Attractions Magazine: Spring 2016

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Contents AttractionsMagazine.

com | Spring 2016 | Volume 9 | Issue 2


24 28 32 38
 !,&&1+01-) 1*,-#0/*10!$1-1) ..#1
.%&*,-0"+(,-1+ ".&00 %($1) Part one of our series showing you how 1/0-0,%#
A SeaWorld animal trainer talks about /.0, 10 /0& attractions get built. The best ones start This is the last year for Wet ’n Wild Orlando.
her life with animals. There are a lot of ways to spend a lot with a story. We chronicle its history.
of money at the theme parks. Here are
the most fun.

44 48 52
,+'10#'0!.%1,% 1).+/01&.+/ "(%10!1+ ,$1
See what’s new at Disney Springs’ The Omni Orlando Resort at Jungle Navigation Co. LTD.
La Nouba. ChampionsGate. Skipper Canteen at Magic Kingdom

DEPARTMENTS Even some of the topiaries at the Epcot
International Flower & Garden Festival
6 *(/)010
-%,-1 20 *./.0 ,-#) 58 )/1+0 *./. have stories behind them. Ranger Mickey is
8 11#($ 22 1+)') 60
'/0.0/*10..& new this year to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the National Parks Service.
10 "*1-00. 56 1')11-/0 (+ 62 ,*/)0(1+(0 On the other side of this planter, you’ll find
12 ($(/,.-0 %(--1+ 57 !&./0/*10,1+1-$1 //+($/,.- topiary Chip & Dale, who have stolen
14 1)0 -0"*10'1'1 58 "*10'.+0'1'1 Ranger Mickey’s sandwich out of his bag.

Spring 2016 | 5

In addition to the stories and photos in this magazine, check our website regularly for even more,
plus many videos. Stay up-to-date with all the latest theme park and attraction news through our
weekly video shows, our free iPhone/iPad app and our free e-mail newsletter.




SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens
Tampa are in the midst of building new
Walt Disney World continues to make additions to their Star Wars offerings at Disney’s roller coasters, Mako and Cobra’s Curse
Hollywood Studios. The latest comes in the menacing form of Kylo Ren, the villain respectively. We brought you the first
from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. Guests can meet him inside Star Wars Launch look at the ride vehicles for both
Bay and see him appear in Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. Videos of both coasters, as well as details and a
experiences can be found on our YouTube channel. construction tour for Cobra’s Curse.
Check our YouTube channel and the
GOODBYE NICK HOTEL Feb. 18, 2016 episode of The Show.


On April 18, the Nickelodeon

Suites Resort is changing to the
Holiday Inn Resort Orlando
Suites – Waterpark. Our Feb.
25 episode of “Orlando
Attractions Magazine: The
Show” is hosted from the
resort and takes a look back at
its 10 years in Orlando. You
The third annual A Celebration of Harry Potter took place at Universal Orlando from Jan. 29 to
can also visit our YouTube
31. With the passing of Alan Rickman, who portrayed Severus Snape in the Harry Potter film
channel to see all of our videos
series, several tributes were made in his honor during the event from the attending celebrities and
from the Nick Hotel over the
fans. Visit our blog to see the tributes, as well as an event recap and a taste testing of every kind
of Butterbeer available in the Wizarding World.

6 | Spring 2016

Welcome to Attractions Magazine! You probably Favorite Fan Photos and Stories.
noticed our new logo on the cover. But you may not have
noticed we dropped “Orlando” from our title. But don’t
worry, not much is changing. Along with the new logo,
we’ve modernized the look of our pages and sections, but
everything you love about the magazine is still here.
:51< .,9,6;< 1:1
Even though we’re now just “Attractions Magazine”,
0;9< :9< 76
,;< 1,
we are still based in Orlando and it will still be our focus.
83;73< 75< 8-5!
We’ve always had our “Out of the Loop” section, and we
98-5< 745;/< :51
still do, but you may also see a few stories from the major
9274< -:4< 85;< 8.
theme parks outside of Florida such as Disneyland and
92;76< .7649< .;-
Universal Studios Hollywood. But Orlando theme park and
attraction news will still dominate the magazine. More
&:+%< :51< 388%< :9
than ever, Orlando is the theme park capitol of the world,
831< *7+9,6;4< :51
and we remain committed to fully covering it.
4;;< 28-< 8,6< .:07!

The shortened name also better represents our cov-
274< 74< 92;< .7649< *2898< 8.< 0/< .7649 3/< )6;-< :51< )6;-
erage outside of the magazine: on our weekly show, on
(7479<98<2;<7:6175)<8631<8. ;(;6/< 970;< -;
our YouTube channel, on our website and on social media.
:66/< 899;6 < :9< 57(;64:3"4 -;59< &:+%'< 745;/
Check them out for even more coverage of fun things to
$43:514< 8.<1(;59,6;'< $< 2:(;< :3-:/4< &;;5 2:4< &;;5< 4,+2< :
do all around the world.
:5<;58608,4< :66/<899;6<.:5<475+;<$<-:4 2,);< *:69< 8.< 0/
Have Fun,
'<$<-:4<:348<:<3:6);<.:5<8.<63:518"4<92;0; 37.;#< $< -8,315"9
Matt Roseboom, Editor/Publisher
*:6%4< .86< :< )881< .;-< /;:64< :4< -;< -;59 2:(;< 0/< +,66;59
ATTRACTIONS MAGAZINE STAFF ;(;6/< /;:6< .86< 8,6< 28371:/4'< $43:514< 8. .:073/<7.<79<-:45"9<.86<92;4;<*:6%4'<2;/"6;
Editor and Publisher 1(;59,6;< 2:1< :3-:/4< &;;5< 0/< .:073/"4 (;6/<4*;+7:3<98<0;'
Matt Roseboom .:(8679;<*:6%'<8<79<853/<0:1;<79<:33<92;<&;9! Cynthia Marie Bencz
Writers 9;6<85;<1:/#<-2;5<$<+:0;<280;<.680<4+2883
Kimberly Button, Andy Guinigundo, Banks Lee, 75<<:51<0/<0,0<2:51;1<0;<:<5;-4! 274<*2898<8.<7+%;/<:51<$<-:4<9:%;5
Barb Nefer, Ben Rebstock, Matt Roseboom,
Quinn Roseboom, Simon Veness, Susan Veness *:*;6< -792< :< 4986/< 8.< :< 5;-< :66/< 899;6 :9<85;<8.<0/<.:(8679;<745;/<92;0;<*:6%4#
Photographer 92;0;<*:6%<+8075)<98<63:518'<$<92;5<.83! 570:3< 75)180'< 274< -:4< :+9,:33/< 92;
Matt Roseboom 38-;1< ;(;6/< +85496,+9785< ,*1:9;< -;&479; (;6/< .7649< 970;< $< 2:1< :< *2898< 9:%;5< -792
Art & Design 85<92;<*:6%<.86<92;<5;9<926;;</;:64'<(;6/ 7+%;/#<:51<79<-:4<:9<:<(;6/<4*;+7:3<970;, John Green, &67+%#<;(;6/<-:33#<;(;5<:<5;-<37+%<8.<*:759 75< 0/< 37.;'< $< 2:1
Pat Lewis, Christopher Titchenal
Proofreader ;;75)< 79< &;75)< &,739< 75< *;6485< ;(;6/< /;:6 ,49< )6:1,:9;1
Scott Otis 0:1;<79<;(;5<086;<;+7975)'<75:33/#<75< # 4+2883< .86< 0;17+:3
Editorial Assistants 92;<&7)<1:/<+:0;'<$<2:613/<43;*9<92:9<57)29# :44749:59#< :51< 2:1
Banks Lee, Jackie Roseboom, Quinn Roseboom 1,;< 98< ;9< 3:)< *:697:33/#< &,9< 08493/< .680 :348<,49<.8,51<8,9
CONTACT INFORMATION ;+79;0;59<98<.75:33/<)8<98<92;<*:6%'</<474! $< 2:1< *:44;1< 0/
Attractions Magazine 9;64#<+8,475<:51<0/4;3.<:33<,0*;1<8(;6<92; 9;49< 98< &;+80;< :
7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd. STE 50-612, Orlando FL 32819 375;< 7598< 8)40;:1;< .86< 92;< .7649< 970; 6;)749;6;1< 0;17+:3
Phone: 407-741-3200 98);92;6'<2:9"4<-2;6;<-;<-;6;<)6;;9;1<&/ :44749:59< .86< 92;
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Attractions Magazine is published in the U.S.A. quarterly by Dream Together Media LLC, 5700 Fun
Spot Way, Orlando, FL. 32819. Periodicals postage pending at Orlando, Florida and additional Rory Melly
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any theme park or attraction company. Basic subscription rate is $23.95 for four issues. Single issue
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8 | Spring 2016

6*9 -(9 ,4*89 72("
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!8819 50828#9 (9 .7%&058239 287+546139 56
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David Lowe
St. Louis, Mo. 0439 439 /7+$)66/9 /873%289 87+09 41
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8'829 '43458.#9 9 07'89 369 -71(9 -8-62483
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(8729 619 6189 6*9 5089 *8,9 .7(39 /7+$)66/
John Charnick
Rugby, Warwickshire, U.K.

043943979)065696*9-(90%3!71."97-83" /,7(3928-8-!8241&95089075#
71.9 -(38/*9 759 6189 6*9 6%29 *7'624589 )72$3" Adam S. Bellay
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%39 !8+7%389 50439 )06569 ,739 57$819 %359 7
+6%)/89-615039415696%2928/75461304)971. WRITE TO US!
5089 7.'815%289 !8&413#
9 455/89 .4.9 ,8 0439 ,739 -(9 36139 *42359 '43459 56
We want your letters and photos!
$16,"9502889(87239/7582"9,89,6%/.9!8+6-8 2/71.6"9 /7#9 71.9 )+65#9 59 ,739 57$819 41
If you have any comments
81&7&8.9 419 *26159 6*9 5089 7,39 24.89 759 6%2 62/.906,+7389)+659 271+897'4/461"9
about the magazine, questions
650829 *7'624589 )72$"9 14'8237/9 5%.463# 5041$ 9 419 6'8-!829 #9 89 7/369 &659 7
about traveling to Orlando or fun
14'8237/9 2/71.69 439 ,08289 5089 7.'81 $4339 *26-9 %26279 71.9 16,9 04589 508
stories or photos to share,
5%289!8&71971.9,4//97/,7(3906/.9793)8+47/ 37-89.7("9/87'41&904-9,4509/4)354+$9$43383
simply e-mail us at
)/7+894196%29087253# 7//96'8290439*7+8#9
Jillian Scafide Chris Lester
Blackwood, N.J. Nottingham, U.K.

Spring 2016 | 9

Meeting Dreamfinder and Figment When Ep
ride was t first opened, th
called Jo e Journe
Figment, urn y In
but his fr ey Into Imagina to Imagination
the ride, iend nam tion and With Fig
bu e it m
Later, th t also made ap d the Dreamfind not only feature ent
e ride w pearanc e r. He was d
Dreamfi as es
nder wa renamed Journ outside the ride not only in
to a cou s re e y ,h
ple of ca moved complete Into Your Imagin olding Figment.
or Figme m eos. At th ly and F ation.
nt. a igm
and Figm Later, the ride t time, guests c ent's role was re
e wa ou d
meet a v nt was added ba s updated once ldn’t meet Drea uced
ery tall F ck into th again to mfinder
fans' dis igment in e ride. F what it is
ma a or to
Epcot. B y, at this time, room outside th a while, guests day
ut you n th e y can’t e a tt ra ction c o u ld
a short s eve
urprise a r know when th meet Dreamfind . To many
ppearan e
ce at the ey may appear r or Figment at
D23 Exp again. B
o in 201 oth mad
3. e

10 | Spring 2016

Hidden Mickey
Ad Here

New or PU?

Spring 2016 | 11

We’ve chosen our favorite upcoming events to spotlight. You don’t want to miss them on your next trip to Orlando.
By Banks Lee


Location: Epcot
Dates: Now through May 30
Cost: Included with theme park admission
The popular spring festival at Walt Disney World, known for
its edibles, floral displays and topiary creations, expands
from 75 to 90 days. Two new spring-inspired Outdoor
Kitchens, three new Disney topiary characters and a musical
play garden will debut this year and the Garden Rocks
Concert Series will set the beat with familiar tunes each

Location: SeaWorld Orlando
Dates: Every Saturday from April 16 through May 14
Cost: Included with theme park admission
Viva la Música is a Latin music and food festival for the entire family. Guests enjoy concerts
by popular Hispanic artists and bands and authentic Latin flavors specially prepared by
SeaWorld’s very own executive chef, Hector Colon.


Location: Wyndham Orlando Resort
Dates: April 1 through 3
Cost: Varies from $30 to $65
Meet and mingle with your favorite horror movie and TV
stars, buy collectibles, see new and up and coming films as
well as old favorites, take part in one of the largest
Zombie Walks ever, get a tattoo and more.

12 | Spring 2016

Location: Busch Gardens Tampa
Dates: Every Saturday and
Sunday through April 24
Cost: Included with theme park
The annual festival returns featuring
new culinary creations, including a
menu of more than 35 dishes
designed specifically for the event;
an expanded line up of more than
120 wines, craft brews and
cocktails; and performances from
musical artists including Andy
Grammer, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Meat
Loaf, The All-American Rejects and

Location: Orange County Convention Center
Dates: May 26 though 29
Cost: Varies from $20 to $100
This year’s convention expands to four days and features celebrities such as Stan
Lee, Kevin Smith, Adam West, John Cusack, and Doctor Who companions Billie
Piper, Freema Agyeman and Jenna Coleman, and others. The show floor will
also include pop culture collectibles and you can take part in costume contests,
panels and meet-ups.

Walt Disney World Resort (407) 939-6244
SeaWorld  Orlando (800) 327-2424
Busch Gardens Tampa (888) 800-5447
Legoland Florida (877) 350-5346
Universal Orlando Resort (407) 363-8000

All events and dates are subject to change.

Please check with the proper organization before attending.
Check our calendar section at
for up-to-date happenings in the Orlando area.

Spring 2016 | 13

By Quinn Roseboom


LOCATION: Disney’s Hollywood Studios

A number of attractions have closed and are closing soon to make room for the new Star
Wars and Toy Story Lands coming to the park. Already closed are the Cars and Phineas
and Ferb meets. Starting April 2, Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show, Honey I
Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure, Studio Catering Co., Monsters, Inc. meet and some
merchandise shops will also be closing. No opening date has been set for the two new
lands yet.


LOCATION: Disney Springs LOCATION: International Drive

Looking for a sweet treat in Disney Springs? Located in The Landing, the story of The
Ganachery goes that the Spring’s old pharmacy closed and became a chocolate shop Mango’s Tropical Cafe brings the party feel of South Beach to Central Florida with food,
where you can “indulge your cravings for sophisticated chocolates and ganache while drinks, live music, dancing and dinner shows. The large building features several bars, indoor
interacting with expert chocolatiers.” The store sells many different handmade chocolate and outdoor dining on both floors and a private Voodoo Lounge with different music and vibe
products, including Disney character-themed chocolate lollipops. from the main stage show.

14 | Spring 2016

LOCATION: Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Kylo Ren from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is now appearing at the park.
At Star Wars Launch Bay, Darth Vader’s meet and greet has been replaced with
an encounter with Kylo on the bridge of his First Order Star Destroyer, and
across the park, in Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple, Kylo Ren makes an
appearance, replacing Darth Maul. Kylo isn’t the only Star Wars addition
coming to Hollywood Studios though! Starting April 4, a new live stage show
called Star Wars: a Galaxy Far Far Away will celebrate moments from the saga
each day at the Center Stage area near The Great Movie Ride. Also, at various


times each day, Captain Phasma will lead a squad of First Order Stormtroopers
as they march in formation from Launch Bay to the Center Stage in a
demonstration of the First Order’s strength. Coming this summer will be the


next generation of the current Star Wars-inspired fireworks show. Star Wars:
A Galactic Spectacular will light up the sky each night with fireworks, lasers,
light projections and other special effects combined with Star Wars music,
characters and scenes from throughout the saga.


LOCATION: Universal Studios Florida LOCATION: Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Guests trekking through Asia at Disney’s Animal Kingdom park can now enjoy the new
Thirsty River Bar and Trek Snacks near the entrance to Expedition Everest. The building it
occupies used to house the FastPass kiosks for Everest, which became obsolete with the
addition of the FastPass+ system. The Trek Snacks menu varies throughout the day, with
pastries in the morning and more substantial bites such as sushi and sandwiches in the
Shutterbutton’s Photography Studio in Diagon Alley has moved into a space on the main afternoon and evening. The Thirsty River Bar features themed specialty cocktails and non-
stretch of the Alley, leaving its old space in Carkitt Market open for a new candy store. alcoholic drinks for climbers returning from their ascent and future viewers of the Rivers of
Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop sells everything from Cauldron Cakes to Shock-O-Choc and Light nighttime show, as it is located right next to a major seating area for the show, which
No Melt Ice Cream to Butterbeer Fudge. Both shops are open daily. begins Aprill 22.

Spring 2016 | 15

LOCATION: International Drive LOCATION: Walt Disney World Resort

Starting in late February, Disney began a system in which single-day ticket prices vary based
on which day you visit. Dates are divided into one of three “seasons”: Value, Regular or
Peak. Peak dates will see a one-day Magic Kingdom ticket being around $124, and the
other three parks $114. During Regular dates, Magic Kingdom will be $110 and the other
CSI: The Experience, which opened in 2012, is now closed. Guests were able to play the three $102, and Value dates will remain the same as before, $105 at Magic Kingdom and
role of crime scene investigators and solve multiple mysteries. It is unknown what will $97 at the other three parks. Multi-day tickets at Walt Disney World will not be part of the
happen to the space currently, but check our website for any further updates. tiered pricing, but did raise in price. Annual Pass prices were not affected.


LOCATION: Nickelodeon Suites Resort LOCATION: Walt Disney World Resort

You’ll need to get high up in the air to see the newest Hidden Mickey. With help from Duke Energy and Reedy
Creek Improvement District, Disney developed a five-megawatt solar energy project. The solar farm, made of
48,000 solar panels arranged in the shape of a “not-so-hidden-Mickey,” will help power Disney World.

Starting April 18, the Nickelodeon

Suites Resort will be no more. The resort
will be renamed Holiday Inn Resort
Orlando Suites – Waterpark. The rooms,
Lagoon Pool and Café are being rebuilt as part
of a $30 million renovation. The Nickelodeon
time capsule, which was first buried at
Universal Studios Florida in 1992, then
moved to the Nick Hotel, will be moved to
Nickelodeon Studios, which is currently under
construction in Burbank, Calif.

16 | Spring 2016

LOCATION: Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Two new meet and greet

opportunities are starting
soon. The Celebrity
Spotlight will be near Echo
Lake and allow guests to
meet Olaf from Frozen.
The second new meet and
greet location is called
Mickey and Minnie
Starring in Red Carpet
Dreams and will be
situated in the old audition
building for the American
Idol Experience. This is
where guests will meet
Sorcerer Mickey and
Minnie dressed in her
Tinseltown best.


LOCATION: 450 acres off Universal Boulevard LOCATION: Fun Spot America


Fun Spot America has announced a new long-range master plan for their Orlando park. The
expansion will include a new waterpark, roller coaster and other major rides. The plan
includes six new themes that will be applied across the entire park over the next five to 10
Universal Orlando recently purchased a 450-acre stretch of land near Universal Boulevard years. The theme of the newly remodeled park will be Americana: classic American past and
(adjacent to International Drive) from Sand Lake Road down to Rosen Shingle Creek present time periods. The first phase will start with the first of half of a new waterpark to be
Resort. But they haven’t announced any plans for it. Could they be thinking of building a built on vacant land between Gator Spot and the front of the park. This area should open by
third theme park or another “branch” of CityWalk? Or both? Only time will tell. next spring.

Spring 2016 | 17

LOCATION: Universal Studios Florida

Located near the front

of the park in the
former Lucille Ball
tribute space, a new
Hello Kitty store marks
its official retail debut
at theme parks in
North America. Inside
guests will find
specialty merchandise
including stationery,
home goods, apparel,
accessories and
collectibles. Special co-
branded Hello Kitty
Universal park-exclusive products are expected to be available in the future. Some interactive
experiences and a character meet are also expected to be added soon. Betty Boop and
Universal-branded merchandise are also available in the space, with Hello Kitty only taking
over the area Lucy was in.


LOCATION: Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex LOCATION: Artegon Marketplace

Cosmic Quest, a new interactive game, promises

to immerse young guests in a variety of
adventures while educating them about NASA’s
current and future space exploration endeavors.
Robonaut, a replica of NASA’s real R2 robot
currently working aboard the ISS, serves as a
virtual narrator and guide as trainees use their
“astronaut badges” to interact with touch
screens located throughout each of the exhibit
areas. Cosmic Quest is $24.95, in addition to
the price of admission. All adventures are
included in the price and are good for a year.


LOCATION: Theme Parks and Water Parks

All of Orlando’s theme parks have increased security and added metal detectors to scan guests
entering the parks. Disney has also updated their park rules: Toy guns, including toy blasters Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park is now open and offers open jump, a foam pit to jump
and squirt guns, are no longer sold in the parks and are now prohibited from being brought into, volleyball, two basketball hoops, Ultimate Dodgeball and a SkyRobics class. The new
into the parks; and no one older than 14 may wear a costume into Disney parks. park also offers birthday parties, corporate team building and field trips.

18 | Spring 2016

LOCATION: Universal Studios Florida LOCATION: Magic Kingdom


An all-new stage show is coming to Magic Kingdom this summer, replacing the long-running “Dream Along with
Mickey” show. “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire” will take place daily on the Cinderella Castle Stage, where
Mickey Mouse and his pals unite in a tale of friendship featuring songs and characters from “The Princess and the
Frog,” “Tangled” and “Frozen.” The final day to see “Dream Along with Mickey,” which has been running at the
park for almost a decade, will be April 2.


LOCATION: Kissimmee

Jimmy Buffett’s presence in

Orlando will soon expand from a
restaurant to a resort with the
Margaritaville Resort, now under
construction. It will include a
hotel, vacation ownership and
vacation homes. Features will
include a FinCity arcade, St. Somewhere Spa, a planetarium, Son of a Sailor fishing school, paddle boarding
and kayaking, shopping, restaurants and a lake with a beach. The construction site includes the former home
of Splendid China, a theme park that was closed in 2003.



A new store called Williams of Hollywood Prop Shop recently opened in

the park. The shop sells antiques, plus signs, costumes and other props Construction continues in the Norway Pavilion, as it has for many months, and it feels like forever since
that were used during special events, in closed attractions and at various Maelstrom closed and we found out it was being replaced by a Frozen Ever After ride. When it opens this
locations around the resort. The store is located inside the former magic summer (pushed back from spring), Queen Elsa will create a winter-in-summer day for the entire kingdom. While
shop in the Beverly Hills area of the park. The magic shop in Islands of it doesn’t feature any new songs, there are several new lyrics written for the ride. The Norway Pavilion is also
Adventure also closed earlier this year and currently houses a store being expanded with the “Royal Sommerhus”, which will reflect the cultural arts and crafts of Norway, and allow
featuring local art. guests to meet Elsa and Anna.

Spring 2016 | 19

Orlando is always filled with fun things to see
and our photographers are there to capture it all.

An opening night even

t was held on Dec. 17, 2015
Force Awakens. The eve for Star Wars: The
nt started with a screening of
Springs, then continued pas the movie at Disney
t midnight at Disney’s Hollyw
able to meet and see so ood Studios. Guests were
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in the Stars: A Galactic Specta
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20 | Spring 2016

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Spring 2016 | 21

We put attractions head-to-head.
By Banks Lee

Epcot International Festivals

With the 23rd annual International Flower & Garden Festival currently underway and the International Food & Wine Festival
celebrating its 21st year this fall, let’s take a look at both events and see which you should choose (if you have to).



The Flower & Garden Festival has been extended this year from 75 days to 90, giving guests The Food & Wine Festival will also be extended later this year, from 53 days to 62, offering
more time to enjoy the floral displays, topiaries and foods. more chances to eat and drink your way around the World.


Flower & Garden has to be one of the most picturesque events at Walt Disney World. There’s Though the displays around Food & Wine aren’t as picturesque as Flower & Garden, the use
something to look at around almost every corner, from gardens to topiaries and even butterflies. of the festival theme and graphics throughout the park is still fun to see.

Flower & Garden hasn’t been known for specialty food options in the past, but over the last You can’t have a Food & Wine Festival without the food and wine. Last year, the festival expanded
few years, more and more Outdoor Kitchens have popped up. to Future World for the first time, marking more than 30 different food and wine marketplaces.


Artists such as Starship, The Guess Who and Village People perform at the Garden Rocks With a concert happening every day during the festival, the Eat to the Beat Concert Series
Concert Series with hits spanning several decades. However, concerts only take place Friday features a wide selection of artists from the oldies to today including David Cook, Smash
through Sunday during the festival. Mouth and Air Supply.

Inside Flower & Garden’s Festival Center, guests can take part in gardening seminars to create Seminars inside the Festival Center during Food & Wine include mixology, beverage and
a take-home souvenir or get tips from experts on a broad range of topics. culinary demonstrations. Some big names have been known to stop by to host a seminar,
including beer brewers and musical brothers, Hanson.
22 | Spring 2016
The main Dolphin Lagoon at Discovery Cove provides a spectacular backdrop
to Lauren's everyday work experience.

24 | Spring 2016

By Simon & Susan Veness

SeaWorld Dolphin Trainer

Lauren Taft talks about her dedication to the animals

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Did you visit the SeaWorld parks

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.-1 '-1 $(0,1 .(0!1 +0$1 "1 ".1 -+1 %01 *. (0,11*+).1)./+.0'1$*.(10/-+&'1 01(/01,-1.!*#/&1'/!1.-101(-,0).
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Spring 2016 | 25

7#-#973.9-'9*42-74'9&57/9209659*48*74897// 61769487.!97**'9
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%89.7'09,1839$9.5369(5-89239+362/99*#-# %/'9 -'9 %8069 .7'9 769 ,54 9 %8(7+089 26 Do you ever participate with wildlife
73.9$-9,76(123&96189732-7/095"8432&16# %45+&169 239 6189 *85*/89 $9 /5"89 5+602.89 5) specialists doing research?
$)9 $9 18749 73'9 +3+0+7/9 480*2476253!9 549 2)9 $ ,54 9 ,2619 6189 732-7/09 $9 /5"89 2302.89 5) +49 53084"762539 +3.9 .537680
0889 05-89 ,1268,76849 &523&9 539 239 5389 5) ,54 #9 1769 ,709 6189 12&1/2&169 5)9 -' 7%5+69 79 -2//2539 .5//7409 733+7//'9 659 "742
6189/7&5530!9$9,7369659-7 890+489$9 88*973 (74884!9&86623&9659017489618089732-7/09,261 5+09 *458(609 745+3.9 6189 ,54/.!9 73.
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,12/8#9 18489 209 359 6'*2(7/9 .7'!9 %+69 61760 53084"762539 005(2762539 ,159 17"8
*7469 5)9 ,1769 $9 /5"89 7%5+69 61209 (74884#9 $6 Has there been a funny moment in your 7**/28.9 )549 "7425+09 &47360#9 1209 '8749 ,8
88*096123&09.2))848369)5496189732-7/0973. relationship with the animals? .8(2.8.9659083.97398-*/5'8895+6961848965
)549 6189 64723840#9 89 ,54 9 539 ,88 83.0 $95)683917"8961890/561095+6!973.9$9(736 017489%8069*47(62(80973.9(5--539 35,/
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,7684#9 ,54/.!973.98"839*746095)961209(5+364'!96176 ,89 ,7369 659 67/ 9 7%5+69 -742389 (53084"7
17"89 38"849 08839 79 0/5619 549 79 .5/*123# 6253!9 .5/*12309 7489 &48769 7-%7007.540#9 $)
Has there been an experience that’s been 18'9 35,9 5+49 *74 9 1709 .5/*1230!9 73. ,89 ,7369 659 67/ 9 7%5+69 4723)548069 (53084
the most memorable for you? $-976948(8*6253915/.23&9739732-7/!905926 "76253!90/5610974898(8//83697-%7007.540#9$
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8.+(7689618-# ,2619 618-#9 $609 79 (5-*/868/'9 .2))84836
Has there been a particular dolphin that
you’ve had the strongest relationship with? If you were able to spend a day at
1769,5+/.9%89/2 89*2( 23&979)7"54268 Discovery Cove as a guest, which part
(12/.#9 89 .2"2.89 5+49 732-7/09 23659 61488 of the park, besides the dolphin pool,
.2))84836905(27/9*5.0!973.9,89.59618907-8 would you explore?
,2619 5+49 64723840#9 $9 ,54 9 ,2619 79 .583 $9 6123 9 $9 ,5+/.9 067'9 7,7'9 )45-9 618
.5/*123098"84'9.7'92395+498715408905(27/ .5/*1239 /7&5539 %8(7+089 $-9 059 )7-2/274
&45+*!9 %+69 ,1839 $9 )24069 067468.9 ,54 23& ,2619 269 73.9 38"849 487//'9 &869 659 &59 659 618
1848!9 $9 17.9 5389 .5/*1239 61769 $9 ,54 8. 561849 748709 5)9 6189 *74 #9 18'9 17"89 %883
,2619 %8)5489 $9 (5+/.9 %+2/.9 +*9 -'9 732-7/ .523&9 05-89 6472323&9 ,2619 6189 )2019 239 618
48*8465248#9 18489 ,8489 732-7/09 $9 067468. 473.988)!973.9618'917"89647238.97915&
,2619 ,1839 $.9 38"849 65+(18.9 79 .5/*123 )2019 659 )5//5,9 173.9 674&8609 .+423&9 5+4
%8)548!973.9618489748905-8961769,8489%543 87836+489*45&47-!90592)9618'9,7369*2(
,12/89$9,7091848#9184897489561840961769$- 6+4809,26196189)201!9618'9(739*/7(89269*84
,261!9 687(123&9 38,9 647238409 659 &869 (5- )8(6/'92396189*1565#9$609&48769%8(7+089*85
)5467%/89 239 6189 ,76849 ,2619 79 *5+3. */897489/2 8!91769,70961769)201923961848
732-7/!9 73.9 618489 7489 5618409 61769 687(1 $9,7369659 35,9-54897%5+6926#9$"8938"84
38,9 647238409 15,9 659 %89 79 &55.9 6472384# 088396180896472323&908002530!9059$96123 92)9$
5-89 5)9 618089 .5/*12309 17"89 %8839 1848 17.9 79 .7'9 ,18489 $9 (5+/.9 (5-89 239 73.
During her visit to Panama with the Panamerican Conservation /53&8496173961824964723840917"89%88397/2"8# */7'!9$.9,73696590889,1769618'489.523&#
Association, Lauren got to help with the rescue and $97**48(27689618-97//9)549.2))8483694870530! $6905+3.09)7367062(!973.9"84'98.+(762537/#
rehabilitation of several rainforest sloths. 059659*2( 95389,5+/.9%892-*5002%/8#9//95) 85*/89 05-862-809 17"89 -20(53(8*62530

26 | Spring 2016

After a full day at Discovery Cove and the dolphin interaction program, Lauren
hopes people take their love for these animals and apply it to their own lives.

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#+$+ *#+!, (, #(!+, )' , *+"", *#+&%, %&+' $, (% What was the best piece of advice
)'&!)"$, )%+, $(, $!)%*, *#+, $#(" , (% *+"", *#+&%, *+)#+%, )' , $++, #(, *#+, )' you were given in relation to
$#(" ,'(*, (,#)*++%,*,&$#,(',*#+ *)+, *#+&%, "(+, (%, *#+$+, )'&!)"$, )' your job or in caring
(*#+%,#)' ,'(,#)*$,'(*,%+)"",)&%, &$# )", &*, *(, *#+&%, (', "&+, )+, &*$, ) for animals?
('*, '++ , *(, +)*, ++%, ), $(, *#+%+ )%++%,(%,*#+!,(%,!)+,&*$, $*,$(!+ #+,)")$,(!+,&%$*,$,"(',)$,+
!(%+, #)""+'&', *(, *%)&', *#)', ), !)! *#&', *#+"", +, )$$&(')*+, )(*, , *+"" ++, *#+, )'&!)"$, &', (%, ($, +, )'*
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$#(%*+%,$#(+%$,(%,%+"&',(%,(%)'& "+,#(!+,%(!,!,%(*#+%$,%) )*&('
What do you hope guests take away &', ), (!!'&*, %)"", )' , (&', )  ,!,'(*,(&',*(,+ ,!,(&',&'*(
from a day in Discovery Cove? ' %)&$+%, *, )', +, )$, $!)"", )$, !)&' (%,*(,!)+,$%+,*#+,")(%,&$,$+$$"
#+%+,)%+,$(,!)',"&**"+,& $,+$+&)" (%$+",+**+%,(%,)$,")%+,)$,!)&',(% !,$(,%&&"++ ,*#)*,!,)"+,*(, +(*+
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While Discovery Cove is a beautiful environment to work in, Lauren said, "There is no typical working day for me, but that’s part of what I love about this career”.

Spring 2016 | 27

Skipper Ben’s TOP TEN
By Skipper Ben Rebstock

Top 10 Places To Live It Up at

Disney World and Universal Orlando

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One of the best new additions to the Disney Springs area has,
without a doubt, been The Boathouse. It’s an upscale restaurant
that you can spend a pretty penny on dining inside — but it’s
outside where you can really drop the big bucks. For only $125,
up to three people can take a ride around Village Lake in a
vintage Amphicar. Your tour starts on land before your car pulls
into the water for a 20-minute “drive” around the lake in style.

There are now nearly as many celebrity chef-run restaurants
around Orlando as there are E-Ticket rides in the parks! From
Morimoto Asia and two Wolfgang Puck locations at Disney
Springs to two Emeril’s locations at Universal Orlando to Todd
English’s Bluezoo at the Dolphin Resort (just to name a few),
you can’t go far without bumping into a dining location run by
some of your favorite chefs. All of these locations will cost you
a little more than a regular restaurant, but the experience is
absolutely worth it.

28 | Spring 2016

Sometimes, a pair of Mickey ears just aren’t
enough to remember your trip to Disney World.
No, sometimes you need a large painting of your favorite ride, a two-foot-tall
sculpture of The Beast or an actual animation cel from a classic animated movie.
These are some of the items you can find at various Art of Disney stores around
Walt Disney World. It’s the only place in the world where you can spend
thousands of dollars and charge it all to your MagicBand, where credit card charges
are as make-believe as Pixie Dust and talking snowmen.

Sure, anyone can find a spot on
Main Street to watch the Wishes fireworks show, but why stand in a crowd when you can
stand out from the crowd on a yacht. The Grand 1 sets sail from Disney’s Grand Floridian and
takes you out on Seven Seas Lagoon to watch Wishes in style. The 45-foot Sea Ray yacht
holds up to 18 guests and comes with a captain, deckhand and, if you order food and drinks,
a butler. A one-hour rental costs more than a season pass to Walt Disney World, putting this
cruise on the highest level of elite experiences.

It’s the restaurant that you’ve always heard of, but never dined at
(probably because you didn’t pack your nicest suit or dress with you
to take to a theme park), but Victoria & Albert’s at Disney’s Grand
Floridian continues to be the pinnacle of fine dining in Orlando. The
AAA Five Diamond restaurant is as classy as it gets. You will be served

six courses over a two-hour culinary experience. An evening in the


main dining room will run you $150 per person, or if you are lucky
enough to land a spot at the super-exclusive Chef’s Table, the price
jumps to $250 per person, and that’s before you order any wine.

Spring 2016 | 29

One of the newest resort options at Walt Disney
World is also one of the priciest, which means it’s the perfect place to spend a little
extra cash. The Bungalows at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort put you right out on
the waters of Seven Seas Lagoon for a beautiful
view of the Magic Kingdom. Each
bungalow sleeps up to eight people
and has two bedrooms, two
bathrooms, a full kitchen, dining room,
living room, wrap-around deck and —
the coolest part — your own private
“plunge pool.” A stay in one of these
exotic units starts at just over $2,000
a night.

You know you do it. You walk right past those
Disney Vacation Club (DVC) kiosks in the parks as
you hurry to your next attraction. But what if you actually stopped to find out about
the “best kept secret” at Disney World? If you have the extra cash, and really want
to vacation with Disney for the better part of the next 50 years, then buy a Disney
Vacation Club property. An initial 100-point purchase into the vacation ownership
program will run you at least $14,000, but it’s a small price to pay for the joy of
being greeted with a warm “welcome home” every time you arrive to your home
resort during your vacation.

Do you love a particular ride or
resort so much that you want to
take a piece of it home with
you? Well, guess what? You
can! Theme Park Connection, located near The Florida Mall, has small
items, like cast member name tags and resort pillows, that can fit any
budget — or you can splurge on big ticket items, such as authentic
windows and doors from Main Street that have a price tag of $1,995
each. Universal Studios Florida recently opened Williams of Hollywood
Prop Shop, a store that sells props from retired Universal attractions and
events, such as items from Twister: Ride It Out and Hollywood Horror
Nights. These are the perfect shops for people who want more than an
attraction T-shirt.

30 | Spring 2016

A wedding at Walt Disney World is an elegant experience you and your
guests will never forget. A small, intimate wedding, or vow renewal at a 2
Disney resort starts in the $5,000 range, but if your dream is to have a fairy
tale wedding in Disney’s romantic Wedding Pavilion near the Grand Floridian, you will be looking at spending a
minimum of $12,000, and it only goes up from there. But where else in the world can you ride to your
wedding in Cinderella’s horse-drawn carriage or have a wedding reception on the waters of World Showcase
Lagoon for your own private viewing area for IllumiNations? Happiness has a price, but the memories are

The ultimate way to live it up and spend a lot of money at Disney or Universal is to rent out an entire section OR HAVE A SUGGESTION
of a park to yourself (ok, and some of your friends and family — if you want). This can actually be done FOR A FUTURE TOP TEN?
and it is done on a relatively regular fashion, especially by businesses and corporations holding special
events. But you can do it too. Just be sure you have a big enough credit card to cover the expenses. Diagon Let us know at
Alley is a popular place for private events, where all of the shops, restaurants and rides are fully operational
during your private time, and you can opt for unlimited Butterbeer too. If you have the cash, there might not
be anything more outlandish you could spend it on than having a piece of a park all to yourself.

Spring 2016 | 31

By Kimberly Button

Brian Morrow, vice

president of theme
shows the media sto park experience at
ryboards to help ex SeaWorld Parks an
opening later this ye plain the story behin d Entertainment,
ar at Busch Garden d Cobra’s Curse, a
no theming, but ad s Tampa. The park co roller coaster
ding a story makes uld just erect a rolle
it much more imm r coaster with

32 | Spring 2016

T /78 7,1613'8 &4&7368 (/738 5
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6/707812858-4684%8(51613'853.8(43.7013'" 70)8&4&736!
+72614313'8 53.8 2*7,+-5613'8 5$4+6 50'7"8 2(77*13'8 .721'38 *-5328 507
(/568 128 5,6+5--)8 '413'8 438 $7/13.8 6/7 ,07567.8 53.8 64)7.8 (16/!8 4&78 5078 24
2,7372! '053.86/7)8(1--837 708,4&78648%0+16143"
7(87 708'76858'-1&*278136486/568/1. $+686/7)8,538$786/782650613'84%%8*41368%40
.738 (40-.8 $5,#265'78 (/7078 &5'1, &4078 $+.'76%0173.-)8 5..161432!8 /707
$7,4&728 075-8 53.8 26401728 ,4&78 648 -1%7! 507850,/1 7284%81.75286/56837 70825(86/7
/53#%+--)"824&784%86/7813.1 1.+5-28(/4 -1'/684%8.5)8.+7864858 50176)84%8122+72!
6107-722-)8 (40#8 648 $013'8 6/4278 %53,1%+- +68 4%8 6/78 -+78 #)8 */527"8 )4+
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$7/13.8 6/78 2,73728 (16/8 616-728 )4+8 /5 7
*04$5$-)8 37 708 /750.8 4%8 (40#13'8 43
,05)8 .75.-13728 568 %526*5,7.8 2*77.2
5'513268 5--8 4..28 648 &5#78 6/78 37(726
-1 78+*86486/78*+$-1,287*7,6561432!
38 6/7108 (40-."8 6/78 43-)8 ,43265368 12
,/53'7!8 640)8 128 7 70)6/13'!8 7,07,)8 12
*505&4+36!8 3.8 )4+8 $766708 $78 58 675& Way before the Skull
*-5)70! Island: Reign of Kong
386/78%102684%858270172"8(785078*77# attraction got this far
13'8$7/13.86/78,+0651386482778/4(8,43 (4+-.8 ,4&78 +*8 (16/8 58 ,43,7*6"8 251. along in construction, its
,7*6285078,07567."853.8-75038&40785$4+6 50#8 5.72"8 58 %40&708 5-68 1237) story was fully planned.
6/78 4378 6/13'8 6/568 5$24-+67-)8 348 437 &5'137708 2/4(8 *04.+,708 (/48 /52 You’ll be a part of the
13 4- 7.84386/78*047,68,538.48(16/4+6 (40#7.8 438 *047,628 2+,/8 528 6508 4+02" story too, when it opens
86/782640)! 6/78 1 13'8 7528 5 1-1438 53. later this year at
+**76121438 !85#7865084+028%40 Universal’s Islands of
In the Beginning 75&*-7!8 /78 &5'1377028 25)8 (78 (536 Adventure.
38 6/78 &5408 6/7&78 *50#2"8 2+,/8 52 648.485821&+-5640$527.856605,61438$527.
1237)"8 31 7025-8 53.8 7540-."8 6/707 438 6/78 6508 5028 +31 7027!8 /5628 346
12858,07561 78.107,6408438265%%86/568$7'132 &+,/"8 248 )4+8 736708 ,43,7*68 .7 7-4*
6/568*04,72284%865#13'858%072/8-44#85686/7 &7368 */527!8 4+8 65#78 6/568 $045.
6/7&78 *50#28 53.8 .7670&1313'8 (/76/70 .72,01*61438 53.8 25)"8 (/568 .4728 6/56
6/7078 128 044&8 %408 37(8 5..161432"8 (/56 &753
377.28648$7807%072/7.853.8(/568+2681236 *74*-78 216613'8 .4(38 53.8 (01613'8 4+6
(40#13'8%40864.5)28'+7262853)&407!86 (/5686/78,43,7*68128'413'8648$78$7)43.
1237)"8 6/78 *04,7228 128 #34(38 528 -+7 6/5684378-137!
#)!8 /7)8 5078 3468 +268 -44#13'8 568 6/7 76"8)4+8.7 7-4*86/782640)-1378%40

Spring 2016 | 33

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When some attractio

ns are updated, they
Tours when C-3PO be need a new storyline
came the pilot. Video , such as in Star
s in the queue help tel
l the story.

34 | Spring 2016

The live characters in
)20'-,%3 *-)23 +*.$3 $/-12/+3 (2/10-,)& (2 1#0)-2'3.,23."31*232/&3"-/+131*-,%+ The Great Movie Ride
(0,30,'3'.3$/-123+10%23+*.$+33+#(*30+ 1*013 -+3 '.,23 -+3 1*013 1*2/23 -+3 03 $*.)2 Disney's Hollywood
,-2/+0)3 /)0,'.+3 .//./3 02 +1./&3 '.,23 0.#13 1*013 2,-/.,!2,1 Studios have extensiv
*.$3 ./3 20./)'+3 )&'23 0,' .))-,+3 +0-'3 *.$3 $/-12/+3 (0,3 2 background stories,
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."12,3 -,.)2+3 '22). -,%3 1*23 2,1-/2 '2"-,-12)&3-,.)2'3"/.!31*232%-,,-,% members better portra
+1./&3."303 /.2(13"/.!31*23!0-,3.2/ ."30,&3!0./3011/0(1-.,30,'31*2&3*02 them, and enhance the
0/(*-,%31*2!231.3+!0))2/30+ 2(1+3+#(* 1.3 23 2(0#+23 1*2&3 0/23 03 2/&3 !0./ guests’ experience.
0+3 0(+1./-2+3 "./3 (*0/0(12/+3 +-%,0%2 0/13 ."3 *.$3 1*013 +1./&3 -+3 %.-,%3 1.3 2
0,'3 22,3 (.!-,%3 # 3 $-1*3 /2+10#/0,1 '22). 2'3 2,3-"31*2/23-+3,.1303'2'-
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Spring 2016 | 35

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tive, Cindy W
(##- +$,- #(%"'- ('- ,##- ('- *&%-  ,!*%"- $(+-  ,'+'- &##- ,,)- ',,- *) Universal Crea
Art Co., and
&+$- (++)(+&*%- &",('- &%-  '+- +* +* $-!,+-+$,-,
+,%'&,-*)-*%-),(+ of Cindy White Universal
,,'- ' (##!- +$* $- '$,- &'- (- ()+ &%-(- #+&"&,%'&*%(#-'+*)!-&'-'*, David Hughes at
ai nm en t Art & Design
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g and bene
('$&*%,"-'+ "!&% ),',%,- *- (- '+*)!- &'- ,)+(&%#!- ,#+- &% held each sprin .
Cancer Society
 - ),(##!- ),(##!- ,%*!- ),',()$- +$,- (++)(+&*%- '(&"- *##&%'- *) the American e park
sted in them
(',-+$,-'+*)!#&%,-*%-),(#-#,,%"'-),(# &%'+(%,- !$**%- (**%- $('- (- ,)! Anyone intere to
make plans
'+*)&,'-(%"-),(#-$&'+*)!-*)- ',-+$*',-(' &%*#,"- '+*)!- #&%,- *,+&,'- ,#, design should
(-  &%- *- *&%+- $,- '+*)!- &' ,%+'- *- +$(+- '+*)!- (),- (",-  #& attend.
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!* -(),-'+()+&%-+$,-)*,+-'$,

Designer Melody Mathe

ny created this elabo
Busch Gardens Tamp rate sign in the Panto
a. To make the sign fit pia area of
a lot of details about into the area, she ha
the story of the land. d to find out

36 | Spring 2016

1**40/4 /31240-34-)344$1,41, 3) *&410%24-,%1*4(%3,4$+3.4$341/34-.41
204$/-234.3$4*0( -.'4"0/42+34'1.',23/ !332-.'4 ,42+3&4(0!34%#4$-2+42+3-/
-.42+34,+0$441(2%1**&4$/02341( 4,20 ,20/-3,4 4 1!4 -.)4 0"4 1.1*&-.'4 2+3-/
/-3,4 "0/4 31(+4 0"4 2+34 (+1/1(23/,4 ,04 2+3 ,20/&41.)4#%**-.'433/&4-,%1*4/3"3/
20%/4 '%-)34 1.)4 2+34 '1.' 3.(342+1244(1.
,23/4+134140.34#1'34,20/& "4 2+3&4 1/34 23**-.'4 !34 14 ,20/&
0"4 $+3/34 2+34 (+1/1(23/ 10%241.43#*0/3/4-,-2-.'414.3$4(0%.
(0!3,4"/0!4%24-24-,4.02+ 2/&4 4 1, 4 )03,4 2+-,4 3#*0/3/4 +134 1
-.'42+1242+34'%3,2,4$0%*) +1!!3/41.)4200*43*24 /342+3&4!0/3
33/4,33 -.204)0-.'4/3,31/(+40/41/342+3&4$0/ 
-(31%4 $+04 +1,4 1 -.'4 1,4 1.4 1/(+130*0'-,24 +124 $0%*)
1( '/0%.)4 -.4 #3/"0/ 23**4!34204,$-.'42+34,-'.1'3420414"-3*)
!1.(34 1,4 $3**4 1,4 ,+0$ .02300 1,3)4 #/0#4 0/4 0.34 $-2+
$/-2-.'4 .024 0.*&4 $-** 200*,4-0%,*&4$+3.4)33*0#-.'42+3
$/-234 %#4 14 3/&4 )321-*3) ,20/&4 $-2+4 .23**3(2%1*4 /0#3/2&4 (+1/
1( ,20/&4 1.)4 )3,(/-# 1(23/,4 2+3/34 1/34 /1.)4 ,2&*34 '%-)3,
2-0.40"414(+1/1(23/,4,20/& 1.)4'/1#+-(4-!1'3/&42+1244.33)4204%,3
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3/,4-.4142+3!3)4*1.)4 4,0 #/0(3,,3,
-.23/1(2-0.4 %24 ,+34 -, Looking Towards the Future
0"23.4 1, 3)4 204 ,21& 0!32-!3,4 )33*0#-.'4 14 ,20/&
0.01/)4 204 +3*#4 2+34 (+0 (1.4+134'/0$-.'4#1-.,42+1241/34-,-
If you pay close attentio ,3.4 #3/"0/!3/,4 -.4 )33* *34 204 2+34 #%*-(4 4 2+-. 4 -,.3&,
you may notice placards
n, 0#-.'42+3-/4/0*3,
0**&$00)4 2%)-0,4 -,4 %.)3/'0-.'4 1
posted around a theme 3*0)&4 12+3.&4 1 3/&4 %.-%34 2/1.,"0/!12-0.4 %.*- 3
area. These help tell the
d "/33*1.(34 )3,-'.3/4 1.)4 "0%.)3/4 0" 1.&2+-.'4 2+124 +1,4 33/4 33.4 ,33.4 -.
story, such as this placar *-(34/312-3432$0/ 414.32$0/ 40" 2+34122/1(2-0.4-.)%,2/&4,1-)40**-.,
a flowerbed at Disney
d in (/312-34 "/33*1.(3/,4 -.4 3.2/1* +1242+3&41/342/&-.'4204)04-,42/1.,
Springs. Just remembe *0/-)14 )03,4 '/1#+-(4 )3,-'.4 "0/ "0/!4 14 #1/ 4 2+124 $1,4 1*/31)&4 %-*2
you’re in a themed are
r, 2+3!3)4122/1(2-0.,40/4+3/42+34,20/& $-2+40.34"0(%,41.)4$0$421* 410%2
and it’s all part of the
a -,4 %,24 1,4 -!#0/21.24 1,4 -24 -,4 "0/4 2+3 (+1.'-.'42+34,20/&4+3&41/34(3/21-.
fictional story. $1* -.'4 21* -.'4 (+1/1(23/,4 0/4 2+3 *&4 )0-.'4 2+124 2,4 %,24 '0-.'4 204 21 3
/-)343.'-.33/, 2-!34"0/42+34)33*0#!3.24204+1##3.
+34,20/&23**3/,4 .0$4$+1242+3& 3(1%,34 2+3&/34 %,-.'4 1.4 3-,2-.'
$1.242+3&4%,24)0.24 .0$4(0!#*323 #1/ 
*&4$+1242+124*00 ,4*- 34&32412+3.& 04 2+34 ,20/&4 +1,4 33.4 *10/3)
,1-)4 +3&4 +134 2+34 (+1/1(23/4 -. 03/4 2$31 3)4 1.)4 2+3.4 2$31 3)
2+3-/4 +31)4 ,04 $34 (1.4 ,-24 1/0%.)4 1 1'1-.4 +3/34 -,4 .0$4 14 '/3124 -)314 20
21*341.)42+3&4(1.41.,$3/4!34)-/3(2 /-.'4204*-"34%24'/0%.)4+1,.2433.
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+0,4 )0-.'4 2+34 $0/ 4 +3.
*&4 ,21/24 +%/2-.'4 2+34 #/0(3,,

Just about ever

y attraction ca
through a regu n be made be
lar laser maze tter with a stor
Ninja Turtles, or a laser maze y. Would you
complete with themed to the rather go
graphic and so Teenage Mutan
und effects? t

Spring 2016 | 37

38 | Spring 2016
How the World’s First Waterpark Was Built
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39 +389 %9 841'89 5..6(9 06/9 .8*7 )53'9

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749 *5363-89 7089 861.(9 276'829 4*9 0529 ,6781
&61 9/186)#
89 06/9 .86138/9 69 '18679 /86.9 *14)9 052
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15'079 *14)9 7089 $8'53353'9 439 0529 3879 "83
7+18#98*418908906/976 83953969&833(9*14)
7089470819!879 39!5./953"827412%95..6(906/

Spring 2016 | 39

-)*0-'$1 +.0&/0'1  "1 , 1 (+&1 ,#.

The Early Days of International Drive

*+.1/(01#+./0*1, 1  "1+))-$1-.'
,(.1 (-#0."1 -1 ,*0*1 +&.0$1 +.-.!+-)
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&+'01, 1#(-/1+&1.,#1.+0*&-)1*+0"1#+/(
(01,*++.-)10/1 .1+)'1#-&1%*,0!/0'
/,1 !,&/1 -%%*,+-/0)$1 
1 +))+,.1 -.'1 $
/(01 /+01 /(01 +*&/1 0#1 +.0&/,*&1 ,(/1 +."
+))-$1(-'1%/1.0-*)$1"1, 1(+&1,#.
,.0$1 +./,1 /(01 %*,0!/1 +&1 ,.0/+01 !,&
0/+!&1%-*/.0*"1)1)-+"1(-'1*0-/1 -+/(1+.
An aerial view of Wet ’n Wild. The property is now owned by Universal Orlando, but they haven’t stated what they will be doing +))-$1 -.'1 -/1 ,.01 /+01 '*+.1 /(0+*1 *0)-
with it after the park closes at the end of the year. /+,.&(+%1/,)'1(+1/(-/1(01#,)'1)-')$101-

George Millay, second from left, with some Japanese businessmen at the park
in the ‘80s.

40 | Spring 2016

*;49< 8+< ;7.< 8+< 361< +,9,4:< *48:/91% $5;'6&"1< ;#4::-:79< 98< (:/8-:< ;< 5;72 ;72< 361< 06+:< :;776:)< ;1< 0:55< ;1< ;,5
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93:< 462:1%< 8,< 1:5:/9< 93:-< ;72< !"55< (,652 A Good deal For All Parties ;(8,9<<-655687%<693<+67;7/67#<67<*5;/:)
93:-%<!"55<807<93:<462:1<;72<!"55<5:;1:<93:- $:;8452< /8794;/984< ;5/&< 6:51:7 93:< 5:#;5< /84*84;9687< +84< 93:< 45;728
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2:;5< +84< 655;.< (:/;,1:< 3:< #89< 98< /4:;9:
An original ticket from 1977. It was only $3.75
to get into the park.
;7< :
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5;72< 93;9< 0;1< *,4/3;1:2< 67< < +84
)< 0;1< 08493< ;**48

Spring 2016 | 41

&1001438!*8 853-8-)213$
6.78  8 *752/8 6.568 1005*
For many years, Wet ’n Wild offered water skiing,
10-8 '51-8 37520*8  8 &10
with guests being pulled by an automated line
around the lake in the back of the property.
.738 05%18 -17-#8 .1/
/.1'8 4(8 6.78 053-8 438 +.1,.
6.78 '528 /16/8 64-5*"8 .56/
4378 4(8 6.78 275/43/8 +78 /40-
648 31%72/508 138 
"8 )2
075/78 672&/8 +7278 7 627&70*
(5%425!078 (428 6.78 (12/68 
*752/#8 !)68 168 .5-8 /65267-8 64
7/,505678 58 0166078 75,.8 *752
53-8 !*8  8 168 +4)0-8 .5%7
!7738 4%72+.70&13$"8 3
 #8 168 +4)0-8 .5%78 $437
()6)27# 81005*8/51-"
%72*8 (5%425!078 075/7#8 05%1/8 /43/8 +727
5(6728 1005*8 (428 &4278 &437*"8 78 +727
430*8 '5*13$8  # 8 58 *7528 138 2736#8 !)6
/13,78 6.78 053-8 .5-8 7/,50567-8 /48 &),.8 13
%50)7#8 6.78 /43/8 6.4)$.68 6.7*8 /.4)0-8 !7
$76613$8 &4278 &437*"8 8 +4)0-368 37$461
567"8 78 37%728 +7368 648 ,4)26#8 !)68 6.7*
+7278 ,.5((13$8 !7,5)/78 +78 +7278 /48 /),
7(4278 .1/8 -756.#8 1005*8 '27-1,67-
,)227368 04,561438 648 31%72/508 2053-4
7/4268 '24'726*8 !7(4278 6.78  8 7/,505
61438 138 6.78 075/7"8 78 +5/8 37520*8 ,4227,6"
31%72/508+1008,04/786.78'528138 853-
138 84'7385387361270*837+8+567286.7&7
'528 ,5007-8 40,5348 5*"8 68 +1008 !78 6.7

Innovation, Not Invention

(12/68 +5672'52#8 +5/8 4378 4(8 1334%56143
(12/68 '72/438 648 !213$8 %5214)/8 +5672!5/7-
707&736/8 64$76.728 13648 4378 73%1243&736#
1/8(12/68-1/,4%72* 8+5/8138 84386.7
$24)3-/8 4(8 6.78 535-1538 5614350
 '4/161438 138 424364"8 78 53-8 742$7
7,72#8 6.738 8 4(8 75420-8 .14#8 +736
1005*8 !7,5&78 646500*8 1&'27//7-8 !*8 6.7
+56728 '05*$24)3-8 4(8 21,8 5,10053#8 5

42 | Spring 2016

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2>5?8C @:A@C >?BC 9A<6B/C 0=;;=?6C B9B0B?@C 2>< 7:A@C@:B1C7B<BC8>=?6/CA?8C-=4-B8C@:B0C>5@ Tim O’Brien, is published
:=;C7A@B<3A<-. >2C @:BC 3A<-.C &#:A?-C %>8C 7BC :A8C B?>56: by Casa Flamingo Literary
$BC ?>7C :A8C ;9=8B;/C AC 4:=98<B?(;C 39A1) 7BC 4>598C 5;BC 2><C AC #C ;3>@/'C ;A1;C BB-B<. Arts and available on
6<>5?8CA?8CAC7A,BC3>>9.C#:A@C7A;C@:BC4><B &$BC :A8C ?>C =8BAC 7BC 5;B8C @:BC 2=90C =? Edited ex-
>2C @:BC 2=<;@C *B@C ?C *=98/C A9>?6C 7=@:C A99C =@; 9><=8A.' tract used by permission
A5"=9=A<1C 6=2@C ;:>3;/C <B;@A5<A?@;/C 2=<;@C A=8 and first published in Park
A?8C 0A=?@B?A?4B.C >C >?BC :A8C B,B<C 4>0) Slow Start, Long Legacy World magazine (park
+=?B8C@:>;BCB9B0B?@;C=?@>C>?BC9A<6BC>22B<=?6. *:B?C *B@C ?C *=98C <9A?8>C >3B?B8/

Father of the Waterpark Industry

!=99A1C =;C 6=,B?C @:BC 4<B8=@C 2><C 4<BA@=?6
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7=98'C%B><6BC9=-B8C=@CA?8C;A@C8>7?C7=@:CA The last attraction added to Wet ’n Wild was Blastaway Beach water playground in 2012.

Spring 2016 | 43


With its color and style, La

Nouba is simply a celebration
of the imagination and
audacity of the human spirit.

44 | Spring 2016

By Simon & Susan Veness

T he combination of Disney and

Cirque du Soleil has been a
winning one ever since the 1998
expansion of the old Downtown Disney
area into the West Side introduced the
world-famous circus company in its eye-
catching purpose-built theater.
Cirque’s specially-designed show, La
Nouba, has been an institution ever since,
running twice a night, five times a week
in front of breathless audiences and to


standing ovations. It remains as fresh
today as it was 18 years ago, and one of
the reasons for that is the careful process
of change and evolution it has undergone
over the years.
For anyone who hasn’t seen it, La New opening act the B-Boys bring a sense of
Nouba is nothing less than a celebration urban flair as well as hip-hop dance moves
of the imagination and audacity of the and energy to the show. The trio, above, from
human spirit, a feel-good exercise in what left, are known as Incredible Josh, Bebo and
can be accomplished with creativity, Flying Buddha in their stage guise, and off-


grace and no small amount of physical stage, pictured right, from left, as Jean Carlos
daring. Lloret, Dmytro Li, and Josh Ortiz without their
And, for those who have seen it, there Cirque make-up and costuming.
are now three wonderful reasons to visit
again, over and above the simple joy and
excitement it provides.
The evolution has taken a distinct
turn for the dramatic in recent months, Ross. “So we brought in two new acts. We and the trio’s own influences from Ukraine,
though, as Cirque has given its Orlando wanted to stay with the urban feel of the Puerto Rico and the Bronx.
production a real shot in the arm with the show’s ethos, so we felt it was time to try The threesome bring a burst of vibrant,
biggest change in the show’s line-up something else from street culture and physical joie de vivre to the opening act,
since it first started. have kept the opening urban and power- adding genuine street cred to Cirque’s
Over the previous 18 years, the nine ful with dance.” effortless vitality, highlighted by La
main acts have been switched out several Nouba’s Head Coach Matthew Sparks,
times, but never to the extent of the cur- Breakout Act who said, “The B-Boys segment fits in like
rent ‘re-imagining’, with Artistic Director Enter the B-Boys, Josh Ortiz, Jean it has always been there. They have a feel-
Daniel Ross reckoning that almost the Carlos Lloret and Dmytro Li, otherwise ing in the performance that they are part of
first third of La Nouba is now brand new. known as Incredible Josh, Bebo and Flying the show’s urban world but they are
“We thought the opening of the show Buddha for their break-dancing, B-boying already something different. They drive the
needed to have a little revision,” said act that draws on 30 years of hip-hop dance energy of the show early on.”

Spring 2016 | 45

The Boys were brought together indi- mother and Korean father in Novosibirsk Above the Crowd
vidually for the show and are equally eager and grown up in the city of Kharkiv, which Following the dynamic B-Boys is the
to make an impression as the first genuine is now in the Ukraine. “I have been dancing second new act in La Nouba, the Aerial
hip-hop act in any Cirque performance. since I was 16 and love what I do. I am so Bamboo ballet of Alexander and Ekaterina
Jean, born in Puerto Rico but raised in glad I have this job and get to work with Abramov. The Russian duo hail from two
Boston, said, “We grew up watching each these two guys. This culture came from the completely different cities, Alexander from
other on YouTube as there is a whole cul- streets and gave people something positive Moscow and Ekaterina from Chelyabinsk
ture centered around the hip-hop world.” to believe in, and we want to bring it to a in the Ural Mountains. They have been
Amazingly, his ‘So You Think You Can wider audience. The best for us is when the together for 15 years and initially worked
Dance’ audition video has had more than a crowd screams and shouts.” on different routines before combining for
million views. Josh, who hails from the Bronx, is this long-established aerial act in 2004
Dmytro has the most diverse back- equally delighted to be able to bring the act when Cirque was auditioning for a couple
ground, having been born to a Russian to the Cirque format. He said, “I come from to pick up the tradition.
a family of B-Boys so I have been around it Alexander started doing gymnastics at
since I was very young. I trained in the six, and at 11 joined a circus doing a teeter-
streets for years and years until I was ready. board routine. Then he went into the army,
“I have done some amazing jobs, and and came back to join Cirque, doing teeter-
happened to meet Matthew Sparks when I board and trampoline. After meeting
was working on a cruise ship. Five years Ekaterina, they started working on the aer-
later he called me and I got the job and the ial bamboo when another couple who per-
chance to meet these incredible guys. The formed it were looking to retire.
chemistry is perfect and they are like broth- Ekaterina told us, “I knew this other
ers to me. It has been an incredible journey husband and wife, and they wanted to
and I know this is our time, and we will pass it on to someone else who was just
take it to its limits.” as passionate about it as they were. Every
time I saw them perform, I wanted to cry
because it was such an emotional feeling.
Now I hope our audiences feel the same
thing as we would like them to take
something good from this show.”
The grace and flair of the duo is clear
to see, along with no small amount of
nerve and physical strength. Their combi-
nation of aerial gymnastics is totally
breathtaking, and just what Artistic
Director Ross was hoping to add.
He explained, “The Aerial Bamboo
act used to be done on a piece of bamboo,
hence the name, but we are more modern
and efficient so we use a stainless-steel
bar. This act is less common now and we
thought it was a good fit for this position
in the show, because the second act has
always been more poetic and we didn’t
want to lose that, as well as wanting to

keep the traditional circus idea of being

up in the air. It is a love story, basically,

that they actually put on stage every


Russian husband-and-wife act Alexander and Ekaterina Bring in the Clowns

Abramov have 12 years of experience performing the Winding in and out of the show – and
breathtaking and daring Aerial Bamboo routine and acting as a hilarious pre-show among the
are equally as graceful off-stage. audience – are The Pablos, a pair of crazy
clowns who were introduced just over a
year ago in place of Balto and Sergey, the
previous clown duo who had been with
La Nouba since the start.

46 | Spring 2016

The eye-catching Cirque du Soleil theater remains one of the
most striking and iconic landmarks on the Disney Springs
horizon. It’s a testament to the company's unique style.

The addition of the Pablos helps to

underline the all-new nature of the open-


ing segments and create a freshness about
the show that doesn’t mask its essential
integrity and energy.
Ross added, “As the show evolves,
there is a lot of room for your imagination
to fill the gaps. Cirque shows are very The recent addition of the zany clown duo, the Pablos, helps to give La Nouba another extra shot of energy and freshness that is still
organic, there is a lot of space. Even in keeping with the show's integrity and enormous sense of fun.
though your senses are over-stimulated,
there is not a straight narrative.
“The cleaning lady is a central charac-
ter but there is a sense that the fairytales
around her break out of the boring, birthday party and other acts that lead nating in the big Power-Track finale that
everyday world, with love stories, a you through a range of emotions, culmi- is just one big party. The urban compo-
nent gives way to characters that are
more lively and colorful.
“We start from that urban world and
slowly break out of it. There are so many
little details and action happening all
over the stage, it is worth paying atten-
tion to that depth of the show. I like to
look out for the four little girls who per-
form the Diabolo act as they appear on
stage at other times in the background
and doing different things. It shows how
much there is to take in.”
Indeed there is. Which is why, even if
you have seen the show before, there is
plenty more to enjoy. And, with the B-

Boys, Aerial Bamboo and the Pablos, La

Nouba now boasts a whole new range of
emotions, thrills and downright world-
class entertainment that maintains circus’
long-standing tradition as the Greatest
There's no mistaking that all-action street dance flair of the B-Boys as they highlight the show's opening act among the original Show On Earth.
characters and performers who populate the brilliantly inventive world of La Nouba.

Spring 2016 | 47

By Barb Nefer

Omni Resort ChampionsGate

Close to Attractions, Far From Distractions

The Omni Resort ChampionsGate is located just west of Walt Disney World, a short distance off Interstate 4.

48 | Spring 2016

The family pool and lazy river are a perfect
cool-down spot, and rental cabanas offer a
private relaxation spot.

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Views from many of the rooms include the pool and on-site golf course.

Spring 2016 | 49

A bright, spacious, well-appointed lobby welcomes guests to the resort.

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A variety of shops and restaurants offer a chance to snack, $- *'- +++'"&- ,'"- #*$(",&- %$,'"* $*!'+- #,(%- ,&- )#+- ,,',- (&- *!%&- )*
browse or dine right at the resort. ,'"- (&&( ++- ,%+- , ($- "+&)(',)(*'& +'*-*%-)#+-#*$+-",

50 | Spring 2016

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Above: Comfortable rooms provide a great "home base" when visiting Disney World and other Orlando attractions.
Fun for Adults Below: David's Club, one of the on-site restaurants, is an upscale sports bar serving a variety of fare, from bar snacks to steaks.
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Array of Dining Options

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.>,82$6=>388&790>.86>:8/=;5790>:2':;<9( ;8><94>.68/>7:9=,>8634$:>!6<9:186;<;789 OMNI ORLANDO RESORT
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Location: 1500 Masters Boulevard,
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Spring 2016 | 51


Inside, the detail - both large and small -

is just as convincing, with nods to the
Jungle Cruise ride and Enchanted Tiki
The exterior of the Skipper Canteen is a beautiful re-purposing of the former Adventureland Veranda, which previously served as a character meet-and-greet for Pixie Hollow as well as being a counter-service
restaurant in the Magic Kingdom's early days. Now it has a whole new lease on life, but looks like it has always been a part of Adventureland.

52 | Spring 2016

By Susan and Simon Veness

Try the World Famous Jungle Cruise

Cuisine at Skipper Canteen

T 5!67 0367 0"7 5,47 2/36&7 01,+/

'0/47 2*032*7 *.515*461/#7 5++7 53
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&651/75)077)04757*5,,750-4757)165470$$014- 30%.61674076547 .&7+0347%6723(24674.6' Attention to detail is paramount in Skipper Canteen, with a
324& 74.67"52126/7%6167'0(23)7407523741664 237407-/670-17'6//7.5,,7 24.2374.67/401&#74.6 huge array of period notices and newspaper clippings. Go
53+7 4.6217 "01'617 "5*2,24&7 *0-,+7 67 4-136+ 5346637 6*5'67 /07 $0$-,517 %67 .5+7 40 ahead, call the number advertised.

The main part of the restaurant's interior is the Crew Mess Hall, a large dining space that was originally where the Jungle Cruise skippers came for their meals (according to the elaborate backstory).
Now its double-height space is packed with memorabilia, messages, curiosities and collectibles, all with a brilliant and coherent Adventureland theming.

Spring 2016 | 53

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:495/9;8+= 498<7<= =;82=,<=(651-4:=516
,<6<= 75.<= 50= :4<= 7%9//<67$= 0;&569:<= 2974<7
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9%<= 49)%<8= <);17<=:=7=:4;:=(698-7=98=:4<
189 1<= (6;82= 50= 41.56= 50= :4<= 18-3<
The S.E.A. dining room is cleverly located behind the bookcases that originally kept it hidden from view, in story terms, and is now
6197<'= $.= /6512= 50= 4;&98-= 8;.<2= :4;:
left open with the entry bookcase permanently slid to one side to reveal the room.
</;82=98:5=5:4<6=;6<;7=50=:4<=(193298-+=39%< <$6<=<3<&;:98-=:;(3<=7<6&9)<=;:=;-9)
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18-3<= 6197<= ,5632,92<+= :5= .;%<= 716< 1/=;=7<3<):958=50=497=-6<;:<7:=49:7+=(<-98
Many of the books themselves were created by the Imagineers, :4<96=7:569<7=,<6<=)58797:<8:'=6;*.;8=7;92+ 898-= ,9:4= ;= 7.;33= 35;0= 50=#.(;74;= (6<;2+
with fanciful titles or nods to the designers who worked on the 4<8= 8<,=
5%<7= 8<<2= ;//65&;3= :4<*= -5 ,457<=/3<;798-3*=(9::<6=(9:<=,;7=5007<:=(*=;
Skipper Canteen. But the book that “triggers” the hidden door :4651-4= <&98+= ,45= ,;7= :4<= 745,= ,69:<6 792<= 50= 35);3= 56;8-<= 458<*= 98017<2= ,9:4
is an original copy of “The Jungle Book”. ;82= ;= 056.<6= 7%9//<6= 98=#8;4<9.'= <056<+ )569;82<6+= );62;.5.= ;82= 0<81-6<<%'= <
#3(<6:= ;337= ,;78$:= <7:;(3974<2= ;7= :4< .5&<2=58=:5=:4<=;337=;.93*=;3;0<3+=,49)4
05182<6=50=:4<=18-3<=;&9-;:958= 5./;8*' 4;2= ;= 71/<6(= <:<6956= )618)4= ,9:4= ;= 750:+
8= 516= 7:56*+= 4<= 4;2= ;= 758= ,45= .;669<2= ; .597:= 98:<6956+= 1839%<= .57:= 0;3;0<3+= ,49)4
,5.;8=065.=829;=;82=:4<*=4;2=;=2;1-4 );8=(<=26*=;82=)61.(3*'=!4<=7/9)<2=-65182
:<6+= #3(<6:;+= ,45= :4<*= 8;.<2= ;0:<6= 49.' (<<0= 98= "%9/$7= ;)= ;82= 4<<7<= ;22<2= ;8
4<8= 4<= /;77<2+= 4<= 3<0:= :497= <8:<6/697<= :5 <:6;=3;*<6=50=69)48<77=:5=:4<=2974+=-9&98-=9:=;
4<6' 75/497:9);:<2=03;&56'=:$7=;=4<;&*=2974+=<;793*
18-3<= 6197<= 7%9//<67$= 189 1<= 41.56 7/39:=(<:,<<8=:,5=,9:4=;8=;//<:9<6'
97=/;6:=50=:4<= ;8:<<8=</<69<8)<+=;82=7%9/ <:= ,<= 7;./3<2= :4<= /5/13;6= "''#'
/<67= ;82= 056.<6= 7%9//<67= 065.= :4<= ;::6;) "41= ;9= ;//<:9<6+= 39::3<= /;)%<:7= 50= 2<39
:958=,<6<=(651-4:=5&<6=;7=7:;00=;82=;7=/;6: )95178<77= 0933<2= ,9:4= .98)<2= 7469./+= /56%
One of three “office” doors on the upper level of the Mess Hall 50= :4<= 569-98;3= :6;9898-= :<;.+= 45898- ;82=.18-=(<;87=,6;//<2=98=*5;=7%987+
that feature an homage to Disney Legends who worked on the 7<6&<67$=;(939:*=:5=6;::3<=500=)568*=58<398<67' :4<8=7:<;.<2=;82=7<6&<2=,9:4=;=75*(;7<2
Jungle Cruise. This one is for one of Disney’s original ;8;-<6= 9):569;= !45./758= </3;98<2+ 7;1)<'=!4<="17:;98;(3<=974= 533;6+=7<:=500=(*
Imagineers, Marc Davis. "%9//<67=);8=/3;*=58=,4;:$7=98=:4<=6<7:;1 :;6:= 6<<8= ;/;*;= ";3;2+= ,;7= (<;1:90133*

54 | Spring 2016

4+2: /60: 6: )720: /968': 630: +/93: 7)43
09(8/: 4*: *26$41': +78/: 785: /48': 5(7-&: 90,9'
.)(90: 622: 4$91: 8/9: (62689': 6: 1619: 29$92: 4*
9,9861763: 4(87435: 09)630: -19687$78&
7389195873,': 630: 5!722: +78/: 59654373,5: 7*
8/9&"19:,473,:84:%9:8658&#: /9*:2"5: .11790
9,986%29: .11&: 89+: : 6: 8174: 4*: 1465890
6-413: 5.65/': 2938725': 630: 56.890: -422610


%958: $9,9861763: 075/95: 73: 126304': 785
30763735(7190: : 614)687-5: 54: (1434.3-90
,98: 8/919"5: 34: )968#: 8"5: 34: +7)(&: 075/
978/91#: 95(789: %973,: $9,986%295: 630 While the restaurant looks amazing, the food is equally good, and vegetarians can rejoice in the fact there is a highly tempting and
29,.)95':78"5:9-9(8743622&:/9618&# tasty dish just for them in the shape of the Indian-inspired Curried Vegetable Stew, which features a hearty mix of legumes.
9: *7375/90: +78/: .3,62445/: 340: 84
8/9: 420: 0$938.1915: 2.%: 68: 2965.19
52630': 6: )4758: -/4-42689: -6!9: +78/
7-9: -196)': 0.5890: +78/: -4**99: (4+091#: *
75: 6: ).5881&#: 9: +61390: 785: 5628&5+998
,4403955: 75: 6007-87$9#: .8: 043"8: 1.29: 4.8
8/9: 19*195/73,: 4-43.8: 61: +78/
7396((296572: 4)(489: 630: 637226: -9
196): 73: *6-8': ,98: %48/#: 8"5: 5.%8291: %.8
9.622&: 075873-87$9: : 70962: *41:
/48891: )438/5#: 978/91: 0955918: 75: 261,9'


93.5: 9$42$9': 630: 78"5: 27!92&: !7((91
638993 5:+722:*4224+:5.78':%.8:78"5:6:+73391
5!7((91: 0927$9190: 8/9: *6)4.5: 2739': : 24$9
&4.:27!9:*6)72&#:4+:,98:4.8 :"):5411&':8/68 When it comes to dessert, the Skipper Canteen has some equally tantalizing selections, highlighted by the signature Kungaloosh,
+65:1.09#:29659:,98:4.8# which nods to the old Adventurers Club on Pleasure Island and is a superb chocolate cake, banana and ice cream creation.


Location: Adventureland in Magic Kingdom

Appetizers: $7.50 - $11
Entrees: $17 - $34
Desserts: $8
Kid’s Entrees: $9.50 - $12.50
Phone: 407-939-3463
Hours: Lunch 11 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.;
Dinner 3 - 9:30 p.m.
Skipper Canteen is on the Disney Dining Plan. Remember to check out all the detail packed into the decor and artwork, with some wonderful period touches from the 1920s and
‘30s, as well as photos that reference the Jungle Cruise and its trademark sense of humor.

Spring 2016 | 55

By John Green & Pat Lewis

56 | Spring 2016

57 | Spring 2016
1. Unikitty’s horn is shorter. 2. Unikitty grew a fourth eyelash on her right eye. 3. The Legoland logo has disappeared from the back wall (top right
center of photo). 4. Risky Business (fourth person from the left side) has turned his smile to a frown. 5. Wyldstyle (third person from the left side) has
transposed her two hair colors (pink and blue). 6. Wyldstyle now has a longer zipper on her coat. 7. Emmet (second person from left side) has a vertical
stripe on his suit which is now thinner. 8. Emmet is missing one of the black blocks from the bottom of his suit jacket. 9. The logo on Benny’s chest (first
person on left) has moved down. 10. Benny now has a logo on his helmet.


Can you spot the 10 differences in these two photos?
By Fowl Owlerson

H <44;(= ::890:6;75= 8<93<85

"2<=1.;8=1<1< =#=8<0<7:!
4)= .;+<3= -8;.= 9= 176/<8= :;= 9
/67<= :8<<= 973= #= .15:= 59)(
./26:2<9:<8= 65= ;7<= ;-= :2<= 81.;8<3= 56:<5
-;8= :2<= 863<(= '1:= #+<= 2<983= :29:= 76+<8594
8<9:6+<= *;143= /8<-<8= :;= /1:= 9= 98+<4
9::890:6;7= :2<8<(= *2602= .9&<5= 5<75<= 95= :2<
5/90<= 65= ;7= :2<= <3,<= ;-= ";;7= 9,;;7= 973

690;.5= /8<5<70<= 67= 84973;%= 1:= #
8<0<6+<3= 9= 81.;8= :29:=
690;.= 65= 67= :94&5
17/90&67,=65=9=4;:=;-=*;8&%= ';83<85=98+<4= 1/<8=<8;=#54973% :6<5(= 67041367,= "<<79,<= 1:97:= 679
$6:2;1:= -18:2<8= 93;(= ;67 "18:4<5%= /<0149:6;7= /;67:5= :;= 76+<8594
.<(= );18= -67<!-<9:2<8<3= -86<73(= -;8= 9 Walt Disney World and Disneyland 84973;=95='<67,=9=5:8;7,=.9:02=5670<=:2<)
8;1731/=;-=:2<=49:<5:=:2<.<=/98&=81.;85% 657<)5= ;44)*;;3= :136;5= *644= '< 98<=948<93)=1567,= /;7,<;'=973=;89(='1:
173<8= 2<9+)= 0;75:810:6;7= ;+<8= :2<= 7<: <9$;843= 84973;= 973= 1502= 983<75
Universal Orlando Resort -<*= )<985(= 67041367,= 81.;8<3= /98&67,= 4;: "9./9=0;143=945;='<=/;:<7:694=0973639:<5%
and Universal Hollywood 0297,<5= 973= 9= 7<*= <7:8970<(= 95= 9= *<44= 95
"<8.679:;8= = !(= 28<&= != 973= <98 :2<= 7<*= 81.;8<3= 79.<= 657<)5 SeaWorld Orlando
90:;8=6+<=.9)='<=;7=:2<=02;//67,='4;0& ;44)*;;3= 3+<7:18<%= #+<= 2<983 #+<=2<983=:29:=9=+<856;7=;-=:2<=.;:6;7
-;8= 76+<8594= 84973;%= 97:95:60= <95:5 ;;:;/69=*644='<=67:<,89:<3=67:;=9=-1:18< 56.149:;8=863<=$643=80:60=-<9:1867,=029890!
973=$2<8<=:;=673="2<.=65=81.;8<3=:;='< $94:= 657<)= $;843= 9::890:6;7(= 94:2;1,2 :<85= -8;.= :2<= 13;4/2= :2<= <3!;5<3
/98:= ;-= 9= -1:18<= $6 98367,= $;843= </97! 5/<06-605=*<8<=7;:=36504;5<3% <673<<8= *644= 8</490<= :2<= 5<95;794= ;498
56;7(=46&<4)=67="2<=;5:=;7:67<7:(=94:2;1,2 8<+6;154)(= /0;:= *95= 81.;8<3= :;= '< /8<55= <36:6;7%= = 398&= 863<= '95<3= ;7
<98= 90:;8= 6+<= 0;143= '<= 15<3= -;8= :2< ,<::67,= 9::890:6;75= '95<3= ;7= #7563<= 1:( <9$;8435= <9=<501<=:<4<+656;7=52;*=65
</9756;7% 9:9:;1644<=973=9)9;=6)9 9&65=-64.;,89! 945;= 81.;8<3= :;= '<= 67= :2<= *;8&5= -;8
7= :2<= $<5:= ;95:(= 76+<8594 /2)(= 973= :2<5<= 98<= 5:644= ;7= :2<= :9'4<= -;8 84973;(=94:2;1,2=:2<=4;09:6;7=65=17&7;*7%
;44)*;;3= 65= 81.;8<3= :;= '<= .;+67,= -;8! #.9,67<<867,%= #= 8<0<6+<3= 9= :6/= :29:= :2<
*983=*6:2=69,;7=44<)=973="2<= <08<:=6-< 8</490<.<7:=-;8=#77;+<7:6;75=$<5:(=*644='< DISCLAIMER
;-= <:5(= *2602= *644= 8<168<= :2<= 8<.;+94= ;- 17+<64<3= 5;;7%= #:5= 81.;8<3= :;= '<= 9= 7<* The thoughts expressed here are not purported
"2<= 1..)(= $9:<8$;843= 973= /;:<7:6944) </<86<70<= :2<.<3= 9-:<8= 6,= <8;= % as fact and should be viewed as hearsay until officially
:*;=5;1735:9,<5=;7=:2<=4;:% 9).9=65=948<93)=.<<:67,=,1<5:5=3964)=67 confirmed or denied by the companies mentioned.
= 5;180<= 36504;5<3= :2<= /497= 65= :;= ;/<7 #77;+<7:6;75%
"2<= <08<:= 6-<= ;-= <:5= 67= ;44)*;;3= -685:( Have a rumor, comment, or question? Send
them our way at
:2<7='867,=:2<=9::890:6;7=;+<8=:;=84973;=95 Nickelodeon in Orlando You can also strike up a conversation with yours
9=8</490<.<7:=-;8= 28<&= !%=";;7=9,;;7 $6:2= 60&= ;:<4= 38;//67,= 6:5 truly on Twitter @fowlowlerson.

The deadline for entries is May 10, 2016. One answer allowed per person, per issue. Please include your name and mailing address with your answer.
Everyone who submits the correct location will go into a drawing. One person, randomly selected from all the correct entries, will win a prize.
We reserve the right to publish the name, city and state of those entering. One winner per household allowed per year.


Tell us the name of this MYSTERY
attraction and the theme PHOTO ANSWER
park you can find it in. To Congratulations to Peggy
enter, e-mail your answer, Harris from The Woodlands,
along with your name and Texas. She recognized this
mailing address to as the stack of newspapers
mystery@ outside of Mr. Gold’s pawnshop
facade on
Hint: This scary looking Streets of
stairway is out of reach. America at
This attraction wasn’t yet Disney’s
open as of press time. Hollywood

58 | Spring 2016

Theme Park and Attraction Worldwide Roundup
By Andy Guinigundo

Disneyland Closes Big Thunder Ranch, =5;<6@ 5;77@ 7;0=-@ %66;=;8:>77.)@ ?;+5=@ 7>.?<9 1<8,;9?9@,8<?@>;<=;,?-@%@683/7?@682:@;9
Releases New ‘Rivers’ Artwork >:6@ ##@ 0??=@ 80@ =<>4*@ 2?<?@ <?17>4?6@ >0=?< >@6<81@087782?6@;:@9344?99;8:@/.@>:8=5?<
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;9:?.7>:69@ ;+@ &53:6?<@ $>:45@ ><?> ,>*?@ 08<@ >@ /;=@ 9,88=5?<@ <;6?-@ &5?@ ,89= 17?=?6@/.@81?:;:+@6>.-@
1?<,>:?:=7.@ 4789?6-@ &5?@ ><?>@ =5>=@ 9>= 93/9=>:=;>7@ 28<*@ 2;77@ 8443<@ 8:
:?><@=5?@;+@&53:6?<@83:=>;:@$>;7<8>6 =5?@,;667?@45;76@48>9=?<)@&5?
?+?:6-@ :@ =5;9)@ ;=9@ #=5
4>/;:@>:6@>@/></?43?@<?9=>3<>:=-@1?:?6 >::;(?<9><.)@ =5?@ 1><*@ 5>9@ 48:'
;:@  )@ =5?@ ><?>@ ?(?:@ 5839?6@ >@ 0?2 937=?6@ <?>=@ 8>9=?<9@ :=?<'
=3<*?.9@ =5>=@ 5>6@ <?4?;(?6@ 1<?9;6?:=;>7 :>=;8:>7@ =8@ ,>*?@ 98,?@ /;+
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48,17?=?6@ $;(?<9@ 80@ %,?<;4>@ ><?>@ 5>9 >66?6@ =82><6@ =5?@ ?:6@ 80@ =5?
/??:@ <?7?>9?6@ 9582;:+@ >@ :?2@ <;(?</>:* <;6?-@ %@ :?2@ 683/7?@ 682:@ ?7?'
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3148,;:+@ '>4<?@"=><@!><9'=5?,?6@7>:6
2589?@ +<83:6/<?>*;:+@ 2;77@ =>*?@ 17>4? Schlitterbahn to Open Tallest Water Coaster
=5;9@ .?><-@ "=><@ !><9@ 2;77@ 84431.@ =5?@ ;+  ! !! ! 
&53:6?<@ $>:45@ ><?>@ >:6@ 9?(?<>7@ 43<<?:= ! ! @ "457;==?</>5:@ 5>9@ 5>6@ ;=9
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60 | Spring 2016

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3:DF D<EF 3A7F ?E0EB=F 9A==F 3EF A@F D<EF >4?A@7

Wizarding World Soft Opens

at Universal Hollywood
  F )AD<F D<EF C55A8AB=F C4E@A@7
$E3?:B?2/F $A0EF 2EB?>F C5F 8C@>D?:8DAC@F B?E >ADE>F B?EF 3EA@7F 8C@>A;E?E;/F (?C;:8E? D<EF 8C=;E>DF 6C@D<>1F C@=2F DCF C4E@F :4F A@
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62 | Spring 2016

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