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Individual Assignment Unit 9 - Emerging Practices 1

Presented by: Eliana Lopez

To: Professor Joe Malak

Write: Imagine a new product offering for your company. Using the lean startup approach, list out your
first set of experiments, what innovation accounting you believe will be of value, and which engine of
growth will make your new product offering thrive. Add a Lean Startup section to your paper and
document your product offering 750-1000 words– be prepared to discuss

Problem Statement

With a deteriorated atmosphere, that every day worsens there is a need to identify the spaces free of
pollution being these considered the best spaces for the proliferation of people and therefore these areas
should be the most protected in the city, we intend to offer a database containing statistical information
about air quality in strategic points of the city.

Product statement

Since 2016 we have led the testing of emerging technologies being leaders in testing new devices that
allow monitoring weather variables ensuring the health of the air that we breathe every day.

Lean Start-Up Approach

As a central part of our model is customer satisfaction and our commitment is to provide the best support
that exists, responding in time to customer needs and changing market. We believe that the most
important thing is to create a quality product, environmentally friendly, that follows the ideologies of
vanguard and standards of programming, which facilitates its installation, replication, and massification
of its use. In isolated cases, our customers have complained about the configuration and we are currently
working on making the interface more pleasant and easy to use.

Experiments and statistical data

Since 2016, concern for air quality has grown exponentially, with Medellin being the most affected city,
followed by Bogota. Hundreds of researchers focus their lines to determine and counteract the possible
causes of this problem. However, how to mitigate the problem if it is not yet known exactly which are the
most polluted areas of the city, at what times the number of particulate pollutants rise to establish why?

Particular companies have installed big and complex stations in strategic zones, being able in the first
instance to interpolate their data finding with it the most contaminated zones of the city and achieving
with it a visualization in real time of this information.
Journalists and entrepreneurs are in a constant race to offer the reality of air quality, today with the
massification of technology, the creation of low-cost sensors and high reliability is increasingly possible to
have professional measuring equipment in each of the homes.

Innovation accounting

Measuring progress:

Step 1: Identifying the problem

Time to this cycle: 3 days.


Factor to measure: Specific dust, temperature, humidity.


We need to define a group of conditions:

1. Healthy

2. Medium, when contamination is not dramatic.

3. Bad, when you need to fix the air pollution.

Step 2: Run some experiments

Time to this cycle: 6 months.


In homes, the station is not used much because people are not constantly attentive, however as an
accessory that alerts in extraordinary situations is much desired.

When used in companies employees are constantly looking at pollution levels, seeing that the
measurements are normal gives them confidence and allows for a more pleasant working environment
and allows the company to establish policies that favor the environment.

Its use in educational institutions should be mandatory since children are those who have less developed
immune systems and are more susceptible to suffer the consequences of going to school where the
atmosphere is of poor quality and pollution.

Step 3: Communicating progress

Our communication is done through a blog, in which we communicate our most recent results and more
relevant information so that our customers are aware of the improvements in which we work and the
changes that exist between one version and another.
We also implement a channel of suggestions for people to write us that they would like us to take into
account to improve and thus improve the product according to the needs of our customers.

Finally with a large development team we constantly rewrite our platforms making them more reactive,
efficient and we ensure that our data centers are fed with renewable energy to ensure that each factor in
our production takes advantage of what nature provides us, these data are communicated in real time to
our platform so that our customers can see in real time how much energy we consume and where it comes

The engine of growth: The client is offered free updates, sensors will automatically retrieve, less sampling
frequency, less consumption of Internet bandwidth and more intelligent reports regarding the time of use
of the device (The web server learns from the information collected, generating better reports every
time). And after more than 2 years of service, customers will have a free replacement of all sensors and
the entire solution in the way that they will have to keep the updated solution and will be at the forefront.

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