Exp Raw Guide Thing

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Expression based modelling raw guide

Create fixed datums and axes

Everything should be on datums nothing on surface or face of the object.

One sketch one child meaning one feature. Pattern features are an exception?

Always take existing point not inferred.

Oh before anything you should load the seed part. Seed part is where you store the repetitive tasks like
creating datum axes and planes.

Don't meddle with computer generated expression, always create ur own expression and link that to the
computer generated one.

Suppression give at assembly level

If u suppress a feature take care of its sketch too. Like where it goes if suppressed , the position I mean.

Add only required and essential expressions to the knowledge file.

& || and or symbols for usage

And where both cases shd satisfy or be true

Or where one case is enough to be true

Don't suppress sketches.

While automation ask for the inputs. What are the inputs and what do you expect to happen if inputs
are given.

Read the drawing thoroughly. Focus and break the drawing into lil pieces for analysis.

After modelling automation is done, next comes the drafting automation.

So far we are drawing sketch points and line in the assembly level and using them to give dimensions.

Never use the edges in the drafting to give dimensions in automation practice.

Hence create required sketch points and lines and use them to create dimensions.

Never forget to use the given seedpart. That seed part contains all the required settings.

Even if you off the sketch and Don't want the dimensions to go, open view settings and somewhere in
there it should be pre nx 8. 5

Add comments to ur expressions. Comments describe the purpose of the expression.

No upper case letters or abbreviation to be used. For best practice avoid them.

Hide all sketches and datums while giving a demo for better presentation.

Create a sketch point at assembly level and use that as anchor point for positioning view at desired
Associate dimensions if they are not automatically associated.

Don't use detail or projected view. Always take Base view and use view boundary options to get a detail

For projected view take Base view and in that Base view dialog box select your desired view. Never use
projected view.

Sketches should have only one children.

Parents for Datums and sketches should be other datums. But never the solid body.

Always take atleast 3 backups of the work done for the day. Minimum of three.

101-110 are the layers for the sketches that we never show in drafting. If there are any other sketches
like centerline that you want to show in drafting, keep them in a different layer.

Drawing part files save them by going modelling. Don't directly save from drafting application.

Expression called 'ceiling' will take the highest value of a condition or a formula. How to use ceiling still
need to explore. Lowest value thing is called floor itseems. Should try them out.

Never mirror datums or components in assemblies.

Because mirror is not correct or I don't know why the mirror is happening like that.

When used the mirror assembly it is not actually mirroring the object, but it is copy and pasting it.

That's why they created a dummy body of the main body and then placed holes.

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