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College of Nursing

Student Name: Paula Anne Manalo Area: San Jose District Hospital Date: November 07, 2019 Year&Section: BSN-2A Group: B


Generic name: Pharmacologic: Fat- 0.5 ml -Promotes hepatic Hypersensitivity to Newborns esp. -Assess urine for
Phytonadione soluble vitamin formation of coagulation Vitamin K. (premature infants) may hematuria.
Brand name: Vita K Therapeutic: Antidote, factors II, VII, IX, X. develop -Assess for decrease in
vitamins -Essential for normal hyperbilirubinemia. B/P, increase in pulse
clotting of blood. Severe reaction (cramp- rate, complaint of
-Metabolized in liver. like pain, chest pain, abdominal/back pain,
-Excreted in urine; dyspnea, facial flushing, severe.
eliminated by biliary dizziness, rapid/weak -Assess for increase
system. pulse, rash, diaphoresis, amount of discharge
hypotension progressing during menses.
to shock, cardiac arrest) -Assess peripheral
occurs rarely, pulses.
immediately after IV -Check for excessive.
Generic name: Oxtycin Pharmacologic: 10 units/ml in 1 ml ampule Uterine sensitivity to -Hypersensitivity to drug CV -Continuosly monitor
Brand name: Pitocin Posterior pituitary oxytocin increases when vaginal delivery is Hypertension, increased contractions, fetal heart
hormone during gestation period advised heart rate, systemic rate, and maternal
Therapeutic: Uterine- and peaks sharply -Cephalopelvic venous return, cardiac blood pressure and ECG.
activge agents before parturituion. disproportion is present. output. -Discontinue infusion if
GI: Nausea, vomiting uterine hyperactivity
Not use for elective RESPIRATORY: Anoxia, occur.
induction of labor. Asphyxia -Assess fluid inake and
outpu. Watch for signs
and symptoms of water

Generic name: Pharmacologic: 2% ointment (apply 0.5-1 More active against Contraindicated in Eye: Blurred vision -Cleanse the infant's
Erythromycin Macrolide antibiotic cm ribbon in lower gram-postive organisms patients in known Body as a whole: Fever, eyes as needed before
Brand name: E-mycin Therapeutic: Anti- conjunctival sacs shortly than against gram- hypersensitivity to eosinophilia, urticaria, application.
infective after birth) negative organisms due erythromycin, or any skin eruptions, fixed -Administer from the
to its superior other macrolide. drug eruption, inner canthus to the
penetration into gram- Concurrent topical acne anaphylaxis. outer canthus.
positive organisms. theraphly should be Superinfections by -Hold the tube in a
used with caution as nonsusceptible bacteria, horizontal rather than a
irritation can occur. yeast or fungi. vertical position.
-Observe for irritation.
Generic name: Antibiotic 1 tab 500 mg Second-generation -Contraindicated in -Nausea -Determine history of
Cefuroxime cephalosporin that patients hypersensitivity -Diarrhea hypersensitivity
Brand name: Zoltax inhibits cell wall drug. -Rash reactions to
synthesis, promoting -Use with caution in -Pruritis cephalosphorins,
osmotic instability; breast feeding women in -Urticaria penicillins and allergies
usually bactericidal. patients with history of -Antibiotic-assoaciated particularly to drugs
colitis and renal colitis before therapy is
sufficiency. intiated.
-Report onselt of loose
of stools.
-Absorption of
cefuroxime is enhanced
by food.
-Notify prescriber about
rashes or
Generic name: Opioid analgesics 5 mg through IV Bind to opiate receptors -Contraindicated in CNS -Reassess patient's level
Nalbuphine in the CNS, alters the patient hypersensitive Sedation, dizziness, of pain atleast 15 and 30
hydrochloride perception of and to drug. vertigo, headache, minutes after parental
Brand name: Nubain responses to painful -Use cautiously in confusion, crying, administration.
stimuli while producing patient with history of depression, -Give 25% of the usual
generalized CNS drug abuse and in those hallucinations, dose initially. Watch for
depression. with emotional nervousness, numbness, sings of withdrawal.
instability, haed injury, restlessness, seizures. -Alert: drug
impaired ventilation, CV
upcoming biliary injury, Bradycardia,
and hepatic or renal hypertension,
disease. hypotension,
blurres vision, dry

Generic name: Anti -emetics 10 mg It blocks dopamine Contraindicated to CNS -Assess patient for
Metoclopramide receptors and make the hypersensitivity, Drowsiness, abdominal pain
Brand name: Plasil GI cells more sensitive to possible obstruction or extrapyramidical distention, bowel sound.
acetylcholine, leading to hemorrage, history of reactions, restlessness, -Assess patient for
increase GI activity and seizures disorders, anxiety, depression, extrapyramidical
rapid movement of food Parkinston's disease. irritability, tardive reactions.
through the upper GI dyskinesia. -Monitor for tardive
tract. CV dyskinesian.
Constipation, diarrhea,
dry mouth, nausea
Generic name: Pharmacologic: Ergot IV Methergin stimulates Contraindicated in CV -Be alert for adverse
Methergine Alkaloid and Derivative 0.2 mg after delivery of smooth muscles patients hypersensitive Hypertension, reaction and drug
Brand name: Therapeutic: Oxytocic, anterior shoulder, after producing sustained to methylergonovine or temporary chest pain, interactions.
Methylergonovine lactation stimulant delivery of placenta or contractions thervy any component of the palitation. -Give IV slowly over
maleate during puerperium; maybe shortens the third stage formulation. CNS several minutes and
repeated as required at of labor. Hallucinations, dizziness, monitor blood pressure
intervals of 2-4 hours seizure, headache. closely.
Nausea, vomiting, foul

Generic Name: Pharmacologic: 250 mg Analgesics, antipyretic, Contraindicated with CNS: headacjhe, Check doctor’s order
Mefenamic acid NSAID and anti-inflammatory hypersensitivity to dizziness, insomnia -Assess pain score
Brand Name: Therapeutic: activities related to mefenamic acid, aspirin, Derm: rash, sweating, -Assess history of
Dolfenal, Ponstan Analgesic, Antipyretic inhibition of and allergy pruritus allergies to NSAIDs
Pregnancy prostaglandin synthesis. GI: nausea, GI pain, -Educate regarding
diarrhea, constipation desired and adverse
GU: dysuria, renal effects
impairment -Educate about
Hema: bleeding, platelet prolonged use of drug
inhibition with higher may damage liver
dose, neutropenia
Resp: dyspnea,
hemoptysis, pharyngitis.

Generic name: Antihistamine 50 mg Competitively blocks Hypersensitivity to Chills, dryness of mouth, -If patient is having
Diphenhydramine effects of histamine at diphenhydramine, nose and throat, acute allergic reaction,
Brand name: Benadryl peripheral H1 receptor hydrochloride and other hypotension, headache, obtain history of
sites. antihistamines of similar palpitations, recently ingested foods,
chemical structure. This tachycardia, sedation, drugs, environmental
drug cannot be used in dizziness, fatigue, exposure, emotional
newborn and premature confusion, restlessness, stress.
infants. nervousness, irritability, -Monitor B/P, rate,
blurred vision, vertigo, depth, rhythm, type of
anorexia, nausea, respiration, quality, rate
vomiting, urinary of pulse.
frequency, early
Generiç name: Anti-emetics, 12.5-25 mg Block the effects of Hypersensitivity. CNS -Monitor B/P, pulse, and
Prometazine antihistamines, histamine. Alters the Comatose patients. Confusion, respiratory rate,
Brans name: Phenergan sedatives/hypnotics effects of dopamine in Prostatic hypertrophy. disorientation, sedation, frequently in patient
the CNS. Produces CNS Bladder neck dizziness, recieving IV doses.
depression by indirectly obstruction. extraphyramidical -Assess for symtoms of
decreased stimulation of reactions, fatigue, extrapyramidical side
the CNS reticular insomia, nervousness. effects.
system. EENT -Assess for nausea and
Burres vison, diplopia, vomiting.
Constipation, drug-
induced, hepatitis, dry

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