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\ˈper-ə-ˌmu̇ r, ˈpa-rə-\

 : a person with whom someone is having a romantic or sexualrelationship and especially a

secret or improper relationship

Full Definition
 : an illicit lover


 : something that makes it difficult to do

or complete something :something that interferes withmovement or progress
 : a condition that makes it difficult to speak normally

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 1: something that IMPEDES ; especially : an impairment (such as a stutter or
a lisp) that interfereswith the proper articulation of speech
 2: a bar or hindrance (such as lackof sufficient age) to a lawfulmarriage


 : to live together and have a sexualrelationship

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intransitive verb

 1: to live together as or as if a married couple They cohabitedin a small apartment.

 2a : to live together or
in companybuffaloes cohabiting withcrossbred cows — Biol. Abstracts

b : to exist together … twostrains in his philosophy … cohabitin each of

his major works. —Justus Buchler So riches seemedto provoke their own discomfort,
and affluence cohabited withanxiety. — Simon Schama

\ˈak-chə-ˌwāt, -shə-\

 : to make (a machine or electricaldevice) move or operate

 : to cause someone to do somethingor to act in a certain way

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ac·tu·at·ed; ac·tu·at·ing

transitive verb

 1: to put into mechanical action or motion The pump is actuated by the windmill.
 2: to move to action a decisionactuated by greed


 : an action that is taken or

an orderthat is given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping tr
ade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for thatcountry, etc.
 : official permission or approval

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 1: a formal decree; especially : an ecclesiastical decree

 2a obsolete : a solemn agreement : OATH

b : something that makes an oathbinding

 3: the detriment, loss of reward, or coercive intervention annexed to a violation of a law

as a means of enforcing the law
 4a : a consideration, principle, or influence (as
of conscience) thatimpels to moral action or determines moral judgment

b : a mechanism of social controlfor enforcing a society's standards

c : explicit or official approval, permission, or ratification : APPROBATION

 5: an economic or military coercivemeasure adopted usually by several nations in conc

ert for forcing a nation violatinginternational law to desist or yieldto adjudication


 : to live together and have a sexualrelationship

Full Definition
intransitive verb
 1: to live together as or as if a married couple They cohabitedin a small apartment.
 2a : to live together or
in companybuffaloes cohabiting withcrossbred cows — Biol. Abstracts

b : to exist together … twostrains in his philosophy … cohabitin each of

his major works. —Justus Buchler So riches seemedto provoke their own discomfort,
and affluence cohabited withanxiety. — Simon Schama


 business : to sell (a business, property, etc.) especially to pay off debt

 : to pay all the money owed for (a debt)
 : to destroy (something) or kill(someone)

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liq·ui·dat·ed; liq·ui·dat·ing

transitive verb

 1a (1) : to determine by agreementor by litigation the preciseamount of

(indebtedness, damages, or accounts)

(2) : to determine the liabilities (see LIABILITY )

and apportion assetstoward discharging the indebtedness of

b : to settle (a debt) by paymentor other settlement liquidate aloan

 2archaic : to make clear

 3: to do away with especially by killing was hired to liquidate acertain businessman
 4: to convert (assets) into cashliquidated his securities


 : a complex dispute or argument

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plural im·bro·glios

 1: a confused mass
 2a : an intricate or complicatedsituation (as in a drama or novel)

b : an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding

c : a violently confused or bitterlycomplicated altercation : EMBROILMENT

d : SCANDAL survived thepolitical imbroglio

\ˌin-fə-ˈde-lə-tē, -(ˌ)fī-\

plural in·fi·del·i·ties

 1: lack of belief in a religion

 2a : unfaithfulness to a moralobligation : DISLOYALTY

b : the act
or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationshipwith someone other than one's husba
nd, wife, or partner


 : official strong criticism

Full Definition
 1: a judgment involvingcondemnation unorthodoxpractices awaiting the censure of
the city council
 2archaic : OPINION , JUDGMENT

 3: the act of blaming or condemning sternly The countryfaces international censure for
itsalleged involvement in theassassination.
 4: an official reprimand Thelawyer's misconduct resulted in
aletter of censure from the judge

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