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6 Register Number :

3. Draft a debt collection letter to your customer Name of the Candidate :

who is silent even after your two reminders.
1 4 0 1
4. Draft the minutes of the first meeting of the
Board of Directors of a Joint Stock Company.
5. Write a press report on “Equitable system of
education”. ( SECOND YEAR )

( PART - II )

( PAPER - II )



[ Common with B.B.A. (Telecom Management)

B.B.A. (Business Applications)
B.B.A. (Applied Management)
B.B.A. Phart. (Retail Management)
B.B.A. (MHRM) B.B.A (ATHM) & BMC &
B.A. (Business Economics) ]

May ] [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer Section - A and Section - B

in separate answer books.
Turn over
2 5
SECTION - A (50) he is the son of his father ? Why should white
men have privileges denied to those with other
complexions ? Why should women be subject
I. Write essays on any TWO of the following to men ? As soon as these questions are
in about TWO pages each : allowed to come into the light of day and be
(2 × 15 = 30) examined in a rational spirit, it becomes very
difficult to resist the claims of justice which
(a) How far does class consciousness play a
demands an equal distribution of ultimate
part in the novel The Mayor of
political power among all adults, with the
Casterbridge ?
exception of those who are insane or criminal.
(b) Give an account of Hardy’s philosophy It is, therefore, natural that the progress of
of life as reflected in The Mayor of science and the progress towards democracy
Casterbridge. have gone hand in hand.
(c) Great Expectations is at once a superbly SECTION - B (50)
constructed novel of spell binding mastery
and a profound examination of moral
values. - Discuss. Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
(d) Consider Pip, a dynamic character in
Great Expectations. 1. Discuss in detail the functions of a business
2. Draft a circular letter announcing a gift-scheme
on the occasion of Diwali to increase the
sales of the latest designs of clothings.
Turn over
4 3

given. There is, of course, still authority; few II. Write a precis of the following passage
of us have examined the evidence that the reducing into ONE-THIRD of its length.
distance of the Sun is 93,000,000 miles; or (20)
that light travels 1,86,000 miles a second.
The connection between science and
We accept these statements because we have
democracy is closer than is sometimes thought,
heard them made by people whom we
and the common link is the emphasis on free
consider worthy of belief. But we consider
discussion as opposed to authority. In the
them worthy of belief, not because they hold
unscientific age or community, there are official
an opinion which has been held from time
repositories of wisdom, such as Egyptian
immemorial, or because they can quote from
priests and Tibetan lamas. The men who
a sacred book, or because if we disagree,
possess official wisdom are - or are closely
they will cut off out heads or put our families
connected with - the men who hold political
into concentration camps. Any man is entirely
power. Resistance to what they enjoin is an
free to hold what opinion he likes about the
offence against the gods, and rouses popular
velocity of light, and the only penalty he
detestation, even when to an outsider it seems
incurs for an unusual opinion is that of being
to be in the popular interest. In such a
thought of a fool. As a result of free
mental atmosphere, despotism or oligarchy is
discussion all who are capable of forming a
easily established and perpetuated, for authority
judgement have come to agree, and their
in matters of opinion is naturally combined
authority is not enforced but based on reason.
with authority in practical affairs. But where
The habit of basing opinions on reasons, the scientific outlook has become fairly
when it has been acquired in the scientific common, it becomes customary to demand
sphere, is apt to spread to the sphere of something more than emphatic assertion or
practical politics. Why should a man enjoy appeal to ancient tradition before assent is
exceptional power of wealth merely because Turn over

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