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Event-oriented programming
How to add Developer Tab into your Excel instance
Code Window, Properties Window, Project Explorer, Tool Bars

Variables And Constants

Objects -Properties and Methods
Data Types
Difference between variables and Objects

Option Explicit
Explicit variable declarations using the Option Explicit statement
Implicit variable declarations

Variables And Scoping

Scope Of Variables in Sheets, User Forms, Modules

VBA Functions
Built-in Functions
Sending Messages To The User, Lcase, Ucase, Len, Trim, Format etc

Conditional Branching
The If Statement, Using If For Single Conditions
Using If For Multiple Conditions, If Then Else End If, If Then Else ElseIfEnd If, The Select
Case Statement

User Defined Procedures And Functions

Creating and calling User-Defined Procedures and Functions
Modifying Procedures and Functions

Iterations (Loops)
Iterations -FOR Loops
While ...Do...Until... Loop Statements for looping With Known Or Specified number of iterations
Endless Loop for Unknown Iterations by using Exit Do statement

Error Handling
Error Handling and how it differs from Validation
Creating Error Handlers In Event Procedures
Technique to get user input by using The InputBox
Using The Resume statement, Resume Next statement
Using The Err Object to get more information about errors
User Defined Errors by using Raise method

Validation using Text Box Events
Validation on Save using Button
List Boxes
Adding List Boxes to A Form
Simple List Boxes and Multiple List Boxes

Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Frame

Adding Controls such as Text Boxes, Labels, Combo Box, Option Buttons, Check Boxes, Coding on various
Adding Different Sets of Option Buttons to a Form without mismatch of options by using Frame Control
Important properties, methods and events of the above controls

Run Time, Design Time, and Break Mode
Debugging Techniques such as stepping into, stepping over, and stepping out Run
Run To Cursor
Set Next Statement
Quick Watch and Three types of watches

File System Objects

File System Objects (FSO/Microsoft Scripting Runtime Object) Exploring files and folders,interactionof excel
file with withText files as well as excel files using FSO method

Multiple Forms, Form Events

Programming User Forms by Handling Form Events
Handling multiple forms

Workbooks Properties And Methods

Workbook Methods And Properties, Worksheet Methods And Properties

Range Object Properties And Methods

Using Range Objects
Range Methods And Properties
Manipulating worksheets and data in the worksheets within same workbook
Manipulating worksheets and data in the worksheets in different workbooks

User controls, Forms, Workbooks, Worksheets, Folders, Files

Simple Arrays, Dynamic Arrays

Formatting Cells, Formulas

FormattingCells, Colors, Font etc

Application Object
Screen updating, DislayAlerts, Dialog box

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