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How does Co-Working Help Members Attract & Retain Top Talent?

Co-working spaces have truly revolutionized the way we work, and are fast-growing to
be the most popular choice for businesses, new & old alike. There are several ways in
which shared office spaces offer a step up from the traditional model of office leasing.
While some of them are highly material & easy to attach numbers to, there are other
intangible factors that positively impact the day-to-day functioning of your organization.
In fact, some of these intangible factors can often be more important to an
organization’s success than the material benefits. One such factor is the ability to attract
& retain top talent a challenge that every business faces, whether it has 20 or 20000
Here are 6 ways in which co-working at Wesharedesk helps its member companies
stand out to current & potential employees:

1. Open workspace design adds a human touch to company culture

One of the most significant departures than any co-working space & indeed most
modern offices offer is the replacement of the cubicle culture with wide, open
spaces. The removal of these physical barriers leads to the removal of intangible
barriers within organizations and promote a flat hierarchy.

This contributes to better communication among employees, and increased

humanization of the challenges they face collectively as a group. Grievances &
praise that might previously have gone unaddressed are easier to address, and
we often see teams celebrating every little success together – from the bosses at
the top of the pyramid to interns learning the ropes. At wesharedesk, we take
great pride in maintaining high satisfaction levels for all our members, and our
spaces are designed keeping in mind that at the end of the day, it’s all about

2. Multi-purpose spaces cater to multiple requirements

Every individual is unique in their set of interests, mannerisms, style of working,

etc. Our multi-purpose spaces are designed to cater to a wide variety of
individuals, accommodating itself to every distinct need. A lounge space that is
often used as a reading area or for catching up with the latest news on TV easily
doubles up as a chess arena or even as a place to put one’s feet up and get
work done away from the desk.

3. A hassle-free environment maximizes productivity

While there are plenty of plug & play offices around, not each of them prioritizes
the daily experience of their members. At wesharedesk, we live & breathe a
hassle-free environment that is designed to maximize productivity. Every
conceivable need – from printing & cleaning services to meeting rooms &
managing memberships is taken care of.
4. A diverse set of events keep them buzzing

Regular and relevant events across a range of disciplines from knowledge

sessions to friendship day celebrations are a feature almost unique to co-working
spaces. Every center at wesharedesk hosts its own set of events, catering to
local tastes & community requests, providing a welcome diversion from the daily
Just as described above under the functionality of multi-purpose spaces, these
diverse events engage with the different interests of individuals. Learning the
latest Skyscraper technique to laughing their hearts out at some local stand-up
comedy, every week brings a new kind of excitement to the lives of our

5. Higher levels of motivation & job satisfaction

The community environment & breathers from the work routine act as an
effective means of recharging their batteries, making them more focused & goal-
oriented while they perform their tasks. It also helps that whenever they are stuck
somewhere, help is always at hand – even if not necessarily from within their
organization, since there is always a community member who could help them
move forward.

6. Socializing with a community of peers creates holistic growth

Even the most beautiful & thoughtfully designed space is nothing without those
that bring it to life. While we strive our hardest to provide the best facilities &
environment, it is our members themselves that create & define the identity of
each space. We help our communities’ best settle into their natural order and
encourage every individual to freely express themselves.

Get in touch with us today to take a tour of your nearest center and book your


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