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bulletin bulletin 2010

Aircraft Ammunition Solutions Demil: Change in Nammo’s position in the US

Development contract for AMRAAM Teaming leads to award of 40mm L/60 program
By Sissel Solum, Senior Vice President Communication, Nammo Group

2010 started with success for Nammo! At the Olympics in Vancouver, Nammo biathlon
ammunition LAPUA was used by more than 88% of the athletes, and 23 out of 30
medals­were won with our ammunition.

The Group’s core products and services continue to be ammunition, rocket motors
and demilitarization. One of the latest highlights is our development program for the
APEX ammunition for the new Joint Strike Fighter. We believe the ammunition will be
an important add-on for future scenarios. Within rocket motors, we newly signed an
important development contract with the Raytheon Group as second source for the
AMRAAM missile system.

Nammo’s demil facilities handled the first contracts originating from the Convention­
on Cluster Munitions. The Convention becomes binding international law when it
enters into force on 1 August 2010. You can read all about this – and more – on the
following pages.

Nammo’s new vision, Securing the Future, is the Group’s driving force. We want to
Editorial 3 take part in securing the future by delivering high quality products to the national
armed forces and our allied nations for a safe return of the expeditionary troops.
F-35, next generation fighter aircraft 4
Nammo aircraft ammunition solutions 5 The Group’s prime goal is to maintain a sustainable business based on secure
products­and work environment for the benefit of our employees, customers and the
Teaming leads to award of 40mm HEI L/60 program 6 local communities.
Infantry shoulder-launched munitions training 7
Happy reading!
Research and development 8
Nammo participation in the International Year of Astronomy 2009 9
AMRAAM: Development contract and award from Raytheon 10
Celebration of Ariane 5 Launch no. 50 11
18th Global Demil Symposium & Exhibition 12
Change in Nammo’s position in the US after establishing Nammo Demil LLC 12
Nammo’s role in the world market of demil today 13 Nammo’s vision outlines what the organization wants to accomplish. It concentrates on
the future. It is the company’s source of inspiration, common focus and driving force:
Ethical conduct an obvious part of Nammo’s core business 14
Corporate Social Responsibility through sponsorship 14 Nammo – Securing the future
• We will protect our National and Allied Forces with high quality defense products
Biathlon sponsoring – The great challenge to go forward and reach successes 15 • We will secure future development of eco-friendly products, processes and services
• We will secure further growth based on a strong financial development
Manuel Krüger, member of the German Paralympics Team 15 • We will develop and secure a long term sustainable business for our

Welcome to the XXI Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver 2010 16 customers and for our employees
• Our future development depends on secure and safe work environment.
Activities on the world market 17 We must emphasize the importance of every single employee
Report on the US Market 18
International financial network 19 VALUES
Increased control with Cognos Business Intelligence 19 We are enthusiastic and creative, always searching for the best solutions
XIIth Multipurpose (MP) Symposium 2009 20
Nammo Talley celebrates “50 Years of Excellence” in Mesa, Arizona 21 We are reliable and accurate in our technology, processes and business

Marketing communication through exhibitions 22 Care

We are inclusive and open-minded, always encouraging team spirit and cooperation
4 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 5

Nammo aircraft ammunition solutions

By Jan Hasslid, Vice President Marketing, Medium and Large Caliber Division
Eva Friis, Program Manager Aircraft Ammunition, Medium and Large Caliber Division

Nammo is a state-of-the-art developer Logistic Organization for development and 25 mm x 137 TP-RRR Aircraft Ammunition
and manufacturer of aircraft ammunition qualification of a mechanically fuzed Armor for the F-35 Lightning II (JSF)
solutions for the international market. We Piercing Explosive, APEX, ammunition Nammo is committed to support the war­
have unique competence, as exemplified that will give the pilots of the Norwegian fighter with precision products that deliver
by our people and long-term collaboration­ Air Force the best ammunition solution the requested effect to the target. The need
with the Norwegian Defense Research available­for the F-35. for effective and safe training is increasing,­
Establishment (FFI), NAVAIR and PMA-242, with pilots having to provide frequent
and by the basic research conducted in the The APEX has all the combat-zone close air support within small areas. The
Multipurpose (MP) Technology programs. advantages of high explosive incendiary Nammo target practice ammunition is the
We use numerical simulations in our ammunition with softer target materials, ammunition­of choice. It provides accuracy,­
design work and conduct vulnerability including enhanced capability for defeating ballistic match to the high explosive am-
analysis for performance optimization and armored targets in modern land warfare. munition and safe operation with small
for verification testing at our firing range. The projectile body is designed to fragment surface danger zones.
This enables rapid and cost effective design upon impact and carries a lethal tungsten
of projectiles. carbide penetrator for successfully piercing The solution is the Reduced Ricochet Risk
thicker targets. ammunition, RRR. This ammunition will not
Nammo is currently manufacturing The hit mechanism of the projectile body is ricochet like ordinary target practice am-
medium caliber ammunition in support divided into separate phases depending on munition after impacting soft soil like sand
of International Joint Operations, and our the type of target engaged. The mechanical or dirt. The projectile features a break-up
aircraft ammunition is the ammunition fuze will support the transition between the function upon target/ground impact and
of choice amongst F-16 and F-18 pilots. phases of target defeat. For targets with breaks into small parts with rapid velocity
We are committed to deliver performance light to medium protection, the projectile decay in ground and in air. The technology
products to the modern fighter aircraft that body can make full penetration with a time- is well proven with 20mm ammunition on
will enable safe and precise engagement delayed fuze to ensure maximal blast and the F-16s and the F-18s.
under all conditions and challenges. fragmentation well inside the target.
We are supported by the Norwegian Air The tungsten carbide penetrator is able to Nammo is currently under contract

F-35, next generation fighter aircraft Force for the development and qualifi-
cation of two new ammunition products
penetrate armored targets because of the
full utilization of focused energy and high
with the Norwegian Defense Logistic
Organization­to qualify the TP-RRR for use
By Ola Skrivervik, Senior Vice President Business Development, Nammo Group as follows: density tungsten materials. The penetrator­ with the GAU-22 gun on the F-35 Lightning
is a sub-caliber design with high L/D II. This program is running in parallel with
25 mm x 137 APEX Aircraft Ammunition ratio for performance and it is securely the APEX program for the Norwegian Air
The F-35 Lightning II has been formally coope­ration with Lockheed Martin, regard- and is now developing the next generation for the F-35 Lightning II (JSF) fastened inside the projectile body. The Force.
­selected by the Norwegian Government as ing both ­previous offset situations and the aircraft ammunition, called APEX. This pro- Nammo solutions for fighter aircraft tungsten ­carbide penetrator is placed in
the F-16 replacement and the fighter of current F-35 industry participation initia- gram is now fully funded through develop­ ­ammunition will enable pilots to defeat the front end of the projectile for maximum In summary, Nammo aircraft ammunition
choice for Norway after many years of com- tive. For Nammo it has been essential to ment and qualification by the Norwegian a wide range of targets with economy of performance during penetration, and will will provide the modern fighter pilot with
petition among several fighter candidates. promote areas where we are in possession Government, and discussions on coopera- ­ammunition. The ammunition technologies­ generate­lethal fragments inside the target solutions from training to war-fighting. We
Formal acquisition, however, is pending of world class and competitive capabilities, tion with other nations, including the US, developed by Nammo help provide by splitting into multiple heavy fragments. are committed to deliver precision products
approval from the Norwegian Parliament rather than pursue opportunities in direct are progressing. Within missile propulsion, precision­projectiles capable of defeating that the pilot can rely on for performing
in 2011, and this again will be pending participation such as aircraft components. Nammo is also discussing with Lockheed armored-vehicle targets as well as softer Nammo’s APEX ammunition provides a successful missions today and tomorrow.
acceptance of an industrial participation Two such areas have been identified: air- Martin Missile and Fire Control several new targets, i.e. providing the right response to cost effective solution that meets all the Nammo is currently developing the 25mm
package which has to be presented by craft ammunition and missile propulsion. opportunities which seem promising. the challenging targets in the 21st-century performance, safety and environmental APEX and RRR. The rounds will be ready
the Prime Contractor, Lockheed Martin. ­Nammo has a long heritage of products battle zone. Nammo is currently under requirements of a 21st-century warfighter. for flight certification in 2013.
Nammo has for several years promoted and involvement in aircraft ammunition contract with the Norwegian Defense
6 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 7

Infantry shoulder-launched munitions training

By Wayne Dillon, Weapons Trainer, Nammo Talley

Nammo Talley’s shoulder-launched muni- bunkers, walls, light armor and caves. The With the emphasis on combat operations
tions (SLM) training teams provide critical M141 BDM is a single shot, disposable mu- shifting to the mountainous Afghan theatre,
training to U.S. Army and Marine Corps nition. Selected Army units are also trained units are expressing increased interest in
units prior to their combat deployments to on the M72 A7 LAW, a 66mm rocket, clas- training on the M72 A7 LAW, because of its
Iraq and Afghanistan . The Nammo Talley sified as a light anti-armor weapon, which light weight (7.9 lb/3.6 kg).
training team concept was conceived in defeats light armor, and is also effective
2006 with the idea of assisting both ser- against structures. Like the BDM, the M72 The training teams will be instrumental
vices with restoring SLM proficiency with is a single shot, disposable munition. in the preparation and fielding of the U.S.
Nammo Talley products. These products Marine Corps’ new crew-served infantry
have seen an expeditious increase in use U.S. Marine Corps units are trained on the assault weapon, the SMAW II/Serpent,
in the Iraq and Afghanistan theatres of M72 A7 LAW, and in the near future, will Along with its new Fire From Enclosure
operation. be trained on the M72 A9 ASM, an anti- ammunition, it will provide Marines with
structure munition. automated fire control and an enhanced
The standard training team is typically target acquisition capability.
composed of two trainers, and one armorer A typical training event consists of a three-
specialist. The SLM training teams have day training package including classroom In addition to providing increased marks-
trained over 25 Army Infantry Brigade Com- and live fire on the range. Students receive manship skills with the currently available
bat Teams and numerous Marine infantry classes in the morning, followed by hands- M141 BDM and M72 LAW weapons, a key
battalions in multiple locations to date in on familiarization, during which they must aspect of the Nammo Talley training is to
the United States, as well as overseas in perform several tasks and must receive a provide detailed information on the target
Okinawa, Japan and South Korea. “go” evaluation before moving to the next defeat capabilities of each system. This
step, range firing. Each student fires three important information assists Soldiers,
U.S. Army units are trained on the M141 21mm sub-caliber rockets per system at a Marines, and Unit Commanders in select-
Bunker Defeat Munition (BDM), formerly variety of targets. After completing the sub- ing the best available shoulder-launched
known as SMAW-D. The 83mm M141 BDM caliber firings, selected students fire the munition to meet their mission operating
incorporates a dual-purpose, self discrimi- tactical rockets to demonstrate the effects requirements.
nating fuze to allow optimal penetration of on targets.

Teaming leads to award of 40mm HEI L/60 program

By Gary Ostendorf, Marketing Manager, Nammo Talley

Two of the business units in Nammo, have been shipped from Nammo LIAB for the rounds should begin in May 2010 and
Medium and Large Caliber Division test and qualification purposes. c­ onclude at the end of the year.
and Nammo Talley, formed a team in
November­2008 to successfully bid on the The team worked together to create a The Nammo LIAB Lindesberg and
US Army 40mm HEI L/60 Program. The comprehensive proposal document that Karlskoga­teams should be commended
proposal process was challenging as we exceeded the customer requirements. The for their efforts in setting up a new manu-
worked across several time zones and team was awarded a five-year contract facturing line, building and testing rounds
two languages. However, the process was with indefinite delivery and indefinite and finally completing the assembly of the
rewarding as we brought two separate quantities.­The maximum number of deliverable rounds. Of particular interest
Nammo sites together Nammo LIAB in rounds to be procured­under the contract is the creation of a new semi-automated
Lindesberg, Sweden, and Nammo Talley in is 2 million.­The first phase of the program fuze line to assemble and test the LI-465
Mesa, Arizona, to cooperate on a project. was the ­delivery of 5,000 rounds for testing fuze used in the 40mm L/60 round. The
The Nammo team put in a successful bid to purposes.­After our rounds are judged customer­was quite impressed with the
execute a difficult program and deliver the safe to use and qualified on the weapons, ­design and function of the fuze assembly
40mm HEI L/60 rounds of test ammunition the team will be qualified to bid on the line.
in 10 months. The first 5,000 test rounds remaining­deliverables. The testing of
8 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 9

Firing of a hybrid demonstration rocket

motor. (It is totally safe. Not an explosive
device, just a controlled flame).

Nammo participation in the

International Year of Astronomy 2009
By Jan-Erik Rønningen, Technical Responsible Hybrid Rocket Propulsion, Missile Products Division

The International Year of Astronomy

2009 (IYA2009) was a global effort
initiated by the International Astro-
Research and development nomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO.

By A. Erland Paulsrud, Vice President Business Development, Nammo Group In 2009 it was 400 years since Galileo
­Galilei aimed his new invention, the tele-
scope, at the sky. Through his telescope,
An important aspect of technology develop- focus on technology, including applied ing personnel are other examples. Galileo could observe that the earth was
ment in Nammo is to successfully intro- research, is based on the understanding of The direction of product development and not the focal point of the universe, as
duce new technologies to existing and new the importance of technology development market pull is to a large extent defined by “taught” by Christian leaders. He observed The audience are preparing for a hybrid rocket firing
products in order to develop products and related to business success in a long-term experience from the operational theatres in a cratered moon, the planet Venus’s demonstration in the streets of Lillehammer. Note the
solutions to meet the customers’ needs. perspective. Iraq and Afghanistan, or by the need for the phases, that Jupiter had moons and that white bucket-like object: it is a full scale display rocket
motor of the Ariane 5 separation rocket booster.
effective training of troops within the limits the sun had mysterious black spots.
Technology push – market pull Novel technologies and driving forces of cost, time and available training areas. Even 400 years later, we have so much
The modification of existing and develop- In the search for new technologies, it is For Nammo, this has lead to increased use more to learn about the nature of our people, like you and me, to the meaningful Late in 2008, Nammo Raufoss was invited
ment of new products must be based on important to understand the combination of materials such as plastic and composite universe. Why is it so important? Well, you purpose of astronomy and science through to join the preparation and support of
a very fine balance between market pull of the major driving forces that define the structures, in addition to product solu- and I are all part of it whether or not we global events carried out by locals in many the planned activities to be carried out
and technology push. The art of this fine direction of the development of prod- tions from training ammunition to missile like it or care about it in our every day life. nations! in O­ppland County, Norway. Nammo
balance is reflected in the balance between uct performance and the confinements propulsion, as well as the acquisition of a By understanding and studying the cosmos, suppor­ted the activities by demonstrating
lagging behind and overpromising in a very imposed of a legal or regulatory nature. highly competent composite company in you will in fact start to discover more about The IYA2009 also got its own telescope. spectacular live hybrid rocket motor firings
competitive market. Both can be disastrous The latter can be exemplified by the need the US. Other products have been realized yourself! The cosmos is by all means within It was designed by experienced telescope on the streets of several cities (Gjøvik,
to business success. Time-to-market in the for intrinsic properties such as insensitive through combining existing technologies you! builders as a very low-cost (only NOK 100/ ­Lillehammer, and Hamar) and launching
defense business and other safety-critical munitions and the recycling of materials. with new technologies. One good example USD 15 per telescope) instrument, but small rockets containing instruments. The
areas is normally very long, often up to a This requires new solutions for energetic is the 40 mm AGL ammunition, where elec- So, in December 2007 the United Nations with high-quality optical performance. activities were a big success and inspired
decade or even more. Failure to keep up in compositions, as well as a new design for tronics based on in-house competence has decided that 2009 should be the Year of The telescope was a big success and about many to simply: “look to the sky, start
the area of technology development is not the products. Environmental requirements resulted in a serial manufactured product. Astronomy, not only to honor Galileo Galilei, 1 million of them were delivered worldwide ­asking question and be amazed”!
likely to surface until years after. Nammo’s to protect the user, nature or manufactur- but to direct the attention of ordinary nearly free of charge.
10 bulletin 2010 11

Celebration of Ariane 5
Launch no. 50
By Turi Røyne Valle, Program Manager, Missile Products Division

The launch vehicle and workhorse Ariane 5 Ariane 1: First launch: 24 Dec.1979 products in 1995, and have since been
is now going through the last preparations No. of launches: 11 a regular supplier to Ariane 5. In 2000,
in the European space harbor in Kourou, Payload: 1.8t Nammo­was engaged in the development
French Guyana. Onboard are the telecom Ariane 2: First launch: 21 Nov. 1987 of the acceleration motor FA, which was
Nammo receives the Collaboration and Team Award from Raytheon. From left: Duane Hawkins (Raytheon), Ola Skrivervik (Nammo),
satellite built by EADS Astrium and the No. of launches: 6 qualified in for delivery in 2004. Today
Edgar Fossheim (Nammo), Morten Brandtzæg (Nammo Raufoss), Steve Wegener (Nammo Talley) and Mike Jarrett (Raytheon)
German military satellite built by Thales Payload: 2.2t Nammo delivers the products Separation­
Alenia Space. Ariane 5 has been used for Ariane 3: First launch: 04 Aug. 1984 motor FE, Acceleration motor FA and
launching satellites since 1997. The Ariane No. of launches: 1 safe-and-arm device BSA to all the Ariane

launch vehicle is developed for placing Payload: 2.7t 5 launches. The location of these Nammo
satellites (one or more) in different orbits Ariane 4: First launch: 15 June 1988 products on the Ariane 5 launch vehicle is
around the earth. Arianespace can boast 35 No. of launches: 116 shown in the drawing below.
Development contract and award from Raytheon successful launches in a row prior to this
launch No. 50. The first generation launch
Payload: 4.9t
Ariane 5: First launch: 30 Oct. 1997 As of April 2009 Nammo had delivered
By Tor Arne Skjervheim, Program Manager, Missile Products Division vehicle, Ariane 1, developed by the ESA No. of launches: 42 1,000 ea FEs, 1,000 ea BSAs and 100 ea
organization, was launched in December Payload: 10.0t FAs to the Ariane 5 launch vehicle. Also in
1979. Since then, the Ariane launch vehicle April 2009, Nammo signed a new contract
AMRAAM, acronym for Advanced Medium­ • Achieved the 2010 Collaboration and Raytheon Missile Systems Supply Chain
has been under continuous development as Nammo has been involved in Ariane 5 since with EADS Astrium Space Transportation­
Range Air-To-Air-Missile, is made by Ray- Team Award from Raytheon for the effort Management at a ceremony in Tucson,
shown by the history: 1991. The first project was the development for delivery of FE, FA and BSA for 35
theon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona,­ so far on the AMRAAM program. The Arizona, on April 8th 2010.
of the separation motor FE and safe-and- new launches with a value of 150 MNOK,
and used by more than 30 countries award was handed over to Nammo by
arm device BSA. Nammo became qualified­ the largest contract ever awarded to a
around the world. The missile has been
for production and delivery of these two Norwegian­company in the space industry.
used by the Norwegian Air Forces on the
F16 fighter since 1995, and has also been
acquired for the Norwegian Advanced
Surface-to-Air Missile System; NASAMS.
(FA) for second stage
Nammo has for many years tried to get a
4 pr. launch
role on the AMRAAM program, and in 2010
we finally succeeded! An agreement was
made between Raytheon and Nammo to
develop and qualify a new rocket motor,
interchangeable with the existing motor,
and thereby establishing a second source
for Raytheon.
Financing of the program is shared be-
tween the Norwegian Ministry of Defense,
Innovation Norway, the US Government,
Raytheon and Nammo.
The program started up in September 2009,
and the goal is to have the rocket motor Safe and arm
qualified by the 3rd quarter of 2011. Among device (BSA) for
the major activities in the program are pyrotechnical Separation-
development and qualification of a steel elements motor (FE)
motor case in cooperation with the German 17 pr. launch 16 pr. launch
company Winkelmann MSR, and extensive
Insensitive Munition (IM) and safety testing.
AMRAAM contract signature between Raytheon and Nammo. From left (standing): Russel A. Mc. Curdy (Senior
The propellant is a reduced-smoke HTPB ­ rogram Manager, Raytheon), Ola Skrivervik (Nammo), Kai Fossumstuen (Nammo) and Tor Arne Skjervheim
propellant. Among the highlights in the (Nammo). From left (sitting): Ted Roos (Int. Subcontractor Manager, Raytheon) and Morten Brandtzæg (Nammo)
program so far are:

• Successful static firings of prototype full

scale motors (with thick-walled motor
• Contract signature at Nammo Raufoss
on March 25th 2010 (See picture)
12 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 13

18th Global Demil Symposium & Exhibition Nammo’s role in the world market of demil today
By Ola Pikner, Vice President Marketing, Demil Division By Reijo Bragberg, Executive Vice President, Demil Division

The “Global Demil”, as it is called in the years now been organized by the US Army Nammo has been represented at the I would like to address the subject of with either a monopoly or at least a very one of the market leaders worldwide.
demil community, is an annual symposium itself. This year 423 people attended from “Global Demil” since the company was environmentally responsible disposal and strong position in their domestic market. This is not based alone on our more than
and exhibition event in the US. Most visi- 16 countries. formed, and normally we participate both recycling of conventional ammunition and 40 years’ experience in the demil indus-
tors at the event are Americans, and the in the exhibition and with a speech. 2010 explosive products (no NBC ammunition The limited market for open competition, try and in-house-developed technologies
exhibitions and speeches are mostly aimed The program includes speeches from the was the first year we exhibited as Nammo or weapon systems/platforms), herein­after combined with a nationally supported and equipment,­but on our position in the
at the US market and situation. However, categories Solutions to Munitions Demil, Demil LLC and we also gave a speech referred to as the “demil market”, and try industry that tries to market its spare ­mature demil markets:
it is the only one of its kind and size in the Disposal Challenges, Safety/Environmental entitled “Nammo Demil – An environmen- to give a picture of what Nammo’s p ­ osition capacity on export, also means that the few
small world of demilitarization and ac- Related Initiatives, Technology Develop- tally responsible supplier of disposal and is in that market. procurements that are open for competition • We are the market leader in Sweden
cordingly attracts visitors from all over the ments/Emerging Technologies, Innova- recycling services”. The Nammo booth was receive a lot of attention and consequently • We are one of the main suppliers in
world. The visitors include people from the tive Use and Sale of Reclaimed/Recycled well visited and we met with both existing How can today’s demil market many low price offers. This also means ­Germany and to NAMSA and the UK
industry, government officials as well as Material,­­Component Reuse Initiatives and and potential future customers as well as be described? that companies without national support • We are one of the main subcontractors to
organizations, laboratories and universi- Design­for Demil. Anyone can apply to give partners,­subcontractors and competitors. Although environmental concerns and operate­in a very tough market, making the US Army
ties etc. The venue rotates, and in 2010 the a speech. Next to the lecture hall was an awareness are growing everywhere in our it hard to develop long-term sustainable • We have 5 companies in 4 countries,
event was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, from exhibition area, which was open to everyone society, the demilitarization of ammuni- ­capabilities and a reasonable level of with 3 totally different and flexible main
10th to 14th May. Originally organized by attending the event. tion and explosives is not yet a mature profits. processes/technologies (full recycling,
the US NDIA, the event has for a number of requirement in most countries. It is easy incineration and environmentally
to understand that demil is not a priority­ How is Nammo positioned controlled underground detonations)
among our main customers – the world’s in the world market? • We have invested in new and modern
armed forces – since it doesn’t contri­ In Nammo we have concentrated our re- automated equipment for demil of
bute to military capabilities and costs sources on the few mature demil markets sub-munitions/bomblets, which will
money that the armed forces are generally and customers, while trying to develop new be in major demand in the international
lacking.­Accordingly, demil is at best seen “home markets”. Along with this, we have market (as a result of approx 110 nations
Change in Nammo’s position in the US by our customers as a “necessary must”.
What is harder to understand is that many
also been working on “projects” to esta­
blish new demil companies and facilities in
signing the Oslo Convention)

after establishing Nammo Demil LLC countries still allow their armed forces to
demil ammunitions and explosives through
upcoming market areas. I also think that Nammo’s position will
­increase significantly with growing
By Reijo Bragberg, Executive Vice President, Demil Division open detonations or open burning, which Although competition is and has been ­customer demand for eco-friendly, safe,
causes severe and long-term damage to tough, Nammo has managed to position high-performance and larger and more
our environment, especially in Europe with itself as the market leader in Europe and complex ammunitions.
its numerous EU Directives and regulations
The US is by far the largest demil market in still ongoing and we expect to complete our performance/experience” (important that should apply also to the armed forces
the world, spending well over 100m USD on final work there by mid-2011. criteria­in a US solicitation) to be bidding as and demil.
demil every year, which is more than all the a prime contractor towards the US Army.
European demil markets that are open for As a result of PB being sold to a UK The contract, expected to be awarded What does the future market
competition combined. company in 2009, Nammo decided to buy around September/October 2010, will hold for demil?
also the PB shares in PB-Nammo. This decide the future of Nammo Demil LLC. The above means that there is a future
Nammo has held a very strong position in purchase has been completed, making Should Nammo Demil manage to win this market potential for demil, since many
the US market for more than 10 years. In Nammo as of 2010 the sole and 100% own- upcoming 5-year demil contract, Nammo armed forces don’t address the demil issue
1999 we established PB-Nammo Demil er of the company, now renamed Nammo will become one of the major demil and keep on storing their obsolete and
LLC, in which Nammo owned 49%, together Demil LLC. Nammo Demil LLC is part of contractors­in the US and significantly outdated ammunitions and explosives, but
with Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB)/US. In 1999 the Demil Division in Nammo and is located ­increase its staff and presence at Rock also that the present market is limited.
PB-Nammo also managed to win the first in Arlington, Virginia, with a branch office Island Arsenal. The market is further limited by countries
US multi-year “ID/IQ” contract for demil. at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, where the openly supporting their national industry or
PB-Nammo was the prime contractor and US Army organization managing the demil at least not allowing open competition. The
system integrator for the US Army, which contracts has its offices. Pete Sioma is the most mature demil customers are BWB/
subcontracted the actual demil work to President of Nammo Demil and Col. (Ret.) Germany, NAMSA (NATO), FMV/Sweden,
both private industry and US Army installa- Dave Emling is the Vice President running MoD/UK and US Army (in alphabetic order),
tions. Nammo’s demil companies in Europe the Rock Island office. which all have long experience purchasing
were all subcontractors to PB-Nammo demil services and have a repeating budget

Photo: Werner Andersson

under this contract, which ran until 2006. Nammo Demil is currently working on a in place for that purpose.
In 2006 a new, five-year, contract was new 5-year solicitation from the US Army,
awarded, whereby PB-Nammo secured expected to be released in May 2010. Are there many competitors in the market?
a major subcontract with GD-OTS, which Through Nammo Demil, Nammo now has Since the market is limited, so is the
won the contract and became the prime a US company with a very strong position­ industrial­competition. Typical enterprises
contractor for the US Army. This contract is in the US market and the necessary “past are small companies specializing in demil,
Rock Island Arsenal Demilitarization of cluster munitions.
14 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 15

Ethical conduct an obvious part of Nammo’s core business

By Sissel Solum, Senior Vice President Communication, Nammo Group

Continuous implementation of the Ethical regularly during the year. The committee The actions set forth by the defense
Code of Conduct goes on, and has had high shall be updated on ethical issues and shall ­ ssociations in Europe and USA show that
priority in 2009. A representative from both evaluate and assure the implementation the entire defense and aerospace business­
HR and Communication has visited the of the company’s ethical standards. The is ready for a future with considerably
­majority of the Nammo sites. The purpose ­committee has three members nominated more transparency and openness towards
of these visits has been to present the for a period of two years and reports direct- the public than evidenced earlier. Nammo
ethical guidelines and realistic examples ly to the President and CEO of the Group. ­supports these actions.
of dilemmas. It has been important to
­communicate the understanding of the In addition to supporting the UN Global
Ethical Code of Conduct throughout the Compact, the Nammo Group has commit- ”Integrity is doing the right thing,
management level of the organization. ted to the Global Principles of Business­ even if nobody is watching.”

To handle ethical questions, if any, Nammo

Ethics established by the European
­Association of the Aerospace and Defense Biathlon sponsoring –
has an Ethical Committee that meets Industries.
The great challenge to go forward and reach successes
By Heiko Weidner, Ltr. Service, Small Caliber Division

Corporate Social Responsibility through sponsorship Snowfall, strong winds and temperatures
down to -12 degrees Celsius posed a major
Bergman using selected Polar Biathlon
The new man in the yellow vest, symbol of
the overall World Cup, is Tim Burke from
By Marit Flågen Amundsen, Manager Marketing Services, Nammo Group challenge to all the athletes, coaches and the US Biathlon Team, also supported by
fans. The over 100,000 spectators at the The Swedish team, one of the most suc- Lapua. With the new shooting coach Armin
Biathlon World Cup weekend in Oberhof set cessful in the IBU World Cup series with the Auchentaller from Italy, we have an excel-
Why are we involved in a “new” world attendance record – and the strong ladies Helena Jonsson (World Cup lent partner. Fifteen out of sixteen podium
sponsorships and what do event also marked a new record for Lapua. winner 2008/09) and Anna Carin Olofsson- places at a single World Cup event attest to
we want to achieve? All medals in the single races, sprint and Zidek, is supported by Lapua. This marked the success of our partnership with the US
mass start events for women and men the start of a partnership between Lapua and Swedish teams and to their confidence
Sponsoring is one of the most effective were won with Lapua ammunition. The and the Swedish Biathlon Federation that in shooting with Lapua ammunition.
communication tools related to both brand- best shooting result with zero penalties will help them reach success and create
ing and profiling of a company. “Visibility was made by Swedish athlete Carl Johan new developments in the Biathlon sport.
builds preference for what is visible, even
if the recipient does not know what it is
about”, proves a Norwegian research
In addition, corporate social responsibility
moves further up the agenda, and there
Manuel Krüger,
are growing opportunities for Nammo to
associate the company with activities that
member of the German Paralympics Team
create a positive reputation and goodwill. By Heiko Weidner, Ltr. Service, Small Caliber Division
Nammo has been socially responsible by
sponsoring culture and sports in most of
the local communities where the company As part of his preparations for London zeler, range officer from Lapua .22 Service
is represented. 2012, Manuel Krüger, member of the Center, Manuel Krüger conducts the test
­German Paralympics Team, conducted shooting while Andreas helps him select
Every site in Nammo has a sponsorship an ammunition test for the third time in the best shoot groups.
program, but the objective is more than just Schönebeck (Elbe). “Time is short and
supporting positive activities in the commu- planning for the upcoming season is under Manuel’s main event, the World Champion-
nity. Activities that benefit our employees way,” says Manuel, who starts each spring ships, will be held in Zagreb (CRO) from 16
and core-business are prioritized. Nammo by checking his sporting equipment. to 25 July 2010. He will be well prepared
encourages employees to take part in com- and supported by Lapua for the World
munity activities, to be engaged in health partners that employees can identify with, of our sponsorship activities is of course Batch testing is one of the most important Championships in Croatia and also for
actions, sport clubs, social programs, that make the employees proud to be a part to communicate our values to customers, things, and each athlete must be sure his next steps on the long way to the next
cultural events and ­humanitarian aid. It of Nammo and that create an arena for employees and the public. how the selected ammunition works in his ­Paralympics in London 2012.
is also important to choose sponsorship internal culture building. An important aim pistol or rifle. Along with Andreas Schnit-
16 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 17

Activities on the world market

By Jörg Melcher, Marketing, Lapua Rimfire team, Small Caliber Division

Following up our vision to be the global the business and agree on new actions to the next steps to get our products to top
leader in the rimfire market, it is necessary win more shooters for Lapua high quality shooters in Germany, UK, France and other
to fulfill our role in all areas relating to rim- cartridges. countries.
fire target shooting ammunition. The name
“Lapua” is well known throughout the Lapua rimfire Service Teams attend the
competitive shooting world. Lapua stands main international competitions including
for Precision and Accuracy. world cups, international championships,
Welcome to the XXI Olympic Lapua rimfire ammunition is exported to
and the Olympic Games to show our sup-
port. Our sales and service managers use

Winter Games in Vancouver 2010 over 50 countries and sold through our in-
ternational distribution channels to whole-
the opportunity to speak with top shooters,
trainers and representatives from the na-
By Heiko Weidner, Ltr. Service, Small Caliber Division
salers, retailers, national teams, clubs and tional shooting federations about success
shooters. We have forged long-term, solid with Lapua ammunition and to obtain new
cooperation with our partners. For the business and suggestions. At shooting
The XXI Olympic Winter Games commenced cent of all medals at these events. The Lapua rimfire segment it is very important competitions organized by our wholesalers
in Vancouver 12 February 2010. One of the Olympic Games 2010 in Vancouver had to get direct feedback from the market. and dealers, the Lapua sales and service
first competitions and medal opportunities exciting ­races with surprising results Lapua personnel continuously identify the team represents Lapua rimfire ammuni-
was the biathlon events in Whistler Olympic by the ­medalists. Anastazia Kuzmina activities of our competitors – the quality of tion.
Park. from Slovakia, using Lapua X-Act, won their ammunition, special marketing activi-
the Olympic title, 1.5 seconds ahead of ties and even market share. This boosts One important tool in the rimfire sales
For Lapua, the preparations for the Olympic Magdalena Neuner (GER), who used Lapua our motivation to improve and maintain strategy is our Lapua Service Center in
winter season 2009/10 began the summer Polar ­Biathlon, and Marie Dorin (FRA), leadership in the rimfire target ammunition Schönebeck. Lapua offers shooters the
before. In July and August, the first teams, with Lapua Midas+. Anastazia was behind market. For that reason, Lapua’s rimfire opportunity to test different production
especially those from Norway, Russia, ­Magdalena after the second shooting, segment participates in numerous activi- lots of Lapua ammunition and select the
­Germany and Austria, came to the Lapua but her strong performance and perfect­ ties both home and abroad. best lots for their weapons. Shooters can
.22 Service Center to select ammunition. material­on the last lap were vital to be sure the selected ammunition is 100%
The service center in Schönebeck (Elbe) ­winning her first Olympic Gold Medal. Each year, we participate in the world’s matched to their rifle or pistol. Each year,
has facilities for testing at temperatures major weapons and ammunition exhibi- shooters from Norway, Sweden, Germany,
down to -20 degrees year-round. Most of The young lady from Slovakia missed the tions. We are present with a representative USA, UK, Australia and other countries
the national and international biathlon first World Cup 2010 events in Oberhof and Lapua booth at the Shot Show and NRA from all over the world take advantage of
teams come and select at room tempera- Ruhpolding and had to drop preparations Show in the USA and the IWA Show in this Lapua service.
ture and re-shoot under extreme conditions for the Olympics after a training accident. Germany. During these shows, our whole-
in the low-temperature chamber. During this time, Anastazia’s coach came to salers and dealers visit Lapua and get the Looking at our successes in the biathlon
the Lapua .22 Service Center for a re-test latest information on Lapua ammunition competitions at the recent Winter Olympic
The first 6 IBU World Cup events were a and selected the ammunition for the later and activities. In addition to attending Games, we proudly observed that 88% of all
success and the teams using selected Olympic champion. shows, Lapua sales managers visit our key Olympians used Lapua ammunition. Lapua
Biathlon ammunition won over 80 per- customers at least once a year to discuss is on the right path and we are preparing
18 bulletin 2010 bulletin 2010 19

Report on Increased control with

the US Market Cognos Business Intelligence
By Adam Braverman, Sales & Business
financial network By Tone Skogsbakken, Manager Business Intelligence, Nammo Group
Manager, Small Caliber Division By Kathrin Sondershausen, Financial &
Personnel Manager, Small Caliber Division
Reporting and analysis requirements are The first phase of implementation
Sport shooting and reloading activities increasing as Nammo is growing in both will soon be released following a long
in the USA have been growing rapidly for I have been working at Nammo since size and turnover. Good decision-making process of collecting and modeling data
Lapua and VihtaVuori the past 18 months. March 2006. One of the most important processes are based on trusted infor- from all companies in Nammo. The first
Improved product availability in all areas reasons I like my job is that I can work mation. Trusted information is based release will cover corporate financial
of the Lapua Centerfire and Rimfire with people of many different nationalities. on data quality. In order to measure reporting, including a budget model and
categories, coupled with new distribution Communication is vital when we cooperate Nammo’s performance and support tool for consolidation of group and divi-
channels, have led to record sales in the on year-end closing of accounts, budgets decision-making processes, it was sional results. Today’s web solution will
USA. Importing partners Graf and Son’s and forecast. The total experience is very decided in 2007 to implement a Busi- be replaced by the new Cognos reporting
and Kaltron-Pettibone have both achieved positive when work and communication go ness Intelligence (BI) solution across the portal, which will be taken into use after
record levels of sales for the Lapua Center­ hand in hand. Then you can support your Nammo group. the release. Subsequent implementa-
fire, while our importer, Sports Shooting colleagues or get help from them. tions will cover other areas of reporting
International (SSI), has taken the Lapua Being that Nammo did not have a com- within different departments as well, like
rimfire sales beyond prior results. The most recent example of major interna- mon data warehouse and a master data HR, HESS, Sales, Marketing, Operations,
tional cooperation is the implementation of strategy,­cross-divisional and cross- etc. There are in theory no limits to what
Aggressive new product development, the Cognos program. The financial people country reporting has been difficult. In can be included in this type of “reporting
including the .308 Winchester Palma and at Nammo keep in touch; we learn from addition to that, no details from Corpo- data warehouse” as long as the infor-
.22-250 Remington cartridge cases, should and help each other. Even though we all rate or Division level have been available mation exists, in addition to available
keep Lapua on top of a very competitive speak different languages, I have learned to end users. As master data structures resources and time.
market. by being open to communication. have been defined and built, reporting
with IBM Cognos BI will provide suf- As Nammo is operating in a competitive
The members of Team Lapua continue ficient information to make reporting and challenging market, the focus for
to perform at the top of their respective and analysis easier at all levels of the BI strategy ahead should move from a
disciplines. Fifteen-year-old Tyler Rico has organization. This will enable report us- reporting and ad-hoc querying point of
captured almost all of the Junior National ers to focus more on analyzing the data view to a more analytic and predictive
Championships since joining the team Team Lapua sponsored shooter, 15-year old Tyler Rico and using the information in daily work approach – modeling applications that
and has added rimfire competition to his processes, and spend less time making tell us where we are going and what ac-
already impressive resume of centerfire the reports. tions need to be taken in order to achieve
accomplishments. our goals.
Finally, the addition of experienced balli­
stician and competitive shooter Kevin
Thomas to our US marketing team adds a
new level of technical expertise that serves
our customers even better.
20 bulletin 2010 21

Nammo Talley celebrates

“50 Years of Excellence” in Mesa, Arizona
By John F. Hill, Vice President Business Development and Advanced Programs, Nammo Talley

This year marks the 50th anniversary of gathered in the warm Arizona sunshine other paved the way to this accomplish­
Nammo Talley operating as a corporation to commemorate this special event with a ment. These same values will carry
in Arizona. This milestone anniversary company sponsored picnic lunch at Plant 1. Nammo Talley on to continued success in
demon­strates Talley’s commitment to The celebration was an opportunity for all the future.

XIIth Multipurpose (MP) Symposium 2009 integrity, customer satisfaction, collabora-

tion, innovation and financial values. It
the employees to come together to reflect
on the past and to look toward the future. As the world’s economy struggles to
– A success story for demonstration of Nammo capabilities serves as a testament to the dedication and recover from a global recession, Nammo
By Jan Hasslid, Vice President Marketing, Medium and Large Caliber Division
spirit of its past and current employees. Steve Wegener, Nammo Talley President & Talley’s 50-year celebration serves as a
CEO, congratulated employees on 50 years ­reminder that stability and growth are
The 50-Year Celebration commenced on of growth and progress. He stated that the highly achievable when your goals are clear
Thursday, April 8 at Nammo Talley’s Mesa, dedication of past and present employees and your workforce is dedicated.
I remember my first MP symposium as if Arizona facilities. Over 300 employees to Talley’s customers, products and each Congratulations to Nammo Talley!
it were yesterday. It was back in 1997, and
I was presenting the penetration dynamics­
of a 30mmX173 APFSDS-T based on a 3D
simulation in DYNA3D. It was the world
premiere of an animation of a tungsten
long rod penetrator penetrating the hull
of a BMP3 at 60 deg NATO. First, I thought
this was going to be a tough one for the 100
people strong audience, but we followed
up with a live demo of the actual target at
the afternoon live firings. To all attending, it
was an eye opener about the capabilities of
30mm ammunition.

Today, 30mmx173 is a success story for

Nammo Raufoss and for all our customers
that have selected 30mm cannon systems
with new combat vehicles.

Since then, we have moved on to display­

capabilities of ammunition products
ranging­from 5.56mm to 155mm with focus
on Urban Operation Solutions, investing
in a new firing demonstration range: the
Urban Warfare Test range - UWT.

The main purpose of the MP symposium

remains unchanged since 1986.

–“Providing an attractive symposium for

presenting novel solutions and demon-
strating capabilities to our customers and

The Xth MP Symposium in 2007 was ­ edium and large caliber products, and
m 21st-century warfighter and the need for
a record­breaker, with more than 250 the presentations made by our interna- scalable effects in the engagement zone.
­delegates from 25 nations. With the tional customers reflected the need for
introduction of the In Field Symposium in new solutions on ammunition and weapon The next symposium will evolve into a Mis-
2009, the level of information exchange systems. sion Performance Symposium, addressing
and ­perfection of impression reached the capabilities of Nammo to develop new
even greater heights. A number of world Nammo will move on, introducing a sympo- solutions that enable safe and precise op-
premieres were introduced with small, sium encompassing the challenge for the erations for the Joint International Forces.
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dedication dedication
Marketing communication through exhibitions
dedication precision
By Marit Flågen Amundsen, Manager Marketing Services, Nammo Group
PRECISION dedication dedication

care precision dedication

In addition to a number of small exhibitions mers and partners a significant positive The defense industry is small, and most
that various parts of Nammo’s business comprehension and understanding of of the players in the market are present at

units attend, the entire Nammo group is Nammo. We believe that a strong brand, these large events every year. That means precision
dedication care
presented as a whole at four to five major based on our products, services, social we are also using the exhibitions as an
events throughout the year. It takes a lot of responsibility and ethical standard, c­ reates efficient meeting place, where our man- dedication care
resources, both money and time, to plan, and communicates an image of high agement, marketing people and engineers
meet with customers and partnersdedication dedication care precision dedication care precision PRECISIO

carry through and follow up an exhibition. ­quality. from


Therefore, our participation must be care- far and near. dedication care precision dedication care precision dedication preci

fully thought through. An exhibition is an ideal platform for
launching new products/technologies and For a complete list of participation by the
The main reason why we participate is to allows us to do some research and evaluate Nammo Group throughout the year, see

build the Nammo brand and to effectively our competitors.
promote our business to give our custo­
dedication care

dedication care PRECISION

dedication PRECISION
care care


precision dedication

dedication care
care precision
precision dedication care precision
dedication car


dedication dedication dedication care

precision care precision care PRECISION

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dedication care dedication
precision care dedication

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dedication PREC
s e c u r i n g t h e f u t u r e

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