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An Analysis Of Personality traits; Introvert And Extrovert Students In

Speaking Ability At The Third Semester Of English Educution program in

UIR Pekanbaru

Chapter I


1.1 Background Of Study

Language is everywhere. In this world so many language that we dont

know and we can’t to speak, and English one of the languages used by the people

around the world to communicate each other. English is one of the International

language which people must be able to speak and communicate English fluently.

Especially in indonesia, English has became as a first foreign language where

taught in a level education of Indonesia, from elementary school up untill

university level.

Learning english is it not just about know vocabulary and grammar rules,

because English has four language skill namely; listening, reading, writing and

speaking. In every skill are supported by English language elements, which are

structure; vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.

People who want to go to abroad or somewhere that have many tourist

especially foreign people, human touch is needed to interact with their, and
speaking is the skill that we used to handle it. Speaking skill as the most important

means of communication, because without it, we can’t communicate each other.

According to Wilson (1983:5) “speaking as development of the relationship

between speaker and listener”.

Improving speaking skill is not easy in indonesian, it because English isn’t

a mother tongue. To improve speaking skill so many problem that had been to

handle, from the external side problem and internal side problem. First , from

external problem is institutional context that puts English as second language.

Second, from the internal problem is native language. Moreover, the another

problem of the internal side is a personality. Personality is one of the aspect that

can affect in the learning process. Personality means that the ways someone

interact with other people based on their expression, character, habits, and

emotional condition. In the other hand, personality is the trait shown by someone

in daily communication and activity that they used to communicate each other.

The fact, communication means the language and gesture that produced of body

to provide natural behaviour of human. There are two human personalities in

determining human character, called Introvert and Extrovert. One of the another

characteristic of introvert personality is they more prefer to be on the listener's

side rather than talking actively, different from extrovert person they prefer more

talk-aktive and out going people. So, that’s personality traits will have impact on

speaking ability.

Introvert and extrovert personlities have the important impact in learning

english. Every students have different capability in speaking. Self- condition is

one factor that make speaking of some student not good because their feel anxiety
and nervous when they’re want to speak up in front of the people, and also less

vocabulary and fears of mistakes make students prefer to be listener’s rather than

having to talk. This situations make learning english process be passive.

However, the writer find that, there is a significantly diffrent between

extrovert and introvert in english learning especially in speaking ability. To make

writer know about the factor and the problem, the writer make a research to get

information about that.

From the explanation above, the writer is interested in this study which

title is “An Analysis Of Personality Traits; Introvert And Extrovert Students in

Speaking Ability At The Third Semester Of English Educution in Universitas

Islam Riau Pekanbaru”.

1.2 . Setting Of The Problem

Based on the background above, the writer find out there were some problems

about speaking ability of students based on their personality. First, the students

who have introvert personality felt bad in speaking ability, because when they are

in front of people or be a center of attention, they can be nervous, anxiety and

losing a word that wanted to be present.also, introvert person doesn’t have self-

confidence, they affraid to make mistakes when they’re trying to make a sentence

in front of people that watching them. Second, the problem which students who

have extrovert personality can’t speak fluently in front of the people because their

less vocabulary and fears of mistakes. Third, the motivation problem, social

environment, and educational background that can be affect in speaking ability

toward that personalities.

In learning english especially in university level, english is the important

language and speaking is the key to interact with other people in the outside who

needed englsih to interact. So they must be prepare to face the outside world

which english is the international language that be master in this era.

1.3 Limitation of the problem

Based on setting of the problem above, the writer focused on the problems of

students’ speaking ability of the third semester at English education program of

Universitas Islam Riau, based on their personalities which are introvert and

extrovert traits.

1.4 Formulation of the problem

The problem in this research is formula as follows:

“ what are the affect of students problem on speaking ability looking for their

personality traits of the third semester at English education program of

Universitas Islam Riau?”

1.5 The Objectiveness Of The Research

1. To analyze differences between extrovert and introvert students in

speaking ability.

2. To know the internal and external factors that makes students problems in

speaking ability.

1.6 Significance Of The Research

1. For the teacher. The teacher must be know about this problem, because

speaking is the important things in nowadays. Also, the teacher can find
the way to make students have higher motivation to speak in english,

although there are have personalities problem.

2. For students. The finding of the research to make students be aware to

more practice to speak in english because english is the one of the

important thing skill in english.

3. For researcher. After finish this research, the writes must be aware to

about the speaking skill.

1.7 . Definition Of The Key Terms

To make reader more understand about the title which want to discuss, the

writer make the definition consist of three tems based on the title, as follows:

1. Speaking

Speaking is a art to produces word to express meanings about something

what are they want inform to other people. According to (Cameron, 2001:

40) “Speaking is the active use of language to express meanings so that

other people can make sense of them”.

2. Personality

Personality is human nature or behaviour, like characteristic, feeling,

expression and etc. While Cloninger (p.3) mentioned “Personality as the

underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and


3. Extrovert

Extrovert is out going person. In many condition and situations they can

easily to interact with other people. Liza Kaenzing (1999) stating that
“extroverts are people that enjoy and need social gathering, engage in

friendship with many people, quick responses, try to avoid solitude and do not

like being alone”.

4. Introvert

Introvert is a type of person who always make a circle to interact with other.

Introvert not easy to interact with other people. Marashi and Dibah, 2013, p. 346

stated that “introvert are usually taciturn, do not interest in participating in social

gathering, prefer to do something in alone, more think and concentrate before

doing something or talking”.



2.1 Relevance Theories

2.1.1 Speaking

Speaking is an activity to give information by someone to other, it happen

between speaker and listener. Speaking is also the way people delevering

messages in some topic to be discuss. Speaking have many definitions with

supported by different theories. According to (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce,

1997) in Florez (1999:1)“speaking is an interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information”.

Speaking means sounds and words that produces to express meanings and giving

information in speech to communicate each other.

Nunan (2003, p. 48) say that “speaking is a productive skill which consists

of systematic verbal utterances that carry out a meaning”. It means that speaking

is the key and important skill in communication. Without speaking there is no

communication to make people understood each other.

Based on the explanation above, speaking has became the important skill

in daily life except from mother tongue language or foreign language. The best

method to be master in speaking, it’s practice. People can master in many

language because they always practice to speak. In other word called “learn to

speak by speaking”. According to Chastain (2004), “speaking is a productive skill

since it produces ideas, messages, and suggestion and we need to practice it”.
2.1.2 personality

Personality can be defined as a human nature or behaviour came from

human feelings, thought, expression and characteristic. Personality became a

popular word in psychology study because the study refers to everything about

person mental. Robert B. Ewen (p.4) said that, “Personality refers to the

important and relatively stable characteristics within a person that account for

consistent patterns of behavior”.

personality has been formed since in the womb until in infancy,

personality is shaped by parents. , Eysenck (1967) and Gray (1972) have defined

“personality as a long-lasting fundamental characteristic of individual behavior”.

Every human have different personality that called unique. Allah swt always make

a good painting. Thats way human can interact and communicate each other

because their have diffrent feeling, expression, character, and ideas. (Schultz and

Schultz, 1994). Pervin (1996) believes that “personality indicates characteristics

of the person(s) that represent consistent patterns of behavior”. There are two

types of personalities according to Jung, namely introvert and extrovert.

2.1.3 Extrovert

Extrovert is the type of person who more likely to be focus on the world

outside the self, and able to speak fluently more introvert. Naiman, Frohlick, Stern

and Todesco (1978) believe that “the extroverts who are sociable and open to

other people are more successful in learning languages than introverts”. In

learning process, people who have extrovert personality more better known by

teacher or lecturer, because their like to be attention and heard by other people.
Also, they can easly express their feeling to make someone or other people know

about that.

Extrovert person are likely spent they time with group, such as party,

gathering, watching musical concert and any kind of group activity. “Extraversion

describe active, sociable and assertive people, people willing to communicate”.

(McCabe & Fleeson, 2012).

2.1. 4 introvert

Introvert is a type of person who more likely to be focus on the world

inside the self. usually, introvert more active with their own through and feelings.

Feist, Gregory J. Feist, p.122, according to Jung “The introverts are tuned in to

their inner world with all its biases, fantasies, dreams, and individualized


The outside world like nightmare for introvert person if their not feel

comfortable with the situation. According to Tieger & Barron-Tieger, 1995

defined “Introverts are often characterized by their capacity for inward reflection

and a need to understand the world before they experience it”. When introvert

person in new place they must be prepare what they should do with the person

around that place, being a quite person and be listener is the option for the first


Introvert more comfortable with internal environment and super

comfortable with their own self and spent the time in alone. But, introvert person

can be more talk-active and be funny at the time when they feel comfortable with
a group which they felt in agreement with them. Lu & Hsiao, 2010 “Introverts are

more interested in an internal environment, preferring to listen and reflect”.

2.2 Relevance Studies

To support this study “ An Analysis Of Personality traits; Introvert And Extrovert

Students In Speaking Ability At The Third Semester Of English Educution

program in UIR Pekanbaru”. There are some researchers who have studied about

personality traits; introvert and extrovert students in speaking ability with the title

“A Comparative Analysis on Extrovert and Introvert Students Towards Their

Speaking Skill”. He found that there is no significant diffrent between extovert

and introvert in speaking skill. The student can present or perform with the good

english speaking skill based on their ways in learning.



4.1 Research Design

Reseacrh design is the way to collecting and analyzing data by using

method and procedures. In this research, the writer uses qualitative

research because in objectiveness of study are observing and finding the

information more detail as many posibble.

4.2 Source Of Data

The source of the data in this research got from

3.3 Data Collection Technique

a. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a one of another technique to collection data. It is a list of

questions by written or printed by the writer or got from trusted sources. The

purpose of this questionnaire to analyze and to know the speaking ability in

english language based on the introvert and extrovert personalities traits.

B. Documentation

Documentation is a technique to collection the data in many ways. In this research

the writes using video recorder to record the partisipants. This technique aims to

provide the questionnaire data to make the analyze more detail and clearly.
4.3 Data Analysis Technique

After collecting the data, there is another steps to embrace the data more

accurately it’s called data analysis technique. It’s process to know about the result

in this research. This is a step of the qualitative research. the qualitative data

oobtained from field notes, observation, students questionnaire nd documention of

the participants.

To analyze the data, there are steps to follows:

1. Collecting the data

This is the first step before the writer doing observation. The data is about

participant, the major, the place, and the important thing is about right time

before doing the research.

2. Observation

After collecting the data, the next steps is observation. Observaation is th e key of

this research. there is no observarion, there is no data actually. the preparation

before doing the research, the writer must determine the imsturments that uses for

observation. In this reseacrh the writer uses questionnaire, and documentation


3. Classification

Classification is the process of clarify the parcipants based on their results

of the observation.

4. Interpretation
after doing all the steps, the last steps is interpretation. Interpretation

require the writer to make the data about the result, concluded, predicts the

result, identification and evaluation and also give responded appropriately.


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An Analysis Of Personality Traits; Introvert And Extrovert Students In

Speaking Ability At The Third Semester Of English Educution Program In

Islamic University Of Riau

A Thesis

Sucika Budiawati

English Study Program of Islamic University Of Riau

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