaphrll: neKaph»

EayMancKaH u- pecTOpaH «IlHil,Il,a XaT»
Mara3HH cpOTOTeXHHKH «I10H>>

KypcKaH 4-~ Mara3HH IIO)l,apKOB «KpaCHbiH Ky6» I

__________ llJioiii,a)l,h Pesomou,uu 4~- yHHBepMar «fYM»
KpacHa51 IIJIOIIl,a)l,h

Ap6aTcKaH o- TeaTP

CMoJiencKaH 0~ cynepMapKeT «Ce)l,bMOH KOHTHHeHT» I

L YpoK 4 (qeTBepThiH ypoK) 63

• Describing Your City, Vocabulary

5. Travel Plans. Your boss is planning a trip to Moscow and needs to select a hotel. Below is a checklist
of the amenities needed. Find out if hotel Cosmos would meet her requirements. Skim through the ad
(looking for cognates and other words you recognize), and, in order to report back to your boss, jot
down your notes in English on the corresponding lines.
1. places to eat

2. special services for business people

3. entertainment and relaxation

4. TV channels in the room

5. places to buy souvenirs

6. car rental

7. ticket sales

8. proximity to downtown and airport

• 1777 ABYXMeCTHbiX HOMepOB, B TOM "lHCJie • EaHK o6MeHa BaJIIOThi.

60 «JIIOKC» Il «JIIOKC-anapTaMeHT», 4
pecTopaHa, 12 6apos. • ITpoKaT aBTOM06HJie:H, 3aKa3 TaKen.

• Bee AJIH npoBeAeHHH KOHrpeccos, • Eropo opraHH3a~HH 3KcKypcrr:H:.

• TeaTpaJihHaH Kacca.
• EH3Hec-~eHTP c ycJiyraMH: <PaKca,
• ITprreM 19 TeJieBH3HOHHbiX nporpaMM no
cnyTHHKOBOMY TB, a TaK)Ke-rocTHHH"lHhiM • PecTopaHhi c Ha~HOHaJihHhiMH KYXHHMH
KaHan Ka6eJihHoro TB c KHHo<i>HJihMaMH, pa3HbiX CTpaH, YIOTHbie Ka<Pe Il 6apbl,
peKJiaMOM,OfihHBJieHHHMH. ropH"'aH cayHa, 6acce:H:H, Ka3HHO H Macca
Apymx YAOBOJibCTBH:H: H pa3sJie"leHH:H:.

• 15-20 MHHYT AO ~eHTpa ropoAa H 5(}-{)0

MHHYT AO Me)!():lyHapOAHoro a3ponopm
HMH u cpaMHJIHH )],na --·-····~······---·-······~~---··

• 4.1: Personal Pronouns

6. Fill in ou, oua, or ouo.

1. MaMa, r)J,e M051 KHura?- TB051 KHnra? 5I He 3HaiO, r)J,e ______

2. Ceprell, r)J,e MOll M06HJibHuK? - 5I He 3HaiO, r)J,e ______

3. [)J,e MOe IIHCbMO? - 5I He 3HaiO, f)J,e - - - - - - ·

4, 3TO MOll HOBblll TeJieBH30p. oqeHb )J,OpOrOll.

5. [)J,e fOCTHHHIJ;a «KOCMOC»?- TaM, IIp51MO.

6. [)J,e 3)J,eCb 6aHK? - TaM.

7. CKa)KHTe, IIO)KaJiyllcTa, r)J,e 3)J,ech MeTpo?- 3)J,ecb, pSI,!l,OM.

• 4.1: Personal Pronouns

7. BoT ou! When something is really close and tangible, you can use the word BOT (right here) with the
corresponding personal pronoun. Answer the questions according to the model.

Model: [)J,e M051 KHma? BoT oua. It is right here.

1. [)J,e MOll CJIOBapb?

2. f)J,e M051 ra3eTa?

3. Tbi He 3Haeiiib, r)J,e Moll yqe6HuK?

4. f)J,e MOe IIHCbMO?

5. Bbi He 3HaeTe, r)J,e M051 KOIIIKa?

6. [)J,e Moe pa,!l,uo?

• Asking for Directions

8. Addressing People. Remember the informal and formal forms of the word hello in Chapter 1?
Hello! Informal: 3)1,pascTByii! Formal: 3)1,pascTByiiTe!

The above forms are imperatives (command forms). In this lesson, you learn two more imperatives.
Supply the missing forms.

Excuse me! Informal: Hlsuuu Formal: - - - - - -

Say, tell! Informal: _ _ _ _ __ Formal: CKa:IKHTe

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiH ypoK) 65

• Describing Your City; 4.1

9. fopoJJ..
A. Look at the drawing below. Categorize the buildings according to their approximate location in
reference to point X.
1. 3p;eCh pSI)J;OM, CJieBa:

2. 3p;ech pSip;OM, crrpaBa:

3. TaM, cneBa:

4. TaM, crrpaBa:

5. TaM,rrpSIMO
@~ CTaHliHSI MeTponoJIHTeHa
6. Hp;HTe rrpSIMO, a rroToM Haneso:

7. Hp;HTe rrpSIMO, a rroToM Harrpaso: 0 My3ei\

lll TeaTp



0 A I..l,epKOBb

0 CTaiiHOH


0 ~ AmeKa

[±] bOJibHHlla
ill a YHHBepMar

ffi ~ PecTOpaH
----- ....
181 ...
-~- .....




B. Give directions to the following places using the locations in section A.

Model: CKa/KHTe, rro2KanyncTa, rp;e rrot.ITa? 3)J.eCh pH)J.OM, CJieBa.

1. H3BHHHTe, rro2KanyncTa, rp;e My3en? ___________________________

2. CKa2KHTe, rro2KanyH.cTa, MeTpo p;aneKo? _________________________

3. H3BHHHTe,rp;e3p;echcTap;HoH? _______________________________

4. H3BHHHTe, rro2KanyH.cra, rp;e Haxop;HTCSI rocTHHHI.J,a «CJiaBSIHCKaSI»? ______________

5. BwHe3HaeTe,rp;earrTeKa? _________________________________

6. CKa2KHTe, rro2KanyncTa, rp;e pecTOpaH «TponKa»? _____________________

66 YpoK 4 (qeTBepThlii ypoK)

IIMH u <J>aMHJIHH ~aTa ~-~~~~-~~~-~~---~-·-----------------~--- _

C. Now you ask the questions. Ask in different ways, as in section B. Pay attention to the gender of the
pronouns used in the answer (ou, oua, ouo ). In items 4 and 5, supply also the missing second lines.

1. ----------------------------------------------------------
~ YmmepMar? TaM, crrpaBa.

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~ 0Ha TaM, CJieBa.

3. __________________________________________________________
~ OH TaM, rrpSIMO.

4. --------------------------------------------------------~
~ 0Ha 3)J;eCh pSI)J;OM, CJieBa.

~ CrracH6o.

5. ----------------------------------------------------------
~ OH 3p;ech, crrpaBa.

- flO)KaJIYHCTa.

D. Pretend to be a tour guide. You are driving slowly along the main street toward the north. Write a
paragraph explaining what is on the right, on the left, and straight ahead. Include all the buildings
in the illustration and add descriptive adjectives to some items. (Note: Stop at the intersection. Do
not turn left or right.)

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTblil ypoK) 67

• Describing Your City; St. Petersburg

10. 3To CanKT-IIeTep6ypr.

A. During your trip to St. Petersburg, you want to visit the following places. Circle them on the map.
1. The Hermitage art museum 4. Peter the Great's museum in the Summer Garden

2. Alexandrinsky Theater 5. Peter the Great's monument The Bronze Horseman

3. St. Isaac's Cathedral (see museums)



c{2 My3en ... IJaMHTHHKlll 1statues, monuments

13. f OCy):lapCTBeHHbiH 3pMHTa:)K I. OeTpy I «MeAHhiH scaAHHK»
14. rocy):lapCTBeHHb!H PycCKliH My3eH
~ TeaTpbi
16. HcaaKHeBCKHH co6op
I 7. JJ:sopeu:-My3eH OeTpa I H J1eTHHH caA 2. AJieKCaH):IpliHCKIIH TeaTp

0 CnopTHBHbie coopy.lKeHHH
5. 311MHIIH CTa,[lliOH
I. AAMHpa.rneftcTso
3. fOCTIIHblll ):(BOp
liMB u <PaMHJIHJI .IJ:aTa ____,__~--~-

B. Streets can be called in many different ways (avenues, boulevards, embankments, etc.) In addition,
there are bridges, squares, and parks. Examine the St. Petersburg map to answer the following
questions. Write the names in Russian. You can also use an online map for this exercise
( and several other sites).

bridge npocn(eKT) avenue

yn(m.1,a) street ua6(epe)I(Ha51) embankment

1. What is the name of the bridge across the Neva on the right? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. What is the name of the square south of the Hermitage? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. What is the name of the street on the left when you cross the )J,BopiJ,OBhiH MOCT to the north?

4. What is the name of the main (widest) avenue? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. What is the name of the park (garden) where Peter the Great's museum is located?

• Asking for Directions; 4.2, 4.3

11. KaK ualbtBaeTcH :na ynuu,a? Your tour guide is unusually quiet, although he answers all the questions
you ask. Here are his answers. Write your questions. Remember to use the correct form of the
pronoun this (3ToT, 3Ta, 3To). Use the underlined words or the words in parentheses in your questions.

Model: KaK ua3biBaeTcH 3Ta yJinu,a? - 3TO ymma )J,eKa6pHCTOB.

- 3TO 3pMHTa)K. 3TO Ol.J:eHh M3BeCTHbiH My3eH. (3Jf8HHe)

- 3TO )J,BOpl.I,OBaSI IIJIOll!illlh.

- 3TO JleTHHH cap,. (napK)

- 3To HeBcKuH: npocneKT. (yJIHLfa)

- 3TO HcaaKHeBCKHH co6op. (LfepKOBb)

- 3TO «Mep,HbiH BCa)J,HHK». (I18MHTHHK)

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiH ypoK) 69

• St. Petersburg

12. B CanKT-IleTep6ypre. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Add one descriptive adjective to
each sentence. Refer to the map of St. Petersburg and exercise 11 for place names.

1. ~TOTaKOe3pMHTa~?-------------------------------------------------------------

2. ~TOTaKoefleTHHHCa~?-----------------------------------------------------------

3. ~To TaKoe HeBCKHH npocneKT? -----------------------------------------------------

4. ~TOTaKoeHcaaKHeBCKHHC06op? ____________________________________________________

5. ~TO TaKoe «Me~HbiH BCa~HHK»?


• Expressing Location; 4.4

13. A. rt1.e ouu? Where are all these people? Finish the sentences with the location in the correct case. The
preposition ua is given where applicable. Otherwise, use the preposition B.

1. Hropb 9. HaTarna
My3eH napK

2. CepreH 10. Cawa

CTa~HOH (Ha) anTeKa

3. MHTSI 11. Anna

lliKOna YHHBepcHTeT

4. HHHa 12. Bono~sr

noqTa (Ha) 6aHK

5. Hpa 13. flapHca

6H6nHOTeKa TeaTp

6. CnaBa 14. TaHsr

pecTOpaH 6onhHHu;a

7. AH~peH 15. fleHa


8. )J,HMa

B. Where would you most likely find the following people? Finish the sentences with a location of
your choice.
1. TypHCT ___________________________ 4. IIpeno~aBaTenh _______________________

2. CTy~eHT ___________________________ 5. ¢yT60nHCT ___________________________

3. AKTep ____________________________
IIMH u <IJaMHJIHH ~aTa ~~-~~~~-~~···~·················-·----~-----

• Expressing Location; 4.4

14. B IIuTepe. Supply the missing locations in the correct form. Remember that the prepositional case for
feminines ending in a soft sign is -u, not -e.

1. f)J,e HaXO)J,MTCSI Mara3MH «)],Mop»? «fOCTMHbiM )J,BOp».


2. [)J,e HaXO)J,MTCSI peCTOpaH «TpoifKa»? «ACTOpMSI».


3. f,IJ,e Haxo)J,MTCSI PyccKMM My3eif? HcKyccTB.


4. f)J,e HaXO)J,MTCSI IIO'ITa? forOJISI.

ynM:u;a (Ha)

5. f,IJ,e Haxo)J,MTCSI AneKcaH,!l,pMHCKMM TeaTp? OcTpoBcKoro.


• Expressing Location; 4.4

15. f,IJ,e 3TH TypucTbr? Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Model: f,IJ,e HnHa? (MocKBa) Oua B MocKse.

1. f,IJ,eCepreH:?(flOH)J,OH) ________________________________________________________

2. f,IJ,eHaTarna?(Hbro-HopK) ______________________________________________________

3. f,IJ,e Mnrna? (floc-AH,iJ,)I(eJiec) -----------------------------------------------------

4. f,IJ,eMarna?(TiapH)I() _______________________________________________________

5. f)J,e)l,)I(OH?(MOCKBa) ___________________________________________________________

6. f,IJ,eTaHSI?()l,aJIJiac) __________________________________________________________

7. f,IJ,e MaKCHM? (O,!J,ecca) ---------------------------------------------------------

8. f,IJ,eXyaH?(Ma,!l,pii,!l,) _______________________________________________________

9. f)J,e flHH,iJ,a? (CaHKT-TieTep6ypr) ---------------------------------------------------

10. your question and answer --------------------------------------------------------

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiii ypoK) 71

• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.5

16. Co6aKu u KOmKu.

A. Write the corresponding plural forms of the following nouns.

masculines: masculines:

pecTopaH 6aHK

Mara3HH napK

KllHOTeaTp yHnsepMar

TeaTp My3eil

CTa)J;HOH feminines:

yHnsepcnTeT KHHra

CTyp;eHT anTeKa

TeJieBH30p 6H6JIHOTeKa

TeJie<lJoH co6aKa

BeJIOCHllep; Teni

feminines: ));51)],51

IIIKOJia masc. & fern. -b:

6oJibHHI.J,a CJIOBapb

MaiiiHHa nJI o map,b

ra3eTa neuters:

yJini.J,a llllCbMO

fOCTHHHI.J,a 3,IJ;aHne
HMs u «J>aMHJIHB .IJ:na --~···-·-----.......__....... --·-··..-·-----

B. Write the missing singulars or plurals.

singular plural singular plural

KHHfa )KYPHaJihi


MaiiiHHhl poMaH

TeJieBH30phl ra3eThi


6a6yiiiKH JIOIIIa)J;h



aKTep KOMII03HT0phl

6arrepHHhi 3)J;aHHe

• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.5

17. B ropo~e. Write the legends for the symbols using the plural forms.

0 (museums)
~ (restaurants)

ill (theaters) I (hotels)

JE (cinemas) ~ (pharmacies)

IV (libraries)
[II (hospitals)

A (churches) a (department stores)

0 (stadiums)

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiii ypoK) 73

• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.6

18. Fill in the missing forms of the adjectives.

masculine feminine neuter plural

KpacimaSI KpaCHBOe







MaJieHhKaSI MaJieHhKHe







• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.5, 4.6

19. Ea1ap. Bazaar.

A. Supply the missing plural endings (adjectives and nouns) in the items you found at the bazaar.

1. MaJieHhK._ _ _ CHMIIaTHqH_ _ _ KOUIKH H CTaphie pyccK_ _ _ TeJieBH30p_ __

2. HHTepeCH_ _ _ aHrJIHHCK_ _ _ KHHfH H CTap_ _ _ )l(eJITbie ra3eT _ __

3. HOB. _ _ _ aMepHKaHCK._ _ _ KOMIIbiOTepbi H XOpOUI _ _ _ SIIIOHCKHe_ _ _ BH)J,eOKaMepbi

4. 60Jiblll_ _ _ KpaCHB _ _ _ C06aKH H CTaphie SIIIOHCK_ _ _ MOTOU,HKJI_ __

5. HOBbie )J,Opor_ _ _ MaUIHH_ _ _ H CTap _ _ _ pyCCK_ _ _ BeJIOCHIIe)J,hl

6. HHTepeCH_ _ _ pyccKHe pOMaH _ _ _ H CTap_ _ _ aMepHKaHCK_ _ _ )l(ypHaJibl

HMH u <flaMHJIHH .D:aTa ··---~-----~-~~-

B. Advertise your sale stand. Write a sign for five items in the plural. Describe each item with one

Model: }lnoucKue Teneou3opbi

C. qTo y oac ecTb? Now you are at somebody else's sale stand. You are looking for some specific
items. Write four dialogues according to the model.

Model: Y oac ecTb »noucKue TeneouJopbi? - HeT, uo y uac ecTb aMepuKaHCKHe TeJieou3opbi.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


3. ---------------------------------------------------------

4, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.5, 4.6

20. Advertise your city by making a descriptive list of tourist sights with the vocabulary given. Use two
adjectives for each of the five nouns.

Model: Y uac ecTb KpacnBbie, 3eJieHbie napKu ...

6onhiiiOH KpaCMBhiH HOBhill 6n6nMOTeKa

,D,oporo:li MaJieHhKMH CTaphiH 3,D,aHne

• Describing Things in the Plural; 4.7

21. Review the table below. Then supply the missing possessive and demonstrative pronouns in the
sentences in the plural.

singular plural singular plural singular plural

MOH!Mosr/Moe MOM Haiii/Haiiia/Haiiie HaiiiM qell/%sr/qhe qhM

TBo:li/TBosr!TBoe TBOM Baiii/Baiiia/Baiiie BaiiiM 3TOT/3Ta/3TO 3TH


ero ero MX MX

ee ee

1. _____ (Whose) 3TO .JKYPHaJihr? 3To _ _ _ _ _ (your, sg.) .JKYPHaJihi?- HeT, 3To He

- - - - - (my) .JKypHaJihi, 3TO _ _ _ _ _ (his) .JKypHaJibi.

2. CKa.JKnTe, no.JKany:licTa, y Bac ecTh HeMeu,Kne ra3eTbr?- ,II,a, eCTh. _ _ _ _ _ (These) ra3eThi

HeMeu,Kne, a _ _ _ _ _ (those)- cppaHu,y3cKMe.

3. Annan JleHa, 3TO _ _ _ _ _ (your) KOIIIKH?- HeT, He _ _ _ _ _ (ours).

-A Bbl He 3HaeTe, -----(whose) 3TO KOIIIKM?- 3TO He _ _ _ _ _ (your) KOIIIKII?- HeT,

KOHeqHo He _ _ _ _ _ (mine). BoT TaHsr. Mo.JKeT 6hiTh 3TO _ _ _ _ _ (her) KOIIIKH.

4. KaKMe KpaciiBhre co6aKII! 3To _ _ _ _ _ (your, formal) co6aKM?- ,II,a, _ _ _ _ _ (mine).

HMH H lj>aMHJIHH )],na

• Moscow

22. MocKoa. Read the text on p. 102 in your textbook and answer the questions in complete sentences.
You may also consult the map of Moscow on p. 103, if necessary.
1. MocKBa - 3TO HOBhiii ropo)J,?

2. KaK Ha3hiBaeTC51 H3BeCTHaH rrnorn;a)J,b B MocKse?

3. KaKne 3)J,aHH51 Haxo)J,HTCH B KpeMne?

4. l.JTO TaKoe XpaM BacHJIHH Ena1KeHHoro?

5. KaK Ha3hiBaeTCH 6oJihiiioe KpacHoe 3)J,aHne Ha KpacHoil: rrnorn;a)J,n?

6. l.JTO TaKoe fYM?

7. EoJibiiiOil: TeaTp Haxo)J,HTCH )J,aJieKo oT KpacHoil: rrnorn;a)J,n?

• The Verb >KIIITb

23. )KuTb (to live) is a first conjugation verb with the stress on the endings. Supply the missing forms.

5l Mbl

Tbl Bbl


YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiii ypoK) 77

• Describing Your House
24. Supply the corresponding locations. Pay attention to the correct preposition.





• Describing Your House; The Verb >KI1Tb

25. Write complete sentences according to the model.

Model: HI )J,OM H .IKHBY o .u.oMe.

1. OHaiKBapTHpa ____________________________________________________________________

2. Mhi I o6rn;e)KHTHe ------------------------------------------------------------------

3. swi)J,aqa ________________________________________________________________________

4. MOHpO)J,HTenHIKBapTHpa ____________________________________________________________

5. Tbl I )J,OM -------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. HIKBapTHpa ______________________________________________________________________

7, 3THCTy)J,eHThli06IIJ;e)KHTHe __________________________________________________________

8. CepreHI)J,aqa __________________________________________________________________
HMH H l}laMHJIHH ~----~--~~ ---------~--------~~--~------------------------ ~aTa ___________ ---------~--- _______ _

• Describing Your House; The Verb >KMTb

26. Write the corresponding questions. Pay attention to the word order in the questions.
Model: Mbi )IUIBeM B KBapmpe. r,ll,e Bbl JKHBeTe?
(pronoun + verb)
Mow p;py3hSI )KHBYT Ha p;aqe. r,ll,e JKHBYT oarnu llpy3MI?
(verb +noun I noun phrase)
1. Mow pop;HTeJIH )KHBYT Ha p;aqe.

2. MoSI ceCTpa )KHBeT B KBapTwpe.

3. Mow P:PY3hSI )KHBYT B p;oMe.

4. Harna 6a6yrnKa )fmBeT Ha p;aqe.

5. 5I )KHBY B 06IIJ,e)KHTHH.

6. Mbi )KHBeM B p;oMe.

7. 0HH )KHBYT B KBapTHpe.

8. 3TH CTyp;eHThi )KHBYT B 06IIJ,e)KHTHH.

• The Verb >KMTb

27. A Bbi? Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. fp;eBbl)KHBeTe? ___________________________________________________________________

2. BarnH pop;HTeJIH )KHBYT B p;oMe HJIH B KBapmpe?

3. A BaiiiH 6paThSI H ceCTpbi?

• Describing Your House or Apartment

28. KaTeropuu. Write the corresponding Russian words in the blanks.


wall balcony dining room

door bedroom kitchen

floor bathroom garage

ceiling toilet

window living room

- I

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiii ypoK) 79
•Word Order

29. Word Order in Question/Answer Pairs. Read this carefully before proceeding to the exercise. Typically,
a response starts with the "given" information from the corresponding question and ends with the
"new" information. Compare the following question/answer pairs and note that the English word
order does not differentiate between the two types of answers.

f)J,e Jie)KHT KOWKa? KomKa Jie)KHT ua JJ,HBaHe. (new information)

Where is the cat lying? The cat is lying on the sofa.
Kro Jie)KHT ua )J,HBaue? Ha )J,HBaue Jie)KHT KOIIIKa. (new information)
Who is lying on the sofa? The cat is lying on the sofa.
Note on subject/verb agreement: The question words KTO and 'ITO are singular and, therefore, the
question verb is also in the singular form. If the subject in the answer is plural, the verb will also be
in the plural.


What is there on the floor? There are a table, chair, and TV on the floor.

'ho Jie)KHT ua )J,HBaue? Ha )J,HBaHe Jie)KaT )KYPHaJihi.

What is there (lying) on the sofa? There are magazines (lying) on the sofa.
Now answer the questions in complete sentences based on the two pictures. Remember to start your
response with the old information.


Picture 1.
1. f)J,eBHCHTKOBep? _______________________________________________________________

2, ~TOCTOHTHaiiOJiy? ______________________________________________________________

3, ~TOJie)KHTHaiiOJiy? _____________________________________________________________

Picture 2.
1. ~TO BHCHT Ha CTeHe? -------------------------------------------------------------

2, f)J,e Jie)KaT KHHfH?

3, f)J,eCTOHTIIIKa¢? ________________________________________________________________
IIMJI u «t>aMHJIUJI )l,na -------~-------

• Describing Your House or Apartment

30. rt1.e xusyT MaKCHM u Cepreu? Maksim and Sergei are exchange students from Russia. Read
Maksim's description of their apartment and fill in the missing information.

5I )KMBY B KBapTHpe, He,JJ,aJieKo oT yHMBepcHTeTa. PH,JJ,OM ecTh (good

stores), pecTOpaHbi M Ka<fJe. (My apartment) Ha BTopoM :na)Ke. 3TO

HOBaH, XOpornaH KBapTHpa. 0KHa B KBapTHpe (big), ITOTOJIKM BbiCOKMe.

BoT (our kitchen). A 3TO 6onhrnaH KOMHaTa. 3,JJ,ech

yHac ~ofa)H ________________________

(arm-chair). (On the wall) BHCHT 60Jibli10H, HOBbiH

TeJieBH30p. (On the balcony) y HaC MaJieHhKHH CTOJI H

______________ (chair). 5I mo6mo CH,JJ,eTh Ha 6aJIKOHe H qHTaTh.

A 3TO (my bedroom). (On the

right) CTOHT llHChMeHHbiH CTOJI H CTyJI, a CJieBa (my bed). Ha CTeHe

BHCHT (book shelves).

A 3TO BTopaH cnaJihHH. 3,JJ,ech (lives) MOM ,ll,pyr Cepreif.

• Describing Your House or Apartment

31. Using Maksim's story as a model, write a similar story about your accommodations.

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiil ypoK) 81

• Chapter Review

32. Situations. How would you do the following in Russian?

1. Ask politely for directions to the post office.

2. Give a person directions to Hotel Kosmos.

3. Thank a person and respond to a thank you.

4. Ask politely if Hotel Kosmos is far.

5. Point to a park and inquire about its name.

6. Tell your friend Sasha where your roommate is.

7. Ask a bookseller if they have American newspapers.

8. Ask Anna lvanovna if she has a big apartment.

l 82 YpoK 4 ('lOTsipTMH ypoK)

HMH u «PaMHJIHH ···-· ··-·-·--·--·--·---------··--·-···---- .IJ:aTa ---------··--·-·····----·---·--------····---··-------

• Chapter Review

33. Interview. Interview your new friend Larisa. Find out...

1. if she lives in a dorm. --------------------------------------------------------------

2. if her dorm is far. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. if the dorm is new. --------------------------------------------------------------

4. where her parents live. -----------------------------------------------------------

5. if she has a brother. ---------------------------------------------------------

6. if her brother also lives in an apartment.--------------------------------------------

7. if his apartment is big.--------------------------------------------------------

8. where his apartment is located. ---------------------------------------------------

9. if her grandparents live at a dacha. ----------------------------------------------

10. if they have a big dacha.-------------------------------------------------

• Chapter Review

34. B MocKne unu o CauKT-lleTep6ypre? Where are the following tourist sights located?
Write M for Moscow and C for St. Petersburg on the lines next to the items.

1. 3pMHTa)K 8. bOJihiiiOH TeaTp

2. fYM 9. HcaaKHeBCKHH co6op

3. HcTopHqecKHH My3eii 10. KpacHaH nnmu;a.D;h

4. KpeMJih 11. JleTHHH Ca.D;

5. HescKHH npocneKT 12. IlaMHTHHK IleTpy I

6. PyccKHH My3eii 13. TsepcKaH ynH.u;a

7. XpaM BacHJIHH EJia)KeHHoro

• Chapter Review - Extra

35. Moil yuuoepcuTeT. Using Listening exercise 2 on p. 85 as an example, give a Russian visitor a tour of
your university campus and the surroundings. Explain what is on the right, on the left, and straight
ahead. Use several nouns and adjectives in the plural. Write the script and then make an audio
recording, according to your teacher's instructions.

• Chapter Review - Extra

36. C,!J,aM KBapTupy. Apartments for Rent. You are going to Moscow for six months. Find yourself an
apartment to rent. Use the title of this exercise as a search phrase (also c.D;aTh) on Russian search
engines, such as Print out your selection and bring it to class.

...... YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiH ypoK) 83

37. EJior Au ubi CTenauuuou. Read Anna's blog and answer the questions that follow.

16 f!JeBpaJIH
MHe HpaBHTClii aMepHKaHCKHe ,!.(OMa TeM, 'ITO H3 Ka:lK,!.(OH CTiaiibHH eCTb Bb!XO,!.( B 1 like
CBOIO BaHHYIO KOMHaTy H TyaiieT. B pOCCHHCKHX ,!.(OMaX 06hi'IH0 2 TOJibKO O,!.(HH 'usually
TyaiieT H BaHHali Ha BCeX. 0 rap,!.(epo6HOH 3 5I HHK0f,!.(a 4 H He Me'ITaiia 5, B MOeH 3
walk·in closet, 4never, 5d1
KBapTHpe B 3JiaToycTe ,!.(a)J(e KYXHH 6hma MeHhiiie 6 , 'leM 3TH rap,!.(epo6Hbie. 'smaller

15 f!JeBpaJIH
MHe HpaBHTCH MOll KOMHaTa. 0Ha o'leHh 6oJibiiiaH H cBeTJiaH. B Hew ecTh
7 8 9 'dresser, 'clothes, 'are kep
KpOBaTh, CTOJI, KOMO,!.( H TeJieBH30p. lliKa<Pa HeT. 0,1.(e)J(,!.(y 3,1.(eCh xpaHHT
B CTieU,HaiibHb!X KOMHaTaX- rap,!.(epo6Hb!X . Ha CTeHaX BHCHT KapTHHbl. 10
walk-in closets

13 f!JeBpaJIJI
)],OM pO,!.(HTeJieil: )J,)J(OHa 60JibiiiOH, a eCJIH cpaBHHBaTb C II ,!.(OMOM MOHX compared with
pO,!.(HTeJieil: B POCCHH, TO OH 0'-JEHb 60JibiiiOH. IlO-MOeMy, 3TO KaK 60JibiiiOH
MyJeil:. B ,!.(OMe TPH cnaiihHH, Ka6HHeT, TPH BaHHhiX KOMHaThi, KYXHH, rocTHHaH,
,!.(Be CTOJIOBhiX (MaiieHhKaH ,!.(Jill ceMhH H 6oJihiiiaH ,!.(Jill rocTeil:). KyxHH 6oJihiiiaH
H CBeTJiaH, B HeH O'leHb y,!.(06HO fOTOBHTb.

13 «}>eopamr
1. Y po,D,uTeneu AHHhi ecTh ,D,OM HJIH KBapmpa?

2. B ,D,OMe po,D,HTeneH: ,U)KoHa TpH cnanhHH HJIH 'leTbrpe cnaJihHH?

15 «}>eopaJIH
3. B KOMHaTe AHHhi eCTh (check all that apply) KOMO,!.( _ __ IIIKacp _ __

KYXHH ____ TeJieBH3op _ __

KapTHHbi _ __

16 «}>eopamr (,D,a HJIH neT?)

4. B pyccKHX KBapTHpax/,D,oMax o6hi'IHO TOJihKO O,D,HH TyaneT If saHHaH. _ __

5. KyxHSI AHHhi B ropo,D,e 3naToycTe 6oJibiiie, qeM rap,D,epo6Hhie B ,D,OMe ,U)KOHa. _ __

HMH H <}>aMHJIHH .il:aTa ----------·-----------------~-----

1. CKa)KHTe, DO)KaJiyiicTa ... Listen to the directions to the following places. Then write the corresponding
numbers from the map on the lines next to the places. Before you start, look at the map and the names
of the streets.

:§~e~ I.E
~ 0 :0::
yJI, Kn:posa o:l
Iii t::
I s I I~ ~
. ;>, yJI. Pa3n:Ha ;>,

6H6JUIOTeKa ~I I 3 I I LiJ

2. Ham yuusepcuTeT. Listen to Anna describe her campus to her friend Volodya and supply the missing
vocabulary items in the conversation.

Anna: 3Ta ynnu;a Ha3hiBaeTCSI YnnBepcnTeTcKaSI . CneBa 6oJihiiiOH,

___________ napK. TaM, cnpaBa, 6aHK, , ManeHhKne

___________ , pecTOpanhr n Ka¢e. A TaM, cnpaBa.

A 6oJihiiiHe 3,1l;aHHSI cnpaBa ~ 3TO naiiiero

ynnBepcnTeTa. TaM, cnpaBa, noBaSI 6n6nnoTeKa, a cTapaSI 6n6nnoTeKa

-----------TaM, llpSIMO.

Bono,n;SJ: A KaK na3hiBaeTCSI 3Ta ?

Anna: 3To YnnBepcnTeTCKaSI nnoru;a,n;h. A 3TO naiiia cTapaSI u;epKOBh. A TaM, ___________ ,

Haiii ____________

Bono,n;SJ: 3To HOBhiH cTa,n;non?

Anna: )J,a, HOBhiH n xopoiiinil. TaM, , My3eil.

Bono,n;SJ: ___________ 3TO My3eil? KaK on na3hiBaeTcSI?

Anna: 3TO ropo,n;cKoil My3eil. A TaM, cnpaBa, KBapTHphi. TaM cTy,n;eHThi.

Bono,n;SJ: KaKne 3,n;annSJ!

Anna: Cnacn6o. A BOT 3,n;ech naiiin HOBbie___________ .

Bono,n;SJ: A Mara3HHhi ?

YpoK 4 (qeTBepTbiii ypoK) 85

AHHa: HeT, He,n:arreKo. TaM, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 6oJihiiiOH Mara3HH, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

TaM, CJieBa.

Bono,n:SI: A r,n:e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

AHHa: 0Ha TaM, npHMO. A 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,r:t:aHHe npHMO - Haiiia HOBaSI

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A3TOHaiii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. r,n:e Bbi xuoeTe? Listen to the interview of Marina, Valeri, and Elena. Find out where each one of
them lives. Fill in the grid by writing the correct letter (a, b, or c) in each box.

Marina Valeri Elena

1. Location a. almost center b. center c. suburb

2. Type of housing a. apartment b. dormitory

3. Number of rooms, a. one b. two c. three

not including kitchen,
bath, etc.
4. Size of rooms a. small b. medium c. large

5. Age of building a. old b. medium c. new

4. Haiiia rocTuuas. Listen to Natasha describe her living room. Draw the furniture and other items in
their appropriate places. Use arrows and text to indicate the location of hard-to-draw items.

)],aTa ----~--~--~--------------~-------- -----------~-


• Geographical Terminology
1. IIonnTnqecKas reorpalj>us. Label the following places with the categories given.

KOHTHHeHT CTpaHa IIITaT ropo,!l,

1. A3H51 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. MocKsa

2. KanH<PopHHSI __________________ 7. A<PpHKa

3. KaHa)J,a _______________ 8. IO)KHaH AMepHKa

4. MeKCHKa ______________________~ 9. CiliA

5. MHHHecoTa ______________________ 10. TopoHTO

• Geographical Terminology; 5.1

2. qTO TaKoe ... ?Describe the locations with an adjective of your choice. Do not forget the prepositional
case endings. Pay special attention to place names ending in -us.

Model: MoHpeanh I KaHa)J,a 3To 6onbmoit ropoJJ, B KauaJJ,e.

1. AnHcKa I CiliA

2. MocKsa I PoccHH

3. repMaHHSII Espona

4. ,Uannac I Texac

5. OKJiaxoMa I AMepHKa

6. TopoHTO I KaHa)J,a

7. MapoKKO I A<l>pHKa


YpoK 5 (IIHTbiH ypoK) 87

• Geographical Terminology

3. Cllu3uqecKaH reorpa4>us. Write the following labels on the map on the appropriate lines.

rophi OCTpOB rronyocTpoB

Mope 03epo peKa



• Geographical Terminology

4. Mope HJIH oKeau? Supply the missing geographical terms in the following locations. Note that some
nouns need to be in the plural form.
1. AMa30HKa 6. KapH6cKoe

2. CKaJIHCThie (Rocky) 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3pH

3. ATIIaHTHqecKHH 8. KaHapcKHe(Canary)

4. EaraMCKHe (Bahamas) 9. __________ PHo-fpaH)J,e

5. THXHH (Pacific) 10. __________ IOKaTaH

88 YpoK 5 (IIHTbiH ypoK)

liMB H «flaMHJIHSI )],na --------------~------ --~------

• Geographical Terminology

5. Eonbmou unu ManeubKuii? Describe the drawings with the following adjectives. Remember to use the
correct gender.

6oJihiiiOH MaJieHhKHH rny6oKHH Herny6oKHH BbiCOKHH HH3KHH

Model: 3To 6onhmas peKa.


• Geographical Terminology; 5.1

6. qTo TaKoe? Answer the questions using one descriptive adjective from exercise 5 for each sentence.

Model: l.JTo TaKoe HHn? (peKa I A¢pHKa) 3To 6oJILmas peKa o A<t>puKe.

1. l.JTo TaKoe AMa30HKa? (peKa I Epa3HJIHSI)

2. l.JTO TaKoe 3BepecT? (ropa I A3Hsr)

3. l.JTo TaKoe MHccHcmm? (peKa I AMepHKa)

4. l.JTO TaKoe 3pH? (03epo I CIIIA H KaHa,I.J,a)

5. l.JTo TaKoe ArrrranaqH? (ropbi I AMepHKa)

.._ YpoK 5 (IIHTblii ypoK) 89

• Points of the Compass

7. KoMnac. Supply the missing points of the compass.

• Expressing Location; 5.1

8. Ha 10re HJIH ua ceoepe? Where are the following states located? Use all eight points of the compass
in the prepositional case form.
ua ceoepe
1. MHHHecoTa 5. <l>nopH,!l,a

2. OperoH 6. CeBepHa51 KaponHHa

3. BepMOHT 7. HeBa)J,a

4. JlyH3HaHa 8. Hhio-MeKCHKO

• Expressing Location; 5.1

9. r11,e uaxo)J,HTCH 3TH ropo11,a? Match the following states or countries with the cities and write them in
the spaces provided in the prepositional case.

)J,)KOp,!l,)KH51 JlyH3HaHa HeBa)J,a Texac

KanmpopHH51 MeKCHKa OKJiaxoMa <l>nopH,!l,a

ATnaHTa B )1,)KOp11,.1KHH 0KJiaXOMa-CHTH

Jlac-Berac CaH-<I>paHIJ,HCKO


MHHHeano;mc TopoHTO

c--------" -
HoBhiM OpneaH MOM ropo,!l,

l 90 Ypo.S (ll••wH ypo•)

HMH u lJ>aMHJIHH )l,aTa ~~,~~------,,-,_~-,--~--~~~,~,--,·------

• Making Comparisons; 5.2

10. Eonbme unu Meubme? Answer the questions in complete sentences according to the model.

Model: KaKoll: ropo,LI, 6oJihiiie: Hbw-HopK 6onbme, lfeM CaKpaMenTo.

HhiO-HopK unn CaKpaMeHTo?

1. KaKoll: ropo,LI, MeHhiiie: HhiO-HopK HJIH CaKpaMeHTo?

2. KaKasr CTpaHa 6oJihiiie: Poccnsr HJIH MeKCHKa?

3. KaK rro-BaiiieMy, KaKoll: ropo,LI, KpacnBee: BaiiiHHrToH nnn ,Uannac?

4. KaKasr peKa ,LI,JIHHHee: Mnccncmm HJIH Pno-fpaH,LI,e?

5. KaKne rophr Bhiiiie: CKaJIHCThie rophr (Rockies) HJIH Arrrrana1m?

6. KaKasr peKa Kopoqe: fy,LI,30H (Hudson) nnn Mnccncnrrn?

7. KaKne rophi HH)Ke: Arrrranaqn HJIH CKaJIHCThie rophr?

8. KaK rro-BaiiieMy, KaKoll: ropo,LI, nyqiiJe: EocTOH HJIH '-InKaro?

• Making Comparisons; 5.2

11. KaK Bbi ,LI,yMaeTe ... ? Write questions according to the model. Use an adjective of your choice.

Model: Hhro-HopK I ,Uannac KaKou ropo,LI, HHTepecuee: Hbw-HopK HJIH ,II,annac?

1. Hhro-HopK I MocKBa

2. KanmpopHHSI I MoHTaHa

3. Poccnsr I CiliA

YpoK 5 (IlHTbiH ypoK) 91


• Making Comparisons; 5.2

12. Mos Mamuua 6oJibme, qeM TBOH Mamuua. Children often compare their possessions with those of their
friends. Write statements bragging about the superiority of your possessions or relatives, as in the title
of this exercise, using the comparatives given.

~me KpaCHBee HHTepecHee 6oJihiiie





• Making Comparisons; 5.3

13. CaMoe 6oJibmoe Jt~,auue B MocKBe. Your tour guide is explaining what landmarks are the biggest, the
most famous, the oldest, etc. in Moscow, Russia, and the world. Supply the missing words in the correct
caMas 6oJibmas B Mnpe
1. PoccHSI-3TO-----------------------------------CTPaHa----------~--------
6onhiiiOil: MHp

2. X paM BacHJIHSI En<UKeHHoro - 3TO ---------------------------------- 11epKOBh


MocKs a

3. MocKsa- 3TO ----------------------------------- ropop; ____________________

6oJihiiiOH PoccHSI

4. EoJihiiioil: TeaTp- 3TO ----------------------------------- TeaTp ____________________


5. fYM-3TO-----------------------------------YHHBepMaf ____________________

6. KpaCHaSI nno~ap;h - ----------------------------------- nno~ap;b -------------------


7. )J,sope11 Cbe3p;OB- 3TO ----------------------------------- 3)J;aHHe -------------------

HOB hiM KpeMJih

8. TpeThSIKOBCKaSI ranepeSI - 3TO ----------------------------------- My3eil:



~ 92 Ypo• 5 (ll•TWH ypo•)

JlMH H lJ>aMHJIHH ____ ------------------------- __ _ ~aTa -~~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~-~

• Making Comparisons; 5.3

14. CaMbiii 6oJihmoii ropo)J, o AMepuKe. Write five statements of opinion or fact about some landmarks in
the United States, as in exercise 13.






• Making Comparisons; 5.2, 5.3

15. CaMoe 6onbmoe B Mope.

A. Look at the chart and answer the questions in complete sentences.

CaMbie 6onbmue 03epa CaMbie 6oJibmue MOPJI CaM&Ie )J,JIHHH&Ie peKu

1. Kacrmll:cKoe Mope (EBporra- 1. IO)KHO-KHTall:cKoe Mope 1. HHJI (AcppHKa)

A3H5I) 2. KapH6cKoe Mope 2. AMa30HKa (IO)KHa5I AMepHKa)
2. 03epo BepxHee (CeBepHa5I 3. Cpe,D,H3eMHoe Mope 3. '-laHQ35IH (KHTall:)
3. BHKTOpH5I (AcppHKa) AMepHKa)

CaMbie 6on&mue oCTpooa CaM&Ie 6on&mue KOHTHHeHT&I CaM&Ie BbiCOKHe ropbl

1. fpeHJiaH,IJ,H5I 1. A3H5I 1. 3BepecT (A3H5I)

2. HoBa5I fBHHe5I 2. Ac);>pHKa 2. AKOHKarya (JO)KHa5I
3. EopHeo 3. CeBepHa5I AMepHKa AMepHKa)
4. Ma,IJ,aracKap (Ac);>pHKa) 4. IO)KHa5I AMepHKa 3. MaK-KHHJIH (CeBepHa5I
4. KHJIHMaH,IJ,)Kapo (AcppHKa)

1. KaKoe 03epo 6oJihiiie: o3epo BepxHee HJIH BHKTOpH5I?

2. f,IJ,e Haxo,IJ,HTC5I 03epo BHKTopH5I?

3. KaK Ha3hmaeTC5I caMoe 6oJihiiioe Mope B MHpe?

YpoK 5 (IIHThiii ypoK) 93

4. t.ITo TaKoe HHn?

5. KaKa51 peKa ,Ll;JIHHHee: AMa30HKa HJIH MHccHcmm?

6. tfTO TaKOe fpeHJiaH,[(H51?

7. KaKoH: ocTpoB MeHhrne: EopHeo HJIH Ma,L~;aracKap?

8. f,L~;e HaXO,Ll;HTC51 Ma,L~;aracKap?

9. KaKoH: KOHTHHCHT 6onhwe: CeBepHa51 HJIH IO)KHa51 AMepHKa?

10. KaKa51 ropa Bhrwe: MaK-KHHJIH HJIH KHJIHMaH,Ll;)Kapo?

11. 11To TaKoe 3BepecT?

12. 11To TaKoe KacrmH:cKoe Mope?

B. Write four more questions about the chart using the following comparatives.

MCHbWC 6onhwe





94 YpoK 5 (llHTbiH ypoK)

HMR H <}>aMHJIHR ~aTa ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~

• Physical Geography; Russia

16. <l>H3HlfecKaH KapTa Poccuu.

A. Match the following places with the numbers on the map. Consult the larger map at the front of
your textbook, if necessary.

AMyp ~~~ KaMqaTKa _ _ _ JleHa ~--Caxamm

___ Eaiixarr _ _ _ KacrmH:cKoe Mope _ _ _ HoBaSI 3eMJISI _ _ _ THxHH: oKeaH

_ _ _ BoJira _ _ _ Jle,n:OBHThiH OKeaH _ _ _ 06h _ _ _ qepHoe Mope

_ _ _ EHHCeH

B. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Remember to begin your sentences with the "old
1. f,n:e HaXO):(HTCSI Jle,n:OBHThiH OKeaH: Ha CeBepe HJIH Ha IOre?

2. KaK Ha3hmaeTcSI caMhiH 6oJihiiiOH ocTpoB BJle,n:oBHTOM oKeaHe?

3. KaKHe 6oJihiiiHe peKH Haxo,n:SITCSI B CH6HpH?

4. KaK Ha3hmaeTcSI caMhiH 6oJihiiiOH ocTpoB B THxoM oKeaHe?

YpoK 5 (IIRTbiH ypoK) 95


6. KaKaSI 6onhiiiaSI peKa Brrap,aeT (flows) B KacmiUCKoe Mope?

7. B KaKou oKeaH Brrap,aeT peKa AMyp: B Tnxnu oKeaH nnn B Jlep,oBHThiU oKeaH?

• Physical Geography; Russia

17. qTo TaKoe? Describe each of the following with an appropriate adjective and a location (in the south,
in the north, etc.).

Model: AMyp 3TO 60JibWaJI peKa ua BOCTOKe.

1. KawraTKa

2. JleHa

3. KaBKa3

4. EauKan

5. HoBaSI 3eMJ1SI

• Geography of Europe; 5.1, 5.4

18. CTpaubi u CTOJIHII,bi. Countries and Capitals.

A. Give short answers to the questions by mentioning the location only, e.g., BAHmnn.

1. B KaKou CTpaHe Haxop,HTCSI Ilapn)K? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. B KaKou cTpaHe Haxop,HTCSI PnM? ___________________________

B. Now you write the questions as in section A.

1. --------------------------------------------------------------------
- B HcrraHnn.

- B AHrJlHH.

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------
- B repMaHHH.

96 YpoK 5 (IIBTbiH ypoK)

HMH u «fJaMHJIHH )],aTa ---------·-·------··-·-----·---------------- ····---··--·----

• Geography of Europe and the World; 5.1, 5.4

19. .H3biKH u cTpanbi.Languages and Countries. Answer the questions. A list of possible countries is given
below. Pay attention to the word order in your answers.


1. B KaKoli cTpaue roBopSIT rro-¢pauu;y3cKu?
Ilo-«t>pauu,y3cKu ro8op.HT 8 ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. B KaKoli CTpaue roBopSIT rro-ucrraucKu?

3. B KaKoli CTpaue roBopSIT rro-ueMeu;Ku?

4. B KaKoli CTpaue roBopSIT rro-aumulicKu?

• Former Soviet Republics (Textbook p. 135)

20. Eb18111HH CCCP. The Former USSR.

A. Arrange the former republics in categories according to their location. Consult the map in your
textbook, if necessary. Do not categorize the Russian Federation (Poccu.a).

ApMeHHSI Ka3axcTaH Mon,Il,oBa YKpauua

A3ep6aH,Il,)KaH KhiprhBCTaH Ta,Il,)KHKHCTaH Y36eKucTau
fpy3HSI JlHTBa

8 Ilpu6aJITHKe: ua 3arra)J,e: ua Ka8Ka3e: 8 Cpe)J,ueu A3uu:

YpoK 5 (llHTblii ypoK) 97

B. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. KaKaH cTpaHa 6oJihiiie: Y36eKHCTaH unu ApMeHHH?

2. B KaKou cTpaHe Haxo)J,HTCH MuHcK?

3. B KaKou cTpaHe Haxo)J,HTCH EpeBaH?

4. A KueB?

5. KaKue cTpaHhi Haxo)J,HTCH Ha KaBKa3e?

6. KaKaH cTpaHa MeHhiiie: Eenapych unu YKpauHa?

• Colors (Review)

21. <I>Jiaru. Flags. Write the colors of the flags in Russian on the appropriate stripes. Consult the color key
at the end of the exercise, if necessary.

PoccuJI YKpauua <l>paHU,HJI

IITaJIHJI repMaHHJI Hen anus

Key from top to bottom or left to right: Russia: white, blue, red; Ukraine: light blue, red; France: blue, white, red;
yellow; Italy: green, white, red; Germany: black, red, yellow; Spain: red, yellow, red

98 YpoK 5 (IIHTbiH ypoK)

IIMH u 4JaMHJIHH ~aTa ~-~~-·--~~~-·~·--~~~--·--

• Saying How Long You Have Lived in a Place; 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

22. CKOJibKO neT?

A. Write sentences saying how long the people have been living in their respective cities.

Model: AHHa I MocKBa I 2 Auua JK.useT s MocKse 2 ro,11,a.

1. Ceprell. I HpKyTcK I 16

2. HaTallla H Hropb I MocKBa I 22

3. Callla I Op;ecca I 14

B. Add information about where the people lived before. Change the word order as shown.

Model: ,Il,MHTpHll. I 12 I EKaTepHH6ypr I 0McK

)J,MuTpuu yJK.e 12 neT JKHBeT B EKaTepuu6ypre. A paubme ou JKHJI B 0McKe.

1. Jlapwca I 3 I MypMaHcK I ApxaHreJihCK

2. JleHa I 21 I Hosocw6wpcK I Xa6aposcK

3. Banepwll. H Hp;a I 34 I CaHKT-IleTep6ypr I Bhr6opr

4. Bonop;SI I 5 I Hosropop; I Pwra

5. (you)

~ YpoK 5 (IIHTbiii ypoK) QQ

• Telling Where You Live; 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

23. KTo r,Ll,e JKuoeT?

A. Look at the chart and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

KTO CTpaua ropo,Ll, CKOJibKO JieT panbme

JleHa Poccmr EKaTepHH6ypr 1 HpKyTCK

fep6epT If YIIpHKa fepMaHH51 <l>paHK<lJypT 12 EepJIHH

Caiiia PoccH51 BJia,Ll,HBOCTOK 3 MocKBa

MapK CIIIA ,Il,anJiac BCIO )Klf3Hb

2. B KaKoM ropo,Ll,e oHa )KHBeT?

4. A r,Ll,e oHa )KlfJia paHhiiie?

B. Using section A as a model, write both the questions and answers concerning Herbert and Ulrika.




100 YpoK 5 (llHTbiH ypoK)

liMB H lj>aMUJIHH )l,aTa -------------------------------

C. Now write a question and answer pair about Sasha and Mark using the adverb )J.aBuo
(for a long time).

Model: Jleua )J.aBuo xuBeT B EKaTepuu6ypre? Oua xuBeT TaM 1 ro)J..



• Chapter Review

24. ,II,uanor. You are talking to a young Russian you just met. Supply the missing questions in the
dialogue. Start by asking where s/he lives.

1. =-----------------~-
- B Poccim.

~ -
- B HpKyTcKe.

3. -
- ,Usa ro)J,a.

~ -
- Ha BOCTOKe PocCim, B CH6HpH.

~ -
- HeT, 3TO 6oJihiiiOH ropo)J,.

~ -
- JJ:a, ecTh. 01epo Eail:KaJI.

~ -
-)]:a, llO-MOeMy, KpaCHBOe.

-Moll po)J,HTeJIH? HeT, OHH )KlfBYT so BJia)J,HBOCTOKe.

9. -
- JJ:a, SI TO)Ke )KlfJI so BIIa)J,HBOCTOKe paHhiiie.

10. ~-------------------------------------------
- Ilo-MoeMy, HpKyTcK KpacHBee.

- B MHpe? 5I He 3HaiO. A B PoccHH, no-MoeMy, CaHKT-IleTep6ypr.

YpoK 5 (llHTLiii ypoK) 1Q1
• Chapter Review

25. IlucbMO OT Camu. Answer Sasha's letter. Pay special attention to his questions.
,[(oporoH: cTy)l,eHT! I ,[(oporaSI cTy)l,eHTKa!
MeHSI 30BYT Carna KrriiMOB. 5I )KIIBY B ropo,ll,e Coqii Ha 10re Pocciiii, Ha 6epery '-lepHoro MOpS!.
Coqii - :no oqeHh KpaciiBhiH ropo,ll,. OH Haxo)l,IITCSI He)l,aJieKo oT fpy3IIII. PSI,ll,OM BhiCOKIIe KaBKa3cKIIe rophi II
KpaciiBoe '-lepHoe Mope. He)l,aJieKo Ha KaBKa3e Haxo)l,IITCSI 03epo Pm.~;a. 3To, no-MoeMy, caMoe KpaciiBOe
o3epo B MIIpe.
ropo,ll, Coqii He oqeHh 60JihiiiOH, HO 3)l,eCh Bcer)l,a oqeHh MHOfO TYPIICTOB: pOCCIIHCKIIe TYPIICThi,
HeMeiJ;KIIe, aHrJIIIHCKIIe, cppaHIJ;Y3CKIIe II IIHOf)l,a )l,a)Ke aMepiiKaHCKIIe. Y HaC eCTh 60Jihiiiiie, HOBbie
fOCTIIHIIIJ;hi, XOpOIIIIIe peCTOpaHhl II KJiy6hi, KpaCIIBhie napKII, II, KOHeqHO, KpaCIIBOe '-lepHOe MOpe.
CeMhSI y MeHSI )l,OBOJihHO 6oJihiiiaSI no pyccKoMy CTaH,ll,apTy: MaMa, nana II )l,Be ceCTphi, HaTarna II TaHSI. 5I
BCIO )KII3Hh )l(IIBY 3)l,ech. 5I po,ll,IIJICSI B Coqii, a MOSI cecTpa HaTarna (cTaprnaSI cecTpa) po,ll,IIJiach B KpacHo,ll,ape,
f)l,e MOll pO,ll,IITeJIII )l(liJIII paHhiiie.
HaTarna y)l(e 5 neT )l(IIBeT B MocKBe. A MOSI cecTpa TaHSI )l(IIBeT Bo Bna)l,IIBOCTOKe. Thi 3Haernh, r)l,e
Haxo)l,IITCSI Bna)l,IIBOCToK? Ha 6epery TIIxoro oKeaHa! A SI 6oJihiiie JII06JIIO '-lepHoe Mope.
Ilo-MoeMy, Coqii HaMHoro KpaciiBee, qeM Bna)l,IIBOCTOK. Ho :no, KOHeqHo, Moe MHeHIIe, a He cpaKT.
A r)l,e Thi )l(IIBeiiih? B KaKoM IIITaTe II ropo,ll,e? Ha 10re IIJIII Ha ceBepe? ,[(aBHo? KaKoH: 3TO ropo,ll,?
EonhrnoH:? YiHTepecHhiH:? A r)l,e )l(IIBYT TBOII po,ll,IITeJIII? Ilo)l(aJiyH:cTa, Haniiiiiii MHe!
TBOH ,ll,pyr,

102 YpoK 5 (IIHTbiH ypoK)

IIMH u lj>aMHJIHH )1,aTa ~~--~~~··~~~·· ~

• Chapter Review

26. 3uu,uKJione)J,HH. Look at the following encyclopedia entries and answer the questions in English. Note
that a comma between digits stands for a decimal point.

KAJU1<1>0PHIIIA, nonyoCTp08 Ha 3. Ce8. AMep11'1KII'1, n11'1paM11'1Abl, MHOr0'-111'1Cn. 06lJ.I8CT8. 3AaHII'1R, l.I8PK811'1,

8 MeKCII'IKe. OK. 144000 KM 2 • Afl1!'1Ha OK. 1200 KM, MOHaCTblpll'116-18 88. Co8p. apxii'IT. KOMnneKCbl:
Wll'1pi!'1Ha 50-250 KM. BbiCOTa AO 3-78M. Knii'IMaT Ha YHII'18epc11'1TeTcKII'1ill ropoAOK, cTaAII'IOHbl -
C. cy6Tponw-!eCKII'1ill, Ha 10. Tponw-leCKII'Iill. «0nii'1Mnll'1illcKII'1ill>>, «Al.ITeKa••. Pocn1!'1CII'1 A. Pll'18epb1,
MIIICCIIICL•1nlll, peKa 8 CWA, OAHa 11'13 KpynHeillwll'lx X.K. OpocKo. Hall. My3eill aHTpononorll'111'1, ranepeR
8 Mll'lpe. 3950 KM, OT II'ICTOKa MV1CCypll'1 6420 KM. co8p. 11'1 AP88Hero 11'1CK-8a.
BnaAaeT 8 MeKc. 3an. OcH. npii'ITOKII'I: Ml!'1ccypll'1, nY3PTO-PIIIKO, CTpaHa 8 BecT-111HA11'111'1, Ha
ApKaH3ac, PeA-PI!'18ep, 111nnii'1HOillc, Oraillo. B ycTbe OCTp088 ny3pTO-PII'1KO. 8,9 T. KM 2 • Hac. 3,3 MnH.
MII'1CCII'1CII'1nll'1 - ropoA H08blill OpneaH. '-1., rna8HbiM o6pa3oM Kpeonbl 11'1 MynaTbl.
BAWIIIHrTOH, WTaT Ha C.-3. CWA. nnolJ.IaAb Ocj::>ll'll.lll'lanbHble R3biKII'1 aHrnll'liiiCKII'Iillll'l 1!'1cnaHCK11'1ill.
176600 KM 2 . AAMII'IH. l.I8HTp- 0nii'1Mnii'1R. Penll'lrii'IR - KaTonl!'1'-!ecKaR. AAMII'IH. L.18HTP CaH-XyaH.

MEXIIIKO, CTOnll' (c 1821) MeKCII'IKII'I. TOPOHTO, ropOA 8 KaHaAe, nopT Ha 03epe

PacnonmKeHa 8 Me)l(rOpHoill KOTn0811'1He, 8 cp. 0HTapl!'1o. 3,4 MnH. )1(. Maw11'1HOCTp011'1T.,
Ha 8biCOTe 2240 M. Hac. 8,8 MnH. '-ln. M. ocH. Hecj::>Tenepepa6., XII'IMII'I'-lecKaR npoM-CTb.
1!'1cnaHL.IaMI!'1 8 1521 Ha MecTe ropoAa TeHO'-ITII'ITnaH, YHII'18epc11'1TeT.
pa3pyweHHoro 11'1Cn. 3a80e8aTenRMII'1. Ape8HII'1e

1. For some of these locations, the encyclopedia listed two or more entries. Which entries are given here
(state, nver, . etc ..
c1ty, )?

California - - - - - - - Washington _ _ _ _ _ __ Puerto Rico - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mississippi ______________ Mexico - - - - - - - - - Toronto ----------------
2. What do the abbreviations 3., C., 10., and C.-3. stand for?

3. In the California entry, what do the following figures mean?

144000 1200 3-78 - - - - -
4. What is the climate like in southern California, according to the entry?

5. In the Mississippi entry, what does the figure 6420 stand for? _______________________________

6. Which tributaries are mentioned here? -------------------------------------------------

7. Which city is mentioned here and why?-----------------------------------------------
8. In the Washington entry, what does the figure 176600 stand for? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9. Which city is mentioned and why?---------------------------------------------------
10. When did Mexico City become the capital?---------------------------------------------
11. What is the elevation of the city? -----------------------------------------------------
12. What city was located in the place before? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
13. What buildings are mentioned in the entry?-------------------------------------------
14. According to the entry, where is the country of Puerto Rico located?

YpoK 5 (llHTbiH ypoK) 103
15. What is the population of Puerto R i c o ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
16. What are the official languages? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
17. What is the main r e l i g i o n ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
18. What city is mentioned and w h y ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19. Why is Ontario mentioned in the Toronto entry? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
20. In addition to heavy industry, what else is there in Toronto? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Chapter Review

27. KpoccBop,ll,. Test your knowledge on Russia and solve the crossword puzzle. Use the map on the front
end pages of your textbook, if necessary. To help you with the spelling of Russian words, you can find
the entries around the puzzle.

r-- KpbiM Bonra

JlaTBHSI l4 fpy3HSI

11 2 15 8 9

f-- f--
rs- f-- f--

r-- f-- r---

l6 JJ ~

12 -I I I I 7

6 7
13 I I I I '----

HeBa '---- r----- r-----

r----- r-----
CaHKT-I1eTep6ypr r----- '----

Ypan r---

ITo ropHlOHTanu: ITo BepTuKanu:

1. EoJihiiiaSI peKa 1. EonhrnHe rophi Me)K)J,y EBporroii H CH6HphiO
2. 3TOT ropo)J, Ha3hiBaeTCSI «OKHO B 2. llopT Ha 6epery 1..JepHoro MopSI
EBporry» 3. EhmrnaSI pecrry6JIHKa Ha 6epery EanTHiicKoro MOpSI
3. Eonhrnoii ropo)J, Ha BOCTOKe 4. fopo)J, Ha 6epery 03epa EaiiKan
4, IJonyocTpOB B 1..JepHOM MOpe 5. Eonhrnoii ropo)J,-rropT Ha 6epery KacrrHiicKoro MOpSI
5. llopT Ha ceBepe 6. BhiCOKHe rophi Ha 10re
6. CTOJIHIJ;a PoccHH 7. CTpaHa Ha KaBKa3e
7. CaMhiii H3BecTHhiii yHHBepcHTeT B 8. PeKa B CaHKT-I1eTep6ypre

PoccHH 9. llonyocTpoB B THxoM oKeaHe

104 YpoK 5 (llHTbiH ypoK)

~aTa ~----~--~~~--~~-~~--~~--~~

1. B KaKOM ropoJJ,e Bbi .IKHBeTe? You will hear eight short descriptions of different cities. Match the cities
with the descriptions and write the number of the description next to the corresponding city.

_ _ _ EKaTepHH6ypr _ _ _ lfpKyTCK _ _ _ MOCKBa _ _ _ PocToB-Ha-)J,oHy

_ _ _ Bna)J,HBOCTOK _ _ _ MHHCK _ _ _ MypMaHCK _ _ _ CaHKT-TieTep6ypr

2. IIuTepsbiO. Listen to the interview and mark the statements true (T) or false (F). You may want to
listen to the interview more than once.
1. _ _ _ _ _ Inna lives in Riga.

2. _ _ _ _ _ Riga is the capital of Latvia.

3. _ _ _ _ _ Tallinn is a new city.

4. _ _ _ _ _ Tallinn is located on the Arctic Ocean.

5. _ _ _ _ _ Lithuania is smaller than Estonia.

6. _ _ _ _ _ Latvia is bigger than Estonia.

7. _ _ _ _ _ There are no big lakes in Estonia.

8. _ _ _ _ _ Rivers in Estonia are rather small.

9. _ _ _ _ _ The biggest islands are in Chudskoe Ozero (Lake Peipus).

10. _ _ _ _ _ There are no mountains in Estonia.

11. _ _ _ _ _ The architecture in Tallinn is Western European.

12. _ _ _ _ _ Inna speaks Finnish fluently.

13. _ _ _ _ _ Finnish and Estonian belong to the same language group.

14. _ _ _ _ _ According to Inna, all Estonians understand Finnish.

15. _ _ _ _ _ lnna thinks Estonian is more beautiful than Russian.

YpoK 5 (IIHTbiH ypoK) 1Q5

3. ,II,uKTauT. Listen to the story and fill in the missing words and phrases.

51 )Jomy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y)l{e qeThipe ro)J,a, a


-------------)I{HBYTBHoBrOpO,!J,e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

CaHKT-IleTep6ypr, HJIH IlHTep, KaK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , HaXO,!l,HTC~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PocCHH, Ha 6epery EamnlkKoro Mop~. qepe3 ropo,!!, TeqeT

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HeBa. CaHKT-IleTep6ypr- oqeHh 6oJihiiiOH ropo,!!,, HaMHoro

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HoBropo,!!,.

HoBropo,!!,- 3TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ropo,!!,, a CaHKT-IleTep6ypr- 3TO eBporreH.cKHM

ropo,!!,, « - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B EBporry». 51 ________________

HoBropo,!!, CaHKT-IleTep6ypr.


l 106 YpoK 5 (TIKTWO ypo<)

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