T-2002-04 - Tutorial 4 Use Cases Answer

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WIA2002 Software Modelling

Semester 1, 2019/20
Tutorial 4 Use Cases

1. What is the main purpose of use case modeling?

• Document the functionality requirement of the system from the users’
• Document the scope of the system
• Document the interaction between the users and the system using supporting
use case descriptions (behaviour specifications)

2. Do you know that it costs a lot of money to get a “Certified Systems Modeling
Professional” certificate? It could cost you thousands of ringgit.
Let’s imagine you will develop a browser-based training system to help people
prepare for such a certification exam.

A user can request a quiz for the system. The system picks a set of questions
from its database, and compose them together to make a quiz. It rates the
user’s answers, and gives hints if the user requests it.

In addition to users, you also have tutors who provide questions and hints. And
also examinators, who must certify questions to make sure they are not too
trivial, and that they are sensible.

Make a use case diagram to model this system. Work out some of your use
cases. Since you do not have real stakeholders here, you are free to fill in
details you think is sensible for this example.

Browser-based training system

Request quiz Request a quiz


Provide questions Certify questions
& hints


3. Suppose you want to develop software for an alarm clock.

The clock shows the time of day. Using buttons, the user can set the hours and
minutes fields individually, and choose between 12 and 24-hour display.

It is possible to set one or two alarms. When an alarm fires, it will sound some
noise. The user can turn it off, or choose to ’snooze’. If the user does not
respond at all, the alarm will turn off itself after 2 minutes. ’Snoozing’ means to
turn off the sound, but the alarm will fire again after some minutes of delay.
This ’snoozing time’ is pre-adjustable.

Model it with a use case diagram.


4. Please find the actor/s, use cases and relationships of below exercises
(extends and includes)

a) Consider an online flight booking system. A user will search for an available
flight time and book the flight if desired. The user will be able to check if there
is any seat available, either when searching or booking a flight.

Online flight booking system

Check available
Book flight

Search available

b) Consider an online selling / buying website. The website requires the seller
and buyer to register their bank account information. A separate process will
be called if the bank account is unacceptable.

Online selling / buying system

Register bank Deny bank
Seller account


c) As part of a Student management system, a student who enrolls in a

university will automatically be enrolled in seminars provided by the university,
but a security check will be performed if the request to enroll in university is
invoked for

Student management system

Enroll university Enroll seminar


The faculty

5. Please find the actor/s, use cases and relationships of below exercises
a) Consider an online bookstore website. The customers can search a book on
the bookstore website. There are three different searches that the customers
can perform: search by author, search by title and search by author and title.
Online bookstore website

Search book Search by title

Search by

Search by
Author & title

b) Consider a Manufacturing Sales System. The sales assistant is required to

take customer order and manage requests to return faulty goods. How do you
generalize both these use cases into one base case?

Manufacturing Sales System

Manage customer Take customer

transaction order

Sales Return faulty

Assistant goods

c) Consider an air ticket booking system, “Business Traveler” and “Tourist" are
passengers that can buy ticket online. The "Business Traveler" is able to
"Redeem Business Miles" while the "Tourist" cannot.

Air ticket booking system

Buy ticket online


business miles

Tourist Business

6. Read the interview transcript carefully and answer questions 3(a) and 3(b).

CarMatch is a franchising company that is being set up to promote car sharing. U

seeks to promote car sharing and to provide a service to potential car sharers by
matching up people who both live and work near one another. Here is a short
excerpt from an interview transcript with one of the directors who is setting up
CarMatch. Mick Perez is the systems analyst and Janet Hoffner is the director.

Mick Perez: So you’re saying that car sharers will be able to register by telephoning
the office and speaking to someone there who will enter their details into the system.
Janet Hoffner: Yes. Either the franchisee, or more likely one of the office staff will
take the call and enter the details into the computer.
MP: who are the office staffs?
JH: Well, there are one or two clerks, a receptionist and a supervisor. They all have
a role in administration in the system.
MP: What will they be entering?
JH: Oh, the person’s name and address, details of the journey they want to share,
any preferences they have such as being a non-smoker.
MP: Is that they only way that this information will get into the system?
JH: No, it could also be transferred in from the national web-server.
MP: How will this information be used?
JH: Two ways. Firstly, it will be used to match up potential car sharers, and
secondly, it will be used to produce a management report for the franchisee showing
the number of registrations per week, whether they come from the web-server or by
telephone and breaking down by area.

a. Identify all the possible actors and use cases.
b. Draw a use case diagram describing the main functions of the
CarMatch system.


Transfer car
sharers info

Add car sharer

Match car sharer


Office Staff Produce report National Web


7. Read the case study below carefully and answer question (a)

University of Malaya organises several conferences every year. An online

conference management system is designed for supporting the process of
organising the conferences with regards to the submitting, reviewing and accepting
conference papers.
To submit a conference paper using the online conference management system, an
author is required to fill in author information by completing an online form that
requests the author to input author name, correspondence address, email, and title
of the paper. The system validates the input data, if the information is complete, the
system will prompt a submission page to allow the author to submit the conference
paper. If the information is incomplete, the system will prompt an error message to
alert the author to re-enter the information. After completing the information, the
author uploads a conference paper file and submits it. Once the paper is received
and stored, the system returns a reference number to the author. Authors may
submit as many papers as they like until the deadline for submissions.
The program chairs are required to login to use the system. After receiving the
papers, the program chairs will assign the papers to reviewers for review. The
system will send an invitation to the reviewers. Each paper will be reviewed by two
reviewers. One reviewer may be invited to review more than one paper. If a reviewer
accepts the invitation, the reviewer will receive a review reference code. If the
reviewer rejected the invitation, program chairs have to assign the papers to another
reviewer. To review a paper, the reviewer needs to download the paper assigned to
him/her by entering his/her review reference code. After reviewing each paper, the
reviewer will submit the review report to the system.
The program chair will make decision either to accept or reject each paper according
to the review reports. Based on the decision made, the program chair will update the
status of the paper and send notification to inform the author. All the accepted
papers are then scheduled to be presented at the conference. Program chair will
allocate a date, time and place for the presentation of each conference paper. Once
the program schedule is ready, the authors can view the schedule to check their
presentation details. They may download a copy of the program schedule from the
website as well.

a. Draw a use case diagram for the online conference management
Online conference management system

Submit conference

Author Login
Set schedule

Assign paper
to review
Program Chair

Decide acceptance
Update paper
Review paper 7

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