Project Abstract or Synopsis

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Factory Address: located at Joribari, Moyran Gazipur City Corporation Dhaka

Abstract of Recycling yarn is a process of change waste of Garments Manufacturer Wastage into new
products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw
materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution by reducing
the need for “conventional” waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling is a key
component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”
waste hierarchy.

Keywords: Recycle, Reuse, Recyclate, Recovery, Drop-off Centres, Buy-back centres, Curbside Collection.


For a recycling program to work, having a large stable supply of recyclable Readymade Garments
Wastage is crucial

Three legislative options have been used to create such supply mandatory recycling collection, deposit
legislation, and refuse bans.

Mandatory collection laws set recycling targets for RMG to aim for usually in the form that a certain
percentage of a material must be diverted from the RMG waste by a target date.


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More Sustainable
West Minimization


Energy Recovery

Less Sustainable

Figure shows relationship between disposal and waste management

Basically Koel Modish Apparels were stared the business as buying House in Uttara, Dhaka Bangladesh in
the year of 2016. And since the beginning of our journey we already solicited our export trade to
European country specially Italy and Croatia mainly near about $ 3 Million in each year and particularly
by this work force and successive Journeys we through our view subsequently for the process of
Recycling Yearn for the domestic and international buyers. Where following surceases make us
energetic and encourage to think and determined to implement such new concept, these are;

Over all our country (Bangladesh) aspect Bangladesh is the 2nd largest Readymade Garments exporter in
the world especially on Readymade Garments manufacturer and exporter country those are working
during the last five decades consistently where it’s emerging our economic particularly in GDP stronger
day by day.

In link of above matter we stared to work with a new concept reading the recycling yarns process from
the Readymade Garments Manufacturer wastage, those are available to get from our local source
simultaneously make our environmental friendly from the various source of pollution.

This is easy accessible and transformable method which doesn’t required a huge process flow or work
flow to be complete from the process recycling cotton to make in progress into the shape to recycling
yearn as well very fast production as per our view and observation per days capacity is standing 10-12
ton with utilization of three shifts by the 100 personnel involvement a days.


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However, Readymade Garments local raw wastage availability make us determined and confident to be
build such factory for a sustainable business which will be better earning source to generate new cash
flow as well on the other hand will functionally effective to brought social and environmental benefit
gradually for the country.

Usually according to our regional aspect our manpower resources and by the assurance of workers and
expertise of the readymade garments, textile and spinning sectors. This brings us extra comfort for the
availability of labors and day workers for run our functional operation smooth.

Basically as per our common practices we are usually habituated to use and work with the cotton yearns
those are mainly generated from the raw cotton from local and international parts as we collect to move
our textile and spinning mills operation which give us immense pressure to meet the supply of demand
and gradually reasoning high pricing of the raw cottons. Where such recycling yearn will be benefited us
from such lacks and give us extra support our textile and spinning mills operation smooth.

It’s a common factor for any new type of business regarding the communication means transportation
facility connectivity, which is very significant part of any business for transporting the raw materials into
the factory end and delivery from warehouse to vendor apart of the business for keep the supply chain
management operation smooth for the linkage industry. In this concern our country and locations are
contain maintain well communication facility for such types of business operation.

Mostly if we think of cotton which comes or supply from "natural" production means from the
cultivations practices from the various areas of this world. But the reality: Cotton is one of the most
chemically intensive crops in the world. For this reason million pounds of pesticides were used than
billion pounds of fertilizers were spread on those same fields. The uses of recycling cotton which will be
an extra comfort for us to produce each and every years millions of pounds of recycling cotton from the
garments wastage for our local and international uses predominately without using any pesticide and
fertilizer. And this process will increase the sustainability of our environment from many of hazards
situation and save abounds of life from human carcinogens. On the other hand it will be helpful for our
social economic and nationally as well as internationally simultaneously. Particularly environmental
Once the RMG wastage usually is used to burned and cook the daily meals in the level of Brick Field,
some small industry and even in family for regular cooking purpose where it’s revenue was stuck into a
one frame but the process of the Readymade Garments Manufacturer wastage would provoke such
misused and having alternative source of recycling cotton/yarn for local and internationally. Which will
be brought us; the ways of alternative revenue or income source in general and make healthy socially
and economically both ways.

Image :

Below pictures are the machine and process of garments wastage, those are enclosed in order to give the idea at
glance, which may narrate more in the section of technical details of process follow and products methodology of
raw wastage.


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Auto Winder Rotor Frame FDY Spinning & Drawing Machine

POY High Speed Spinning Machine Garments Clips Cotton Waste

Publication : Not Avaiabale

Biography : Shaharier Alam Koel has obtained his graduation degree at the age of 21 years from
the National University of Bangladesh. However Earlier of his career he has started his services with the
Merchandizing profession in local apparels industries in the capital of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Where he
simultaneously start to deal the buying house operation since the year of 2016 and during this tenure he
has been gathered a vast experiences to served such field.

Prepare & Presenting author details

Full Name : M. M. Rashid

Twitter account : Nil
Linked In account :
Session Name / number : 01
Category: (Oral/Poster) : Oral
Mail ID :


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