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Noun and Pronoun

Writer :

Aisy Firdausi
Alfifah Dinda Briliana
Sarah Nasriizah N.

Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan, Fakultas Psikologi

Jalan …2019/2020

Praise our prayers for the presence of God Almighty because of the abundance
of gifts and grace, the author can finish the paper on Noun and Pronoun well even though
there are still many shortcomings in it. And the authors thank Mr. Sholeh uddin, M.pd. as a
supervisor of an English course that has given confidence to complete this task.
The author really hopes this paper will be useful in order to increase knowledge
and insight about what is noun and pronoun in English. The author is fully aware that in this
paper there are shortcomings and far from perfect words. Therefore, the authors expect
criticism, suggestions and proposals for the improvement of papers that we have made in the
future, bearing in mind that nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.

Hopefully this simple paper can be understood by anyone who reads it. If the
report that has been prepared can be useful for the writer himself or the person who reads it.
We apologize in advance if there are errors that are less pleasing.
Table of Contents

Preface …………………………………………………………….. i

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………... ii


1. Background of the paper …………………………………………..

2. Purpose of the paper …………………………………………………
3. Problem formulation …………………………………………...

Theory and Discusion
1. ……………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………..
3. …………
4. ………………………...
5. ………………………...

1. conclution …………………………………………………
2. Kritik dan saran……………………………………………...
3. Pertanyaan…………………………………………….

1.1 Background of the paper

English is an international language that is often used by most people so that in learning
English there are many things that must be known in advance, one of which is noun and pronoun. This
paper will discuss NOUN (singular, plural, common, and proper noun.), PRONOUN (subject, object,
possessive, possessive adjective and reflexive pronoun.) Which are the fields of English language
studies. Because someone can send it clearly. The language units that we are familiar with are nouns
and pronouns. This form is a basic learning or basic structure that we must learn more about the
procedures for learning English correctly and correctly and also by giving questions raised to others in
order to know the level of understanding of someone in English, it is very important to use everyday

1.2 Purpose of the paper

The author’s purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the first semester English assignment. In
addition, it is also to find out what is in the noun and pronoun, both the form, meaning and application.
Is expected to be one of the capital to learn English properly and correctly. Adding insight and existing
knowledge so that it can be developed into a paper.

1.3 problem formulation

1. What is the meaning of noun and pronoun?

2. What is the use and formation of nouns and pronoun?

3. What are examples of noun and pronoun sentences?

Theory and Discussion

2.1 Noun

a. Understanding Noun

Noun noun is everything that we see or can talk about and which shows people, things,
places, plants, animals, months, professions and so on. For example: December, Saturday,
Surabaya, reading, birds, snakes, and others. In a sentence, the noun can be used as the
subject of the sentence, the object of the verb, and also the object of the preposition or

b. Common
A common noun is the generic name for a person, place, or thing in a class or group.
Unlike proper nouns, a common noun is not capitalized unless it either begins a sentence or
appears in a title. Common nouns can be concrete (perceptible to the senses), abstract
(involving general ideas or qualities), or collective (referring to a group or collection). All
nouns can be classified as either common or proper. All noun name something, but proper
nouns name them specifically. Common nouns do not.

They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. If you want to be my best friend, the Blue
Moon Diamond would be a great gift idea.
Usually, it will be quite obvious if a specific person, place, or thing is being named.

Example :

 While cats are social animals, some may seem like solitary creatures. A cat may
scratch you if it is teased too much. Seriously, you should watch yourself around

 Ray likes to hike in the mountains. Ray has climbed Mount Everest twice.
 A girl rang the doorbell this afternoon while you were out. Gigi rang the doorbell this
afternoon while you were out.
Distinguishing between common nouns and proper noun seems easy, so why do we really
need to know the difference between them? The answer to that question is this: to assign
capital letters correctly.
c. Proper noun

The right noun is the classification of nouns for people, places, and special objects. This
noun is used among other things for the name of the organization, organization, day, month,
nation, religion, and place. The right noun always uses capital letters at the beginning of the


 Sea World
 Mohammad Hatta
 Bandung
 Gramedia

Use of Definite Article (The) in Proper Noun, which is only used for a number of types of
proper nouns. Here are some rules of use.

Proper Noun Usage Examples of 'the'

before geographical names such as mountains,  the Himalaya
deserts, rivers, etc.  the Gobi
 the Yangtze
before pluralized names in the form of: family,  the Hudsons
group of lakes, mountains, and islands  the Great lakes
 the Alpen Mountains

before the name of important events,  the Round Table Conference

positions, institutions, public facilities, and  the Prime Minister, the Legislative
newspapers Assembly
 the Istiqlal Mosque
before a noun that starts with a preposition that  the City of Alameda
starts with "of"  The State of Massachusetts

d. Singular Nouns
Examples are: book, sister, mango, pencil, knife, fly, family, and others.
e. Plural nouns .
Examples are: books, sisters, pencils, mangoes, knives, and others.
To form plural nouns there are certain ways that must be considered, namely:
a) Nouns in singular form if they become plural by adding s or es to singular nouns.

Singular Plural

Pena (pena) Pens (pena-pena)

Cat (kucing) Cats (kucing-kucing)

b) If the noun ends with the letters s, sh, x, ch, and o, then the noun is added to the letter es

Singular Plurar

Tomato (Tomat) Tomatoes (Tomat-tomat)

Box (Kotak) Boxes (Kotak-kotak)

c) If the noun ends with the letter o which is preceded by a death letter, then the plural form is
added to es

Singular Plurar

Buffalo (kerbau) Buffaloes (kerbau-kerbau)

Negro (orang negro) Negro (orang negro)

d) If the noun ends with the letter y which is preceded by a death letter (consonant), then y is
changed to i, then added to es

Singular Plurar

City(kota) City(kota)

Cities(kota-kota) Cities(kota-kota)

e) If the noun ends with the letter y which precedes the letter hu, then the plural is only added
to s and y does not change.

Singular Plurar

Boy (anak laki-laki) Boy (anak laki-laki)

Boys(anak-anak laki-laki) Boys(anak-anak laki-laki)

f) If the noun ends with the letters f and fe, the plural f and fe are changed to ves.

Singular Plurar

Thief (pencuri) Thief (pencuri)

Thieves (pencuri-pencuri) Thieves (pencuri-pencuri)

g) Nouns that have the same form between singular and plural.

Singular Plurar Artinya

Deer Deer Rusa

Sheep Sheep Biri-biri

h) Some nouns that only change the letters in the plural (exceptions).

Singular Plurar

Child (anak) Child (anak)

Children (anak-anak) Children (anak-anak)

i) Nouns that always exist in the singular.


Singular Plurar Artinya

News News surat kabar

Politics Politics Ilmu politik

j) Nouns which are always in the plural.

Singular Plurar Artinya

Clothes Clothes Pakaian

Pincers Pincers Jepitan

2.2 Pronoun
A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating
the same nouns over and over again.


1) My parents are serious about health. They say that beef is not good for me.

"My parents" (antecedent) diganti dengan "they". Tapi tidak semua Pronoun harus
ada antecedent.


2) Everyone here earns over a thousand dollars a year.

Dalam hal ini, pronoun “everyone” tidak mengunakan antecedent.

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns are used as a substitute for a person's name. There are two kinds:
subjective and objective pronouns. That is, they either act as the subject of the sentence
or the object of the sentence.
As the subject of a sentence, they are: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
For example:
 They went to the store.
 I don't want to leave.
 He runs a great shop in town.
 You can't leave, either.
As the object of the sentence, they are: me, you, her, him, it, us, them.
For example:
 Please don't sit beside me.
 Go talk to her.
 Mary put the gift under it.
 Don't look at them.
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession of a noun. They are: my, our, your,
his, her, its, their.
For example:
 Is that my book?
 No, that's his book.
 That's its shelf.
 I'd like to see their bookshelves.
However, there are also independent possessive pronouns. These pronouns refer to a
previously named or understood noun. They stand alone and aren't followed by any
other noun. They are:mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs.
For example:

Possessive Pronoun Example:

Yours (singuler) This book is mine.
Hers That car is yours.
His The expensive watch is hers.
Ours The house on Chamber Street is his.
Yours (plurel) The cute dog is ours.
Theirs Those friends are yours.
Its This ball is theirs.

B. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronouns seperti myself, yourself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves,
dan itself menunjukkan bahwa subject terkena aksi dari verb.
1) Students who cheat on this quiz are only hurting themselves.
2) You paid yourself a million dollars?

 Fungsi Pronoun
Dalam tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris (Grammar) pronoun mempunyai beberapa fungsi
berikut ini:
a. Noun phrase Head (sebagai Induk prase kata benda/ noun phrase)
b. Subject ( sebagai Subjek dalam kalimat)
c. Subject complement (sebagai pelengkap kalimat)
d. Direct object (sebagai objek langsung)
e. Object complement (sebagai pelengkap objek dalam kalimat)
f. Indirect object (Sebagai objek tidak langsung)
g. Prepositional complement ( sebagai pelengkap preposisi/kata depan)
h. Appositive (Sebagai noun atau pronoun yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
atau menjelaskan noun atau pronoun lain.)


Dalam mempelajari bahasa ingris, ada banyak hal yang harus kita ketahui seperti halnya
noun and pronoun, ini merupakan parts of speech yang sangat penting dalam tatanan bahasa

 From discussion of this papper,we can take the conclution if noun is used as the
subject of a sentence, used as the object of a verb, and also used as the object of a
 Based on the number of its, noun divided into two kinds: count and non-count
1. Count noun is a noun that can be calculated
Example: cat, house, table, etc.
2. Non-count noun is a noun that can’t be calculated
Example: water, sugar, cheese,etc.

 pronoun has the same meaning as a noun because pronoun "refers to" a noun and
sometimes a pronoun refers to a "noun phrase."
 There are two kinds three kinds of pronouns there are: subject and object pronouns,
reflexsive pronoun, Possessive Pronoun.
Find each NOUN, Is the noun used as:

 the subject of the sentence?

 the object of the verb?
 the object of a preposition?
1. Children like candy
2. The teacher is erasing the board with her hand.
3. Mike lives in Africa

Complete the sentences. Use PRONOUNS (I, me, he, him, etc.).

4. I know the new students, but Tony doesn't know........yet

5. Tom is in Canada............... is studying at a university.

6. Rita has a book..............bought........... last week.

Tulislah bentuk jamak dari nomina dibawah ini!

7. one child, two………

8. an opinion, many………

9. a wish, many…….

10. one foot, three…..

Kritik dan Saran

Dengan kerendahan hati penulis, penulis sadar bahwa dalam makalah ini masih banyak
terdapat kekurangan, oleh karena itu saran dan kritik yang bersifat memban

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