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Project : United breweries Ltd

Client : UBL RISK ASSESSMENT FOR: Erection of Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings
(Structural steel).
CONTRACTOR NAME: Kirby ( SIS Construction )

Date: 26-01-2019
KEY: L = Likelihood S = Severity R = Risk (Likelihood x Severity)
L = Low priority to be implemented M = Medium priority to be scheduled as H = High priority to be acted on
when resources allow. soon as practicable. immediately.
Population at Risk Rating Revised Rating
Task/Element Potential Hazards
Risk Control Measures
 Good housekeeping in the area.
 Remove all unwanted materials, tools and
A) Presence of unsuitable  Proper Coordination with supervisor.
Area materials, tools and Workmen 3 3 M  Check all tool & tackles before use, 1 3 L
preparation equipment’s  Ensure all electrical tools must be inspected and
approved by competent person,
 Ensure Proper illumination at night work

 All necessary checking/inspections of trailers.

 Ensure about the fitness of the vehicles to be
conducted before starting of operation.
Loading /
 Trailer must have certified and competent driver
Unloading of
 Tag rope shall be used for guiding the lifted
parts/Fabricat Toppling / Falling of
Helpers & loads.
ed Material on materials from 3 4 M 1 3 L
khalasi  Ensure crane third party certificate & inspection
Trailer & vehicles.
checklist, along with operator competency,
unload to the
designated  Nobody should work under suspended load at
place any circumstances.
 Fabricated parts/steel should be positioned on
support pad of the trailer.
 Materials shall be properly secured on the
vehicle with suitable chains locks with additional
 The total material handling operation will be
carried out under authorized / competent
supervisor / Rigger.
 During positioning & placement of load all
precautions should be taken to avoid injuries due
to press in-between.
 Correct rigging practice shall be followed.
 Traffic marshals should be with vehicle for all
required & unexpected problems.
 Ensure safe stacking of steel material/fabricated
parts in designated area. With well barrication
under competent supervision.

 Inspection of crane, SWL marked, only qualified /

 Ensure safe placement of crane at platform level.
 Competent crane operator shall be engaged for
lifting operation.
 Lifting Work Permit procedure should be
C)  Good housekeeping in the area.
Using Mobile 1. Ground set up not  Appropriate PPE shall be worn by everybody at
crane & Lifting well. work.
of fabricated 2. Crane collapse. 4 5 H  Proper ground compaction & level to be ensured. 2 3 L
rafters, 3. Operation of boom lift  Lifting area will be barricaded and posted with
Incompetent Operator. supervisor s
purlins, steel signboard.
Material Etc  Crane and all lifting gears must have load test
certificate and good in condition prior to use.
 Outriggers must be fully extended & on strong
support/slippers & on well compacted ground.
 Load to be lifted should not exceed SWL of
equipment& lifting tackles at all time.
 Crane checklist to complete by operator/ safety
 Crane boom length at right radius and angle to be
arranged accordingly with load,
 Ensure that crane automatic load indicator is in
good condition.
 Crane must be in good condition with load test
certificate prior to use.
 Following rigging operation with
certified/competent rigger with proper
 Comply with safe working procedures.
 Conducting toolbox talk regarding lifting
operations and use of lifting.
 All material shall be unloaded by crane in
proper/designated place to avoid manual
 Tag line shall be provided while loading and
unloading, lifting.
 Use proper slings/D-shackle (with colour code).
 Use of proper hardware for the right job.
 Ensure Proper illumination at night work.
 Weather condition to be taken into
 stop work during high wind & rain.
 Scaffolding inspection and tag system.
 Area must be properly barricaded with all due
consideration for traffic route.
 Proper access shall be maintained for vehicles on
 Safe distance should be maintained from crane
D) 1.Vehicle may come in Workmen, outriggers.
Working in on working area, Helpers/  Prior permission from Traffic control department
4 5 H 2 3 L
road or 2. Dash by vehicle . khalasis/ is necessary.
passage ways 3. Fall of vehicle Public.  All adequate sign boards & posters must be
prominently displayed at site.
 Competent supervision & excellent coordination
is necessary.
 Signal man / Flagman shall be deployed while
crossing the road.
 Prepare Height work permit, follow permit
system strictly.
 Ensure safe working platform for workers at
 check fitness of workers,
 Ensure correct use of PPEs. (full body Safety
harness use is must,)
 Ensure that the workmen are screened for
working at height.
 GI rope provide Secure for columns, Rafters
prevents falling.
 Competent Charge hand/ Supervisor to ensure.
 Full body harness must be worn & anchored.
E)  Safety Harness must be checked before use.
Working at  Loose parts to be kept 1m away from the edges
height while 1 .Fall of Material of the building in secure position.
all tasks, like 2. Fall of person from Workmen,  Area beneath height work is cordoned of.
columns, height. supervisors & 4 5 H  Tool box talk before starting the job. 1 4 L
Rafters, purlin 3. collapse of boom lift engineer  If any work platform is to be used for
erection, sag or scaffolding. inspection ,it must be as per approved standard,
rods fixing,  structure & platform must be thoroughly checked
bolting etc by competent supervisor
 Weather condition to be taken into
 stop work during high wind & rain.
 Ensure Safe access to work place is provided,
 Also whether the edge protection provided
 Ensure the work area away from the vicinity of
moving objects.
 Use 25 mm PP rope (well inspected/new) as a life
line for the purpose of anchoring the harness.
 Take extreme precautions to avoid the fall of any
material from height.
 Only competent workers are allowed to operate
the tools/power tools.
 Use Correct tool & Correct method for the job
 Follow manufacturer safety precautions.
1. Use of wrong tool .  Conducting pre inspection of electrical tools and
Use of Hand
2. Incorrect work cables is must.
method may result in Workers 3 4 M  All electrical leads/cables to be free from any 2 2 L
tools for
cut injury. damages.
bolting &
other tasks
3. Electrical shock.  Only industrial type & approved electrical
sockets, plugs, cables are to be used in site.
 Welders shall be well qualified & competent.
Ensure to wear appropriate welding gloves and
 Provide fire blanket when welding.
 Approved good quality welding machines to be
used for the job,
 Welding machine s must be checked before use,
 body earthing must be available,
 Area must be clean, free from combustibles
 Competent persons to perform the job of gas
1. Use of Faulty cutting.
equipment,  Pre inspection of hose and fittings prior to work
2.Incompetent Workmen, at every shift.
Gas cutting &
workman supervisors & 4 5 H  Standard gas cylinder trolley to be used, 2 3 L
Welding if
3.Electric shock, engineer  Fire extinguisher must be nearby,
4.Burn injuries,  Supervisor to ensure that the flash back arrestor
5. Fire is fitted.
 Ensure that the spark cannot fall on the cylinders.
 Ensure Stand by fire watch and fire extinguisher,
fire blankets.
 Correct use of PPEs (goggles, face shield, leather
gloves, apron, fume mask, welders face shield
 While working at height wind direction and
speed to taken into consideration to avoid the
spreading of spark.
 Ensure flash back arrestors to gas cutting set at
both ends.
 Do proper housekeeping
 Segregate the usable material from the lot.
 Use competent personal for identification &
1.Presence of
H)  Storing, Equipment’s to be sent back at
unsuitable, unwanted Workers 3 4 M 2 2 L
Work designated area.
material & tools.
2. Injury to personnel.  Crane to be safely sent back to the designated
Prepared By – K.M.Naidu Reviewed & approved By -



(1) Very (2) (3) Possible (4) Likely (5) Very Likely
Unlikely Unlikely
Operations but unusual not surprising no doubt
but possible though
under extreme conceivable
Personnel  Asset damage Environmental Reputation circumstances
 Downtime
(1)First Aid (1)Slight (<$1,000) (1) Slight (1)Local exposure 1 2 3 4 5
(< 1 Gallon)
(1) 8 hours

(2)Medical Treatment (2)Minor (<$10,000) (2) Minor (2)State exposure 2 4 6 8 10

(< 42 Gallons)
(2)< = 1 day

(3)Lost Time/ Rest. injury (3)Medium (<$100,000) (3) Medium (3) National exposure 3 6 9 12 15
(<420 Gallons)
(3)> 1 day

(4)Single Fatality (4)Major (<$1,000,000) (4) Major (4)Regional exposure 4 8 12 16 20

(<4,200 Gallons)
(4)> 1 week

(5)Multiple Fatality (5)Extensive (>$1,000,000) (5) Massive (5)International 5 10 15 20 25

(>4,200 Gallons) exposure
(5)> 1 month

Personnel with competency and skills to perform the job have the authority to proceed after verbally discussing the job
1–6 Low Risk
requirements with anyone performing the work with them.
May be acceptable; however, review task to see if risk can be reduced further.

Job shall only proceed with appropriate authorization after consultation with HS&E personnel and assessment team. Where
7 – 15 Medium
possible, the job shall be redefined to take account of the hazards involved or the risk shall be reduced further prior starting the
job(TRA Section 4, RISK IDENTIFICATION, ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL). If applicable, a Permit-to-Work shall be
obtained in accordance with Permit to Work System.

The job must not proceed until it has been redefined or further control measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls shall
16 – 25 High Risk
be re-assessed for adequacy prior to starting the job.

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