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Hey, Dean Cortez here – I did an interview recently for a radio program while I
was vacationing in Asia, and I thought it would be of value to you. In this
interview, I discuss some of the specific tactics & techniques that you can use to
get the results you want with women—focusing on conversation and how to
take things from the opening approach, to closing the deal, by using persuasion
tactics that are based on principles of human psychology.

The M.A.C.K. Tactics program puts a lot of emphasis on how you choose your
words, and how you use language—instead of just saying whatever pops into your
head—because this is vitally important when it comes to bonding with women.
The right choice of words, and the right phrases, can mean the difference
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between making a woman feel sexually attracted…or viewing you as just

another over-eager guy, trying to convince her that you’re worthy of her time.

I know from my own experience that before I mastered “the game,” there were a
lot of conversations and dates where I would have gotten laid—if only I had
chosen my words and requests differently.

Well, now I’m going to run it down for you. Here is the transcription of the
interview, plus a killer bonus section, where I explain these Tactics in more

P.S. You’ll better understand some of the following concepts if you’ve already
read the best-selling M.A.C.K. Tactics: Ultimate Edition book, which contains
more than 250 pages of strategy and technique. This e-book you are about to read
contains plenty of information, many of it revealed for the first time, but there are
times when I have to refer back to the Ultimate Edition book because the
questions I was asked would have taken up too much time to respond to fully
during an interview. So if you haven’t read the complete book yet, do so. Right
now it’s on sale at a discounted price and it includes mp3 audio coaching
programs, videos, bonus books, and more.

Enjoy…and Go Tactical!

On to the interview…

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Hi, this is Simon, and the guy I’m talking to? Dean Cortez of course,
famed super-star celebrity author of the #1 best-selling "M.A.C.K.
Tactics: The Science of Seduction Meets the Art of Hostage
Negotiation" which got everyone from FHM Magazine, New York
Post, FOX News, Spike Radio Network, Las Vegas Weekly, MAIM
Satellite Radio, New York Post and myself RAVING hot the moment
he released it three years ago!

Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview, Dean.

It’s my pleasure. I’m ready to share some pretty cool Tactical information that
your readers will be able to start applying right away to their interactions with
women. I want to give your listeners the most “bang for their buck” possible, no
pun intended…well actually, I guess in this case the pun IS intended...(laughs)

Ok, let’s jump straight into it. Dean, what’s your “structure” when it
comes to approaching a woman, and starting a conversation, so that
she feels comfortable talking to you?

This is probably the number one hurdle that guys face: worrying about what they
should say when they approach a girl. The M.A.C.K. Tactics: Ultimate Edition
book teaches a variety of different openers to use in different situations, and you
can tailor them depending on the situation.

But here’s the key thing you need to remember about openers: usually guys aren’t
worrying about what to say first. They’re worrying about what to say next. Once
they walk up to her and say hello and exchange pleasantries, THEN what are they
going to talk to her about? And this is why understanding how to transition into a
solid, engaging conversation is more important than the first thing you say when
you walk up to her.
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In most cases, I like to make observations. What I’ll do is, instead of leading off
with a generic question…like “what’s your name,” or “so what do you think of this
place,” what I’ll do is, I’ll make an observation about her. It’s a direct way to
engage her attention, and it conveys that you’re a perceptive person. It’s also an
original way to approach. Remember that originality is one of the keys to
making her “lower her guard.”

Why? Because when you try to introduce yourself in a standard way, you invite a
standard reaction from her. She mentally places you in the same category as the
previous 37 guys who walked up to her and tried to start a conversation and failed
to capture her interest. And so her instinct is to blow you off, rather than
thinking, “hmm, this guy is kinda interesting. I want to know more.”

I’ll say something like, “I noticed you from across the room because you’ve got
this cool energy about you. You seem like a really confident, positive person.”

OK, so that was simple and straightforward, and notice it was a statement and
not a question. I didn’t ask her anything, I made an observation that is going to
encourage her to give a thoughtful answer. Whichever ways she responds, I’ve got
my next move already worked out. The purpose of that opening statement was
simply to break the ice in an original way.

From that point forward, I’m keeping my Negotiator strategies in mind, because
as you probably know when I wrote the book Mack Tactics: The Ultimate Edition
I was assisted by an actual Hostage Negotiator who was highly trained in
communication strategies. And one thing Negotiators have to do, when they’re
dealing with a hostage taker, is they have to keep them talking. They have to keep
the conversation flowing and control the Hostage Taker’s emotional state. So
following this same logic with women, you want to avoid asking closed-ended
questions that she can just say “yes” or “no” to. You want to ask open-ended
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questions and make statements that encourage her to talk and share, because
what builds the “bridge” between the two of you.

So now, I’ve made this observation about her—that she has this great energy and
she seems like a confident, positive person. In most cases, she’ll agree with me. (I
haven’t met a woman yet who disagreed and told me, “no, I’m actually insecure
and negative.”) So then I’ll throw out another observation. I’ll say, “I bet your
friends are always asking you for advice when they’ve got guy problems.”

Again, this is an observation that around 90% of women are going to agree with;
they’re always going to their girlfriends to talk about their drama and boyfriend
problems, and every woman fills the role of “advice giver” at times with their
friends. But by making this observation, I seem perceptive. It seems like I “get”
her, like I understand what she’s all about just by looking at her.

And, by getting her to agree with me that she’s a good “advice giver,” I’m setting
up my next move—which is to get her advice on something. I’ll explain this move
shortly. Just keep in mind, the first few things I’ve said were part of a chain of
events. A strategy. I know where I’m going to take this conversation. I’m never
walking up to women and just asking a generic question, with no thought as to
what my next move will be.

What if she gives a negative response to that approach? For

example, you tell her she’s got great energy, and she says “actually,
I’ve had a horrible day,” or she starts complaining about

Here’s my rule of thumb: if she ever gives a negative-energy response, I’ll counter
that with some positive energy and move things to a fresh topic. If you’re meeting
a lot of “career women” in the bars that you go to, it’s typical for them to express
how stressful their jobs are, how overworked they are, etc. To this, I’ll say, “I’ve
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 6

also been super busy, but I’m thinking about taking a vacation soon…a place
where I can totally get away and recharge my batteries. I bet you’re well-traveled.
I’m open to suggestions—so tell me the most amazing place you’ve ever been to.”

The idea being, if she goes negative, you go positive. You will accomplish nothing
by spending ten minutes listening to a girl vent about her shitty job, her ex-
boyfriend, her problems at home, etc. The Mack’s job is to get her into a
pleasurable state of mind.

Dean, how do you use "power phrases" to turn a boring, standard

conversation into a compelling one?

Well first off, you’re right that you want to always avoid boring, standard
conversations because that frames you as a boring, standard guy. And the most
important quality you want to communicate to a woman, above everything else, is
originality. From the very beginning, you’ve got to separate yourself, in her mind,
from all of the lame, UN-original guys who walk up to her and waste her time.

Never forget that if she’s attractive, and especially if she’s hot, she has guys trying
to start conversations with her all the time…and often times, it’s in situations
where she really isn’t in the mood to start chatting with a stranger. I mean,
beautiful women get hit on in elevators, in the subway, at the gym, in the library…
it’s never ending. It would be drive me friggin’ crazy!

So as a result, women develop what I call “screening mechanisms.” They’ve fine-

tuned their female radar so that within the first sixty seconds, and sometimes a
lot sooner, they recognize the red flags…the signals that a guy gives off that say to
her, uh oh, here comes another average, unoriginal guy who’s hoping to box me
into a corner and monopolize my time, and now I’ve got to come up with some
excuse to extract myself from this uncomfortable situation. “I need to go find my
friend” is the typical chick excuse when she wants to get away...
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Your goal, as a Mack, is to capture her interest and engage her in the
conversation BEFORE her screening mechanism kicks in and starts coming up
with reasons not to continue the conversation. Her brain is trying to come up
with reasons to REJECT you, to weed you out, rather than finding reasons to give
you a chance.

Don’t take it personally. It’s just the way women are wired. If you want to break it
down to a biological level, every guy who approaches her is—let’s face it—hoping
to have sex with her. As men, we can screw girls without any consequences. We
can hop to the next bed. But a woman can get pregnant, and if she gets pregnant
by some chump, it can destroy her biological mission—which is to mate and nest
with a man who can protect and provide for her. And, of course, she wants to
bear children with a guy who has Alpha Male qualities, because that ensures a
healthy child with an intellect and a good future.

All of this comes into play. She’s screening you for a reason. The trick is learning
how to “short-circuit” her mechanism and get her involved in the conversation
before she weeds you out.

What if you’re just “not her type?”

As far I’m concerned, the idea that every girl has a specific “type” of guy, and will
go only for that, is a myth. Sure, women tell themselves they have a “type,” but
the truth is, if you’re a true Mack, or an Alpha Male, you’re going to make her feel
attracted. Because women are programmed to seek out men with certain
qualities. For every hot babe who’s dating a nice, handsome, successful guy, I’ll
show you three hot babes who are dating jerks who have no goals in life. These
jerks, however, have “Bad Boy” qualities that women are instinctually attracted
to. They put women in “pursuit” mode instead of chasing them and trying to
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please them. I explain how this all works, and how to integrate Bad Boy tactics
into your own game, in The Bad Boy Blueprint.

Are there any specific phrases that you can use to accomplish this

Most definitely. Phrasing is a big part of seduction, and it goes back to the
Hostage Negotiation tactics that I worked into my book. My friend the Hostage
Negotiator was highly trained in how to use language and phrasing to influence a
person’s emotional state. Sometimes it’s stuff that may sound simple, but it can
mean all the difference between success and failure.

The next time you worry about whether one of these techniques is going to work
on a girl, remember that in his line of work, failure could mean someone blowing
their own head off, or killing a hostage. We’re talking life-or-death here. When he
was talking to a hostage taker it was really critical that every word that he said
was calibrated the right way…and I approach my conversations with women in a
similar manner. If you were to observe me talking to a woman it would SOUND
totally loose and casual, but I’m not saying anything carelessly. There’s an
intention behind every topic that I talk about with her, and the topics that I stay
away from, such as Exes. What sets M.A.C.K. Tactics apart from any other book
on dating, or seduction, is that it translates these Hostage Negotiator principles
into learning “power communication” with women…and this stuff seriously

Are there any particular words that guys should avoid in


Yes, let me give you an example of that. The Negotiator will never use the word
“gun.” He’ll never say to the hostage taker, “I need you to put that gun down.”
Because “gun” is a loaded word. That word is going to jack up the hostage taker’s
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stress levels. Instead, the Negotiator would say ‘I need you to put that thing down
so we can talk.”

Now with M.A.C.K. Tactics, whenever a woman starts talking about her ex-
boyfriend, like, “my ex Brian was a cheater, he was a bastard, I don’t think men
can be faithful, blah blah…” you do NOT want to get into this subject with her.
And you don’t want her talking about her stupid ex-boyfriend Brian because it’s
going to elevate her stress levels. So you never refer to Brian by name. It’s always
“that guy.” As in, “well it sounds like that guy didn’t appreciate what a cool person
you are, but it’s a good thing you’ve moved on” and then I’ll transition to a new

Remember, you also want to take all those generic questions that guys normally
ask women and turn them into direct, confident statements. For instance, I don’t
“ask girls out” on dates. I don’t call them and say “So are you busy on Friday
night? Do you want to do something?”

I’ll say to her, “I’ll pick you up on Friday night at eight o’clock. Wear something
sexy…I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I’m going take you to a new place
you’re going to love.”

Nice. I like that…

So start doing it, because it works (laughs). Telling a woman what to wear for
your special night is a great Tactic. You’re setting the tone that you’re a guy who
has standards—you’re used to being with women that look good, and you’re also
giving her an instruction to follow. Women love a man who leads in this fashion,
because it means she has to make less decisions. Now she doesn’t need to worry
about how she should dress for the date…you’ve laid it out to her. “Be sexy.” She’ll
take that instruction and have fun with it. And I bet you, when you show up at her
house to pick her up, she’ll going to look outstanding.
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By the same token—referring back to using statements, instead of questions— I

won’t ask a girl where she’s from. I’ll make an educated guess. I’ll say “I’m going
to guess you’re from a small town originally, you have this sweet, innocent quality
about you” or, “I get the feeling that you were raised in a big city, you’ve got this
sophisticated vibe about you.” And then I’ll let her share with me. If I guessed
correctly, I look like I’m incredibly perceptive, and if I’m wrong, it doesn’t matter.
The point is to inject an original spark into the conversation and get to her share
with you on a real level.

At no point is she mentally placing you in the same category as the last 37 guys
who approached her and had nothing original to say. Every step of the way,
you’re keeping things a little bit unpredictable.

There’s another Mack Tactics technique called Hypotheticals, which involves

asking a girl really interesting Hypothetical questions that get her to reveal things
about herself. I could give you a 30-minute answer on this topic alone, but you
can read all about this technique in the M.A.C.K Tactics book. In fact, I’ve had
readers tell me that that chapter alone is worth the price of the book.

What are your best ways to warm up a cold woman so that she will
WANT to reveal more about herself?

Well, those “perceptive observations” I talked about earlier—those are examples

of Cold Reading techniques. The art of the “cold read” is used all by the time by
psychics, and also by salesmen and advertisers. Basically, it’s a way to make the
other person feel like you have strong powers of perception—that you know
things about them, without them telling you.

Another example of a Cold Read would be saying to a girl, “I can tell you’re a
person who values your privacy, and it takes you a while to trust someone new
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because you’ve been hurt before by someone who was really close to you. But the
people that do earn your trust, you would do anything for them.”

Or, here’s another one. Consider the Wack Approach versus the Mack approach
(the Cold Read):

WACK: “So what type of guy are you looking for?”

MACK: “I can tell you’re looking for a guy who’s always going to be there for you,
but you don’t want a guy who’s clingy or jealous. You need space to do you own
thing, and you respect a guy who’s independent and has his own goals that he’s
working towards.”

Now, this sounds smart and perceptive—like you totally “get” the type of person
she is—but you’re saying something that applies to virtually every woman. The
Cold Read plays on human psychology. You’re telling her something she wants to
hear. As humans, we want to make sense of what we are told, no matter how
farfetched or improbable it may be. Also, people tend to be self-centered, and
we’ll generally accept claims about ourselves that reflect how we wish we were—
even if it isn’t accurate.

There many examples of this, and it’s a very strong conversational tactic to use
with women to get them to share about themselves. As soon as she starts opening
up and sharing things with you that she would have never told the last 10 guys
who approached her, you’re winning the game. Check out my special e-book on
Cold Reads for the full rundown on how to use this technique, including a ton of
great examples.

And again, I’ll use observations and statements because they prompt her to share,
instead of giving flat, uninspired answers. And when you tell a woman something
about herself, when you act like you’ve got her figured out, she’s going to have to
respond. She may agree, she may disagree…the point is that you’re engaging her
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attention and you’re getting her invested in a real conversation, you’re not just
asking her bullshit stuff like, “so where are you from” or “what kind of music are
you into.” I mean, those questions aren’t harmful, but you’re not making any
positive progress by asking them.

If she has a cold vibe, I’ll reference it. I’ll address it and turn it into conversation.
I’ll say, “I think a lot of guys get the wrong idea when they first meet you, Lisa.
They get a little intimidated because they think you’re stand-offish and hard to
get to know. But I think you’re actually a lot more sensitive than people realize.”

Or to get her to open up, I’ll say, “I get the feeling there’s more to you than meets
the eye. So tell me one thing about yourself that most guys would never suspect.”

This stuff is especially effective with beautiful women, because they’re so used to
guys fixating on their looks and never bothering to get to know what’s
underneath the surface. If you can get her to talk about her interests and
passions, or her GOALS, you’re taking the conversation to a level that 90% of
men will never reach with her.

Effective, tactical conversation is not a tennis match. You’re not batting questions
back and forth. You’re taking the lead and you are directing the conversation
where you want it to go, while making the points you want to make, and
demonstrating your positive qualities.

Can you share with some examples of powerful communication

words you should use to maximize your impact in a conversation,
and trigger the subconscious emotions that motivate women?

Let me share four of the “magic words” with you: Passion, Commitment,
Loyalty and Ambition. These are four qualities that women find incredibly
attractive, regardless of what you look like, or what you do for a living right now. I
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find ways to mention these words during the conversation and reinforce in her
subconscious that I embody those qualities.

Don’t just tell her what you do for fun. Tell her about something that you’re
passionate about, and use that trigger word! When you demonstrate passion
towards something, women get the sense that you can be passionate towards
them. You’ve got the capacity to be passionate. Most guys don’t. They sleepwalk
through life and aren’t really that excited about anything—and as a result, women
don’t get excited about them.

Next, look for ways to demonstrate your strong sense of commitment, to goals,
and to people. This is a very important trigger word from a woman’s perspective,
because at the end of the day she wants a guy who is capable of committing to

For example, the average guy would say, “my job is killing me, I’ve been working
my ass off.” Or, he’ll complain about his boss…

Instead, you say “I’ve been working a lot of hours lately, but I’m really committed
to getting this new project done. A lot of people are counting on me, and I’m not
going to let them down.”

Or, I’ll relate a quick story about a friend of mine in order to demonstrate my
sense of loyalty. The other day a buddy of mine asked me to come to his house
after work and help him install his new flat-screen television, and I was
exhausted after working all day, and really didn’t want to do it, but I did it
anyway to help him out.

Now, if I’m relating this story to a woman, I can do it one of two ways. I can tell
her how it was a great big pain in the ass, or I can say, “Last night I helped one of
my best friends install his new flat-screen TV. It’s a huge TV and it took us like
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three hours to get it mounted, and I was already exhausted after working all day—
but it was my buddy Mike. He’s always been there for me, and I’m committed to
helping out friends when they need a hand. I believe that’s important, you

So, that wasn’t some major earth-shattering story—all you did was install a
television—but you used that opportunity to plant a seed. She gets the sense that
you’re a guy who will be there for her when she needs you.

The quality of ambition? Same thing. Consider these two ways of phrasing an
answer to her question:

HER: “So what do you do?”

WACK RESPONSE: “I’m an administrative assistant at a financial company.”

MACK RESPONSE: “I work in finance. The hours are long and it’s very
challenging, but I love it—and plus, I’m learning a ton about the industry,
because I’ve got a lot of ambitions in that field.”

Guys, I want you to think about ways to rephrase your language with women so
that you plant the right seeds. Remember to stay positive. Even negative
experiences can be re-phrased into positives.

In my own experience, I had a close friend who screwed me over and took some
money that we invested together. The bastard stole from me. But what’s the
better way to phrase it when you talk to a woman?

WACK TACTIC: “This friend of mine really fucked me over. I trusted him, and
he stole my money.”
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MACK TACTIC: “I’m an extremely loyal person…to a fault, sometimes. I admit,

my loyalty to people has come back and bitten me on the butt. But when I let
someone into my inner circle, I’ll do anything for them. I just expect that they’ll
be there for me, the same way I’m always there for them.”

The Wack approach makes you sound like a weak victim. The Mack approach is
going to make a woman’s ears perk up, because that is exactly the type of guy
she wants in her life.

Here’s a quick exercise for you to do, which is going to prepare you to turbo-
charge your conversations. Think about four good qualities you possess, that
you want women to know about.

For example, four of mine are:

- I’m ambitious. I’ve got career goals that I am focused on.

- I exercise regularly and take care of myself.
- I’ve got a lot of friends who are cool and interesting people. I’m always
there for them when they need me.
- I love to travel and have seen some fascinating parts of the world.

I’m going to find ways to mention these qualities during the course of the
conversation, without sounding like I’m bragging. I’m just planting seeds. This is
especially useful if you want to move the topic off of something negative, and
onto something positive. For example…

HER: “I’ve had lousy luck with men. My ex turned out to be a total loser.”

Responding to this, I will A) switch topics, and B) plant a seed about myself:
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ME: “It must be hard for some men to keep up with you, because I can tell you’re
an ambitious person with things you want to accomplish. I’m the same way. I bet
you’re the type of person who makes New Year’s Resolutions and actually sticks
with them...”

Now, she’ll laugh and tell me about her Resolutions, and how they’re working
out. Then she’ll probably ask me about my Resolutions. I’ve got an answer ready
to go, which is designed to plant more seeds AND cultivate a bit of mystery
around myself (always a good thing)…

“My resolutions are working out okay. So far, I’ve achieved the first two. Number
one, I told myself I was going to commit to eating right and exercising more. Two,
I wanted to advance in my career, and that’s happened, too—things are going
great at my job. Number three, I decided this was the year I was going to meet the
right girl, the one who has the most important quality that I’m looking for. It’s
hard to find, especially in this town, but I know there’s a woman out there who
has that quality.”

So naturally, she’ll be curious. She’ll ask me what this super-special quality is,
and I’ll say, “It’s a secret, but I have a feeling you might actually have it. I’m just
not sure yet. Let’s keep talking.” (The other cool effect of this line: I’ve just given
her the sense that she needs to impress me, instead of the other way around.)

Or, if it’s time to order another round of drinks, I could plant a seed this way:

“OK, one more drink…I deserve it, I’ve been sticking with my new workout
routine and tomorrow’s my day off.”

Or, “OK, one more…but only because I want to hear more about (mention
something she told you about herself). I have to close a business deal in the
morning and I need my rest.”
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Or, let’s say she’s telling me about her job. After listening for a few minutes, I’ll
transition to a conversation about travel. I’ll ask her how much vacation time she
gets. Then I’ll tell her how much I’m looking forward to taking my next vacation,
because I’ll be visiting Brazil, and of the many countries I’ve visited, it’s one of my
favorites. Now we’re off the topic of her job, and onto the topic of travel. I get to
plant seeds by demonstrating what a worldly, adventurous guy I am, and I get her
to share about the cool places she’s seen, and the “dream trip” she hopes to take
one day.

Now, as she shares with you, you’ll want to use another Hostage Negotiator
technique called Minimal Encouragers. It’s simple. These are short phrases that
you say to encourage her to keep things flowing. Some examples would be…

• “Hmm, it’s really interesting that you feel that way.”

• “I love the way you think, Melissa. Tell me more.”
• “Keep going, I’m into what you’re saying.”
• “I can tell we’re really on the same page. Tell me why you feel that way.”

Let her keep sharing. In M.A.C.K. Tactics we have a set of principles called The
Ten M.A.C.K. Commandments, and one of the Commandments is, “Three-
Quarters of Macking is Listening.” Learn it and live it.

Dean, in the M.A.C.K. Tactics book you also talk about the
importance of constantly expanding your knowledge, through
visiting new places—whether it’s art galleries, clothing stores, or
new countries and cities—and reading. Are there any books that
were particularly important to you, when you were coming up with
all of your tactics and theories?
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I could give you a whole list of books to read, but let me tell you about one in
particular, and how it applies to Macking. The book is called “Influence: The
Power of Persuasion,” and it was written by a psychology professor named Robert
Cialdini. In it, he examines the shortcuts that people take when they need to
make decisions, and how people can be steered towards making a decision one
way or the other. He also distills the tactics of persuasion to six basic
psychological principles—and all of them have direct parallels to communicating
with women.

The six principles are:

SOCIAL PROOF. What this means is, if a lot of people are doing it, then others
tend to believe it must be the right thing to do. Cialdini writes, “One means we
use to determine what is correct is to find out what other people think is correct.”

With women, you always want to have Social Proof. This can come in many
forms. It could mean that you’re on a friendly basis with the staff at the bar. If the
bartender or the waitress welcomes you by name and is psyched to see you, that’s
Social Proof. If the manager walks over and greets you, that’s greater Social
Proof. And if you’re talking to a girl, and a couple of sexy female friends of yours
come over and give you a hello and a big hug, that’s huge Social Proof. If other
cool, attractive people obviously like you and want you around, then the girl will
take notice and assume you’re a guy she should be around. In a sense, these
other people you know are “vouching” for you.

This is why it’s so important for you to always work on building up your social
networks. In the M.A.C.K. Tactics book I explain this in a lot more detail, but
basically, if you have certain bars, clubs or restaurants that you frequent, you
should definitely make it a point to get friendly with the staff, and especially the
management. Every time I visit a new club, I taken a few minutes to politely
introduce myself to the guys working the door. I turn those big, intimidating
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 19

bouncers into my new friends by using a few conversational tactics that are in my
book. The next time I show up, usually with a date, they greet me and we chat for
a minute. I introduce my date to them. That’s major Social Proof.

LIKING. This principle holds that we’re more inclined to agree to the requests of
a person that we know and like. Cialdini talks about several factors that make us
“like” someone. It occurs when someone has similar interests to us; gives us
compliments; or has repeated contact with us, especially in situations where we
have to cooperate with them to achieve a mutual benefit. This plays into the main
goal of tactical Conversation Control, which is to build a bond, or a bridge, with
the woman…get her to share…listen…and encourage her to keep sharing. She’ll
begin to “like” you and feel a sense of comfort and familiarity. As this happens,
the requests that you make—whether it’s getting her phone number, taking her
home, or leaving the bar with you to get some food at the late-night diner—
become much easier for her to agree to.

RECIPROCATION: When someone does something for us, we feel obliged to

pay them back. Cialdini writes, “People who we might ordinarily dislike…can
greatly increase the chance that we will do what they wish merely by providing us
with a small favor prior to their requests.” This concept ties into the M.A.C.K.
Tactics technique called “generating I.O.U’s,” which I’ll explain a bit later on.

COMMITMENT AND CONSISTENCY: Get a person to commit a decision or

belief about themselves, and they tend to act in accordance with it. They won’t
want to behave in a manner that contradicts the belief you got them to state.

Salesmen use this tactic all the time. If they can get people to commit to the
decision to buy something, but the price rises or the rules change before they
have a chance to purchase it, they’ll still want it—because they already committed
to their decision to buy.
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Or, as the salesman tries to sell a customer a luxury car, he might say, “I can tell
you’re a man who has good taste, and you appreciate great craftsmanship. You’re
willing to spend a little more in order to get the highest quality. Am I right?”

Larry says “yes,” and now the salesman has made him commit to being a certain
type of person: he’s a guy who is willing to spend more money in order to get high
quality. Once Larry has made this commitment, psychologically, he won’t want to
behave in a manner that contradicts this perception. (Ultimately, he might
decline to buy the car, but it’s definitely going to be more difficult for him to say

Here’s how I use this tactic with women: I’ll get them to confirm that they are a
certain type of person. Then I’ll hold them to this standard. For example, a few
nights ago I met a hot chick at a bar who was an attorney. She had a major high-
pressure job, and was obviously a buttoned-up professional who took her work
very seriously.

When I met her at the bar, she was on her third cocktail and trying to decompress
after a long, stressful day in court. We started talking, and I got her to loosen and
smile, and then I said…

“Y’know, Amanda, most guys probably look at you and see this buttoned-up,
super-serious woman who plans out every minute of her day. But I can tell that
you’ve got also got a wild, spontaneous side. It doesn’t come out that often, but
when it does, I know you are incredibly fun to hang out with…”

Bingo. I hit the right button. She laughed, and gave me this devilish, flirty smile,
and agreed…yeah, she has a wild side, but it had been so long since she’d been
able to just cut loose and really enjoy herself…
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So from that point forward, I had a “commitment” from her that I kept referring
back to. She was no longer Amanda, the stressed-out super-lawyer…she was a
spontaneous woman with a sexy, wild side. A short while later, I said to her, “I
know you’re in a spontaneous mood tonight, so right now I’m going to take you to
this amazing lounge that has a great bartender and this cool, relaxing vibe that
you’re gonna love. Let’s finish our drinks and head out.”

Notice how I phrased that. You know she didn’t say no. She rolled with me to the
next spot, and as we’re on a couch at the lounge, sipping drinks, and I’m looking
into her eyes and playing with her hair, I said to her, “So when you’re in one of
your spontaneous moods, have you ever made the first move on a guy and kissed

Well, I won’t share the rest of this story, because it wound up back at my place
and was very X-rated, but you get my point. Get a woman to commit to being
spontaneous/sexual/adventurous/etc, keep building her attraction, and keep
referencing that “committed belief,” and she’s going to follow through.

By the way, I get to use this Tactic all the time in Las Vegas, where I own a home
and spend a lot of time. Many of the girls at the clubs are tourists, in town for a
big “Vegas party weekend” they’ll want to remember. I’ll step to a few tourist girls
at the club, dressed in sexy outfits they wouldn’t wear back home (Vegas has a
way of bringing out any girl’s “inner slut”), and after a few minutes of talking I’ll

“I travel a lot, and I have this philosophy that whenever I visit a city, I want to
have one wild night where I go with the flow, I don’t worry about tomorrow, and I
try to have an amazing time that I’ll never forget. You girls have this vibe that
says tonight you want to have one of those nights. Am I right?”
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They always giggle and agree. Every girl who comes out to Vegas for a party
weekend wants to have a fun, wild, memorable experience. And I’m the guy who
gives it to them. Especially the one girl in the group that I’m targeting. I’ll take
the group to a different club, one of my spots where the doormen know me and I
get in with no hassles, and then I’ll wind up isolating the hottest girl in the group
and taking her home at the end of the night.

This Tactics isn’t just a Vegas thing. Use it anytime you’re in a locale where there
are women visiting from out of town and partying. Man, if I could only travel
back in time and use these Tactics when I used to go on college spring break in
Cancun, Mexico!

OK, onto the final two principles of persuasion:

AUTHORITY: This one states that we wish to be obedient to authority figures,

even at times when their wishes don’t make any sense to us, or conflict with our
beliefs. We’re easily influenced by people who even possess symbols of authority,
such as professional titles, uniforms or formal attire, expensive status symbols, or
even a commanding speaking voice.

This is why celebrities get paid huge money to endorse products. You don’t see it
so much in America, but A-list Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt and George Clooney
make a fortune by appearing in ads for products overseas, from vodka to wrist
watches. In America, we see a lot of D-list “celebrities” appearing on infomercials
and endorsing fitness equipment, food processing machines, etc.

Why is a woman who starred on a sitcom in the 1980’s qualified to tell me about
the latest Abdominal Blaster exercise contraption, or where to buy a time-share
in a condominium? She’s probably not. But millions of consumers accept her
endorsement as the truth. They view her as an “authority” simply because they’ve
seen her on TV before.
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This principle may not have direct applications to your own situation, but I will
note that my friends who are police officers get hit on by women like you
wouldn’t believe. Obviously they don’t pull down a ton of money. In some cases,
they’re not even good-looking. But seeing a man in uniform has a powerful effect
on women. It’s a principle of persuasion for you to keep in mind. There are
applications, if you get creative with it.

SCARCITY: OK, this final principle has tremendous applications to getting

women. When you perceive that something is rare, you’re going to consider it to
be more valuable than if that same thing was always accessible. Cialdini says,
“opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited…the
idea of potential loss plays a large role in human decision making.”

Put it this way: when obstacles are placed in the way of something we’re
interested in, or our access becomes limited, our desire for it increases. Our
brains will actually assign more positive qualities to it, in order to justify the

Cialdini writes, “Because we know that things that are difficult to possess are
typically better than those that are easy to possess, we can often use an item’s
availability to help us quickly and correctly decide on its quality.”

The applications of this principle are obvious. Limit your availability to

women. Yes, I know, when you meet a cute chick and get her phone number,
you want to call her the next day and plan a date, and then see her every night
from that point forward.

You’ve got to reverse this thinking. Your time is extremely precious and limited.
If you use the Tactics correctly and hook up with a girl, the best move—the move
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that is going to AMPLIFY her attraction, rather than cool it off—is to be totally
busy for the next few days.

When you call a girl to plan a date, here’s an example of the Wack Way, and the
Mack Way (which incorporates the Scarcity principle):

WACK: “So I was thinking, maybe if you’re not busy on Friday, we could hang

MACK: “It was cool to meet you the other night and I want to continue our
conversation. I’m just looking at my schedule…I’ve got dinner with my friend
Sarah tomorrow night, and then a birthday party on Thursday...let’s get together
on Friday, there’s a place I’ve been meaning to visit and I know you’re going to
love it.”

By the way, for you guys that have been in a “dry spell,” and haven’t been dating
recently, I know this one is tough to follow. Just be disciplined. The goal is for
you to score with this girl, and then use your heightened self-confidence to score
with other girls. Soon, as you become a Mack, you will honestly be too busy to see
all the girls you are banging whenever they want to see you. You’ll have to
“assign” them a certain night of the week. And this only makes them desire you
more, because you’re applying the principle of Scarcity. You’re a popular,
ambitious guy with other places to be, and other people to see.

When you’re conversing with women, keep these principles in mind. I’ve had
conversations where I’ve used two, or even three, of these principles. Combine
more than one, and you’re really ahead of the game.

Dean, a lot of guys are afraid that women are just going to say “no.”
Do you have any other Tactics for getting around this, and
guaranteeing a favorable response?
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Look, 90% of the time, the word “no” comes out of people’s mouths because it’s a
reflex reaction. They say it because sometime in the past, they were in a similar
situation and DIDN’T say no, and it turned out to be a bad decision…so now,
when they’re confronted with similar circumstances, they’re going to
automatically give that response instead of considering why saying “yes” might be
to their benefit.

It’s like when I was 20 years old, I bought my first car, and I let some slick-talking
car salesman sell me this total piece of crap that broke down a week after I
bought it, and to this day I have a strong aversion to car lots. I hate them. I can’t
stand car salesmen, I assume they’re all just con artists who are trying to scam
me. Of course, this isn’t always the case. There are a lot of car salesmen who are
nice, sincere people. But that’s the negative belief that I formed due to a bad

This is similar to a woman who’s been through some bad relationships, or still
hasn’t gotten over her ex-boyfriend. The strongest human instinct isn’t the desire
for pleasure. It’s the instinct to avoid pain. This is why women will instinctually
turn most guys down, rather than take the time to explore his good qualities. This
is why you’ve got to take a Tactical approach.

There are so many situations with women, and in everyday life, where the right
phrasing can mean the difference between getting a YES or a NO. And so many
times, we use the wrong phrasing, and get turned down because of it, and we
never realize where we went wrong.

I’ll give you a good example. There’s a really powerful Mack Tactics technique I
use all the time called “I.O.Us,.” or “Creating I.O.U.’s”
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The idea here is that when you grant someone their request, or you go out of your
way to accommodate someone, you want to create an I.O.U.—you want to make
them feel that you’ve extended yourself for them, and now they owe you one. This
ties into the principle of Reciprocity that I talked about earlier: when someone
does something for us, we feel indebted to them, and as human beings we don’t
like to feel indebted. We want to square away that debt as soon possible by doing
something for the other person in return.

Let’s say a friend of yours, that you haven’t seen for years, comes to town and you
meet him for dinner, and you have this fancy, expensive meal, and at the end of
the meal he pulls out his credit card and insists on paying the bill. It’s generous,
you appreciate it, but you feel a little bit uneasy, right? You’re thinking in the
back of your head, “OK, I need to do something for this guy to pay him back

You can use the Rule of Reciprocity to your advantage. Let’s get off the subject of
women for a minute and talk about business. Let’s say you’re at your office,
you’re busy working, and someone calls you to talk about some business.
Normally, one of the first things they’ll say is, “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

And the normal response would be, “Oh, no, I’m not busy. What’s up?”

The Mack response is more tactical. I’ll say, “Actually, I’m slammed with work
right now…but I’m sure this important, so let me put this other stuff aside so we
can talk.”

So this way, you’re starting the conversation from a power position. The guy on
the other end is going to appreciate the fact that you’re making time for him, and
he’s going to want to make this conversation worth your while. It’s also a time-
saver, because instead of the customary few minutes of bullshit “so how ya been”
small talk, he’s going to get right into his purpose for calling you.
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This same principle applies to dealing with women. Guys are always acting like
it’s NO BIG DEAL when they do something nice or generous for a girl, when in
fact it is a pretty big friggin’ deal, and women ought to appreciate it and not
expect it. When a guy makes an extra effort for a girl, his normal tendency is to
downplay it and act like it’s nothing, know what I mean? When he pays for
dinner, and she thanks him, he’ll say “oh, no problem. It’s my pleasure.” As if
paying for dinner is something he is supposed to do, and isn’t anything special.

If she asks him to come over to her house on a Sunday and hook up her DVD
player, or paint her living room, or whatever, he’ll say “oh, I wasn’t doing
anything anyway, no worries…”

When a guy behaves this way, guess what? He’s not earning any points with her.
He gets taken for granted. If it’s “no big deal” to him, why should it mean
anything to her?

The Tactical response in these situations is to create an I.O.U. When she says
“thanks, Dean, I really enjoyed the meal,” I’ll say something like, “Well, Cindy,
with my work schedule I wasn’t sure if could find time for us to get together this
week…but I knew you’d love this restaurant, so I moved some appointments
around, and I’m really glad we made this happen.”

With an answer like that, she’s guaranteed to smile. She gets the sense that this
was a special effort, that you went out of your way to make this dinner happen.
Now later on that night, when you’re looking to take it to a physical level with
her, believe me…those little I.O.U.’s you planted along the way are going to have
her on the path to “yes” instead of telling you she needs to get to sleep early
tonight, or she’ll call you tomorrow, blah blah. She’s going to want to pay you
back for being such a wonderful, giving guy.
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The I.O.U. principle has endless applications. There are so many situations where
you can get a woman to sincerely appreciate the things you do, instead of acting
like just another eager, ordinary guy who’s eager to please. The trick with I.O.U.s,
though, is to be subtle. You don’t want to sound like you’re holding it over her
head, and if you’re a true Mack, you’re actually being honest…you DO have a lot
of other important things you could be handling next Sunday, when she asks you
to come by and help her move, or accompany her to a party, but you’re going to
MAKE TIME for her because she has earned that type of commitment from you.
That’s the way you want to project yourself to women.

Most guys don’t realize how words, or even a single word, can
totally change a woman’s mood, and her perception of you…

Words and phrasing are huge. Believe me, I’m living proof—the guy who
understands how to talk to women always has the edge over the great-looking
guy, or the rich guy, who plays it safe with women, and plays the game by their
rules. You’ve got to flip the script, and the M.A.C.K. Tactics book is jam-packed
with methods that are seriously going to shock and amaze you…but the awesome
thing is, they really work!

I don’t want to get too advanced for right now, but whenever you have the urge to
ask her a question, see if you can phrase it instead as a statement. Get into the
mindset that you’re going to make statements and observations instead of asking

I’m into music, personally, and I know a lot about it, so that’s a topic I enjoy
talking to women about. But if I’m talking to a girl in a bar, I don’t ask her, “So
what kind of music are you into?”

I’ll say to her, “So let me get your opinion on something. I’m thinking about
throwing a party at my place, and I want to give it a theme. I was thinking about a
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 29

Toga party, and then I thought a 70s thing with disco music, but then I thought,
what about an 80s party? I’d put together an awesome mix on my iPod. The Go
Gos, Huey Lewis, Banarama, Men at Work, Tears for Fears…who am I leaving

I’ve used this routine many times. She wants to jump in and tell me her favorite
cheesy 80’s band, right…and then I bust on her a little, I tease her, I say “Oh my
God, I can’t believe you were into that band…next you’re probably going to tell
me you had a New Kids on the Block poster on your wall,” and now the
conversation is flowing in a fun direction.

So you see, in that situation, you took a generic question (“so what kind of music
do you like?”) and put an original spin on it that turbo-charges the conversation.
If you were to ask her the generic way, 9 times out of 10 she’ll give a generic
answer, like “oh, I like hip hop, rock, all kinds.” But with that little story you told
her about your idea for an 80s party, now you’re drawing her into your world and
getting her to talk, and laugh, and share.

Great stuff. I hadn’t thought of it that way before…

Well, here’s another tactical tip. Do you know the most powerful word in the
English language? It’s the word “because.”

Why is that?

That word will get you what you want in life. I’m serious. When you want
someone to give you something, or do something for you, you have to give them a
reason to go along with it, and that’s where the word “Because” comes into play.

I remember reading about a study that was conducted by a marketing guy who
was researching the art of persuasion, and in one of his tests he went to a
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supermarket and picked up some milk and got in line at the check-out counter,
where he was behind a bunch of people.

His goal was to try to cut the line by using persuasion methods, and he tried it
two different ways. In the first case, he said to the people in front of him, “Excuse
me, would you mind if I cut ahead and paid for my milk?” And everybody gave
him dirty looks and no one offered to let him cut ahead.

In the second case, he said “Excuse me, I need to pay for my milk because I’m
double parked and I don’t want to get a ticket.” And now, the other people had no
problem accommodating his request. They moved aside and let him go to the
front of the line—simply because he gave them a reason that made logical sense.
He was double parked outside, and so it made sense to let him go ahead.

The first method he used? It was vague. And when you make a request but you’re
vague about your intentions, people will generate suspicions. The people in line
thought, “why does this guy want to cut ahead in line? Does he think he’s more
important than we are?”

When he did it the second time, he was specific in his reasoning. And the people
—who, let’s face it, are sheep 99% of the time—went right along with it.

So now you might be thinking, “yeah, that’s all pretty obvious. Of course that’s
the better way to make a request.”

Alright, so if that logic is so obvious, then tell then why do 90% of men say to

“Do you mind if I call you sometime?”

“If you’re free next weekend, would you like do something?”

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“Is it OK if we go back to my place?”

And so on…there are all badly phrased requests that don’t include any logical
reason for her to agree to it.

You’ve got to stop asking women for permission and instead tell them what you
want and how things are going to be, and give a reason for it.

For example, I would never say to a girl, “So can I have your phone number?”

Instead, I’ll take my phone out of my pocket, and start programming in her name,
and say “I need to get your number because I know about some very cool events
that are coming up, and I want to let you know about them.”

See, in the first instance, you were asking permission and this naturally trigger’s a
woman’s radar. She’s going to think of all the reasons why she shouldn’t give
you her digits…y’know, what if this guy is some weirdo, what if calls me at a bad
time, etc.

With the Mack way of doing it, you’re phrasing it in a way that sounds totally
agreeable and you’re giving her a reason, a benefit actually – you’re letting her
know that you’re a socially savvy guy, you know about all the cool things going on
in town, and you’re going to plug her into your loop. I don’t know of many women
who would say no to that.

This technique definitely comes into play when you want to bring a girl back to
your place and close the deal. I’ll never say “so do you want to go back to my
place?” because again, their radar kicks in and she might reflexively think “no”
because the last time she went home with a guy after a date, he banged her and
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never called her again, or he was lousy in bed, or he was too shy to make a move
and it was all weird and awkward…

So I’ll avoid that reflexive “no” by phrasing it in a way that makes it seem totally
natural, and I’ll include a reason for going to my place, because that’s going to
set her mind at ease. Women are very sensitive about being perceived as sluts, or
being too “easy,” but when you give her a justification…why it makes logical
sense to go back to your place…then she’ll feel much more comfortable going
along with the plan that you lay out.

This reason could be that you want to show her a great book you were telling her
about, or a CD, or some pictures from a trip you went on. Whatever. But there
needs to be a reason, something the two of you talked about earlier. You could
have mentioned that book, or that trip, hours earlier—and you should be
conscious of planting those seeds, creating motivations during the conversation
that you can use later on to bring her home.

The other angle with this technique is that you’re helping her overcome her fear
of the unknown. When you simply invite her back to your place, she’s going to
think, “well what are we going to do there? He’s probably just inviting me there
because he expects sex...” And now, if she goes along with it, it’s going to feel
wrong and slutty in her mind.

But when you give her a reason, when you use the word BECAUSE, it changes
the whole dynamic. When you say there’s this amazing book you want to show
her, or a DVD, then that allows her to picture in her mind where this is going
next, and she doesn’t have to worry that she’s agreeing to go home and just have
sex with you.

Of course, she has a pretty good idea what your intentions are. You’re both
mature adults. If she’s coming back to your place after a date, she’s expecting to
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hook up with you, but you’ve got to guide her down that path in order to
overcome her natural resistance.

I explain my exact methods for closing the deal in the M.A.C.K. Tactics: Ultimate
Edition book, but that’s the basic idea…you’ve got to always give women reasons
to say YES instead of being timid and vague and giving them reasons to say NO.

In your book, you discuss the importance of “Teasing” women,

throwing out remarks that make them feel slightly insecure and not
up to your standards. But how do you then turn these Teases into
positive and constructive conversation?

I wrote that chapter—and it’s a huge one—because there were too many guys who
read the books by the “seduction gurus” and chat in the Internet forums about
this stuff, and a while back they become excited by a concept called “Negs” that
was created by the guru Mystery. I think Mystery’s stuff is good, I’m not knocking
him, but a lot of guys started using Negs in the wrong way.

An example of a Neg would be walking up to a girl and saying to her, “I like your
outfit. If your shoes matched, it would be perfect.”

Y’know, some snarky comment that is supposed to make her think, “this guy is
NOT impressed by me…so therefore, he must be completely confident and
already get a lot of chicks.”

Don’t get me wrong, the premise of Negs is valid. You’ve got to bust on girls once
in a while to let them know they’re not “all that.” But what happened was, guys
were running around in bars and nightclubs and nagging women, and the women
were like, “why should I care what this dweeb thinks about my shoes?” They
thought the comment was obnoxious and it wasn’t constructive in any way.
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Here’s the thing: if you want to use a Neg effectively—and I prefer to call them
“Teases”—she has to already be invested in you. In other words, you’ve got build
up her level of interest in you, and THEN knock her down a peg. This way, the
method can be extremely effective. You’re keeping her off-balance. You’re giving
her your A-game, you’re being interesting and charming, and THEN you hit her
with a tease that makes her a little bit insecure…and makes her want to earn
points with you. It’s the Push/Pull theory…get her interested in you, then push
her away a little, then pull her back towards you. This builds sexual tension and
amplifies her attraction.

If you’ve read the M.A.C.K. Tactics book, you’ve already been using this technique
to hook up, and I can’t explain it all here but let me just tell you the basics. What
you do is, you throw out one of my teases…you push her away from you a little
bit, you make her think maybe she’s not up to your standards…and then you
pull her back towards you. It’s punishment/reward.

Just remember, if you’re going to show some “cocky confidence” and tease her
about something, and make her feel a little bit insecure, then you’ve got to follow
that by transitioning to a topic that lets her feel good about herself and earn some
points with you. No woman is going to stick around if you’re relentlessly busting
on her.

I’ve seen you in action, Dean, and I’ve watched you take some very
hot women home. Any recent examples of this technique that you
can relate?

Let me think. The girl I brought home last night…that was one almost too easy
(laughs). OK, OK, a few nights ago I was talking to a girl at a bar, and she was
fine as hell, but she was small. Like 5 feet tall. So I said “I bet without those high
heels you’d be like three-foot-seven. It’s actually kind of cute...the last girl I dated
was almost the same height as me.”
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And I’ll say this playfully, because I don’t want to sound offensive, and she acts a
little bit annoyed and tells me how tall she actually is, and then I move the
conversation onto something else. I don’t keep busting on her about it and
making her feel bad. I mention it and move on. I plant the seed in her head that I
normally date tall women, and therefore she’s not really my type, so I have no
agenda with this conversation.

Of course, I do, I want to hook up with her—and I did, an hour later (laughs)—
but I’m not sending those signals. I’m keeping her guessing.

But then, after teasing her, I mentioned to her that she’s got a really good sense of
style and I asked her where she got her shoes, because my sister is really into
shoes and I need to buy her a birthday gift. So now I’m giving this girl an
opportunity to talk about something that she’s knowledgeable about—shoes and
fashion—and I let her educate me a little and show off what she knows.

Then I said to her, “Wow, you know a lot about this stuff. You should have your
own reality TV show where you do fashion makeovers on guys.” And she laughs,
and I get her on that topic—I asked her which male celebrity would her first
“makeover” subject—and she feels like she’s scoring points with me.

The bottom line is, I’ve reversed the normal guy-girl dynamic. Instead of me
trying to say the right things to meet her standards, I’m making her feel that I’m
the picky one, and she has to meet my standards. She’s thinking, “I’m too short
for him, he’s not into me, but maybe I can change his mind…”

I also love using the line, “It’s too bad you’re not my type, you’re a cool person.”
I’ll say it as a throwaway remark and then I’ll transition to a new topic, and
meanwhile that line sticks with her and she’s wondering, “hold on, wait a
minute…how can this guy say I’m not his type? What’s up with that?”
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And 9 times out of 10, she’ll reference that comment a short time later and want
to know what IS my type. But I never give her a straight answer. I keep her
guessing. I say, “Oh, I’ve just normally dated girls with a certain type of look,
that’s all.” And I move on to a new topic.

Or, if you’re talking to a girl who’s younger than you are, you can ask her how old
she is, and then say, “That’s too bad. I’ve always dated women with a lot more
experience. So do you have a curfew tonight?”

So I’m busting on her like she’s a little kid, even though she might be 22 or 25
years old or whatever, and now she’s going to want to prove to me that she is
experienced and mature and she’s a sexy adult woman.

Then I’ll transition the conversation onto something else that allows her to make
herself feel good and score some points with me, but then if she ever says
something I disagree with, I might tease her a little more about her age. I’ll make
it a recurring them in our conversation: that she’s cool, but she’s too young and
inexperienced to get with a guy like me.

I might mention a movie I love from the 1980s, like “The Breakfast Club” or
“About Last Night”—I’m really into movies, by the way—and I’ll say “there’s no
way you’ve seen that movie, you were, like, an embryo when it came out…” In a
playful way, I’m telling her that she’s not on my intellectual level and she’s too
young for me to take seriously. But here’s why the Tactic works: because I spent
the last 15 minutes getting her to talk about herself, and using Minimal
Encouragers, and now she’s invested in this conversation. She cares about how
she represents herself to me. She’s going to want to say and do things that prove
she’s a smart, sexy chick who’s all grown up. If I busted on her too soon, she
might read it as an insult.
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Well, an hour later I suggested going back to my place, because she told me she
loved good wine and I told her I had a great bottle from a new brand she didn’t
know about yet (actually, I bought it at the supermarket for $15)—and she was
happy to come home with me, because she wanted to show me she was a “big
girl.” And in bed, believe me, she was plenty experienced!

Hehe…just another night in the life of Dean Cortez. So what do you

think are some topics that are guaranteed to start a good, long,
engaging conversation… and how do you actually calibrate those to
a woman's current state?

Some so-called “experts” will advise you to calibrate yourself to a woman’s

emotional state: if she’s happy, so are you. If she’s feeling sad, so are you.
Nonsense. I strongly disagree. If a woman is in a negative emotional state, your
job is to lift her into a positive state. Don’t think you’re going to bond with a girl
by listening to her talk endlessly about her problems. You want her to associate
being around you with good, positive feelings.

I have a friend like that…it drives me nuts. If we’re in a bar and there are 50
women, he’ll manage to find the one girl that is depressed about something, and
he’ll wind up bonding with her over their problems. And he’ll often wind up
banging her, and dating her, and a month later he’s in another nightmare
relationship with some depressed chick who hates life and calls him 90 times a
day to vent about her problems…I’m getting off-topic, but my point is that you
never want to lower your energy level to relate to a woman. You come in with
high energy. You’re the king of the world. You’re out to have a good time tonight.
If she’s feeling down, your mission is to lift her up.

Or, in many situations I’ve been in, the girl I like is in a good mood—but she has
an ugly friend who’s acting bitter and bummed-out, because she never gets
attention from guys, and she wants to go home early, blah blah. This is where I
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 38

use the 70/30 Rule from the M.A.C.K. Tactics book…charm the ugly friend, and
use her as your wingman to close the deal with the hot one. Yes, they’re
actually a method for this. Grab a copy of the book to learn that technique. It has
gotten me laid by at least 10 different women, and it’s so easy to use.

What are some of the conversational topics you’ll transition to?

As far as topics to riff on, travel is a great one. Encourage her to share with you
about the places she’s been, and the one place she dreams about visiting
someday. And also, talking to her about goals. That’s huge. I always mention a
current goal of mine, something I’m really passionate about and committed to—
for example, I recently took up boxing as a hobby and I’m really into it. I’m in the
gym five times a week. This says some positive things about the type of guy I am…
I stay in shape, and I commit to goals…and then I get to ask her about a goal of
hers that is important.

Maybe it’s something she wants to pursue, but hasn’t acted on yet. Most women
have a “secret goal” that they think about pursuing, but for whatever reason, they
haven’t acted on it. Maybe it’s an idea for a business. Maybe they want to take
singing lessons, or start painting. Get her to talk about it. I’ll use my Minimal
Encouragers and sound very supportive of that goal. I’ll tell her why I think it’s a
great idea, and how I can picture her being very good at it. Here’s a huge tip to
remember: if you can help motivate a woman to achieve things, and better
herself, she’s always going to want you in her life.

So how should a guy a handle situation in which he’s unable to think

of things to talk about?

Here’s a good one, and it refers back to a point I made in the beginning of this
interview—when I explained my opener in which I tell a girl she’s good at giving
advice to her friends.
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I’ll tell her “cool, you must know a lot about relationships, let me get your opinion
on something real quick.” Then I’ll relate a quick story to her. I use CHEATING
as the subject of the story, or the “hook,” because women love to talk and give
their opinions on cheating and relationships. There are many examples of these
types of stories in the M.A.C.K. Tactics book, and the step-by-step process for
guiding it towards sex, but one example would be saying to her…

“Let me get your opinion on something real quick. My best friend Mike has been
dating a girl named Sarah for about a month, and somehow she found out the
password to his email account and she went and checked through his emails. And
she saw that he’s been in staying in touch with his ex-girlfriend. Nothing
flirtatious or anything, they just forward each other jokes and sometimes Mike’s
ex talks to him about stuff she’s going through. So anyway, Sarah confronted
Mike about this, and he thought she was totally over reacting. He was pissed,
actually. He was upset that she would check his emails like that. So what do you
think…if you’re dating a guy, is it ok to snoop around a little and try to get
information on him, or is it more important to respect his privacy?”

OK, now let her respond…and believe me, women always have a detailed
response for these “cheating” stories. It’s a massive conversation starter. Pay
attention, because she’s going to reveal a lot of details about herself, and her
attitude towards dating, as she tells you her thoughts on this.

Anyway, I’ve got a million little stories like these, and the M.A.C.K. Tactics book
is filled with techniques that work incredibly well. Women will always have
opinions and input when it comes to cheating, relationships, and all of that juicy

But remember, as a Mack, you’re always thinking one step ahead, and as she tells
you her opinion of the Sarah and Mike situation, you’re figuring out how you’re
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 40

going to plant seeds. Remember the “trigger words”: Passion, Commitment,

Ambition, Loyalty. Use them.

You could let her give her input, and then say…

“Personally, I don’t agree with her checking Mike’s emails. But I do respect how
she confronted him about it and they talked it out. She expects her man to be 100
percent loyal, and that’s how I approach my own relationships.”


“The way I see it, Mike’s a great guy, and Sarah is obviously passionate about
him. Maybe she normally wouldn’t have checked a guy’s emails like that. But I
can relate…when I date someone, I get passionate about them. It’s just important
to respect the other person’s privacy.”


“I guess what Sarah needs to feel is a commitment from Mike. And I can
understand, because when I’m dating a woman I want that same commitment…”


“I just don’t know if I could be with a girl like Sarah. I’m very ambitious when it
comes to my career, and I network a lot…with men and women in my industry.
I’d hate to think that every time I have lunch with a female colleague about
business, or call her from home, that my girlfriend if going to get suspicious and
have a problem with it.”

I can’t explain my entire conversational method right now because we don’t have
enough time—check out the book for all that info, and get the free bonus
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 41

materials, too—but the bottom line is that as we converse, I’ve got a million and
one ways to keep things fresh and engaging and interesting. There’s never a dull
moment or an awkward pause.

Dean, a lot of guys assume they don’t have the looks, or the money,
to approach beautiful women. Can the Tactics get around that?

Yes. You’d be astonished by the students of mine that have landed hot girlfriends,
and they have ordinary jobs and ordinary looks…the key is that they
communicated the qualities that all women are subconsciously searching for. On
the other hand, I’ve coached guys that have all the “surface” qualities you think
are necessary—high-paying jobs, nice cars, handsome looks—and yet they’re
struggling just like anyone else when it comes to women, because they lack the
right skills and mindset that I teach in the M.A.C.K. Tactics book.

Another thing to remember about these persuasion tactics is that in order for you
to become adept at using them, you’ve got to understand what motivates and
drives the other person. What’s the outcome they’re hoping for, and what are they
trying to avoid?

Any good salesman understands this. In your case, you’re a salesman, too—and
the product you’re selling is yourself. As long as you believe in your “product” and
are able to communicate why it’s a product she needs—and would be foolish to
pass up—you’re going to get the results you want.

With women, their motivations are actually pretty simple. First and foremost,
they’re looking for a man who makes them feel secure—and keep in mind, this
has nothing to do with your physical size or strength. It’s about demonstrating
that you’ve got emotional strength, that you’re a leader, a decision-maker, and
she has to know that when she goes through her little feminine mood swings, and
she gets panicked or upset or stressed out, you’re the emotional rock who puts
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 42

her back on track. I go into a very detailed explanation of this in my book “The
Alpha Rules,” there’s a whole chapter on Emotional Strength. You can pick up
that book at

Also, in terms of making women feel safe, remember what I said earlier about
eliminating her suspicions and “fear or the unknown.”

When you lay out a scenario and justify it, she’s more likely to go along with it.
When you force her to make a decision based on vague information, she’s more
likely to find a reason to say “no.”

Put yourself in her shoes, and consider how her mind is going to react to these
two requests. The requests are the same—they’re just phrased differently:

Example #1: “So do you want to go back to my place?”

Example #2: “Let’s go to my place for an hour. I can’t hang out long, I’ve got to be
up early, but I want you to see those pictures from my trip because I want to show
you that beach I told you about.” Or, “I want to show you that TV show I recorded
on my TiVo, because it’s totally your type of humor—you’re going to love it.”

In example #1, you’re letting her “fear of the unknown” take over. You’re giving
her no clear direction, and so her mind is going to come up with reasons to
decline. In example #2, you’re laying out a clear path for her to follow.

Personally, one of my problems is TRANSITIONING into the “getting

physical” phase with a woman. Could you share with our listeners
some real-life examples, of how you take it to that level?

Of course. Look, it’s essential that you establish body contact during the course of
the conversation, or the date, and then you gradually escalate. This is about
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letting her grow comfortable with your touch. You can start off real simple. Touch
her knee for a second while you tell her a story. When you both laugh at
something funny, high-five her and interlace your fingers in hers, hold for a
second, and then draw back. If you’re entering a room with her, hold the door
open for her and touch the small of her back as she walks by you, guide her in
there. When you’re sharing something with her, put your hand on her forearm for
a moment while you tell the story.

These small, subtle physical gestures get her comfortable and they pay off. You
don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you’re walking her to her car at
the end of the night, or walking her to her doorstep after a date, and you’re
hoping for that first kiss but you haven’t even laid a finger on her yet! She’s not
going to be ready for that kiss, and I highly doubt she’s going to invite you inside,
because you haven’t made her physically comfortable with you. It’s unknown
territory. Establish contact, and escalate. I actually revised the M.A.C.K. Tactics
book recently to include some of my own “quick seduction” techniques that are
very, very easy to use.

We know that mastering the skill of "Sexual Communication" is key

when it comes to success with women and dating. In your opinion,
what is it, and what do you think are the components of Sexual
Communication—and how do you think they fit and work together?

Here, I think one of the problems a lot of guys run into is that they don’t generate
any sexual chemistry or sexual tension, and so women view them as a nice,
harmless “friend” instead of a guy they can picture themselves going home and
having awesome sex with.

If you’ve read my work, you know I cover a lot of specific methods for avoiding
the “Friend Zone”—and if you haven’t read it yet, there are some very crafty
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methods for taking friendships to a sexual level. For right now, let me give you
two quick pointers:

Use the “instant relationship” technique. This means making a playful offhand
comment about how the two of you are already a couple, or how you MIGHT
select her as your girlfriend, but you’re not sure yet...

Like, I’ll say to her, “You’re pretty cool, Lucy, but I’m not sure you can handle a
guy like me as your boyfriend. I normally date spontaneous, adventurous

That’s also a demonstration of the Push/Pull technique. I’ve got her invested in
the conversation…and so now, she’ll want to prove that she’s a spontaneous, wild
chick and is capable of being my girlfriend.

Or, I might mention a band I love, or one of my favorite restaurants, and if she
says she doesn’t know about it, I’ll pretend to be surprised and I’ll say, “Wow, I
can’t believe you don’t know about that. I don’t know if this relationship is going
to work out, I might need to ask for a divorce...”

So you’re saying this stuff playfully, but the point is, you’re letting her know
you’re judging her in terms of being your next possible girlfriend. There is
no gray area. You’re not here to “just be friends.”

Another tip that I mentioned before: when you talk to her on the phone to set up
a date, tell her to wear something sexy. Get her in that sexual mindset. This way,
right off the bat she knows that tonight isn’t about two friends getting together to
hang out. Tonight is about sexual possibilities. I’ve noticed that women
absolutely love it when I tell them to wear something sexy, but I don’t tell them
where I’m taking them. You get them tingling with anticipation, and you’re
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 45

sending the message that you’re a high-status guy who expects his dates to show
up looking hot.

If a girl I'm trying to talk to is showing no interest in me, are there

any other ways to turn it around before I say... NEXT?

You’ve got to use the Tactics that I’ve explained, and the others in the Ultimate
Edition book, and if you work the system and play it correctly you’ll get past those
barriers. No woman goes out to a bar or a nightclub to sulk and dwell on negative
stuff. They would love for a fun, confident guy to start talking to her and lift her
into a positive emotional state.

Before creating this system and learning from some of the best seducers out
there, I was lucky to be getting laid once every couple of months. Now it’s every
night—except when I need to take a break and get some work done (laughs)!
You’ll be able to break down those barriers and engage her in an authentic

That being said, I’d be lying to you if I said that every woman, in any situation, is
going to be receptive to you. Let’s face it, there are situations where a woman
doesn’t want to be bothered, she has something else on her mind, or she’s got a
boyfriend who’s about to show up any minute now. If she gives off a really
negative vibe like she does NOT want to get to know you, don’t drag it out and
make the situation more awkward. Make a very polite exit. Tell her it was great to
meet her, wish her a good night, and move on to the next prospect. I believe in
“paying it forward.” Don’t be rude and reinforce her belief that all the guys who
walk up to her in bars are assholes and players. Be polite and respectful, even if
she acts like a bitch. Maybe the next guy who steps to her will get a better result,
because of the classy way in which you conducted yourself.
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 46

OK Dean, case study: A guy is talking to a girl and suddenly, his

friend pops in and takes over the conversation. His friend starts
busting him and making him look bad. How do you turn it around
and avoid the conversation from being controlled by a third party?

Excellent question. There is a chapter in the M.A.C.K. Tactics book that is

devoted to the topic of Wingmen. There are a ton of strategies I teach on this, but
let me just tell you now, there’s a Japanese proverb that says, “When the
character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.”

What this means is, when women are sizing you up, your friends are a direct
reflection of the type of person you are, and she will make judgments about you
based on the way your friends come across.

First off, just because you’ve got a buddy who is willing to accompany you when
you go out to meet girls, be careful about calling him a “Wingman.” You should
only be out there macking alongside guys who are as skilled, or more
skilled, than you are. If you have a friend who has a tendency to cock-block
you, or screw up your game, he’s the guy you will NOT be inviting to come along
the next time you go out to mack women. He’s OK to watch the ball game and
drinks some beers with, but you’ve got to be selective about the friends who
accompany you when it’s time to meet girls.

The more common situation is that you’ll be vibing with a girl, and some random
guy who neither of you knows comes over and starts trying to talk to her. This
happened to me the other day, actually…I was at a club talking to a girl, and I
excused myself to go the men’s room, and when I came back there was some
musclehead trying to hit on the girl I’d been talking to.

Now, if I were to behave in a hostile way, or in a possessive way…putting my arm

around the girl, or trying to interrupt them…she would sense that as insecurity on
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 47

my part. Instead, I introduced myself to the guy in a totally friendly manner, and
spent a few minutes chatting with him—getting him to focus on me, instead of the
girl—and then I’ll turn to the girl, touch her on the arm, and tell her we should go
and rejoin our friends. I’ll give her a little wink when I say it, so it’s like I’m giving
her a secret signal – let’s get away from this annoying dude. If she’s into me,
she’ll follow my lead and we’ll head to another part of the room.

But I’ll make a classy exit. Before I go, I’ll shake the guy’s hand, tell him it was
awesome to meet him, and leave it on a positive note. The girl I’m with is going to
take note of that. I’m an Alpha Man who never feels threatened by the presence of
other men. That’s how you always want to play it. No stress, no contest.

Ok, time’s running out and I for one would highly recommend those
listening in to get Dean’s materials; the ebooks, bonus reports, video
trainings, etc it’s all at Some heavy
persuasion techniques in far more detail than he explained
here...Dean, I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with us.

I just hope I can do my part to help guys starting dating the girls they deserve to
be with. Guys, don’t compromise. Don’t let women control the game and dictate
your level of self-confidence. Check out the book, and the bonus materials, and I
guarantee you’ll be razor-sharp in your interactions with women.


By Dean Cortez

In M.A.C.K. Tactics, my best-selling dating advice book for guys, I stress that
originality is the most important quality that you can convey to a woman—from
the way you dress, to how you approach the ladies and engage them in
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 48

On the other hand, when you fail to make a unique impression, she’s going to
automatically lump you in with the last 37 chumps who tried to buy her a drink—
and within three minutes of you paying for her ridiculously overpriced cocktail,
she’ll be excusing herself to “go find her friend.” (Don’t you just hate when
women say that? Yeah, like her friend is really lost somewhere in the nightclub, in
desperate need of food and water...)

As you know, the key to building a bond with her is to engage her attention and
get her to share information about herself, which you can then discuss with her
(while planting seeds about your own positive qualities). One of my favorite
conversational tactics for accomplishing this is using Cold Reads. This technique,
which is used to great effect by psychics and palm readers, is a way to make the
other person feel like you understand what makes them tick, and what they’re
going through, without them telling you.

In other words, you’re playing the role of the “psychic”—and women love this.
(Hey, you never see guys paying money to palm readers, psychics, fortune tellers,
and all those other scam artists. WOMEN keep them in business, because they
get off on the idea that another person can “read” them and help them make
decisions about their lives. And this is where YOU come in, with this Tactic…)

The trick with Cold Reads is that the “observations” you’re making apply to
virtually anyone. Yet there are psychological reasons why they work so effectively.
Human beings are self-centered, and we generally accept claims about ourselves
that reflect how we wish to be. Also, people are vain. We want to be seen as
unique, and special, and deeper than the average person.

Even though Cold Reads are usually vague generalizations—which would apply to
your Aunt Bernice, just as they would to the hottie in the nightclub—we want to
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 49

agree with the person who skillfully “reads” us, and we’ll believe they have
unusual powers of perception.

So forget about asking the generic “job interview” questions. (“So what’s your
name,” “where are you from,” etc.) If I’m in a club, talking to some hot chick
who’s acting a bit hard to get, I’ll bust out a Cold Read:

“Y’know, Lisa, I get the sense that a lot of guys get the wrong idea when they first
meet you. They think you’re stand-offish and a bit cold. But you’re actually a lot
more sensitive, and funny, than people realize.”

Wow, she thinks. This guy “gets” me. How did he know that? You’ve just opened
the gateway to a real conversation.

Another example: “I get the sense it takes you a while to trust people, because
you’ve been hurt before by someone who was really close to you. But the people
that do earn your trust, you would do anything for them.”

Or, "I can tell that you’re someone who usually plays it safe and doesn’t take
chances, but sometimes you’ve regretted it because you missed out an
opportunity. But then other times, you’re spontaneous and adventurous, and you
do take chances...and that’s when you’ve had some of the best times of your life.”

If she agrees with one of my “reads”—and honestly, I’ve never had a woman flat-
out disagree with something I tell her about herself—I’ll follow up by telling her
that I can totally relate, because I’m the same way. This builds a bond between
me and her. In order to solidify the bond, I’ll tell a quick story—one that
illustrates how I’m the same type of person. (If you’ve got five Cold Reads ready
to use, you should also have five short stories to illustrate how you embody those
same qualities.)
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Here’s a story I told a few nights ago, after using a Cold Read…

“I can relate to that, Lisa, because you’re serious about your job but sometimes
you have this fun, party side that comes out. I’m a very ambitious person, and I
used to miss out on a lot of fun times with my friends and family because I was
always working. But then I made a decision, that I need to be there for my family
more often. I canceled a really important meeting the other day so that I could
attend my cousin’s wedding in New York. And even though it was a long trip, and
my cousin didn’t expect me to show up…when she saw me walk in, and I saw the
smile on her face, it was all worth it.”

A similar tactic is using “Barnum statements,” named after the circus showman
P.T. Barnum. These statements apply to just about anybody, but give the
impression that you’re tapping into her inner psyche. My favorite is, "I can tell
something has been weighing on your mind. You're on the verge of making an
important decision in your life, aren’t you."

Pretty much all of us, at any given time, are contemplating a big decision (or one
that is big to us, at least). Regardless, she’ll be surprised and impressed that you
knew that about her. She’ll probably volunteer more information—and now
you’re engaged in a deep, authentic conversation instead of trying to fill awkward
pauses, or drag her onto the dance floor.

Much of what a cold reader does is simply repeating back what the subject has
said, as if he already knew the answer. If she affirms that she’s on the verge of
making a big decision, nod wisely and say, "Yes, that's right, and you’re really
having a hard time with it." Claim her answer as your own.

Some other Cold Reads that are vague yet “profound”:

“You have a strong need for others to like and admire you, but you also have a
tendency to be critical of yourself.”
M.A.C.K. Tactics bonus book – all rights reserved – 51

“You’ve got a hidden talent, or a passion, that most people don’t know about, and
you want to pursue it— but something is holding you back.”

“At times, you’re really social and outgoing. But other times, you’re reserved and

Now that you understand the idea behind Cold Reads, you can invent your own.
Based on her vibe, the way she’s dressed, and how she acts during the first few
minutes of conversation, you should be able to use a “read” that applies to her.

This is just one example of an original, thought-provoking conversational tactic.

To learn the complete arsenal, and how to use them with expert precision in any
situation, visit

P.S. This information is applicable no matter where you live, but I’ll note that in
my own experience, I’ve lived in three of the most intense cities in America: New
York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. The popular bars and clubs in these cities have
a lot of hot women, but they also have a ton of guys flashing money and trying to
impress women with how much they make, or what they do for a living. I’ve
learned that having a hot car parked in valet and a VIP table at the nightclub
doesn’t make you original. Those guys are a dime a dozen. It’s the Macks who
know how to cut through the small talk, and stimulate a woman’s emotions and
imagination, who never go home alone.

* * * * *

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created as a “thank you” for our valued customers, because we believe
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in giving you the MAXIMUM value possible. If you have any specific
questions about our program, or if you have a topic you’d like to see
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