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Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan: Study of Urban
Pakistani Consumers

Chapter · September 2013

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4600-1_79


9 8,467

2 authors:

Asif Kamran Syed Ahsan Rizvi

ILMA University Bahria University Karachi Campus


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Chapter 79
Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in
Pakistan — Study of Urban Pakistani

Asif Kamran and Syed Muhammad Ahsan Rizvi

Abstract Milk is one of the basic commodities and important in one’s day-to-day
life. Pakistan with current estimates is the 4th largest milk producing countries in
the world with 33 billion annual productions. Out of the total milk produced, 97%
is in the informal sector like loose milk which is then sold in both rural and urban
markets. On the contrary, 3% of the total milk produced is catered by packaged milk
producing companies and dominated by leading packaged milk brands like, Nestle
MilkPak and Olpers by Engro Foods. Since Milk industry is still dominated by loose
milk which constitutes 97% of annual milk production, there are pros and cons as-
sociated with the same. The major concern is the health hazard issue linked with
the loose milk production till it is delivered to its customers. The process followed
by farmers is quite traditional where no measures are taken to improve the current
milk production system with regard to un-packaged milk. Our research relates to
mixed method approach which has been used as part of the research methodology.
Qualitative and Quantitative data will be collected through various research instru-
ments like, survey, focus groups and in-depth interviews with the selected sample
size. Results will be analyzed by SPSS tool by using various test types like, descrip-
tive statistics, correlation and Chi Square test. To strengthen the research, case study
method will be used as well to identify key players in the market and their strategies
to promote the packaged milk brand in Pakistan.
Keywords Ultra High Temperature (UHT) · Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) · Liquid Dairy Product (LDP) · Ready to Drink (RTD) · Engro Foods
Limited (EFL) · Milk Production · Descriptive Statistics · Quantitative data · Health

A. Kamran (B) · S. Rizvi

School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu 610054, P. R. China
Management Science Department, Bahria University, Karachi 75260, Pakistan

J. Xu et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Management 909

Science and Engineering Management, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 185,
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4600-1_79, Ó Springer-Verlag London 2013
910 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

79.1 Introduction

Pakistan is the one of the largest milk producing country in the world and has a huge
potential to grow and contribute to the economy as far as dairy milk is concerned.
The annual production is 33 billion liters of milk, which is worth Rs 177 billion.
Interestingly, 97% of this production is concentrated in what is known as the
informal sector. This means that the milk is produced by animals in the villages,
and consumed both in the village and the cities. This is also called “open milk” or
“fresh milk”. There is no branding or formal packaging here. But at the same time,
there are also no preservatives involve, hence the term “fresh milk or unpackaged
milk” readily available from numerous milk retail outlets across the country [2].
(1) Shortfall in Milk Supply
There are no formal means of milk storage and refrigeration so it can be trans-
ported to the urban areas. Since milk is a highly perishable commodity and if not
provide with the stated facilities, will result into complete wastages and contamina-
tion. Combine this factor with the warm climate of Pakistan, the problem becomes
apparent [3].
Milk has a shelf life of only four hours, if it is not properly refrigerated. This at
least does explain the atrocious statistic of seven billion liters of milk that is actually
documented to be wasted each year because of a lack of facilities.
(2) Poor Distribution Channel
Distribution is another major problem. Since this milk is “open” and not pack-
aged properly, it is tempered to a great extent. Firstly, it is exposed and hence, any
amount of water can be added to it by the milk vendor which eventually reduces the
quality of milk. Also, there is no guarantee that the water being added to is clean
and free of contamination.
(3) Health Hazards
There is various health hazards associated with the fresh milk like, Ice slabs,
caustic soda and sometimes formalin is also added to the milk to preserve it, which
again poses health hazards and does not go in favor of consumers.
(4) The Existing Supply Chain Model
The stated diagram is the existing retail channel followed by Milk Producing
companies, every segment has been clearly identified so that, the delivery channel
can be maintained and milk brands can be reached to its consumers more effectively.
(5) Milk Industry
There’s a strong heritage (trust and affordability) of fresh milk (88% of the mar-
ket). All-purpose UHT milk is the largest segment of processed milk and has been
built largely on undifferentiated benefits.
“Aggressive entrance of Olpers Milk brought emotion and aspiration to the cat-
egory” [4]. Nestle MilkPak, the market leader, has started to build differentiation
based on its Iron fortification. A number of Small pasteurized players like NurPur
Milk, Candia, and Good Milk are emerging in urban centers.
(6) UHT Industry of Pakistan
UHT Industry in Pakistan is highly commoditized built in undifferentiated ra-
tional benefits. The entrance of new players has made the competitive environment
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 911

tougher each day. Nestle MilkPak identified iron deficiency as a gap amongst Pak-
istani consumers (66% of children under 5 years of age and 50% of women between
20 and 39 years are Iron deficient) and thus decided to launch Fortified MilkPak in
October 2008. There were three main objectives for this strategic move:
• Further strengthen the brand equity.
• Create differentiation in the highly commoditized UHT Milk category.
• Address the nutritional needs of consumers.
Though the UHT industry grew by 24% in the last two years, however the UHT
industry witnessing the share of Tea Enhancers almost doubling from 15% (in 2008)
to 32% (in 2011) while the share of Family Well-being decreased from 80% to 62%.
(7) Rural Milk Producer (see Fig. 79.1)

Rural Milk Producers

Small and Hilux & mini- Village milk

medium scale van contractors collection

dhodhis Chilling centres

De-creamers & Milk plants External
khoys makers

Milk shops Retail shops


Fig. 79.1 Rural milk producer

(8) Brand Communication Strategy

Marketing plays an important role in building brand awareness and at the same
time creates interest in the consumer’s mind to choose from a variety of brand as-
sortments [5]. Building a detailed and catchy brand communication strategy has
become essential for advertisers and challenge for advertising agencies and media
planners/buyers to use the media budget effectively to attain the top of the mind
recall. An integrated brand communication strategy is implemented by each pack-
aged milk brands like, Olpers, Milkpak, Haleeb, Good Milk etc. Through a mix
and match of TV Commercial, Radio FM, Print Ads, Billboard advertisements and
brand activation [6]. The basis of this research will also investigate that, how the
marketing campaigns are really helping Milk producing companies to attract the
Urban consumers. The key difference between packaged and unpackaged Milk can
be seen in Table 79.1.
(9) Statement of Significance
912 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

Table 79.1 Key difference between packaged and unpackaged milk

Attributes Packaged Milk Unpackaged Milk

Product UHT Treated No such treatment

Price Rs. 60/- for 1 liter Rs. 70/- for 1 liter
Packaging 6 layered Tetra Pak CAvailable in 250, 500 and Polyethylene bags
Availability All retail outlets and super stores Unpackaged milk retail shops
Shelf Life 3 Months 2 days

Milk is an essential commodity and it cannot be avoided in one’s day- to- day
life. Now a day’s several brands are available in market besides the traditional open
un-packaged milk. Hence it is important to study which type of milk is preferred by
the consumers, open or packaged milk and at what extent consumers are switching
from traditional milk to tetrapak milk.

79.2 Literature Review

The literature review is one of the most important parts of the research. It analyzes
the previous studies, research work done by various researchers, company reports,
articles etc in the area related to our field directly or indirectly. The literature review
is divided into sections and each section is interrelated to each other. The below
literature review comprises of the industry reports, statistical data from the industry,
industry growth pattern, articles related to packaged milk industry its impact on
consumers and at the same time the cons of packaged milk are also highlighted.
(1) The Growth Opportunity
“Changing demographics have a great impact on dairy industry when people
are more health conscious and aware of all the hygiene and health factors associated
with the dairy products” [7]. Few factors like ageing population, urbanization rise in
the middle class are driving demand for new types of liquid dairy products (LDP) in
both developed and underdeveloped countries. Fig. 79.2 shows the growing trends.
(2) The Change in Consumer Preference due to Urbanization
The world’s population is growing at a rapid pace and the number of people
living in cities is expected to reach more than 6 billion in 2050 which is a huge
size of population. Due to this rise and urbanization, people will be more educated,
brand conscious, higher disposable income than their rural counterparts. Companies
working on the dairy sector, are religiously working on the same by producing the
value added products such as enriched milk keeping in view the hygiene and health
factors [8].
(3) The Emerging Middle Class
The rising middle class will also affect the dairy industry and will give an oppor-
tunity to milk producing companies to come up with various milk brands, keeping
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 913

Fig. 79.2 The growing trends

in view consumers health and hygiene issues. The global middle class is expected
to grow from 430 million people in 2000 to 1.15 billion by 2030 which means more
purchasing power to afford LPDs Liquid Dairy Products to satisfy new food and
drink preferences. The best example is china where marketers target the country’s
middle class with premium white milk product such as Milk Deluxe from MengNiu.
(4) The Rising LDP (Liquid Dairy Products) Consumption
Worldwide consumption of milk and other LDP is expected to grow at a com-
pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.4% from 2009 to 2012 – reaching 283 billion
liters. Worldwide LDP consumption increased year-on-year by 1.8% to 264 billion
liters and demand has continued to be strong through the first half of 2011.
Worldwide LDP consumption increased year-on-year by 1.8% to 264 billion
liters and demand has continued to be strong through the first half of 2011.
Driven primarily by ready to drink (RTD) ambient (or long-life) LDP – with a
forecasted CAGR of 5.4% from 2009 to 2012 – global LDP consumption is expected
to reach 283 billion liters by 2012. The strongest growth in the RTD ambient LDP
category is expected to come from Asia Pacific (8.7% CAGR), Latin America (7.1%
CAGR) and Africa (6.9% CAGR).
(5) Outlook Bright for Packaged Milk in Pakistan
Pakistan’s population is growing by 1.7% a year and LDP consumption is ex-
pected to grow at CAGR of 2.8% from 2009 to 2012. Milk has always played an
imperative role in Pakistanis diet, with the change in demographics, awareness of
hygiene and health, preference of packaged milk is now rapidly changing the era of
plain white unpackaged milk [10].
(6) Milk production statistics (shown in Table 79.2).
Fig. 79.3 represents data of the LDP market. Liquid Dairy Product market size
of slice shows the 72.8 percent of the White milk, 22.3 percent of Tea creamer, 2.4
percent flavored milk, 1.7 percent of liquid cream, and 0.8 percent of Low fat milk.
(6) Market Share of Packaged Milk Brands in Pakistan (see Fig. 79.4)
Market share of the size of slice shows the 45 percent of Milk Pak, 22 percent of
Haleeb, 17 percent Olpers, 9 percent of Dairy Queen, 4 percent of NurPur, 1 percent
of Good Milk,and 2 percent Other.
(7) Packaged Milk Brands Awareness in Pakistan (see Fig. 79.5).
914 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

Table 79.2 Milk production statistics

(Units 000 Liters) 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

Milk Gross Production 42191 43562 44978

Cow 14437 14982 15546
Buffalo 26231 27028 27848
Sheep 35 36 36
Goat 700 719 739
Camel 787 798 808
Milk Human Consumption 34064 35160 36299
Cow 11550 11985 12437
Buffalo 20991 21622 22279
Sheep 35 36 36
Goat 700 719 739
Camel 787 798 808

Fig. 79.3 The data of LDP


Brand Awareness of the size of slice shows the 43 percent of Milk Pak, 38 percent
of Haleeb, 9 percent Olpers, 7 percent of Dairy Queen, 2 percent of Good Milk, and
1 percent of NurPur.
(8) Strong Dairy Tradition to Overcome in the Loose Milk Market
Urbanization and demographic shifts cause people to choose the packaged prod-
ucts are now an increasing trend in developing and underdeveloped countries. State
of the art technology like UHT (Ultra High Temperature) processing and aseptic
packaging provides safe and hygienic food and beverages to the consumers [11].
On the contrary countries like, India, and other Middle Eastern countries have a tra-
dition of loose milk which is sold in milk retail outlets under unhygienic conditions
may cause various diseases. Although traditionally consumers do boil the milk but
the mixing of water may be contaminated and can cause serious illness and diseases.
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 915

Fig. 79.4 Market share of packaged milk brands in Pakistan

Fig. 79.5 Brand awareness

Greater awareness of milk hygiene means that the decision maker of a family
is now more concerned about family health especially children’s and now moving
towards UHT treated packaged milk which is safer for family’s health.
(9) Tetra Packaging Technology
As per [12], milk was initially sold door to door via local milk men. When the
dairy companies introduced a concept of milk, it was sold in a glass bottle sealed
with foil and as time passes, several changes being made in the packaging state. The
concept of tetra pack was introduced whereby milk is stored in tetra pack under ultra
high temperature (UHT) which extends the shelf life to 3-4 months of a packaged
As described by Salman [13] there will be a significant growth in the consump-
tion of milk which is 2.2 percent by 2012 and this is due to increase in the market
of emerging nation and the change in liquid dairy products which are packaged
these days. On the other hand, there is a significant growth in liquid milk consump-
tion which reflects the awareness level among consumers for hygiene and health.
916 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

Emerging nations like China, India and Pakistan has grown significantly in the dairy
industry and the major reasons are increased population, higher income, new dietary
trends and improved accessibility to dairy products. Other than that, the growth is
evident due to the changes in the way dairy products are packed. The consumption
of packaged milk and other liquid dairy products are growing more quickly than the
overall liquid dairy segment and it constitutes 72% of total global consumption by
The increasing urban populations in Pakistan, emerging middle class, more ed-
ucated consumers are now shifting towards packaged liquid dairy products by 19%
per annum. The era of plain white un-packaged milk is drastically changing whereas
the concept of packaged milk is now the growing trends in years to come [14].
(10) The Growth Trend of Major Packaged Milk Brands — the Pakistani Market
(shown in Table 79.6)

Fig. 79.6 The growth trend of major packaged milk brands — the Pakistani market

(11) How the Process of Producing Fresh Milk is Harmful for the Masses
The open/un-packaged milk is one of the traditional sorts of milk and being vital
to the dairy industry. As per [16], milk is a perishable commodity, following is the
process followed by traditional fresh milk producer which is quite harmful when it
reaches to the masses:
1. Farmer milks the cow at around 4 am.
2. An unrefrigerated tank collects the milk from various collecting points in villages
and transports it to the chilling center.
3. Turnaround time to reach the centers is about 5-6 hours.
4. The milk is then processed, pressurized and bacteria’s should get eliminated
which is not the case due to unhygienic conditions inside the plant.
5. Milk is again packed in pouches and again transported in unrefrigerated vans to
shops where it lies in open trays.
The above stated process clarifies where the flaw is and hence proved how open
milk is harmful to people’s health. In this regard, packaged milk producing compa-
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 917

nies are taking corrective actions to produce healthy dairy products suitable for the
masses to have a better and risk free life [17].
The production of packaged milk is safe though, but there are various evidences
being addressed showcasing the harmful elements being part of packaged milk. As
per [18], a harmful chemical melamine along with other substances is being added
in the packaged milk and this is not only confined to Pakistan only but evidences
are also found in the USA, Canada and European countries. The chairman (PSQCA)
Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority has also confirmed the mixing of
melamine in the packaged milk and also allowed a certain percentage of the stated
mixture in the packaged milk which is now being challenged in the Lahore High
The role of advertisement is quite evident in the promotion of packaged milk
in Pakistan. The competition is intense and packaged milk producing companies
are coming up with creative campaigns on various occasions to be in consumers
mind. As described by Ali [19], the concept of integrated marketing communication
is well implemented by these milk producing companies who are utilizing all the
media mixes to attain a good position in the market.

Table 79.3 Top ten categories of second’s wise share in terms of percentage where milk and dairy
products ranks no. 6
Top Ten Categories of 2010 Seconds Share %

Mobile Phone Operators 27881972 23.4

Shampoos 7834793 6.58
Detergent Powders 6574873 5.52
Carbonated Soft Drinks 6217617 5.22
Beauty/Medicated Soaps/Face Wash 5374657 4.51
Milk and Dairy Products 4542708 3.81
Construction Companies 4105529 3.45
Cooking Oil and Ghee 2894672 2.43
Juices/Energetic Drinks 2846095 2.39
Tea 2767571 2.32

Table 79.3 is showing top ten categories of second’s wise share in terms of per-
centage where Milk and dairy products ranks no. 6 which was a clear indicator of
the amount of money spent on package milk advertisement in 2010. As per [20], the
leading packaged milk producing companies like Engro Foods and Nestle are very
active in terms of media presence in all media channels. They are heavily spending
on Above the Line activities like Television ads, FM Radio, Print ad, hoardings and
at the same time, also engaged in trade promotion as well. The phenomenon of brand
activation is well implemented by these companies whereby, customer engagement
is a vital focus. The objective of these exercises is to build brand awareness, brand
loyalty and education to the target market to build awareness of health and hygiene
when it comes to liquid milk products.
918 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

79.3 Growth Trend of Nestle MilkPak, Market Leader in

Packaged Milk Industry of Pakistan

MilkPak has witnessed severe supply related issues during the lean period (April -
September) of 2010 and hence has not been able to cash in to the strong demand
pull from its consumers. As a result the growth has been negligible compared to last
As per [21], the brand team in coordination with other departments has worked
to improve the situation of milk supply in 2011 and they are confident to pose a
strong recovery next year. However they need to constantly work on ensuring that
MilkPak remains the number one choice in target consumer mind.

Source: telephonic interview with the industry participant

Fig. 79.7 Growth trend of Nestle MilkPak, market leader in packaged milk industry of Pakistan

79.3.1 Research Hypothesis

“Study of Urban Pakistani Consumers”.

79.3.2 Research Objectives

Research objectives have been set to understand the reasons that why Urban Pak-
istani consumers are switching towards packaged milk.
1. To determine the behavior of consumers towards packaged milk.
2. To determine the reasons for switching and not switching towards packaged milk.
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 919

3. To understand whether the advertisement of packaged milk is creative and pro-

moting the concept of packaged milk.

79.3.3 Basis of Survey Questions

The survey part of this research will encompass a series of question to be asked from
its respondents to fulfill the research objectives. These questions have been designed
to determine whether the hypothesis set can be proved or disproved. The questions
will be asked on a prescribed format such as qualitative and quantitative survey and
will be forwarded to the target market of packaged milk.

79.3.4 Research Beneficiaries

• The packaged milk brands producing companies, their business and overall
strategies will have a greater impact from the detailed findings and this will help
them to understand the consumer behavior in detail.
• This research will give great benefit to me as well, as this is the first step towards
progression in any research area and it will also give me an understanding of
procedures, learning of a stated issue and will develop an analytical skill which
is required in handling the research phenomenon.

79.3.5 Research Methodology

The research method adopted in this work is a mix of both Qualitative and Quan-
titative. Quantitative research quantifies the data on which statistical tools can be
applied to infer the result whereas Qualitative research approach seeks some in-
sights and deep understanding of the problem setting. The aim of this research is to
analyze whether the Urban Pakistani Consumers are switching to Packaged Milk or
not. So it was very important to take the inputs from the consumers regarding this
and analyze the data gathered from them via following tools:
1. Research Instruments: Survey Questionnaire. Focus groups, In-depth inter-
2. Case Study: The stated research methodologies will unfold the research findings
and will help the researcher to underpin the results and will provide a detailed
analysis of an issue. The stated methodologies will be targeted towards the target
market of packaged milk to know their views in shifting or not shifting towards
packaged milk.
920 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

79.3.6 Methodology 01 — Survey, Focus Group & In-Depth


The data will be collected through a survey a series of questions to be asked from
the target customers, the core objective is to understand and answer the objectives
of this research and determine whether the hypothesis developed can be proved or
are unfounded.
(1) Data Collection
The most important survey tool used in this research is the Questionnaire. A ques-
tionnaire is a formal set of questions, used for obtaining data from the respondents
(Naresh K. Malhotra, 2004). This research is an entirely customer focused exercise
where the results are entirely dependent on the customers’ feedbacks. There are
various methods will be used for obtaining data from customers, such as, Personal
in-depth interviews, focus groups and extensive survey via questionnaire.
(2) Implementation
The survey will be implemented by the research agency Aftab Associates in
Karachi Pakistan. The time frame given to sample is one week to complete the
survey and will take around ten minutes to complete the entire questionnaire.
On the other hand, in-depth interviews and focus groups will take one week,
since it’s a long exercise and takes much time to gather the information from the
target audience.
Once the data is collected via survey questionnaire, it will be analyzed through
SPSS to produce scientific results and findings.

79.3.7 Methodology No. 02 — The Case Study

Besides gathering data from the stated research instruments, we will also develop
a case study to determine whether the hypothesis developed can be proved or dis-
(1) The Core Idea
The core idea of the case study is to understand the marketing strategies of Liquid
Milk Producing companies, as what measures they have taken to convince the con-
sumers to switch from un-packaged milk to packaged milk. In terms of analyzing
their marketing strategy, we will be focusing on the marketing mix elements and the
integrating marketing communication mix to understand their marketing plan. We
will be analyzing their brand attributes, pricing strategy, Promotional mix and distri-
bution channel in detail to understand the force behind the preference of packaged
This case study will unfold two important elements:
• What kind of marketing strategies companies is following so that, urban Pakistani
consumers prefer packaged milk over un-packaged milk.
• Why consumers are switching towards a particular packaged milk brand.
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 921

(2) Data Collection

The data will be collected via in-depth interviews with the industry participants,
key players in packaged milk producing brands of Pakistan; Media planning agen-
cies, industry reports, interviews with retailers to understand the sales of a particular
brand, observational study at supermarkets to understand the reasons of purchasing
a particular packaged milk brand.
Other than that, data will also be collected via EBSCOHost, Factiva, online jour-
nals, articles and related websites to gather the information. The data will cover the
• Brand Loyalty.
• Marketing communications Mix.
• Brand activation.
• Consumer Behavior.
• Implementation.
The case study will be implemented by short listing the packaged milk producing
companies, meeting their representatives and via a series of questions will gather the
desired information.

79.3.8 Sampling for Methodology No. 01

Sampling will be done on the following elements:

• Initial Sample Size: The sample size to conduct this research will be a total of
300 respondents residing in major cities of Pakistan like Karachi and Lahore.
• Sample Unit.
• Households.

79.3.9 Demographics of Sample

• Housewives.
• 22-40 years.
• SEC (Socio Economic Class) A, B and C.

79.3.10 Sampling for Methodology No. 02

The sample size will be the two leading companies producing packaged milk brands
in Pakistan, like Engro Foods and Nestle. Data will be gathered via a detailed inter-
view with their marketing/brand managers.
922 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

79.3.11 Data Analysis — Methodology 01

The data collected by both questionnaires and interview & will be analyzed to draw
a conclusion and there are a series of questions being asked in the survey question-
naire like nominal, Likert Scale and ratio type of questions.
Some parametric data will be collected to answer simple questions such as:
Are you aware of packaged milk brands in Pakistan? Yes, No.
Also a range of non-parametric data will be collected to conduct a more in-depth
study into consumer preferences for packaged milk. For example:
Are you willing to pay more to purchase packaged brand milk? 3 = abso-
lutely, 2 = Likely, 1 = may be and 0 = Not at All.
These various scales will help to analyze the variety of analyses to draw a certain
conclusion. Last but not the least; the data will be analyzed in SPSS by using the
variety of test types like Chi Square, Correlation and descriptive statistics.

Fig. 79.8 Research design template — the research onion

79.3.12 Data Analysis — Methodology 02

The information collected via detailed interview with the company’s representatives
will be analyzed and since the outcome will be more descriptive than, results will
be analyzed as per the interview questions being asked.
79 Reason and Trends for Using Packaged Milk in Pakistan 923

Research Design: In general, the design for this project will be like a Research
Onion as incorporated in Saunders. The smile faces have been used to identify the
game plan through which research will be finalized and carried out (see Fig. 79.8).
The philosophy of this research will have a positivist approach by using deductive
analysis through case study, survey and exploratory method. Other than that, mixed
method approach will take on a longitudinal basis for collection and analysis of data.

79.4 Conclusions

This research project will determine the reasons that why urban Pakistani consumers
are switching from un-packaged milk for packaged milk. The two components of
this research being the case study method and the survey execution will work to
present an all-rounded view of the preference of urban Pakistani consumers towards
milk and the role of organizations in promoting the healthy milk brands in the coun-
Resources to complete this research is well defined and large amount of data will
be collected via industry reports, previous research studies on the stated topic, report
from media tracking companies, marketing related magazines and updated informa-
tion will be collected via interviews with the company’s representative working on
various packaged milk brands. Hence, the information supply chain is well defined
to gather the quality data.


1. Changing demographics will provide growth opportunities for dairy industry. tetra pak/press room/news/Pages/Changingdemographics.aspx
2. Demand of packaged dairy product.
3. Engro Foods Olpers.
4. Haleeb Milk.
5. effect.asp?pf id=445
6. Health and Nutrition Seminar.
7. How safe is the packaged milk.
8. Nestle Milk Pak for a stronger home.
9. Pakistan Economic Survey 2009-10. 10/02 Agriculture.pdf
10. Pakistan Dairy Sector.
924 A. Kamran and S. Rizvi

11. Packaged milk makes the world go around. interpack/custom/pub/content,oid,11638/lang,2/ticket,-
g u e s t/ / Packaged Milk makes the world go around.html
12. Packaged Milk in Pakistan.
13. Saunders M, Lewis P, Thornhill A (2009) Research Methods for Business Students. 5th edn.
Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England
14. School Milk Day.
15. Shakarganj Foods Products Limited.
16. The White Revolution.
17. Traditional Milk Collection and Distribution System.
18. Telephonic Interview with Habib A (2011) Nestle Pakistan Category Manager Dairy Products
19. Telephonic Interview with Rizvi S (2011) Group M Senior Media Planner Engro Foods
20. Telephonic Interview with Salman S (2011) Engro Foods Senior Brand Manager Olpers Milk
21. The Growing Trends.
22. IMC Plan for Haleeb Candia Milk 2009.
23. Saunders M, Lewis P, Thornhill A (2009) Research Methods for Business Students. 5th edn.
Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England

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