116H - Safety Bulletin. Permit To Work Compliance PDF

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Importance of compliance with Permit to Work

What is a Permit to Work?
A Permit-to-Work is a formal written authorization for a specific work duty at specific location,
over a defined time period. When applied correctly PTW’s aid controlling and coordinating work and
define essential mandatory safety conditions which must be met for intended work tasks. A
correctly applied PTW will also ensure that all foreseeable hazards have been considered and that
appropriate work precautions are defined and carried out in the correct sequence.
Why do we have a Permit to Work System?
Permit to Work is a legal safety requirement for mine work under, The Oil Mines Regulation, 1984.

Do’s / Don’t’s
• All non-routine activities shall be carried
out under a valid PTW along with specific
• As per the nature of job, appropriate PTW
shall be obtained by the Performing
Authority and carry out job under his
• A PTW is valid only after signing of all
approval authorities.
• Clearly mention the job to be
performed. Never make any correction in
mentioned work description (deletion or Don’t make any alteration
alteration) after issuance of a PTW. (deletion or addition) in the
• Performing Authority shall be Present at job description.
job site while activities are in progress.

• Never club multiple different work activities together under one PTW. Each activity and location must
have separate specific PTW.
• Each PTW must be available at work site while job is in progress and Performing Authority (the job
supervisor who signed in the work permit) must be available at work site during the activity.
• All PTW must be supported by a task specific JSA with recommended mitigation steps implemented for
the safe execution of proposed work.
• Don’t perform any activity other than those mentioned and described in the approved PTW and
accompanying JSA.
• Different checklists (lifting & hoisting, pressure testing hot work etc.) and certificates to be filled for
permitted job shall be attached with permit when applying for PTW.
• After completion of work, or if the work is not performed, the PTW must be signed off and closed
including TTO.
• Effective hazard identification and marking in Hazard identification (section 2) shall be ensured.
• Don’t perform any activity which is not mentioned in the Work Permit.
• Do not make any forgery signs on permit to work and certificates.
• Inform Well Pad Engineer before starting any activity inside Well Pad cellar Pit.
• Effective toolbox talk shall be conducted and hazards identified and controls mentioned in PTW & JSA
shall be communicated to all personnel involved in activity including equipment operators, drivers and
supervisors. TBT shall be signed by all personnel.
Sensitivity: Internal (C3)
Bulletin- December 2019

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