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Table of Contents

SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

Welcome to On-Screen Takeoff............................................................................................................2
About this Guide .................................................................................................................................3
Extras…… ...........................................................................................................................................4
Instruction Jargon.........................................................................................................................4
Typographic Conventions ..............................................................................................................5
Help File .............................................................................................................................................5
Contents Tab ................................................................................................................................6
Index Tab.....................................................................................................................................6
Search Tab ...................................................................................................................................7
SECTION 2 - SETUP ................................................................................................................... 8
Minimum System Requirements ...........................................................................................................9
Recommended Components ................................................................................................................9
Compatible File Formats ......................................................................................................................9
Convert To TIF ...........................................................................................................................10
Installing Your Digitizer .....................................................................................................................10
SECTION 3 - TOOLBARS AND MENUS ..................................................................................... 11
Toolbars ...........................................................................................................................................12
Viewing Toolbars ........................................................................................................................12
Moving Toolbars .........................................................................................................................13
Docking Toolbars ........................................................................................................................13
Hiding Toolbars...........................................................................................................................13
Resizing Toolbars ........................................................................................................................13
Customizing Toolbars ..................................................................................................................13
Menus… ...........................................................................................................................................14
Edit . ..........................................................................................................................................14
View ….......................................................................................................................................15
Tools .........................................................................................................................................15
Image ........................................................................................................................................15
Help ..........................................................................................................................................15
SECTION 4 - FEATURES ........................................................................................................... 16
Start On-Screen Takeoff ....................................................................................................................17
Quick Start Video ........................................................................................................................18
On-ScreenTakeoff Environment .........................................................................................................18
Image View ................................................................................................................................19
Takeoff View ..............................................................................................................................19
Worksheet View ..........................................................................................................................20
Navigating On-Screen Takeoff ...........................................................................................................20
Auto Scrolling .............................................................................................................................20
Changing Pages ..........................................................................................................................20
Hot Links ....................................................................................................................................21
SECTION 5 - PROJECTS ........................................................................................................... 22
Project Template Files .......................................................................................................................23
Saving a Project as a Template ....................................................................................................23
Modifying a Template..................................................................................................................23
Opening an Existing Project ...............................................................................................................24
Creating a New Project......................................................................................................................24
Project Properties..............................................................................................................................25
Adding Pages to Projects ...................................................................................................................25
Individual Electronic Plans ...........................................................................................................25
Group of Electronic Plans.............................................................................................................26
Paper Plans ................................................................................................................................26
Setting Up Drawing Template ............................................................................................................27
Setting Takeoff Area .........................................................................................................................27
Setting Scale for Specific Pages..........................................................................................................28
Calculating Scale ...............................................................................................................................28
SECTION 6 - CONDITIONS AND TAKEOFF............................................................................... 29
Creating Conditions ...........................................................................................................................30
Condition Attributes ..........................................................................................................................31
Linear Conditions ..............................................................................................................................31
General ......................................................................................................................................31
Advanced ...................................................................................................................................31
Area Conditions ................................................................................................................................32
General ......................................................................................................................................32
Advanced ...................................................................................................................................32
Count Conditions...............................................................................................................................33
General ......................................................................................................................................33
Advanced ...................................................................................................................................33
Zone Conditions ................................................................................................................................33
Condition Notes ................................................................................................................................34
Condition Results ..............................................................................................................................35
Copying Conditions ...........................................................................................................................35
Editing Conditions .............................................................................................................................35
Deleting Conditions ...........................................................................................................................36
Organizing Project Conditions ............................................................................................................36
Creating Folders and Sub-Folders.................................................................................................36
Copying Folders ..........................................................................................................................36
Renaming Folders .......................................................................................................................36
Changing Condition Order ...........................................................................................................36
Drawing with Conditions....................................................................................................................37
Snap Angles ...............................................................................................................................37
Drawing a Linear Object ....................................................................................................................37
Continuous Mode ........................................................................................................................38
Drawing a Curve .........................................................................................................................38
Drawing an Area Object ....................................................................................................................39
Grid Options ...............................................................................................................................40
Grid Calculation ..........................................................................................................................40
Backout Mode .............................................................................................................................41
Drawing a Count Object ....................................................................................................................41
Drawing a Zone ................................................................................................................................41
Selecting Objects ..............................................................................................................................42
Moving and Resizing Objects ............................................................................................................42
Area and Zone ............................................................................................................................42
Count .........................................................................................................................................42
Layers ..............................................................................................................................................43
Default Layers ............................................................................................................................43
Creating Layers...........................................................................................................................43
Assigning a Layers to a Condition.................................................................................................44
View and Hide Layers ..................................................................................................................44
Assigning Text to a Layers...........................................................................................................45
SECTION 7 - PRINTING AND EXPORTING .............................................................................. 46
Print Setup .......................................................................................................................................47
Printing Images ................................................................................................................................47
Printing Takeoff Lists and Worksheets ................................................................................................48
Print Preview ....................................................................................................................................49
Using Copy / Paste Feature..........................................................................................................49
Using Export Feature...................................................................................................................50
Exporting Worksheet to Excel ......................................................................................................52
Exporting Takeoff to CVS.............................................................................................................52
SECTION 8 - ADVANCED FEATURES ........................................................................................ 53
Features to Use With Objects.............................................................................................................54
Roping Feature ...........................................................................................................................54
Applying a Drop / Run Count .......................................................................................................55
Edit Drop / Run Count .................................................................................................................55
Adding Text in Image View..........................................................................................................55
Formatting Text ..........................................................................................................................56
Object Properties ..............................................................................................................................56
Linear Objects ............................................................................................................................56
Area Objects...............................................................................................................................57
Count Objects.............................................................................................................................57
Advanced Features of Conditions .......................................................................................................57
The Round Feature .....................................................................................................................57
Pitch .........................................................................................................................................57
Advanced Features of Project Properties.............................................................................................58
Selecting Multiple Pages ..............................................................................................................58
Changing Image Assigned to a Drawing .......................................................................................59
Changing Image File Path............................................................................................................59
Delete Page from Project Propertiesl ............................................................................................59
Advanced Features of Tool Options ....................................................................................................60
Calculation Method......................................................................................................................60
Configuration Tab .......................................................................................................................60
Font Tab ....................................................................................................................................61
Renaming the Current Page...............................................................................................................61
SECTION 9 - SAVING AND EXITING ....................................................................................... 62
Saving Your Project...........................................................................................................................63
The Auto-Save Feature................................................................................................................63
APPENDIX I - INSTALLING YOUR DIGITIZER ........................................................................ 65
APPENDIX II - TOOLBAR ITEM DETAILS ................................................................................ 67
APPENDIX III - LOADING PLANS FROM A DODGE CD ............................................................ 72
APPENDIX IV -USING THE PLAN VIEWER............................................................................... 73
APPENDIX V - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.................................................................... 75
INDEX ...................................................................................................................................... 78
Section 1


This section will:

 Help you become familiar with On-Screen Takeoff and the User Guide.
 Give Full Mode users information on how the product works with a digitizer.

Section 1 Introduction

Welcome to On-Screen Takeoff

This extraordinary software gives you bidding advantage in less time with greater accuracy by allowing
you to perform complex takeoffs right on your computer screen.

On-Screen Takeoff can be used with a digitizer and paper plans, or a mouse and electronic plan files.
On-Screen Takeoff enables the user to create live drawings with resizable conditions: linear conditions
such as walls, pipes and electrical lines; area conditions such as floors and ceilings; count conditions such
as sprinkler heads, corner beads, doors and windows; and zone conditions that assess quantities for any
part of an area you specify. As you record conditions using your plans, the program provides reports on
quantities and can recalculate instantly for any adjustment to the conditions of your project.

New and experienced users will enjoy the power of this estimating system that is very easy to use. As
with all products from On Center Software, this program works well for most construction trades and is
ready to use the day you receive it. So, start bidding jobs more quickly and accurately today with On-
Screen Takeoff.

This program is equipped with three modes: View Mode, allows the user to perform quick takeoffs, view
previously created files and drawing, zoom to view plans better and print drawings (see Appendix IV,
Using the Plan Viewer for more details); Lite Mode, adds the use of zones; Full Mode, allows the user to
perform more advanced takeoff options including layers and working with a digitizer. The mode is
referenced in the lower, left corner of the program screen.

If you currently have View or Lite Mode and are interested in performing more advanced takeoffs, a

purchase request button has been provided on the main toolbar. Clicking will
take you to a webpage purchase form. You can also call an On-Center Software Account
Representative, 1-800-880-8254, or visit us on the web at for more details.

Section 1 Introduction

About this Guide

This guide is intended to be a compliment to On-Screen Takeoff software. The sections are presented in
an order intended to help new users understand the software. The User Guide provides detailed
information about On-Screen Takeoff tools and commands. It is designed to assist you in applying
program features to your estimating projects. Use it as a reference tool along with the online help
system in your day to day work with On-Screen Takeoff.
Table of Contents, outlines the sections and topics covered in each section

Section 1, Introduction, explains the user guide and helpful resources

Section 2, Setup, lists system requirements and recommended components

Section 3, Toolbars and Menus, explains the toolbars and menus used in On-Screen Takeoff

Section 4, Features, gives you a tour of the On-Screen Takeoff environment and shows you how to
navigate through your projects

Section 5, Projects, leads you through your first time with the program or, if you’re an old hand at On-
Screen Takeoff, reacquainting yourself with the software

Section 6, Conditions and Takeoff, shows you features of working with condition objects, zones and
backouts in the takeoff area

Section 7, Printing and Exporting, explains the step-by-step of printing images and reports, copying and
pasting data from On-Screen Takeoff, and exporting quantity results to an Excel spreadsheet

Section 8, Advanced Features, discusses special and advanced features of On-Screen Takeoff conditions
and options

Section 9, Saving and Exiting, explains how to save projects and safely exit the program

Appendixes, gives you additional information on installing a digitizer, toolbar item details, loading files,
using the plan viewer and frequently asked questions

Index, provides key words or phrases the program application and references the page(s) in the user
guide where they can be found

Section 1 Introduction

Along the way you’ll encounter bits of information that make the User Guide not only more readable, but
more personal and relevant. The signs and signals placed throughout the guide will better help you
understand On-Screen Takeoff and On Center Software. We think you’ll find these bits and pieces
interesting. Here’s what to look for:

NOTE: To make special notice of specific information.

Caution. Warning! This symbol is there to

insure that you are following the information to
minimize risk.

This symbol represents information that also

appears on the Quick Start Video.

In this manual, some information is specific to

using a digitizer. The icon appears alongside
this information. (Must be in Full Mode to use a

A reminder is there to keep the information in

mind for future consideration.

For Your Information…

Instruction Jargon
 In this guide, click or double-click refers to clicking on the left mouse button. A right-click,
clicking on the right mouse button, will be specifically stated.
 Click the digitizer refers to clicking down once with the stylus pen.

NOTE: When using a digitizer, a click or double-click refers to pressing the ball tip of
the stylus pen right on the digitizer (usually in the takeoff area). A right-click
can be accomplished by using the digitizer mouse template and the first button
on the stylus pen. See Appendix I, Installing You Digitizer for more information.
 Drag and drop, is holding down the left mouse button after clicking on an object. You may
simply drag the object to the desired location and release the mouse button.

Section 1 Introduction

Typographic Conventions
The following are typographical conventions to be aware of when reading this guide.
 Menu items you are instructed to choose appear in a different typeface with the greater than
(>) symbol separating each menu level. For example, if you are instructed to select the
Open command in the File menu, it appears as File > Open. If you are instructed to select
the Save As command from the File menu, it appears as File > Save As.
 Helpful hints or information about the topic are provided throughout the document. They
will be labeled, ‘NOTE’ (all caps and bold font to catch your attention).
 Several topics will have more detailed steps outlined in either another section of the user guide,
or in the Appendix. They will always be referenced and italicized. For example, “See Editing
Conditions for more information.”

Help File
In combination with this User Guide and the Quick Start video (Help > Watch Quick Start Video), the
Help File will also be a great resource for product information and application. There are additional
resources available on the website at or Help > Visit our Website. Follow these
instructions to open the Help file.
1. Select Help > Help Topics.
2. This will open the On-Screen Help File.

Hide and Show Buttons The Hide and Show buttons will either
remove or display the Topics panel in the
Help dialog.

Back Button The Back button takes you back to the

last help page you viewed. It will be
available only if you have navigated
through multiple pages in the help file.

Print Button Clicking will print the topic displayed.

This is helpful if the instructions to follow
are long and you prefer to work on a full

Options Button The Options button will allow you to pick

from a list of commands to help you
navigate the Help file.

Section 1 Introduction

Contents Tab
This tab provides a quick breakout of the Contents of the help file. It should be used like the Table of
Contents of a book. Simply double-click on the book icon to open the chapter. Then click the desired
page icon to display the relevant information.

Index Tab
This tab allows you to locate a specifically indexed topic. This should be used as you would a book index.
Begin typing a word in the index entry field, and the system will automatically move within the list to the
entries closest in spelling to your word(s). Begin typing the topic word to access it in the list quickly.

Section 1 Introduction

Search Tab
This tab works like a word find. It allows you to search for any word contained in the Help file. Type the
word you are looking for in the ‘Type in the keyword to find’ field. Click . A list of topics
containing that word will appear. Scroll through the list, and double click on the topic you want

Section 2


This section will:

 Let you know what system requirements you will need to have in place.
 Recommend components that work well with the software.
 Help Full Mode users install a digitizer.

Section 2 Setup

Minimum System Requirements

To use On-Screen Takeoff your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements.
 An IBM PC or 100% compatible computer with a Pentium II or faster Intel
 Memory Requirements: 200 MB of available hard-disk space, and256 MB RAM
(128 MB preferred)
 Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP SP2
 256 color video card
 Super VGA display card
 Mouse
 15-inch monitor
While these are the minimum system requirements, Windows places heavy demands on your system's
resources. The more available memory in your computer, the faster and more efficient On-Screen
Takeoff will operate.

Recommended Components
For the best performance, we recommend the following components.
 Pentium III or faster processor
 512 or more of RAM
 12X speed CD-ROM or better
 17-inch monitor or dual monitors
 Graphic adapter with 128 MB or more VRAM
 Sound card and speakers installed
NOTE: In order to utilize the Training Videos you must have a sound card and speakers installed.

Compatible File Formats

The resolution in electronic plans does not need to be more that 200 DPI (Dots per Inch). The preferred
file format is a black and white TIF (Group4). On-Screen Takeoff recognizes image files with the
following extensions.

File Extensions View Mode Lite Mode Full Mode


Section 2 Setup

NOTE: Use the following image types for best results.

Convert to TIF
The converted files will be stored in a folder with the name of the current On-Screen Takeoff project.
Since the conversion can be very time consuming, you should only select this option if you really intend
to convert vector files to TIF.
1. Select File > Project Properties.
2. In the Pages Field, add your image. See Section 5: Establishing Project Setting, Adding

3. Click .
4. Then select the page with the drawing you wish to convert.

5. Click .

Installing Your Digitizer

The following instructions are a quick start to installing your digitizer. For more specific information,
please reference Appendix I, Installing Your Digitizer at the end of this guide.

Connecting Your Digitizer

Upon receiving your digitizer (either a GTCO, or another brand) you will need to connect it to your
1. Lay the digitizer out flat.
2. Connect the Stylus to the digitizer.
3. Plug in the power supply.
4. Plug the interface cable into the digitizer.
5. Plug the other end of the interface cable into the computer.
NOTE: On-Screen Takeoff is compatible with any tablet that is WinTab compatible.

Digitizer options are only available in Full Mode. If you are in View or Lite Mode and would like

to use this feature, click from the main toolbar to purchase the

Section 3

Toolbars and Menus

This section will:

 Introduce the program toolbars.
 Familiarize you with On-Screen Take Off™ Menu options.

Section 3 Toolbars and Menus

On-Screen Takeoff is equipped with several helpful toolbars for application efficiency. See Appendix II,
Toolbar Item` Details for a detailed description of each toolbar item. Individually, the toolbars may be
displayed, moved, docked, reshaped or hidden from view. You can also create costume toolbars to fit
your needs.

Main Toolbar

Tool Toolbar

Zoom Toolbar

View Toolbar

Navigate Toolbar

Takeoff Toolbar

Image Toolbar

Viewing Toolbars
Toolbars are displayed on the screen and will be consistent on each tab or page. (Some toolbars or
toolbar items will be in an inactive state if they don’t have a supporting element in the application).

1. Select View > Toolbars and select the appropriate toolbar name.


2. Right-click on a toolbar region of the screen.

3. Check the toolbars you want to display.

Section 3 Toolbars and Menus

Moving Toolbars
The toolbars may be positioned anywhere on the screen you wish. This feature is provided to allow the
flexibility for positioning the toolbars so they are out of your way, yet handy for use.

1. Click on an edge of the toolbar, holding down the mouse button, drag it to its new position.
2. Release the mouse button to set it in place.
NOTE: If the toolbar is dropped anywhere other than a screen edge, it will become free floating. This
feature is especially handy when using multiple monitors.

Docking Toolbars
The toolbars can be docked to any of the screen edges.
1. Click on the title bar of an undocked toolbar
2. Drag the toolbar to any location on the screen.

Hiding Toolbars
1. Select View > Toolbars and select the toolbar you wish to remove from the screen.
2. Right-click on the toolbar or dock bar areas.
3. A floating toolbar can be closed by clicking on the in the upper right corner of the toolbar.

Resizing Toolbars
Only undocked (floating) toolbars may be resized.
1. Position the mouse pointer over an edge.
2. Click and drag.
3. The toolbar can be resized as desired.

Customizing the Toolbars

You may rearrange or delete buttons within a toolbar’s display, or you may move buttons from one
toolbar to another. If you find that you use a few tools over and over, you may want to group them
within a single toolbar for convenience. On-Screen Takeoff gives you the flexibility to customize your
takeoff environment.

1. Select Tools > Customize. The Customize dialog will open.

2. With the dialog open, click on a toolbar button and drag buttons from one toolbar to another or a
new location within the same toolbar.
3. To add a button without altering another toolbar, click on the Commands tab of the Customize
dialog and drag the appropriate symbol from the Buttons section to a toolbar.
4. To remove a button, drag it to within the takeoff area of the application.

Section 3 Toolbars and Menus


Section 3 Toolbars and Menus

Digitizer Menu

Section 4


This section will:

 Show you how open On-Screen Takeoff.
 Describe the On-Screen Takeoff environment.
 Teach you how to navigate pages.

Section 4 Features

Start On-Screen Takeoff

1. On your desktop, double-click your On-Screen Takeoff icon .

2. The application will open.

3. Left-click on the Start button on your computer’s toolbar.

4. Scroll up to Programs > On Center Software.
5. Highlight On-Screen Takeoff and click. On-Screen Takeoff will open.

On-Screen Takeoff opens to an untitled blank project. The Image view of the screen will be a blank

Two blank dock bars, the Pan dock bar and the Takeoff dock bar, appear at the left side of the screen.
Along the bottom, the Status bar displays user status or context-sensitive messages, as well as, paper
size and current zoom percentage of the plan sheet on screen. The menu bar and several task specific
toolbars are located at the top of the screen.
NOTE: All toolbars and dock bars may be accessed to view or hide through View > Toolbars on the
menu bar.

Section 4 Features

Quick Start Video

When On-Screen Takeoff opens, you will be given an option to watch the Quick Start video
(recommended) or start the program without watching the video.
The 20 minute video will demonstrate key program functionality and allow you to view application
instruction for enhanced learning.

If you would like to watch the video, click . If you prefer to get started without

the video, click . If you have already viewed the video, click the ‘Do not show
this message again’ box to prevent this dialog from appearing each time you open the program.

NOTE: If you decide later that you would like to watch the Quick Start video, go to Help > Watch
Quick Start Videos.

On-Screen Takeoff Environment

The On-Screen Takeoff environment acts like your drafting table, allowing you to work on several sheets
of plans at once and to reference at a glance the entire drawing and your position on that drawing while
giving you the power of a computer to track, analyze, print and export your takeoff quantities and plans.

The screen is bordered at the top by the Menu bar, with pull-down menus, and at the bottom by the
Status bar, which indicates current user status, plan page size, and current zoom percentage of page.
The largest portion of the application screen will be your takeoff area, bounded on the left (by default) by
two dock bars and on the top by several toolbars.

In the takeoff area, you may view your project plans (images) and/or takeoff objects, the takeoff list with
quantities, the worksheet or a legend of your condition list.

The main window of On-Screen Takeoff has three tabs located at the bottom left, allowing for quick
change between Image, Takeoff or Worksheet views. Select the desired view option on the toolbar and
it will automatically open on your screen.

Section 4 Features

Image View
This view shows the plan file and/or takeoff conditions drawn from your plans.

Takeoff View
This view displays the height, if applicable, and quantity breakdowns of your conditions according to
result types indicated (e.g., linear feet, square feet, or count of items) for zones, pages and the project
as a whole. It also displays notes per condition.

Section 4 Features

Worksheet View
This view displays the condition and quantity in units of measure specified in the first results field of the
Results tab in the Condition dialog and allows the user to enter amounts for material, labor and
subcontractor takeoffs.

NOTE: When in the Worksheet view, tab out the field then save. This is keep all the values

Navigating On-Screen Takeoff

Auto Scrolling
When creating linear areas or zones, On-Screen Takeoff will automatically scroll the image view when
necessary. It will move as your mouse or digitizer moves beyond the edge of the current view.

Changing Pages
1. Select View > Next Page, Previous Page, or Go To Page (specify page number for the Go to
Page option).
2. You may also select the corresponding arrows for these options from the Navigate Toolbar. The
drop down arrow in the Page field will list the pages. The and arrows will take you to the
previous or next page. The and arrows will take you to the first or last page,


Section 4 Features

3. Or, press Ctrl G for the Go To Page dialog.

Hot Links
Hot links allow you to move quickly from one drawing to the pertinent area of another drawing. A hot
link is handy when viewing enlarged areas of a page and needing the ability to jump back to a reference
1. Select Tools > Hot Link

2. Click from the Tools Toolbar.

3. Click on the page where you want to set the link. The Hot Link dialog will open.

4. Using the current page display on the Navigate Toolbar, access the pull-down menu of pages by
clicking on the arrow at the right.
5. Select the page for your link. (You may also choose View > Go to Page and select by page
6. Manipulate the view using the zoom tool and the scroll bars.

7. Click .
8. After joining a hot link to another page the hot link arrows in the Navigation Toolbar will become

9. Move a hot link to another location on the page by clicking , then click and drag the hot link
image anywhere on the page.

Section 5


This section will:

 Help you create settings important to your projects.
 Explain how On-Screen Takeoff works with your electronic or paper plans.

Section 5 Projects

Project Template Files

You can begin your project with a template. Templates allow you to take advantage of conditions and
settings used with previous projects.
On-Screen Takeoff templates contain condition lists and established layer separations from previous
projects you have created. You may also use the sample templates provided with On-Screen Takeoff as
a great starting point. All aspects of the templates may be adjusted for a new project.

1. Select File > New, and click the OK button.

2. From the New dialog box, choose the template that best fits your project.

3. The conditions for this template will appear in the Takeoff Dock bar and the Project Properties
dialog will open asking for further information.
4. Use File > Save or File > Save As to rename and save your new project.

Saving a Project as a Template File

You can save your condition properties and layers as a template for future projects.
1. Select File > Save As.
2. Enter a name for your template, and select On-Screen Takeoff Template Files (*.tpo) from the
Save As type field of the dialog (click on the down arrow to select).
3. Click the OK button to accept and close the dialog.

Modifying a Template File

Follow these steps to modify an existing template file if you need to change or add conditions and/or
1. Select File > Open.
2. Navigate to your Projects directory.
3. In the File Type drop-down, select On-Screen Takeoff Template files (*.tpo).
4. Choose the On-Screen Takeoff template file you would like to modify and click the OK button.
5. Make appropriate changes.
6. Save and close file.

The On-Screen Takeoff template files cannot save takeoff information.

Section 5 Projects

Opening an Existing Project File

1. Select File > Open.
2. Navigate to the desired file location.
3. Click the Open button.

NOTE: If your latest changes to a project file have not been saved, On-Screen Takeoff will ask
you whether you would like to save the file and gives you the option of canceling the

Creating a New Project

1. Select File > New.

2. For a blank, untitled project, click .

3. At this point the Project Properties dialog will pop-up for more information about your takeoff.

NOTE: The following are important to keep in mind when beginning a new project.

 At the start of your project, fill out the Project Properties settings to establish the name for all
printed output from your project; set the default page size and scale for your plans; number and
names of different pages within the project; and locations of electronic drawings.
 Scale settings can significantly affect quantity outcomes. Be sure to set the scale
for each page of drawings before beginning condition takeoffs.
 When using a digitizer, remember to make a mark with a pen or pencil in the upper left and
lower right corners of the first sheet of the paper plans to delineate the takeoff area for that
sheet. You can then set the takeoff area on On-Screen Takeoff using your marks.
 Save your project before you begin taking off any conditions. On-Screen Takeoff will write a
back-up file using the same file name.
 Remember the Undo feature! If you make a mistake, select Edit > Undo, and reverse the
process, step by step.

Section 5 Projects

Project Properties
You can either set your Project Properties when you create a new takeoff or once your project file is
saved under the appropriate name.

1. Select File > Project Properties, the Project Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Type in the name of your project to appear on printouts. Use the backspace and/or delete keys
to edit the name as necessary.
3. Press the Tab key to move to the Default Image Size option or click within the Image Size box.
You may click on the arrow at the right for the pull-down menu of page size options or you can
use the down-arrow key on your keyboard to scroll through the list to the appropriate selection.
4. Press the Tab key to move to the Default Scale option. Select a scale by using the drop down
arrow. If your scale is metric, you will need to click in the box next to Metric to convert to that

5. Establish the number of pages for your project plans. And load image files. See Adding Pages to
Your Project.

Adding Pages to Projects

Individual Electronic Plans

1. Click on in the Project Properties dialog.

2. In the Add Images dialog, use the drop down arrow to navigate to the appropriate directory and
folder containing your image.

3. Select the file, so that it displays in the File name field, then click . The file will
display by name and path in the Image File field in Project Properties dialog.

4. Click to accept and your project will automatically open.

5. Save your project with the new settings by selecting File > Save.

Section 5 Projects

Electronic plans scanned from blueprints (as opposed to blue lines) will display as white
lines on a black background and are difficult to read on your computer screen. Select
Image > Invert, and the colors will invert to black on white.

You may have noticed the Page column in the Project Properties dialog. Generally, plan
images occupy one page, and 1 will be listed in the column, indicating Page 1 of your plan
file. If you import a multi-page TIF, a plan file containing more than one page of plans,
they will import as separate pages, and each successive page will be indicated under the
Page column as 1, 2, 3, etc., of the plan file.

Group of Electronic Plans

You may add all the electronic plan files from a particular source (for example, from a CD) by using the
Auto Add feature.

1. Click the button in the Project Properties dialog.

2. Browse until you find the appropriate directory and folder containing your plan images.
3. Click on any file displayed within your target folder, so that the file name appears in the File
name box of the Auto Add dialog.

4. Click . The image paths and file names will be recorded into the project properties,
arranged alphabetically.

5. Click to accept your choices and your project will automatically open.
6. Save your project with the new settings by selecting File > Save.

To load Dodge Plans into your Project Properties, see Appendix IIi, Loading Plans from a
Dodge CD.

Paper Plans
On-Screen Takeoff makes it easy for Full Mode users to perform quantity takeoffs from paper plans using
a digitizer.

1. Add pages by clicking until you have the number of pages initially in the project.

2. Name each page by clicking within the Title area and typing the name.

3. Click to accept your choices and close the Project Properties dialog.
4. Save your project with the new project properties settings by selecting File > Save.

Section 5 Projects

Setting Up a Drawing Template

On-Screen Takeoff provides the convenience of using the same work surface for both digitizer and
mouse, to allow the user to draw conditions and then edit settings of the project or add or change
conditions without breaking stride. A mouse pad template included with the program defines the area of
the digitizer in which use of the stylus or cursor will be recognized as mouse movement as opposed to
drawing movement.
1. Place your stylus on On-Screen Takeoff.
2. Placing the template identifies the location mouse movements will be recognized by the program.

Before placing the template, the template must be applied to the digitizer surface.
This may have been done during the installation of your digitizer. We suggest
attaching the template to the lower right corner of the digitizer surface about one
inch inside the grid area.
3. Select Digitizer > Place Template.
4. Follow the instruction prompts on the screen, clicking first on the target symbol at the left of
the On-Screen Takeoff box on the template, then on the target at the right.

Setting Takeoff Area

Before you can begin taking off a drawing, you must define the drawing area on the digitizer. This
requires defining an area that will include all objects on each drawing of your plans. As you add pages to
your takeoff the same area of the digitizer will be active.
1. Secure the plans to the digitizer with tape or a set of clamps.
2. With a pen or a pencil, mark the upper left corner and the lower right corner of the first page in
your set of plans.
3. Select Digitizer > Set Takeoff Area.
4. Click each mark with the stylus pen as prompted.
5. Verify the active area of the digitizer by looking at the image
size located in the lower right corner of your screen.

If you close the program before the takeoff is complete, you will need to reestablish the takeoff
area before you can add additional condition quantities.

Electronic plans appear on your computer screen, eliminating the need to set a takeoff
area. You simply drag your mouse across the conditions you wish to takeoff. The conditions
will be highlighted and quantities will be totaled instantly!
Electronic plans are available through a variety of services. For information, contact an On
Center Software account manager.

Section 5 Projects

Setting Scale for Specific Pages

You may set the scale in each page view separately. This will override the default scale setting in Project
Properties for that page. Setting the correct scale for the drawing before taking off quantities
ensures accurate calculations. Be careful to check the scale for each drawing in your project before
doing takeoffs.

1. Display the page you want to set, select Edit > Set Scale
2. Use the drop down arrow to select a scale that will be applied to that page.

3. Click .
4. Access the pull-down scale settings on the Navigate toolbar.

NOTE: As you draw objects, notice that the drawn object is similar in width to the object on your plans.
If it is not, the scale set may not be correct.

Calculating Scale
You may calculate scale according to a known measurement between two points, either with a digitizer or
on electronic plans.

1. Select Edit > Calculate Scale using Image or Edit > Calculate Scale using Digitizer
2. Follow the instructions in the related Calculate Scale dialog box. You will be asked to click on the
first and second points, then to enter the dimension for that distance.
3. The scale will be recalculated for the displayed page, and the Scale display on the Navigate
toolbar will show the new scale.

Section 6

Conditions and Takeoff

This section will:

 Draw Conditions to Takeoff Plan Quantities.
 What Zones will do to help your takeoff process.
 Discuss the ins and outs of Takeoffs.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Creating Conditions
If you are starting a new project from scratch you will need to create conditions to takeoff quantities such
as floor areas, wall lengths and corner bead counts. If you are using a template, you will have several
pre-designed conditions already listed on the Takeoff dock bar. However, you may want to change the
characteristics of some conditions or create additional conditions for a particular project.

1. Right Click within the Takeoff dock bar, Select New > Condition.

2. From the Takeoff dock bar, Click (if the buttons are not showing, right-click in the Takeoff
dock bar area, and select Show Buttons from the pop-up menu). The New Condition dialog

3. Select the condition type (Linear, Area, Count or Zone) from the pull-down menu accessed by the
down arrow next to the Type option.
4. Press Tab or use the mouse (or stylus) to move to Name and enter a name for your condition.
5. Specify the desired condition attributes. See Condition Attributes for more detail.

6. Click for condition to apply.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Condition Attributes
Each condition type will have related attributes to select or specify within the General and Advanced tabs
of the New Condition dialog. Once a condition has been used to takeoff a quantity from your plans
certain attributes cannot be changed.

 All conditions allow the user to specify color and fill pattern for the object drawn.

Linear Conditions

Specify width and height by feet and inches. Specify pitch in inches, up to the nearest thousandth of an
inch, if applicable.

Follow these examples for inputting feet and inches: For 7 feet 6 inches, type 706; for 13
feet 7 inches, type 1307. For 20 feet, type 2000.

Specify rounding for object quantities and drop/run default length for electrical or plumbing drops at the
ends of lines. Select Connect to have lines connect at the corners where one line of the condition ends
and another begins (and indicate Tolerance for the feature’s activation as distance between the ends of
two lines). Choose Trim to have lines automatically trim to a line being crossed. Choose Curve to draw a
curved line.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Area Conditions

If needed, you can specify the thickness (in inches) and/or pitch (in inches).
Specify rounding for object quantities. Choose to display an adjustable grid within the area and indicate
matrix cell dimensions.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Count Conditions

Specify height and indicate the size (in inches) and shape (square, circle, triangle, rectangle or opening)
of the count object, as it will appear on screen.

Count conditions have advanced attributes. These options are available for all shapes, except for

Zone Conditions
Zones allow you to subdivide condition quantities making it easier to modify and complete jobs in phases.
They can be used at the end of a takeoff to isolate a group of condition quantities that are in different
areas of the takeoff.

Zones can also be used to break a takeoff into multi-phases and can even be used to isolate quantities,
while a job is in progress, to group the amount of work that has been completed to date. They can be
applied to one or multiple pages in your plans automatically calculating the takeoff quantities for each
zoned area.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

The zone feature is only available in Lite and Full Mode. If you are in View Mode and would like

to use this feature, click from the main toolbar to purchase the

Condition Notes
A Note tab is provided for comments regarding the condition. These notes will display on the Takeoff List
report and will import into Quick Bid.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Condition Results
The Results tab of the New Condition is based on condition type. Initial settings default to linear feet
(LF) for linear conditions, square feet (SF) for area conditions and count of items (EA) for count
conditions and zones. The first of the results fields will display for the condition items in the Takeoff dock
bar area. All results will display in worksheets and Takeoff List reports, as well as, in an Excel
spreadsheet after being exported.

Copying Conditions
You may use the condition attributes from a condition you’ve already created for any future conditions of
the same type.

1. Click on a condition to select it.

2. Click the Copy button from the toolbar, .

3. Right-click in the Takeoff dock bar area and select copy.
4. A new condition will appear in the list with the same condition attributes as the previous
condition, but with the quantities zeroed.

Editing Conditions
Once you have copied a condition you might want to change several attributes. You can also edit an
existing condition to fit any updated needs.
1. Highlight the desired condition on the Takeoff dock bar

2. Click the Change button,

3. Double-click on the condition you wish to edit, to bring up the Change Condition dialog.
NOTE: The Change Condition dialog differs from the New Condition dialog only in that, if takeoffs

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

have been performed in your project with this condition, you will not be able to change the
type of condition or certain properties under the advanced tab of the dialog box.

Deleting Conditions
1. Click on the condition in the Takeoff Dock bar area.

2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar,

3. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

All takeoff associated with the deleted condition will be deleted immediately and

Organizing Project Conditions

Within your project, you can create folders and/or sub-folders for different types of conditions. You may
even want to create a folder containing conditions with reset values.
 To get started organizing your conditions, make sure you are viewing the condition tree (right-
click in the Takeoff dock bar area and select Show Tree)
Creating Folders and Sub-Folders
1. Right-click in the Takeoff Dock bar area.
2. Select New > Folder from the pop-up menu.
Copying Folders
1. Click on the folder and click Copy on the toolbar.
2. All copied conditions within the new folder will have values reset to zero.
Renaming Folders
1. Click on the folder.
2. Right-click and select Rename from the pop-up menu.
3. Enter a name for your folder and click the Enter button.
Changing Condition Order
You may move conditions up or down in the condition list of the Takeoff dock bar to suit your project

1. Select the condition you would like to move by clicking to highlight it.

NOTE: When you are ready to move the highlighted conditions, be sure that you start
moving using the last condition chosen. That condition will have a highlighted

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

2. Drag and drop any the condition from one place to another in the list. You may also move a
condition to another folder on the list in this way.

Drawing with Conditions

Snap Angles
Set up snap angles to prevent lines from appearing jagged. Snap angles are commonly set at 15° and
shift snap angles at 0°.

1. Go to Tools > Options. Options dialog appears.

2. Under the General tab, make the desired settings.

3. Click to save the settings. As they are drawn, lines will snap to the set degree.

Drawing a Linear Object

1. Select a condition from the Condition List in the Takeoff dock bar.
2. Move the cursor into the Image takeoff area of the screen, you will see the cursor display as
3. Click and hold left mouse button, then drag mouse to draw a line.
4. Release mouse button to set line.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

5. Repeat steps for further lines.

Continuous Mode
This feature allows you to draw an object that has connected lines.

1. Click the icon from the Takeoff toolbar.

2. Go to Tools > Continuous Mode.
3. Follow steps 1-3 from Draw a Linear Object.
4. Click at each point of intersection. The object will be connected.
5. Double-click after making the final point to set the lines

Drawing a Curve
To draw a curved line, the Curve option must be checked under the Advanced tab of the Condition

1. Click where you want to begin the curve, and drag in a straight line to the position for the other
endpoint of the curve.
2. Click on the line to select it. Handles in the shapes of small squares will appear at either end of

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

the line and in the center of the line.

3. Move the cursor over the center handles until the cursor becomes a two-way arrow.

4. Click and drag in the direction of the curve, bending the line as you move the cursor. Release to
set the curve. (The line you began with will disappear.)

Draw a circle by drawing two curved lines, connected.

Drawing an Area Object

Area conditions are drawn similarly to continuous mode lines. You may trace any number of adjoining
walls at different angles to complete your area takeoff.
NOTE: When drawing an area, do not intersect the perimeter or line of the object you are drawing.

1. Click at each point.

2. Double-click when you’ve returned to your starting point.
3. The area will be filled with the pattern set for that condition.

To create a circular area, click from point to point with very short distances in between points,
simulating a circle’s perimeter. Double-click after setting the last point to set the area.

NOTE: The simulated circle will be good enough for you to be able to make a bid.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

To move a line at any angle (regardless of default setting), press the Shift key while
moving the mouse.

Grid Options
Grids give you an added advantage when installing materials such as tiles. Use this feature to get a
count for how many tiles are needed for an area.
1. Double-click on an area condition in the Takeoff dock bar to open its Condition dialog.
2. Click on the Advanced tab to show its options.
3. Check the box next to Grid by clicking in it.
4. Indicate the dimensions of the cell matrix in inches (For example, 2.00 x 4.00).
5. Under Results tab, choose each (EA) for one of the results fields. This will tabulate a number of
grid cells (including partial grid cells) in area.

6. Click to save your settings.

7. Use the Move Grid and Rotate Grid features, in the Tools menu, to manipulate the
grid as desired.

Grid Calculation
1. Go to Tools > Options menu.

1. Specify if On-Screen Takeoff automatically should Calculate Grid Position.

2. If Area/Grid Size is selected On-Screen Takeoff will calculate the number of items needed to fill
the grid based on grid demintions.

3. Click to accept and close the dialog.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Backout Mode
This feature allows you to take out part of an area and deduct that amount of square footage.

1. Select Tools > Backout Mode.

2. Outline the are you want backed out as you would when drawing a regular area object (see
Drawing an Area Object)
3. The outlined area will clear and quantities will be recalculated.

NOTE: The perimeter of the backout area will be added to the LF quantity for that condition.

Drawing a Count Object

Square, triangle, rectangle and circle shaped count objects can easily be placed on images.

1. Select the condition

2. Click in the location where you want the object to appear.

3. To place an opening-shaped count item, like a door or window, you must click over an existing
linear object, such as a wall.

4. On the Results tab, you can change the height properties to give you the result you need.
5. If Backout is checked on the advanced tab for each count opening, the opening-shaped count
item will back out a corresponding section of the linear object.

Opening shaped count items are sized at 3’0” by default.

Drawing a Zone
Zones are drawn in the same way as area objects and may be any polygonal shape. You may trace any
number of adjoining walls at different angles to complete the zone perimeter.
1. Click at each point.
2. Double-click when you’ve returned to your starting point.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Selecting Objects

1. Use the Select Tool to select objects.

You can also select all objects that correspond to a condition.

1. Click on a condition to select it.
2. Right-click and choose Select All.
3. All objects with this condition will be highlighted with squares as an outline.

Moving and Resizing Objects

1. To move or resize a linear object, click anywhere on the line to select it.
2. To move the line, position your pointer over the center handles. When the mouse is positioned
over the handles, you will see a two-way arrow. You will only be able to move the line in the
direction of the arrows.
3. Drag the line to a new position.
4. Clicking and dragging the handles on the ends of the line will allow you to lengthen or shorten
your line.

Area and Zone

1. To move an area object or zone in its entirety, click and drag it to its new position.

2. Grabbing a handle at a corner or intersection of the object will allow you to adjust and change its

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

1. To move a square, circle, rectangle or triangle shaped count object, click and drag.
2. Click and drag an opening shaped count object along the length of the linear object to the
desired position; then release.
NOTE: An opening shaped count object may not be moved from its associated linear condition
object; however, it may be moved up and down the length of the linear object.

On-Screen Takeoff allows you to sort and separate your takeoff objects within the same job and on the
same page. On-Screen Takeoff gives you this flexibility through the use of layers.

By assigning different conditions to different layers (for example, differentiating between floors, ceilings,
and walls), you can choose to view all layers or turn off certain layers to display and print the remaining
groups of conditions only. You may also remove the background image of electronic plans, add text and
hot link symbols, or print only your condition takeoffs.

Layers are only available in Full Mode. If you are in View or Lite Mode and would like to use this

feature, click from the main toolbar to purchase the upgrade.

Default Layers
On-Screen Takeoff begins every project with three default layers: Image, Annotation and Default. The
Image layer holds the electronic plan files you may have in your project. The Annotation layer possesses
all text notations, highlighting and hot links in the project. The Default layer will appear in the Condition
dialog when creating or editing a condition (listed in the takeoff dock bar). Conditions are assigned to
the Default layer unless otherwise specified by the user.

Creating Layers
To assign a condition to a layer other than the default layer, you must first create additional layers for
your project.

1. Select View > Layers to open the Layers dialog.

2. Click . An unnamed layer will be added.

3. Click within the empty box, and type a name for your layer (for example, Wall).
4. New layers are added as active layers. The adjacent box under the Show column will be

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Assigning a Layer to a Condition

1. Open the Condition dialog box by creating a new condition or editing an existing condition.
2. Under the General tab, click on the down arrow in the Layer field to display optional layers.
3. Select the desired layer for the condition. Only the Default layer and layers you have added
will be displayed.

4. Click .

View and Hide Layers

1. Select View > Layers.
2. Under the Show column, check the box, to view, or remove the check (by clicking on it) to
hide the specific layer.

3. Click to accept and close the Layers dialog.

Section 6 Conditions and Takeoff

Assigning Text to a Layer

When adding text to an image, On-Screen Takeoff has the capability to assign the text to a specified
1. Select the Text Tool
2. Click at the point you want to place your text.
3. Type in your text using the Enter key for line breaks.
4. Click the drop down arrow next to the Layer field, and select the desired layer.

Section 7

Printing and Exporting

This section will:

 Printing options and procedures.
 Exporting data by copying and pasting.
 Exporting quantity results to Excel spreadsheets.

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

Print Setup
On-Screen Takeoff allows the user to print the image, takeoff list and worksheet.
1. Select File > Print Setup. The Print Setup dialog will open.
2. Select a printer or leave the default selection listed (change from the default printer displayed by
clicking on the down arrow at the right of the field).

3. Indicate page size and printer tray option (Source). Access page size options by clicking on the
down arrow at the right of the field.
4. Choose Portrait or Landscape orientation.

5. Click to accept and close the dialog.

Printing Images
The image area can include the electronic plans, the takeoff objects, added text and hot links.
To print a subset of these (for example, just the takeoffs without the plans or the added text and hot link
symbols), hide layers that you do not want to print (see Section 6, View and Hide Layers). When you are
printing your images, every page will show the scale of the takeoff you are printing.

1. Click on the Image tab to display the area of your project.

2. Select File > Print (or Ctrl + P)

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

3. Select the desired view (What to print) and the Image Range.

4. Click . The second Print dialog will open.

5. Change settings accordingly or click if you accept the default settings.

Printing Takeoff Lists and Worksheets

In Takeoff Lists and Worksheets, you may hide columns to print only certain results or adjust column
widths to fit the report within the page size selected.

1. In Takeoff List or Worksheet view, move your cursor to the right side of the column’s title bar,
the cursor will display as a two-way arrow.

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

2. Click and drag to adjust the width of the column. Holding the mouse button, you may
slide the title bar under the title bar to its left to hide the column completely.

3. Select File > Print, or press Ctrl + P, to access the Print

4. Indicate desired printer and choose the number of copies.

5. Click to print and close the dialog.

When printing the condition list, we suggest printing in landscape.

To reset to the default column widths double-click on the right border of a column heading will
reset the column to its right (or previously to its right before being hidden).

Print Preview
1. Select File > Print Preview.

2. Use and to vary your view.

3. If viewing an image, choose current full or scale view to see how it displays.
4. For printed outputs that cover more than one page, use and to view
adjacent pages, or click on the down arrow next to Page field and select the page you want

The number of pages for the view selected will display in the lower left-hand corner. The
zoom percentage that applies to the view will be displayed in the lower right-hand corner,
next to page size of the drawing.

Using the Copy/Paste Feature
You may copy all the data or sections from the worksheet and the takeoff list view in On-Screen Takeoff
and paste it into another application. When pasting into Excel, the cell layout will be maintained.

1. Highlight the areas you wish to paste. Click and hold the left mouse button down as you drag the
cursor over the area to be selected, then releasing the mouse button.
2. Select the entire takeoff list quickly, click on the left On-Screen Takeoff column header and hold
and drag the cursor across the remaining column headings.

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

3. In the worksheet view, you may highlight rows by clicking on the numbered buttons to the left of
each row, clicking and dragging across column headings, or clicking and dragging over individual
cells in the worksheet.

Click anywhere in the appropriate view to deselect the area.

4. Once your selection is highlighted, you may select Edit > Copy or Ctrl C from the keyboard.
5. On your monitor, switch to the application into which you want to paste your selection.
6. Select Edit > Paste in the new application or simply press Ctrl + V to paste.

The colored keys for conditions cannot be pasted.

Using the Export Feature

You may export condition quantities to specified cell location within an Excel worksheet file. Cell target
locations are assigned in the Results tab of the condition dialogs, on the Export line relating to each
quantity measurement type.

On-Screen Takeoff will export takeoff quantity results for up to three different quantity types that you
specify. For instance, you may want to know the number of square feet in a ceiling area, as well as, the
number of linear feet in its perimeter.

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

1. Bring up the Condition dialog by double-clicking on a condition in the takeoff dock bar or by

selecting the condition and clicking .

2. Click on the Results tab, to access its fields. The default quantities for the condition type will
3. For each results field, click on the arrow to access the pull-down menu, and select the
appropriate quantity (for example: SF, LF, EA, etc…).
4. Have your Excel spreadsheet opened and saved in a file.
5. Specify the Excel spreadsheet cell locations where you want the results to go.
6. For a cell in the first sheet of your spreadsheet, type in the cell address (e.g., a1). Case is not
7. For a cell on a successive sheet of your spreadsheet, type in sheet, the number followed by a
comma, and the cell address, without any spaces (e.g., sheet2,a1). Case is not important.

8. Click .
9. Select File > Export > Condition Qty to Excel.

Section 7 Printing and Exporting

10. Browse to the location of the Excel spreadsheet file, click file to select it

11. Click to export On-Screen Takeoff results to specified cell locations in the Excel file.
When you return to the Excel application, you will see the values have been added to the
specified cell locations in your spreadsheet.
12. Save your Excel file.

The Excel application must be active (it may be minimized on the application bar), with
the target spreadsheet open in the application. Otherwise, an error will occur with the
export operation that will affect both the On-Screen Takeoff™ file and the Excel

Exporting Worksheet to Excel

1. Assign condition quantities you want to export.
2. Open saved Excel spreadsheet file to which you will be exporting.
3. From On-Screen Takeoff, Select File > Export > Worksheet to Excel.
4. Browse to the location of the Excel spreadsheet file, click file to select it

5. Click . When you return to the Excel application, you will see the values from the
Worksheet Tab have been added to your spreadsheet.
6. Save your Excel file.

Exporting Takeoff to CVS

1. Assign condition quantities you want to export.
2. Open saved Excel spreadsheet file to which you will be exporting.
3. Click the Takeoff Tab in the project you want to export the information.
4. Select File > Export > Takeoff to CSV.
5. Browse to the location of the CSV spreadsheet file, click file to select it.

6. Click the Save .

NOTE: CSV files can be opened in Excel, Lotus, Access, etc. One may consider this option more of a
“dump” into a file.

Section 8

Advanced Features

This section will:

 Some special features of working with condition objects in the takeoff area.
 Details of advanced options for conditions.
 Advanced features of the Project Properties dialog.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Features to Use with Objects

Roping Feature
You can move, copy or delete using this feature. Using the Select tool (the pointer), you may select
several objects at once by clicking and dragging an outline around the objects, then releasing the mouse
button. Roping may select either objects completely within the outlined area (inclusive) or objects both
within and touched by the outlined area (touching). Specify your roping preference under Tools >

1. Click and hold the mouse button at a point on the screen near the objects to be selected, and
drag to surround the objects with an outline.

2. Release the mouse button. The objects will be selected.

3. You may now:
 Move the group around on the page by clicking within the group, dragging the mouse,
and releasing the button to place the objects.
 Delete the group of objects by clicking the Delete key, or
 Copy and paste by pressing Ctrl C to copy the group, then Ctrl V to paste it. The
pasted copy of the grouped objects will appear slightly offset from the original objects.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Applying a Drop/Run Count

Use the drop/run feature when calculating quantities, to take into account the drop or run of a linear
condition, such as electrical lines or plumbing pipes. Drop or run lengths may be added separately to any
linear condition on screen, while a default drop/run length may be indicated for a condition as a whole.

1. Select the desired linear condition from the Condition List in the Takeoff Dock bar.
2. Click the Change button in the toolbar to open the Change Condition dialog.
3. Click the Advanced tab to access the advanced options, and click inside the Drop/Run check box.
4. Enter a default length to be applied to all of this condition. Entering 800 will be interpreted as 8'
0. (You must enter both place markers for inches.) You can leave the length blank and manually
enter drop/ run on each segment drawn.
5. Click the OK button to accept and close the dialog.

Edit Drop/Run Count

1. With the related linear condition in the Takeoff Dock bar highlighted, or with the pointer tool
2. click on the desired linear object in the image takeoff area. The Count button will become active.
3. Click on the Count button (alternatively, select Tools > Count). The default drop/run amount
will show in the pop-up Count dialog. (Default length will be zero if drop/run has not been
selected in this condition’s properties.)
4. Type in the desired length. Entering 800 will be interpreted as 8' 0. (You must enter both place
markers for inches.)
5. Click the OK button. The additional amount will be reflected in the corresponding quantity. The
new Drop/Run count will apply only to the object edited.

Adding Text in Image View

On-Screen Takeoff allows you to place text comments around your quantity takeoffs that may be printed
along with plan images and objects. Text is automatically placed within the Annotation Layer (that
includes text and hot links).

1. To place text on the image, select the Text Tool and click at the point you want to place your
text, opening a text box.
2. Type in your information, clicking Enter for line breaks.
3. When you are finished, click the OK button to exit the text box.
4. To reposition text, simply click on the text (with the Text Tool active) to select it.
5. Move the cursor over the text; the cursor will now display as a four-way arrow.
6. Click and drag the mouse to position the text as desired.

Section 8 Advanced Features

1. To edit existing text, use the Text Tool to double-click on the

text to open the editing box.
2. Enter additional text or use the Backspace key to delete text as necessary.

Formatting Text
Once created, you may format the font, size, type style, and color of your text.

1. Click on the text to select it, and select Tools > Font, or click on the Font button in the Takeoff
2. Select the desired features (color options are disabled), and click the OK button.
3. Click on the text to select it, and select Tools > Color, or click on the Color button in the Takeoff
Toolbar. The Color dialog will open.
4. Click on a color in the Basic Color palette, or create a color and add to the Custom Colors palette.
(Be sure to click on the color in the Custom Colors palette to select it.)
5. Click the OK button.

Object Properties

Linear Objects
 Linear objects may be set to connect at corners.
 A linear object may be set to trim automatically when crossing another linear object.
(Check the trim option under the advanced tab of the Condition dialog.)
 When you move a connected linear object, objects automatically move and resize
connected lines accordingly (quantities are then recalculated).
This feature requires that the connected linear object be moved using the center
handles (does not apply when resizing the line from the ends).
 Objects constrain to snap increments defined in the Tools > Options menu (with the mouse,
15° by default, incremental when shift key is held down).
 Objects are measured from centerline to centerline.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Area Objects
 When drawing an area, use your escape key to undo the last line drawn. You may reverse your
drawing of an area using the escape key.
 The area will not fill with color and pattern until the user double-clicks after the last line is set.
 Lines drawn to delineate an area object constrain to snap increments defined in the Tools >
Options menu (with the mouse, 15° by default, incremental when shift key is held down).
 After selecting an area to move or adjust, position the mouse in the center to move the entire
area; position the mouse at the sides or corners to adjust the perimeter.
Count Objects
 All count objects are quantified by the physical number of objects per page and reported as EA
for the UOM. The quantity for the current Image View is (displayed in the Condition List), and
the total quantity in your project is displayed in the Takeoff View and Worksheet View).
 Square, circle, rectangle and triangle shaped count objects do not displace or subtract from other
object quantities when placed on top of them. However, on the Advanced Tab for the count
condition a connect property can be set (this is a check box) so that when a count object of this
shape is put on top of a Linear type takeoff object, it will move with the linear if said linear is
 An opened-shaped count object must be placed within a linear object. Opening shaped count
objects may also be measured by linear foot or linear yard (EA, SF, and SY are also options).
Opening shaped count items default to a width of 3’ 0” at the time of creation. This size can be
changed. The small, medium, and large size are not options on this type of condition anymore.
Check Backout on the Advanced tab for each Count object, back out the footage (or yardage) of
opening-shaped count objects in which they are placed.

NOTE: In order to see this Backout functionality (in quantity) for SY or SF deductions, at least one of the
results for the Linear(s) this object will be placed on must be set to SY or SF and the count object
must have a height quantity.

Advanced Features of Conditions

The Round Feature
Under the Advanced tab of the linear and area Condition dialogues, you may specify quantity rounding
(in inches). For linear objects, rounding applies to each linear object drawn. For area objects, rounding
will apply to each segment of the area perimeter, adjusting the perimeter and area calculations. For
example: With a linear condition, entering 12 in the Round field will round up each related linear object
to the nearest 12 inches, or one foot. With this setting, two walls of 1' 4 would each round to 2' 0,
totaling 4' 0.
NOTE: In the Takeoff Dock bar condition list and in the On-Screen Takeoff reports, quantities will be
displayed in whole numbers, rounded up to the nearest foot. However, calculations are based
on true quantities, without rounding, unless the Round Feature is engaged.
Pitch may apply either to linear or area conditions. It is measured in rise per linear foot. Entering 12
indicates a 12 rise per 12 of linear distance (a pitch of 12 over 12), or an angle of 45°.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Advanced Features of Project Properties

Selecting Multiple Pages
1. Select a single page entry by clicking on the numbered gray button to the left of the entry.
2. Drag the cursor down the column of numbers to select consecutive pages.
3. Click on the blank button at the top of this column to select all pages in the Properties dialog.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Changing Image Assigned to a Drawing

1. Select the page entry by clicking on the numbered gray button to the left of the entry.
2. Click the Change Image button. The Change Image dialog box will appear.

3. Navigate to the desired file and select by clicking on it.

4. Click the Open button. The electronic file assigned to the page will have been changed to reflect
the new file choice.

Changing Image File Path

1. Select pages as described above.
2. Choose Change Folder
3. In the Change Folder dialog, navigate to the appropriate folder.
4. Click the OK button. The file path will have been changed for the selected page entries.
Delete a Page from Project Properties
1. Select the page you want to delete by clicking on its associated number (in the gray box at the
left of the entry).
2. Choose Delete Page.

All Takeoff on the page will be deleted immediately and permanently.

Section 8 Advanced Features

Advanced Features of Tool Options

Calculation Method
On-Screen Takeoff has built-in calculation options to allow for faster work and faster saves until your
takeoff is complete. Calculation options are found by selecting Tools > Options, then clicking on the
Calculation tab.

Calculation method can be set to Automatic, Automatic except Grids, and Manual. Manual will allow the
program to operate more quickly, while Automatic or Automatic except Grids allows the user to see
quantity changes as takeoffs are made.

In any mode, you may press F9 to recalculate quantities for the On-Screen Takeoff current totals.

Configuration Tab

When the “Page Label (A01)” radial button is chosen On-Screen Takeoff puts the numbered label on all
the pages of in your current page indicator in your Navigate Toolbar. If the Page Description” radial
button is chosen, then a description of what takeoff is on that specific page will be shown in your current
page indicator in your Navigate Toolbar.

This section of the configuration tab, gives you options on how you want to export your information.
When the “Folder/Subfolder Names” radial button is chosen than on your file that you are exporting to
will have all the conditions folders and subfolders. In the Delimiter box, you can choose the symbol that
is needed to separate the information you are exporting. Some files need semicolons (;) or colons (:) to
make sure the information comes exported in is separated it the appropriate places.

Section 8 Advanced Features

In previous versions of On-Screen Takeoff there are views that users need to have in order for them to
display their information. By either choosing “OST 1x” or “OST 2x” it will let the program know you want
your columns of information exported in that specific format.

When you have the Confirm Deletions radial button of “Yes” chosen than every time you delete anything
you will get a dialog box confirming your intentions of deletion.

While working with your takeoff , you have a choice to either view the legend of your conditions or hide
it. Choose whichever radial button that suits your needs.

For those who prefer to use the Enter key to navigate in dialog boxes, this option is just for that.

Font Tab
The Font tab is designed for you to make your own look and feel for the application. At the bottom of this
tab it will show you sample of the fonts and colors you have chosen.

Renaming the Current Page

You may change the name of the current page in the takeoff area of On-Screen Takeoff by selecting Edit
> Rename Page.
This opens the Name Page dialog, and you may simply type in a new name and click the Enter button.
The new name for the file will be reflected on the title bar for the page and in Project Properties.

You also may access the Rename Page function by right-clicking in the takeoff area
while in Image View and selecting the option from the pop-up menu that appears.

Section 9

Saving and Exiting

This section will:

 Explain how to save projects
 Show you how to safely exit the program

Section 9 Saving and Exiting

Saving Your Project

1. Select File > Save.
2. If your project has not previously been saved, a Save dialog box will open to allow you to name
the file and choose the directory and folder in which to save your file.
3. Once saved, File > Save will simply save the current version of the file.


4. Select File > Save As, then type in a new name for the file and save to the desired file

The Auto-save Feature

With the Auto-save feature, On-Screen Takeoff automatically backs up your open project. You may
choose to have more than one level of backup files. The first backup copy will have the extension .b00,
and successive files will be .b01, .b02, and so on. If you have designated four levels of backup files,
after the fourth backup copy has been created (.b03), the next file will be saved over the file with
extension .b00. Further backup saves will then rotate through the four backup files in the same way.

1. Select Tools > Options.

2. In the Auto-save area (under the General tab), select the frequency of backup file creation (in
minutes) and the number of levels for the feature.
3. You also may disengage the feature by clicking in the check box to clear it.

The Auto-save feature automatically saves backup copies to the directory of the
current project. If you are working from a write-protected area, such as a CD-ROM,
On-Screen Takeoff will place backup files in the On-Screen Takeoff folder.

When you are finished using On-Screen Takeoff it is very easy to exit. Exiting is very
important because of security reasons. If someone were to use your computer they could
enter the application and view and manipulate information.

Section 9 Saving and Exiting

On-Screen Takeoff closes the open project when you open another or create a new project, or when you
exit the program.
1. Select File > Exit.

2. You also may click at the upper right-hand corner of the application to exit.
NOTE: If your latest changes to a project file have not been saved, On-Screen Takeoff will ask you
whether you would like to save the file and gives you the option of canceling the operation.

Appendix I Installing Your Digitizer

Appendix I

Installing Your Digitizer

When you get your digitizer from GTCO you will need to connect it to your computer. Follow the
instructions outlined below to do this.

Note: For rollup digitizers, the metal bar must be oriented to the top or right hand side.

Connecting the Digitizer

1. Lay the digitizer out flat.
2. Connect the Stylus to the digitizer.
3. Plug in the power adapter.
4. Plug the interface (IO) cable into the digitizer.
5. Plug the other end of the interface cable into an open serial port on computer.

Note: GTCO Technical support phone number is: 410-381-6688. The electronic manual (on diskette)
from GTCO contains more detailed installation and operation instructions for the GTCO digitizer model
you have.

Installing other Digitizer Drivers

If you are using a GTCO Digitizer, you will need to install the GTCO TabletWorks Drivers.
If you are using a Digitizer not supported by GTCO Tablet Works 10, please contact the manufacturer of
your digitizer for assistance with installation.

Installing GTCO TabletWorks Drivers

1. Insert the On Center CD into the CD-ROM drive. The CD Startup screen will open.
2. Click on Install Software.
3. Select Additional Software and Drivers
4. Select Digitizer Driver
5. Follow the instructions for installing TabletWorks 10.

Adhering the Template

The template is a small plastic sticker used to enable mouse function when using the digitizer with On-
Screen Takeoff.
Place your template on your digitizer. We suggest placing it in the bottom right corner of the digitizer,
about one inch inside the takeoff area.

Note: You may either peel off the back of the template and use the adhesive surface or you can tape the
template down.

Appendix I Installing Your Digitizer

Testing the Digitizer Drivers

Before running OST, you may test the digitizer by moving the stylus around on the digitizer pad; it should
move the mouse cursor (if mouse emulation is enabled).

If the digitizer does not move the mouse cursor on the screen

 The superset codes may need to be reset. Reset the superset codes by touching on the
border of the digitizer with the stylus. The digitizer should beep several times.

 The digitizer may not be communicating with the computer. Be sure the COM port
selected is correct. Be sure the COM port selected is correct. If you are
not able to get the digitizer to move the mouse cursor you need to call GTCO technical
support for help.

Note: The Mouse Emulation is not required for On-Screen Takeoff to work properly. It is used only
for the Template functionality, if the digitizer is moving the cursor the wrong direction (up
instead of sideways or vice-versa).

 Click the L-shaped arrow symbol on the digitizer with the stylus.

Appendix II Toolbar Item Details

Appendix II
Toolbar Items

Main Toolbar

Appendix II Toolbar Item Details

Tool Toolbar

Appendix II Toolbar Item Details

Zoom Toolbar

View Toolbar

Navigate Toolbar

Appendix II Toolbar Item Details

Navigate Toolbar (Continued)

Takeoff Toolbar

Appendix II Toolbar Item Details

Takeoff Toolbar (Continued)

Image Toolbar

Appendix III Loading Plans from a Dodge CD

Appendix III
Loading Plans from a Dodge CD
This section will detail how to load plans from a F. W. Dodge CD-ROM into an On-Screen Takeoff project
file, ready for takeoffs!

Dodge files may be added to the Project Properties dialog. However, loading the files in that way will
load the files by number rather than name description. If you want to load one page only from your
Dodge CD. You will have to rename the page to display the name rather than number of the file.

To load plan files from a Dodge CD so that the files load sequentially by file number but are displayed by
name rather than by number within your project, follow the instructions below.

Opening a Dodge project from a CD-ROM

1. Insert the CD into the drive.
2. Choose File > Custom.
3. Choose Dodge Plans Project (plans.dat) as the file type.
4. Select the appropriate file type by clicking on the down arrow at the right of the Files of type
5. In the Look in field, access your drive paths by clicking on the down arrow at the right of the
field, then:

 Navigate to your CD-ROM drive,

 Open the data folder, and
 Open the Projects folder.

6. Select the desired project and open its folder.

7. Open the plans.dat file.
8. All the images will come in sequenced correctly for that job along with the full descriptions
(names) of each page. If there is not a plans folder in the project folder, then plans do not exist
for that project on the CD. Opening the plans.dat file will yield an empty project.

Appendix IV Using the Plan Viewer

Appendix IV

Using On-Screen Takeoff Plan Viewer

The On-Screen Takeoff Plan Viewer is a limited version of On Center Software’s commercial takeoff
software. If your status bar, located at the very bottom of the main window says, "View Mode" in the
lower left-hand corner, then you are using the Plan Viewer. You can use the plan viewer to:
 View CD-based & converted CAD drawings

 View a previously created OST file and associated drawings

 Download electronic plans online

 Navigate through drawings

 Quickly Takeoff linears,areas and counts

 Zoom in to view the plan better

 Print drawings directly from the viewer

Viewing an On-Screen Takeoff Project File

1. To open an OST file that was previously created with of On-Screen Takeoff:
2. Select File > Open
3. An "Open" dialog will appear, if you do not see the OST file you are looking for, select the
Look In drop down arrow
4. A drop down menu will appear listing the various folders, drives and mapped drives located
on your computer, select the correct drive or folder location and continue to browse to the
location of your OST file
5. When you see your OST file double-click it to open it
6. Any takeoff and drawings should appear on the Image tab view

 If you do not see the drawings but do see the colored takeoff layer, the drawings may
not be located in the same place they were originally saved at. Go to File > Project
Properties and check the "Image File" path for each listed page. If the image file path is
pointing to a CD drive, make sure the CD is inside the CR-ROM.

Downloading Electronic Plans

If your Online Plan Service provides a special file format (OSX) required to use this feature of our plan
viewer, you can immediately downloaded all electronic plans of a project directly from our viewer.

Most Plan Room web sites, will automatically open On-Screen Takeoff when a request to download plans
is made. Your particular Plan Room may differ in operation so please contact the provider directly with
questions on using the site.

Appendix IV Using the Plan Viewer

When you request to download or open a project file from a Plan Room, you will usually have the open to
open or save an OSX file. Choosing open will automatically open On-Screen Takeoff. Alternately, you may
choose to save the file to a local hard drive. After you have saved the file, either double-click it to launch
On-Screen Takeoff or open the OSX file using On-Screen Takeoff by clicking File, then Open and locating
the file on your hard drive. You will need to change the file type to OSX.

After the OSX file is opened, you will see an additional tab appear in the Conditions List window called

The Pages tab shows the hierarchy of your project. Gray file icons represent pages that have not been
downloaded and blue icons represents pages that have been downloaded.

 To download a page, simply double-click the page icon.

 If you wish to select a group of pages to download, you can use the Ctrl or Shift key to multiple
select them, then click the Download button.

 If you wish to download all pages at once, click the Download All button.

Downloaded pages will now appear in the Project Properties dialog in the same order in which they
appear in the Pages tab.

Creating Quick Takeoffs

With On-Screen Takeoff, you can create quick takeoffs to measure quantities even if you don't have the
full version of our program. However, using the Quick Takeoff functionality shows you just a fraction of
what the full version can do!
The Quick Takeoff Toolbar is located at the top of the image view. It has three buttons designated for
three types of takeoffs: Linear, Area and Count. The Quantity drop down list will show secondary
quantities for Linears and Areas. The Units drop down allows you to select how you want your quantities
displayed: Feet, Inches, Yards, Millimeters and Meters.

NOTE: Every time change the type of takeoff you are performing (switching from Area to Linear for
example), the previous quantities and takeoff objects will disappear. They will also disappear when you
changes pages.

NOTE: You can use the Dimension Tool to basically measure the distance between two points or linears.
The distance will display on the status bar at the bottom of the application.

The Quick Takeoff Toolbar:

Appendix V Frequently Asked Questions

Appendix V
Frequently Asked Questions


Where is On-Screen Takeoff installed on my computer?

Typically, it is installed in C:\Program Files\On-Screen Takeoff.

In Explorer, how do I recognize On-Screen Takeoff file types?

On-Screen Takeoff data is stored in a single file per job: ‘job name. OST’. On-Screen Takeoff
templates are stored as, ‘template name.TPO.’

Can only one project at a time be open?

Yes. For that reason, opening another project automatically closes the project on screen. You will
be asked to save any changes.

Is only one scale allowed per page? What about on drawings that have multiple detail
sections on a page and each of those drawings have different scales?
Yes. For pages with drawings of different scales, copy the drawing to another project page and set
the appropriate scale.

I cannot perform backout on an area that is along a linear?

As a workaround, use the On-Screen Takeoff layers feature to help you with this issue.

Electronic Images

How do I start a project from drawings that have been scanned and written to a
Open a new project. Select File > Project Properties and select Auto Add. Navigate to
your CD and the appropriate folder and select any image file in that location. Click Open.
All files in the location will load into your project.
*Recommended that images are copied from CD to hard drive for performance

If I get a disk of drawings in AutoCAD format (R13 or R14), can I read them in
On-Screen Takeoff?
Yes. On-Screen Takeoff now reads .DWG, .DXF, and many other format that are saved
with AutoCAD.

Appendix V Frequently Asked Questions

When I click on the all pages button, what is supposed to happen? Currently
nothing seems to change when I click on that button.
The All Pages button is used to apply the Darken and Enhance Plans feature to all pages
in the project (as opposed to only the current page on screen).

Is there a way to deduct a large skylight from an area

Yes, with the related area condition selected in the Takeoff Dock bar, unselect the
Backout button on the Takeoff Toolbar, then draw the Backout area. The area quantity
will be deducted from the related condition object, and the linear measurement of the
Backout perimeter will be added.

Digitizer Issues
How do I connect a Digitizer to the computer?
See Appendix I: Connecting a Digitizer.
The Place Template menu choice is disabled.
On-Screen Takeoff may need to be authorized, or the digitizer or the digitzer drivers are
not installed.
It won’t let me select the Set Takeoff Area menu choice.
On-Screen Takeoff may need to be authorized or no job is open, a digitizer is not
installed, or the drivers are not installed.
The digitizer stylus is not moving the cursor or crosshairs.
Click S-0-1 superset on the digitizer.
How do I convert my old GTCO Digitizer to work with On- Screen Takeoff™?
Call GTCO and they may be able to reconfigure your digitizer to be compatible with On-
Screen Takeoff.

Printing Issues
Which Printers work with On-Screen Takeoff?
Compatible printers include On-Screen Takeoff Hewlett Packard, Epson, and Canon printers. If you
are having printer difficulties, please contact support and specify the type of printer along with
other pertinent information. Contact support at or email .
Which Plotters work with On-Screen Takeoff?
Compatible Plotters include Hewlett Packard DesignJet plotters and the EnCAD Cadjet II. If you are
having plotter difficulties, please contact support and specify the type of plotter concerned.

I can no longer see my condition list. How do I get it back?
The toolbars and Dock bars can be turned on and off through the View > Toolbars menu options.

Appendix V Frequently Asked Questions

This is also accessible by right-clicking in the toolbar area and selecting (or deselecting) a toolbar
I cannot view my folders in the condition list.
Right-click in the Takeoff Dock bar/condition list area and select Show Tree to display your folders.
My Status Bar reads Viewer Mode and I am unable to draw conditions.
On-Screen Takeoff needs to be Authorized. Or you need to purchase an upgrade. Click the Perform
Advanced Takeoff button on the main toolbar.

I hid a Dock bar, and when I selected to view it again, it appeared alongside the other Dock
bar instead of stacked on top of it. How do I fix it?
Pick up the Dock bar by clicking on the bar at the top and, continuing to hold down the mouse
button, drag the Dock bar over the other one. It will resize and appear stacked with the other.

When I open image files from a CD, the images are all upside down. How do I get them right
side up?
To flip pages from top to bottom, follow the steps below:
1. Click the All Pages button on the Image Toolbar. (All Pages is engaged when the button
is not clicked.)
2. Click the Flip Horizontal button on the Image Toolbar.
3. Click the All Pages button again to disengage.

How do I create a Template?
Follow the steps below:
1. Create a typical project.
2. Choose File > Save As.
3. Choose On-Screen Takeoff Template Files as the file type to save.
4. Name the file. This will save all of the condition setups as well as the layers for the

How do I create a new project from a template?

Follow the steps below:
1. Choose File > New.
2. Select a template from those listed in the New dialog. This will open a new project with
conditions and layers saved from a previous project, but no pages or takeoff.

Linear Objects, 56
Main Toolbar, 12, 67
Menus, 14
Moving Toolbars, 13
Area Conditions, 32
Navigate Toolbar, 12, 69
Area Objects, 57
Navigating, 20
Auto Scrolling, 20
On-Screen Takeoff™, 2
Auto-save, 63
Page, 59, 61
Backout Mode, 41
Pages, 20, 25, 28
Calculation Method, 60
Plan Viewer, 73
Conditions, 29
Plans, 26
Configuration, 60
Printing, 47, 76
Contents Tab, 6
Project Properties, 25
Continuous Mode, 38
Projects, 22
Count Conditions, 33
Quick Start Video, 18
Count Objects, 57
Resizing Toolbars, 13
Digitizer, 10, 65, 76
Roping, 54
Docking Toolbars, 13 Saving, 63
Scale, 28
Dodge CD, 72
Drawing, 27, 37
Search Tab, 7
Drop/Run Count, 55
Selecting Objects, 42
Environment, 18
Setup, 8
Start On-Screen Takeoff™, 17
Exiting, 63
Exporting, 49
System Requirements, 9
Features, 16
Takeoff, 19, 27
Font, 61
Takeoff Toolbar, 70, 71
Takeoff Toolbar, 12
Frequently Asked Questions, 75
Grid, 40
Template Files, 23
Help File, 5
TIF (Group4), 9
Hiding Toolbars, 13
Tool Toolbar, 12, 68
Hot Links, 21
Toolbar, 67
Image, 19, 59
Toolbars, 12
Image files, 9
View Toolbar, 12, 69
Image Toolbar, 12, 71
Viewing Toolbars, 12
Images, 75
Worksheet, 20
Index Tab, 6
Zone Conditions, 33
Layers, 43
Zoom Toolbar, 12, 69
Linear Conditions, 31


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