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ISEM 500: Homework1 (Warm Up & Readiness Test)

Important Information:
 Total Points: 80 (Report Plus Exam1)
 This is an Individual Assignment (not a team).

Note for Non-ISEM students: Please review your own program materials instead
of ISEM.


The purpose of this homework and Exam1 is to make sure that you are ready for this
course and also for the academic life at HU. Specifically, it will make sure that you are
fully aware of the HU Environment, the ISEM Program, and basic concepts of IS
planning of digital enterprises. It involves the following activities:

 Read the course syllabus and purchase the Course pack to download the textbook plus
access to SPACE Lab
 Carefully read the materials about Plagiarism
 Carefully read the Documents about your Program posted on MyHU, Academic Tab
-> Forms/Documents  MS Degree Programs. If you are an ISEM student, you will
find (ISEM info) more useful. Please see Figure1.
 Post your brief background (degrees, industry experience, academic areas of interest)
on Introduce Yourself Forum).
 Join a team for team projects (a suggested list of teams will be posted in the
 Prepare a report that answers the questions presented below and post the report on
Discussion Forum (HW1 Thread). This will be treated as a draft and is worth only 5%
 Please review the postings on the Discussion Forum to learn how others have done
HW1. Specifically, select at least 2 postings and make “substantive” comments by
comparing your approach from theirs and what did you learn from it. This will earn
you some extra points.
 Refine the report if you want and use it to prepare for Exam1 that will be posted later.
Exam1 is worth 90% points. The HW1 report is just used as a preparation tool, you
will fail EXAM1 if you do not prepare the Report.

Step-by-Step Readiness Test for Success:

PROBLEM1: Understanding the HU Academic Environment

PART A: Read the Plagiarism material posted on Moodle site and Answer the following
 What is plagiarism
Plagiarism is an action commited by person when includes information who provided
from a source not referenced or mentioned along the paper, for the nature of the
paper this elements plagued can be phrases, music letter, graphical, language, or
more complex like an idea derived from a work published or unpublished of another
 What are the consequences of plagiarism at HU (e.g., grade of F and loss of CPT
job and possible termination of )
The main consequence is a disciplinary process, its more explained in Student
honor code of conduct, “In the first semester that incidents will be handled by
faculty, when it suspected by any student in second semester or beyond will result in
a minimum grade of zero in related assignement and/or for entire course” (David
Runyon, 2019)
 You can be dismissed from the University due to plagiarism (yes/no)
 Dismissal from HU due to plagiarism will stay on your record for the rest of your
life (Yes, No).

PARTB B: Carefully read the ISEM documents posted on (see

Figure1) or your Program documents posted on MyHU Academic Tab (Forms and MS
Degree Programs) and also the ISEM500 Syllabus. Then answer the following
 How many courses are required in your Program
5 Courses required, that represent 15 credits.
 Does ISEM Program offer a PhD in ISEM
Yes, ISEM has a Ph. D program who has emphasizes in a innovative research,
application and engineering systems.
 List names of 5 courses that you may want to take as electives
Big Data, Management & Entrepreneurship, Digital health Courses, Enterprise
Architecture and web.
 Is Capstone required for all MS students
 The Capstone consists of how many semester hours (3, 6 or 9)
6 hours.
 Can you do a Thesis or Applied Project in Capstone
Yes, I can do a Master thesis.
 What is the range of A grade in ISEM500

 Is AI covered in ISEM500
Yes, as a elective course, can I take.
 How many homeworks, exams and projects are in ISEM500
3 projects, some examn, some quizzes.
 Which session in ISEM500 is of most interest to you
M3 Ai, Computer Aided Planning and security.
 Which session in ISEM500 is of least interest to you
Nothing, all clases are very important to take.
 Have you joined a team (yes, no) and what are the names of your team members.
Yes, his name are:
1. Qiangian Zhao
2. Amjad Umar
3. Chuanjiao Hu
4. Amjad Umar
MOST IMPORTANT: Please prepare your course plan (what courses do you plan to
take in what semester). We will review this plan later for next semester enrollment.

Figure 1: The ISEM Documents are on the site, section “ISEM Learning Corner”

PROBLEM2: Understanding Digital Enterprises and Computer Aided Planning

Review the Umar Book Chapter1 on “Digital Enterprises” (Section 1.3 through 1.5) and
Chapter 2 on “IT Planning” (Section 2.3 through 2.6). Based on this information, develop
a sketch of an IT Plan for the Sample Enterprise described in Exhibit1. Specifically your
plan should show the following:
 The overall goal of the company (who are the company’s ideal industry leaders, does the
company want to be a manufacturer)
 A general business strategy (2-3 sentences)
 Should the NGE model be adopted by this company?
 An application plan that supports the business strategy (3-4 sentences)
 An IT architecture diagram should include the computers, the databases, and the network
shows how they are interconnected. This diagram should put all the pieces together and
show how they are interconnected and accessed.
 Brief cost-benefit analysis for automation used in the proposed IT plan (please use the
simple approach suggested in Chapter2.)
 Goto the SPACE Site (, then goto Games Section and play at least
two games in the “Learning Games” section. Specifically, please play the “Cost-Benefit
Analysis Game” and one more. Please note the two games that you played and clearly
show your Login ID (No PW is needed) that you used to play the two games. Note:
Please use your own login ID to play the games. If you use someone else’s ID, then that
person will get the credit, not you.
The main objective of this business is to sell and repair electronic devices from 2000s, and the
dream is make a major digital corporation that will be the best in the international market like
DELL company.
PROBLEM3: Understanding Project1
Read Project1 Description posted on Moodle and answer the following questions:
 Have you formed/joined a team yet (yes or no)
 What industry sector and country have you chosen for your company
 Which example from Chapter3 have you chosen as your “model”, please name
 Is the focus of Project1 on technology or business
 How many attachments are in Project1 Description.
 Your deliverable is a powerpoint deck with annotations and explanations
 You need to specify the references used and the effort (percentage contribution) of
the team members (Yes/No).
 Can a team submit multiple files. Yes/No.
 Is the project deliverable emailed to the professor?

 Prepare a short (3-5 page) MS Word report that should contain these answers. You
must use the posted documents, slides with voice annotations , the tutorials, and any
other resources available on the Net to develop this report. The report is worth only 5
points. You need to post it on Discussion Forum so that others can also see it,
comment on it, and benefit from your wisdom.

Exhibit 1: Dave's Digital Store (DDS)

Dave has a small business in Chicago. He started selling PCs and electronic equipment in the early
2000s, mainly doing repairs and reselling. He has been doing very well and has opened several
stores that are now assembling brand new PCs. Buoyed by his success, he is now diversifying into a
wide range of related products (e.g., software, video games, and wireless hardware/software). Dave
especially wants to exploit the opportunities in wireless communications. He currently has 100
employees and is partnering with others to strengthen business. His plans are:
 Next year plan is to design, tailor, sell, and repair brand new handsets and other mobile
devices at large scale. He expects to triple the size of his company by next year.
 In two years, he wants to diversify into a wide range of related products (e.g., mobile device
software, smart phones, business games, and wireless networking hardware/software).
 He is exploring other opportunities to grow his business. He is looking for ideas.

He is partnering with retail stores and manufacturers in the surrounding areas (he wants to stay
closer to a retail model -- he wants to be like Staples) and does not want to get into heavy duty
manufacturing and wants his partners to do manufacturing. The parts and components will be
brought in from suppliers located in the Far East. He also acquired a chain store that sells the
custom built devices and computers that are built and repaired at partner sites.
He has so far stayed away from using the technology he sells (other than using the telephone). But
he has been attending management seminars on use of IT in business. He does not completely
understand it, but he is convinced that it is something beneficial (they would'nt be teaching courses
in this area if it was not a valuable topic!). In addition, he is completing his MBA on a part-time
basis and cannot wait to put everything he is now learning about business into action. He dreams
big. He wants to be like Dell and Compaq. His goal is to eventually become a major digital
corporation that will serve as a store front for multiple shops so that potential customers order a
variety of products through him. He will receive the orders, and try to fill them, if he can.
Otherwise, he will route the orders to one of his business partners.

He has no idea how to get there from here. He wants to be aggressive, yet cautious. Basically, his
goal is to double his business in 3 years by using IT in an innovative manner. He also wants to make
his operations more efficient and less expensive. He has hired your group to help him out (he is not
very bright, after all!). You basically have to show how information systems can be used for this
company. This view should emphasize the business aspects and the type of business applications that
the company should use, and what specifically will these applications do for the company.

EXHIBIT 2: Top 5 Reasons why you should buy ISEM500 Course Pack

 It is the required text material for ISEM500

 It has the text chapters that will be needed in your quizzes and projects
 It will give you access to the SPACE tool for hands-on experiments (these
experiments are 30% of your grade)
 The receipt for the course pack purchase can be used to show USCIS that you
really did purchase the course text (I will NOT write letters to USCIS explaining
why this course has no text). Please save this receipt (see ‘Example of H1B
 You will have a happier life and will get better checkup at your dentist

 It may take 3-4 business days to clear digital checks, etc. Please purchase the
course-pack at least a week before the assignment is due.
 Free access to Space is not available at present. Please purchase the Coursepack as
specified on Moodle to get access to SPACE
 You will get 2 emails from Paypal. One gives the location for downloading the
book, the other is for getting the SPACE credentials
 If you do not get the 2 emails, pls check your Spam folders or junk mail folders
because many accounts from gmail and yahoo end up as Spam.
 If you cannot find any email from paypal, then pls signup for Space but show the
Paypal Payment# in Comments field when you signup
 If none of the above work, pls send an email to and
indicate “SPACE Access Issues” in your email and it will be handled quickly.
From: xxxxxx
To: Amjad Umar <>
Subject: Space payment receipt for H1B Request for Evidence

Hello Professor,

I took ISEM 500 in spring. With the course I bought space credentials for that quarter. Recently I got an
H1B Request for evidence in which it requires book receipts evidence to be submitted.

I tried to access the link provided but it has no

details in that. Please help me to retrieve my payment receipt.


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