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Graphical Design Applied to MTBE and Methyl

Acetate Reactive Distillation Processes

Jae W. Lee and Arthur W. Westerberg
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Graphical tray-by-tray methods for reacti®e distillation columns we de®eloped pre®i-

ously are extended to study two industrial processes: MTBE production and methyl
acetate production. As both processes in®ol®e four components, projection was used to
obtain ternary diagrams by ignoring the inert (n-butane) for MTBE production and by
projecting onto planes of constant acetic acid concentrations for methyl acetate produc-
tion. These projected methods clearly explain the placing that industry uses for the reac-
tion zones in these processes. Further, it can be ®isualized why there is an optimum
reflux ratio for the methyl acetate process and a ®alue can be quantitati®ely predicted for
it that lies within the range the literature reports.

In earlier studies we have noted the interest in reactive it to study two four-component systems: MTBE and methyl
distillation that arose when the Eastman Chemical Company acetate production systems.
won the Kirkpatrick award for their new design of the methyl Our studies will be in composition space. For four compo-
acetate process ŽAgreda and Partin, 1984; Agreda et al., 1990.. nents, this space is a tetrahedron, a three-dimensional Ž3-D.
In our own work, we have developed graphical methods to construct. Graphical methods in a 3-D space, while possible,
study reactive distillation. Lee et al. Ž2000a. derived a reac- are not comfortable for most people. Therefore, we stress in
tive lever rule from the linear combinations of composition this article how we can reduce the diagrams to allow the study
vectors. McCabe-Thiele and Pochon-Savarit methods were of triangular diagrams.
adapted for reactive distillation ŽLee et al., 2000b, c.. These We shall first study the MTBE process. It is a nonisomolar
binary diagrams illustrated how a synergistic effect of reac- process that involves three reactive species and one inert. To
tion and separation eliminates an azeotrope ŽLee et al., study this process graphically, we shall ignore the inert
2000d.. Some design insights for binary reactive distillation species. The methyl acetate is an equimolar reaction involv-
columns are as follows: Ž1. With the isomerization reaction ing four species. We shall analyze the behavior of this pro-
with a heavy reactant, the reaction zone in the rectifying sec- cess and discover that we can strategically project composi-
tion made separation easier ŽLee et al., 2000e.; Ž2. Binary tion space onto a plane of low acetic acid concentration. On
azeotropes can be circumvented under a finite reflux Žbut not that projection, we shall show why there is a best value for
under total reflux. and with a reasonable range of reaction the reflux ratio in this column. We will be able to argue why
equilibrium constants ŽLee et al., 2000f.. However, for practi- the projected information allows us to derive the needed in-
cal applications, these graphical methods should be extended sights even though the tray-by-tray calculations are not iso-
into ternary or quaternary reactive systems. Recently, Lee and lated within that plane. We shall quantitatively find a value
Westerberg Ž2000g. proposed tray-by-tray calculations for for that reflux ratio that places it in the range discussed in
ternary isomolar reacting mixtures by assuming constant mo- the Eastman report ŽAgreda et al., 1990.. We shall use com-
lar overflow. They introduced the reaction equilibrium curve puter simulations of the actual reacting systems to confirm
and the corresponding VrL equilibrated bubble point curve our graphical insights.
to confine vapor and liquid compositions of each reactive
stage to these two curves. In this article we shall extend our
graphical method into quaternary reactive systems and apply MTBE, a Nonisomolar Equilibrium Reaction
Methyl tert-butyl ether ŽMTBE. can be produced from
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to A. W. Westerberg. iso-butene ŽIBUT. and methanol ŽMeOH. under an acid cat-

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1333

Figure 1. Reaction equilibrium and its corresponding
bubble point curve for MTBE production sys-
tem at 8 atm.
Ž .: Boiling points in celsius degree.

alyst ŽAl-Jarallah et al., 1988. or an ion-exchange resin

ŽRehfinger and Hoffmann, 1990. as in Eq. 1. Figure 2. Reactive distillation column.

MeOH Ž CH 3 OH . qIBUT Ž iyC 4 H 8 . m MTBE Ž C 5 H 12 O .

Ž1. We use material balances around the rectifying in Figure 2
to write the following equations
This reaction occurs in the liquid phase. Equation 2 gives the
reaction equilibrium constant as a function of temperature Vnq1 ynq1 s x n L n q Ž Dy n T j n . d Rr , n Ž3.
ŽVenimadhavan et al., 1994..
which defines the cascade difference point Ž d Rr ,n , a ‘‘composi-
6,820.0 tion’’. as
ln Ž K eq . s y16.33, Ž T s Kelvin . Ž2.
Ž Dy n T j n . dRr , n s Dx D yVT j n dR Ž4.
There are two minimum boiling azeotropes, MeOH-MTBE
Ž55.8 mol % of MeOH. and MeOH-IBUT Ž93.2 mol % of and similarly for the stripping section
IBUT. at 8 atm, as estimated by the Wilson property set in
Aspen Plus. L s x s sVsq1 ysq1 q Ž By n T j sq1 . d Rs , sq1 Ž5.
Figure 1 shows the reaction equilibrium curve, which cor- Ž By n T j sq1 d Rs , sq1 s Bx B y n T j sq1 d R
. Ž6.
responds to all liquid compositions that are simultaneously in
chemical equilibrium and at their bubble points. Points on Our goal is to produce relatively pure products so we need
the bubble point curve are the vapor compositions in phase to design our columns so that the total ‘‘flow’’ of the forward
equilibrium with these liquid compositions. The tangent line reaction is larger than the total ‘‘flow’’ of the backward reac-
to the residue curve passing through a liquid composition such tion. Thus, the reaction extent Ž j . will ultimately increase as
as x s intersects the bubble point curve at ys , the vapor in we include more and more trays in a balance. If we place
phase equilibrium with x s . reactive trays in the top of the column, d R,r
n should ultimately
The procedure for tray-by-tray calculations for this noniso- move toward the reaction difference point Ž d R . as we go down
molar reaction is similar to that in our previous study for an the column from the top stage. Similarly, if we place reactive
isomolar reaction ŽLee and Westerberg, 2000g., except here trays in the bottom of the column, d R, s
sq1 should move to-
the reaction difference point Ž d R s ©r®T s wy1,y1,1xTry1s ward the reaction difference point as we move up the column
w1,1,y1xT . is finite. As noted in our earlier articles, this dif-
from the bottom stage.
ference point has a physical interpretation; it is the composi-
tion for a pseudo-stream whose flow corresponds to the reac-
tants leaving the column and the products entering in stoi- Reaction distribution to circum©ent azeotropes in the
chiometric amounts. It lies outside the feasible composition methyl tert-butyl ether production system
space, as it has negative and positive compositions in it. The In the MTBE production system, the heat of reaction, as
flow j for such a stream is the reaction turnover Žor reaction well as reaction itself, affects the liquid and vapor flow rates
extent.. on reactive stages. Thus, internal reflux ratios vary on each

1334 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal

Figure 3. Two possible liquid trajectories from reactive
to nonreactive sections. Figure 4. Reverse reaction can occur in the stripping
As the reboil ratio increases, the reverse reaction becomes
reactive stage, and we should include the heat balance in our
tray-by-tray calculations. However, if we scrutinize the posi-
tions of the reaction equilibrium curve, its corresponding
bubble point curve, and the trajectory of reactive cascade dif- the bottom of the column, we should first assess where the
ference points, we can obtain design insights into where we reaction turnover Ž j sq1 . in Eq. 6 is positive. See Figure 4.
should place reaction zones with simple sketches. Equation 6 states that the reaction difference point Ž d R ., the
The goal of reaction distribution is to produce pure IBUT bottoms product composition Ž x B ., and any reactive cascade
and MTBE at the top and bottom, respectively, of a single- difference point Ž d R,s
sq1 must all lie on the same straight
feed reactive distillation column. Start at some liquid compo- line. By examining the signs Žremember ®T is negative., one
sition on the reactive equilibrium curve. We label such a point can note that the reaction turnover is positive when the reac-
x s in Figure 3. Assume it is at the lowest reactive stage of the tive cascade difference point Žthat is, the composition of the
column. If it resides in distillation region I, then a nonreac- reaction turnover. lies between the reaction difference point
tive section in the stripping section will make it possible to Ž d R . and the bottom product composition Ž x B .. Equation 5
produce pure MTBE at the bottom of the column, where further implies that, if the reaction turnover is positive, then
MTBE is the highest boiling node in region I. However, if the the liquid composition Ž x s . must lie between the vapor com-
liquid composition x s lies within distillation region II, the position Ž ysq1 . and the reactive cascade difference point
bottom product will be MeOH because it represents the Ž d R,
sq1 . Thus, the reactive cascade difference point has to
highest boiling node in distillation region II. Thus, it is rela- lie to the left of the liquid reaction equilibrium curve. We
tively easy to produce pure MTBE at the bottom: Ž1. if the discover that, for a positive reaction turnover, the location
final liquid composition at the lowest reactive stage lies within for a feasible reactive cascade difference point is very limited
distillation region I; and Ž2., if for the needed further purifi- }to between the bottom product composition x B and liquid
cation of the reactive liquid mixture to obtain pure MTBE, reaction equilibrium curve. The bold portion of the line join-
we include a nonreactive section below the reaction zone. If ing d R and x B is this range.
we look at diagrams for constant amounts of n-butane dilut- Look again at the line along which the reactive cascade
ing these mixtures, the structure of the triangular diagram difference point must lie. Equation 6 says that the length of
does not change and allows us to draw the same conclusions. the line segment between x B and d R, s
sq1 is related to the
We need to ask next how to produce pure excess IBUT at amount of reaction turnover Ž j sq1 ., while the length of the
the top. We could accomplish this if we can find trajectories segment between d R, s
sq1 and d R is the relative bottom prod-
that will bring the top of the column to right side of the lower uct flow rate. The line segment corresponding to the reaction
edge of the composition diagram. Can we accomplish this goal turnover has to be short relative to the other segment; thus,
by the proper distribution of the reactive section? there can be very little net positive reaction possible in the
We shall start by examining in more detail placing reaction bottom of the column.
in the stripping section. We consider the geometric implica- Assume the feed stage is reactive. Therefore, its liquid
tions of Eqs. 5 and 6, looking first at Eq. 6. We wish for our composition lies on the reaction equilibrium curve. We pick
column to produce product ŽMTBE. so we want a net overall Žarbitrarily . such a point on Figure 4 and label it x Fs . For a
forward reaction in the column}that is, we want j charac- given reboil ratio Žwhich establishes the relative length of the
terizing the reaction turnover to be positive when we con- line segments., the corresponding vapor composition is ysq1.
sider the whole column. For the particular case of reaction in For this placement, we note that the cascade different point

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1335

for a positive turnover lies very close to x B . Furthermore, as
the reboil ratio increases, the location of the reactive cascade
difference point Ž d R,s
sq1 can move past the bottom product
composition to the left and down. In this case, j sq1 has a
negative value, and the reverse reaction dominates. If we elect
to have a dominating reverse reaction here, we will have to
counter its effects elsewhere in the column to have the col-
umn produce MTBE. Thus, the stripping reaction zone can
result in a small conversion, as well as the reverse reaction.
We shall observe now that we can obtain pure IBUT if the
reaction zones are in the feed and rectifying sections since
the reaction on each reactive stage in the rectifying section
forces the liquid compositions on the reaction equilibrium
curve to stay near the binary edge of MTBE-IBUT in Figure
5. To make our arguments, we examine the implications of 3
and 4. Equation 4 says the reactive cascade difference point
Ž d R,
r .
n , the top product composition x D , and the reaction
Ž .
difference point Ž d R . are on a straight line}here, vertically,
along the right edge. Equation 3 says that the reactive cas-
cade difference point Ž d R, r .
n and the opposing liquid and va-
Figure 5. Circumventing the binary azeotrope of
por compositions x n and ynq1 or yF s . between trays in the
IBUT-MeOH by placing the reaction in the rec-
rectifying section are on another straight line. Equation 4 fur-
tifying section.
ther says that, for a net forward reaction, the reactive cas-
xU U
n and yn are the liquid and vapor compositions at stage n
cade difference point will always be between x D and d R . In if there is no reactive stage in the rectifying section.
Figure 5 we can see then that, for a reactive tray, the vapor
composition Ž yFs . is then always between the liquid composi-
tion Ž x n . and the reactive cascade difference point Ž d R,r .
n ,
which is consistent with Eq. 3. The line connecting d R, n and
tion Ž yU
. will move close to the azeotropic composition.
x D Žrepresenting j n . is longer than the line connecting d R,r
n Hence, it is difficult to circumvent this azeotrope as shown in
and d R Žrepresenting D .. Thus, the reaction turnover Ž j n . is Figure 5, if there is no reaction in the rectifying section.
larger than D and the forward reaction occurs more domi- In summary, to produce pure IBUT at the top and pure
nantly in the rectifying section than in the stripping section. MTBE at the bottom, the reaction zones should be in the
Furthermore, if there is no reaction in the rectifying section, feed and rectifying sections. This is why industry uses an ion-
the vapor composition of the feed stage lies between the exchange catalyst rather than an acid liquid catalyst ŽSmith,
straight line connecting the distillate composition and the liq- 1981, 1992; Nocca et al., 1989; Preston, 1998.. If we inject the
uid composition Ž xUn ., and the equilibrated vapor composi- acid liquid catalyst into the top section, the reaction will oc-

Table 1. Simulation Results for MTBE Production System Under Reaction Equilibrium
Feed & Feed & Feed &
Reaction Zones Rectifying Stripping Stripping
Feed flow rate Žkmolrh.
IBUTrMeOH 1,200r1,000 1,200r1,000 1,200r1,000
Top flowrIBUT purity 200r99.8 200r93.7 200r93.7
Btm flowrMTBE purity 1,003.4r99.2 1,014.5r97.1 1,046.3r91.1
Total stage No. 14 14 14
Feed stage 4 4 4
Reactive stages 2]4 4]6 4]12
Reflux ratio 18 18 18
Duty ŽGJrh.:
Condenser 67.10 70.73 70.73
Reboiler 35.54 38.69 38.30
Reactive stage no.rnet
reaction turnover, D j n Žkmolrh. 2r4.31 4r985.38 4r985.43, 5r0.17
3r64.32 5r0.11 6r0.40, 7r0.94
4r927.96 6ry0.03 8r2.22, 9r5.34
10r12.23, 11r22.32
Total molar reaction conversion
based on MeOH feed 99.7% 98.5% 93.1%

1336 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal

cur from that injected section to the bottom since this acid In the original composition space, the phase equilibrium is
liquid catalyst goes down from the injection point. given by
Table 1 shows simulation results for three cases with dif-
ferent locations of reaction zones. The reflux ratio, the total yi s K i x i , is1 . . . , c Ž7.
number of stages, and the location of the feed stage remain
unchanged in each case. The reaction zone in the feed and
rectifying sections leads us to produce nearly pure IBUT and In the projected space with the constant liquid compositions
MTBE. The second column in Table 1 has the same number of nonkey components Ž x k ., the liquid composition and vapor
of reactive stages as the first column, but it has reaction zones composition are as follows
in the feed and stripping sections. The distillate composition
Ž93.7% of IBUT. is close to the azeotropic composition cy m
Ž93.2% of IBUT-6.8% of MeOH., which means if more non-
reactive stages are added at the top, the top product compo-
˜x l s x ir 1yž Ý
/ Ž8.

sition approaches the azeotrope. Thus, it is hard for the feed cy m cy m

and stripping reactive sections to eliminate the binary
azeotrope between IBUT and MeOH. As already explained
˜y l s yir 1y Ý
/ ž
y k s yir 1y Ý
K k xk
/ Ž9.

in Figure 4, the net reaction turnover in the stripping section

is very small as shown in the second column of Table 1 Žat The value for m will generally be three as we can most read-
stages 5 and 6, nearly zero.. If the number of stripping reac- ily visualize the triangular composition space for three com-
tive stages increases as in the third column of Table 1, the ponents. If we substitute Eqs. 8 and 9 into Eq. 7 we can ob-
total reaction conversion and product purities will decrease tain Eqs. 10 and 11 for the projected space
due to the dominant reverse reaction of the final reactive
stage Ž D j 12 in the third column of Table 1 is y75.35 kmolrh..
˜y l s K Xl ˜x l , l s1 . . . , m Ž 10.

Visualization of a High-Dimensional Composition where

In this section, we shall derive and generalize a projection cy m cy m
method to visualize a high-dimensional composition space for K Xl s K l 1y
multiple reactions. ž Ý
/ž 1y Ý
K k xk
/ Ž 11.

Modified phase equilibrium in the projected space Thus, the equation of the residue curve map in the projected
space becomes
The projected space is cut from the original composition
space by fixing one or more of the liquid compositions of
nonkey components. In the original composition space, the dx̃ l
x l y K lX ˜
s˜ x l , l s1 . . . , m Ž 12.
equilibrated vapor compositions with the liquid compositions du
on the projected space do not lie on the projected space ex-
cept azeotropic compositions. Figure 6 shows the projection
of a vapor composition into a triangle in a quaternary mix- Projection equations from balance equations
ture. To project this vapor composition into the reduced Here, we derive the equations for tray-by-tray calculations
space, we need to modify the VrL equilibrium relationship. of a reactive section and the total balance around a whole
column in a projected subspace. The following multiple reac-
tions are assumed to occur in a double-feed reactive distilla-
tion column.

Nr Np

Ý ai j R i m Ý bk j Pk , js1,2, . . . , NR Ž 13.
is 1 k s1

We need to distinguish between reactions for which there is

no net change of moles Žhaving a sum of stoichiometric coef-
ficients ®T equal to zero. and those for which there is, as the
reaction difference point is at infinity for the former. The
balance equations around the reaction zone between two
feedstreams Ž E and F . are as follows

Vnq1 s L n q Dy EyVTT J n Ž 14.

Figure 6. Projection of the equilibrated vapor composi-
tions into the projected space. Vnq1 ynq1 s L n x n q Dx D y Ex E yV J n Ž 15.

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1337

cy m
VT is a column vector whose elements are the sum of the
yVTTNZ J n NZ 1y d R Mn, k d˜R M n
stoichiometric coefficients for the NR reactions. V is a matrix
whose columns are the stoichiometric coefficient vectors for
ž Ý
the NR reaction. J n is a column vector whose elements are Z Nr cy m
the accumulated reaction turnovers for the reactions. Here, y Ý jn j Ý ai j žž 1y Ý c PMn, k c̃ P M n
js 1 is 1 k
ynq1 is the vapor composition vector at stage nq1. If we
decompose the term V J n in Eq. 15 by considering the cy m
nonzero and zero values of the elements in vector VT , we can
obtain Eq. 16, using the lever rule equations derived by Lee
y 1y
ž Ý
c R Mn, k ˜
cR M n
/ / Ž 21 .

et al. Ž2000a.. For clarification, the number of reactions ŽNR.

is the sum of Z and NZ, where Z is the number of reactions Equation 21 can be simplified into Eq. 22 by introducing new
having no net change in moles, resulting in a zero element in variables
VT , and NZ is the number of reactions with nonzero ele-
ments in VT . bk j is the stoichiometric coefficient for product
k and reaction j. a i j is the stoichiometric coefficient for reac- V˜nq1 ˜ ˜ n ˜x n q Dx
ynq1 s L ˜˜D y Ex
˜˜E y R˜n d˜T M n Ž 22.
tant i and reaction j cy m

Z Nr
Ṽnq1 sVnq1 1y
ž Ý
ynq1 , k
/ Ž 23.

V J n s VTTNZ J n NZ d R Mn q Ý
js 1
ž jn j
is 1
Ý ai j Ž cPMn y cR Mn . / L̃ n s L n 1y
cy m
x n, k
/ Ž 24.
Ž 16.
cy m

D̃s D 1y
ž Ý
x D, k
/ Ž 25.

cy m
J n NZ s w j n1 , . . . , j n N Z x

NZ Np Nr
Ž 17. Ẽs E 1y
ž Ý
x E, k
/ Ž 26.

cy m
d R Mn s
ž ž ž
js 1
j n j dR j Ý
k s1
bk j y
is 1
Ý ai j /// VTTNZ J n NZ R̃ n sVTTNZ J n NZ 1y
ž Ý
d R Mn, k
Ž 18. Z Nr cy m cy m
q Ý jn j
Ý ai j Ý
is 1
ž k
c R Mn, k y Ý
cP M n , k
/ Ž 27.

cy m Z Nr cy m cy m

d̃ T Mn s
ž Ý
d R Mn, k d˜R M n q
/ cy m
ž Ý jn j Ý ai j
j j
žž 1y

cy m
cP M n , k ˜
c P M n y 1y

cy m
ž Ý
cR M n , k ˜
cR M n
/ // Ž 28.
VTTNZ J n NZ d R Mn, k q Ý j n j
ž 1y Ý
/ j
Ý ai j Ý
is 1
ž k
cR M n , k y Ý
cP M n , k
Z Nr Z Nr
Here, V˜nq1 , L˜ n , D,
˜ E˜ and R˜n are the vapor, the liquid, the
c PMn s Ý Ý ai j jn j cP j
js 1 is 1
/ž / Ý Ý ai j jn j
js 1 is 1
Ž 19. distillate, the upper feed and the reaction-generated flow
rates in a projected space. d˜T Mn is the total cascade differ-
Z Nr Z Nr
ence point at stage n in this subspace. The subscript k in all
terms means excluded components in the projected space.
c R Mn s ÝžÝ
js 1 is 1
ai j jn j cR j
/ žÝ Ý / js 1 is 1
ai j jn j Ž 20.
We can easily derive the total balance equations for pro-
jected spaces in the same way as we derive the stagewise bal-
ance equations. From starting Eqs. 29 and 30 for the original
Using the normalized key components, ˜ ynq1 , d˜R M n , ˜
x n, ˜ cP M n
composition space ŽLee et al., 2000a., we obtain the following
and ˜ c R Mn which are x nrŽ1yÝ x n, k ., ynq1rŽ1yÝ ynq1, k .,
final balance equations
d R MnrŽÝ d R Mn,k ., c PMnrŽ1yÝc PMn,k . and c R MnrŽ1-Ýc R Mn, k .,
we can rewrite Eq. 15 as follows
Ft s Eq F s Dq ByVTT J Ž 29.
cy m cy m
Vnq1 1y
ž Ý
ynq1 , k ˜
ynq1 s L n 1y
ž Ý
xn,k ˜
/ Ft x F t s Dx D q Bx B y VTTNZ J NZ d R M
cy m cy m Z Nr
q D 1y
ž Ý
x D, k ˜
x D y E 1y
ž Ý
xE,k ˜
/ q Ý
js 1
ž jj
Ý ai j Ž cPM y cR M .
is 1
/ Ž 30 .

1338 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal

We perform tray-by-tray calculations only for the reactive
F˜t ˜ ˜˜D q Bx
x F t s Dx ˜˜B y R˜˜
dTM Ž 31. zone between the two feedstreams, while assuming reaction
equilibrium with the reaction equilibrium constant 5.2 based
on the mol fractions of the mixture ŽAgreda et al., 1990.. The
cy m equilibrium manifold is a surface in the original composition
F̃t s Ft 1y
ž Ý
/ Ž 32. space. However, if we cut the tetrahedron into a triangle with
a constant liquid composition of one of the species, the reac-
cy m tion equilibrium is represented by a curved line, as in Figure
B̃s B 1y
ž Ý
x B, k
/ Ž 33. 7. The upper saturated liquid feed ŽE. contains pure AC and
the lower saturated liquid feed contains pure M.
cy m
R̃sVTTNZ J NZ 1y d R M, k Total material balances
ž Ý
/ Table 2 shows the total cascade difference points for each
Z Nr cy m cy m projected space. In this reduced space, the reaction converts
q Ý jj
j k s1
Ý ai j
žÝ k
c R M, k y Ý
cP M , k
/ Ž 34. one mol of reactant Žonly methanol M, as we are ignoring
AC. into products water ŽW . and methyl acetate Ž MA.. For
reduced set of species M, W, and MA in this projected space

cy m Z Nr cy m cy m

d̃ T M s
ž Ý
d R M, k d˜R M q
/ cy m
ž Ý j j Ý ai j
j i
žž 1y

cy m
/ ž
cP M , k ˜
c P M y 1y

cy m
/ //
cR M , k ˜
cR M
Ž 35.
VTTNZ J NZ d R M, k q Ý j j
ž 1y Ý
/ j
Ý ai j Ý
is 1
ž k
cR M , k y Ý
cP M , k
Here, x F t is the total feed composition, which is Ž Fx F q the reactant and product coefficient vectors are w1,0,0xT and
Ex E .rŽ F q E .. F˜t , B˜ and R˜ are the total feed, the bottom w0,1r2,1r2xT Ž ˜ c R and ˜
c P .. Thus, the total cascade difference
product and the total reaction-generated flow rates in the point Ž d˜T M . in Eq. 37 is wy1, 1, 1xT. Note, its terms do not
projected space. d˜T M is the total cascade difference point for sum to zero so we do not plot it at infinity. In the same way,
a whole column in the projected space. Note that J NZ , R˜ we can obtain the total cascade difference point for other
and d˜T M are without the stage number n in Eqs. 17, 27, and triangles as in Table 2.

Tray-by-Tray Calculations for the Methyl Acetate

Production System
Methyl acetate ŽMA. is produced from methanol ŽM. and
acetic acid ŽAC. under a homogeneous acid catalyst. Water
ŽW. is a byproduct in this reaction. There are two binary min-
imum boiling azeotropes, that is, MA-M Ž67 mol % of MA,
53.48C. and MA-W Ž89 mol% of MA, 55.88C., estimated from
the WILSON-NTH property set in Aspen-Plus

CH 3 COOH Ž AC. qCH 3 OH Ž M . mCH 3 COOCH 3 Ž MA.

qH 2 O Ž W . Ž 36.

With this single reaction, we can modify the total cascade

difference points in Eqs. 28 and 35 for a tray-by-tray calcula-
tion and an overall column balance in a projected composi-
tion triangle. Equations 28 and 35 are reduced into the same
equation since VTTNZ J NZ and VTTNZ J n NZ are zero for this iso-
molar reaction. Here, c PMn and c PM are equal to ˜ c P , and
˜c R Mn and ˜c R M are equal to ˜c R. The summation of reactant
coefficients ŽÝa i . is 2

2 j n Ž Ž 1y c P , k . ˜
c P y Ž 1y c R , k . ˜
cR .
d̃ T Mn s
2 j n Ž c R, k y c P , k .

Ž 1y c P , k . ˜c P y Ž 1y c R , k . ˜c R Figure 7. Methyl acetate production system at 1 atm.

s s d˜T M Ž 37 .
Ž c R, k y c P , k . Open triangles are for the binary azeotropes.

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1339

Table 2. Elements of Stoichiometric Coefficient Vectors
Constant Composition Vectors AC M W MA
Original space
cP 0.0 0.0 1r2 1r2
cR 1r2 1r2 0.0 0.0
Projected space
AC constant Ž Rs˜ j. d˜T M s d˜T M n y1 1 1
˜c P 0 1r2 1r2
˜c R 1 0 0
˜ j.
M constant Ž Rs d˜T M s d˜T M n y1 1 1
˜c P 0 1r2 1r2
˜c R 1 0 0
W constant Ž Rsy j. d˜T M s d˜T M n 1 1 y1
Figure 8. Reactive lever rule for total balances in the
˜c P 0 0 1
˜c R 1r2 1r2 0 projected spaces with: (a) constant liquid
composition of AC; (b) constant liquid com-
MA constant Ž Rsy j . d˜T M s d˜T M n 1 1 y1 position of M.
˜c P 0 0 1
˜c R 1r2 1r2 0
To analyze our problem geometrically, select a reasonable
by arbitrary vapor composition, ˜ ynq1. We connect this given
vapor composition and the total cascade difference point
As in Figure 8, the projected space should satisfy the total
Ž d˜T M . by a straight line in Figure 9. Then, according to the
balance ŽEq. 31. around a whole column. For constant com-
internal reflux ratio Ž0.95L nrD ., we locate the liquid compo-
positions of AC and M in Figures 8a and 8b respectively, Eq.
sition Ž ˜ x n . at stage n on the reaction equilibrium curve by
31 states that the combined point ŽU . lies between the total
drawing a straight line from the distillate composition, as in
cascade difference point and the total feed composition. This
Figure 9. The intersection point of these two straight lines is
combined point also lies between the top and the bottom
the combined point ŽU . of the vapor composition and the to-
product compositions. In the same way, the geometrical con-
tal cascade difference point or the liquid composition and the
struction can be easily done for constant compositions of
distillate composition. The projected vapor composition Ž ỹn .
products MA and W.
at stage n is available using the phase equilibrium relation-
ship with ˜ x n in Eq. 10.
Reaction and phase equilibrium cur©es in a projected space
The reaction equilibrium constant should be modified in a Circum©enting two binary azeotropes
projected space where we hold the liquid composition of one We can carry out one tray-by-tray calculation as noted
of the species constant. For example, if the liquid composi- above in the projected space with a constant liquid composi-
tion of AC is constant with the value C Žthat is, x AC sC ., tion for AC. Our goal is to see in which direction this tray-
the reaction equilibrium constant becomes as follows by-tray calculation is taking us. We can include three compo-
nents Ž M, MA and W . forming two binary azeotropes in this
x M A xW x M A xW ˜x M AŽ 1yC . ˜x W Ž 1yC . space. We can check and find that the nearby projections for
K eq s 5.2 s s s
x M x AC xM C ˜x M Ž 1yC . C
Ž 1yC . ˜x M A ˜x W
s Ž 38.
C x̃ M

Since the total sum of ˜ x M A, ˜

x M and ˜
x W is one in the pro-
jected space, we can draw the reaction equilibrium curve in
terms of ˜x M A and ˜x W , as in Figure 9. We use Eqs. 10 and 11
to construct the bubble point curve in phase equilibrium with
the reaction equilibrium curve. Liquid and vapor composi-
tions of each reactive stage are assumed to lie on the reaction
equilibrium and its bubble point curves in the projected space.
The liquid composition of AC x n,AC is 0.05 in this figure and
in Eq. 24. Thus, L˜ n is 0.95L n. Since x D, AC is zero and x E, AC
is one, Eqs. 25 and 26 state that D ˜ equals D and E˜ zero.
The reaction-generated flow rate from the top to stage n Ž R˜n .
is j n in Eq. 27. Hence, Eq. 22 is rewritten as follows for
tray-by-tray calculations in the projected triangle Figure 9. Tray-by-tray calculations for the given vapor
composition at stage nH1 in the projected
space when the liquid composition of acetic
V˜nq1 ˜ x n q Dx˜D y j n d˜T M n
ynq1 s 0.95L n ˜ Ž 39. acid ( x AC ) is 0.05.

1340 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal

Figure 10. Tray-by-tray calculations for the given vapor Figure 12. Tray-by-tray calculations for the given vapor
composition at stage nH1 in the triangle with composition at stage nH1 in the triangle with
x AC s 0.05. x AC s 0.4.
The arrow shows the direction of the vapor composition The arrow shows the direction of the vapor composition
vectors as we go up the column. U : combined point of x̃ D vectors as we go up the column. U : combined point of x̃ D
and x˜n s combined point of d˜T M and ˜
ynq1 . and x˜n s combined point of d˜T M and ˜
ynq1 .

different amounts of AC look similar. To step up the stages the vapor composition to lie near the MA vertex. As the com-
within the reactive zone, we note that the composition of AC position vectors approach pure MA vertex of the projected
will actually increase since the AC is provided in the upper triangles which is the MA-AC binary edge in the original
feedstream. We can switch from Figure 10 to Figure 11 and composition space, the nonreactive section above the reactive
then to Figure 12, increasing the composition of AC in each. zone can enrich pure MA at the top from the mixture of MA
With x AC s 0.05, the vapor composition vectors move toward and AC.
the M vertex, ŽFigure 10. for the given vapor composition Figures 11 and 12 show that this reactive distillation col-
ynq1 . and the given internal reflux ratio Ž L nrDs 3., as we umn also breaks the MA-W azeotrope as we move up the
step up the stages. However, if x AC is equal to and greater column. The upper feedstream containing AC acts as an ex-
than 0.1 as in Figures 11 and 12, the vapor composition vec- tractive agent to break the MA-W azeotrope ŽAgreda et al.,
tors move toward MA vertex, which means that, since AC 1990.. We can already pass over this azeotrope as we move
becomes richer as we go up the column, we can circumvent up the reaction zone just below the extraction zone. Since the
the MA-M azeotrope. The reaction above stage n can drive reaction equilibrium curve and the bubble point curve move
closer to the W-MA edge as the liquid composition of AC
increases in Figures 10 to 12, the reaction conversion Ž R˜n s j n
in Figure 9. can be very small in the upper part of the reac-
tion zone. Thus, the water content produced from the reac-
tion is relatively small in the upper part of the reaction zone
unless the reflux ratio is large. Though the extraction by AC
still occurs in the extractive section above the reaction zone
to remove the water, the extractive effect is not so dominant
in the upper reaction zone since water is mostly produced in
the lower reaction zone.

Effect of reflux ratios on reaction con©ersion

Assuming reaction equilibrium on reactive stages, the over-
all reaction conversion increases when the reflux ratio in-
creases in the ternary reaction systems as reported in the lit-
erature ŽOkasinski and Doherty, 1997; Sneesby et al., 1998;
Lee and Westerberg, 2000g.. However, in this methyl acetate
system, the overall reaction conversion can deteriorate as the
reflux ratio increases.
Figure 11. Tray-by-tray calculations for the given vapor
Since the bubble point Žvapor. curves in Figures 10 to 12
composition at stage nH1 in the triangle with
cross from the right side to the left side of the reaction equi-
x AC s 0.1.
librium curve Žliquid., the accumulated reaction turnover from
The arrow shows the direction of the vapor composition
vectors as we go up the column. U : combined point of x̃ D the top to stage n Ž j n . can decrease as the reflux ratio in-
and x˜n s combined point of d˜T M and ˜
ynq1 . creases. For example, the reflux ratio increases when the

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1341

combined point ŽU . of the liquid composition Ž ˜ x n . and the
distillate composition Ž ˜ x D . approaches the liquid composi-
tion in Figure 13. From point 4 to point 3 Žthe internal reflux
ratio rn increases from 1.83 to 2.84., the accumulated reac-
tion turnover Ž j n . slightly increases from 0.46 D to 0.47 D.
But, if the combined point moves from 3 to 1 Ž rn increases
from 2.84 to 7.68., j n is decreasing and finally becomes zero
at the extreme point of 1. Here, the minimum reflux occurs
at point 4 since the vapor compositions at stages n and nq1
are identical in this projected space.
Note, we are arguing that the projected vapor composi-
tions being equal implies the corresponding vapor composi-
tions in the full four component space are equal. Projecting
for a constant composition for AC has a simple geometric
interpretation in the full four component space. Select any
composition point in full composition space and draw a line
from the AC vertex through it to the triangular face opposite.
The point in the opposite triangle has the projected values Figure 13. Relationship between reflux ratio and overall
for the coordinates}that is, the coordinates for the other reaction conversion in the triangle.
three species on an AC free basis. The bubble curve is a pro- x AC s 0.05. 1: r n s 7.68 and j n s 0.0, 2: r n s 3.67 and j n s
jection of the points we compute that are vapor equilibrium 0.38 D, 3: r n s 2.84 and j n s 0.47D, 4: r n s 1.83 and j n s
with the liquid reaction equilibrium surface. We show this 0.46D, U : combined point of x˜D and x˜n s combined point
of d˜T M and ˜ ynq1 .
surface in Figure 14. We see that equal projected points im-
plies the same intersection point with this surface Žunless the
surface would exactly line up with the projection line or weave Also, in Figure 13, the reaction molar turnover is highest at
back and forth and thus intersect multiple times along the the internal reflux of 2.84 which is 1.84 in terms of the exter-
projected line.. Thus, in general, equal projected bubble point nal reflux ratio under the CMO assumption. This value for
compositions are the same composition in the original space. the external reflux ratio does not change much as long as we
As we show the actual bubble point surface here, we see the take the liquid composition Ž ˜x n . near the M-W binary edge,
intersections are unique here. away from the intersection point of the reaction equilibrium
In this projected space, the minimum internal reflux is 1.83, and the bubble point curve in Figure 13.
which indicates that the minimum external reflux ratio Ž r s Sawistowski and Pilavakis Ž1988. also supports this coun-
L0rD . can be 0.83 if we exclude the upper saturated liquid terintuitive behavior in their simulation studies: the overall
feed flow rate Ž Es D . under the assumption of constant mo- reaction conversion decreases from 60% to 50% if the exter-
lar overflow ŽCMO.. Agreda et al. Ž1990. reported the actual nal reflux increases from 4 to 30. Figure 15 shows Apsen Plus
operating range for the external reflux ratio as 1.65 to 1.85. simulation results for the relationship between the external

Table 3. Simulation Results for Methyl Acetate Production System under Reaction Equilibrium
Reflux Ratio 1 1.8 6
Feed flow rate Žkmolrh.
ACrM 1,000r1,000 1,000r1,000 1,000r1,000
Top flowrMA purity % 1,000r88.9 1,000r99.6 1,000r85.5
Bottom flowrW purity % 1,000r88.6 1,000r99.4 1,000r83.5
Total stages No. including 60 60 60
condenser and reboiler
Upper Ž AC .rLower Ž M . 10r50 10r50 10r50
Reactive stages 15]60 15]60 15]60
Duty ŽGJrh.:
Condenser 61.75 85.27 216.6
Reboiler 29.34 50.21 185.5
Accumulated reaction
turnover Žkmolrh.rAC liq- j 15 s 0.39 x 15 s 0.79 j 15 s 0.90 x 15 s 0.45 j 15 s10.7rx 15 s 0.16
uid composition at each j45 s16.0 x 45 s 0.65 j 45 s 30.1rx 45 s 0.44 j45 s109rx 45 s 0.14
reactive stage j 49 s 295rx 49 s 0.39 j 49 s 328rx 49 s 0.39 j 49 s 394rx 49 s 0.09
j 50 s 736rx 50 s 0.08 j 50 s 740rx 50 s 0.10 j 50 s 587rx 50 s 0.06
j 60 s893rx 60 s 0.005 j 60 s996rx 60 s 0.004 j 60 s871rx 60 s 0.13

Total molar reaction con- 89.3% 99.6% 87.1%

version based on MeOH
1342 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal
Figure 15. Relationship between the external molar re-
Figure 14. One intersection point of the projection line flux ratio and the overall reaction conver-
from AC vertex and the bubble point sur- sion.

Ž x AC s 0.4.. However, as the AC liquid composition varies

reflux ratio and the overall reaction conversion. When the from 0.16 to 0.09 between stages 15 and 49 at the reflux ratio
external reflux ratio is below 1.3 or above 2, the overall con- of 6, the reaction equilibrium curve and the bubble point
version decreases. So, the optimal range of the external re- curve can lie away from the W-MA binary edge, as in Figure
flux ratio is 1.3 to 2.0 from these simulations. 11 Ž x AC s 0.1.. Thus, the reaction molar turnover geometri-
Table 3 shows the detailed simulation results for reactive cally found in Figure 9 can be larger Ž j n . using a reflux ratio
distillation columns with a fixed number of stages and a fixed of 6 than when using a reflux ratio of 1.8 in these simulation
location of the reaction zone. The reactive section is from results. On the other hand, the overall reaction turnover Ž j 60 .
stages 15 to 60, and there is the extractive section from stages increases as the reflux ratio decreases from 6 to 1.8, which
10 to 14. The reaction equilibrium constant is also 5.2 based agrees to the results in Figure 13.
on the mol fractions, and the reflux ratio varies from 1 to 6. If the computer simulations are to exactly describe the
These simulation results shows that the overall reaction con- graphical interpretation of Figure 13, the liquid composition
version decreases Ž99.6% to 87.1%. as the reflux ratio in- profile at AC should be nearly the same when using differ-
creases from 1.8 to 6. If the reflux ratio changes from 1.8 to ent reflux ratios. To have nearly the same liquid composition
1, the reaction conversion decreases from 99.6% to 89.3%. profile of AC for different reflux ratios, we manipulate the
These trends agree well with the graphical interpretation in top product flow rate for the same column structure in Table
Figure 13. As already mentioned in the previous section, 3 and the given liquid composition of AC at stage 49. Table 4
Table 3 also shows that the reaction conversion in the upper shows the accumulated reaction turnovers decrease as the re-
part of the reaction zone is very small. For instance, the accu- flux increases from 6 to 8. The liquid composition of AC at
mulated reaction turnover from reactive stages 15 to 45 Ž j 45 . stage 49 is fixed as 0.1 for all cases in Table 4. The liquid
is below 12.5% of the overall reaction molar turnover in three composition profiles of AC for each case are nearly the same
cases of Table 3. from stages 15 to 60. For a different range of the reflux ratio,
Here, we should clarify one point for the results in Table 3. that is, from 2 to 4, the liquid composition profiles of AC are
The accumulated reaction turnover Ž j n . decreases in Figure different from those in Table 4. In this case, we can check if
13 as the reflux ratio increases, but the computer simulations the reaction molar turnovers are decreasing as the reflux in-
in Table 3, j 49 Žone stage above the feedstage., increases as creases from 2 to 4 when using nearly the same liquid compo-
the reflux ratio goes from 1.8 to 6. The difference between sition profile of AC.
Figure 13 and these simulations is that, while Figure 13 illus-
trates the effect of different reflux ratios for the same liquid
composition of AC, these simulations in three cases show the
different composition profiles under different reflux ratios. Conclusions
In these simulation results, the AC liquid composition We have developed a graphical method for designing a re-
changes from stage to stage compared to the constant liquid active distillation column with more than three components.
composition of AC in Figure 13. It changes from 0.45 to 0.39 For the nonisomolar reaction of the methyl tert-butyl ether
between stages 15 and 49 when the reflux ratio is 1.8. Thus, production, placing the reaction at the feed stage and in the
the reaction equilibrium curve and the bubble point curve lie rectifying section can circumvent the binary azeotrope be-
very close to the W-MA binary edge, and the accumulated tween isobutene and methanol. We have derived projection
reaction molar turnover can be very small as in Figure 12 equations to carry out tray-by-tray calculations using projec-

AIChE Journal June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 1343

K i sphase equilibrium constant for species i in the projected
tion to reduce the dimension of the space to three, which we space
can more easily analyze visually. The tray-by-tray calculations L n sliquid molar flow rate at stage n
for the methyl acetate production system easily show us how L̃ n sreduced liquid flow rate at stage n
this reactive distillation column circumvents two minimum l sindex for key components in the projected space, l s1, . . . ,
boiling azeotropes. This esterification reaction occurs domi- msnumber of key components in the projected space
nantly in the lower part of the reaction zone near the lower Npsnumber of products
feed stage. There is an optimal operating range for the exter- Nr snumber of reactants
nal reflux ratio for this system. When AC liquid composition NRsnumber of reactions
is constant as 0.05, the overall reaction conversion decreases NZsnumber of nonzero cases for the total sum of stoichiometric
if the current reflux ratio decreases below 0.83 or increases r sexternal reflux ratio Ž L0rD .
above 1.84. We can show how to use the proposed visualiza- rn sinternal reflux ratio Ž L nrD .
tion method to perform tray-by-tray calculations for other es- R i sreactant i
terification reactions. Thus, we can determine if reactive dis- Pk sproduct k
tillation will work to produce pure acetates with simple R̃sreduced reaction-generated flow rate in a whole column
R̃ n sreduced reaction-generated flow rate at stage n
sketches. Vn svapor molar flow rate at stage n
Ṽn sreduced vapor flow rate at stage n
Notation x F s , yF s sliquid and vapor composition at the feed stage
x i svapor composition for component i
a i j sstoichiometric coefficient of reactant i and reaction j x i, k sliquid composition with excluded component k for stream
bk i sstoichiometric coefficient of product i and reaction j is B, D, E, Ft , and stage n
Bsbottom molar flow rate x i sliquid composition vector for stream is B, D, E, F, Ft
B̃sreduced bottom flow rate in the projected space ˜x i sall liquid composition vector in the projected space for
csnumber of components stream is B, D, E, F, Ft and stage n
c P j snormalized product coefficient vector for reaction j ˜x l sliquid composition in the projected space for component l
c P M snormalized cascade coefficient vector of products yi svapor composition for component i
c P M n snormalized cascade coefficient vector of products at stage n yi, k svapor component with excluded component k for stream
c R j snormalized reactant coefficient vector for reaction j is B, D, E, Ft and stage n
c R M snormalized cascade coefficient vector of reactants yn svapor composition vector at stage n
c R M n snormalized cascade coefficient vector of reactants at stage
˜yi sall vapor composition vector in the projected space for stage
˜c i sall stoichiometric coefficient vectors in the projected space ˜yl svapor composition in the projected space for component l
for is P, PM, PMn, R, RM and RMn Zsnumber of zero cases in the total sum of stoichiometric co-
˜c i, k snormalized reactant stoichiometric coefficient of excluded efficients
component k for is P, PM, PMn, R, RM and RMn
Dsdistillate molar flow rate
D̃sreduced distillate flow rate in the projected space Greek letters
Esupper Žextractive. feed molar flow rate d R l sreaction difference point of reaction l
Ft stotal feed molar flow rate d R M scascade reaction difference point
F̃t sreduced total feed flow rate d R M n scascade reaction difference point at the stage n
F sfeed molar rate d T M stotal cascade difference point
K eq sreaction equilibrium constant d T M n stotal cascade point at the stage n
K i sphase equilibrium constant for species i d i, k sreaction difference composition with excluded component k

Table 4. Accumulated Reaction Molar Turnovers for Different Reflux Ratios

Reflux Ratio 6 7 8
Feed flow rate Žkmolrh.
ACrM 1,000r1,000 1,000r1,000 1,000r1,000
Top flowrMA purity % 987.1r85.8 856.6r84.6 756.0r83.3
Bottom flowrW purity % 1,012.9r82.3 1,143.4r68.9 1,244.0r61.1
Total stages No. including 60 60 60
condenser and reboiler
Upper Ž AC .rLower Ž M . 10r50 10r50 10r50
Reactive stages 15]60 15]60 15]60
Accumulated reaction
turnover Žkmolrh.rAC j 15 s10.5rx 15 s 0.161 j 15 s10.2rx 15 s 0.158 j 15 s9.93rx 15 s 0.157
liquid composition at each j 30 s 38.2rx 30 s 0.156 j 30 s 36.9rx 30 s 0.154 j 30 s 35.9rx 30 s 0.153
reactive stage j 45 s108rx 45 s 0.145 j 45 s104rx 45 s 0.143 j 45 s101rx 45 s 0.142
j 49 s 393rx 49 s 0.100 j49 s 383rx 49 s 0.100 j 49 s 376rx 49 s 0.100
j 50 s 589rx 50 s 0.061 j 50 s 580rx 50 s 0.062 j 50 s 574rx 50 s 0.062
j 60 s869rx 60 s 0.130 j 60 s819rx 60 s 0.158 j 60 s 791rx 60 s 0.168
Total molar reaction con-
version based on MeOH
feed 86.9% 81.9% 79.1%

1344 June 2001 Vol. 47, No. 6 AIChE Journal

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