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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

November 23, 2010

Pastor’s Notes
I am so thankful to be part
of the Woodruff Church of
God!!!! This past week and
week-end, I’ve seen in action what makes
this church so great…..HER PEOPLE!!!! I
had the privilege of speaking to the
Teachers for Christ at the Woodruff
Elementary School and we had some from
our church there, staying after school to have some encouragement from the Word of
God. Wednesday morning, we had people from our church show up at 6:15 AM to
prepare and serve breakfast to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This weekend, many
of you prepared food for a family that had lost a loved one. Several pitched in and stayed
after church to put the food out and to minister to the family. Truly, I saw “the church”
in action!!!! Those are the things that let people know that we really care and we do love
them. If I’ve not told you in awhile, I LOVE YOU!!!!! You are the best!!!!

It is my sincere prayer that you all have the most wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. I
hope you will remember the things I mentioned this past Sunday and not forget that
Thanksgiving is not a “thing”…it is an action! It has the power to expand your
boundaries and to bring increase into your life. It has the power to impact others around
you. It actually is a character trait of the believer. I hope that when you gather to eat on
Thursday, you will have the feeling of true thanksgiving! May the Lord multiply His
richest blessings to you and your family!

Some important things you need to keep in mind for this Sunday:
1) It is the last Sunday of the month, so if you have not given your tithes and/or offerings,
make sure you bring them with you. Offer your gifts to the Lord as a true act of
2) It will be the last Sunday to place your name on the list to be considered for our
Church Administrative Board. We are attempting to replace 6 board members, but for
that to happen we need at least 12 names on the list. We do not have that at the moment.
PLEASE…prayerfully consider whether the Lord would have you place your name on the
list for consideration. Along side the sign up list are the qualification and the
duties/responsibilities. Thank you in advance for allowing the Lord to potentially use you
in a most important function of our church.
3) We will be receiving a special offering Sunday morning to help a family within our
church who has a need. I hope that you will trust me in that this is a true need. We
would like to minister to this family by helping to support in some way. Prayerfully
consider a gift to bring and give that during the Sunday Morning offering. Thanks!
4) The youth will be leading in worship Sunday night and Pastor Jason will be bringing
the message. Come ready to experience the moving of God! Please pray for them that
God will use them as they minister to Him and for Him.

Please don’t forget that the church office will be closed Wednesday - Friday of this
week. Should you need us, we will be available…call the church office and the phones
will be forwarded to the person on call.

Just a few dates for you to mark you calendar with for the month of December:
His Story - Dec. 11th at 7:00 PM & Dec. 12th at 6:00 PM
Children’s Christmas Program - Dec. 18th - 10:30 AM
Christmas Family Fellowship - Dec. 18th - 6:00 PM CLC Building
Candlelight Service - Dec. 22nd - 7:00 PM (no classes, no vans running, no Kidz Kafe)

We’ve already begun receiving calls wanting our assistance with the purchase of
Christmas for children. As I mentioned last week, the calls for assistance come from
outside the church and sometimes inside the church. We want to insure that children
have a good Christmas. Many times, people inside the church wish to sponsor a child or
adopt a child/family. That would be GREATLY appreciated. If you would be willing to
do so, would you please call the church office and speak to the secretary or you can check
the bulletin board that is located as you go towards the bathroom. We place some
information there for you to pick up (we do need to know should you pick that up so we
know that is taken care of). There are times when people donate money for this and we
need people to be willing to shop and make the purchases. As you can see, WE NEED

Sermon Series for the Christmas Season is entitled


I hope you will join us every Sunday and find out who has NO VACANCY!!!
PRAYER LIST: Donald Patterson, Linda Lida, Sarah Nelson, Caleb Arnold, Carson
Tucker, Jollene Priester, Rose Richards, Gwen Burns, Jerry Buman, Tish York, Curt
Ellison, Danielle Gordon, Sonja Ellison, Leon Freeman, Mike Cobb, Richard Griffin,
Tammy Morrow, Bryce Morrow, Arlene Hughes, Roy West, Shut Ins, and Those in
Nursing Homes.
Christian Sympathy and Prayers are extended to the family of Mary R. Durham, to the
family of Kathy Richards, and to May Peeler and family on the death of her step-mother.
May God bless and comfort you all.

ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE FOR THEIR BABY to participate in this year’s BABY
PARADE at the Children’s Christmas program please contact Jollene Priester as soon as
possible so plans can be finalized. This is always an exciting and blessed part of the

F.R.E.E.D 12-STEP ADDICTION GROUP will meet tonight at 6:15 P.M. and end at
7:00 P.M. in order to participate in our special Thanksgiving service. Next meeting will
be November 30th at 6:30 P.M. as usual.

EXTREME KIDZ News: T-shirts with the new logo are now available for $10 each.
See Donna or Garren to purchase yours. NO DRAMA or praise team practice…instead
there will be Christmas Play practice every Sunday morning and evening. IF YOU PLAN
to prepare Christmas goodies for the children’s bake sale December 18th, please see
Donna Burdette, Deanna Burgess, or Ramona Letourneau. Thanks in advance ! !
MUSIC NOTES: Setup for “His Story” will continue this
coming Saturday, November 27th. Helpers are needed and much appreciated ! !

There will be a special Choir Practice on Sunday, November 28 th, at 5:00 P.M. in the
Chapel for ALL CHOIR MEMBERS planning to sing in this year’s production of
“His Story.”

Starting Sunday, November 28th, the choir is asked to wear Christmas colors each service
through the month of December. Thanks for your cooperation.

* Greeters - Kathy Arellano and Carolyn Everette

* Sunday School Greeter - Robert D. Sloan
* CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
* Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
* Usher Team # 2 - Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, John Nemitz,
Paul Lundberg, and Phillip Pruitt
* Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard, Mike Osborne, and Walter Housand
* Spotlight: Happy Sweet 16 to Amber Young
Love, Larry and Felicia
* Nursery - A.M. - Ann Knight and Stephanie Fowler
P.M. - Genise Watson
* Music - A.M. - Ladies’ Ensemble
P.M. - Korey Hawkins
* Praise Team - Maroon

WE HAVE BEEN ASKED to work the Woodruff Area Soup Kitchen on Tuesday,
December 21st. The meal will be served at 5:30 P.M. If you can help, please see Pastor
Terry immediately.

Ladies’ Ministries has lots of nice items available, especially flavorings

of all kind for your holiday baking. Stop by and check out the many things they stock in
their office.

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