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81 29/12/19 Page 1/6

Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters

Project : Assignment
Geographical Site Assignment Location Country Germany
Situation Latitude 52.52° N Longitude 13.38° E
Time defined as Legal Time Time zone UT+1 Altitude 51 m
Albedo 0.20
Meteo data: Assignment Location Meteonorm 7.2 (1996-2015), Sat=45% - Synthetic

Simulation variant : Optmization

Simulation date 29/12/19 15h47

Simulation parameters System type Sheds, single array

Collector Plane Orientation Tilt 30° Azimuth 0°
Sheds configuration Nb. of sheds 15 Single array
Sheds spacing 7.50 m Collector width 3.96 m
Inactive band Top 0.02 m Bottom 0.02 m
Shading limit angle Limit profile angle 26.1° Ground cov. Ratio (GCR) 52.8 %

Models used Transposition Perez Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm

Horizon Free Horizon
Near Shadings Detailed electrical calculation (acc. to module layout)
User's needs : Unlimited load (grid)

PV Array Characteristics
PV module Si-poly Model CS6U - 350P P4
Original PVsyst database Manufacturer Canadian Solar Inc.
Number of PV modules In series 19 modules In parallel 30 strings
Total number of PV modules Nb. modules 570 Unit Nom. Power 350 Wp
Array global power Nominal (STC) 200 kWp At operating cond. 180 kWp (50°C)
Array operating characteristics (50°C) U mpp 648 V I mpp 278 A
Total area Module area 1108 m² Cell area 999 m²

Inverter Model ECO 25.0-3-S

Custom parameters definition Manufacturer Fronius International
Characteristics Operating Voltage 580-850 V Unit Nom. Power 25.0 kWac
Inverter pack Nb. of inverters 7 units Total Power 175 kWac
Pnom ratio 1.14

PV Array loss factors

Array Soiling Losses Average loss Fraction 2.2 %
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%

Thermal Loss factor Uc (const) 29.0 W/m²K Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K / m/s
Wiring Ohmic Loss Global array res. 39 mOhm Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
LID - Light Induced Degradation Loss Fraction 2.0 %
Module Quality Loss Loss Fraction -0.8 %
Module Mismatch Losses Loss Fraction 1.0 % at MPP
Strings Mismatch loss Loss Fraction 0.10 %
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Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters

Incidence effect (IAM): User defined profile
10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°
0.998 0.998 0.995 0.992 0.986 0.970 0.917 0.763 0.000

System loss factors

Wiring Ohmic Loss Wires: 3x150.0 mm² 98 m Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
Unavailability of the system 3.6 days, 3 periods Time fraction 1.0 %
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Grid-Connected System: Near shading definition

Project : Assignment
Simulation variant : Optmization
Main system parameters System type Sheds, single array
Near Shadings Detailed electrical calculation (acc. to module layout)
PV Field Orientation tilt 30° azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS6U - 350P P4 Pnom 350 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 570 Pnom total 200 kWp
Inverter Model ECO 25.0-3-S Pnom 25.00 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 7.0 Pnom total 175 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Perspective of the PV-field and surrounding shading scene

Iso-shadings diagram
Beam shading factor (linear calculation) : Iso-shadings curves
Shading loss: 1 % Attenuation for diffuse: 0.048
Shading loss: 5 % 1: 22 june
and albedo: 0.631
Shading loss: 10 % 2: 22 may - 23 july
Shading loss: 20 % 3: 20 apr - 23 aug
75 4: 20 mar - 23 sep
Shading loss: 40 %
5: 21 feb - 23 oct
6: 19 jan - 22 nov
12h 7: 22 december
11h 1 13h
2 14h
Sun height [[°]]

3 15h
8h 4

30 7h
15 7 19h

Behind Behind
the plane the plane
-120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120
Azimuth [[°]]
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Grid-Connected System: Main results

Project : Assignment
Simulation variant : Optmization
Main system parameters System type Sheds, single array
Near Shadings Detailed electrical calculation (acc. to module layout)
PV Field Orientation tilt 30° azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS6U - 350P P4 Pnom 350 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 570 Pnom total 200 kWp
Inverter Model ECO 25.0-3-S Pnom 25.00 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 7.0 Pnom total 175 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Main simulation results

System Production Produced Energy 195.9 MWh/year Specific prod. 982 kWh/kWp/year
Performance Ratio PR 79.68 %

Normalized productions (per installed kWp): Nominal power 200 kWp Performance Ratio PR

7 1.0
Lc : Collection Loss (PV-array losses) 0.58 kWh/kWp/day PR : Performance Ratio (Yf / Yr) : 0.797
Ls : System Loss (inverter, ...) 0.11 kWh/kWp/day
Yf : Produced useful energy (inverter output) 2.69 kWh/kWp/day

5 0.7
Performance Ratio PR




2 0.3


0 0.0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Balances and main results

GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_Grid PR

kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh

January 20.0 12.62 1.13 35.7 28.0 4.12 3.96 0.555

February 34.9 23.50 2.19 51.4 45.3 7.31 7.07 0.689
March 75.9 41.15 4.93 99.9 92.6 18.04 17.46 0.876
April 124.1 62.28 9.77 143.9 133.1 25.26 24.47 0.852
May 153.6 80.50 15.26 160.0 147.5 27.30 26.45 0.829
June 164.4 83.32 17.66 165.8 153.7 28.12 27.25 0.824
July 160.2 87.81 19.98 161.9 149.4 27.28 25.40 0.787
August 135.0 72.07 19.52 148.3 137.6 25.09 24.32 0.822
September 93.6 46.95 15.04 117.8 109.7 20.44 19.81 0.843
October 54.2 26.37 10.33 80.4 74.6 13.26 12.48 0.778
November 23.4 13.93 5.66 40.3 33.3 4.71 4.39 0.547
December 14.5 9.60 1.93 27.3 20.6 3.01 2.88 0.529

Year 1053.7 560.10 10.33 1232.7 1125.4 203.95 195.93 0.797

Legends: GlobHor Horizontal global irradiation GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
T_Amb Ambient Temperature E_Grid Energy injected into grid
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane PR Performance Ratio
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Grid-Connected System: Special graphs

Project : Assignment
Simulation variant : Optmization
Main system parameters System type Sheds, single array
Near Shadings Detailed electrical calculation (acc. to module layout)
PV Field Orientation tilt 30° azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS6U - 350P P4 Pnom 350 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 570 Pnom total 200 kWp
Inverter Model ECO 25.0-3-S Pnom 25.00 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 7.0 Pnom total 175 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Daily Input/Output diagram

Values from 01/01 to 31/12







0 2 4 6 8 10
Global incident in coll. plane [kWh/m².day]

System Output Power Distribution

Values from 01/01 to 31/12





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Power injected into grid [kW]
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Grid-Connected System: Loss diagram

Project : Assignment
Simulation variant : Optmization
Main system parameters System type Sheds, single array
Near Shadings Detailed electrical calculation (acc. to module layout)
PV Field Orientation tilt 30° azimuth 0°
PV modules Model CS6U - 350P P4 Pnom 350 Wp
PV Array Nb. of modules 570 Pnom total 200 kWp
Inverter Model ECO 25.0-3-S Pnom 25.00 kW ac
Inverter pack Nb. of units 7.0 Pnom total 175 kW ac
User's needs Unlimited load (grid)

Loss diagram over the whole year

1054 kWh/m² Horizontal global irradiation

+17.0% Global incident in coll. plane

-0.10% Global incident below threshold

-4.50% Near Shadings: irradiance loss

-2.26% IAM factor on global

-2.20% Soiling loss factor

1125 kWh/m² * 1108 m² coll. Effective irradiation on collectors

efficiency at STC = 18.01% PV conversion

224.6 MWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-0.98% PV loss due to irradiance level
-1.94% PV loss due to temperature
-3.33% Shadings: Electrical Loss detailed module calc.
+0.80% Module quality loss

-2.00% LID - Light induced degradation

-1.10% Mismatch loss, modules and strings
-0.78% Ohmic wiring loss
204.3 MWh Array virtual energy at MPP

-2.48% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency)

-0.18% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power
0.00% Inverter Loss due to max. input current
0.00% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage
-0.01% Inverter Loss due to power threshold
-0.02% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold
198.8 MWh Available Energy at Inverter Output

-0.78% System unavailability

-0.69% AC ohmic loss
195.9 MWh Energy injected into grid

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