Effectiveness of On-Screen Pinyin in Learning Chinese

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Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 11–15

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Effectiveness of on-screen pinyin in learning Chinese: An expertise reversal

for multimedia redundancy effect
Chee Ha Lee *, Slava Kalyuga
School of Education, The University of New South Wales, NSW, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The reported study is aimed at developing effective techniques for reducing learner cognitive overload
Available online 31 May 2010 while using pinyin (a phonetic system) to learn the Chinese language. According to the multimedia
redundancy effect, commonly used concurrent visual presentations of characters and pinyin, as well as
Keywords: their auditory pronunciations might impose an unnecessary extraneous load on learners and thus elim-
Cognitive load inate any potential benefits of using pinyin. In this study, learning effects of three computer-based pre-
Classic Chinese sentation techniques (full on-screen pinyin transcription, partial on-screen pinyin transcription, and no
on-screen pinyin) were compared for learners with higher and lower levels of prior language proficiency
Multimedia redundancy effect
Expertise reversal effect
and pinyin knowledge. Results demonstrated the superiority of the partial pinyin condition over the two
other conditions for more experienced learners. No differences between the three experimental groups
were found for learners with lower levels of prior knowledge. The effectiveness of different pinyin pre-
sentation techniques depended on levels of learner prior knowledge (an expertise reversal effect).
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tance of the pinyin transcription. For example, Shu, Zeng, and
Chen (1993) demonstrated that junior primary students performed
The basic unit of the Chinese written language is a character. better on a vocabulary meaning test (involving words familiar to
Because of the ideographic nature of the written language, pronun- participants in their spoken language) in a characters-with-pinyin
ciation information conveyed by characters is very limited. Pinyin experimental condition than in a characters-only condition. Shu
represents a modern phonic transcription system that assists in and Liu (1994) also found the advantage of using pinyin to help
learning pronunciation of characters in Putonghua (the official spo- young children in sentence reading. However, in both studies,
ken language of China, also called Mandarin). Pinyin shares the the pinyin condition did not demonstrate any advantage in test
alphabet with English, and diacritical signs are marked above the questions that included vocabulary items that were not familiar
vowel of a pinyin to indicate the tone of the word. A syllable pro- to the participants in their spoken language. While the pinyin tran-
nounced in different tones would represent different characters scription for the words that were familiar to participants in their
and result in different meaning in the Chinese language (e.g., / spoken language allowed them to comprehend the written text,
mā/, /má/, /mă/, /mà/). it was not the case for unfamiliar words. Limitations of using pin-
In China, students are usually well trained in reading and pro- yin for learners who do not use Mandarin as a daily spoken lan-
nouncing pinyin before they start learning characters. Pinyin is rec- guage (i.e., learners with a Chinese dialect background) were also
ommended for assisting students to read independently at early demonstrated by Xu, Bao, and Xu (1997).
stages of learning. Therefore, characters in the Chinese language In practice, pinyin is often used simultaneously with its audi-
textbooks (and more recently, in computer-based materials) for tory pronunciation. Chung (2003) compared a visual pinyin pre-
early stage learning are usually transcribed with pinyin and only sentation with an auditory pronunciation condition (without
new words are transcribed with pinyin for later stages (Zhang & pinyin transcription) and demonstrated superiority of the visual
Zhu, 2007). pinyin on a pronunciation recall test. This was a surprising result
It is assumed that young readers could comprehend text com- because it had been expected that encoding activities could be
posed of a large amount of unfamiliar characters with the assis- enhanced using a dual-modality instructional format (a character
with its verbal pronunciation). According to the modality effect
in cognitive load theory, presenting a picture (character) with
* Corresponding author. Address: School of Education, The University of New
written explanations (pinyin) could be less effective than pre-
South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Tel.: +61 2 9385 1958; fax: +61 2 9385
1946. senting it with spoken explanations (pronunciation). Chung
E-mail address: cheelee.hilda@gmail.com (C.H. Lee). (2003) suggested that the visual pinyin might have allowed the

0747-5632/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 C.H. Lee, S. Kalyuga / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 11–15

rehearsal of its pronunciation in working memory, while the ver- 2. Methods

bal pronunciation vanished quickly and was difficult to recall. In
regards to the effects of these instructional conditions on the 2.1. Participants
meaning recall post-tests, no significant differences were ob-
served. Based on the description of the experimental procedure, Six classes of 240 Year 8 students (113 females and 127 males;
it is possible to speculate that participants’ prior skills in reading average age 14.04 years, SD = 0.68) from two Hong Kong subsi-
pinyin could have reduced working memory load and contrib- dized secondary schools participated in the experiment. At each
uted to these results. school, three classes were selected randomly.
The study described in this paper investigated the effects of
simultaneously presenting visual pinyin and its auditory pronunci-
2.2. Materials and procedure
ation compared to an auditory-only presentation (no-pinyin condi-
tion) using relatively more complex learning materials (classical
The experiment included a pretest phase, a learning phase, and
Chinese texts) in a computer-based learning environment. The
a post-test phase.
instruction with visual pinyin included two forms corresponding
to different levels of pinyin presence: a full pinyin condition in
which all the characters were transcribed with pinyin and a partial 2.2.1. Pretest phase
pinyin condition in which only potentially new or key characters The pretest phase was conducted in a normal classroom setting
were transcribed with pinyin. in a single session of 25 min. Participants were first asked to com-
Classical Chinese is the language of ancient Chinese historical, plete a brief questionnaire to collect demographic information
philosophical and poetic texts. Relative to modern Chinese, it is including family language background. The pretest was used to
characterized by using significantly fewer characters for express- evaluate the overall level of participants’ combined prior knowl-
ing ideas. Also, grammar rules and vocabulary in classical Chi- edge of pinyin and Mandarin language. The paper-based, multi-
nese are different from modern Chinese (Faurot, 1995). From ple-choice pretest consisted of three questions each of which
the perspective of cognitive load theory, classical Chinese is included 12 items, and participants were instructed by a pre-re-
characterized by high levels of element interactivity for begin- corded voice message. The first two questions were used to evalu-
ners. For students who are not familiar with Mandarin (including ate familiarity with pinyin and ability to distinguish four tones of
participants in this study), the level of intrinsic cognitive load Mandarin. Students were requested to match a written pinyin with
would be further increased. The majority of Hong Kong students a pronunciation they heard. The last question evaluated students’
use Cantonese (one of the Chinese dialects) for daily communi- familiarity with pronunciations of some of the characters selected
cation. Learning Mandarin is recommended for all students from from the learning materials. Students were requested to judge
Year 1 to Year 9 levels, and pinyin is used conventionally to whether a pronunciation they heard corresponding to a character
accompany characters in Mandarin textbooks and computer- was correct or not. Each response was scored 1 (correct) or 0
based materials to assist in learning pronunciation. Since Hong (incorrect). The maximum score of 36 could be obtained if all items
Kong students are familiar with English, distinguishing English were answered correctly. The answer options ‘I don’t know if it is
and pinyin may impose an additional load before students be- correct or incorrect’ or ‘I can’t make a judgment’ were included
come fluent pinyin readers. McGinnis (1997) suggested the term in all items to prevent participants from guessing their answers.
the can effect to describe the situations when pinyin spellings Cronbach’s a of 0.65 (for a modified sample N = 120, see Section 3)
could be very easily confused with pronunciation of English indicated a sufficiently high level of internal consistency for the
(e.g., can is pronounced as /tshan/ in pinyin). In addition, stu- three pretest questions. Following the pretest phase, participants
dents may also require cognitive resources to cross-reference in each school were listed in ascending order according to their
the Mandarin pronunciation of characters with their Cantonese pretest scores and alternatively allocated to three experimental
pronunciation. conditions (i.e., full pinyin transcription, partial pinyin transcrip-
Thus, if pinyin is used with complex learning materials like tion, and no-pinyin condition).
classical Chinese texts, the level of intrinsic cognitive load could
be very high. In this situation, according to the multimedia redun- 2.2.2. Learning phase
dancy effect (Kalyuga, 2000; Kalyuga, Chandler, & Sweller, 1999, The learning and post-test phases were conducted 1 week later
2004; Mayer, Heiser, & Lonn, 2001), a concurrent presentation in the language laboratory in a single session of 40 min. Twelve
of Chinese characters (pictorial representations), pinyin (visual sentences were selected from several classic Chinese text. Using
verbal representations), and its auditory pronunciation (spoken a pre-recorded voice message, the participants were instructed to
verbal representations) may impose an unnecessary extraneous read and comprehend 12 sentences shown on the computer screen
load and thus eliminate any potential benefits of using pinyin. and learn the pronunciation of the characters in Mandarin. They
The visual pinyin or its auditory equivalent could be regarded were also told that a short test would immediately follow the
as a redundant source of information. Since the auditory equiva- learning phase. The learning materials were presented on the com-
lent is essential for learners who may not be skillful in reading puter screen using PowerPoint slides. The presentation used tradi-
pinyin during early stages of learning, it is expected that visual tional characters and a common Chinese font Kaiti ( ). The visual
pinyin may inhibit learning, especially for learners who are not pinyin transcription in the corresponding experimental condition
familiar with spoken Mandarin and not experienced in reading was presented just above the characters (see Fig. 1). This presenta-
pinyin. tion format corresponded to the format in the Mandarin textbooks
However, according to the expertise reversal effect (Kalyuga, and materials used in the two participating schools.
2007; Kalyuga, Ayres, Chandler, & Sweller, 2003), levels of learner The distances between the Chinese characters and pinyin were
prior experience could affect the effectiveness of an instructional the same across different PowerPoint slides. The levels of difficulty
technique. It could be predicted that the effectiveness of pinyin of the sentences were judged by four experienced Chinese lan-
might depend on levels of learner prior language proficiency and guage teachers from the participating schools as appropriate for
experience with pinyin. Therefore, possible interactions between their Year 8 students (the content and structure of the sentences
instructional formats and learner levels of expertise were also were not too hard or too easy to comprehend). The time spent
investigated in this study. on reading each sentence was equalized throughout the three
C.H. Lee, S. Kalyuga / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 11–15 13

for sentence comprehension and pronunciation items to prevent

participants from making random choices. The post-test was
accompanied by pre-recorded instructions to ensure that all partic-
ipants were allocated the same amount of time for the test. They
were not allowed to go back to the previous questions. The first
set of five items was designed to assess comprehension of the
learning materials. The measures were based on evaluating the
adequacy of the learner constructed text representations after
reading the learning materials. In each item, participants were gi-
ven a sentence written in modern Chinese with meaning presum-
ably corresponding to the meaning conveyed by the learning
materials and were asked to judge whether the statement was cor-
rect or not. Statements were written according to possible correct
or incorrect representations. The adequacy of learner representa-
tions was judged by their ability to verify the correctness of the
presented statements. The second set of six items was designed
to evaluate learners’ recognition of characters. Corresponding six
sentences were selected from the learning materials with some
characters modified (usually a homophone or a character that
shares a similar graphic structure with the correct original one).
Participants were asked to circle a wrongly used character (if
any) and write down the correct one if applicable. A voice-over
pronouncing the sentences was provided. The third set of seven
items was designed to evaluate learners’ pronunciation perfor-
mance. For these items, sentences or phrases were selected from
the learning materials. For each item, students were required to
judge whether the pronunciation of the target character (presented
with a bracket) was correct or not. For the first and third sets of
items, each response was scored 1 (correct) or 0 (incorrect). For
the second set of items, each response was scored 1 (correct), 0.5
(the correct character was not provided for a correctly identified
modified character) or 0 (incorrect). The maximum scores of 5, 6,
and 7 could be obtained for measures of sentence comprehension,
recognition, and pronunciation correspondingly if all items were
answered correctly.

3. Results

The dependent variables under analysis were post-test scores

for sentence comprehension, recognition of characters, and pro-
nunciation, while the independent variables were instructional for-
mats (full pinyin, partial pinyin, or no pinyin) and levels of learner
expertise (lower and higher level).
In order to exclude students with a strong Mandarin speaking
background, the participants who had indicated in the question-
naire that they studied in Mainland China and communicated with
Fig. 1. Examples of experimental formats used in the learning phase. their family members (native Mandarin speakers) in Mandarin
were eliminated from the analysis. Pretest scores for the remaining
178 students were used as indicators of levels of learner prior
instructional conditions. The learning procedure and the sentence experience with pinyin and Mandarin language. In order to obtain
presentation order were also the same. Each sentence (with full, two groups of learners with distinctively different levels of prior
partial, or none pinyin transcription added depending on the knowledge, the pretest scores were arranged in an ascending order
experimental condition) was first shown on the computer screen and a median range of about one third of participants (58 students
for 3–7 s depending on the length of the sentence. It was then fol- with pretest scores between 21 and 25) was excluded from the
lowed by a voice-over pronouncing the sentence three times with analyses. Subsequently, the total number of participants in the
4 s intervals between each reading (the sentence remained on the modified experimental groups was 120.
screen). The PowerPoint slides changed automatically, and the With the three modified groups (n = 43 for the pinyin group,
word (The end) was shown on the last slide. n = 39 for the partial pinyin group, and n = 38 for the no-pinyin
group), analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a highly non-signif-
2.2.3. Post-test phase icant difference for the pretest scores, F(2, 117) = 0.78, MSE = 36.40
A multiple-choice, paper-based test consisted of three sets of (M = 22.53, SD = 6.54 for the pinyin group; M = 22.44, SD = 5.68 for
items measuring sentence comprehension, recognition of charac- the partial pinyin group; and M = 22.95, SD = 5.78 for the no-pinyin
ters, and pronunciation, respectively. The options ‘I don’t know if group; .05 significance level was used throughout the manuscript).
it is correct or incorrect’ or ‘I can’t make a judgment’ were provided Thus, the three groups of participants were at the same level of
14 C.H. Lee, S. Kalyuga / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 11–15

7 auditory pronunciation, the results demonstrated an interaction

between instructional conditions and levels of learner expertise
full pinyin (an expertise reversal effect). The partial pinyin condition outper-
partial pinyin formed the no-pinyin conditions for more knowledgeable learners,
no pinyin however this superiority was found in learning pronunciation but
6 not in sentence comprehension and recognition of characters. For
less knowledgeable learners, there were no differences among
5.5 the three conditions.

5 4. Discussion

This paper investigated cognitive load aspects of learning the

4.5 Chinese language using a phonic transcription system called pin-
yin. Because of the ideographic nature of the Chinese language, it
4 is conventionally taken for granted that pinyin is always useful
in providing pronunciation information for Chinese characters
3.5 and should accompany characters in learning materials for begin-
ner learners. It is also a common practice to present characters
with both pinyin and verbal pronunciation instructions
3 concurrently.
The multimedia redundancy effect generated by cognitive load
2.5 theory may render the presentation of pinyin accompanied by its
verbal pronunciation an ineffective instructional method. Learners
2 might need to cross-reference the spoken and visual sources of
essentially the same information. Mental processing of duplicate
lower prior higher prior
pronunciation information might therefore leave insufficient cog-
knowledge level knowledge level
nitive resources for learning schemas required for comprehension,
Fig. 2. Interaction between instructional formats and levels of learner expertise for
characters recognition, and learning pronunciation. It is suggested
post-test scores measuring learning of pronunciation. that an instructional format without visual pinyin (i.e., presenting
characters and their verbal pronunciation) could be a more effec-
tive alternative.
prior familiarity with pinyin and Mandarin language, and none of The results of the described experiment indicated no overall
the groups had an initial advantage in the experiment. multimedia redundancy effect. However, an expertise reversal ef-
MANOVA for the three dependent variables indicated no signif- fect was found demonstrating a significant interaction between
icant main effect for experimental conditions, H = 0.43, the effectiveness of alternative instructional techniques in learning
F(3, 113) = 1.62, g2p = 0.04. Expectedly, there was a significant main pronunciation and levels of learner prior experience. For less expe-
effect for the expertise levels, H = 0.22, F(3, 112) = 8.23, g2p = 0.18, rienced learners, no differences were found between the full pinyin
p < .01. Most importantly, MANOVA indicated a significant interac- transcription condition, partial pinyin transcription condition, and
tion between instructional conditions and levels of learner exper- no-pinyin condition. Insufficient knowledge in learner long-term
tise, H = 0.08, F(3, 113) = 3.03, g2p = 0.07, p < .05 (see Fig. 2). memory may have resulted in a very high level of intrinsic cogni-
Means and standard deviations are provided in Table 1. tive load that overloaded working memory. For more experienced
Separate univariate ANOVAs for interactions between instruc- learners, the partial pinyin condition outperformed the no-pinyin
tional conditions and levels of learner expertise for each dependent instructional format in learning pronunciation, with no differences
variable revealed a significant effect for measures of pronunciation between other conditions. The available knowledge structures may
learning, F(2, 114) = 4.04, MSE = 2.19, p < .05, g2p = 0.07. There were have reduced the level of intrinsic load sufficiently to allow pro-
no significant effects for measures of sentence comprehension, cessing of the redundant visual pinyin.
F(2, 114) = 0.20, MSE = 0.94, and recognition of characters, Mayer and Johnson (2008) have recently demonstrated that the
F(2, 114) = 1.97, MSE = 0.99. multimedia redundancy principle (according to which graphics
In regards to simple effects for learning pronunciation, ANOVAs and narration are superior to graphics, narration, and on-screen
indicated a significant difference between the three instructional text) may not apply when the on-screen text is a short version of
formats for higher knowledge level learners, F(2, 54) = 3.67, the narration that highlights its key points and is placed next to
MSE = 2.69, p < .05, g2p = 0.12, with no simple effect for lower knowl- the corresponding portion of the graphic. The pinyin transcription
edge level learners, F(2, 60) = 0.65, MSE = 1.73. According to Tukey in the partial pinyin condition was provided only next to poten-
HSD post hoc test, the partial pinyin format outperformed the no- tially new (key) characters to draw the learner’s attention and
pinyin format for the higher knowledge level learners (p < .05). could be regarded as exactly this case.
Thus, although no overall multimedia redundancy effect was The above advantage of partial pinyin was not demonstrated for
found in using visual pinyin transcription simultaneously with its the sentence comprehension and character recognition test tasks

Table 1
Means and standard deviations for post-test scores measuring learning pronunciation for different experimental conditions and levels of learner prior knowledge.

Lower prior knowledge level Higher prior knowledge level

Full pinyin Partial pinyin No pinyin Full pinyin Partial pinyin No pinyin
M 3.50 3.09 3.47 4.52 5.47 4.00
SD 1.10 1.02 1.78 1.89 1.23 1.67
C.H. Lee, S. Kalyuga / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 11–15 15

for which no differences were found between the three experimen- References
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even though pinyin enhanced independent reading and character 207–223.
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Kalyuga, S., Ayres, P., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (2003). Expertise reversal effect.
strated only in learning pronunciation.
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The authors would like to thank Yin Ping Chiu, Yee Mei Wan, dialect background). Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 3, 39–44.
and the Principals of the participating schools for their support in Zhang, Q., & Zhu, J. L. (Eds.). (2007). Yu Wen (Language). Year 1–Year 6. Nanjing,
China: Jiangsu Education Publishing House.
this study. The authors also thank the technicians and the students
for their cooperation.

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