Presentasi Fisdas Besok Bangett

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PENGERTIAN (yashinta)

Slide 1 WAVES
Thank you for the chance for our team to stand up here and share our knowledge via this
presentation. But like a proverb, “What you know is as big as the size of your palm, and what
you not know is as big as the size of universe”, this presentation is just a little pieces of the
But now, to start this presentation, I would ask you to look at this picture. Only from this
picture, we can identify the waves examples. An owl that produces ultrasonic wave, a laptop
with bluetooth, internet, wifi, and so on, uses radio wave. headphone tranfers sound wave.
And many more waves applications. So, YOU WANT MORE? LET’S CHECK IT OUT!!!!
Slide 2
The first topic we will explain about the definition of wave. Next topic we will explain
about kind of waves. Then the third topic is waves application. And the last we will raise
how internet works up as our main topic.
A wave is a vibrational energy propagation.
Based on the medium, Waves are divided into 2 kinds, there are electromagnetic wave and
mechanic wave. meanwhile, based on the direction, Waves are also divided into 2 kinds,
there are transverse wave and longitudinal wave.


Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high

frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique is similar to the
echolocation used by bats, whales and dolphins, as well as SONAR used
by submarines. In ultrasound, the following events happen:

1. The ultrasound machine transmits high-frequency sound pulses into your body
using a probe.
2. The sound waves travel into your body and hit a boundary between tissues
3. Some of the sound waves get reflected back to the probe, while some travel on
further until they reach another boundary and get reflected.
4. The reflected waves are picked up by the probe and relayed to the machine.
5. The machine calculates the distance from the probe to the tissue or organ
(boundaries) using the speed of sound in tissue and the time of the each echo's
6. The machine displays the distances and intensities of the echoes on the screen,
forming a two dimensional image with high resolution because of high frecuency

Gelombang mekanik adalah gelombang yang memerlukan medium untuk menyebar. Contoh-
contoh yang paling umum dari gelombang mekanik adalah gelombang riak (air), gelombang
suara, dan gelombang getaran (seismik). Semua gelombang dari tipe ini hanya bisa terbentuk
apabila terdapat sebuah meduim bahan seperti air, udara, batu.

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium to propagate. The most common
examples of mechanical waves are ripple waves (water), sound waves, and vibration waves
(seismic). All waves of this type can only be formed if there is a meduim of materials such as
water, air, stone.

1. Refleksi (pemantulan)
Refleksi terjadi pada saat sebuah gelombang yang merambat dalam suatu media
sampai di bidang batas medium tersebut dengan media lainnya. Contohnya,
gelombang cahaya yang merambat di dalam udara akan dipantulkan oleh bidang batas
antara udara dan air atau oleh bidang batas udara dan cermin/kaca. Selama gelombang
cahaya itu merambat dalam suatu medium, gelombang itu tidak akan mengalami
peristiwa pemantulan.
Reflection occurs when a wave that propagates in a medium reaches the limit of
the medium with other medium. For example, light waves that propagate in the
air will be reflected by the limit medium between air and water or by the limit
medium between air and mirror / glass. As long as the light wave propagates in a
medium, the wave will not experience a reflecting event.
2. Refraction (pembiasan cahaya)

Refaction merupakan peristiwa perubahan arah rambat cahaya ketika

berpindah dari satu medium ke medium lain yang kerapatan optiknya berbeda.
Peristiwa pembiasan cahaya menunjukkan adanya perubahan panjang gelombang,
akan tetapi frekuensinya tetap sama dengan frekuensi sumber getarannya. Dalam
pembiasan gelombang berlaku hukum pembiasan:

“Perbandingan sinus sudut datang dengan sinus sudut bias merupakan bilangan

Refaction is the event of a change in the direction of light propagation

when moving from one medium to another with different optical densities. In the
event of refraction of light will indicate a change in wavelength, but the
frequency remains the same as the frequency of the vibration source. In the wave
refraction, the law of refraction applies:
"The comparison of the sine angles coming with the sine angles of refraction is
a fixed number"

3. Interference
Interferensi adalah fenomena di mana dua atau lebih gelombang saling
tumpang tindih pada suatu titik tertentu dalam ruang. Interferensi sebagian besar
dibahas untuk gelombang koheren. Dua buah gelombang dikatakan koheren bila
kedua gelombang memiliki frekuensi sama dan beda fase yang konstan. Untuk
gelombang koheren, pola interferensi dapat digambarkan secara matematis dengan
cara yang sederhana.
Interference is a phenomenon where two or more waves overlap at a
certain point in space. Interference is mostly discussed for coherent waves. Two
waves are said to be coherent if both waves have the same frequency and
constant phase difference. For coherent waves, interference patterns can be
described mathematically in a simple way.

4. Difraction
Difraction adalah peristiwa penyebaran atau pembelokan gelombang yang
melalui celah sempit sehingga cahaya akan terpecah-pecah menjadi bagian-bagian
yang lebih kecil dan memiliki sifat cahaya yang baru. Gejala difraksi akan semakin
tampak jelas apabila lebar celah semakin sempit. Dengan sifat inilah ruangan dalam
rumah kita menjadi terang pada siang hari dikarenakan ada lubang kecil pada genting.
Serta suara alunan musik dari tape recorder dapat sampai ke ruangan lain, meskipun
kamar tempat tape tersebut pintunya tertutup rapat.
Difraction is the event of the spread or bending of waves through a
narrow gap so that the light will be fragmented into smaller parts and have new
properties of light. Symptoms of diffraction will be increasingly apparent when
the gap width becomes narrower. With this nature the room in our house
becomes bright during the day because there is a small hole in the roof. And the
sound of music from a tape recorder can get to another room, even though the
room where the tape is closed door.

X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm K X-ray, also called X-ray. X-rays
have frequencies between 10 16 Hz and 10 20 Hz. Its wavelength is very short,
which is 10 - 9 cm - 10 - 6 cm.

Because the wavelength is very short X-rays have a strong penetrating power. X-
rays can penetrate soft objects such as flesh and skin, but cannot penetrate hard
objects such as the nose, teeth, and metal. Therefore this light is often used in
medicine, especially to see the condition in the body without surgery. Hard body
parts will hold X-rays so that they emit fluorescent rays on the film.

Besides in the medical field, X-rays are also used to detect an object. At airports,
hotels and shopping centers to check goods carried by passengers or passengers.
X-rays are also used in radiographic techniques to test an object and check for
damage or defects in the machine. X-rays are also often used to examine crystal

Di atmosfer Bumi, sinar matahari yang mengandung warna biru dan hijau dihamburkan oleh
debu dan partikel kecil lainnya sehingga menghasilkan warna kuning, jingga dan merah.
Warna biru itu sendiri dibutuhkan sebagai pembentuk kanopi Bumi.Sementara di Mars,
atmosfernya mengandung kurang dari 1% partikel yang ada di atmosfer Bumi. Partikelnya
menyerap warna biru dan menghamburkan warna yang lebih gelap. Inilah yang membuat
warna senjanya jauh berbeda dengan Bumi.


gelombang transversal adalah gelombang yg memiliki arah rambat secara tegak lurus
dgn arah getarannya. Gelombang transversal juga merupakan salah satu dari contoh
gelombang mekanik yg merambatnya membutuhkan sebuah medium, gelombang ini
akan tampak seperti bukit dan lembah apabila digambarkan pada sebuah grafik.
Gelombang Transversal juga terdapat istilah – istilah yg lain seperti
simpangan, yakni jarak dari suatu titik pd gelombang terhadap posisi setimbang.
Puncak gelombang, yakni titik tertinggi dari gelombang. Dasar gelombang, yakni titik
terendah dari gelombang.
Berikutnya adalah Amplitudo, yakni jarak puncak ataupun dasar dari
gelombang terhadap posisi setimbang. Serta yang terakhir ialah panjang gelombang,
yakni panjang satu gelombang yg terdiri dari satu bukit serta satu lembah gelombang,
dg jarak yg diperlukan suatu gelombang utk menempuh satu periode. Berikut ini
Contoh – Contoh Gelombang Transversal yg antara lain :
1. Gelombang air
Gelombang air adalah pergerakan naik dan turunnya air dengan arah tegak lurus
permukaan air yang membentuk kurva/grafik sinusoidal.
2. Gelombang tali

transverse waves are waves that have propagation direction

perpendicular to the direction of vibration. Transverse waves are also one of the
examples of mechanical waves that propagate need a medium, these waves will
look like hills and valleys when drawn on a graph.
Transverse waves also have other terms like deviation. the distance from a
point on the wave to the equilibrium position. Wave crest, which is the highest
point of the wave. trough, which is the lowest point of the wave. Waves, namely
the arch that is at the top of the equilibrium position. Wave valley, which is the
curve at the bottom of the balanced position.
Next is the amplitude, which is the distance of the peak or base of the
wave to the equilibrium position. And the last is the wavelength, that is the
length of a wave consisting of a hill and a valley of waves, with the distance
required for a wave to cover a period. The following are examples of transverse
waves, which include:
1. Water waves are up and down movements of water in a direction
perpendicular to the surface of the water that forms a sinusoidal curve /
2. Strap

Gelombang Longitudinal adalah jenis gelombang yang arah getarannya sama
dengan arah rambatnya. Artinya, arah dari gerakan medium gelombang akan sama
atau berlawanan arah dengan perambatan gelombangnya.
Pada gambar, tampak bahwa arah getaran sejajar dengan arah rambatan
gelombang. Serangkaian rapatan dan regangan merambat sepanjang pegas. Rapatan
merupakan daerah di mana kumparan pegas saling mendekat, sedangkan regangan
merupakan daerah di mana kumparan pegas saling menjahui. Jika gelombang
tranversal memiliki pola berupa puncak dan lembah, maka gelombang longitudinal
terdiri dari pola rapatan dan regangan. Panjang gelombang adalah jarak antara rapatan
yang berurutan atau regangan yang berurutan. Yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah jarak
dari dua titik yang sama dan berurutan pada rapatan atau regangan.
Longitudinal waves are types of waves whose vibrational direction is the
same as the direction of propagation. That is, the direction of movement of the
wave medium will be the same or opposite direction to the wave propagation.
In the figure, it appears that the direction of vibration is parallel to the
direction of wave propagation. A series of densities and stretches travel along a
spring. Density is an area where spring coils are close to one another, while strain
is an area where spring coils find one another. If the transverse wave has a
pattern of peaks and valleys, then the longitudinal wave consists of dense and
strain patterns. Wavelength is the distance between consecutive densities or
sequential strains. What is meant here is the distance from two equal and
consecutive points at the density or strain.

Radar (yang dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan singkatan dari Radio Detection
and Ranging, yang berarti deteksi dan penjarakan radio) adalah suatu sistem
gelombang elektromagnetik yang berguna untuk mendeteksi, mengukur jarak dan
membuat map benda-benda seperti pesawat terbang, berbagai kendaraan bermotor
dan informasi cuaca (hujan). Gelombang radio/sinyal yang dipancarkan dan
dipantulkan dari suatu benda tertentu akan ditangkap oleh radar. Dengan
menganalisa sinyal yang dipantulkan tersebut, pemantul sinyal dapat ditentukan
lokasinya dan kadang-kadang dapat juga ditentukan jenisnya. Meskipun sinyal
yang diterima relatif lemah/kecil, namun radio sinyal tersebut dapat dengan
mudah dideteksi dan diperkuat oleh radar.

Radar (which in English stands for Radio Detection and Ranging, which
means radio detection and spacing) is an electromagnetic wave system that is
useful for detecting, measuring distances and making maps of objects such as
airplanes, various motorized vehicles and weather information ( rain). Radio
waves / signals emitted and reflected from a particular object will be captured by
the radar. By analyzing the reflected signal, the signal reflector can be located and
sometimes the type can also be determined. Although the received signal is
relatively weak / small, the radio signal can be easily detected and amplified by

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