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Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189

2nd International Symposium on Submerged Floating Tunnels and Underwater Tunnel Structures

Study on Composition and Simulation Analysis of Traffic Loads in

Submerged Floating Tunnels
Bo Lianga, Bolin Jianga*
College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China


For Submerged Floating Tunnels (SFTs) under operation, traffic load is a variable fundamental load and an important part of
various loads they bear. The traffic loads of SFTs involve many factors such as vehicle parameters, vehicle speeds, road conditions,
underwater conditions, etc. Based on the vehicle traffic characteristics and the structural properties of SFTs and with a
comprehensive consideration of the influence mechanism of traffic loads, this paper puts forward an expression of traffic loads
under the action of wave forces through an analysis of the composition and influence factors of traffic loads in SFTs. Furthermore,
it analyzes the influence degrees and application range of such traffic loads by means of a numerical analysis, which may serve as
a reference for related research on dynamic response of SFTs.
© 2016
© 2016TheTheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SUFTUS-2016.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SUFTUS-2016
Keywords: Submerged Floating Tunnels; Traffic Loads; Simulation Analysis; Dynamic Response

1. Introduction

As a new underwater structure, Submerged Floating Tunnels (SFTs) have attracted more and more attention of
researchers worldwide due to its economy, flexible location, low environmental disturbance, all-weather operation,
etc.[1] At present, such countries as Italy, Norway, Japan and U.S. have already had some patented technologies and
guidelines of SFTs. In contrast, China is still at the starting stage of this area—many technical difficulties need to be
solved, including the investigation and evaluation of natural environment, the designed standard of loads, the
composition and design of structures, the construction methods, the control standards of quality and the use and
operation of SFTs, etc.[2]

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-15025313109.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SUFTUS-2016
Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189 181

The basic loads of SFTs consist of the dead weight, the hydrostatic pressure, the buoyancy , the current, the wave
loads, the weight of accessory equipment, the traffic loads, etc. As the dead weight and the hydrostatic pressure are
relatively simple and clear, scholars nowadays mainly focus on the more complex environmental loads such as current
and wave loads. For example, Fogazzi P. and Perott F.[3] have calculated wave loads using the Morison Equation
proposed by Chakrabarty and analyzed the dynamic response of SFTs under horizontal and vertical earthquakes as
well as the normal wave loads. Mai Jiting et al.[4] have simplified single-span SFTs into simple supported beams and
studied the vortex-induced dynamic response of SFTs under wave and current effects.
There is, however, less research data related to traffic loads in SFTs. Hiroshi Kunisu et al.[5] introduce some
research methods of vehicle loads in SFTs and suggest a reference to the research of traffic loads on bridges.
Tariverdilo et al.[6] simplify SFTs into beam structures and study the dynamic response of SFTs under moving traffic
loads through a combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.
This paper analyzes the composition and influence factors of traffic loads in SFTs and puts forward a calculation
model combined with numerical simulation, and studies the dynamic responses of SFT under the interaction of traffic
loads and other loads. The conclusion can hopefully provide reference for related research.

2. The composition and influence factors of traffic loads

Traffic loads generated by vehicles in SFTs include two parts: the weight of vehicles (or the fixed loads) and the
additional dynamic loads due to the vibration when vehicles are running on the road of SFTs. From the perspective of
structural forms and loads, SFTs are like closed bridges in the water, while from the perspective of service function,
they are indeed tunnels.
Compared with the traffic loads of bridges, those of SFTs are of the same parameters and a strong randomness.
The traffic loads of SFTs will be transferred to the support system, which is similar to the case of bridges. In light of
the dynamic response due to traffic loads, the environmental loads of SFT structures have large influence on the
response of traffic loads, also similar to the effect of environmental loads (e.g. wind loads) on the dynamic response
of traffic loads of bridge structures. The difference lies in that SFTs are closed and slender structures, and the mode
of action of their environmental loads are different to that of bridges. But we still can use the research method of
traffic loads of bridges for reference when studying the traffic loads in SFT.
Compared with the traffic loads of normal tunnels, the causes and types of traffic loads of SFTs are basically the
same. But SFT structures have to bear the environmental loads such as wave loads, ocean currents, eddy currents,
tides, etc. as well as the effect of the support system, while normal tunnels usually bear only the loads from the
surrounding rocks. This difference makes it hard to accept the research method of traffic loads in normal tunnels for
reference when we study the traffic loads in SFTs, due to the different boundary constraints of the two tunnel structures.
We can summarize the factors that influence the traffic loads of SFTs as following, by combining the research
results of traffic loads of bridges with the features of SFT structures.

Table 1. Influence factors of traffic loads in SFTs

Types of influence factors Details
Dynamic property of vehicles Axle-weight, Wheel tracks
Speeds of vehicle Uniform speed, Variable speed
Road surface Road roughness, Pavement structure types
Environmental factors Hydrostatic pressure, Hydrodynamic pressure

We must take into account the influence of specific environmental factors (i.e., hydrostatic pressures and
hydrodynamic pressures) when studying traffic loads as SFTs are mostly located in deep lakes or oceans. Hydrostatic
pressures of SFTs include buoyancy, and hydrodynamic pressures include wave loads, ocean currents, eddy currents,
etc. According to previous research results [7-9], wave loads and ocean currents are the main influence factors to
hydrodynamic pressures. In the process of research in this paper, wave loads are considered mainly as hydrodynamic
182 Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189

3. Analysis on the calculation models of traffic loads

3.1. Action mechanism of traffic loads of SFTs

The studies on the loading influence are complex on account of the SFT structure located underwater. At first,
traffic loads and environmental loads would affect the vibration of SFT structures; they are also the main reasons of
structural vibration. On the other hand, structural vibration will affect currents due to the action of fluid-structure
coupling. Meanwhile, the moving vehicles and the SFT structure could be regarded as a community, where the
vibration of vehicles corresponds to that of the tunnel structure. In conclusion, SFT structures, traffic loads,
environmental loads are interactive.
The vibration of SFT structures includes vertical and horizontal. The vertical vibration, caused by traffic loads and
other external incentive loads, is known as the primary vibration. But we could not ignore the horizontal vibration—
it would affect the safety of driving in SFTs. In this paper, we mainly study the vertical vibration of SFT structures.

3.2. Calculation models of traffic loads

It is difficult to define the calculation models of traffic loads in SFTs, as traffic loads are transient loads which are
related to vehicle constructions, road surface conditions, vehicle speeds, external incentive loads, etc. In the following,
we tend to describe the major influence factors and how to simulate them in calculation models of traffic loads.
(1) Vehicle system
The influence of the vehicle system on the traffic loads is reflected on the weight of vehicles and the variation of
traffic loads due to the vibration of suspension system during running. First of all, we should simplify the vehicle
system. In this paper, we mainly study the influence caused by traffic loads, of vibration of SFT structures on vertical
direction. We select the simplest one-fourth vehicle model with two degrees of freedom (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. One-fourth vehicle model with two degrees of freedom

In Fig. 1, ms and mt are sprung mass and unsprung mass, respectively; cs is buffer damping coefficient of
suspension system; ct is damping constant of wheels; ks and kt are stiffness coefficient of suspension system and
wheels, respectively; zs , zt and z w are displacement of sprung mass, unsprung mass and road surface.
This vehicle model considers the degrees of freedom of the car body and the non-pedant part on the vertical
direction, as well as the influence caused by damping and stiffness of the wheels and suspension. The calculation
model of traffic loads in this paper is built based on the vertical vibration, which is sufficient for the research
(2) Road roughness
Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189 183

Road roughness will cause vibration or impacting to vehicles, which is a random incentive, so the vibration of
vehicles is random as well.
To study the influence of road roughness on traffic loads, the road roughness can be analyzed by means of the
random vibration theory, the most effective of which is the power spectrum analysis. The power spectral density
function of road roughness is the mean square deviation of the measured values of road roughness in a unit of
frequency, which is also known as the mean square spectral density function. This paper will transfer the defined
power spectral density function to road roughness.
By means of the power spectral fitting formula of road surface in the GB/T 7031-2005 Mechanical Vibration-
Report of Road Surface Spectral Measured Data, we can achieve the random road roughness of different grades—
Grade A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H—by computer simulation. From Grade A to Grade H, the road roughness decreases
gradually. The following is the roughness diagram of Grade A.

Fig. 2. Road roughness of Grade A

In Fig. 2, the random road roughness of Grade A keeps floating around the level of zero with uniform distribution,
which accords with the actual situations. We gather the maximum road roughness of each grade as following.

Table 2. Maximum road roughness of each grade

Grade of road roughness Maximum value (m)
A 0.0154
B 0.0275
C 0.0572
D 0.0994
E 0.1836
F 0.4170
G 0.9029
H 1.8238
184 Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189

To take into consideration the influence of road roughness when building the calculation model of traffic loads, we
can use the maximum value of each grade to simulate and then analyze the influence of the vibration of SFT structures
under the worst condition of each grade.
(3) Vehicle speed
Vehicle speeds in SFT traffic loads can be studied with reference to similar studies of bridges. Vehicle speed is a
significant influence on the vibration of both bridges and vehicles. Our research shows that bridge vibration varies
when vehicles run at different speeds on bridges. It is not always true that the higher the vehicle speed, the more
violent the vibration. In fact, the bridge vibration is the most violent only when the vehicle speed remains at a certain
When we explore the calculation method of traffic loads in SFTs, we can analyze how vehicle speeds affect the
traffic loads by calculating the effects of different speeds.
(4) External incentive loads
According to existing research results, the external environmental loads of SFT structures can be caused by waves,
currents, eddy currents, tides, etc. Of these loads, wave load has the greatest influence on the dynamic response of
SFT structures, and is therefore considered the major external incentive load for the research in this paper.
The calculation method of wave forces requires foremost the definition of wave height and length prior to the
calculation of wave loads of underwater SFTs. Waves can cause vertical vibration of SFT structures, which
furthermore affects traffic loads in SFTs. Thus, when building the calculation model of traffic loads, we must take
into account the vertical vibration displacement on the SFT structure, so as to simulate the influence caused by external
incentive loads.

3.3. Calculation formula of traffic loads

According to the above analyses, we tend to define a similar excited force to express the traffic loads. This force,
with other parameters fixed, should be able to reflect the cycle characteristic, the influence caused by the external
incentive loads, and the road roughness. We can study the rule of dynamic response of SFT structures based on this
force. The formula of this force was put forward in the existing research results [10], here is improved as following.

F (t ) P0  M 0 ˜ A 2  D ˜ Z 2 ˜ sin(Zt ) (1)

Where P0 is the static load of wheels, M 0 is the unsprung mass, A is the maximum vibration displacement
on the vertical direction of SFT structures due to the wave loads, here half of the maximum value reflects the
influence caused by the external incentive loads.

A f H , O (2)

Where H and O are the wave height and length of wave loads, respectively.
In equation 1, D is the maximum value of each grade of road roughness, Z is the circular frequency of vehicle

Z 2Sv l (3)

Where v is the speed of vehicle, l is the wave length of the geometric curve (i.e. the length of vehicle).
Simple as the formula of traffic loads is, it reflects:
(1) The influence factors of the vehicle structure, including the axle load and the non-pendant mass;
(2) The influence of the road roughness of SFTs, which is considered as the main factor causing vehicle dynamic
(3) The influence of the speed of running vehicles;
(4) The influence of the external incentive loads;
Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189 185

(5) The periodicity of vehicle loads.

This formula is closely related to the vehicle conditions and speeds, the road roughness, and the external incentive
loads, and therefore can simulate the traffic loads of SFTs to a certain degree.

4. Numerical simulation analyses and application

4.1. Structural model

According to the features of SFT structures and the existing research results, we build a three-dimensional model
of SFT structures [11] (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Three-dimensional model of SFT structure

The SFT prototype is a straight tubular structure. Our simulation analyses are based on a section of SFT tube with
a length of 100 m. We calculate the dynamic response of the SFT structure in different cases by means of the finite
element software ANSYS [12].
For this slender structure, we simplify the SFT tube as Euler-Bernoulli beam with two simple supported ends in
the structural model. About the anchoring system which keeps the SFT structure stable, we adopt the spring element
to simulate.

Fig. 4. Numerical simulation model of SFT

186 Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189

In the SFT structure, we assume that two identical vehicles start moving through tunnel from two opposite ends
with uniform speed. On the basis of the research results of bridge dynamic analysis, surface contact model is more
accurate to simulate the traffic loads than point contact model, hence the surface contact model is applied in this paper.

Fig. 5. Simulation model of vehicles in SFT

The structural dynamic equation is:

[ M ]^u`  [C ]^u`  [ K ]^u` ^F (t )` (4)

Where [M ] is the mass matrix, [C ] is the damping matrix, and [K ] is the stiffness matrix.
During the process of dynamic analyses, the damping matrix [C ] is taken as a Rayleigh matrix:

[C ] D [ M ]  E [ K ] (5)

Where D is the mass damper, and E is the stiffness damper. These two dampers could be obtained by means of
two different frequencies and damping ratios.
As there is no real SFT structure available, we use rather the design parameters from designated SFT structures
and the latest Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts (in China) [13] as references. We define some
calculation parameters as following:

Table 3. Related parameters of calculation model of traffic loads

Parameters (Units) Values
Static loads of wheels (KN) 20.0
Unsprung mass (N·s2/m) 120.0
Height of wave (m) 0.3
Length of wave (m) 25.1
Maximum road roughness (m) 0.0154
Speed of vehicle (km/h) 80.0
Length of vehicle (m) 6.0

The parameters of our calculation model of SFT structure is defined as following:

Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189 187

Table 4. Related parameters of calculation model of SFT structures

Parameters (Units) Values
Density of tunnel structure (kg/m ) 7850.0
Density of water current (kg/m3) 1050.0
Current velocity (m/s) 0.5
Floating depth (m) 30.0
Water depth (m) 100.0
Angle of anchoring cables (°) 30.0

In addition, the value of another important parameter—Buoyancy Weight Ratio (BWR)—is set as 1.4, and in the
process of our numerical calculation, the fluid-structure interaction is also taken into consideration.

4.2. Numerical simulation

We select the vertical displacement at the middle point of a tunnel span as the index of dynamic response, and
simulate the following four cases:
Case 1: SFT structure only under gravity, buoyancy, and the tension of anchoring cables;
Case 2: Traffic loads added to Case 1;
Case 3: Wave loads added to Case 1;
Case 4: Traffic loads added to Case 3.
By using the finite element software ANSYS, we can conduct the calculation and analyses, and get the results of
each case.
Through a comparison of the results of Case 1 and Case 2, we can analyze the influence of traffic loads on the
dynamic response of SFTs without wave loads (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Result Comparison between Case 1 and Case 2

188 Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189

Comparing the results of Case 3 and Case 4, we can analyze the influence of traffic loads on the dynamic response
of SFTs with wave loads (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Result comparison between Case 3 and Case 4

According to the result comparison of all the cases, we can conclude that:
(1) Through the comparison between the results of Case 1 and Case 2 (Fig. 6), it shows that traffic loads could
reduce the vertical vibration of SFT structures without wave loads, but it is small. After traffic loads are added to Case
1, the vibration of SFTs tends to be more rational, which proves that the simulated traffic loads is realistic.
(2) Through the comparison between the results of Case 3 and Case 4 (Fig. 7), we can know traffic loads still have
very insignificant influence on the vertical vibration of SFT structures with wave loads. After traffic loads are added
to Case 3, the displacement curve of Case 4 is near that of Case 3. The traffic loads always increase or decrease the
displacement slightly, it follows the regular change of displacement curve.
(3) With wave loads, the vertical vibration of SFT structure is much larger than that of the cases without wave
loads. It indicates that the external incentive loads (wave loads) are the decisive factors affecting the dynamic response
of SFT structures, which coincides with other related research results.

4.3. The field and range of application

The calculation formula of traffic loads defined in this paper can, to a certain degree, simulate the traffic loads in
SFT structures. Hence we can obtain the field and range of its application in engineering.
Our simulated calculation formula of traffic loads can provide reference for other researchers in related simulation
and analysis. Nevertheless, we have only considered a certain influence factors rather than all possible factors as SFTs
are usually under various and complex loads, and therefore our formula is of certain limitations. Besides, the ocean
current has a great influence on the dynamic response of SFT structures when the floating depth exceeds certain values
(over 30 meters according to some other previous research results). We must, as a result, select the influence factors
according to the real floating depth.
Bo Liang and Bolin Jiang / Procedia Engineering 166 (2016) 180 – 189 189

Through the simulated analyses, we can set some limits or emergency measures. For instance, we should limit the
weight and/or speed of vehicles running in SFT structures. In addition, we should monitor the environmental
conditions around the SFT structures and take emergency measures, e.g. tunnel enclosure, when the height or length
of waves exceed the limit values.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, the authors have analyzed the composition and influence factors of the traffic loads in SFT structures,
put forward the calculation formula of SFT traffic loads with a comprehensive consideration of several factors, and
calculated the vertical displacement at the middle point of the tunnel tube span, and discussed the influence of traffic
loads on SFTs. It is expected that the findings herein can provide some reference for related simulation, analysis and
structural design.


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