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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Template

(With inclusion of the provisions of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)

Learning Area: PHYSICAL SCIENCES Grade Level: Grade – 11

Date: Quarter: Third Duration: 1 hour
Learning The learners… Code:
Competency/ies:  explain what the Greeks considered to be the three types of S11/12PS-IIIi-j-36
terrestrial motion
Key Concepts/ How we come to realize that the earth is not the center of the Universe
Understanding to be
1. OBJECTIVES A. KNOWLEDGE  Explain what the Greeks considered to
be the three types of terrestrial motion.
B. SKILLS  Differentiate the three types of terrestrial
motion according to the Aristotelian
C. ATTITUDE  Participate actively in class discussion.
D. VALUES  Practice oneness in pair work
2. CONTENT The Greek Views of Matter and Motion: Terrestrial and Celestial
3. LEARNING  Physical Science CG, pp. .
RESOURCES  Caintic, H.E. (2016). Physical Science. C & E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City.

4.1 Introductory Activity 1. Define physics as a universal science. Tell students that the study of physics started during the
ancient times when the Greeks made known their views on matter, motion, and the universe.
2. What were the early ideas of Greek philosophers regarding motion? How do objects move?
How do moving objects stop from moving?
3. The teacher introduces the learning objectives.

Find a pair from your seatmate. Try to think individually first and list your answer on the following
 How do objects move?
 How do objects stop from moving?
Then, discuss with a partner to come up with a final answer, which you will share to the class
4.3 Analysis 1. How did you find the activity?

2. What do you understand about motion?

3. What were the Greek views on matter and motion?

(Solicit varied answers from the students.)

4.4 Abstraction Lecture-Discussion of Key Concepts:

The three types of terrestrial motion according to the Aristotelian mechanics are:
 natural motion where objects tend to go back to their natural state, which is based on the
element that composes them;
 voluntary motion of humans and animals due to their innate will to move; and
 involuntary motion of minerals and plants due to mechanical forces.

4.5 Application Last Man Standing!

The teacher will randomly call students to share his/her insights and understanding. The
students will make sure that he/she has something to share or else he/she will remain standing if
failed to do so. The students here will try to share his/her understanding about the Greek views on
matter and motion for him/her not to be the last one to stand.

4.6 Assessment The teacher prepares a short quiz.

Rubric: One point for every correct answer.
4.7 Assignment . How did astronomers knew that the Earth is spherical?
4.8 Concluding Activity

5. Remarks
6. Reflection

Prepared by:
Position/Designation: SST II Division: BOHOL
Contact Number: 09475322129 Email address: eds_2k@yahoo.com

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