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Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

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A proposal for a site location planning model of environmentally friendly

urban energy supply plants using an environment and energy
geographical information system (E-GIS) database (DB) and an artificial
neural network (ANN)
In-Ae Yeo, Jurng-Jae Yee ⇑
Department of Architectural Engineering, Dong-A University, 840 Hadan 2-dong, Saha-gu, Busan 604 714, Republic of Korea

h i g h l i g h t s

 A site location potential model for urban energy supply planning is proposed.
 The model deduces urban energy plants’ suitability and renewable energy availability.
 The model was constructed as an ANN with an input–output dataset from the E-GIS DB.
 The model produces planning supportive materials, such as energy potential maps.
 This model addresses the technical methodology for urban energy supply planning.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study proposes a site location potential model for urban energy supply plants and renewable energy
Received 28 May 2013 availability using an environment and energy geographical information system (E-GIS) database (DB) and
Received in revised form 23 December 2013 an artificial neural network (ANN). This model addresses the technical methodology of examining the
Accepted 29 December 2013
potential for the suitability of urban energy supply plants and renewable energy latency in a region for
Available online 25 January 2014
support material for urban energy supply planning in the draft plan development stage. The applicability
of this model is examined by applying it for a planned city in the Republic of Korea, where urban planning
is in process. The results from this study are as follows:
Low carbon green city
Urban planning support system (PSS) (1) The E-GIS DB was integrated with geography, climate, and energy-related information to construct
Energy supply planning an ANN model that can manage, in an integrated manner, the factors that affect the site location of
Environment and energy geographic
the energy supply plants.
information system (E-GIS)
(2) The input dataset included the topography, land cover classification, accessibility, water usability,
Artificial neural network (ANN)
Energy potential map
and energy demand, and the target dataset included the system capacity of domestically installed
energy supply plants.
(3) The site location potential model of the ANN for the urban energy supply plants and renewable
energy availability was deduced, and the Levenberg–Marquardt (trainlm) and scaled conjugate
gradient (trainscg) algorithms were used. The potentiality class map was constructed for 10 types
of energy supply systems and renewable energy resources.
(4) The applicability of this energy model was tested in the Gwang-myung/Si-heung public housing
district area, a domestic ‘planned city’ of the Republic of Korea. The most appropriate urban energy
supply systems for the research area were considered to be the general hydraulic power and solar
power based on the topographic conditions and profitable locations for solar resources in Korea.
Wind power generation was found to be the least suitable.
(5) In terms of the wind energy potential, the technical wind power generation by horizontal – axis
wind turbines is unattainable even in the area that has the maximum wind speed, and at least
a 10-kW rated power wind turbine should be installed for vertical – axis wind turbines in the
research area of interest. In terms of the solar energy potential, the maximum electric power gen-
eration potential is 413, 186 MJ/monthmesh, which is applied by mono-crystalline bulk PV.

Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 51 200 7609; fax: +82 51 294 2256.
E-mail address: (J.-J. Yee).

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

1. Introduction supply planning, which can be used for decision making about
which types of energy plants are suitable on which locations and
According to the ‘World Urbanization Prospects’ report (2011 which types of natural energy resources are available in urban
revision) of the United Nations [1], 50% of the total world popula- areas.
tion resides in urban areas, and this value is higher in most devel- Based on these perspectives, the technology discussed in this
oped countries. It is predicted that the urbanization trend will paper proposes the development of a site location supportive
continue. The speed and degree of urbanization depend on the re- map for urban energy supply plants and renewable energy avail-
gion and country (Table 1). Because urban development and ability, which is one of the site location assistive technologies for
growth cannot be stopped, it is desirable to create an environmen- supporting energy supply planning. The scope of this study is to
tally friendly city that functions as a city in the urban life cycle in apply the environment and energy geographic information
terms of ‘sustainable development’; this city would use efficient (E-GIS) DB1 to artificial neural network techniques and to analyze
energy, circulate natural resources, and provide a comfortable the potential of the site location for various energy supply plants
living environment. and the availability of renewable energy resources in the urban area.
From this perspective, an environmentally friendly city can After taking these perspectives into consideration, this study
achieve comprehensive low energy consumption by developing develops a site location potential model for urban energy supply
an energy structure of compact energy demand and reasonable en- plants and renewable energy availability, which is a general-pur-
ergy supply in the urban planning stage and consistent control for pose urban energy supply planning support model for an environ-
demand side management (DSM), such as load management and mentally friendly city. This model will address the technical
energy efficiency, and supply side management (SSM) in the urban methodology of examining the potential for the suitability of urban
operation stage. Considering that the previously developed struc- energy supply plants and renewable energy latency in a region by
ture of the urban energy demand and supply is difficult to change making the site location for an urban energy supply planning sup-
or improve, demand-driven energy planning is needed at the urban port material in the draft plan development stage, which is the ba-
planning stage. In other words, the foundation of the lower energy sis for optimized planning through further decision making in
structure should be set in the urban planning stage by predicting terms of economic and urban policies. Potential practical users of
the energy demand to reduce excessive energy production. To this model are urban planners, energy planners, or engineers,
establish energy supply planning at this stage, urban energy supply who are supplied with potential maps of the urban energy supply
facility planning should optimally combine an economical, stable, plants and renewable energy availability as a mesh unit. Other po-
and environmentally friendly supply, and the energy demand tential users include people in the energy business or citizens be-
should be satisfied. The energy supply facility’s location should cause the issue of locating energy supply facility site is related to
be based on the examination of the present condition of the urban economic and urban policies.
energy supply facility in the existing city and the evaluation of the The research is presented in 3 stages. Section 2 examines the
feasibility or potential of various urban energy resources to maxi- existing research trends regarding the regional energy potential
mize the utilization of regional natural resources of a city and clean and site location planning support systems; it investigates the cur-
energy resources. rent urban supply planning of the Republic of Korea and sets the
To address energy demand stability and to make energy supply scope of the methodology of environmentally friendly urban en-
facilities economically and environmentally friendly through en- ergy supply planning that this study proposes. Section 3 proposes
ergy supply planning, a link between energy scenarios and site an artificial neural network (ANN) model of the potential of urban
location support technology is required. Based on the energy sce- energy supply plants and renewable energy availability by inte-
narios, alternative scenarios in terms of the urban policy and econ- grating the current energy-related legal system and standards
omy are suggested, and based on the site location supportive and energy plant facilities, which affect energy facility site plan-
technology, the availability of urban natural resources and energy ning, into the E-GIS DB of the Republic of Korea. The details of
is evaluated in terms of the technical aspects. Considering that eco- the E-GIS construction model, including the algorithms employed,
nomic or policy evaluation is possible for alternative energy sce- are described, and Section 4 describes the results of testing the
narios based on a technical review of whether the site location ANN model of the potential for energy supply plants and renew-
planning of urban energy supply facilities suffice for efficient land able energy availability for a case study area by utilizing the
use and environmentally friendly energy resources, the major pri- E-GIS DB of a planned city in the Republic of Korea.
ority in the planning process is to collect information on urban en-
ergy resource availability and site-location potential in terms of
the technical aspects. Materials such as the ‘potential map of the 2. Materials and scope of the article
site location for energy supply plants and natural energy resources
availability’ are especially helpful for integrated urban energy 2.1. Literature review

There are extensive studies on the discovery of environmentally

friendly resources and making energy available worldwide. Plant-
Table 1 ing and producing crops in a fertile farmland or field can provide
World urbanization prospects (UN report-2011 revision).
customers with a stable supply of crops. Suitable sites can be used
Category 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 to convert natural resources into effective energy, to produce en-
World 28.8 36.1 42.6 50.5 59.0 68.7 ergy, and to stabilize the supply and demand in terms of the energy
More developed regionsa 52.6 64.7 70.8 75.2 80.9 86.2 production. A similar concept, ‘energy potential’, which estimates
Less developed regionsb 17.6 25.3 34.8 45.1 55.0 65.9 the effective energy usability from natural resources, has been
The least developed regionsc 7.3 13.1 21.0 29.2 40.8 54.7
Korea 21.4 40.7 73.8 83.0 87.7 90.8
The E-GIS DB is the information about the environment and energy planning in
Europe, Northern America, Australia/New Zealand, and Japan. both a planned city and an existing city. This DB contains building information
Africa, Asia (excluding Japan), Latin America, and the Caribbean coast area (building coverage ratio, floor, width, usage, material, and HVAC system type), land
(including Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia). cover (artificial cover, water, bare soil, and trees), and topography in the form of a
48 Countries, 33 in Africa, 9 in Asia, 5 in Oceania, and 1 in Latin America and the 200 m  200 m mesh to reflect the resolution of the urban block to evenly manage
Caribbean coast area. the entire urban area and simultaneously control each unit [2,3].
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 101

studied at the regional and national levels. According to existing For the wind energy technical potential, Nguyen [9] studied the
studies, the definition of ‘energy potential’ varies. Some definitions wind energy density in Vietnam under a domestic wind technology
include resource availability, theoretically determined energy, the condition, and Aydin et al. [10] derived the priority site map for
energy output by a specific technology, and economically feasible wind turbine construction planning while considering the wind
energy. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) charac- energy potential and acceptable land in western Turkey. Hossain
terizes the energy potential as ‘resource’, ‘technical’, ‘economic’, et al. [11] constructed wind energy potential maps that were based
and ‘market’, forming a pyramid structure [4]. The ‘resource poten- on parameters such as the yearly mean wind speed at the hub
tial’ is found by the theoretical environmental physics potential height, the Weibull distribution of the wind speed, the energy out-
and energy carriers in the resource. The ‘technical potential’ is put of the turbine, and the plant load factor (PLF), at a resolution of
found by the resource potential that is limited by the performances 1 km, to develop a wind farm in India. Mari et al. [12] made wind
of the energy systems, topography, and land cover factors. The energy potential maps that were based on the yearly mean wind
‘economic potential’ is found by the technical potential that is lim- speed, full load hours (FLH), and the annual energy production
ited by the cost of the applied technology and fuel. The ‘market po- (AEP) for a resolution of 2 km in the web-oriented GIS-based DSS
tential’ is found by the economic potential that is limited by the developed as a part of the WIND-GIS project for supporting the re-
effect of the policy implementation, regulatory restrictions, invest- gional renewable energy policy. Sliz-Szkliniarz and Vogt [13] found
ment, and regional energy resources factors. Here, the upper the available locations for wind farm sites based on the spatial,
potential can be reasonably reached by establishing a lower poten- ecological policies, and the restriction standards of the potential
tial, which makes it easier to use efficient energy from natural factors of the wind resources.
resources. Larentis et al. [14] examined the hydro energy potential with
Extensive studies on estimating the resource potential based on available land use area by exploring the dam location potential
resource investigation and finding the technical potential applied based on the regional stream flow data, selecting a site for hydro
by the statistics of energy-related technology and information on power systems (dam axis spotting and powerhouse spotting) and
topographic limitations have been conducted, mainly in the United optimizing the system allocation.
States and Europe. There have been studies on the evaluation of the For the geothermal energy technical potential, Ondreka et al.
economy under specific technical conditions and energy system [15] presented the specific heat extraction of borehole heat
allocation by least cost analysis. A natural/renewable resource po- exchangers (BHEs) that were influenced by subsurface conditions
tential map is usually constructed for a national project, whereas a and the use of BHEs with a heat pump for heating. Nam and Ooka
technical potential map reflects technical characteristics at the re- [16] presented the methodology of finding the energy potential
gional level. from a system through the thermal properties of the ground and
The NREL developed the renewable energy resource distribu- the heat extraction rate for optimizing the system design for a
tion of solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, and biomass per state ground source heat pump (GSHP) and derived the potential map
or county unit and created resource potential maps that utilize of the geothermal resources (geology and ground water velocity,
boundary files such as political, infrastructure/utility, federal lands, ground water level and pumping regulation) in Japan and of the
parks, census data, and natural geographic features using Google location of available wells for direct heat exchange.
Maps. The technical potential map includes information on avail- Studies on biomass, where many research studies have been
able land or urban open space, the system capacity potential, and conducted because of the diversity of resources, have revolved
the energy generation potential, which finds the renewable energy around resource investigation rather than technical aspects. For
resources potential, system power, topographical limitations, and the bio energy technical potential, Perpiñá et al. [17] examined
environment and land use constraints. the distribution of the agricultural and forest biomass residues
For decision making that is related to urban energy supply with a resolution of 1 km and determined the potential location
planning, the materials on urban resources and the technical po- of the bioenergy tapping region and the bioenergy plant. Ragaglini
tential should be supported. The absence of these materials is det- et al. [18] studied land suitability for biodiesel production by sun-
rimental when an integrated urban energy planning process must flowers by considering potential sunflower yields, the energy effi-
be systemized. Resources and the technical potential are indis- ciency, the supply chain, and cost information for Tuscany in Italy.
pensable factors for estimating the economic potential, which is Hiloidhari and Baruah [19], with the help of satellite images, inves-
moderately affected, and the market potential, which is depen- tigated the potential of a decentralized electricity generation out-
dent on the national or regional economy and the political put by extracting available space for rice straw residues from rice
situation. The energy potential that is addressed in this study is croplands in the Lakhimpur district of Assam in India. Tenerelli
characterized by the technical potential, which can find the plan- and Carver [20] constructed a land capability model using multi-
ning of supportive materials with objective results using engi- criteria approaches for the soil climate and topographic factors,
neering methodology. to assess the energy conversion potential of perennial crops for
Research studies on the technical potential that was combined the Yorkshire and Humber region in the northern UK. Höhn et al.
with GIS-based spatial technology to support urban renewable en- [21] developed a bio-methane potential map by integrating
ergy and clean energy supply planning are shown in Table 2. For amounts of available feedstock and spatial distribution in the
the solar energy technical potential, Gadsden and Rylatt [5] studied southern Finland and suggested site locations of biogas plants by
the methodology of urban planners’ potential to use urban solar a road network analysis that were optimized in transportation
energy for a passive solar, solar hot water, and photovoltaic (PV) effect.
system. Janke [6] applied the multi-criteria decision-making meth- Urban natural energy planning is continuously supported by the
od to select a farm site for wind and solar energy generation in development of individual resource planning and integrated plan-
Colorado in the United States using resource and land cover infor- ning supporting tools. Bravo et al. [22], in addition to Janke and
mation. Arnette and Zobel [7] analyzed the renewable energy Arnette and Zobel [6,7], examined the system capacity and energy
potential based on the resource intensity of wind, solar, and bio- output of the renewable energy available area based on constraints
mass energy and the constraints of topography and regulations such as land use, altitude, and potential productivity, as shown in
for the Appalachian area in the southern part of the United States. Table 2. Ramachandra and Shruthi [23] developed a methodology
Charabi and Gastli [8] studied land suitability for large PV farms in to find the map of the seasonal irradiation, wind speed, biomass re-
Oman while using the fuzzy multi-criteria method. sources, and small hydropower capacity, and Belmonte et al. [24]
102 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

Table 2
Research trends of the technical potential map of renewable energy.

Authors Mapping method Wc Parameters Maps

Ca Sb (+)
p p
Solar [5] (Equation) S: Roof orientation, roof inclination, solar Extracted footprint for domestic heat
energy potential (solar water heating system water and thematic map of the solar
for dwelling, ownership of the property, energy supplied
income of occupants, number of occupants,
floor area of dwelling, and type of dwelling)
C: Suitability of solar water heating for
housing (irradiation, orientation, hot water
demand, and domestic hot water system
information), air temp., and land use
[6] W: Wind potential, solar potential, distance to Ideal wind/solar farm location
transmission lines, distance to cities,
population density, distance to roads, land
cover, and federal lands
[7] C: For wind/solar, resource strength, Estimated annual generation at potential
geography, topography, and regulations wind farm/solar farm site
C: For biomass, co-fire generation potential
and cost of the existing coal plant
p p
[8] (Fuzzy) W: Solar radiation, land accessibility, and land Spatial distribution of annual solar
use radiation, constraints of layers including
slopes, and spatial distribution of distance
to major roads
C: Environmentally sensitive areas,
hydrographic line, and sand/dust risk
p p
Wind [9] S: Specifications of a wind turbine and wind Yearly wind energy production
C: Distance from roads, railroads, airports,
cities, water, forest, protected areas, and high-
altitude areas
[10] (Fuzzy) W: Wind energy potential, potential locations, Current wind potential, overall
and environmental objectives environmental performances index, and
priority sites
[11] S: Wind speed height, wind speed Wind speed map and wind power
distribution, and specifications of a wind potential map (annual energy output and
turbine plant load factor)
p p
[12] S: Station site (elevation, air density, and Yearly mean wind speed, full load hours,
minimum distance from electric grid), wind and annual energy production
data (time period and sensing height), and
wind turbine characteristics (rated power,
hub height, and swept area)
C: Protected areas and landscape
p p
[13] S: Wind speed at hub height, roughness Annual mean wind speed, annual number
length, Weibull distribution, turbines power of load hours, energy generated by
curves, and full load hours per grid cell turbines, installed wind power, and
available area for wind turbine
C: Urban areas, power grid, roads, railways,
water bodies, forest areas, altitude, slope, and
protected areas
p p
Hydro [14] S: Downstream and drainage Hydro power plant location
C: Excluded zones
Geo-thermal [15] S: Necessary length, heat extraction for the Specific heat extraction of borehole heat
considered depth, territory rock condition, exchangers (BHE)
and thickness of each layer
[16] S: Heat exchange rate (pumping rate and heat Geology and ground water velocity,
exchange temp.) and effect of the system on ground water level and pumping
underground environment (heat conductivity regulation, and available wells for direct
and heat capacity of soil, ground water flow, heat exchange
and water quality)
p p
Biomass [17] S: Biomass plant cultivated area, residue Biomass distribution and optimal locations
coefficients, and availability coefficients
C: Distance from water bodies, protected
areas, hydrography, airports, slope, road ways,
electric lines and natural gas pipelines, and
residential areas
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 103

[18] S: Soil group, weather conditions, and grain Biodiesel yield, NER (energy efficiency),
yield GHG saving, and land suitability
[19] S: Rice crop area, grain yield, residue Village wise surplus rice straw residue
production ratio, availability factor of rice biomass potential/power potential
straw, lower heating value of rice straw,
overall conversion efficiency of the power
plants, and power plant operating time
p p p
[20] W: Rainfall, degree day, soil (texture, wetness, Land capability map for energy crops
pH, and depth), and slope
S: Land cover, arable cereals, horticulture,
improved grassland, set-aside grass, and
agriculture land capability
C: Water bodies, flooding risk, erosion risk,
and protected areas
p p
[21] (Equation) S: Available feedstock energy, feedstock Bio-methane potential intensity, potential
collection area, amount of potential biomass, plant locations
theoretical installed power, annual running
time of plant
C: Weighted distance allocated to a facility
from road line
C: Constraints.
S: Selectives.
W: Weights.

suggested a quantitative index and map that examines irradiation, terms of the supply; and the ‘Basic Plan for New and Renewable
wind, hydro, and biomass as energy sources. Energy Technology Development and Usage/Distribution’. Local
In terms of data utilization, the remote sensing data are increas- energy planning includes details on renewable energy, integrated
ingly applied to identify resources, such as irradiation and biomass, energy, and the unused energy supply, while considering the
serving as the technological development of the GIS-based data trends and prospects of the energy demand and supply by predict-
and satellite data acquisition. Martins et al. [25] derived a solar en- ing the energy demand for local planning to induce a stable energy
ergy resource map by utilizing the satellite irradiation model of supply and environmentally friendly energy use.
Brazil and NREL irradiation data by the SWERA project and came The current urban energy planning process of South Korea fol-
up with a user-friendly renewable energy DB. Nguyen and Pearce lows the ‘Regulations regarding the establishment of an energy
[26] investigated the PV potential modeled by yearly irradiation usage plan and a consultation process’ from Article 20 [28] in the
through satellite data and suggested a methodology to support site Enforcement Ordinance of the Energy Use Rationalization Act.
selection for PV system installment based on the census, land use, According to the above regulations, business proprietors of na-
and transmission line information. Straub and Koch [27] proposed tional land development, energy development, and the construc-
a methodology to calculate the timber volume density according to tion of social overhead capital facilities (SOC) conduct energy
the classification of trees using airborne laser scanning and multi- demand forecasts and supply these plans to administrative divi-
spectral line scanner data and offered detailed information on sions at the metropolitan city, county, and district levels, which
forest residues as potential energy resources and the spatial distri- are the levels of urban management planning. The proprietor then
bution of biomass energy. establishes and submits an energy use plan, which includes an im-
pact analysis of the energy consumption on CO2 emissions, meth-
2.2. Current energy planning in the urban planning process of the ods to enhance the energy use efficiency, and methods to reduce
Republic of Korea CO2 emissions through energy use rationalization, to the Minister
of Knowledge and Economy. This process is performed to conserve
2.2.1. Urban energy planning process urban energy and manage CO2 emissions, which is achieved by
The national energy plan of the Republic of Korea constitutes submitting an energy conservation plan for each building after
the ‘Basic Plan on Energy Use Rationalization’, which induces en- the approval of the urban plan.
ergy-saving low CO2 emission in terms of the demand; the ‘Pri- According to the above-stated regulations, the energy usage
mary Energy Plan’ of oil, natural gas, coal, and overseas plan is distinguished as ‘national land development’ for a district
resources; the ‘Basic Plan on Electricity Demand and Supply’ in or site planning project, ‘energy development’ for urban facilities,

Table 3
Classification of the energy use plan establishment area.

Classification Projects
Group I: National land development Urban development
Industrial complex development
Tourism complex development
Development promotion district/integrated regional development
Group II: Energy development Mining development
Power plant construction
Gas business
Group III: SOC facility construction Harbor construction
Railway construction
Airport construction
104 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

and ‘special facility’ for facilities such as the SOC facility (Table 3). power supply (UPS) system for emergency power generators, mon-
This study addresses a range of ‘‘urban planning’’ concepts in itoring/control systems, security facilities, and important computer
‘‘Group I: national land development’’ from the perspective of gen- systems for a large-scale system, is included to provide reserve
eral energy planning. The urban development ranges for special energy in an emergency or contingency situation.
use, such as industrial or tourism complexes, are not considered. The existing energy supply plan can be summarized as the pro-
cess of predicting the urban energy demand, investigating the
amount of energy supply that is linked with the energy supply net-
2.2.2. Status of urban energy supply planning work near the project area, examining the feasibility of the induc-
The current urban energy supply planning of the Republic of tion for each energy supply, and establishing a plan for a new
Korea consists of a power supply plan, a heat supply plan, and an energy supply facility. However, the following points suggest the
emergency energy supply plan, which are based on the urban en- necessities for reinforcing the energy supply plan in urban energy
ergy demand prediction. Energy supply facility planning that pro- planning with the existing plan for a new energy supply facility.
vides the city with heat and electricity is organized into a project
area when the supply reserve is insufficient from the power supply r The energy sources that satisfy the legal standard or intro-
network, and an existing heat supply network around the project duction standard have been listed without providing an appro-
area is examined with respect to heat and electricity. At this time, priate combination of the energy systems.
a plan is established and executed after investigating the feasibility s The new and renewable energy plan in a building group unit
of the construction area depending on the characteristics of the focuses on building use and is simply dependent on legally
urban development project and the consideration standard of the advised standards [29].
energy supply facilities. t An integrated consideration is insufficient for the factors that
The heat supply plan is classified as direct heat, such as inte- are essential for the optimal site location of urban energy sup-
grated energy, and fuel supply, such as LNG and LPG. The existing ply systems (i.e., the natural energy resource potential should
direct heat supply plan begins with executing feasibility studies for be considered for planning renewable energy plants).
community energy under the characteristics of urban development
and the consideration standard of the ‘Base Plan on the Integrated Therefore, this study proposed a methodology for a site location
Energy Supply’. The community energy supply (CES) assignment potential model for urban energy supply plants and renewable en-
and notification standards are given in Table 4. A new integrated ergy availability that considers the appropriate combinations of ur-
energy supply facility is hosted in or around the project area after ban energy supply facilities such as renewable energy, integrated
assigning and announcing the applied area of the integrated energy energy, and unused energy for lower energy consumption, lower
supply for the area that meets the standards, as shown in Table 4, CO2, and stable energy demand and supply in urban energy supply
and examining the CES project’s feasibility. The heat supply by the planning.
fuel is examined by the available fuel sources in the region accord-
ing to the ‘fuel use regulation notice’. The appropriate fuel sources
for the planned area are selected after investigating the environ- 2.3. Current energy planning in the urban planning process of the
mental friendliness, stability, balance of supply and demand, re- Republic of Korea
lated laws, and other properties for each fuel and heating
method applied in the energy supply facility. Depending on the se- The environmentally friendly city planning that this study pro-
lected fuel, a detailed pipe network and a pipe construction scale posed suggests that controlling urban planning together with the
are calculated after examining the feasibility of the supply facility E-GIS DB is important in addressing the issues of low energy and
and the pipe arrangement area. ecology simultaneously. Once the urban physical structure is
The power supply plan is established for substation construc- formed according to urban development, the urban climate takes
tion in the project area after investigating the power supply net- on urban climate characteristics that are different from pre-devel-
work around the project area. The power supply plan from the opment, and the real energy demand appears after the urban oper-
substation to consumers is set up, and the supply capacity and ation stage. When the urban energy demand forecasting algorithm
equipment plan for detached housing, commercial areas, public is integrated with the E-GIS DB, which is constructed in the urban
facilities, parks, and street lamps are fixed power supply targets planning stage, complete energy and environment information at
that are dependent on the uses of the power supply. the time of urban development can be acquired in advance. If pro-
The reserve power facility plan is included in the existing en- vided with a more precisely predicted value of the energy demand,
ergy supply plan and prevents a secondary accident caused by alternative energy scenarios can optimize the cost effectiveness
lights, elevators, the water supply, and air-conditioning devices. (LCC), CO2 emission reduction (LCCO2), renewable energy expan-
This plan ensures minimum security power for energy supply mea- sion, and energy self-sufficiency as substitutes for the existing
sures under emergencies such as power failure or a natural disas- baseline of the energy supply plan. When optimal site selection
ter. Energy supply facility planning, such as the installation of a for urban energy facilities is completed according to the quantita-
storage battery for a small-scale system and an uninterruptible tive evaluation of energy supply scenarios and the site location

Table 4
Standards for the evaluation of the integrated energy supply (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy of the Rep. of Korea).

Classification Thermal load, max. (Gcal/h) Heat use (Gcal/year) Heat density (Gcal/km2 h)
District cooling and heating When an independent heat source facility is required 150 300,000 30
When there is a usable heat source within 5 km 30 60,000 30
CES_district cooling and heating 30 60,000 30
CES_industrial complexa – – 60
Supply scale (area of industry using many steams) is more than 50,000 m2; the fuel usage amount is more than 50,000 TOE; and heat production capacity > electricity
production capacity.
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 105

potential for urban energy supply plants and renewable energy 3.2. Use of E-GIS DB for ANN
availability, the optimal urban design process can be used to
support decision making for urban planners, policy makers, and re- The E-GIS DB is basic information from the Energy Integrated
lated bodies. Planning Support System (EnerISS) [2,3] for environmentally
friendly urban planning, which was developed by the authors.
The E-GIS DB was initially structured in EnerISS Modeler, where
urban GIS was collected, compiled in a mesh DB, and modeled in
2D/3D space, and accumulates the forecasted value of the urban
3. Proposal of a site location potential model for the urban climate and energy demand in EnerISS Solver; it deduces the clas-
energy supply plants and renewable energy availability using ses of the urban energy supply plants‘ availability and the natural
the E-GIS DB and ANN energy generation potential in a mesh unit in EnerISS Evaluator,
which has been used to present input data for each module imple-
3.1. E-GIS DB construction for the factors for artificial neural network mentation and to obtain feedback from the outputs. The E-GIS DB
analysis supports each planning process, such as urban environment plan-
ning, urban energy demand forecasting, and energy supply plan-
In this study, the concept that was suggested to provide sup- ning, by providing the result of each module as visual maps and
portive technology when finding an optimal site location of an ur- quantitative values (Fig. 1).
ban energy supply plant in the planning stage of an The E-GIS DB addressed in this study is divided into three con-
environmentally friendly city is a site location potential model cepts, such as (a) input and output datasets for constructing ANN
and the derived planning supportive materials, which includes models to be built in Evaluator, (b) input datasets for implement-
the technical potential for a site, such as the classes of the urban ing the ANN models in a project area of urban energy supply plan-
energy supply plants‘ availability and the natural energy genera- ning, and (c) the output dataset obtained from implementing the
tion, which were deduced from the non-linear relations between ANN models in a project area. E-GIS DB as (a) input and output
various environment and energy planning variables and the power datasets for constructing ANN models is used for deriving algo-
supply capacity of the energy plants or natural energy resources. rithms of the classes of the urban energy supply plants‘ availability
To address this issue, the proposed methodologies in this study and the natural energy generation potential. Nation-wide data of
are as follows: environment and energy information with the land use level, such
First is the utilization of environment and energy planning vari- as energy supply plants, geography, meteorology, and land use, are
ables with a mesh unit in E-GIS DB, which is applied in a series of collected and linked with the mesh DB to develop ANN algorithms
processes of modeling urban space, predicting urban microclimate that support environmentally friendly energy plant planning in the
and energy demand, and supporting energy supply planning, as de- urban energy supply planning stage (Fig. 2). E-GIS DB as (b) input
scribed in Section 2.3. Second is the adoption of artificial intelli- datasets for implementing the proposed ANN models includes ur-
gence (AI) computing for deducing non-linear algorithms ban GIS and the forecasted energy demand as a result of applying
between environment and energy planning variables and the site Modeler and Solver in a project area of urban energy supply plan-
location potential. Third is the linkage of the obtained result with ning, which is constructed by region-wide data for entering into
the mesh unit that was derived from the site location potential the proposed ANN algorithm (Fig. 3). E-GIS DB as (c) output data
algorithms to a planning city by giving feedback on the E-GIS DB from the ANN model implementation is the result of applying Eval-
and planning materials, such as the visual maps and quantitative uator, which is deduced as the classes of the urban energy supply
values, which can support finding energy supply plant sites. The plants’ availability and the natural energy generation potential in a
proposed methodologies are specified through Sections 3.2–3.4. project area; these are finally suggested as planning supportive


Modeler Solver Evaluator

Scope of data use

- Microclimate - Energy supply scenario

Evaluation DB
Mesh - Heating/cooling load - Optimal facility site
Urban space DB (LCC, LCCO2, stability
GIS DB - End-use (Electricity/heat) (Artificial Neural
of energy supply)
- Primary energy Network) Fig .2

Integrated Fig .3
Fig .4
E-GIS DB Validation
Input Energy consumption
(Spreadsheet & Visual
unit DB
Compare Maps)

Fig. 1. Composition of EnerISS.

106 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

Energy-related laws, system,

Geography and climate Energy information
and standards
Environmental Urban planning Energy demand
condition (Specific-use area ) (heat and electricity)



Power plant capacity (KW)
0 - 250,000
Direction 250,000 - 700,000

Land cover 1,200,000-2,240,000


Input dataset Output dataset

Fig. 2. E-GIS DB as input and output datasets for constructing ANN models to be built in Evaluator.

Modeler E-GIS DB Solver

Building Information Urban environment and energy planning and management Climate
Field Value
FID 1223
shape Polygon
ID 1224
XMIN 186400
XMAX 186600
YMIN 436000
YMAX 436200
case no. 1224 Electricity demand
water temp. 25.5
water area ratio 0
soil area ratio 0.013469
DB tree area ratio 0
tree height 6
BCR 0.100891
build width 11.598349
build height 72.981503
build mater 2
build use type 2
Land and topography 200 m air cond type 3 Heat demand
roof green area 0
wall green area 0
air-cond temp 26
soil emissivity 0.2
roof emissivity 0.06
wall emissivity 0.3

Urban GIS Mesh database Forecasted value

Fig. 3. E-GIS DB as input datasets for implementing the ANN models in a project area of urban energy supply planning.

materials for energy supply planning by the feedback given in (b) ear relations between the environment and energy planning
(Fig. 4). information.
The E-GIS DB as (a) input and output datasets for constructing As an approach to the non-linear modeling, soft computing
ANN models to be built in Evaluator was described for ‘data prep- methods such as ANN, fuzzy, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
aration’ in Section 3.3. The E-GIS DB as in (b) and (c) was used for systems have good performances on non-linear modeling with
input datasets to the proposed ANN and produced an output data- high accuracy and fast processing [35]. The ANNs are especially
set by an applicability study on the research subject area in considered to be the main field of AI, which includes expert
Section 4. systems, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms (GA), and all competent
tools for non-linear function fitting, pattern recognition, clustering,
3.3. Development of an ANN for a site location potential model time series analysis, simulations, and optimizations. An ANN has
been practically applied in a wide range of engineering fields, such
3.3.1. Background of an ANN application in comparative studies as industrial processes, power plants, building energy management
The ability to predict future energy supply potential in the ur- systems, and electric machinery systems, for the past 20 years [36].
ban planning stage derived from the environment and energy plan- In the urban energy field, such as the prediction and optimization
ning information is essential for supporting decision making that is of energy consumption [37–46], prediction and control of power
related to energy supply planning. Most conditions that affect ur- generation systems (combustion process, thermal plant) [47–49],
ban energy consumption represent non-linearities, such as rela- wind and solar resources and power (wind speed [50–56], wind
tions between urban social and physical factors, including land energy [57], solar radiation [58–65], solar energy [66,67]), model-
use, population, building density, high rise buildings, building ing and performance prediction of PV systems (solar steam gener-
use, and urban geometry [30], the combination of urban geometry ator) [68,69], and prediction of building heating and cooling load
and natural energy acquisition [31–33], and the combination of [70–73], various research has demonstrated outstanding predic-
building elements and energy consumption [34]. Therefore, urban tion performances of applied ANN methods compared with those
energy supply potential should be well captured with the non-lin- of conventional linear or non-linear regression models [74–80].
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 107

Field Value Field Value Field Value Field Value

FID 1223 air temp20h 29.18 wind dir23h 136.826449 Pumping up 5
shape Polygon air temp21h 28.8 wind dir24h 175.588274 Small hydro 7
ID 1224 air temp22h 28.49 humidity01h 20.64 Coal fired 3
XMIN 186400 air temp23h 28.2 humidity02h 20.59 Oil fired 3
XMAX 186600 air temp24h 28.02 humidity03h 20.49 Solar power 5
YMIN 436000 wind speed01h 0.12 humidity04h 20.35 Wind power 2
YMAX 436200 wind speed02h 0.18 humidity05h 20.22 Co-gen 4
case no. 1224 wind speed03h 0.24 humidity06h 20.13 Mixed 8
water temp. 25.5 wind speed04h 0.28 humidity07h 20.15 Waste heat 7
water area ratio 0 wind speed05h 0.34 humidity08h 20.51 wind energy1 0.39
soil area ratio 0.013469 wind speed06h 0.4 humidity09h 20.89 wind energy2 0.39
Class tree area ratio 0 wind speed07h 0.27 humidity10h 20.89 wind energy3 0.21
1 tree height 6 wind speed08h 0.15 humidity11h 20.63 wind energy4 0.09
2 BCR 0.100891 wind speed09h 0.12 humidity12h 20.45 wind energy5 0.02
build width 11.598349 wind speed10h 0.26 humidity13h 20.38 wind energy6 0.01
build height 72.981503 wind speed11h 0.38 humidity14h 20.19 wind energy7 18.31
4 build mater 2 wind speed12h 0.31 humidity15h 20 wind energy8 59.64
5 build use type 2 wind speed13h 0.32 humidity16h 19.87 wind energy9 9.21
6 air cond type 3 wind speed14h 0.62 humidity17h 19.84 wind energy10 2.01
7 roof green area 0 wind speed15h 0.73 humidity18h 19.95 wind energy11 3.6
wall green area 0 wind speed16h 0.87 humidity19h 20.12 wind energy12 5.38
air-cond temp 26 wind speed17h 0.85 humidity20h 20.24 solar energy1 7.24
9 soil emissivity 0.2 wind speed18h 0.62 humidity21h 20.38 solar energy2 10.71
10 roof emissivity 0.06 wind speed19h 0.45 humidity22h 20.67 solar energy3 14.13
wall emissivity 0.3 wind speed20h 0.47 humidity23h 20.76 solar energy4 16.65
Facility name (abbr.) alt 23.380952 wind speed21h 0.49 humidity24h 20.77 solar energy5 16.93
detached hous shape factor1 0.36477 wind speed22h 0.31 E-demand01h 0.39 solar energy6 16.15
drain pump stn
shape factor2 0.157336 wind speed23h 0.19 E-demand02h 0.39 solar energy7 99.1
boost stn shape factor3 0.238947 wind speed24h 0.13 E-demand03h 0.21 solar energy8 89.02
relig shape factor4 0.646594 wind dir01h 270 E-demand04h 0.09 solar energy9 83.87
vehicle relat FAR 1.840794 wind dir02h 297.266044 E-demand05h 0.02 solar energy10 78.88
gas stn mesh mo. 1224 wind dir03h 298.955024 E-demand06h 0.01 solar energy11 73.92
supply handl air temp01h 27.4 wind dir04h 291.786789 E-demand07h 18.31 solar energy12 69.38
parking space air temp02h 27.39 wind dir05h 298.027487 E-demand08h 59.64
energy supply air temp03h 27.25 wind dir06h 295.841933 E-demand09h 9.21
kindergart air temp04h 27.14 wind dir07h 301.586338 E-demand10h 2.01
air temp05h 27.04 wind dir08h 270 E-demand11h 3.6
sew dispos
community cent air temp06h 27.01 wind dir09h 246.443536 E-demand12h 5.38
post office air temp07h 27.06 wind dir10h 292.619865 E-demand13h 7.24
public bus air temp08h 27.6 wind dir11h 270 E-demand14h 10.71
fire stn air temp09h 28.1 wind dir12h 270 E-demand15h 14.13
police stn air temp10h 28.95 wind dir13h 36.423574 E-demand16h 16.65
distrib/exhib/sale air temp11h 29.61 wind dir14h 72.103449 E-demand17h 16.93
self-suffic air temp12h 30.14 wind dir15h 80.505475 E-demand18h 16.15
200 m complex (bus) air temp13h 30.82 wind dir16h 90 E-demand19h 99.1
commer (gen)
air temp14h 31.13 wind dir17h 90 E-demand20h 89.02
commer (cent)
resid commer air temp15h 30.88 wind dir18h 100.304508 E-demand21h 83.87
commer air temp16h 30.59 wind dir19h 111.03947 E-demand22h 78.88
apartm hous air temp17h 30.36 wind dir20h 106.774744 E-demand23h 73.92
detached hous air temp18h 29.97 wind dir21h 110.153074 E-demand24h 69.38
(block typed) air temp19h 29.52 wind dir22h 122.995885 Hydraulic 7

(a) Spatial data (b) Attribute data

Fig. 4. E-GIS DB as output dataset obtained from implementing the ANN models in a project area of urban energy supply planning.

Recently, research on finding optimized solutions has been at-

tempted by applying hybrid systems, such as fuzzy neural net-
works, GAs and neural networks, wavelets and neural networks,
and GAs and fuzzy logic, which were combined with two or more
AI methods such as ANNs, fuzzy logic, GAs, or wavelets [81–88].
The reasons that the ANN method was adopted in this study ANN
were as follows: First, the main advantage of an ANN is that data input (Artificial Neural Network) output
can be structured even in cases of having highly non-linear rela-
tions between input and output variables, and its processing is effi-
cient. Second, an E-GIS DB can provide input and output variables
with quantitative values; therefore, the step to quantify ambiguous adjusting weights
or fuzzy knowledge is unnecessary in this study. Third, the ANN Fig. 5. The general process of the ANN calculation.
method has been approved as being reliable according to various
research on building and urban energy.
the network performances within the black box. Although the ini-
tial weights and biases can be provided as random values, they are
3.3.2. Description of the ANNs
replaced with gradually more appropriate values by decreasing the
The ANN algorithm has a similar structure to the human neural
errors from repeated learning [63]. In this context, the numerical
network system; it imitates the structure of the human brain and
expression of an ANN is as follows:
its operational principles and conducts predictions based on re-
peated trainings. An ANN is considered to be a ‘black box’ that in- X
uj ¼ wji yi ð1Þ
cludes a series of complex equations to derive the tendencies of the
target dataset from a combination of the inputs in the dataset and
improves the outcome by repeated training. The general structure yj ¼ uðuj  hj Þ ð2Þ
of the ANN is shown in Fig. 5. An ANN forms a non-linear structure
by integrating transfer functions such as a sigmoid on each node where p is the Number of source nodes in the input or neurons in the
and weights and biases, and it connects the nodes and determines output layer; w the Weights; y the Input data set or signals; h:
108 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

Threshold value and u Activation function (/ðxÞ ¼ 1þe1 x , in case of

the sigmoid logistic non-linear function).
The standard steps for designing a neural network [89] are di-
vided into three parts, namely the data collection, ANN modeling,
and application. Data collection is generally conducted with an
ANN analysis tool environment. ANN modeling is performed while
creating and configuring the network, initializing the weights and
biases and training and validating the network. An application of
the network is the act of predicting a result (the output datasets)
by applying input datasets to the proposed ANN model. The pro-
posed steps for designing the ANN in this study are shown in Fig. 7.
To improve the total performance of the ANN, it is necessary to
check the input and the target datasets, select the network algo-
rithm, load the data, train with the data, and check the perfor-
mance in the process. To validate the network’s performance, the
algorithm is made more accurate by ensuring that the mean square
error (MSE) is smaller, the test set error (TSE) and the validation set
error (VSE) have more similar characteristics, over-fitting during
repeated calculations is not generated, and the regression coeffi-
cient between the output and the target is higher. To improve
the regression coefficient between the output and the target data-
set, it is necessary to reorganize the network and check the perfor-
mances by (a) changing the initial network weight and bias, (b)
increasing the number of neurons in the hidden layers, (c) increas-
ing the number of training vectors (adjusting the combination of 40km
training/validating/testing dataset), and (d) increasing the input 70km
dataset and changing the algorithm type.
Annual report of Korea
meteorological administration
3.3.3. Design of the ANN model Data preparation. The E-GIS DB, which is used as (a) input
and output datasets for constructing ANN models to be built in
Fig. 6. The Automatic Weather Station network of Korea.
Evaluator, is constructed on a national scale to obtain generaliza-
tion2 ability for the ANN model. The concept of setting the input
and target data is as follows: collected, including environment planning variables such as land
The representative effective factors that influence the site loca- use, regulations, energy consumption unit for land use, land cover,
tion for the urban energy supply plants and the renewable energy road network, and DEM. In this study, the detailed fields and
availability are (a) energy-related laws, systems, and standards3; source data of the topographic, climatic, legal, and energy informa-
(b) land use, which is the standard of domestic urban energy supply tion selected for the ANN input dataset are presented in Table 5.
facilities installments; (c) energy demand and supply, such as the The input dataset included the topography (altitude, inclination,
location and capacity of existing energy supply systems and the and direction), land cover classification, accessibility (road and
power generation results; and (d) urban planning of the region, built up area), water usability (seat water and inland water), and
the geography, and the climatic conditions of the area, such as the energy demand. The location of the energy demand occurrence
district plan, land cover, and altitude and weather information. This and legal restrictions are representative of the most influential fac-
information is effectively used in urban energy supply planning by tors of the site location of urban energy supply plants. In addition,
integrating the E-GIS DB, which contains items on urban planning the topographic condition should be considered to be a constraint
and energy demand prediction. The first process integrates the fac- because the environmental conditions, such as the altitude, incli-
tors that affect the site location of the energy supply plant, and these nation, and direction, may or may not be restrictions for the energy
factors, which include planning information, information on the supply plants’ sites. The format and scope of the data that were col-
geography, climatic conditions of the area, and energy-related infor- lected as influential factors of the site location potential for energy
mation such as the legal and energy supply plan, should be unified supply plants and constructed as the E-GIS DB are shown in
into the E-GIS DB. Table 6.
The source data of the input dataset for constructing ANN mod- At the same time, the target dataset was collected as the system
els for classes of the urban energy supply plants‘ availability were capacity information of domestically installed energy supply
plants, which was provided by the Korea Electric Power Corpora-
A good model should have a reasonable generalization performance because one
tion (KEPCO). This information contains statistics on 486 power-
of the main purposes of using a model is to conduct an application that goes beyond generating facilities, including the locations of the energy plants,
the training domain [88]. the power generation sources, and the generating capacities. The
Use the ‘Act on the promotion of the development, use, and diffusion of new and mesh data were generated for these 486 points of energy supply
renewable energy [April 12, 2010, Act No.10253]’ to promote the technical develop-
plants and were overlapped with planning data, including extrac-
ment, utilization, and distribution of environmentally friendly energy. ‘Integrated
Energy Supply Act [April 29, 2010 Act No.10272]’ to enlarge the integrated energy
tions of space and attribute information from input and target data
supply (heat or heat and electricity supplied to a large number of users) and to sources, and were finally constructed as an E-GIS DB for (a) input
operate the integrated energy project and renewable energy-related laws/systems, and output datasets for ANN models to be built in Evaluator.
such as the renewable energy supply support project, the renewable energy supply Climate conditions as well as the topography are also essential
demonstration project, the one million green homes supply project, the local supply
factors for the induction of natural energy resources for renewable
project, the financial support system, renewable energy feed-in tariffs, a renewable
portfolio standard in public organizations, the renewable energy certificate system, energy use. To construct an ANN model for natural energy genera-
and the renewable energy service company system. tion potential, nation-wide meteorological data were collected
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 109

Input data: E-GIS DB Target data: Energy plants info.

Environmental Urban planning Energy demand

Domestic power plant capacity
condition (Specific-use area ) (heat and electricity)


(2) Validation

Inputting ANN structure Deduction of Output Data: Site location potential map
E-GIS DB of the potential
applied area into the map for the
deduced ANN applied area
(3) (4) class
8 5 2
16 5

Urban energy supply plants Renewable energy availability

Fig. 7. The proposed process of designing the ANN model.

Table 5
Selection of the input dataset for the ANN algorithm on the site location potential for urban energy supply plants.

Item Description Data source

Geographic/ Natural availability or constraints for energy supply facility National land cover map (1:25,000)
Weather Topography (altitude, inclination, and direction) DEM 30 m
information Accessibility (Road, demand area, water usability) National road network map
Land use map
National coast line map (1:25,000)
National river line map (1:25,000)
Legal Legal regulations (constraints) for the locations of energy-related urban Regulation governing the decision of the urban plan facility/structure
information plan facilities, such as distribution and supply facilities, gas supply and installation standard (Ordinance of Ministry of Land, Transport and
(related to facilities, and heat supply facilities Maritime Affairs No. 163)
land use) Land use map
Energy Energy demand integrated with land use and energy demand units for Land use map
information land use
Energy demand units for land use

Table 6
Format and scope of the input dataset for the ANN algorithm based on the E-GIS DB of the installed mesh of urban energy supply plants.

Item Type Scope

Altitude m 5–1855
Inclination h 0–90
Direction degree 0–360
Distance to road (the shortest distance) m 1–100,000
Ground coverage: downtown (1), farming area (2), forest area (3), grassland (4), bare land (5), marsh land (6), and water (7) – 1–7
Energy demand units for land usea [3] [27]
Unit heating load, unit hot water load, unit electricity load, unit electricity load for cooking, unit cooling load, unit fuel load for cooking.

from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) for 252 for 600 km2, the capital city of Korea. The temporal resolution is,
points measured in the Automatic Weather System (AWS) and over 24 h, 1 min-average air temperature for every hour, 10 min-
Automatic Synoptic Observation System (ASOS)4 over 20 years. average wind velocity for every hour, instantaneous (1 s) wind direc-
The spatial resolution of the AWS and ASSOS network of Korea is tion with maximum wind speed among 86,400 measured values, and
shown in Fig. 6. The nation-wide data of 252 AWS/ASSOS points is 1 h cumulative precipitation. The air temperature used in this study
distributed differently from region to region by population density was calculated as monthly average for the data collection period
and urbanization. For example, 30 points are distributed in Seoul city from monthly average for a year followed by the 1 min-average mea-
sured from AWS at every 3 h on time (8 times a day) during 3:00–
24:00 KST (Korean standard time), same as the officially released
The quality of AWS data is managed first by checking the measuring instruments statistics by Korea Meteorological Administration.
periodically to serve real-time monitoring of local dangerous weather conditions and
producing meteorological database for disaster prevention and second by imple-
menting overall quality control with handling outliers and missing values from the ANN modeling. The characteristics of the input dataset, such
Korea Meteorological Administration. as the topography, land cover, accessibility, and water usability,
110 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

differed from the characteristics of the energy supply plants. Table 7

Therefore, the input dataset should be applied to algorithms that Applied target dataset for the ANN algorithm of the site location potential for urban
energy supply plants.
are dependent on the classified energy supply plants. Hence, the
energy supply plants were classified into 10 types of plants (gen- Large-scale classification Small-scale classification Number of places
eral, small, and pumping-up hydraulic power; coal-fired, oil-fired, Hydraulic power General 34
and co-generation thermal power; solar power; wind power; Small 104
waste heat; and mixed combustion), and the potential of the urban Pumping-up 12
Thermal power Coal-fired 28
energy supply plants‘ availability was ranked from 1 to 10. For the Oil-fired 20
domestic energy supply plants’ classification in Table 7, the stan- Co-generation – 42
dard for evaluating the availability potential was the deciles of Solar power – 108
the generating capacity applied by Eq. (1), as shown in Table 8. Wind power – 28
Waste heat – 24
In this case, class 1 represents the most suitable condition for the
Mixed combustion – 86
site of the large-capacity energy supply plant, and class 10 repre-
sents the condition that is suitable for a small-capacity energy The information on the installed urban energy supply plants that Korea Electric
Power Corporation (KEPCO) provided.
plant or is not appropriate for a plant site.
 F i1 renewable energy resources such as wind and solar energy are af-
Dk ¼ Li þ  ai ð3Þ fected by regional conditions, which influence the capacity for the
renewable energy resources. In other words, renewable energy
where Dk is the kth decile; Li The lower limit of the decile class; k supply plants should be located in an area that has a high potential
the 1, 2, . . . , 9, 10; N the Sum of the absolute frequency; fi the Abso- for acquiring natural energy by finding the availability of natural
lute frequency of the decile class; Fi1 the Cumulative frequency resources and renewable energy based on the E-GIS DB to intro-
immediately below the decile class and ai the Width of the class duce economically efficient renewable energy that satisfies the cli-
containing the decile class. mate and topographic conditions. Additionally, when an energy
Fig. 8 represents the concept of the input–output structure of supply plant is planned, the renewable energy production poten-
the proposed ANN algorithm. The prepared input and output data- tial of the plant’s region should also be examined. Therefore, in this
sets for constructing ANN models built in Evaluator deduced 10 study, a solar and wind energy resource map was also constructed
types of ANNs (general, small, and pumping-up hydraulic power; based on AWS weather information. The ANN algorithms for the
coal-fired, oil-fired, and co-generation thermal power; solar solar and wind energy resources potential are shown in Table 10.
power; wind power; waste heat; and mixed combustion) for the It shows input dataset including longitude, latitude, height, month,
potential of the urban energy supply plants’ availability, applied average sunshine duration, and average temperature, target data-
by the Levenberg Marquardt (trainlm) algorithm5 using a Hessian set such as solar and wind from the collected AWS and ASSOS data,
matrix6 and the scaled conjugate gradient (trainscg). The networks the network structures and the network functions as a result of
were trained after applying random initial values to the weights training.
and biases until a reasonable performance was achieved. To verify
that the developed ANN model has inherent generalization ability, ANN optimization approach. In this study, the results of the
the networks were validated by organizing training, validation, and proposed non-linear modeling between environment and energy
testing datasets, which were selected as 60%, 20%, and 20%, respec- planning variables and site location potentials of urban energy
tively, of the 486 total pairs of input and target data meshes and supply plants developed in Section were compared with
were randomly selected. Here, the training dataset adjusts the net- those of a linear model by Multi-Linear Regression (MLR) analysis.
works according to their errors by repeated learning. The validation The MLR function applied in this study is defined as follows: The
dataset measures network generalization and makes the network input and target dataset of the proposed ANN were also applied
stop learning when the generalization ceases to improve. The testing as input and response variables of the MLR.
dataset does not affect the training and independently measures the
network performance. As a result, the generalization ability showed Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X 1 þ b2 X 2 þ . . . þ bn X n ð4Þ
similar characteristics between the TSE and the VSE, with an R value
where Y is the Dependent variable (response variable); b0, b1, . . . , bn
that was higher than 0.90. Table 9 details the structure of the devel-
the Regression parameter coefficients and X1, X2, . . . , Xn the Inde-
oped ANN algorithm for the 10 types of energy supply plants.
pendent variables (input variables).
To summarize, the process of finding the ANN algorithm for the
The result of the constructed MLR equations, for predicting the
potential of urban energy supply plants‘ availability involves deriv-
technical potential of the classes of urban energy supply plants‘
ing the tendency between the input dataset of mesh information
availability, overestimated the linear relations of the altitude or
located in the energy supply plant of the whole country integrated
direction but underestimated other variables. This finding implies
in the E-GIS DB and target dataset of the plant capacity class’s ap-
that several input variables were removed by covariance diagnosis
plied mesh. When the input dataset, constructed as the E-GIS DB of
to derive the linear relation between the input and response vari-
the planning city of the target study area, is applied to the ANN
ables in the MLR. On the other hand, the proposed algorithm could
algorithm, the 10 potential classes of the urban energy supply
consider the non-linear effects of all of the input variables for the
plants’ availability for the applied region can be derived.
response variables. In addition, the average R2 of the applied
The ANN algorithm deduced in this study is based on the statis-
ANN models was found to be 0.85, which is higher than that of
tics of the domestic energy supply plants over the whole country,
the MLR (which was 0.725), while the average MSE of the ANN
and the results applied by the ANN reflect the tendency of the site
was found to be 0.578, which is lower than that of the MLR (which
location of the domestic energy supply plants. However, in reality,
was 2.681), implying that the proposed ANN in this study was
modeled to derive a more appropriate prediction result (Table 11).
Hessian matrix H = JTJ (where J is a Jacobian matrix that contains the first particle
An ANN can achieve high accuracy for a local model by utilizing
of the network with weights and bias that can be calculated with a standard back-
propagation algorithm.)
non-linear mappings, with which recent studies have conducted
Gradient g = JTe (where e is the network error). The algorithm uses the Newton optimizations of a global model by comparing or hybridizing other
estimation of a Hessian Matrix, such as xk + 1 = xk  [JTJ + lI]  1JTe. non-linear models, such as GAs and the support vector regression
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 111

Table 8
Classification of the applied target dataset grade based on the capacities of the energy supply plant (KW).

Class (Decile) Hydraulic power Thermal power Co-generation Solar power Wind power Waste heat Mixed combustion
General Small Pumping-up Coal-fired Oil-fired
1 (D1–D2) 412,000 6000 1,000,000 4,000,000 1,800,000 511,800 452,409 98,000 9880 110,000
135,600 2960 820,000 3,380,000 1,400,000 96,190 1856 32,160 7600 9350
2 (D2–D3) 135,600 2960 820,000 3,380,000 1,400,000 96,190 1856 32,160 7600 9350
96,000 2326 680,000 2,760,000 650,000 76,140 1067 12,036 4984 3410
3 (D3–D4) 96,000 2326 680,000 2,760,000 650,000 76,140 1067 12,036 4984 3410
89,200 1952 620,000 2,140,000 528,600 60,980 1045 7170 3291 1885
4 (D4–D5) 89,200 1952 620,000 2,140,000 528,600 60,980 1045 7170 3291 1885
80,080 1417 600,000 1,296,000 500,000 50,448 1022 3500 2236 950
5 (D5–D6) 80,080 1417 600,000 1,296,000 500,000 50,448 1022 3500 2236 950
60,000 1200 586,667 800,000 400,000 42,900 1000 2750 1850 750
6 (D6–D7) 60,000 1200 586,667 800,000 400,000 42,900 1000 2750 1850 750
57,952 998 573,333 680,000 250,000 32,980 576 2264 1000 450
7 (D7–D8) 57,952 998 573,333 680,000 250,000 32,980 576 2264 1000 450
45,500 800 560,000 420,000 200,000 24,000 500 1540 977 380
8 (D8–D9) 45,500 800 560,000 420,000 200,000 24,000 500 1540 977 380
25,020 462 440,000 385,000 150,000 21,000 440 732 954 310
9 (D9–D10) 25,020 462 440,000 385,000 150,000 21,000 440 732 954 310
19,670 332 240,000 130,000 137,500 19,180 300 624 745 240
10 (D10–0) 19,670 332 240,000 130,000 137,500 19,180 300 624 745 240
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ANN structure Site location

Analysis factors

(Levenberg–Marquardt and Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithms )

ANN analysis factor as Site location potential map

learning dataset
Input Data Target Data Potentiality
Mesh ID
Land Energy Dist. from Dist. from Power capacity class
Altitude Slope Direction Road
cover Demand Sea River Class
1 8
1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2

1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 8

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 8
1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 3
4 8
1 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 5
1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 9 1
1 3 3 2 4 1 1 1 5 2
6 9
1 3 4 2 1 1 2 2 5
… … 4
1 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 5
1 3 4 3 2 4 1 3 2 2398 8 6
1 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 7
2399 8 8
2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3
2400 5
2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 10

Fig. 8. Structure of the deduced ANN algorithm for the site location potential of the urban energy supply plants.

(SVR) method [90]. However, this study does not address the opti- energy generation. For this reason, in practice, the final site selec-
mized solutions of non-linear relations by hybrid AI systems. The tion is accomplished by reflecting the decision makers’ judgments
methodology that is approached in this study is not finding the on landscape violations, land price affordability, and target policies
most optimal site itself for locating energy plants but instead sup- as well as the technical potential for energy supply plant locations.
porting optimal planning by providing the technical potentials for Hence, future studies should conduct optimizations for global
classes of the urban energy supply plants‘ availability and natural modeling by comparing the proposed ANN and other non-linear
112 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

Table 9
Trained ANN structure for the site location potential of urban energy supply plants.

Energy plant type Training function Network structure (Hidden layer  Output layer)
Hydraulic power General trainlm 31
Small trainscg 31
Pumping-up trainlm 21
Thermal power Coal-fired trainlm 21
Oil-fired trainscg 31
Co-generation – trainlm 31
Solar power – trainscg 31
Wind power – trainscg 41
Waste heat – trainlm 41
Mixed combustion – trainscg 21

Table 10
Trained ANN structure for the site location potential of renewable energy availability.

Classification Layer
Inputa Hidden Targeta
0 0
Solar power Latitude (° ), longitude (° ), altitude (m), month (–), average sunshine duration (hrs), and average temp (°C) Single Solar radiation (MJ)
Wind power Latitude (° 0 ), longitude (° 0 ), altitude (m), month (–), monthly average wind speed (m/s) Single Wind speed (m/s)
Altitude, temperature, and wind speed were displayed with the measured value of the Automatic Weather Station up to one decimal place.

by providing an objective standard of technical potential as

Table 11 planning supportive materials before the intervention of decision
Comparison of the prediction performance between the developed ANN models and
the conventional MLR models.
makers’ subjective opinions.

Statistical values Proposed ANN Conventional MLR

4. Applicability of the site location potential model for urban
Average R2 0.850 0.725
Average MSE 0.578 2.681 energy supply plants and renewable energy availability

4.1. Outline of the research subject area

modeling methods by surveying synthetic knowledge and experi-
ence from decision makers that affect the realization of the site For this study, the Gwang-myung/Si-heung public housing dis-
location planning. trict was selected as the subject area from the domestic cities of
Gyunggi-do in the Republic of Korea in which urban planning is
3.4. Model implementation and proposed application of obtained currently in progress. The district area is 17.4 km2 for Gwang-
results myung and Si-heung and is a low density, middle stratum, resi-
dence-planned district, as shown in Fig. 9. This district includes
Through the processes described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, the ur- 64,620 public houses and 30,717 private houses that can accom-
ban energy planning information, which can give feedback on the modate a population of 276,000. A district unit plan was estab-
site selection of urban energy supply plants and the allocation of lished in December of 2010, and the current urban planning
the urban power supply capacity, was obtained by implementing status includes drawings for the density of each building facility,
the proposed model applied to the E-GIS DB with the ANN. When location, and scale of natural land use, such as green areas and
an urban energy scenario is selected by policy makers, a more suit- water. The research subject area where the system was applied in-
able energy supply plant can be planned based on the site location cludes a rectangular range of 8 km  12 km, which consists of the
potential algorithm for each energy supply plant and the renewable project area in the planning stage and the surrounding existing
energy availability found in this study. Based on the potential map cities.
of the urban energy supply plants‘ availability, the types of environ-
mentally friendly urban energy supply plants that are latent in the 4.2. Result of the site location potential for the urban energy supply
applied region can be examined, and the plant capacities and the plants and the renewable energy availability of the research subject
locations that have high feasibility can be simultaneously estimated area
according to the distribution of the availability potential. In the case
of renewable energy that is affected by a regional climatic condi- In Section 4.2, the recommended urban energy supply plants
tion, more scrupulous urban energy supply planning is needed in and renewable energy availability for the research subject area
the urban planning stage if we are to consider the potential of the was examined by applying the site location potential model. As
urban energy supply plants’ availability, as calculated by existing shown in Fig. 10, the site location potential map for the urban en-
statistics with the potential of the renewable energy availability ergy supply plants was found by applying the ANN algorithm in
in the region. Section 3 and the input dataset of the applied region by construct-
In practice, policy target, social opinion, and economical afford- ing the E-GIS DB, including the urban planning information in the
ability such as landscape protection, the Not In My Back Yard district unit plan, topography (altitude, inclination, and direction),
(NIMBY) or Please In My Front Yard (PIMFY) phenomena, and land land cover classification, accessibility (road and built up area),
prices also act as crucial or decisive factors for siting and installing water usability, and energy consumption area. The urban energy
energy systems in a large variety of situations. In this context, this supply systems that were considered to be appropriate for the
study leaves further decision-making processes to planning agents research area were mixed combustion, general hydraulic power,
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 113

Gyunggi-do, city
Republic of Central commerce
Korea 8km district

Low density
apartment district
Low density
apartment district

Public housing
district of Gwang-
myung· Si-heung

(a) Geographical location (b) Case study area (c) Subject area development plan
Fig. 9. Outline of the urban development plan for the research area of interest.

Class Class Class Class Class

1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10
General hydraulic power Pumping up hydraulic power Small hydraulic power Coal fired thermal power Oil fired thermal power

Class Class Class Class Class

1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10
Solar power Wind power Co-generation Mixed combustion Waste heat

Fig. 10. The site location potential map for the urban energy supply plants of the research area of interest.

oil-fired thermal power, and solar power. The research area of the research area had a higher wind speed than the other parts.
interest is suitable for hydraulic power generation because of the An area is discerned to be appropriate for wind power generation
high water level caused by the surrounding mountainous environ- if the yearly mean wind speed is over 5.0 m/s, the wind flow in
ment and is appropriate for solar power generation mainly in the the main direction occurs frequently, and there is little variation
surrounding mountain area. Wind power generation was consid- in the wind direction for the use of wind power resources. The rec-
ered to be inappropriate for most of the region because the annual ommended candidate location should have a yearly mean wind
mean wind speed is approximately 1 m/s. speed of over 4 m/s for a large-scale wind farm and over 2.0–
The solar and wind resource potential map created by applying 2.5 m/s for building units.
the ANN algorithm in Section 3 with the input dataset of the AWS The capacity of domestic wind turbines varies from 0.4 kW to
weather information on the research area is shown in Fig. 11. The 750 kW. Tables 12 and 13 show the specifications for horizontal-
wind speed was 1.7 m/s in the winter and was the minimum value axis wind turbines and vertical-axis wind turbines, respectively,
for the year. The mean wind speed was 2.0 m/s from Mar. to Oct. for present domestic technologies. According to the wind speed
and 3.4 m/s in Aug. in the area of interest. The western part of in Fig. 11, the 750-kW rated power of a horizontal-axis wind
114 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind

speed speed speed speed speed speed
[m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s]

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind

speed speed speed speed speed speed
[m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s]

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

(a) Wind resource potential

Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar

radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat.
[MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ]

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar
radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat. radiat.
[MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ] [MJ/ ]

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

(b) Solar resource potential
Fig. 11. Renewable energy resources potential map of the research area of interest.

Table 12
Technical specifications for domestic horizontal-axis wind turbines.

Horizontal-axis wind turbine 35 kW 65 kW 100 kW 225 kW 750 kW

Blade diameter (m) 10.2 16.5 21.8 29.0 47.0
Tower height (m) 24.4 22.9 23.8 40.0 65.0
Blade weight (kg) 102 360 770 4818 6600
Turbine weight (kg) 1565 4218 7121 11,754 36,600
Rated power (kW) 35 65 100 225 750
Cut-in wind speed (m/s) 3.6 4.9 4.9 4.0 3.0–4.0
Rated wind speed (m/s) 9.8 10.2 12.7 12.0 15.0
Cut-out wind speed (m/s) 54 54 54 25 25
Fail-secure device Blade adjustment Blade adjustment – hydraulic brake

Table 13
Technical specifications for domestic vertical-axis wind turbines.

Vertical-axis wind turbine 3 kW 5 kW 10 kW 30 kW 50 kW

Rotor diameter (m) 1.5 2.5 3.0 4.9 7.3
Turbine size (m) 2.3  3.0 3.3  4.3 4.0  6.0 5.9  9.8 8.3  15.9
Rotor weight (kg) 95 123 186 332 720
Generator weight (kg) 55 77 114 678 754
Turbine weight (kg) 150 200 300 1,010 1,474
Rated power (kW) 3 5 10 30 50
Peak power (kW) 4 6 13.8 36 72
Start-up wind speed (m/s) 0.5
Cut-in wind speed (m/s) 1.8
Rated wind speed (m/s) 9
Cut-out wind speed (m/s) 53.6
Noise (dB) 620
I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117 115

Table 14
Technical potential of wind electric power generation for the research area of interest.

Wind turbine type Blade/rotor diameter (m) Wind speed (m/s) Monthly generation potentiala (kW/monthmesh)
HAWT 750 kW 47.0 Min.: 1.7 (Jan.) 29.31
VAWT b 3 kW 1.5  3.0 Avg.: 2.0 (May) 0.07
10 kW 3.0  6.0 Max.: 3.3 (Aug.) 0.05
50 kW 7.3  15.9 2.23
Applied by the max. wind speed.
Wind power of VAWT is considered to have 50% of the efficiency of HAWT.

Table 15
Technical potential of PV electric power generation for the research area of interest.

PV technology Efficiency g The potentially utilizable surface area CA Mean monthly solar radiation SRm Monthly Generation potentiala GPm
(%) (m2/mesh) (MJ/m2/month) (MJ/monthmesh)
Bulk Mono 14–20 Min.: 400 4.490–6.490 285,856–413,186
Poly 13–15 Avg.: 3,745 235,411–340,271
a-Si 6–9 Max.: 37,875 126,113–182,288
Thin film CdTe 9–11 168,151–243,051
CIS/CIGS 10–12 184,966–267,356
Applied by the average value of each g and CA.

turbine is acceptable in an area in which there is a maximum wind GPm ¼ SRm  CA  AF  g ð6Þ
speed, such as the western part of the research area, and a vertical-
where GPm is the Electric power generation potential per month
axis wind turbine is suitable in areas that have a mean wind speed
(MJ/monthmesh); SRm the Monthly solar radiation received per
of 2 m/s. Table 14 shows the results of the wind electric power
unit horizontal area (MJ/m2/month); CA the Calculated total poten-
generation based on the wind resources map in Fig. 11 and the
tial area of installment (m2/mesh); AF the The area factor that indi-
domestic wind turbine technological level applied by Eq. (2) and
cates what fraction of the calculated areas can be covered by solar
is based on existing research that calculated the power output
panels (70% in the case study area) and g the efficiency with which
from wind turbines [91]. The result indicates that technical wind
the solar system converts sunlight into electricity (%).
power generation by horizontal-axis wind turbines is unattainable
In terms of the technical energy potential, the availability of a
even in areas that have the maximum wind speed, and a wind
site location for an urban energy supply plant and wind/solar en-
turbine that has at least a 10-kW rated vertical-axis should be
ergy was examined in an environmentally friendly city using the
installed in the research area of interest.
results of this study. A site location potential model for urban en-
  ergy supply plants and renewable energy availability was exam-
P ¼ Prated  CF ¼ Prated  0:087V  2 ð5Þ ined separately, but the integrated optimal site location should
be found by overlay analysis in the future. Therefore, future studies
where P is the Power output from a single turbine (kW); Prated the should specify the methodology for finding the optimal site loca-
Rated power of the turbine (kW); CF the Capacity factor; V the tion potential classes when integrated with the technical potential
Monthly averaged wind speed (m/s) and D the Turbine diameter for renewable energy.
To make solar resources such as solar power generation or 5. Conclusions
building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) profitable, they must be in-
stalled in an area that has a high intensity of daylight and long day- This study suggested a site location potential model for urban
light hours. The recommended size of a PV panel is at least 30 m2 energy supply plants and renewable energy availability based on
(6 kW rated level) for an environment in which the minimum wind the increasing necessity of urban planning that creates an ‘energy
speed is over approximately 0.5 m/s and the humidity is below saving environmentally friendly city’ in urban energy supply plan-
80%. ning in terms of ‘sustainable development’. The applicability of this
According to Fig. 11, the monthly solar radiation of the research model was examined by applying it for a planned city in the
area varied from a minimum of 4.490 MJ/m2 to a maximum of Republic of Korea, where urban planning is in progress. The results
6.490 MJ/m2, and the building footprint area in the mesh ranges from this study are described as follows.
from a minimum of 400 to a maximum of 37,875 m2, with a mean
value of 3745 m2 as a result of examining the E-GIS DB of the ap- (1) Section 2 examined existing research trends in terms of the
plied area to consider the installable surface area of the building technical energy potential and site location planning
roof. Table 15 shows the result of the monthly mean PV electric support systems and showed the need to reinforce the
power generation in a mesh that is based on the present domestic energy supply plan in environmentally friendly urban
PV technology, as applied by Eq. (3), and that is based on existing energy planning based on an appropriate combination of
research that calculated the yearly electric power output from PV energy systems. An integrated system is insufficient for the
[8], which is shown in Table 15. As a result of applying the mean optimal site location of urban energy supply systems.
value of the efficiency g (%) of each PV technology and the poten- (2) Section 3 integrated the E-GIS DB, which contains the
tially utilizable building roof area (m2/mesh), the maximum elec- geographic and climatic conditions of the area and energy-
tric power generation potential was 413,186 MJ/monthmesh related information to manage the integrated factors that
with mono crystalline bulk PV. affect the site location of the energy supply plants. For the
116 I.-A. Yeo, J.-J. Yee / Applied Energy 119 (2014) 99–117

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