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Residential Drug Treatment Centers And Their Benefits

A residential treatment center (RTC) is more commonly known as a rehab or live-in health
facility which caters to problems like substance abuse, mental ailments and other behavioral
problems. Residential treatment is often considered the last ray of hope for a person who
wants to get rid of his addiction or problem. They provide intensive help to people, especially
young men and women, who have a serious emotional and/or drug problem.

Residential treatment options are not only beneficial for people who have serious addictions
and mental problems, but are also favorable for young kids who have been led astray and their
health has degraded due to the environment they live in.

A residential treatment center might seem just like an inpatient facility, but in reality it isn't.
The difference being that, though it uses medical staff, they aren't available on a 24 hour basis;
they are notified on call, transitional living program and assigned to patients with special
problems or serious conditions.

Residential Treatment: Better Then Other Treatment Options

Although it's a topic which invites much speculation, certain people believe that residential
treatment facilities take better care of patients than other inpatient or outpatient service
providing facilities. Here are a few reasons why you should consider a residential treatment
facility over its competitors:

Distance from Previous Lifestyle - When you enroll yourself in a residential facility you will be
taken away to a place which is far away from your home and your lifestyle. The reason being
that not even the world's best counselor can treat you if you only meet once a week. Generally
these places are set a midst nature and are far away from the cities.

Constant Monitoring - It might seem to be an intrusion on your privacy but there is a need for
constant supervision in case you start to stumble upon the initial steps of your recovery. In
addition, the constant monitoring will allow you to track your progress, transitional living
programs for young women and the efforts you've made to stay clean.

Intimate Support - The relationship between a counselor and a patient at a residential

treatment facility is responsible for the patient achieving the results he wants to attain. The
conversation between the counselor and patient is so intense and that he has no option but to
become a better person.

Counselor - The counselors at a residential treatment facility can be totally different from
counselors which provide separate treatment at their clinics or offices. The mindset of these
counselors therapists are different from the ones of other programs. The counselors at the
residential treatment will stay with you around the clock, whereas the ones at the office only
see you once a week. It is not that they are not good enough at what they do, it's about the
time factor which helps you know another person, independent living program and in a
residential facility that's how the counselors work - by getting to know you and bringing the
best out of you.

Stronger Connections - Apart from the therapists and counselors there are staff to help you
around the clock with your daily activities, needs and requirements. The fellow patients can't
be forgotten as you share your experiences and stories with them and in exchange they share
theirs. You quickly build up meaningful friendships and are supportive to each other.
Benefits Of Residential Treatment

There are many benefits of a residential treatment facility, but the main advantage is that it
provides a safe, compassionate and professional surrounding to treat one's addiction or
chemical dependency, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Fighting drug and alcohol
addiction can be a long a battle but with time it becomes easier. The initial stage is always the
toughest, that is why constant supervision and a 24 hour care service is needed.

The ultimate goal of a drug or alcohol treatment is to get rid of the problem. While other
programs might work for some, residential treatment facilities provide an exceptional chance to
those who have been struggling with the problem. It helps remove the fear that they might
never be able to get rid of the addiction, also removes all triggers that might feed into their
addiction, transitional living programs for young women and provides constant professional
care and support.
Residential Treatment That Works For Drug and Alcohol
Sometimes a teen gets into serious trouble. It is often caused by using drugs and abusing alcohol. This
type of serious trouble requires a serious response, transitional living program for young adults and
arguably the best - some would say the only - treatment involves the teenager leaving home to live in a
residential treatment facility. There are different types of facilities such as:

- Clinical treatment center

- Boot camps
- Religious based center

- Therapeutic boarding school

If you are a parent with a teen in trouble, do check out examples of each of the above type of facility.
Each has much to offer and the key to helping your child is to match their needs with the programs on
offer. Make the right choice.

A clinical treatment center is ideal if your teen has a medical condition in addition to their drug and/or
alcohol problem. The residents undergo a full-on detoxification program and having a medical condition
means on-call medical staff are essential. That's what the residents receive. These centers are often
attached to a hospital so that the full resources of the medical center are available for the clinic. It is
important that parents be given regular access to their child and his or her records. The teens are
constantly monitored and there are times when the street drugs the teen may have been using is
replaced with a prescriptive drug to assist in the recovery process.

Boot camps are ideal for those teens that need some discipline in their life. As well as programs
involving therapy and academic studies, each resident is given plenty of worthwhile work and a
timetable which takes their mind away from their addiction. The idea behind the program is to keep the
residents super busy, to require them to be physically active, transitional living center and thus toughen
them up physically and mentally. It depends on how bad a problem your teen has. If they need a short
sharp shock, then that is what they will get.

Religious based facilities call on Christian teaching as the core of their program using prayer and
scripture to help the residents overcome their addiction. Putting your trust in Jesus has certainly worked
for some troubled teens but not for all; but then that can be said of most if not all other types of
residential treatment. Obviously Christian parents will be more inclined to choose a faith based

Boarding schools with a strong program in therapy are often popular with troubled teens. It's somewhat
of a school away from school where the academic program means smaller classes and after hours'
tuition and where the therapy sessions target the problems faced by each individual. These facilities are
not clinics or boot camps and have a feeling of community. Therapeutic boarding schools have enjoyed a
great deal of success when dealing with young people addicted to drugs and alcohol.

The icing on the cake is when the school provides training for the family of the troubled teen. Hopefully,
now no longer troubled, the teen returns to their home and to a family which has been trained to
continue supporting their loved one. It's so important to continue the recovery once the residential
treatment is over.

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